Feng shui small bedroom

9 Feng Shui Small-Bedroom Ideas to Maximize Space

Fantastic Frank

Even the smallest of spaces can be organized in such a way that brings a sense of calm and relaxation with the help of feng shui. The ancient Chinese practice is all about striking the perfect balance between the five elements of nature: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. According to Nicole Seidlitz, founder of Tree of Life Feng Shui and instructor at the International Feng Shui School, "The goal when applying feng shui is to ensure a space is supportive and nurturing to its inhabitants."

One room in your home that should certainly feel supportive and nurturing is the bedroom. "Bedrooms are spaces for rest, relaxation, and romance," explains Seidlitz. Using the principles of feng shui, you can turn a pint-sized room into a sanctuary that feels far more expansive than the square footage might read.

In other words, "The things we have in our home, the number of them, and the way we place them is directly linked to the experiences, emotions, and situations we are living," she says. It's the same reason things tend to get cluttered when you feel stressed and why cleaning has the ability to make you feel calm and in control. If you're looking to apply the principles of this ancient practice to your home for a soothing space that feels expansive, take note of Seidlitz's nine feng shui small bedroom ideas.

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Sarah Sherman Samuel

"Crystals can be very soothing and relaxing," Seidlitz explains. Although she notes that these stones can affect people in different ways, so you'll want to find ones that feel best for you. A good place to start is with rose quartz, a crystal known for its healing, relaxing qualities. "I have yet to find someone who is not soothed by this crystal," she says.

If crystals aren't for you, opt for a salt lamp or an essential oil diffuser. Salt lamps are thought to promote sleep and cleanse the air by reducing electromagnetic frequencies, according to Seidlitz, and essential oils like chamomile and lavender can help soothe you to sleep.

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Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design

Light is vital for both making a small space feel larger and for balancing the feng shui of a room. "Ideally you want to have natural light in the morning to awaken your body naturally and, conversely, have less light at night to signal your body it's time to wind down," Seidlitz says. If your small bedroom doesn't allow for much natural light to shine through, you can always strategically place a mirror to enhance any small amount of light that does peak through or opt for full-spectrum light bulbs that mimic natural light.

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Kate Osborne DESIGN: Studio McGee

Seidlitz recommends placing furniture and décor in pairs when practicing feng shui in a small bedroom. Think two nightstands, two table lamps, and two bedside crystals when selecting and placing pieces. This will create a feeling of symmetry and balance.

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Monica Wang

"Art in bedrooms should reflect the ultimate goal of the room," says Seidlitz. For example, if you're looking for love, perhaps hang a painting or a print that evokes the feelings you want to experience. If you already share a room with a significant other, consider displaying photos of special moments that the two of you have shared together. As with other elements of décor, you'll want to hang art in pairs.

In order to make the room feel the most expansive, pieces should be hung at eye level and shouldn't overpower the space. "Less on the walls is better as it will give the room a feeling of being larger," she says.

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Fantastic Frank

Lighter colors work to make a space feel larger and to create a more soothing, relaxing atmosphere. Try off-white tones or pastels if you can't go without a bit of color. While the paint may be muted, Seidlitz suggests adding pops of color through your artwork and décor.

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Pella Hedeby

"In order for a room to be conducive to rest and relaxation, the most important thing is the placement of the bed," explains Seidlitz. She recommends placing the bed against a solid wall as opposed to beneath a window. Additionally, you should have a full view of the door from your bed (just be sure not to put the bed directly in the door's path). If possible, leave plenty of space in front of the bed.

07 of 09

Sarah Sherman Samuel

Search for small pieces of furniture that you truly need in order to make the most of a small space and keep the positive energy flowing. All you really need is a bed, nightstands, and a dresser if you don't have enough closet space. This will keep any small bedroom looking and feeling as large as possible (plus, it will be easier to keep tidy with fewer places to stash clutter).

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Becky Kimball DESIGN: Studio McGee

Not only can mirrors reflect natural light they can also make a space feel much larger than it actually is. The only rule Seidlitz has for bringing mirrors into the bedroom is making sure they're placed in such a way that you can't see your reflection when lying in bed. "From a feng shui perspective, a reflection of yourself when sleeping causes restlessness in the body and is not conducive to a good night's sleep," she says.

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Pella Hedeby

"Keeping the room tidy and organized is crucial when wanting to promote good energy," according to Seidlitz. "Accumulation of things, especially unused things, makes it hard for the body to relax and rest properly, not to mention the reduction of space in an already small room." That means finding a place for all of your clothes, books, and knick-knacks, doing your best to keep technology out of the bedroom, and only keeping items you really love.

