Small bedroom wall cabinets
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35 Small Bedroom Ideas – Make Every Inch Count
A tiny bedroom or a small space for sleeping can be a nightmare for any homeowner or renter. You still have the same needs as anyone else, but you must make sacrifices due to the limited storage space and restricted floor plan.
While a small room can present many challenges, there are equally as many solutions. Here are some of the best small bedroom ideas that help you make every inch count!
Invest in a Multi-Purpose Bed With a Built-in Closet
If you live in a dorm room or have limited space in your bedroom, a multi-purpose bed with a built-in closet might tick all the boxes for your needs. Rather than buying separate pieces of furniture when you have such a limited floor plan to work with, you can buy a bed that has everything built into one.
Generally, such beds come with closets built into the foot of the bed, with convenient storage underneath. The closets can also function as dividers between two siblings’ spaces who might be squabbling about sharing a bedroom! There are options galore for how to take care of your storage needs without using too much precious space. Photo: IKEA/PLATSA Bed frame
Construct a Rope and Pulley System for Your Wardrobe
We take it for granted that every bedroom has a closet, but that’s not always the case. If your bedroom lacks a wardrobe, but you desperately need one for your clothing, a rope and pulley system might come to the rescue.
All you need are some curtain rods, rings, and rope, and you’ve got a straightforward storage solution that takes up no precious space in your bedroom. A rope and pulley system can also be convenient for clothes drying and those times when your wardrobe is full to bursting, but you’re not quite ready to clear the clutter. Photo: IKEA/KRÄCKA Curtain rod
Use Under-Bed-Storage as a Pull-Out Bedside Table
Many people struggle with clutter, especially when it makes houses look untidy. You can solve the problem of clutter in your bedroom by using any under-bed storage space you have with a pull-out side table.
Rather than filling up all the available space under your bed with sealed containers, purchase a specially-designed short table that tucks away neatly under your side of the bed. When you’ve finished with your book for the evening, you can place it on the table and tuck it away out of sight. Photo: IKEA/FREDVANG Underbed storage – bedside table
Mount a Leaning Shelf Over Your Bed
Not having enough space for a simple nightstand can be frustrating, especially when you want somewhere nice to store your favorite trinkets in your bedroom. However, you can still have storage in your personal space if you invest in a leaning over-the-bed storage shelf. They look like a bed headboard, but they’re so much more. These storage shelves lean over the top of your bed and provide out-of-the-way storage for all your favorite things. Photo: Urban Outfitters/Leaning Over-The-Bed Storage Queen Headboard
Gain extra storage space with bed risers
You might love your bed frames, but that doesn’t mean they’re the most convenient option for your tiny bedrooms. If you don’t have enough storage space underneath your bed due to short bed frames, consider investing in bed risers.
These elevate beds with legs safely and provide a considerable amount of new storage space that wasn’t previously available. You can now invest in under-bed storage solutions and clear the clutter throughout your home for good. Photo: Overstock/Carbon Steel Bed Risers
Create a Headboard of Shoe Cabinets
It’s not always easy finding a headboard you like. You might want one that has storage, but you might need one to match wooden furniture, contemporary furniture, or a specific paint scheme.
In that case, why not create your own? Solve your storage woes and enjoy a headboard you like by crafting one from shoe storage cabinets. You can stack them on top of each other, fill them with items that generally appear as clutter around your home, and decorate them with LED light strips and other fun accessories. The sky’s the limit when you go down the DIY route. Photo: IKEA/TRONES Shoe storage cabinet
Hang Your Chairs on the Wall
Many furniture manufacturers now offer folding tables for sale, which are tables that you install on your wall and fold down when you need to use them. They save a great deal of space, but where are you supposed to put your chairs? Well, you could always hang them on the wall. Purchase strong hooks designed to hold the weight capacity of folding chairs, and you’ve got an immediate space-saving solution. Photo: IKEA/KÄMPIG Hook
Install Cabinets Over Your Bed
When you think of bedroom storage, you might picture a new dresser or wardrobe for all your clothing, knick-knacks, and prized possessions. However, these take up valuable floor space in a tiny bedroom.
