Sloping garden path ideas

15 ways to create a beautiful walkway |

(Image credit: Annaick Guitteny)

Garden path ideas provide practical access to areas of your backyard, while also offering design aesthetics to complement your home and style. 

There are many ways to create these defined ribbons and links around your garden as part of your garden ideas, whether they are to offer scenic rambles through plantings or essential access ways to productive or functional areas. 

Garden path ideas are a great way to define and separate areas of your garden and encourage visits to the furthest corners. Consider the purpose of the path, the surfaces you prefer and which are good for the environment, the shapes  that would suit your garden design – whether curved or straight – and that will work in harmony with the landscape. 

The right garden path idea can make all the difference to how to eye perceives a narrow garden, and there are many different layouts and styles to choose, whether it is a path to your front door as a front garden idea, or a more subtle walkway meandering through a profusion of blooms in a wildlife garden.

Look to the colors already in your garden and the architecture of your house to guide your tones of hard landscaping materials and plant palette choices – whether complementing or contrasting. 

Garden path ideas – how to create a walkaway

(Image credit: Future / Paul Raeside)

'Garden paths are intrinsic to the navigation through a space, essentially falling into one of two camps: the pragmatic and the whimsical,' explains garden designer Nic Howard of We Love Plants  

'From a functional artery that takes you straight to the front door, to a fanciful meander along a mown path through a meadow, we all have them. Paths are tangible routes that navigate our outdoor space, offering a durable surface in wet weather or perhaps a soft grassy route that you venture barefoot on warm summer afternoons,' Nic adds. 

Decide where you want your path to go – directly to the shed, compost heap or bench, or a scenic stroll through the garden? Or will it be a focal point itself? Adding yard art ideas at the end of a walkway can help to elevate it to a more than a path.

'Whether for purpose or pleasure, paths are a crucial part in the effective design of any garden,' says Nic.

Plan well, as the placement of the path will determine how everything is seen and enjoyed. Consider changing the surface to signal you’re entering a new area, or that you should stop and enjoy a view, or follow a new direction.

Test your garden layout by marking out a temporary path. When you’ve got a route mapped out, then pick your materials.

1. Adorn a garden path with a shading pergola

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Adorn your garden path ideas with pergola ideas clothed in scented climbing plants, fragrant roses or trailing plants in hanging baskets to add an extra sensory experience as you stroll its length, making journeying to another part of the garden a magical experience. 

You can buy timber tunnel pergolas, use a series of ready-made arches in classic round, ogee or gothic shapes, showcase your DIY skills, or have your tunnel path bespoke built to suit your vision.  

The structure will also add interest to the vertical plain as a vertical garden idea, framing a perspective, and could be punctuated with large planters or have destinations along its length, such as charming seating areas. You could also add outdoor lighting for an illuminated route.

2. Draw the eye down a path with a focal point

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Drawing the eye along garden path ideas or allées is a key principle in garden design. Do you want your path to lead to a destination point, such as an arbour to sit under, or just be a visual trick leading to a striking piece of sculpture? The design of garden paths offers an opportunity to get creative. 

Repeating plants along the path, whether a row pollarded trees for a grand statement, or the charm and scent of growing lavender mounds, is a proven technique that works well in all sized gardens. 

This design above features layers to form a living picture, with a neat row of lilyturf, Ophiopogon, a silver band of irresistibly soft lamb’s ear, stachys, clipped evergreen shrubs, buxus mounds, a seasonal surprise of pretty irises and framed by a hedge of hydrangeas.

3. Create a woodland walkway

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Bark and wood chippings are a natural fit with the dappled shade of woodland garden areas, while also protecting from erosion, mulching and suppressing weeds. 

Look for sources that haven’t used pesticides, as these can affect surrounding woodland plant growth and animal health. It’s advisable to top up the bark or wood chippings as needed, as it will naturally break down over time. As well as buying the products, you can use chippings or shredding from your own garden pruning, and felling of large branches and trunks. 

The RHS recommends chippings from broadleaf and conifers, as they offer an excellent protective layer, decomposing slowly, making them longer-lived, which will reduce the need to re-apply, while absorbing moisture and releasing it back slowly for a sustainable garden idea.

