Spinach seedlings pictures

Spinach Growing - Bilder und Stockfotos


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spinach growing Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stock-Fotografie und Bilder zu entdecken.

bauer im garten pflückt spinat, bio-frisches bio-gemüse, ernte auf dem bauernhof - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Bauer im Garten pflückt Spinat, Bio-frisches Bio-Gemüse, Ernte...

baby-spinat in den garten - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Baby-Spinat in den Garten

frau schneidet blattgemüse mit schnittscheren - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Frau schneidet Blattgemüse mit Schnittscheren

baby spinat blatt als hintergrund - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Baby Spinat Blatt als Hintergrund

Baby-Spinatblatt auf Holz als Hintergrund. Horizontale Komposition. Detox, gesunder Lebensstil, gesunde Ernährung, veganes Ernährungskonzept

spinat - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder


afroamerikanische frau untersucht spinichblätter in ihrem bio-garten - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Afroamerikanische Frau untersucht Spinichblätter in ihrem Bio-Gart

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Betten der grünen Spinat

Betten aus grünem Spinat, Frühling

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Grüne Blätter

ein Haufen Spinat blättert. Toning

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Pflanzen Baby Spinat Blätter

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Organischer Spinat

reihen von grünem spinat auf einem feld - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Reihen von grünem Spinat auf einem Feld

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Gemüse landwirtschaftliche Pflanze, Wachstum große Set Animation.

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Frische Bio-Blätter aus Spinat im Garten

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Bio Spinatpflanzen mit Wurzelballen

Bio-Spinatpflanzen mit Erdwurzelballen und Blättern. Immunsystem stärkt gesunde pflanzliche Nahrung reich an Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und Mineralien auf weißem Hintergrund.

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Frau untersucht Spinatpflanzen, die in ihrem Stadtgarten wachsen

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Grüne Blätter

Nahaufnahme der grünen Spinatblätter, die in einem Garten wachsen

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Landwirt erntet Spinat

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Spinat auf Ackerland

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Frische Spinatblätter in Schüssel auf rustikalem Holztisch

Grüne Spinatblätter in der Schüssel auf rustikalem Holztisch. Draufsicht

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Gemüsegarten mit Kräutern. Der junge Sauerampfer wächst in der...

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Hausgemachte Bio-Gemüse

spinatpflanzen fast erntereif, draufsicht. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Spinatpflanzen fast erntereif, Draufsicht.

Bekannt als Spinacia oleracea oder Erbstückspinat, Bloomsdale Long Standing. Dunkelgrüne Blätter. Pflanzen, die im frühen Frühling im Bio-Dachgarten gepflanzt wurden.

nahaufnahme von spinat, der auf einem bauernhof wächst - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Nahaufnahme von Spinat, der auf einem Bauernhof wächst

Wie alles beginnt

frische blätter aus rucola und spinat als hintergrund. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Frische Blätter aus Rucola und Spinat als Hintergrund.

mutter und sohn gießen gemüse in ihrem stadtgarten - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Mutter und Sohn gießen Gemüse in ihrem Stadtgarten

gärtnerin erntet gemüse im garten - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Gärtnerin erntet Gemüse im Garten

Eine japanische Gärtnerin zieht etwas Gemüse aus einem Garten.

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Junge frische Bio-Spinatpflanzen im Gewächshaus - selektiver...

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Bio-Lebensmittelanbau, Hausküche Gartenarbeit, gesunde Ernährung,

Bio-Lebensmittelanbau, Hausküchengarten, gesunde Ernährung, Microgreen Scoruts Gewächshaus

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Spinat auf einem weißen Hintergrund

baby-spinat - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder



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Hand horizontalfoto Gärtner Pflanzung Spinat junge Sprossen

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Eine Schachtel für Sämlinge mit wachsendem Salat auf einer...

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Sammlung von frischen Salatblättern, Salat, Kohl, Spinat,...

Sammlung von frischen Salatblättern, Salat, Kohl, Spinat, gesundes vegetarisches Essen. Vektorillustration

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Spinatblatt grüner Cartoon Vektor Illustration

Spinatblatt grüner Cartoon. Salat frisch, Lebensmittelpflanze, Gemüseblätter, Bio-Bündel, Salathaufen, roh, Gartenmehl Spinatblatt grün Vektorillustration

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Chenopodium giganteum - Baumspinat

Junge Baumspinatpflanzen (Chenopodium Giganteum), ein einjähriges Blattgemüse, das auch als Magenta Spreen, Purpurgänsefuß und Riesenlämmerviertel bekannt ist.

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Gemüse im Hochbeet

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Hochbeet mit Spinat bepflanzt

Hochbeet mit Spinat und Blumen bepflanzt

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Hochbeet mit Gießkannen

Hochbeet mit vier Gießkannen

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Grüne Blätter


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Obst und Gemüse von Foodsharing zum Verschenken

Obst und Gemüse aus Foodsharing zum Verschenken

grünes blatt mit wassertropfen auf einem makrofoto mit weißem hintergrund - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

grünes Blatt mit Wassertropfen auf einem Makrofoto mit weißem. ..

Grünes Blatt mit Wassertropfen auf weißem Hintergrund Makrofoto

solanum diphyllum ist eine pflanzenart aus der gattung der nachtschatten ("solanum") in der familie der nachtschattengewächse (asphodeloideae). - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Solanum diphyllum ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der...

Die Mini-Physalis ("Solanum diphyllium") ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Nachtschattengewächse ("Solanum").

zeit für die erste frühjahrsernte in einem düsseldorfer gemeinschaftsgarten - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Zeit für die erste Frühjahrsernte in einem Düsseldorfer...

