Small north facing garden design ideas
25 ways with a north-facing yard |
(Image credit: Tom Massey)
North-facing garden ideas have an exquisite beauty. More subtle, yet just as enticing as their sunnier counterparts.
In their shadiest corners, intriguing planting choices can be layered, while brighter areas can be devoted to colorful backyard ideas with beautiful blooms.
Whether you’ve a tiny courtyard, patio or a good-sized plot, pick the plants that will thrive and they’ll be the basis for a haven where you can be at one with nature. After all the spadework, don’t forget to plan your garden decor and the all-important spot to sit, relax and enjoy the view.
Discover our north-facing garden ideas below for more advice, tips and garden shade inspiration.
North-facing garden ideas
Take the time to observe your garden and work out how best to use a north-facing garden. The key thing about a north-facing garden is to make it work to your advantage. Before planning a design or choosing any new plants, first work out where the sun hits the garden and at what time of day.
It's a good idea to draw a sun diagram to track how the sun moves around. North-facing gardens will always have areas without any light and areas of sunshine that are often towards the far end of the garden that are perfect for a sunny seating area and sun-loving plants. For those areas that gets less sun, plant some of the best shade plants or shrubs for shade that will cope well with the shadier conditions.
One huge benefit of a north-facing garden is the evening sunshine it will enjoy from May to October, so they often benefit from having two separate seating areas, one to catch the morning sunshine and one to enjoy at the end of the day. This means it's a good idea to zone your garden to make the most of the space.
1. Use white flowers to add a luminous touch
White planting really lifts a north-facing garden in this design by Bowles & Wyer . The showy globes of Agapanthus umbellatus ‘Albus’ and the climber star jasmine on the wall add luminosity to the planting. The brick paving is by Vande Moortel
(Image credit: Bowles & Wyer)
Flower bed ideas that work really well in north-facing gardens by adding a bright touch include the showy white globes of agapanthus. These balls of starry petals rise high on spiky stems to float above other flowers and add a strong vertical accent to your garden design. Whether planted in a drift or bursting up at random, these pretty spheres create an eye-catching feature in a north-facing garden that tend to be predominantly planted with green.
‘There are plenty of solutions to create an inviting outdoor space in a north-facing garden,’ says John Wyer, CEO and lead designer at Bowles & Wyer . ‘When thinking about planting, choose species that will add form and texture, rather than color. If you go for a bold use of foliage, it will largely suit most shady plants. White-flowered plants are particularly suited to shady spaces and look good against a foil of dark foliage.'
In terms of paving, bricks or cobbles often work well, as they’re less slippery underfoot and moss in the joints is often a positive addition. ‘Installing a backyard lighting scheme will transform your garden after dusk too,’ suggests John, ‘and accentuate the form and texture that you’ve created.’
2. Flip the layout to suit the sun
Clever zoning makes the best use of both light and space in this north-facing garden design by Charlotte Rowe
(Image credit: Charlotte Rowe)
Dropping the idea of having the seating area near the house is often a good plan with a north-facing garden as the far end is usually the place that catches most sun.
‘The design of a garden needs to work with the orientation of the space,’ explains garden designer Charlotte Rowe . ‘This is especially important when the garden is north facing as full advantage needs to be taken according to where the areas are that catch most sun.’
The idea of having a large terrace close to the house was abandoned for this garden. Instead the garden was turned around. ‘We created a seating area in the middle of the garden surrounded by planting to capture most of the midday and afternoon sun. Then we placed the dining terrace at the end of the garden to maximize the evening sun.’
Flipping expectations like this has the added benefit of encouraging a journey through the garden by making the main destination furthest from the house. It means that north-facing gardens can hold their own in terms of adding an element of surprise with a slow reveal.
3. Use shade loving plants in rich greens
Layering plants with varying shades of green, leaf texture, height and form creates a sense of depth in this north-facing garden design by Tom Massey
(Image credit: Tom Massey)
A tapestry of green planting adds long-lasting interest and makes a very restful combination. On first appearance, a dark corner might appear gloomy and unwelcoming, but when filled with lush foliage it’s transformed into a calm and inviting space.
‘Shade loving plants like lush green ferns, Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra) and tree ferns (Dicksonia antarctica) are a great solution for shady spaces,’ says garden designer Tom Massey . ‘Green foliage and white flower tones generally work well in shady areas too, helping to brighten the gloom.’
This compact north-facing garden by Tom flows out from the Crittall doors of a Petersen brick clad extension, opening onto a polished concrete terrace and pathway through lush planting. Grasses and ferns spill out of bespoke Corten steel planters, a verdant and exotic feel achieved with the use of large tree ferns.
4. Adopt a neighboring landscape
In this garden by designers Farlam & Chandler planting fills every possible crack and crevice between paving and around the seating areas which allows the garden to feel like a green sanctuary in the city all year round
(Image credit: Farlam & Chandler)
Using trees and plants in a neighboring yard to frame a view can make a good starting point for your own design. Borrowed landscapes can work particularly well if you live in a built-up area.
If your neighbor has a beautiful tree that can be seen above and beyond your boundary, embrace this as part of your own space, and even repeat the idea in your own yard if you have room as you already know this variety thrives in a north-facing garden.
In this garden the solid brick bench with steel backrest forms the main anchor point within the space in the dappled shade beneath the canopy of a mature Griselina tree that works well with the planting seen beyond the boundary. This creates a simple, relaxed entertaining area.
‘In this shady courtyard we created a sociable L-shaped built-in bench,’ says Harriet Farlam, creative director of Farlam & Chandler . ‘Creating a destination in the garden encourages increased use of the space.’