Ideally, the width of the path should fit two people side by side. For a ‘hide and reveal’ route through the garden, design a meandering S-curve. Restrain edges to keep the chippings in place and present the sides from crumbling.

4. Embrace the beauty of natural stone

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Get creative with the design of your garden path ideas. In the image above, angled stone slabs are placed to curve sinuously, setting off the planting, which includes loose mounds of pittosporum, burgundy foliage of heucheras and splashes of bright orange erysimum. As landscaping ideas with rocks, interest is also created by large rock sculptural sentinels and stacked smaller pieces at the entrance to the path. 

Stone has a lovely weathered character for garden landscaping ideas, and a great source is a reclamation yard, where you can choose your pieces that have character and color to suit your scheme. Natural stone is durable, and can be re-used and recycled. Always aim for local or sustainable choices from reputable suppliers. 

'For a traditional property, natural stone materials are a great choice; you can opt for a stone that has been quarried within the country for a more sustainable garden. Natural stone is timeless and classically beautiful, with each surface unique,' says Johanna Elvidge, head of domestic design at Marshalls .

5. Include permeable surfaces

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Permeable surfaces in garden path ideas are important to help manage water and reduce flooding as they allow water to pass through. This idea above combines gravel between stone pieces to improve drainage, along with the addition of channel drains, in an appealing durable mix that also gives character to the path. Using offcuts and pieces that may otherwise be disposed of is economical and environmentally positive. The materials are spread through the landscaping giving a more varied undefined shape to the design, offsetting the planting of resilient and drought tolerant planting choices, such as ornamental grasses, echinacea and achillea. 

'When choosing natural materials, I opt for recycled if possible, and as well as beauty and utility, I always factor in provenance, because this has the greatest impact on the planet. By buying local we reduce fuel usage and carbon footprint, especially for heavier materials. By using ethically certified materials we help keep the supply chain safe, especially in the quarries, so that the beauty is more than surface deep,' explains landscape architect Marian Boswall .

6. Soften the edges of paths with planting

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

What you plant along your path offers lots of possibilities. Whether massed ribbons of lavender for a formal look, or a naturalistic planting design, it increases the sensory experience of your journey. 

'Plants that are suitable for edging garden path ideas vary in size and shape depending on whether the path is in full sunlight or you will require shade plants for darker areas. Most that are suitable are usually mound or clump forming, sometimes evergreen but not always,' explains Rosy Hardy of Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants. 

'They can have aromatic foliage for a sensory garden idea, and occasional flowering seasons. Fringing plants need to have a tough constitution as they are often walked on or brushed past, so are not always the showiest, grown instead for their foliage shape and robustness. They are planted to soften the harsh lines of pathways. Suitable plants include geraniums, nepeta, teucrium, artemesia, alchemilla, campanula and ajuga,' Rosy adds.

7. Create a garden path on a slope

(Image credit: Future / Mel Yates)

Creating a garden path on a sloping garden is no easy feat, but it can be hugely rewarding if done so successfully. The first thing to consider is what materials you should use, and the possible pitfalls that come with a garden that is not level. 

According to Landscape Designer and Writer Mark Lane: 'This is purely down to personal choice, but consider hard standing such as a riven paving or a slab with a rough finish or gravel for level pathways. 

Being a slope, there will be more rainwater run-off, so provide adequate slip-resistance underfoot. Of course, borders filled with glorious plants will soak up the majority of the water, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.'

Here, steps have been positioned at alternate ends of each terrace to create a defined pathway through the sloping garden. 

8. Introduce a garden path that enhances your space

(Image credit: Future / Allan Pollok-Morris)

A path should help create atmosphere and be ‘in tune’ with the character of the surroundings.

A softly winding garden path leads the eye through the garden, encouraging it to linger on areas of lovely planting in flower bed ideas, or drawing it forward in straight stretches. 

Well-designed paths are attractive features as well as serving a practical purpose, seamlessly linking different areas of the garden. 