Mobile Shot Frühjahrsernte Gemeinschaftsgarten

blüten und früchte von jatropha gossypiifolia l. var. elegans (pohl) müll.arg., im volksmund als purpur-pinienkern bekannt, gehört zur familie der euphorbiaceae. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Blüten und Früchte von Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. elegans (Poh

Blüten und Früchte von Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. elegans (Pohl) Müll.Arg., im Volksmund bekannt als Purpur-Piniennuss, gehört zur Familie der Euphorbiaceae.

kleine tomaten (solanum pimpinellifolium) auf dem tisch, unter indirektem licht. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Kleine Tomaten (Solanum pimpinellifolium) auf dem Tisch, unter...

ein makrobild eines grünen blattes mit schönen fasern. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Ein Makrobild eines grünen Blattes mit schönen Fasern.

kleine tomaten (solanum pimpinellifolium) auf dem tisch, unter indirektem licht. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Kleine Tomaten (Solanum pimpinellifolium) auf dem Tisch, unter...

erwachsener mann, der in seinen händen einen keramiktopf voller kleiner früchte hält, die als acerola oder barbados-kirsche (malpighia glabra l.) bekannt sind, im hintergrund pflanzen aus dem gemüsegarten in der stadt rio de ja - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Erwachsener Mann, der in seinen Händen einen Keramiktopf voller. ..

Erwachsener Mann hält in seinen Händen einen Keramiktopf voller kleiner Früchte, bekannt als Acerola oder Barbados-Kirsche (Malpighia glabra L.), im Hintergrund Pflanzen aus dem Gemüsegarten in der Stadt Rio de Ja

basella alba, auch bekannt als bertalha oder indischer spinat, ist eine mehrjährige rebe. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Basella alba, auch bekannt als Bertalha oder Indischer Spinat,...

Basella alba, auch bekannt als Bertalha oder indischer Spinat, ist eine mehrjährige Rebe.

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Frische Petersilie auf einem Schneidebrett. Gesundes Essen. Gemüse

frische Petersilie mit Wurzeln. Aromatische Kräuter. Küche. Gesunde Ernährung und Lebensstil. Petersilie grünes Blatt. Gesundes Essen natürliches Bio-Gemüse. Grünzeug.

ein makrobild einer grünen ebene mit fasern. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Ein Makrobild einer grünen Ebene mit Fasern.

spinatsaftige blätter auf einem weißen teller - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Spinatsaftige Blätter auf einem weißen Teller

Spinat saftige Blätter auf einem weißen Teller, Draufsicht

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grüner Salat-Texturhintergrund

Hintergrund für grüne Salattextur

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Spinat, Radieschen, Tomaten, Dill und Grünzwiebelbund und...

Keto-Diät. Frische Kräuter und Gemüse auf einem Holztisch. Abnehmend.

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Gesunde Ernährung Spinat auf Wäscheleine kreatives Konzept

Gesund essender Spinat auf der Wäscheleine kreatives Konzept

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Spross, Samen, Früchte und Blätter von Spinat

Sprossen, Samen, Früchte und Spinatblätter. Mikrogrün und Sprossen. Gemüsegarten am Fenster

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Bio-Grünspinatblätter frisch geerntet und bereit zum Waschen in...

Bio-grüne Spinatblätter frisch geerntet und bereit zum Waschen in der Küchenspüle, ausgewählter Fokus, geringe Tiefenschärfe

erdbeerspinat wächst an einem warmen, sonnigen sommertag auf einem bett im garten. - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Erdbeerspinat wächst an einem warmen, sonnigen Sommertag auf...

Erdbeerspinat (lateinisch: Blitum virgatum, Chenopodium foliosum) wächst an einem warmen, sonnigen Sommertag auf einem Beet im Garten.

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Große Gemüsegarten

babyblattspinat auf landwirtschaftlichem feld - spinach growing stock-fotos und bilder

Babyblattspinat auf landwirtschaftlichem Feld

von 100

Spinach Plant - Bilder und Stockfotos


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spinach plant Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stock-Fotografie und Bilder zu entdecken.

wöchentlicher essensplaner mit cartoon-cowboy-gemüse - spinach plant stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Wöchentlicher Essensplaner mit Cartoon-Cowboy-Gemüse

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Rohkost-Diät abstrakte Konzept Vektor-Illustration.

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Gesunde Ernährung und Blutdruckkontrolle

Gesundes Essen für die Herzpflege: Draufsicht auf gesunde Lebensmittel, die reich an Omega-3 und Antioxidantien sind, und ein Blutdruckmessgerät, Maßband und Stethoskop auf Holztisch. Die Zusammensetzung umfasst ein Lachsfilet, Sardinen, Avocado, natives Olivenöl extra, braune Linsen, Sellerie, Artischocken-Blaubeeren, Sellerie, Karotten, braune Linsen, Spargel, Artischocke, Brokkoli, Leinsamen, Chiasamen und einige Nüsse wie Mandeln, Pistazien und Pekannüsse. Hochauflösende 42Mp Studio-Digitalaufnahme, aufgenommen mit SONY A7rII und Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF Objektiv

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Männer essen vegan cremig gebraten mit Huhn und Gemüse auf...

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Wöchentlicher Fitnessplaner mit lustigem Gemüse

Wöchentlicher Fitnessplaner Agenda Kalenderplan mit Cartoon-Gemüse am Sommerstrand. Fitness-Trainings-Organizer oder To-Do-Liste, Fitnessübungen und gesunder Lebensstil Vektorplaner mit lustigem Gemüse

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Bauer Examinig Spinat Wachstum Status mit digital-Tablette

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Zutaten zum Kochen von gesundem Essen mit leerem Notizblock auf. ..

Zutaten zum Kochen gesunder Speisen mit leerem Notizblock auf weißem Hintergrund Draufsicht, flach gelegt

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Notizbuch mit Zutaten zum Kochen von Detox-Smoothie. Glas mit...