If you have a north-facing garden it doesn’t mean you can’t still layer up plants for a lush look. ‘Don’t be put off by the aspect of a north-facing garden,’ says Harriet. ‘Instead celebrate the diversity of plants you can use and the escapism they offer from the heat of the sun on a hot summer’s day. With careful consideration north-facing gardens can become calm, zen-like spaces.’
5. Get rid of the lawn
A lushly planted flower bed design by Catherine Clancy including white hydrangea paniculata and red heuchera ‘Paris’, which both thrive in north-facing gardens, while blue geranium ‘Roxanne’ should be planted in the sunniest spot in the border
(Image credit: Catherine Clancy)
If you have a small north-facing garden, then consider reimagining the lawn space for a better use. Grass needs sunlight to thrive, so you may find your lawn will not look like the verdant stretch of green you had in mind. Instead increase the size of flower beds and use masses of planting to give you an alternative lush green look.
‘You will need a range of plants,’ says designer Catherine Clancy , ‘including some to suit the shady borders and some for the sunny areas. White flowers like hydrangea paniculata will glow in the shade, while climbers can be used to cover a shady wall. Add green texture with ferns like the dwarf variety Polystichum tsus simense (Korean rock fern) and shade-loving grasses and shrubs.’
If you do decide you want a lawn in a north-facing garden, then remember it has to be in the sunniest area if it’s going to look good.
6. Choose materials that suit the planting
Pay attention to detail to achieve a harmonious mix of planting and hard landscaping, like this design by Farlam & Chandler
(Image credit: Farlam & Chandler)
A backdrop of brick or stone walls and patterned paths provides a beautiful detail to show off plants. ‘Choose materials that will weather well in the long term, such as dark bricks and don’t be afraid to let nature do its thing,’ says Harriet Farlam, creative director of Farlam & Chandler. ‘Moss in between cracks of paving will only enhance its character.’
Planting plays a key role in enabling a north facing garden to feel uplifting but the hard landscaping is equally as important. Strike the right balance and they will be set off against each other beautifully.
‘Layers of grasses which catch any glimpse of light, while textural ferns and a heavy backbone of evergreen plants will make a shady space dynamic and green all year round,’ says Harriet. Ferns are one of the first plants people think of for a north facing garden. Evergreen options can add structure and winter interest, and the perennial varieties offer wonderful variety of foliage shape and size.
7. Follow the light in a north-facing garden
(Image credit: Future / Jake Curtis)
Great gardening is all about observation. Take note of how the light changes during the day, and plan your planting accordingly. In a north-facing garden, the area closest to the house will be overshadowed by the building until the sun is high in the sky so mark it out for shade loving plants. The farthest end is your sun-catcher – make the most of it for a bench and pots of sun-loving annuals.
8. Work with the structure
(Image credit: Future / Annaick Guitteny)
Garden walls, fences, sheds and tall trees can block the light. Some you might just have to live with, but perhaps moving a shed or lowering the height of the fence could help. Replacing fence panels with a horizontal slatted screen or trellis, or thinning out the canopy of trees will allow gorgeous dappled light to play across borders and beds.
9. Know your dark side
(Image credit: Future / Michelle Garrett)
If you’re scratching your head over a dark corner where nothing seems to grow, take heart. There’s a good selection of plants to choose from when planning shade garden ideas that will feel right at home in a shady spot. For a zing of lime green, the flowers of Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae will lift the spirits in spring.
Epimediums favor the shade, too, with a choice of pretty pink, yellow and cream blooms. Fill out the space with hostas and shade-loving ferns.
10. Keep landscaping subtle
(Image credit: Future / Allan Pollok-Morris)
Pale paving works best in a shady garden, but for a natural look, avoid glaringly bright porcelain tiles and opt for natural tones. A meandering gravel pathway adds an intriguing element to the garden. Play around with the effect of adding larger stones here and there along the edges, or sprinkle a trail of larger pebbles in a contrasting color among the gravel.
11. Get friendly with fronds in a north-facing garden
(Image credit: Future)
Ferns, with their graceful arching shapes, are made for shade. They come in modest and huge versions and love a well-drained location. The evergreen Japanese tassel fern Polystichum polyblepharum is a great staple for all-year greenery but nothing beats the joy of watching deciduous ferns unfurl their baby fronds each spring. For a sprinkling of silver, select the painted lady fern, Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Silver Falls'.
12. Color up for a brighter outlook
(Image credit: Little Greene)
Paint your way out of a dark spot with a brush, roller or spray. Fencing, a shed and furniture can be given a new lease of life and a protective coat at the same time.
'It's really useful to bring paint, whether on walls or even bright containers, into a yard that isn't flooded with light all day long. It can compensate for a lack of flowers and turn gloom into gloriousness,' says Lucy Searle, Editor in Chief of Homes & Gardens.
13. Embrace coziness in a north-facing garden with a fireplace
(Image credit: Davide Lovati/Future)
Sunny or not, every garden starts to cool as the early evening approaches. Appease your inner caveman with the warming glow from a firepit, handy to extend a stay outdoors into the evening hours. Select rustic bowls bearing flaming logs or charcoal, or go all-out contemporary with outdoor fireplace ideas such as a slim rectangular gas-flame model, like the Linear Gas Firepit from Solus Decor .
14. Set a woodland scene
(Image credit: Future / Emma Lee)
Who can resist the scents and colors of a woodland walk? Go down to the woods in your own patch, using the shelter of trees to nurture snowdrops, Solomon’s seal and hostas, with tall foxgloves, dainty primroses, hellebores, cyclamen and bluebells for color. If the soil gets a little dry beneath the canopy, nourish them with a mulch of leaf mould or other organic matter.