9. Build a permanent pathway with pavers 

(Image credit: Future / Annaick Guitteny)

Although paths can be temporary – such as a walkway through a meadow cut with a mower – a permanent one will add to the structural backbone of your plot. It can also be a highly ornamental feature in its own right, depending on the originality of the design and the materials you choose. 

A functional path built with pavers will take a lot of wear, so it must be level, safe, durable and easily maintained. Think about garden edging for a seamless finish and surrounding planting that will complement the choice of materials.

Traditional pavers are handmade in clay and come in reds and browns that mellow beautifully. Relatively easy to lay, pavers are very forgiving and can be finished by brushing sand into the joints if you want ground-hugging plants to take hold. 

10. Add a drought tolerant gravel pathway

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Gravel garden path ideas work particularly well in country gardens or as a coastal garden idea, and are economical and easy to construct. You can create many different shapes, whether straight or curvy, with neatly defined edges visible, or plants gently spilling over hiding the boundary that contains it.  

Whether you are creating a gravel garden, or a single path, a compact base is essential. This could be the soil if it is hard clay, or otherwise, if the sub-soil is soft, a tamped down stone pack or hardcore, and a lining of landscape permeable membrane will help keep down weeds. Gravel and hoggin – a mix of gravel, sand and clay that binds yet allows water to drain – is ideal if you're planning a dry garden, which could become more necessary with climate change.  

In the curving design above by designer Tom Stuart-Smith , a low maintenance Yorkshire Gold Selfbinda path, known as self-binding or self-compacting gravel, was used for a climate-resilient meadow and Mediterranean plant palette. Most of these self-binding gravels tend to be quarried locally, which is another plus for sustainable garden ideas.

Invest in a gravel in a size that won’t easily stick in the soles of shoes and get ‘walked’ into the house. Gravel can also be used to soften hard-paved edges and to unify unrelated areas in the garden.

11. Make a narrow garden seem wider

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

There are no set rules that prevent the use of sinuous paths in a small garden. A short, gently curved path is certainly more interesting that a completely straight one, and a path that zigzags from side to side will make a space seem larger. 

This trick is useful for as a narrow garden idea to make a long, narrow backyard seems wider. And a path which gradually becomes narrower will give the illusion that the garden is longer than it really is. 

In this design by Robert Myers a journey is more enticing than with a straight path, by zigzagging past lovely greenery and seasonal flowers. Narrow dark toned brick pavers interlock neatly and the path is lit with lanterns as you slowly unwind from the day and admire the array of soft green tones from ferns and grasses with seasonal color from echinacea and asters. 

Clay pavers come in a range of colors and sizes. Made of clay, sand and water with no discharge of water, they are another sustainable choice for your garden, while the finished product is frost and stain resistant as well as very hardwearing.

12. Use imaginative edging along your path

(Image credit: Future / Mark Bolton )

Garden edging ideas act as a frame to any material and are essential where gravel meets a lawn, or where stones meet flower beds.   

Linear paths benefit from the definition of a hard edging in engineering or stock bricks, wattle fencing, tiles, pavers or granite setts. 

Informal, winding gravel or bark paths can be left to naturally merge into planting or edged with birch poles or other branches laid either side. Large stones or rocks strategically placed offer the same effect – but not near grass – as cutting would be tricky.   

If edging with timber, treat with a plant safe preservative and fix with wooden pegs inserted every 1.2m (4ft). Curves can be made by cutting half way through the inside of the planks, then gently coaxing into shape. 

13. Opt for a durable brick pathway

(Image credit: Future / Polly Eltes)

Bricks form durable paths, especially when laid in traditional herringbone, basket weave or stretcher band patterns, and come in red, grey or brown tones.   

A herringbone brick path that runs between beautiful borders is an attractive detail, and is very adaptable, being easily scaled up or down to suit the size of the garden.   

When calculating a path’s width, allow space for edging plants – a flowering lavender hedge of compact cultivars flopping over the path will be wonderful to sashay through on a summer’s day.   

14. Perk up a patio or path

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Hard landscaping can easily look dull, but there are ways to bring it to life. You can transform existing pedestrian grey paving by replacing a few slabs with a square of lawn turf or herbs, such as thyme or camomile, creating an attractive chessboard effect.   