Notizbuch mit Zutaten zum Kochen von Detox-Smoothie. Glas mit Spinat, Banane, Limette und Chiasamen auf Holztischplatte. Gesundes Ernährungskonzept

rohkost-diät abstrakte konzept vektor-illustration. - spinach plant stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Rohkost-Diät abstrakte Konzept Vektor-Illustration.

Rohkost Diät abstrakte Konzept Vektor Illustration. Bio-Mahlzeit, frisches und natürliches Gemüse und Obst, gesunde Zutaten, vegetarische Ernährung, Ernährungsplan, grüner Salat abstrakte Metapher.

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Gesunde Ernährung, reich an Omega-3 und Blutdruckkontrolle

Gesundes Essen für die Herzpflege: Ansicht von oben auf gesunde Lebensmittel, die reich an Omega-3 und Antioxidantien sind, und ein Blutdruckmessgerät, ein Maßband und ein Stethoskop auf weißem Tisch. Die Zusammensetzung enthält ein Lachsfilet, Sardinen, Avocado, natives Olivenöl extra, braune Linsen, Sellerie, Artischocke, Blaubeeren, Sellerie, Karotten, braune Linsen, Spargel, Artischocke, Brokkoli, Leinsamen, Chiasamen und einige Nüsse wie Mandeln, Pistazien und Pekannüsse. Hochauflösende 42Mp Studio-Digitalaufnahme, aufgenommen mit SONY A7rII und Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF Objektiv

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Blattgemüse isolierte Cartoon-Vektorillustrationen.

Blattgemüse isolierte Cartoon-Vektor-Illustrationen. Frau kauft Blattgemüse im Supermarkt, Superfood-Produkte, gesunde und biologische Ernährung, Gewichtsverlust Plan Vektor-Cartoon.

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Weißer Hintergrund mit Früchten, Salat, Notizblock und Händen

Weißer Hintergrund mit Früchten, Salatschüssel, Notizblock und Händen

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Text Diätplan auf dem Notizbuch mit Teller Spinat und...

Text Diätplan auf Notizbuch mit Teller Spinat und Taschenrechner. Draufsicht.

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Leerer Papiernotblock und sortiertes frisches Gemüse auf...

frau macht eine liste von gesundem veganem essen - spinach plant stock-fotos und bilder

Frau macht eine Liste von gesundem veganem Essen

Gesunde Ernährung: Frauenhände halten eine geschnittene Avocado und schreiben eine Liste mit gesundem vegetarischem Essen auf einen Notizblock. Obst, Gemüse und Nüsse wie Artischocke, Brokkoli, grüner Apfel, Tomaten, Karotten, Bananen, Heidelbeeren, Zwiebeln, Spinat, grüne Bohnen, Pistazien und Leinsamen stehen auf dem Tisch rund um den Notizblock. Hochauflösende 42Mp Studio-Digitalaufnahme, aufgenommen mit SONY A7rII und Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF Objektiv

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Gesunder Snack mit Arbeit im Büro. Grüner Apfel und frisches...

Gesunder Snack bei der Arbeit im Büro. Grüner Apfel und frisches Wasser für die Ernährung Gesundheitsplanung, Laptop-Arbeitshintergrund. Konzept des gesunden Lebensstils

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Spinatsamen in komprimierter Topfmischung Startwürfel.

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Rohkost Diät abstraktes Konzept Vektor Illustration.

Rohkostdiät abstraktes Konzept Vektorillustration. Bio-Mahlzeit, frisches und natürliches Gemüse und Obst, gesunde Zutaten, vegetarische Ernährung, Ernährungsplan, abstrakte Metapher für grünen Salat.

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Leerer Notizblock und grünes Gemüse. Speicherplatz kopieren

Gesunde Ernährung und veganes Essen: leerer Notizblock mit grünem Gemüse drumherum auf Holztisch geschossen. Hochauflösende 42Mp Studio-Digitalaufnahme, aufgenommen mit SONY A7rII und Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF Objektiv

vegan gesundes ausgewogenes ernährungskonzept. vegetarische buddha-schale mit leerem notizbuch und maßband. hickpeas, brokkoli, pfeffer, tomaten, spinat, rucola und avocado in teller auf dunklem hintergrund. ansicht von oben - spinach plant stock-fotos und bilder

Vegan gesundes ausgewogenes Ernährungskonzept. Vegetarische. ..

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Arbeitsplatz Schreibtisch mit Laptop, Computer, Notebook, Stift,...

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Keto, ketogene Diät, low-Carb, gesunde Ernährung Hintergrund

Keto, ketogene Ernährung, Low Carb, gesunder Ernährungshintergrund, Draufsicht.

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Erstellen einer Liste von gesunden grünen Früchten und Gemüse

Gesunde Ernährung: Frauenhände, die einen grünen Apfel halten und eine Liste mit gesundem grünem Gemüse auf einen Notizblock schreiben. Grünes Obst, Gemüse und Samen wie Artischocke, Brokkoli, grüner Apfel, Tomaten, Spargel, Spinat, grüne Bohnen, Kürbiskerne, Traube, Avocado stehen auf dem Tisch rund um den Notizblock. Hochauflösende 42Mp Studio-Digitalaufnahme, aufgenommen mit SONY A7rII und Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF Objektiv

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Frau Rechte Hand schreiben auf Notebook und in der linken Hand häl

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Gebackene Hähnchenbrust mit Süßkartoffeln und Spinat auf dunklem...

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Erfolgreicher junger Geschäftsmann auf seiner farm

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Top-Ansicht-Frauen-Handschrift in leerem Notizblock

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Hausaufgaben Freelancer Concept. Frau schreibt auf Notebook,...