15. Upgrade garden ornaments
(Image credit: Redwood Stone)
Flowers and foliage might be the mainstays of a garden but sculptural pieces are guaranteed to add a touch of Downton Abbey splendour. Classical statuary placed at the end of a walkway, renaissance-inspired urns set with tumbling ivy, fountains and sundials will give an air of grandeur. Search out original pieces or opt for newly-carved or cast designs, cleverly distressed to add the patina of age. Redwood Stone Folly and Garden has a good selection.
16. Bring in fine dining
(Image credit: Subzero Wolf)
Reserve a table chez-vous, where home-cooking is always on the menu. Setting the table against a white-painted wall and loading it up with your brightest crockery and glittering glassware is just one outdoor dining idea that will make for a welcoming scene.
17. Create a magical effect in a north-facing garden
Photography/ Oliver Perrott/©Lights4fun Ltd. 2020
(Image credit: Lights4Fun)
Evening’s the time to glow up with magical outdoor lighting ideas. Try lighting pathways with solar stakes and creating star-scapes among the boughs for party fun or romantic late-night assignments. Find Essential Connect 10m 100 Warm White Connectable Fairy Lights Clear Cable, 50 Warm White LED Micro Battery Outdoor Fairy Lights and TruGlow Waterproof Outdoor Candle Trios at .
18. Select shrubs for spring flowering
(Image credit: Future / Polly Eltes)
Full-sun, although a bonus, isn’t always a necessity for flowering shrubs. Early in the year, Mahonia x media 'Winter Sun' will bring spikes of yellow flowers, while Sarcococca confusa (sweet box) has delicate white flowers from December to March. Vinca major makes great ground cover, with a sprinkling of pretty violet flowers. Rhododendrons are suited to partial shade, providing a real blast of spring color, as do exquisite camellias.
19. Plant for summer color
(Image credit: Future / Mark Bolton)
There’s nothing more summery than blowsy peonies, such as the delicately pale pink Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt' or the deep red 'Karl Rosenfield', in flower from June to July.
Other perennials include Lady’s mantle Alchemilla mollis, with frothy yellow flowers above its distinctive leaves and Geranium x oxonianum 'Wargrave Pink' for pretty pink blooms. Back them up with summer bedding. Some begonias, geraniums and impatiens are good to go in partial shade.
20. Bring in containers for a flexible approach
(Image credit: Ali Allen/Jacquie Melville/Nassima Rothaker)
The big advantage of pots and troughs is portability – you can shift them to a sunnier spot to coax flowers when necessary. Start a collection of varying heights and shapes and there’s endless fun to be had in playing around with them to get the arrangement just right. A trip to the garden centre will fill them with summer color. Try fuchsias, pansies, begonias and hydrangeas.
21. Embrace all things green
(Image credit: Future / Jake Curtis)
In any area where color is stripped back to mainly green, the shape and size of leaves and their texture comes to the fore. Experiment with trailing ivy, the huge leaves of a Fatsia japonica or the variegated foliage of Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold'.
If the garden is small, a lawn may not get enough light to do well. Instead, increase the size of beds for planting, plan in more paved areas, look at wall garden ideas or cheat with fake grass.
22. Find somewhere to sit in a north-facing garden
(Image credit: Future / Alicia Taylor)
Once you’ve identified the sunniest spot, designate this for your patio ideas, positioning a bench or outdoor dining table there. And if there’s also a place that catches the morning sun, that’s a good excuse to add an extra small table and chairs to enjoy a morning coffee and flick through the newspaper. Folding, easily portable furniture lets you chase the sun throughout the day.
23. Blur the boundaries for the illusion of space
(Image credit: Future / Val Corbett)
The designer trick of including trees and tall shrubs at the far end of a garden tricks the eye into thinking the space is larger – a bonus for a small north-facing garden, especially one that’s overlooked by neighbouring houses. Paint the wall or fence in a dark shade, plant around it, and the boundary almost disappears.
24. Fake the light
(Image credit: Annaick Guitteny/Future)
One way to bring the illusion of light to a shady garden is to include garden pond ideas. The water will reflect the skies and attract wildlife too. In a similar way, mirrors fixed to a fence or a shed will add a bright sparkle – but don’t set mirrors anywhere that a bird might fly into them.
25. Don’t be afraid to try something different
(Image credit: The National Trust)
Give plants a go, even if they aren’t labelled as suitable for shade. When experimenting, rather than splashing out on pricey specimens from the garden center, arrange to swap cuttings with friends and neighbors. It’s good to share, and plants from a neighboring plot are likely to succeed where the conditions are similar.
What are the best shade-loving plants for a north-facing garden?
When it comes to the best plants for a north-facing garden there are many positives. First you need to establish what sort of shade your garden has, whether it’s deep shade, light shade or dappled shade.
There are a surprising number of plants to choose from that will thrive in a north-facing garden once you've established what type of shady conditions you have. In fact, it could be time to lose the lawn and replace it with more planting as there’s so much that will work in a space like this.
‘North-facing gardens have very little direct light, perhaps some early morning sun and some sun last thing in the evening during the summer, but it is consistent and there aren’t extremes, meaning that if you do find plants that work, they’ll be happy!’ says Susanna Grant, co-founder of shade-loving plant specialist and garden design business Linda , as well as author of the book Shade .
Hostas, ivies, euphorbias and ferns will fill beds with their lush foliage, while climbing hydrangeas and star jasmine can be used to cover boundaries. Beautifully scented sarcococca is a great choice for hedging or as a standalone shrub.