Instead, why not install cabinets over your bed? They take up no usable space, yet they provide you with a significant amount of storage space you never had before. Just ensure you’ve got an experienced DIYer on hand to assist with their installation for safety reasons. Photo: IKEA/IVAR Cabinet
Store Your Stuff on the Ceiling
Add character and storage to your bedroom by installing a couple of clothes bars on the ceiling and hiding the solution with a beautiful bed canopy. Make sure that everything is securely fastened! Photo: IKEA/MULIG Clothes bar
Use the Empty Space Over a Dresser for a Clothes Bar
If your bedroom doesn’t have a wardrobe, there’s no need to panic! You have plenty of options at your disposal for clothes hanging. One of the most inventive options is hanging a clothing bar above your dresser and using the empty space.
You can hang clothes on this bar you plan on wearing the next day or even hang clothing to air-dry. You might even see the value in this space for hanging clothes you plan to wear again rather than washing them unnecessarily. Installing a clothes bar is reasonably straightforward, and you can make use of space that would otherwise be wasted. Photo: IKEA/Malm Dresser
Sew Pockets Onto Your Curtains From Leftover Textiles
While certainly unconventional, there’s no denying that giving your curtains their own pockets can be an inventive and helpful storage solution for small spaces. If you have leftover fabric from creating your curtains or altering them, you can fashion pouches at a convenient height. And as they’re the same fabric as the curtains, they blend in!
This storage solution is particularly helpful in bedrooms for those everyday essentials like hairbrushes, jewelry, hair clips, and even your slippers for first thing in the morning. Photo: IKEA
Store Seasonal Clothing and Bedding in Empty Cushion Covers and Use Them as Decor
It can be depressing looking at all the home design ideas on the internet, only to realize your conservative floor plan makes most of them impossible. You might have a small home, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful home.
Combine storage with décor, and you’ve got a recipe for success. For example, if you have seasonal clothing you need to store, fold or roll the clothing inside empty cushion covers. They can add a pop of color to any neutral space and simultaneously function as much-needed storage space. Photo: IKEA/GULLKLOCKA Cushion cover
A Floating Nightstand Saves Valuable Floor Space
Most people own functional bedroom furniture, and there’s usually enough space for it in the average bedroom. However, not everyone has that luxury. If you need all the floor space you can get, invest in a floating nightstand.
Floating nightstands make use of wall space rather than floor space, and offer the illusion of extra space, even if you’re not gaining all that much. You can also enjoy a reasonably straightforward installation process and the freedom to set it at a height that works best for your needs, rather than a height predetermined by the bedroom furniture manufacturer. Photo: IKEA LIXHULT Cabinet
Install a Folding Desk Onto Your Wall
In an ideal world, we’d all have a spare bedroom we could turn into a home office, but not everyone is that lucky. You might be living in a dorm room, a small home, or all bedrooms are taken up by family members.
In that case, turn your attention to folding desks. Folding desks can be mounted out of the way on a wall and pulled down when you need to use them. Many options for sale even come with included storage so that all your office goods have somewhere permanent to live.
When you no longer need to use your desk, you can fold it back up out of the way. It can be easier than you think to turn your bedroom into a home office. Photo: Wayfair/Wall-mounted Floating Desk
Mount Several Coat Racks in a Row
Wall-mounted coat racks are excellent and cheap storage solutions that can be used for much more than just clothing. Hang baskets, jewelry, folding chairs, and anything else you need within easy reach. Photo: IKEA/HÖVOLM Rack
Create the Illusion of More Space With a Large Mirror
You don’t necessarily see much space-saving furniture in many small bedroom designs. However, you might notice that interior designers use items that offer the illusion of space. Mirrors tick that box well.
Mirrors reflect plenty of natural light while also adding depth to trick you into thinking you have more space than you do. When you often feel like your walls are closing in, it can be helpful to lean a mirror against the wall or hang one on it.
If you’ve decided that a mirror is an excellent option for your small space, you’ll be amazed at just how many beautiful options there are to choose from. Photo: Urban Outfitters/Safi Floor Mirror
Create a Home Office Under a Loft Bed
Lofted beds take advantage of unused ceiling space while leaving the space free where your bed normally would be. Underneath the bed, which is now closer to the ceiling, you can create an office space for work and play.