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Ketogene Diät-Konzept

Gesunde kohlenhydratarme Produkte. Ketogenes Diätkonzept. Draufsicht

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Pflüger Spaß nach dem Sammeln von Daten

Plowman sammelt Daten in seinem Bereich

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Dünne gegrillte Hähnchenbrust und Gemüse aus gebackener Süßkartoff

Nahaufnahme von gegrillter Hähnchenbrust und Gemüse aus gebackenen Süßkartoffeln, gekochtem Brokkoli auf einem schwarzen Teller auf dunklem Betonhintergrund mit saurer Sahne, Rettich und Spinat, horizontale Ausrichtung

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Kleine Setzlinge von Gurken in Behältern vor der Pflanzung im. ..

Kleine Sämlinge von Gurken in Behältern vor dem Pflanzen im Hauptgewächshaus.

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Zusammensetzung mit Besteck, Maßband, Diätplan und Wecker auf...

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Keto ketogene Diät Konzept, Low Carb, hohe fettreiche, gesunde...

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Lebensmittelchemiker in Spinat-Feld

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von 7

terms and rules for planting seeds

Every summer resident should grow spinach, because greens are an excellent dietary, tasty and healthy product (rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins). By the way, you can grow greens not only in the open field, but also on the windowsill. Usually the seeds are sown immediately in the garden. Let's figure out whether it is worth growing spinach through seedlings, and how best to do it.


Is it necessary to grow spinach through seedlings at home? The plant is able to withstand short-term frosts down to -5-7°C. Due to cold resistance, the culture is rarely grown through seedlings. Most often planted immediately in open ground, greenhouses, hotbeds.

It turns out that by growing spinach seedlings, you can get the earliest greens. This method is also expedient in cold regions in which heat comes late, for example, Siberia, the Urals, the North-West (Leningrad region).

It turns out that it is more expedient to immediately plant spinach in open ground, a greenhouse or a greenhouse. However, there is still a small plus in growing seedlings. Everyone must decide for himself which way he likes best.

When to sow spinach seedlings

In fact, spinach can be sown at home throughout the year. But on the condition that in the autumn-winter period there will be additional lighting with phytolamps. But this is true primarily for growing greens on the windowsill.

If you are interested in spinach seedlings for subsequent planting in open ground, then it is optimal to plant seeds in early April. And the landing of sents in the garden is in early or mid-May.

By the way! You can also choose the timing of sowing spinach for seedlings using the Lunar calendar of 2022:

  • Auspicious days:
    • in January: 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20;
    • in February: 7, 8, 12-15;
    • in March: 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25.
  • in February: 1, 16;
  • in March: 2, 16-18, 31.

How to sow spinach for seedlings: instructions

There is absolutely nothing complicated in sowing spinach for seedlings, the process is in many ways similar to planting other crops. The following instructions will help you plant the seeds correctly:

  • Choose a container. The root system of spinach is superficial, so the container should be shallow (about 7-8 cm high). It is convenient to sow in a common box or individual cups (200 ml), cassettes (example in the photo below). An important condition: at the bottom of the container there must be drainage holes for excess water to flow out.

  • Prepare soil mixture. Suitable soil is loose, nutritious, with neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7). In the garden center, you can buy soil for growing cabbages or universal soil for seedlings. You can make a mixture with your own hands: garden soil, compost or humus, sand (in a ratio of 3: 1: 1). You can also mix coconut fiber and biohumus (3:1).
  • Decontaminate the soil. The soil that you have prepared with your own hands is recommended to be disinfected in advance (for example, ignited in the oven or steamed).
  • Prepare seeds for sowing. Spinach seeds have a tough outer shell and are tough. Therefore, it is very important to treat the seeds before sowing in order to soften the shell. As a treatment, it is useful to soak the seeds for 1-2 days in water at room temperature. When soaking, it is necessary to change the water to a new one every 6-8 hours. Such preparation will help to get earlier and friendly shoots.

  • Drain well. In addition to drainage holes, it is necessary to put a 1.5 cm drainage layer on the bottom of the container. Perlite or fine expanded clay is well suited for this role.
  • Fill the container with soil. The container is filled with earth, but not to the very brim, leave a very small gap.
  • Make grooves. Grooves should be made on the surface of the soil: their depth is 1.5 cm, the distance between them is 3 cm. If you sow in individual cups or cassettes, then simply make holes 1. 5 cm deep in the center.
  • Plant . Now you need to sow spinach for seedlings, the seeds are sown with an interval of 2-3 cm from each other.
  • Fill the furrows with soil. After planting, the seeds are covered with soil.
  • Water the soil liberally. This must be done from a spray bottle, while the water must be clean, at room temperature.
  • Now you need to make a mini-greenhouse : cover the container with a lid or cling film.

How to properly care for spinach seedlings at home

Caring for spinach seedlings is very simple, growing does not require complex manipulations and procedures. Conventionally, care can be divided into two stages: before germination and after.

Immediately after sowing , the container should be moved to a dark place with a temperature of 18-20 degrees. You need to keep the seeds in greenhouse conditions, that is, the container must be covered with something (lid, cling film). In this case, it is advisable to open the shelter for ventilation for 20 minutes once every 1-2 days. Carefully monitor the soil moisture, when drying, you need to moisten it with a spray bottle.

Under normal conditions, the inputs will appear in about 5-7 days.

After the spinach seeds have germinated, the covering material must be removed. And then move the containers with seedlings to the south or southeast / west window sill.

Spinach seedlings do not need high air temperature. Optimum temperature: 15-18 degrees Celsius.

The soil in which the seedlings grow should always be moderately moist and should not be allowed to dry out. Watering is done after drying the top layer of the earth. Drying out can cause weakening, death of seedlings or provoke premature bolting.

Seedlings do not need additional illumination. Phytolamps are needed when growing seedlings in the winter. On particularly hot and sunny days, it is recommended to shade the plants at midday.