Some varieties of ornamental grasses such as Japanese hakon come with touches of gold on their foliages which will help to lift dark corners.
Lifestyle journalist Sarah Wilson has been writing about gardens since 2015. She's written for, Livingetc, Homes & Gardens, Easy Gardens and Modern Gardens magazines. Her first job on glossy magazines was at Elle, during which time a visit to the legendary La Colombe d'Or in St-Paul-de-Vence led to an interest in all things gardening. Later as lifestyle editor at Country Homes & Interiors magazine the real pull was the run of captivating country gardens that were featured.
North-facing garden ideas: 19 ways to improve shaded outdoor space
North-facing gardens may not be as high on the wish list to that of South-facing gardens, where there's the advantage of more sunshine, but every garden is a valuable haven for any home. The key is in knowing how to make the most of the shaded space. With our expert tips owning a home with a north-facing garden no longer means having to compromise a beautifully lush outdoor space.
In fact a variety of plants have been introduced to the UK gardening scene in recent years which don’t require lots sunlight, making them better suited to north-facing garden ideas. Meaning there’s still plenty that can be grown and thrive in north-facing gardens, with some careful prep and planning.
North-facing garden ideas for a flourishing outdoor space
'Often clients come to me with a north-facing garden and think of it as a problem area - but really, there is a wealth of planting potential' explains professional gardener Rachel Morgan, who shares her work @Terra_Legra_ on Instagram.
'Shade planting can be joyous - lush greenery, pops of colour when you least expect it, and some of my favourite plants thrive in these kinds of spaces. With the right intel on which plants can thrive, a north facing garden can be just as pleasing as any other aspect.'
Read on to find out how best to achieve a thriving plot, even when your garden is mostly in the shade.
1. Embrace lush greenery
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Lizzie Orme)
'Embracing lush greenery can be incredibly impactful in north-facing gardens' explains gardener Rachel. 'Green gardens do not have to be dull or boring, as you can have incredible variation in green shades. One of the great benefits of having a lush, mostly-green garden is that invariably many of these will be evergreen, so you will have constant interest all year round.'
'Pops of colour can be added seasonally, or in certain sections of the garden for extra impact. For example, a fully shaded border can be filled with ferns, but add hellebores for a jolt of colour in spring, and welsh poppies for the same in summer. '
2. Consider the impact of ground cover
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Lizzie Orme)
'Ground cover can really work wonders in a north-facing garden where light is lacking' says Rachel. 'Filling a space can be done in a pleasing, organic way with ground cover, which creeps and expands to the space.'
'Vinca minor is a brilliant plant for this' advises Rachel. 'You can also use dogstooth violets, cyclamen, bergenia, cardamine, and euphorbias for the same effect.'
3. Know your shade
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Michelle Garrett)
It’s important to understand the type of shade that envelops your garden, in order to identify how best to deal with it.
'For some there may only be light shade which is open to the sky but with no direct sunlight, whilst others may have deep shade due to a dense tree cover. Taking the time to do this will make the process of choosing suitable plants that little bit easier. Some plants like the Hosta family thrive under light shade, whilst the ‘soft shield’ fern can blossom in dry shade with little to no sun' advises Chris.
4. Plant on repeat
(Image credit: Future PLC/Brent Darby)
Where your options are limited it's always advisable to play to strengths, and that for north-facing garden ideas is planting on repeat! 'Repeat planting is incredibly helpful in north facing gardens where the planting options are more limited' explains Rachel. 'Repeating plants not only increases your options for what to choose, but it leads the eye throughout the garden space and adds to a sense of cohesion.'
5. Make the most of natural light
(Image credit: Future plc/ Tim Young)
Any obstructions to sunlight must be removed, including any trees or structures in order to maximise light levels. 'Remove a layer of leaves from a particular dense canopy to do this, or look at lowering imposing hedges that may obstruct light' suggests Chris.
6. Create more light
(Image credit: Future PLC/ David Still)
If your garden is lacking light try creating your own with a few savvy tricks of the trade. There are clever ways to create ‘fake’ light in the garden. A popular method includes installing a garden pond idea, with the water reflecting much needed light back into the surrounding space. For a cheaper option consider adding mirrors to an outbuilding or decorating pieces which will utilise the little light.
7. Generously plant bulbs
(Image credit: Future PLC)
'Many bulbs thrive in shadier spaces, so come autumn you can really fill a border with hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses, fritillaria, tulips, muscari and scilla' advises expert gardener Rachel. 'These will need to be planted in the autumn ready for a bold, brash riot of colour come the spring.'
8. Choose plants that thrive in shade
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Amateur Gardening)
It’s important to understand that different plants have different needs. Some require large amounts of sun and thrive in dry conditions. Others only prosper in shady and damp areas, perfect for planting in north facing gardens.
Try planting flowers which do well in limited light conditions often reserved for winter like Snowdrops or Cyclamen Coum which are revered for their hardy properties. 'By simply taking the time to learn about the plants which prosper in an environment with little sunshine, achieving a flourishing garden is surprisingly easy,' explains Chris Bonnett from Gardening Express .
9. Improve the soil
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Oliver Gordon)
Help plants thrive by getting the most suitable soil to suit their needs. Marcus advises, 'Improve the soil quality to aid plant growth. Add manure and some grit if the soil doesn’t drain well.'
(Image credit: Future PLC/ David Giles)
Majority of full-turf grasses will require a large amount of sunlight and without they can end up deteriorating and becoming prone to disease. Therefore, extra care is required to avoid the lawn becoming sparse due to the lack of sunlight.