I'm a Feng Shui Expert—Here's How to Optimize Your Bedroom

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  1. Srivastava JK, Shankar E, Gupta S. Chamomile: A Herbal Medicine of the Past with a Bright Future. Mol Med Report. 2010;3(6):895-901. doi:10.3892/mmr.2010.377

The Best Feng Shui Bed Placements in a Small Room


Anjie Cho

Anjie Cho

Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. She co-founded the Mindful Design Feng Shui School and wrote "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home."

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Published on 01/06/22

Thanos Pal / Unsplash

Feng shui is a philosophy that comes from ancient China. It looks at how one can organize their living spaces, in order, to invite the most prosperity and ease into their life. 

In feng shui, one of the most important areas in your home is your bedroom, and the most important piece of furniture is, arguably, the bed. This is because you generally spend more time in your bedroom than any other part of your home. When you are in bed, that time is often spent sleeping and resting. These states are essential for your body’s healing, so it makes a difference to have the feng shui of your bedroom set up in a way that supports deep, restful sleep. 

A question that comes up a lot is how to work with a small space, and how to place a bed in a small bedroom. This is a great question because living in a small space can certainly pose some challenges when it comes to feng shui. 

First, we would encourage you to have some compassion for yourself if you feel like you have less space than you wish. Do the best you can with what you have. Not everything needs to be perfect feng shui. In fact, there is no such thing as perfect feng shui. Even if you only have a small bedroomor a small bed, it’s important for all of us to be grateful and appreciative of the gifts that we do have in this life. Life is not perfect either, and there is beauty to be found in its imperfections.  

Feng shui is also not static. In feng shui, we recognize that things are always shifting and changing. We look at how to keep energy flowing through your space in a balanced and supportive way. You can acknowledge the space limitations you may have in your life at the moment, and be grateful for what you have. As long as your intention is to do your best with your current circumstances, it doesn’t matter if you can’t achieve all the things that we’ve suggested below. 

SANDRA REI / Unsplash

First, recognize that your small room is what it is. You might not be able to accomplish all of our suggestions for the best feng shui bed placement, and that’s okay. Do what you can in the space that you have. 

Here are some things you can keep in mind as you’re considering the best feng shui location for your bed in a small room: 

The Commanding Position

First, do your best to set up the bed in the commanding position. This means that you are able to see the door from your bed while you are sitting or lying in bed. When you can see the door to your bedroom, this allows you to have a better sense of anything that might be approaching, so that you can feel more at ease, even if it’s just on the subconscious level. The commanding position is a great place to start, especially if you have any trouble sleeping or if you tend to experience any anxiety. If you can’t set up your bed in this position, you can correct it with a mirror. Place the mirror in a position that allows you to see a reflection of your bedroom door while you are lying in bed. 

Another aspect of the commanding position is placing the bed so that it is not directly aligned with your bedroom door. If any part of your bed is directly in line with the door, or if your feet are pointing towards the door, it’s best to move the bed if you can. This can sometimes be hard to achieve in a small bedroom, however, and you can correct this position with a feng shui crystal ball if you’re not able to move your bed. To do this, hang the crystal ball halfway between the door and the bed.  

The Bed

Ideally, you want to have a bed that is full sized or larger. For an adult’s room, it’s best to avoid a twin bed, if possible, unless you are single and would like to remain single. For example, a twin bed might be a good fit for you right now if you are focusing on cultivating yourself instead of finding a partner. If you are in a partnership or if you would like to be, do your best to get a bed that can accommodate another person. 

It’s also best to set up your bed with a headboard that’s firmly and solidly placed against a secure wall. If possible, leave some space on each side of the bed and at the foot of the bed. If you can’t do this, do the best you can with what you have. There isn’t really a feng shui adjustment for a side or foot of the bed against the wall, so you will just have to see how your bed fits in the room. Remember that it is okay if you aren’t able to follow all of our suggestions in your current space. 

Under the Bed

If you can, try not to store anything under your bed. If you live in a home with limited storage space and you do need to utilize the area under your bed, do your best to stick to sleep-related items, like soft blankets, pillows, towels, and extra bed linens. Be sure to avoid storing anything especially active or emotionally charged here, like exercise equipment or old letters from your ex. It’s also a good idea to make sure that nothing heavy is hanging above your bed. 

Again, we encourage you to do the best you can, rather than aiming for perfection. Life is not perfect, and your bedroom doesn’t need to have perfect feng shui. Even if you have a limited amount of space, remember to be grateful for what you have. 