Picking spinach seedlings

After the spinach seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, it is necessary to pick the seedlings into an individual container (cups, pots) with a volume of about 300 ml. As for the soil, the land with the same characteristics as for sowing seeds is suitable.

Plants should be watered one hour before the procedure. To transplant, you need to carefully pick up the seedling (with a stick, fork) and transfer it to a new container filled with earth. The most important thing is not to damage the roots, so be careful.

After picking, it is important to protect the plants from direct sunlight for the first 3-4 days. Therefore, it is better to put them in a room with diffused light.

How and when to plant spinach seedlings in open ground

Transplant seedlings in the garden after the ground warms up in open ground. That is, around the beginning or middle of May.

When choosing a place for a bed, keep in mind that soil fertility is important for spinach. For this reason, seedlings should be planted on high-quality, loose, nutritious soil, which is rich in organic matter. Loamy soil is best suited.

If the soil is not fertile enough, it is advisable to prepare it since autumn by adding phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers and compost for digging. And in early spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the soil.

Seedlings are planted using the transshipment method (that is, the plant with a whole earthen clod is moved into the hole). Spinach seedlings are planted at a distance of 10 cm (i.e., the holes must initially be made with such an interval). The distance between the rows is 15 cm. It is not recommended to reduce the gap, because with dense plantings, the risk of damage to the greenery by powdery mildew increases.

Outdoor spinach care in autumn is simple: regular watering (especially in dry and hot weather to prevent stalking), loosening the soil after watering. If after transplantation there is a risk of night frosts, then it is advisable to put arcs on the bed and cover with agrofiber.

growing from seeds in open ground and at home, harm and benefits, photo

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19Category: garden plants reprinted: Last amendments:


  • Planting and care for spinach
  • Plant Spinach - Description
  • sowing spinach 9000,
  • When to plant spinach
  • 9000 spinach from seeds
  • Growing spinach on the windowsill
    • How to grow spinach at home
  • Growing spinach outdoors
    • When to sow spinach in the soil
    • Planting spinach in soil
    • Watering spinach
    • Feeding spinach
    • What to plant after spinach
  • Pests and Spinach Diseases
      9000 spinach
    • Properties of spinach - harm and benefits
      • Medicinal properties of spinach
      • Spinach - contraindications
    • Literature
    • Comments

    Garden spinach (lat. Spinacia oleracea) is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Spinach of the Amaranth family, although not so long ago it was attributed to the Marev family. Spinach grows wild in Asia Minor, and it began to be cultivated in Persia. Spinach was so popular in the Arab countries that Muhammad ibn al-Awwam's cousin called it "the general among the greens."

    In the middle of the 7th century, along the Great Silk Road, spinach came to China, where it was called the "Persian vegetable". In Christian Europe - first in Sicily and Spain - spinach became known around the 13th century, but then a form of the plant was cultivated that is now forgotten. In Italy of the 15th century, green spinach was eaten during Lent, and in France, the Italian Catherine de Medici introduced the fashion to serve spinach at the table. Since the middle of the 16th century, spinach of the modern type has already been grown in Europe: broad-leaved, without bitterness and with round seeds.

    In the first third of the 20th century, spinach boomed in popularity in the United States and Western countries because it was mistakenly believed to contain incredible amounts of iron. Remember cartoons about the sailor Popeye? However, later it turned out that there is 10 times less iron in spinach: the researcher simply forgot to put a comma in the number ... The excitement around spinach gradually subsided, but nevertheless, its producers erected a monument to the sailor Popeye in Texas in gratitude for popularizing the vegetable.

    In Russia, spinach began to be eaten in the middle of the 18th century, but until the end of the next century it remained a little-known "master's" vegetable, which was served at the table with croutons and an egg, and even then spinach in Russia failed to gain wide popularity.

    Currently, this crop is most in demand in China and the United States, and in America, three-quarters of the spinach crop is sold fresh. Spinach consumption in the United States has almost returned to the levels of the middle of the 20th century. Today, young spinach, the so-called baby spinach, with tender leaves up to 5 cm long, is gaining ground on the market.

    Planting and caring for spinach soil - in the second half of May. Sowing seeds of early varieties directly into the ground - at the end of April, after which seeds can be sown by the conveyor method every two weeks: from sowing to harvesting - 5 weeks. Late varieties can be sown until mid-August to harvest in 6-7 weeks. Before winter, spinach seeds can be sown 6-8 weeks before the first frost - in mid-October.

  • Lighting: bright sunlight, partial shade and even shade.
  • Soil: well-drained, slightly acidic loam, pH 6.5-7.0.
  • Watering: for every m² with a garden watering can with a sprinkler or a hose with a sprinkler nozzle, a bucket of water is poured. In heat and drought, spinach is watered three times a week.
  • Top dressing: if spinach growth is retarded, apply nitrogen fertilizer to the soil, but if the soil was fertilized before sowing, top dressing is unlikely to be needed.
  • Propagation: seed - seedlings and non-seedlings.
  • Pests: mining and beet flies, gamma cutworm caterpillars, aphids, common mole crickets and boletus flies.
  • Diseases: fusarium, peronosporosis, anthracnose, curl, viral mosaic, ascochitosis, cercosporosis and ramulariasis.
  • Properties: spinach is the most valuable dietary product with a laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.
  • Read more about growing spinach below

    Spinach plant - description

    What does spinach look like? The height of the plant is from 25 to 50 cm or more. Its stems are bare, simple and branched. The lower basal leaves of spinach are petiolate, triangular-lanceolate, often with elongated lateral ears, or oval, oblong-ovate, entire, contracted into a petiole. The upper, and often the middle leaves are oblong, pointed, with a wedge-shaped base. Anther flowers with four stamens form a spike-paniculate inflorescence, and pistillate flowers are in dense glomeruli located in the axils of the leaves. The fruits of spinach are spherical or two-horned, sometimes soldered together, but, nevertheless, do not form seed.