Lofted beds are becoming popular solutions for adults and children alike, particularly those who need their bedrooms to serve more than one purpose. Photo: Wayfair/Loft Bed with Bookcase
Store Your Jewelry in an Over-The-Door Mirror That Doubles as an Armoire
Most people don’t use their bedroom door to its full potential. But if you lack storage space, an over-the-door mirror is one of the best small bedroom ideas we can offer.
You can actually purchase over-the-door mirrors that function as a mirror, jewelry box, and accessory storage all in one product. It looks like a full-length mirror at first glance, but it opens to reveal storage space inside.
There are many different options available on the market to suit your home décor, and you’ll be amazed at how much clutter you can clear from your dresser when you make such an exciting purchase. Photo: Container Store/Over The Door Mirror & Jewelry Organizer
Hang Your Laundry Hamper on the Inside of a Closet Door
Laundry hampers are necessary for any home, especially when you need an active reminder to do the laundry. However, they’re not exactly the smallest bedroom additions.
When you don’t want to clutter up your floor with unnecessary furniture and items, buy a hanging laundry hamper. Most over-the-door hanging laundry bags and baskets come with a strong hook to hang over a bedroom or closet door.
You might hang it over your closet door when you want to keep it out of sight, then move it to your bedroom door when you’re nearing laundry day. Such a bedroom addition can be more convenient than you think. Photo: Wayfair/Over-The-Door Hanging Laundry Bag
Use the Closet Doors for Extra Storage
There’ll be no need to stuff every nook and cranny full of your prized pairs of shoes when you have an over-the-door shoe storage rack available. These racks make use of unused storage space on your doors and put it to good use. You can also install them on regular house doors and wardrobe doors for your convenience.
Rather than shoes gathering dust in cupboards, hallways, and at your entrance door, you can make sure every pair has its place. You now have an excellent excuse to add more shoes to your collection! Photo: Amazon/Whitmor 18-Pair Over The Door Shoe Rack
Use Pegboards for Flexible Storage
Most people have small knick-knacks and trinkets that they adore but can never find a suitable space for. While looking for inspiration online, you might see one storage solution mentioned time and time again: peg boards.
While traditionally used in garages for tools, they can actually be used in your home for any number of small items you want to enjoy in plain sight. Whether you have small plants, jewelry, photos, keychains, or general home décor, you’re bound to find a beautiful pegboard to take pride of place on your wall. Photo: IKEA/SKÅDIS Pegboard
Stack Your Beds When You Don’t Use Them
Not everyone has the luxury of a spare bedroom for guests to enjoy on their own. Sometimes, you have to turn your bedroom into an office, hobby room, and spare room, all in one. In that case, you can enjoy that ‘big room feel’ by purchasing a sofa bed with two beds you can stack on top of each other. You can then transform them into a double bed at night.
Sure, there’s a lot more labor in this space-spacing solution than many people would care to have, but it can be an ideal option for homeowners who need to use a room for multiple purposes. Photo: IKEA/UTÅKER Stackable bed
Opt for a Storage Bed
If the time has come to invest in a new bed, consider one with storage for a small bedroom layout. Storage beds are designed to look and function like any ordinary bed, but they have hidden storage underneath for any clothing, blankets, pillows, and other bulky items you want to hide out of sight.
Such beds also come with hydraulic lifting mattresses to ensure it’s never a significant undertaking to access your stored items. You might even find that some come with built-in drawers, removing the need for you to have bulky furniture in a small guest room or your own bedroom. Photo: Amazon/ZINUS Finley Storage Bed
Add Extra Seating With Built-in Storage
Storage can be more than storage, in the same way a seat can be more than a seat. That’s where storage ottomans come in. Whether you lack storage or seating in a bedroom, living room, or even an office, you’re bound to find an ottoman to suit your needs.
Ottomans are available in all shapes, sizes, styles, and colors, to suit your unique needs. You can then fill them with blankets, cushions, and other bulky essentials and use the top as an additional seat for guests or family members.
The best part is, there’s no right or wrong place to put them. You might like one at the end of your bed to store your extra winter blankets, or even in the living room as a coffee table with space for lounge cushions and blankets underneath. Photo: Amazon/SONGMICS Storage Ottoman
Store Seasonal Clothing and Other Stuff You Don’t Regularly Use Under the Bed
We layer up in our bulkiest coats, scarves, and hats when winter arrives. But when summer comes, these items outstay their welcome in a small space. Consider purchasing under-bed storage bags or containers for seasonal clothing and items you don’t regularly use.