'Ensure the grass is fed and not cut too often or look at putting down a shade friendly species of grass. Such as those from the Fescue family, all of which are incredibly adaptable to varying amounts of shade.'
11. Grow your own herbs
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Simon Bevan)
Dobbies Garden Centres Horticultural Director, Marcus Eyles recommends the conditions for growing herbs. 'Create a herb garden' he suggests, 'Although Mediterranean herbs love full sun, there are a number of herbs that will thrive in partial shade, such as chives, coriander, parsley and rocket, keeping you supplied with homegrown pickings.'
12. Enliven the space with sunshine yellow
(Image credit: Dobbies)
Welcome a splash of bright yellow to your north-facing garden to substitute the sunshine. Painting a wall or fence is a quick option which offers maximum impact for a backdrop to lush greenery. Alternatively, you could incorporate this sunny shade with furniture and accessories.
Outdoor Living Buyer at Dobbies, Lynsey Abbott explains, 'The bright uplifting tone of yellow works perfectly outdoors. A naturally good fit for the garden, it is rooted in the colour of nature - reminiscent of warm spring days, golden daffodils, and cheery sunflowers. Versatile and timeless, it can easily be incorporated into every outdoor space. Whatever the weather, this shade will help to bathe your garden in sunshine!' ideal for shady gardens lacking the real thing!
13. Choose soft neutral for hard landscaping
(Image credit: Future PLC)
Darker gardens need all the help they can get to feel brighter, keep that in mind when choosing hard landscaping. Choosing lighter stoneware or gravel for a patio or terrace will help to prevent the space from feeling flat and even darker. Keep all the colour choices bright to enhance the light quality.
14. Go faux for a perfect lawn
(Image credit: Carpetright)
In a garden that is more lacking in direct sunlight, artificial grass may be the better option. This very modern way of turfing a garden requires no element of sunshine to maintain a Wimbledon-esque look all year round.
A popular alternative to real grass, fake grass will ensure your lawn looks Wimbledon-worthy whatever position it is to the sun. With artificial grass find out all you need to know about costs and how to lay a faux lawn.
15. Create a shaded area for kids to play
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Joanna Henderson)
A shaded garden is not all bad, it offers the added benefit of extra shelter and shade for children and pets to play in during long hot summers. Embrace the shady spot to pop in a sandpit and dedicated play area for the kids.
16. Gather around a fire for warmth
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Tim Young)
A primarily shaded garden needs all the help it can get when it comes to welcoming heat, because it can't reply on the sun for warmth. A fire pit is always a welcome garden addition, but even more so in a shaded north facing garden.
'Extend the amount of time enjoying the garden with the addition of a firepit or chimenea' suggests Marcus. 'Adding some warmth to milder afternoons and evenings, it will create a cosy and inviting spot.'
17. Embrace the shade for perfect cooking conditions
(Image credit: WWOO outdoor kitchen by Garden House Design)
North facing gardens are ideal for an outdoor kitchen with respects to cooking conditions. They may not be the best place to bask in sun rays over a sociable BBQ, but we say embrace the silver livings.
Hege Lundh, Marketing Director at Lundhs , explains why shaded gardens, or areas that feature garden shade ideas like pergolas, are the perfect spot: 'The outdoor kitchen should not be fully exposed to sunlight, and if possible find the least windy area.'
A secluded spot within the garden, preferably closer to the house should cater well for most garden layouts.
18. Consider clever garden lighting
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Brent Darby)
Help to illuminate the darker garden space with thoughtful lighting. 'In a North-facing garden, clever garden lighting ideas are a-must,' advises Marcus. 'From solar stakes to line a pathway to lanterns and candles'. After dark is when this garden shines just as bright as that of a sunny south-facing garden.
19. Make the furniture moveable
(Image credit: Future PLC/ Robert Sanderson)
Make the most of any sun that the garden does get by having the freedom to easily move the furniture throughout the day – chasing the sun! A simple, lightweight set will enable you to move around the plot with ease to seek a slither of sunshine.
What plants are best for north facing gardens?
'Right plant, right place - make sure you select plants that are suitable, or they won’t give you the results you are looking for ' explains Marcus Eyles, Horticultural Director, Dobbies Garden Centres . 'Just because it may get less sun, doesn’t mean your garden has to any less exciting or lack colour and interest. As you would with any room in your home, planning is key to help your garden reach its full potential.'
He recommend the following plants for shadier gardens:
- Hardy ferns – 'Beautiful calm green foliage.
Perfect for shady gardens, lush leafy ferns paired with Camellias will create an oriental garden feel for your very own space of calm and zen on the doorstep Thriving in rich moist soil with good drainage, choose Painted Ferns for a more colourful variety, these have a grey tinge that looks painted with flashes of silver and purple. Growing horizontally rather than upright, these hardy plants will carpet the ground with a layer of texture and colour.'
- Pyracantha – 'Evergreen, white summer flowers and autumn berries.'
- Viburnum tinus – 'Evergreen, white winter flowers.'
- Clematis alpina – 'Nodding bell-shaped spring flowers normally in blue.'
- Forget-me-nots – 'Showering gardens with colour in springtime, the classic blue forget-me-not can tolerate both full sun and part shade and grows best in damp shady areas, often found growing near brooks and streams underneath woodland. Working well as a filler plant, they will thrive in any type of soil as long as it’s moist but well drained .
- Camellias – 'Bringing colour to shady areas, these striking evergreen plants work well in containers or as large impressive garden plants. These generally bloom better in partial shade and are best planted in autumn once soil has been warmed during the summer months but before the harsh chill of winter.'