Feng Shui for the bedroom

Literally translated "feng shui" means "wind and water". This is a Chinese teaching that helps to direct and balance the effect of the mysterious forces of nature on human health.

The teaching of Feng Shui originated in Ancient China about 3000 years ago, it continues to develop and improve. The basis of Feng Shui is the doctrine of vital energy (qi), characteristic of all living and non-living things on earth. Feng Shui is also used to create an interior: with its help, you can determine the direction of qi flows and, as a result, correctly place objects in the living space so that a person lives easily and comfortably.

Old books, magazines, newspapers should not be stored in the bedroom, their energy does not contribute to good sleep. The bedroom is a place where a person spends almost a third of his life, so you should carefully consider the choice of the room itself and the creation of the environment. It is not very good if the room is located opposite the bathroom or the front door - the owners may experience inexplicable anxiety.

Bedroom and cardinal points

Each direction has its advantages and disadvantages, let's dwell on them in more detail.

If your bedroom is located to the north, this is a great place for meditation, deep sleep and relaxation. But this direction does not have a very beneficial effect on lonely people: they can feel detached from the world. The northeast is not very favorable, because it worsens sleep, which means you will feel tired. Northwest is a good direction for people who prefer stability in everything.

The East is an ideal choice for a young family, the creative energy promotes development, growth and learning. Creative and business people will feel comfortable in the southeast. The western zone is recommended for romantics, for whom business and work fade into the background, the same can be said about the southern bedroom, but it will be problematic to sleep and relax in it. The southwest is considered the most unfavorable direction, here the energy is most unbalanced, therefore, a person’s subconscious mind can be haunted by a feeling of anxiety.

Bedroom color selection

Everyone who equips their own bedroom knows that the choice of color is a very important issue. The abundance of red or black shades increases the level of anxiety and clearly does not contribute to relaxation. In general, a feng shui bedroom should be done in pastel colors with bright accents. Beige, cream, light green, lavender, pale blue shades have positive energy, create a feeling of freedom and space.

It is believed that two energies should be harmoniously combined in the bedroom: yin and yang. Yin is female energy, it is characterized by calm lighting, soft colors, smooth shapes. If you feel that you are not getting enough sleep in a bedroom that is classical in all respects, then it is worth shifting the emphasis towards yang. Add shades of burgundy, dark red, dark green or blue to the interior, pick up matte shades or lampshades, bedspreads with a bright pattern.

In any bedroom there are zones: love, relaxation area, storage area. The most important is the love zone, it can be decorated with paired objects: red or orange candles, angels, figurines. Dreamcatchers are also often used - they should be hung at the head of the bed. Areas should not be cluttered, so all things should be securely hidden in a closet, and not lie in a messy pile in plain sight.

Feng Shui bedroom furniture

The heart of the bedroom is, of course, the bed, the perfect Feng Shui bed with a double mattress and a wide headboard. Each shape of the headboard has its own meaning: a triangular back accompanies love life, an oval or round one will bring prosperity to the family, a rectangular one guarantees marital fidelity. A wave-shaped headboard is suitable for experienced couples, it gives peace and tranquility, but an arched arch is not the best choice for a bed, it is a symbol of the "dead dream". There must be one mattress on the bed, since the symbolic separation of spouses into 2 mattresses may eventually become real. It is also not recommended to sleep on two beds pushed together.

The bed should not be round, and you should not give preference to synthetic water mattresses - an unstable bed does not accompany a good rest. The bed should not have its feet facing the doorway, but it can be positioned so that when you lie on it, you can see the bedroom door. You should not place a bed under the ceiling beams, which are not decorated with anything - the spouses may have health problems and troubles in their personal lives.

Large windows are welcome in the bedroom, but direct sunlight should not fall on the bed, so take care of thick fabric curtains. Near the beds, you can place small bedside tables or tables, but in storage boxes it is better to keep only bed linen. You should not put a bed in the middle of the room, this is a sign of instability and promises trouble. Do not sleep under a large lamp that "cuts" the bed in two, negative energy can also affect a sleeping couple.

Separate conversation - bed linen. It should not be blue or black, red - only for exceptional cases. Cars, predatory animals, bright acid paintings are also not the best choice, as they provoke hidden anxiety.

Feng Shui bedroom mirrors

Since ancient times, the mirror has been considered a powerful energy storage, so when considering the design of the bedroom, place this piece of furniture with care. You should not hang a mirror at the foot of the bed, otherwise a person may wake up to see his own reflection and mistake it for a ghost. It is also believed that a mirror located at the feet of a couple can lead to a deterioration in relationships.