When you purchase sealed containers, you also don’t need to worry about dust, dirt, and general grime. You might also see the value in purchasing transparent containers on wheels that slide out easily and show off their contents without you needing to open them. Photo: Amazon/BLKDOTS Under bed Storage
Line Shelves up Over the Tops of the Windows
Bookcases can take up a lot of space, and as much as you’d like to have your prized books on display, that isn’t always possible in a small bedroom or tiny house. Fortunately, the ideal solution exists: shelving installed above your windows.
Basic shelves installed with brackets above your windows can frame them beautifully, hide unsightly wallpaper, and add exciting textures through the placement of your favorite books. While you might need a ladder to access the books you want to read, it’s a small price to pay for having them on display rather than stuffed in boxes in your closet.
You might even love the idea that much that you carry on the shelving the whole way around your room, rather than just above your windows. Photo: IKEA
Use a Clothes Rack as a Room Divider
Room dividers can be convenient for a number of reasons. They add definition when you use your bedroom for multiple activities, and they are also practical for families with children who want their own space and don’t necessarily like sharing their bedroom.
However, traditional room dividers are expensive. Fortunately, you don’t have to have a conventional room divider. Instead, you can use a more affordable and unique clothing rack. Keep your room tidy by hanging up your clothes, but enjoy much-needed definition in your private space. It’s a win-win for everyone. Photo: IKEA/TURBO Clothes rack
Create More Closet Space by Storing Seasonal Clothing, Blankets, Pillows, and Bedding in Vacuum Storage Bags
Seasonal clothing, blankets, bedspreads, pillows, and bedding, can be bulky. They take up a considerable amount of precious space, and that can be extremely frustrating when you have very little of it to begin with.
However, that can be a problem of the past if you purchase vacuum storage bags. Gather up your bulkiest soft goods, place them into clean vacuum bags, and remove all the air from them using a household vacuum cleaner. You’ll be amazed at just how small they become and how very little space they can take up under your bed and in your wardrobes.
What’s more, out of all space-saving solutions, vacuum bags would have to be one of the most cost-effective. Photo: The Container Store/Space Bag By Ziploc
Choose Closets With Sliding Doors When Space Is at a Premium
It’s amazing how much wasted space we have in the average home simply because we can’t crowd outward-facing doors. When the time comes to invest in a new closet, consider one with a sliding door rather than a door that opens outward.
Such closet doors can even become a beautiful feature wall in the average bedroom because they can slide closed and form part of your wall. All that’s left to do is choose a pair of sliding doors you like, put a DIY closet together, and you’re on your way to a convenient storage solution. Photo: IKEA/HOKKSUND Pair of sliding doors
Turn an Unused Corner Into a Home Office
It’s easy to waste corner space in the average home because very few pieces of furniture are made to suit the area. However, you might be able to maximize your limited floor plan by purchasing a corner desk and setting up a small corner office nook.
A compact corner desk takes up minimal space in any living room, dining room, or bedroom, yet it can provide you with somewhere practical and convenient to spend your time working. All that’s left to do now is purchase a chair that tucks away neatly underneath, and you have a dedicated area for work and play. Photo: Overstock/Porch & Den Lincoln Corner Desk
Mount Pockets on Your Bed
Building pockets into your bed can be an ideal solution when you want to be highly organized with a clutter-free home. Not only can a decorative skirt with pockets be a charming addition to any bed, but it can also ensure that things you use every day are within easy reach and easy to find.
Children can store their toys in them, while adults might fill them with books and other daily essentials. While you might think you’d need to create something like this from scratch, they are actually available to purchase online. Photo: IKEA/MÖJLIGHET Bed pocket
Get Even More Space for Your Stuff With a Storage Headboard
A headboard with storage is generally designed to suit most bed types and can suit any home or studio apartment lacking storage. You can store your everyday essentials like phone chargers, books, and houseplants, or even use them for home décor to give your bedroom a much-needed facelift.