How do you brighten a north facing garden?
You can brighten a north-facing garden with the age old styling trick of placing mirrors. Despite the lack of direct sunlight there will still be an element of light available to bounce around the space to help brighten a north-facing garden. Another idea is to get creative with Garden paint ideas to give your outdoor space a splash of brighten colour.
Thoughtful planting can also help to brighten a darker garden. As suggested above the evergreen Viburnum tinus offers a wash of white winter flowers to add a bright white canvas. Or try Forget-me-nots to shower a north-facing garden colour in springtime.
Planning a small garden: how to plan a small garden so that everything fits in
So, you finally bought (inherited or received from the state, under the program to support large families) a precious plot of land. The first thought is to move in as soon as possible: to repair or build a house, and do everything else later, over time. But therein lies a huge mistake. Firstly, without a well-thought-out plan, you can do something that will be difficult to fix later. And secondly, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, it is necessary to master the site in stages. nine0003
David Scott Interiors
1. Draw a plan
First, determine the cardinal directions. First of all, this will come in handy when designing a house (if it doesn’t exist on the site yet), so that it doesn’t have purely southern or purely northern windows - it will be uncomfortable to live in this. Also, the orientation of the site is important when arranging the plants. Some will be comfortable only in the shade, on the north side, others need the sun to grow.
- Garden shade plants
- Garden sun plants
How to do it? Of course, you can look for moss in old trees or watch the sunrise when you are on the site (just kidding). The easiest way is to fill in the cadastral number of your site on the site of the public cadastral map: all plans on the site are placed so that the north is always at the top. This will help you get oriented.
Smart Garden
2. Make a wish list
Be sure to interview all family members who will be living or visiting the site for an extended period of time. Yes, the territory can be only two acres, and you have to choose. But having such a list makes it easier to come to compromises. In your wishes, take into account the number of cars, the number of beds, gazebos, greenhouses ... Maybe someone wants a playground, a pool and a slide? Or do you need a place to play chess, a Japanese garden, and a corner to sleep outside? We write everything! nine0003
3. Think of a building plan
Take a list and think about what you can put in your house out of everything you want? Large buildings such as a garage and baths will “eat up” all the free space of the site. In addition, it will be very difficult to arrange them according to the law: with regulatory indents from neighboring plots and legally laid communications (after all, making a sewer drain from a bathhouse to neighbors is not our way, right?).
For example, if a house is just being planned, look for projects with a garage and a terrace - this will save a lot of space! You can find projects of houses with an attached greenhouse or winter garden. And even with a compact steam room / sauna - then you don’t have to put a separate bath on the site. nine0003
Kitchen Architecture Ltd
In the photo: how do you like this idea - a winter garden as a "passage vestibule" between the house and the summer kitchen?
World Wide Stereo
Pictured: Greenhouse and conservatory attached to summer kitchen
Mark Hickman Homes
Tip: When designing your home, don't forget storage space for garden tools. It can be located next to the garage or just in the house - with its own exit to the street. nine0003
It is also convenient to get water out here - to make a washing area for dug up vegetables, dirty boots and choppers. If the house is already standing, then a terrace and a storage cabinet for inventory can be attached. Or arrange in the manner of a built-in wardrobe, “deepening” into the house (example in the photo).
Tom Howard Garden Design and Landscaping
In the photo: it’s hard to even immediately see that the hedge hides a utility room for storing utensils in the far part of the site
Agava-M Landscaping your site
4. Find a space for a garden
Consider how many beds you need. It all depends on the purpose and size of the site. If you are going to eat from your beds, of course, you will need a significant amount of them. If you plan to mainly relax in the country, then only two or three will suffice.
Fact: To design a garden on the plan, you need to find a southern sunny place and arrange the beds from north to south with a long side.
Designscape Inc. nine0003
Take a closer look at the house! If he has the desired sunny side, then the garden can be organized right next to the blind area. The house will protect the landings from the wind, proximity to communications will enable the withdrawal of water and electricity.
The shape of the garden can be any, make the garden beautiful! The beds can be square, rectangular, triangular, can be sectors of a circle, or even arranged in a tape along the path. Which will be the most compact and suitable for you? Draw different options! It is important to remember that the width of a full-sized bed should be 0.7–1.0 m, and the spacing 0.4–0.7 m (for high beds, the distance should be greater). nine0003
CplusC Architectural Workshop
Tip: If the site is very small, you can arrange a mini-garden in long planters, hanging them on the wall of any building. Just keep in mind that the earth in a flower pot bakes faster in the sun and freezes faster during frosts. Therefore, it is better to place such mini-beds in a small shade - for example, next to a tree with small leaves and a loose crown. And for the time of frost, the pots should be brought into a warm room (immediately think over exactly where you will put it). nine0003
Made of Wood
In the photo: an example of a combination of boxes for growing greenery and a garden gazebo
cruse consultants
In the photo: a flower bed in a container outside the window is no worse than the usual one
AMS Landscape Design Studio, Inc. Landscapes Design
The Garden Builders0008Here you can (and should) show your imagination. Do not scatter sites throughout the site or “glue” them all to the fence. Try to choose a pair of sites that are far from each other and combine the maximum number of zones on them.