If you're laying a path choose sustainable stone in a style that suits your outdoor space. Herringbone brick gives the feel of a cottage garden, while travertine paving injects a modern air. Pea gravel looks good anywhere, plus it deters burglars.  Mix up materials for more interest, such as above, where more contemporary smooth slabs are mixed with varied areas of gravel


Lay down a grass path

(Image credit: Future / Annaick Guitteny)

A mown grass path is simply beautiful intersecting through a wildflower meadow; it feels spontaneous and allows you to be immersed in the abundant life of a wild space, exploring from within. This is not a choice for heavy traffic areas; rather it’s more a fair-weather journey. As a small garden idea, you can an area of lawn grow long and mow a walkway through it. Your path or paths could be straight, meandering organically, or spiralling through the landscape. A grass path is inexpensive and easy to maintain with the mower, and you can include lawn edging ideas if you want a neater finish.

A simple lawn walkway is not only easy to do, you can also personalize it by making it as twisty as you like. If you don't already have an area of lawn, then find out how to plant grass seed and you can soon have a beautiful green walkway.

Be kind to your lawn mower by creating your path while the grass is dry and low –and ensure you know how often you mow a lawn for a neat and tidy garden path.  

(Image credit: Future / Alan Polluk-Morris)

What is the best material for a garden path? 

The best material for your garden path is highly dependant on the shape, size, look and function of your garden. 

Paths can be short or long, wide or narrow, straight or curvaceous. Slate chipping, gravel and wood chips are often used as loose surface materials, while slabs, tiles, bricks, setts, pavers, decking boards and natural stone provide a solid, smooth surface on which to walk. 

(Image credit: Future / Annaick Guitteny)

How do you build a garden path on a slope?

While it may not be easy to build a garden path on a slope, it is most certainly doable. 

No garden is completely flat, unless a digger has been in and levelled the site, and, many gardens, are on a slope which when viewed at initially can be a little daunting.

To create a pathway on a slope, TV gardening presenter, landscape designer and writer, Mark Lane suggests that: 'You position steps at alternate ends of each terrace to create a defined route or pathway through the garden. This will add interest and tease you on to the next level.'

How do I make my garden path better?

To make your garden path better, begin by taking a good look at the path. Is it functional and attractive? Clearing, cleaning, weeding, editing or adding plants will improve both the design and practicalities. If a gravel or mulched path, it may need topping up, a stone path may need some stones replacing and adding a decorative edging can uplift a design.

How do I make a simple garden path?

Stepping-stones are among the easiest and fastest way to build a path. Using less stone makes them economical as well, and you could use other materials such as concrete blocks, pavers, wood offcuts, or even make your own mosaics. On a lawn, cut out sod and fit in the steps. To make levelling easier, form a sand base. 

Jennifer is the Digital Editor at Homes & Gardens. Having worked in the interiors industry for a number of years, spanning many publications, she now hones her digital prowess on the 'best interiors website' in the world. Multi-skilled, Jennifer has worked in PR and marketing, and the occasional dabble in the social media, commercial and e-commerce space. Over the years, she has written about every area of the home, from compiling design houses from some of the best interior designers in the world to sourcing celebrity homes, reviewing appliances and even the odd news story or two.

With contributions from

Affordable Walkway and Garden Path Ideas

Our favorite walkway ideas for your landscape: Paths you can build in a weekend without breaking the bank or your back.

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Family HandymanFamily Handyman

Affordable Garden Path Ideas

Instead of an expensive, labor-intensive formal path, save money and time with one of these casual garden paths. These walkway ideas will blend in better and will look like they’ve been in your garden forever.

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Required Tools for these Walkway Ideas

Have the necessary tools for this DIY project lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration.

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Informal Garden Paths and Rock Walkways

This winding gravel path reflects the informality and ease of maintenance of the garden. Mulch and gravel are the cheapest pathway materials you can buy for rock walkways, and they make construction simple, too, making them two of our favorite walkway ideas. All you have to do is remove the sod, roll out landscape fabric and spread the mulch or gravel.