Storage headboards come in all shapes, sizes, and styles, so you have plenty of options to choose from when making your room look a certain way. Photo: IKEA/BRIMNES Headboard with storage compartment
Mount Rails in Your Window Alcove
If you don’t have endless amounts of wall space for shelves to house your artwork, trinkets, lamps, and plants, consider the value of rails in your window alcove. This space is typically wasted in the average home, but it doesn’t have to be if you flex your creative muscles.
Mounted ceiling rails can be practical for plants, accessories, jewelry, clothing, baskets, and much more. You might be surprised at how much clutter you can clear when you hang it tastefully from your living room or bedroom ceiling. Photo: IKEA/BOAXEL Clothes rail
A Murphy Bed Offers Plenty of Room for Daytime Activities
Murphy beds are becoming more common each year, especially as homeowners downsize into tiny homes and apartments. When you lack space or your bedroom serves more than one purpose, consider investing in a murphy bed.
During the day, you can use your room for general daytime activities, but you can quickly transform it into a bedroom at night. Some of the best murphy beds for sale are also just as comfortable as permanent beds, which is bound to offer much-needed peace of mind.
All that’s left to do is find one that matches your home décor, is easy to install, and takes mere seconds to pull down and store away. Photo: Lori Wall beds/Queen Vertical Bed
Mount a Coat Rack on Your Door
Doors are often overlooked in regard to storage but over-the-door coat racks are excellent space-savers that come in a range of styles to suit most preferences. Photo: Urban Outfitters/Over-the-door multi-hook
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Wall cabinets for the bedroom - 91 photos
Bedroom 9 sq.m.
Headboard cabinet
Small bedroom interior 9 m2
Wall cabinets over the bed
Bed cabinets
Bedroom bedside cabinets
Small bedroom furniture
Bedroom 9 sqm ikea
Hanging wardrobes in the bedroom
Hanging wardrobes above the bed
Bedroom with headboard wardrobe
Hanging wardrobes in the bedroom above the bed
Wardrobe around the bed in the bedroom
Hanging wardrobes above the bed
Hanging wardrobes above the bed
Wardrobe behind the bed
Wardrobe around the bed
Wardrobe over bed
Wardrobe at the head of the bed
Wardrobe around the bed
Bedroom wall cabinets
Headboard with headboard cabinet
Wall cabinets for the bedroom
Wardrobe around the bed
Wardrobes at the head of the bed in the bedroom
Wardrobe around the bed in the bedroom
Small bedrooms
Contemporary style bedroom
Wardrobe near the bed in the bedroom
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Wardrobe over the bed in the bedroom
Computer desk in the bedroom
U-shaped wardrobe in the bedroom
Bed and wardrobe in the bedroom
Bed and wardrobe in the bedroom
TV built into the wardrobe in the bedroom
Minimalist bedroom wardrobe
Bedroom wardrobe
Bedroom corner wardrobe
Small bedroom furniture
Hanging cabinets above the bed
Contemporary wardrobe
Unusual wardrobes in the living room
White wardrobes in the bedroom ikea
Ikea rack EKET
Bedroom wall cabinets
ikea bedside shelf
Bedroom wardrobe with TV
Custom bedroom wardrobes
Bedside cabinets for bedroom
Wardrobe over the bed in the bedroom
Wardrobe around the bed in a small bedroom
Shelves above the bed
Wardrobe over bed
Wardrobe bed
Wardrobe-bed transformer
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Wall cabinets for the bedroom
Bedroom with headboard wardrobe
Bedroom wardrobe and bedside tables
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Bedroom with headboard wardrobe
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Hanging wardrobes in the bedroom
Bed wall transformer
Shelves above the bed in the bedroom
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Bedroom with headboard wardrobe
Bedroom with headboard
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Wall cabinets for the bedroom
Small bedroom furniture
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Wardrobe around the bed
Bedroom with wardrobe at the head of the bed
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Wall cabinets for the bedroom
how to hang (+70 photo ideas)
Whether or not to hang a closet in the bedroom above the bed - this is exactly the question owners of small apartments and cramped bedrooms ask themselves. At first glance, the storage space located above the bed seems very practical, but if you think about it, there are many negative points. How to hang a shelf or cabinet correctly so as not to spoil the appearance and add functionality?