    Rosettes of spinach leaves, which form at the very beginning of the growing season, are eaten.

    Sowing spinach for seedlings

    When to plant spinach

    Spinach, like any other herb, can be grown in a greenhouse, at home or in open ground. You can get the earliest greens if you pre-grow spinach seedlings. To do this, in late March or early April, spinach seeds are sown in boxes, paper or plastic cups filled with a moist, loose, disinfected substrate consisting of biohumus (1 part) and coconut fiber (2 parts). A layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm thick is placed under the substrate.

    Stubborn spinach seeds with a dense shell before sowing are poured for two days with water, changing it every 6-8 hours. Then they are placed for disinfection for several hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are dried to flowability.

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    Growing spinach from seeds

    Spinach is sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, then the surface is slightly compacted, the crops are covered with film or glass and kept in a warm place until germination. As soon as the seeds begin to germinate, the film is removed, and the container is moved to the southeast or south window sill - the seedlings that have appeared will need a lot of light. But spinach seedlings are undemanding to warmth: it can be grown even on an unheated loggia. Another condition for the successful development of seedlings, in addition to good lighting, is to keep the substrate slightly moist.

    Spinach is planted outdoors when the soil is warm. After transplanting, install metal arcs above the bed at a height of about 20 cm and cover the seedlings with agrofibre in case of night frosts and intense spring sun.

    Growing spinach on the windowsill

    How to grow spinach at home

    If you want to grow spinach on the windowsill, keep in mind that the life of the bush is no more than two months: after a few cuts, the spinach releases a flower arrow, and its leaves lose their necessary for food quality. How to grow spinach at home? When growing a crop in the spring-summer period, the seedlings do not require supplementary lighting, but if spinach is grown from seeds in the autumn or winter, it can give a good harvest only if you organize daily additional lighting for it for 2-3 hours after the Sunset.

    Sowing of prepared spinach seeds is carried out to a depth of 1-1.5 cm in the same substrate in which spinach seedlings are grown. Under the substrate, a layer of drainage 2-3 cm high is laid in the dishes. Spinach can be sown in boxes or containers at least 15 cm deep or in 1-2-liter pots, or you can grow seedlings in small cups, and in the development stage of seedlings 2- 4 real leaves, pick them into a permanent dish. Crops are covered with a film until germination.

    Growing and caring for spinach at home is very easy. The optimum temperature for the development of spinach seedlings is from 15 to 18 ºC, watering should be regular and sufficient, especially in summer, as drying out of the substrate provokes premature bolting. In addition, you will need to spray your spinach daily in the early morning or after sunset. As for dressings, when sowing spinach in fertile soil, they are not needed. Spinach greens for cutting will ripen, depending on the variety, 3-5 weeks after sowing, but after 1-2 months the bush will go into the arrow and new greens will stop growing.

    Growing spinach outdoors

    When to sow spinach outdoors

    Because spinach is hardy, it can be grown outdoors without the seedling stage. For a spring harvest, spinach is sown 4-6 weeks after the last spring frosts, and for an autumn harvest, 6-8 weeks before the first autumn cold. In the spring, as soon as it warms up and the sun shines for 14 hours a day, small flowers will appear on the spinach - a process called flowering or shooting, and it makes the leaves of the plant unfit for consumption. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to sow spinach in the fall. In the spring, at the end of April, early varieties of spinach are sown. You can sow the plant several times every 15-20 days. No more than 5 weeks pass from sowing to harvesting. Late varieties are sown until mid-August - they give a harvest in 6-7 weeks.

    You can also sow spinach before winter - in mid-October. Before the onset of winter, the plant manages to form small rosettes, and in the spring, spinach left to winter in the ground will sprout very early, and in a couple of weeks you can include it in your diet.

    • When to sow tomatoes for seedlings - a way to determine the timing for any region and climate!

    Planting spinach in the ground

    Planting and caring for spinach in the field is quick and easy. The site for the plant should be sunny, and although the plant will also grow well in the shade, its productivity will be lower than when grown in the sun. Spinach prefers drained slightly acidic loamy soils with a pH of 6. 5-7.0. You can adjust the acidity of the soil by adding limestone to it: dolomitic limestone is added to soil that contains little magnesium, and calcite limestone is added to soil with a high magnesium content. Do this in the fall or at least 2-3 months before sowing.

    Since the soil for spinach needs to be rich in organic matter, alfalfa, soybean or blood meal is added to the soil for deep digging. Or they dig up a site with mineral fertilizers from the following calculation: 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m². Before spring sowing, urea is introduced into the soil - 20 g per 1 m².

    Spinach is sown in rows to a depth of 2 cm at row spacing of 20-30 cm, placing the seeds at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. After planting the seeds, the surface is slightly compacted with the back of the rake, watered, covered with burlap for 3-4 days, and a plastic film is thrown onto the arched supports installed in advance at a height of about 20 cm. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 2 to 5 ºC in about 10-14 days.

    When the seedlings have formed a rosette of 2-3 leaves, thin out the spinach - ideally the bushes should grow at such a distance from each other that they barely touch the leaves. Spinach care consists of regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil around the plants and protecting the spinach from the sun with a shade net when the air temperature rises to 26 ºC.

    Watering spinach

    Spinach is very moisture-loving. For watering it, it is better to use a hose with a sprinkler nozzle or a garden watering can with a splitter, but remember that with strong pressure you can wash away fragile shoots. Approximately one bucket of water is consumed per m² of beds. In dry, hot weather, watering is carried out at least three times a week, and in order to prevent water from spreading, make a furrow around the perimeter of the beds. After watering, when the water is absorbed and the surface of the soil is slightly dry, loosen the soil around the plants and remove the weeds. If you notice flower arrows on spinach, break them off.