Mulch and gravel paths can be meandering, wood chip–covered trails or carefully planned designs, and they range from casual to formal depending on the design and edging material. You can choose from a wide variety of loose materials including coarse bark, decorative mulch, washed stones and crushed gravel or shells.

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Mulch Walkways

As stated above, the three common types of mulch suitable for garden paths are wood chips, cocoa bean and cypress bark. Since these path materials are lighter than stone, they’re easier to haul and spread. Mulch is also a bit cheaper than gravel or stone pebbles. Remember, though, that organic paths decompose over time, so you’ll have to rejuvenate them every two to five years with new material. Also, don’t use bark, wood chips or mulch for paths that run through areas with poor drainage or that are wet. It’ll lead to a soggy path.

You’ll find bags of mulch at home centers, but for the best selection of organic materials for a path, check your local nursery or landscape supplier. Depending on how big your path is, it may be cheaper to have bulk material delivered than to buy bags. Plan on a 3-in.-deep layer of mulch about 3 ft. wide as an alternative to grass. Call the public works department at your city hall or check with local tree trimming services. They often have piles of wood chips or mulch that are free for the hauling.

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Gravel Walkways

Several types of inexpensive gravel are available for paths. Common types are: crushed gravel, crushed limestone and pea rock. For a path that’s more formal or longer lasting than a mulch path, consider washed gravel, crushed stone or crushed shells. These materials last indefinitely and only need occasional weeding to look their best. If you want to run a wheelbarrow or lawn mower along the path, choose crushed stone rather than smooth pebbles. The jagged edges of crushed stone lock together to form a firm surface. Crushed stone is also less likely to get kicked out into the yard.

Gravel for paths is sold by type and size. Smaller stones, averaging under 1/2 in., are best for paths because they offer more comfort underfoot and pack together better. Visit your local nursery or landscape supply specialist to see what’s available in your area. Gravel is usually sold by the ton. Measure the length and width of the path. Take these measurements to the supplier and ask for help to figure out the quantity of gravel you need. Unless your path is very short, it usually makes sense to have the material delivered. Gravel for a path 3 in. deep and 3 ft. wide will cost about the same as mulch.

Gravel paths do have a few limitations, though. The stones can get tracked into the house, so don’t use them near entries. And gravel paths are a bad choice in areas where you have to shovel snow off them. The gravel can end up in your lawn or flower beds.

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Walkway Ideas: Tips for Building Mulch and Gravel Paths

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Borders and Edging for Walkway Landscaping

Gravel or mulch paths require edging to keep the material from spreading out onto your lawn or flower bed. You can also add a border or an edge as a design element. Here are some common types of edging you can use for walkway landscaping:

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Metal Edging

Metal edging is a must for mulch or gravel walkway ideas because it keeps gravel or mulch from overflowing into the yard or garden.

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Brick Edging

Brick or pavers create an attractive edge treatment, though they’re more expensive and labor intensive to install.

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Stepping-Stone Paths with Yard Stones

Stepping-stones are the fastest, easiest way to build a path, and another one of our favorite walkway ideas. There’s very little digging involved. And although the stone is heavy, a little goes a long way. Since there’s distance between the stones, you don’t have to worry about leveling them with one another. Stepping-stone paths also cost less because you’ll cover more distance with less stone. Stones that are flat and about 18 in. across and 2 in. thick are ideal. Check your local landscape supplier or quarry to see what’s available. If you’re building a short stepping-stone path, you can usually pick the stones you want from the pallet or pile of stones on hand at the supplier. For longer paths, ask for help to figure out the quantity and have the stone delivered. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area with naturally occurring outcroppings of stone, you may find stepping-stones free for the hauling.

You can also make attractive stepping-stone paths using 12-in. square or round concrete patio blocks. These are available in a wide selection of colors and textures from home centers, landscape suppliers and masonry dealers. Search online for “patio blocks” to see the variety.

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Trace the Stone

Place the flagstone where you want it, then cut the outline in the grass.

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Remove the Sod

Pry up the sod, then set the yard stone. Use sand to level it, if necessary.