You should not hang a mirror in front of the door to the room, as it will reflect all the energy, which means that favorable qi will not linger in your bedroom. A mirror can be helpful if your bed is positioned so that you can't see the front door. Then you can just look at the wall and see the incoming person without turning your head.

General Feng Shui Guidelines

Do's and don'ts?

The bedroom is a very personal and intimate room, where a person should feel cozy and comfortable. In the HomeMe.ru catalog you can choose high-quality furniture for your bedroom. In a dream, we are vulnerable, so this Feng Shui room should protect us, give strength and positive energy, so choose the right bedroom design!

furniture arrangement rules, photos, colors

Feng Shui rules

From the point of view of ancient science, Sheng Qi energy flows constantly circulate in space. Nothing should interfere with these currents, since negative Sha energy accumulates in places of stagnation, affecting well-being, family relationships and financial well-being. The task of feng shui is to direct positive energy in the right direction with the help of competent organization of the surrounding space

Let's look at a few basic points that will help you better understand the ancient Chinese philosophy:

Choice of color

The color scheme in the bedroom according to Feng Shui is chosen taking into account the taste and well-being of its owner. A person who does not have problems with sleep is better to give preference to warm light colors: beige, creamy, pink. The main design of the bedroom - the color of the wallpaper or paint - should remain neutral. In minimal quantities, bright accents of Yang energy are also acceptable: yellow, orange and saturated green. It can be pillows, carpet and bedding.

If a couple needs to bring back romance and passion, Feng Shui experts recommend using red or burgundy bedspreads and curtains.

The photo shows a bedroom in pastel colors for a person who is not prone to insomnia and wakes up fresh and rested.

The color of a Feng Shui bedroom affects people in different ways. Those who sleep restlessly, often wake up and see emotional dreams, are advised to keep the interior in cold tones of Yin energy: gray-violet, lilac, dark green. We also allow blue and even black - it is believed that it absorbs bad luck and protects the house, but a dark interior is not suitable for anxious and melancholic people.

For those who wish to improve their health, Feng Shui masters advise decorating the bedroom in shades of metal - white, gray, golden.

Furniture Arrangement

The bed takes center stage in any bedroom:

Furniture (bed, chest of drawers, dressing table) should preferably have as few sharp corners as possible. Adherents of Feng Shui place bedside tables on both sides of the bed, because according to the tradition of the ancient teachings, twins attract good luck. In modern interiors, there are many bedrooms decorated according to the principle of symmetry.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated according to the rules of Feng Shui: a flat ceiling, rounded corners, neutral colors.

Large cabinets and shelving are not recommended in small rooms. It is not necessary to have a spacious room to equip the bedroom according to Feng Shui: it is enough to reduce the number of items and furniture. Thus, more space will appear in the room, which means its energy will improve.

According to Feng Shui, you should not put a large aquarium in the bedroom - the activation of the Water element can manifest itself too strongly. The proximity to the aquarium has a negative effect on sleep and well-being: filter noise, the constant movement of fish and bubbles do not contribute to relaxation and sound sleep. But in the end, the owner of the bedroom decides everything - for some people, a compact indoor aquarium has a calming effect.

Also, Feng Shui does not recommend installing a fireplace in the bedroom. The symbol of Fire is well manifested in the living room, but is not always appropriate in a quiet rest area.

The photo shows a room in warm colors. Despite the presence of a workplace, the interior looks airy and light: natural shades, unobtrusive forms and a minimum of furniture make the bedroom cozy and calm.

Location of the bedroom on the cardinal points

When building a house or choosing an apartment, Feng Shui experts advise paying attention to the cardinal points, but the bedroom energy should be calculated individually for each individual.

It is believed that the location of the bedroom in the north adjusts to deep reflection and sound sleep, but if the owner of the room lives alone, the feeling of loneliness in the northern room can become aggravated. If the bedroom is located in the northeast, active Qi energy can lead to sleep disturbance or insomnia. The Northwest is suitable for stable and self-confident people, as well as spouses who have been married for many years. The East promotes entrepreneurship, creativity and helps build a career.

The southeast bedroom gives energy to creative people who want to increase their knowledge. The south is suitable for passionate natures, as well as young lovers who want to strengthen their relationship. The energy on the west side is good for those who are looking for pleasure in life, so it is better not to choose this sector for climbing the career ladder. A room located in the southwest is unfavorable for many people: it deprives of health and contributes to anxiety.