Modern bedroom interior design should not only be attractive in appearance, but also be practical. To organize additional storage spaces in a small bedroom, it is not at all necessary to use a standard set. In this embodiment, all pieces of furniture are placed on the floor, taking up a lot of space. Hanging cabinets or shelves can be exactly the same as in the kitchen, and they are mounted in the same way. But such a system has a number of advantages and disadvantages.
What are the advantages of the over-bed design:
- For a small bedroom, this is a real salvation, since such a storage system does not take up much space on the floor.
- Cabinet fronts and storage boxes on open shelves can perfectly complement the style concept of the entire interior.
- The load on the structure will not be too high, therefore, by applying additional reinforcement, you can not be afraid that something will fall on your head during sleep.
The disadvantages of this solution include the following:
- Elements placed too low can lead to head impacts.
- If you hang a cabinet or shelf incorrectly without calculating the load, the structure may fall on the sleeper's head.
It is worth noting that according to the Eastern art of Feng Shui, hanging anything heavy over the bed is not recommended. But, given the size of the standard rooms of our compatriots, you can deviate from this rule in order to increase the functionality of a modern bedroom. For this purpose, two options are used - cabinets and open shelves.
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Wardrobes above the bed in the interior of the bedroom have been used for a long time, and the internal content and dimensions of the compartments can be designed at your discretion.
The easiest option that can be implemented would be to use hanging cabinets similar to those used in the kitchen. But with the facades and their appearance, you can already work. You can mount such a system in three different ways: on self-tapping screws, brackets or hooks. The type of fastener depends directly on the load that you calculate.
Of course, you should not hide heavy things, dishes or skates in such cabinets. For storage, those items that you use more often are quite suitable: documents, photo albums, supplies for needlework, sewing, cosmetics and perfumes.
Types of wall cabinets
In a modern bedroom, the most suitable solution would be to use several cabinets combined into one common structure. Most often, a wardrobe is used above the bed with the letter “P”, which is attached to the storage system located on the sides of the bed. In Soviet times, such systems were called mezzanines. They are easier to attach, and you can “play around” with their appearance: use different facades (for example, different colors and textures), combine them with open shelves or with adjacent bedside cabinets. Hanging cabinets may differ in the opening system, type of construction, method of fastening, internal content. Distinguish:
- Angled. If your bed is adjacent to the wall not only by the headboard, but also by one of the sides, you can hang a corner structure from closed cabinets or open shelves above it.
- Modular. Lockers can be made up of different modules, both open and closed. Separate modules are convenient in that they are conveniently mounted in different sequences, placed only above the headboard or along the entire wall above the bed, in the form of steps or in one line.
- With hinged doors. Before choosing the type of opening of facades, you need to imagine whether it will be convenient to use them. If the lockers located closer to the outer edge can still be opened somehow, then those that will be fixed in the middle will be difficult. In this case, you can stop at two cabinets.
- With sliding fronts - coupe. Also an acceptable option for hanging cabinets.
But keep in mind: the sliding system will “eat” at least 8 cm of usable space in the closet. But opening sliding doors is much more convenient than swing doors.
- With folding mechanism. Facades with a modern folding mechanism are often used in kitchen wall cabinets. They work almost silently, the principle is based on the action of hydraulic shock absorbers and gas springs. When the door is opened manually by 10 degrees, its subsequent upward movement occurs automatically.
- With glass fronts. Such designs in their appearance resemble Soviet bookcases or sideboards, where they kept beautiful sets and series of books. However, the cost of such cabinets will be an order of magnitude higher, but they look much more impressive, especially with modern lighting. You can store memorabilia, figurines, souvenirs, photographs in them.
Please note: depending on the style you choose, the niche under the cabinets above the head of the bed can be interestingly played up. To decorate this part of the wall, soft or 3D panels made of wood or gypsum are used, covered with decorative plaster, decorated with expensive textile wallpaper. Due to the fact that the area is small, you can use expensive and high-quality materials that will add zest to the entire bedroom.
What material to choose
Having decided on the style and type of hanging cabinets, you should take care of one more question - the material from which they are made. The service life, safety and appearance of the entire structure depend on this characteristic. Given that the elements will hang over sleeping people, their environmental safety is very important. So, what is the best choice of wall cabinets for the bedroom:
- Natural wood. Of course, the most environmentally friendly and safe material. It does not evaporate harmful and toxic substances into the surrounding atmosphere, and in appearance it is always presentable and luxurious. The tree is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature, withstand significant loads, and there is no special humidity in the bedroom, such furniture will not deteriorate.