    Fertilizing spinach

    If spinach grows well in the field, then there are enough nutrients in the soil, but if spinach grows slowly, feed it with a nitrogen fertilizer: cudweed meal or blood meal. Fertilizers are applied to a depth of several centimeters, after which the site is watered. In general, spinach needs top dressing only if the area was not fertilized before sowing or planting seedlings.

    What to plant after spinach

    To prevent soil depletion, spinach can be grown on one plot with a break of 3-4 years. According to the laws of crop rotation, roots are usually grown after tops, that is, after spinach, you can plant Jerusalem artichoke, swede, radish, radish, daikon, katran, turnip and other tuberous or root plants.

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    Pests and diseases of spinach

    Diseases of spinach

    The most harmful diseases of spinach are fusarium, downy mildew, anthracnose, curl and viral mosaic. Spinach can also be affected by diseases such as ascochitosis, cercosporosis and ramulariasis.

    Fusarium wilt, or root rot is a dangerous fungal disease that affects seedlings and young plants. In specimens affected by Fusarium, the color becomes dull, they begin to lag behind in growth, their leaves lose turgor, turn yellow, and the plants die. The process begins with the lower leaves, and when the plant is dug up, its roots are found to be rotten. You will not succeed in curing spinach from fusarium, especially if the process has covered the entire plant, so the affected bushes must be removed from the garden. As a preventive measure, you need to grow disease-resistant varieties of spinach, make sure that the bushes do not grow too close to each other, regularly loosen the soil around them and remove weeds, and the seeds must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing.

    Downy mildew, or Downy mildew is a fungal disease that manifests itself as yellowish spots on the upper side of spinach leaves, while a grayish coating forms on their underside. Then the spots acquire a brown-brown hue, the leaves droop, wrinkle, dry out and crumble. The disease progresses in cool damp weather. Ways to protect against peronosporosis, as well as from root rot, are mainly preventive, since when using chemical preparations, the toxic substances contained in them, accumulating in the leaves, will make them unsuitable for food. Folk remedies for fighting fungal diseases can come to the rescue:

    • treatment of plants with a solution of 10 drops of 5% pharmacy iodine in 1 liter of milk, which is then mixed with 9 liters of water;
    • treatment of spinach with an ash solution: 2 cups of ash are brewed with three liters of boiling water, allowed to cool, filtered through a triple layer of gauze, diluted with 10 liters of water and spinach is treated with this solution;
    • 200-300 g of onion peel is poured into 10 liters of water, brought to a boil, allowed to infuse for 1-2 days, filtered and treated with infusion of the plant;
    • 1-1. 5 g of potassium permanganate is diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed with a solution of spinach.

    Anthracnose covers the leaves and their petioles with rounded dark spots, in the center of which there are black raised pads.

    Cercosporosis also affects the leaves and stems of spinach. First, rounded spots with a diameter of 2-4 mm are formed on them - red-brown with an ashy middle. Then the spots grow, merge with each other, the tissue inside the spots becomes thinner, dries and spills out, leaving holes in the leaf plates.

    With ascochitosis , spots also appear on leaves and stems: convex, of various shapes and colors, but most often brown with a dark border. Affected tissues gradually dry out.

    Ramularia, or leaf spot covers spinach leaves with grey-brown spots with dark edges. With the development of the disease, the leaves die.

    Cucumber mosaic and mosaic viruses can be stored in soil, on seeds and plant debris and transmitted by sucking insects. Viruses penetrate the plant through damaged tissues, their presence is manifested by the formation of yellow or light green strokes and star-shaped spots on spinach leaves, which gradually merge with each other. The leaves are deformed, stunted, become dwarfed.

    Leaf curl results in thickening and irregular growth of the leaf tissue, causing the leaf to curl, become wavy and blistered. Curly hair is often accompanied by necrosis, spinach leaves dry up and fall off.

    Curly and Mosaic are viral diseases and there is no way to cure them - the plants must be destroyed. And with fungal diseases, you can fight with preventive methods and folk remedies, which we have already described to you.

    Spinach pests

    Spinach pests are also numerous. Among them are mining and beet flies, gamma scoop caterpillars, aphids, common bears and babanukhs.

    Miner fly lays its eggs in the leaves of the plant, and the larvae that appear in June eat their flesh, which kills the spinach. You can scare away the pest by alternating rows of spinach with rows of beets, which the fly does not tolerate. However, do not sow spinach in an area where the beets have just been harvested, as it can get root rot.

    The green or brown cutworm is one of the worst leaf-destroying pests of spinach. You can fight caterpillars by treating bushes with tobacco or pepper infusion, as well as infusion of tomato tops. And don't forget to weed the garden regularly.

    Beet fly also lays eggs on spinach leaves. Destroy it by treating the plant with a two percent solution of Phosphamide.

    Aphid is a sucking insect that makes punctures in young leaves of plants, sucking juice from them, and often infecting them with viral diseases. Processing spinach with an ash-soap solution will help you cope with aphids: 200-300 g of ash should be boiled in a bucket of water for 30 minutes, then cool, strain and add 40 g of grated soap or liquid dishwashing detergent. Most likely, you will not be able to get rid of aphids at once, but if you spray the spinach with an ash-soap solution 4-5 times with an interval of several days, the aphids will disappear.

    Medvedka is a large and dangerous pest that feeds not only on plants, but also on small insects. She can move underground, on the ground and even through the air, which makes it very difficult to fight her. Nevertheless, it must be destroyed, since not only spinach, but also other garden and garden plants can suffer from this pest. The main thing is to find its nest and all the passages to it in the footsteps of the bear, and the tracks are best seen after rain. The discovered nest must be very carefully dug out so as not to frighten away the insect in it, put into a bucket and burned, and a drug to destroy the bear or pour soapy water into each passage in case there is no pest in the nest.