Sunken Garden: Sounds intriguing, but it's actually quite simple
Urban Botanics
Why waste such a design? If you extend the roof rails a little and make a few additional pillars, then you can hang a swing or a rope for children on such a pergola. The side wall of the canopy can be designed in the form of a chalk board, immediately place a sandbox. And now the parking lot is combined with a playground. Perhaps someone will be confused by the proximity of the playground to the car park. But think about how often you have cars with a running engine in your country house? nine0009
Jarret Yoshida Design
The seating area is conveniently located in the center of the site. From other areas, such as a garden, it can be closed with a wooden lath wall. And on the other hand, decorate with beautiful plants or hedges.
To save space, it is better to place the hozblok next to the greenhouse or garden - on the north side, so as not to interfere with the plants. Garden pergolas for climbing plants (cucumbers, beans, peas) can also be used for zoning or hanging various chairs and hammocks. Such pergolas are made more capital, made of wood or metal, with metal mesh or wooden slats! nine0003
Studio TOOP
Photo idea: garden as a room concept
Terra Ferma Landscapes
6. Select plants
It is good if the buildings can be placed so that the entire garden is not visible from one point. If this was not possible, the role of visual screens can be given to plants. Place small plants closer to the paths, taller plants in depth. At the same time, do not forget about the sun and the location of the shade: if light-loving small plants are shaded by large ones, then it will be difficult to expect complete decorativeness from them. nine0003
It is difficult to place a separate orchard on a small plot, so fruit trees can be planted throughout the plot, especially since there are very decorative varieties. What could be more beautiful than the spring flowering of apple and cherry trees? Yes, and fruit bushes (irga, honeysuckle, red currant, wild rose, chokeberry) will also easily fit into the decorative edge.
Craig Bergmann Landscape Design
Even garden crops can be inscribed in a decorative mixborder: cabbage, beet tops, dill umbrellas will look good in a flower garden. In addition, this is a fashionable trend in landscape design. It is better to have dill and sorrel in the flower garden than roses and astilbes planted in the form of a bed. nine0003
If there is absolutely no place for planting, again, look at the tubs and vines. A group of tubs and flowerpots on the terrace and lawn, hanging planters - will perfectly cope with the role of landscaping. A pergola with climbing plants does not take up much space.
Tip: Make a calendar of plant care: when to water, when to feed, when to prune. Divide responsibilities among family members. An abandoned garden with dried flowers and neglected shrubs will visually appear much smaller than its well-groomed counterpart. nine0003
A Gardener's Diary: Why and How to Keep One
Chris Snook
Pictured: When there's not enough land, plan your gardening vertically. Watch the full footage of this British project - there are a couple of acres at the most. But the garden seems solid if not spacious
Agence Faure
Landscaping Solutions
7. Do you need a lawn?
Sometimes it turns out that the lawn is not destined to appear on the site: tall old spruce trees, numerous dogs, the northern slope... In this case, you can use small gravel backfilling or lay flagstone with small gaps filled with granite chips - this is very beautiful and convenient. Or even make a wooden flooring. It will be a real green room under the open sky. The absence of a lawn will not affect comfort, will not make the site visually smaller, but it will save you from many problems. After all, even a small lawn with a lawn requires a lot of care and does not tolerate constant trampling and the presence of dogs. nine0003
Frings Garten GmbH
8. What to do with garden waste
A small garden should never be littered. Consider a storage system for logging residues and uprooted weeds: these can be neatly decorated free-standing tanks or a dedicated place near the garage or hozblok. If you decide to make your own compost, consider installing a compost bin.
Good question: How to make compost in the country and not overwork
Charlotte Rowe Garden Design
9. Add light…
Once you have planned all the areas you need, decided on the number and type of plantings, it's time to plan the light. Depth and volume in the garden are created not only by properly located buildings and plants, but also by lighting. Let accent plants, paths, retaining walls be highlighted (this is not only beauty, but also safety).
FineLines Design Studio
Lead waterproof sockets to the playground and recreation area to connect the lights. It’s a good idea to put an outlet near a spruce or fir - and in winter create your own New Year’s miracle. nine0003
And in the summer, these sockets can be used for electric lawn mowers or brush cutters. Do not neglect decorative light even in the tiniest gardens: lighting can work wonders.
Architectural bureau of Oksana Kostyuchenko&C
10. …And textiles
Also, don't be afraid to use textiles and decor in the garden! Pillows, blankets, rugs, candles, bird dishes, birdhouses - there are a lot of options, not only garden gnomes and wicker cars . ..
To avoid collecting textiles and pillows every time it rains, store them in sheltered areas or purchase items made from quick-drying materials.
Making a comfortable little garden is not as difficult as it seems. The main difficulty lies in stereotypical thinking and “memory of generations”: we all remember what a typical grandmother’s small plot looks like. But if you approach things wisely and create a well-groomed garden for yourself, it can become a great place for the whole family to relax, where no one will be crowded. nine0003
If you - own a small lot, tell us how you managed to fit everything you need. Share your garden hacks and photos in the comments section!
good ideas for a small area
Those who have a small piece of land are often frustrated because there is not enough free space. Thanks to the competent design of various elements, it is possible to make whole masterpieces. With the help of landscape design, each owner will be able to reveal their inner potential and open up creatively. nine0003
- Small lot landscaping
- Project with additional elements
- Other comfort elements
- Fencing erection
- Creating tracks
- Selection of trees
- Inclusion in the design of reservoirs
- Some tricks
- Beautifully landscaped front yard
Landscaping a small lot
It's easier to start landscaping a clean slate when there's nothing on the lot yet. After all, the creation of a new one is creation, and not a remake of the old. nine0265 To begin with, it is necessary to make a design of the future site .
In addition, the landscape design of a small garden should not only have a main building, but also additional ones, for example, a garage, a bathhouse, a gazebo, and so on. If there are children, there must be a place for a playground .