Most often, in order to emphasize the texture and pattern, manufacturers cover the facades with a protective transparent varnish, tint, but do not paint. With careful handling, a quality array can last up to half a century. The only negative is the high price, which, by the way, is quite justified. The style of facades made of natural wood will suit the classics or Provence.
- MDF is a more budgetary analogue of natural wood, often used in the modern furniture industry. The material meets almost all safety and wear resistance requirements, plus everything - it can be given a different shape (for example, rounded). MDF furniture, of course, serves less than wood (about 30 years), is resistant to increased loads. From above, the plates are covered with a protective layer of paint, matte or glossy. It is a wide range of colors that makes such furniture very popular among buyers.
- Chipboard - laminated chipboard, one of the most budget options for today, but also significantly inferior in quality to furniture made of wood and MDF.
In production, sawdust is pressed using adhesives, then covered with a layer of lamination (either varnished paper, or plastic, or wood veneer). The disadvantages of such furniture are the ability to release phenols, so such furniture is hardly suitable for a bedroom. However, a wide range of colors and low price increases the demand for particleboard furniture.
- Plastic or glass. Of course, at first glance, these materials are not quite suitable for the bedroom, but it all depends on the overall style of the room. Such non-standard options will be appropriate in such areas as hi-tech, avant-garde, minimalism, loft, futurism. Plastic cabinets can have a custom look and shape, which can appeal to teenagers and people with creative minds.
As for other characteristics, such as color, dimensions, shape of wall cabinets, you should proceed from the interior design and select furniture so that the bed under them and the surrounding details (for example, wallpaper on the adjacent wall) look harmonious . Rectangular and square cabinets are the lot of classic or minimalist interiors, but at the same time they are very easy to use and maintain. But the filling of cabinets in the form of houses, trapeziums, arches will have to be carefully considered so that unused space does not disappear inside.
The depth of the wall cabinet is also of considerable importance: the smaller the room and if the bed is placed close to the wall with the headboard, the smaller the depth should be. Otherwise, the sleeper will have a pressing sensation.
How to hang it
To prevent the structure from collapsing at the most inopportune moment, the cabinets should be hung on a reinforced wall, preferably concrete or brick. If the load is small, and the cabinets themselves are not too massive, then a partition made of gypsum blocks can also withstand, but for this you should resort to reinforced installation. But no heavy elements can be hung on a drywall partition.
Take care of the quality rough finish of the wall - it should not have pits or bumps.
The safest way to mount wall cabinets is to use a special rail on which each individual cabinet is already hung. It is this system that is used for wall cabinets in the kitchen.
The advantage of using a rail is that the entire structure can be adjusted with screws.
The second, easier method is fastening with a rail 6-10 cm wide. The rail is drilled through the back of the cabinet. Nevertheless, installation is still carried out on dowels and self-tapping screws - the main thing here is to calculate their length and diameter (for a hole from 6 to 8 mm).
Please note:
- niches in side cabinets can be used instead of bedside tables;
- the niche installed behind the head of the bed also complements the storage system, and thus the bed is slightly moved away from the wall;
- , the lighting installed under the cabinets themselves will not only increase the illumination above the bed, but also allow you to change the lighting design of the room as a whole.
Moreover, the backlight can be implemented in different ways: either with the help of built-in lamps in the bottom of the cabinets, or you can mount an LED strip around the perimeter of the formed niche.
Despite the apparent negative aspects of wall cabinets, such a storage system will help save space, which is especially important for a small bedroom. And the appearance of the structure, if it is chosen correctly, will bring something new to the interior.
Bedroom interiors with wall cabinets: idea photo
Before deciding whether such structures are needed above the sleeper's head, it is better to see how they look in finished interiors. After all, it is better to see it once to understand whether you like such a decision or not. Please note: wardrobes can be part of a wardrobe system located on the sides of the bed, or they can be a separate structure that clearly stands out from the rest of the furniture.
If it is decided to use open shelves in such a system (or combine them with closed cabinets), then it is the objects placed on them that become the main decoration (decorated storage boxes, vases, figurines, photographs and souvenirs).