The photo shows a Feng Shui bedroom in the northwestern sector for a respectable couple.

Planning features

It is best to place the bedroom at the far end of the apartment - the room adjacent to the front door is affected by negative energy. If possible, it is worth arranging a place to relax away from the bathroom and kitchen - then extraneous sounds will not disturb you during sleep.

Ideally, if the shape of the room is square or rectangular. If the room has an irregular shape, it is worth smoothing the corners with furniture or curtains.

Unused space (alcoves, long narrow passages) do not create positive energy. In addition, a walk-through room with two doors is not suitable for a Feng Shui bedroom - this arrangement contributes to frequent conflicts. But when the apartment owners do not have the opportunity to freely choose a place to sleep, this issue is easily resolved without redevelopment: you just need to drape the passage with a cloth.

The photo shows a spacious bedroom in a country house, located on the second floor and decorated according to Feng Shui. Panoramic windows are decorated with blackout curtains, which smooth out the influence of negative energy at night.

In one-room apartments, it is desirable to separate the living area from the sleeping area using a screen or light partitions, but Feng Shui does not welcome massive closets in the middle of the room.

Ideally, if the ceiling is even and does not have bulky structures - according to feng shui experts, beams in the attic and multi-level structures prevent energy from circulating freely, which leads to financial problems. If there is no way to solve this problem radically, you can protect the bed with a canopy. Soft matter will smooth out the negative impact of sharp corners.

How to decorate a bedroom: decor and lighting?

Feng Shui affects not only the layout and color scheme of the bedroom: it is believed that various accessories also affect the energy of the room.

One of the main decorative elements around which there is a lot of controversy is the mirror. Many feng shui experts believe that this item is inappropriate in a relaxation room, as it increases the amount of light, which means it reflects and activates energy. But for most people, a full-length mirror in the bedroom is a necessary element. If you can’t refuse it, you should choose a round-shaped product without corners. It is believed that it is unacceptable to place a mirror opposite the bed or on the ceiling: sleeping people should not be reflected in it, so as not to lose their vitality at night.

There is no place in the bedroom for a TV or a computer. It is best if, upon awakening, a person sees a beautiful picture hanging on the wall: flowers, landscapes without rivers and lakes (as we have already mentioned, the proximity to the water element in the bedroom can be dangerous). Images should carry only positive emotions, so it is better to refuse pictures with natural disasters, an erupting volcano or lightning. Also, Feng Shui does not recommend using photographs of deceased relatives as decoration.

The photo shows a bedroom with a large mirror that does not reflect the sleepers. Its frame is decorated with rounded elements that soften the shape of the product. The bed is close to the window, but has a high headboard to make the person feel safe.

The feng shui bedroom is a place where it is forbidden to use decor related to the animal world: deer antlers, feathers and skins will look better in the living room. Clocks are also not welcome in the bedroom: despite the fact that this item is highly respected by Feng Shui masters, they do not recommend placing a voluminous mechanical clock in the sleeping room. The maximum is a compact alarm clock that can be hidden. But in the children's bedroom, a watch with a large dial is quite appropriate - with their help, children learn to carefully manage time.

House plants also influence the interior according to Feng Shui. It is believed that the rest room should not be overloaded with flowers: two or three flowerpots or planters are enough. Experts believe that each plant carries its own energy. For example, dracaena and ficus symbolize prosperity, which means they bring a stable cash flow. Violet is responsible for love, so they put it in the bedroom to strengthen the romantic relationship between the spouses, as well as to improve their personal lives. Feng Shui does not favor artificial flowers, herbarium and flower arrangements, as "dead" plants bring negativity into the house.

We should also talk about lighting. Natural light is considered the best option, but if there is little sun in the room, you can use lamps. It is worth buying simple chandeliers and sconces with rounded shades. It is also necessary to take into account the color temperature: lamps with a value of up to 3500 Kelvin give a warm, cozy light, but feng shui does not welcome bright LEDs in the house. In addition, dust and insects should not be allowed inside the lamps: they carry bad energy.

The photo shows a bedroom for a young woman. Two twin lamps with warm light stand on both sides of the bed. The upholstered headboard is located close to the wall and gives a sense of security.

Arrangement of the bedroom according to the precepts of ancient Chinese teachings is in many ways similar to the principles of ergonomics and safety. Many recommendations take into account human psychology, which means they are not devoid of common sense. In addition, rearranging and updating the interior, as well as keeping the house clean has a beneficial effect on a person, and whether to follow the rules of Feng Shui or not is a purely individual choice.

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