This does not mean that it is necessary to include all of these components. Everyone has their own priorities: someone prefers to grow vegetables, and someone fights for aesthetics and comfort. nine0003
Project with additional elements
Landscaping of a small plot will be very practical, which combines the structure of the garage and the house on one platform. This has its advantages :
- more unused area, since the wall will be common and the foundation single;
- will not need to create wide paths for the entrance, since the garage will be located near the fence;
- you can easily move from the garage to the house without going outside. nine0020
It is better to locate buildings for economic purposes in the far corners of the site, at the same time, away from one another. It is recommended to close them with trees or hedges. It is better not to build bulky structures, but to replace them with a lighter option.
The playground should be located as close to the house as possible, preferably visible from the windows. You should also take care of the comfort of the kids, in this regard, provide for the planting of a tree to protect children from the rays of the scorching sun in the summer. The seating area is usually located in the background so that it is not visible from the road. nine0003
Other comfort elements
Landscaping of small areas should include paths and fences. Planting trees should be carried out consciously: they will grow, which means they take up more space. Therefore, when constructing a path near a seedling, this should be taken into account. It is important to decide on the material so that later you do not have to redo everything.
Construction of a fence
Masters of design art are recommended to immediately refuse to make a high fence in a small area . This will cause a feeling of isolation and discomfort. Even if you do not take into account the fact that the site is visually reduced, due to the massiveness of the fence, an obstacle is formed for the penetration of fresh air flows. This will lead to a deterioration of the microclimate.
The best way to landscape a small area is to use a transparent fence. It is better to use a picket fence or chain-link mesh.
In order to hide from outside surveillance, it is enough to plant a hedge under the fence - for example, small shrubs or loaches. A fence made of metal with forged elements, decorated with green plants, looks very nice. nine0003
Path planning
Path planning is very important in site development. It is worth thinking about what form they will be. According to experts, they should not be made straight, it is better to use curved lines, this will visually enlarge the area.
If the paths are left trodden and untreated, then the slightest rain will lead to inconvenience in operation. Country ideas for a small area are different, while the paths can be designed as follows :
- Wild stone or paving slabs. This will be the most suitable option for an existing structure of identical material. For example, if there is a wild stone in the foundation. Such materials can bring a little luxury to a modest area.
- If everything is furnished in a rustic style, then cut trees look very impressive, which goes well with a wooden house. To extend the service life, the tracks should be treated with protective equipment. nine0020
- If you have a small amount of finance, it is recommended to lay out broken bricks.
- If special forms are available, a beautiful concrete path can be laid out.
- A gravel path should be laid near the artificial pond.
- Those who love an original approach can choose to decorate the area with a bright cork pattern. However, you should be aware that such a surface becomes slippery after precipitation, as well as during frost.
When laying out paths made of wood, concrete or brick, you need to keep in mind that they do not have to be made continuous, paths with natural green gaps will be a more attractive option.
Selection of trees
If the plot is small, experts agree that it is not worth using seedlings of large trees for planting. It would be more appropriate to use small bushes to emphasize the limited space. An excellent option would be a group of undersized species. nine0265 At the same time, some recommendations should be followed :
- Larger plants should be placed near the fence, replacing them with shrubs, and beds and flower arrangements should be laid out in the center.
- It is better to leave the sunny side for low stands, and to place higher ones on the north side. In this case, the area will be as illuminated as possible.
- If there is no sunlight in some areas, plants that like shade can be placed there. nine0020
- An original solution would be to place a large tree in the center of a small area. Low trees are randomly planted around it. This contributes to the fact that a small area will visually become larger.
Including ponds in the design
Of course, you can't place an entire pool in a small area, but creating a reservoir is not an impossible task. Here you should use a small pond or a two-level composition. When water murmurs, it fascinates, which means that the reservoir will become an undoubted object of attention .
If financial possibilities do not allow to equip a full-fledged reservoir, you can replace it with a dry-type stream. It's easy to set up. To do this, you will need to use gravel, which is later better painted with blue or blue paints. The edges should be ennobled with green spaces. Plastic figures will be a great addition.
You can make a bridge across the stream.
The location of the reservoir should be taken into account, placing it near the recreation area. This will allow you to admire the view and evaluate your work. It is not necessary to create a waterfall in a western direction, since the most illuminated zone is located here, and the hot temperature persists until the evening. nine0003
Some tricks
It should be said about the versatility of the art of landscape design. Landscaping is an important part of the complex process. How to properly plant flowers and beds:
- With the right choice of color palette, a small area will look visually larger. For these purposes, it is worth using white or yellow flowers. Cold tones should be avoided, especially in border areas.
- No need to oversaturate the composition with different colors. A combination of several shades will become more harmonious than an accumulation of different shades in a chaotic manner.
- Keep in mind that many plants prefer the shady side.
- Do not make flowerbeds symmetrical as this will limit the visible spaces of the small area.
- Vertical landscaping looks quite impressive.
- To make a bright accent, you can create an original flower bed in which improvised materials will be involved. For example, a beautifully painted bicycle or an old cart is fine to use. nine0339
- When planting flowers near the building, they should be selected in the same shades as the wall decoration.
Learn more
It is not necessary to build solid beds. It is better to replace them with unusual and raised forms. It can be geometric shapes with spices or vegetables.
Nicely decorated area in front of the house
The area deserves the most special treatment, which will fall on the eye when leaving the house. Here, it is carefully necessary to choose all the elements, taking into account what material they are made of, what color palette they have. You can build a small hedge of living plants or a pond. nine0265 However, there are a number of principles that should be observed :