    Babanukha is a cabbage or horseradish leaf beetle that also eats spinach leaves with pleasure. These bugs are best picked by hand and destroyed, and after harvesting, it is advisable to dust the spinach with a mixture of wood ash with hot red pepper powder and dry mustard.

    Types and varieties of spinach

    According to the ripening period, varieties of garden spinach are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. The best early maturing varieties include the following:

    • Gaudry is a variety ripening for food in 2-3 weeks. It can be sown both in early spring and late autumn, both in open and closed ground. The diameter of the rosette of leaves of the Gaudri variety is about 23 cm;
    • Gigantic is one of the most well-known cultivars producing leaves two weeks after sowing. This variety is one of the best for canning. Rosette of elongated fleshy leaves sometimes reaches a diameter of 50 cm;
    • Virofle - an early maturing French variety, prone to the early formation of a flower arrow. The rosette of oval, fleshy, tender and smooth, greenish-yellow leaves reaches a diameter of 30 cm. The plant is resistant to cold, so it can be sown in early spring;
    • Stick is a high-yielding variety cultivated in our country since 1995, used both for fresh consumption and for canning. The rosette of leaves up to 19 cm long and up to 14 cm wide is half raised and reaches a diameter of 30 cm.

    Of the mid-season varieties most often grown:

    • Matador - frost-resistant and moisture-loving, as well as not prone to early shooting, a productive variety of Czech selection, which gives leaves already three weeks after sowing. The plant has a medium-sized compact semi-vertical rosette consisting of smooth, glossy oval grey-green leaves;
    • Bloomsdalesky is a new variety of Dutch selection, resistant to bolting, with a high rosette with a diameter of about 25 cm. Leaves are rich dark green in color, smooth, juicy and fleshy, in slightly pronounced bubbles;
    • Krepysh is a high-yielding frost-resistant variety, not prone to early bolting, with a rosette about 25 cm in diameter of semi-raised, glossy, obovate green leaves with weakly expressed bubbles.

    Late-ripening varieties of spinach include:

    • Victoria is a moisture-loving and high-yielding variety with resistance to peronosporosis and bolting, which gives foliage 30-35 days after sowing. This plant has a compact rosette with a diameter of 14-19cm with dark green with a bluish tinge, strongly bubbly leaves up to 10 long and up to 7 cm wide;
    • Spokane is a high yielding hybrid Dutch variety that is resistant to bloom and is recommended for both fresh consumption and canning. It has rounded, wavy, wrinkled-bubbly dark green leaves 10-14 cm long and 6-11 cm wide, collected in a compact medium-sized rosette;
    • Varyag – a variety with a raised compact rosette of large green oval medium bubble leaves of slightly sour taste with medium length petioles. The variety is suitable for salads and soups.

    In addition to those described, spinach varieties such as Khorovod, Povar, Zhirnolistny, Popeye, Nikitos, Normal, Prima, Casta, Melody, Mazurka, Virtuoso, Tarantella, Ladya and Dolphin, Puma, Space, Emerald hybrids have proven themselves well.

    Also known in cultivation is the so-called New Zealand spinach, or tetragonia, an annual plant of the Aizaceae family. This plant is not related to spinach, although the nutritional value and taste characteristics of these plants are very similar, and in some respects tetragonia even surpasses spinach.

    But many-leaved spinach, or zhminda, or spinach-raspberry is a relative of garden spinach and is valuable not only for tasty and healthy leaves that are added to soups and salads, but also for berries similar to mulberries, from which jelly, compote and jam are cooked.

    Malabra or Ceylon spinach, or Basella, from the Basella family, is a herbaceous plant, a creeper whose fleshy leaves are tasty both raw and cooked. A refreshing drink is obtained from the infusion of the leaves. In nature, Basella grows in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and America, and in our climate it can be grown in the garden as an annual plant.

    Benefits and harms of spinach

    Medicinal properties of spinach

    Spinach has many medicinal properties. Why is spinach useful? What valuable substances are contained in its leaves? They include carbohydrates, proteins and fats, fiber, organic, unsaturated and saturated acids, sugars, starch, vitamins A, C, H, E, PP, K, B vitamins, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper , iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium and manganese.

    It is important that vitamins C and A contained in spinach are retained even after cooking. And the iron in spinach is in a form that is easily absorbed by humans and prevents the formation of cellulite. Due to the fiber contained in spinach, the intestines are cleansed, which helps to get rid of excess weight. Spinach normalizes peristalsis and eliminates constipation.

    Spinach is recommended for diseases of the nervous system, anemia, malnutrition, diabetes, enterocolitis, gastritis, hypertension and anemia. Since the plant has a laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect and is perfectly absorbed by the body, it is useful for those recovering from a serious illness, pregnant women and children.

    Spinach strengthens the heart muscle and relieves insomnia, and due to the lutein contained in the leaves, it clarifies vision, reduces fatigue and increases efficiency.

    Fresh spinach juice helps cleanse the body, replenishes energy reserves, stimulates the functioning of organs - the liver, intestines, kidneys. With inflammation of the gums, they rinse their mouth, and with sore throats - the throat. Fresh chopped spinach leaves are applied externally for abscesses and stings of bees, wasps and other insects, and a paste of spinach leaves boiled in olive oil treats eczema and burns, removes freckles and whitens the skin of the face.

    Spinach is eaten fresh, boiled or baked and is used in many complex dishes, snacks and sauces.

    Spinach - contraindications

    Spinach contains large amounts of oxalic acid, therefore it is contraindicated for people with problems with the urinary tract, suffering from urolithiasis, nephritis and similar diseases.

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