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Tips for Building a Stepping-Stone Path

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Planted Paths with Yard Stones

Ground cover attractively fills the space around and between pieces of yard stones such as flagstone. Including ground cover plants in your garden path makes a stone walkway easier in two ways: First, you can skip the thick, compacted gravel base underneath. That eliminates the backbreaking digging, plus the hauling and compacting of gravel. Without the solid base, the stones will shift and become uneven, but the plants will hide that. The second advantage is that you don’t have to spend extra time laying the stones perfectly. The plants will hide wide gaps.

There are quite a few perennial plants that can withstand foot traffic and will grow between stones. Check with your local nursery to see what’s available that will grow in your area. Here are some ground cover plants that can tolerate some foot traffic: Creeping Thyme, Blue Star Creeper, Brass Buttons, Creeping Mazus and Sedum.

Try adding some more features like a sub-irrigated planter system, shown in this video:

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Family Handyman

Paver Walkway Ideas: Tips for Building a Planted Path

Originally Published: April 26, 2019

DIY garden paths: 16 ideas with photos - WikiStroy

1. Gravel, just gravel

Let's start with one of the simplest and least expensive ideas - creating gravel garden paths. The advantages of this option include a wide selection of fractions and shades, as well as the ability to get by with a minimum of costs and efforts.

In the case of arranging such a path, you will have to take care of the presence of a curb or other limiter so that the gravel remains within the boundaries of the path nine0005

In this case, a fairly large area was covered with gravel between neat flower beds, where not flowers, but vegetables grow.

2. Large stones or slabs on gravel

A slightly more expensive, but also more comfortable and original option is to lay a path of flat stones or concrete slabs, and fill the space between them with the same gravel.

Large slabs of stone or concrete will become the basis of the path, and so that grass does not break through between them and the path looks more attractive, the space is covered with inexpensive gravel nine0005

Stone slabs on gravel can be scattered in any, the most chaotic order - this way the path will look even more unusual

3. Stones and lawn

If you have nothing against green grass, let the lawn grow freely between the flagstones of the path. Such a combination of greenery and stone will look very natural and harmonious in the garden.

Stone slabs literally "grow" into the green lawn, becoming an integral part of the garden nine0005

Why destroy the lawn, if you can create just such a beautiful path, walking along which will be no less convenient than along ordinary paths completely tiled

One can confidently say about such a path of massive stone slabs - "made to last. " And the moss growing between the slabs gives it a natural look, as if the path appeared by itself.

4. One board, two boards

As a result, it may not turn out to be a ladder at all, but a convenient garden path. Just do not forget to treat the wood, which will have to withstand moisture and temperature changes. nine0005

It is not necessary to use fairly expensive ready-made boards; you can purchase ordinary pallets that are quite inexpensive. It remains only to disassemble them, process the resulting boards with a special composition and lay out the track

Another plus of such a garden path is that if necessary, it will not be difficult to replace one of the boards.

5. Boards and gravel

It is not at all necessary to lay out a solid flooring from wooden boards. You can use gravel and create a harmonious combination of stone and natural wood. nine0005

Gravel between the boards can be poured in different ways - large, medium, small, it all depends on your desire

By the way, with the help of boards and gravel, you can also create stepped paths in areas with uneven terrain.

6. Pebble

An ideal option for those who want to transfer a piece of the sea beach to their garden is pebbles. You can lay out unusual compositions from it or just fill up the track, be sure to take care of the limiters. nine0005

A very nice option for a pebble path. Children will especially enjoy jumping from one laid out piece to another - a real playground

It will be nice to walk along such a path barefoot, imagining yourself on a pebble beach somewhere on the Black Sea coast

7. Wooden cuts

If the boards seem too banal to you, or you just recently got rid of a large tree that cluttered up the site, you can use wooden saw cuts to create a garden path. The beauty of natural wood does not need additional decorations, but it will have to be protected from external influences. nine0005

Wooden saw cuts can be of different sizes - this combination will look just as good

Of course, finding large wooden saw cuts will not be easy. However, smaller rounds can also be laid out in this way - on top of each other, in steps

8. Planks and grass

As with stone slabs, green grass can be allowed to grow between planks. Experts note that boards lying on gravel last longer, but your garden will look like a corner of almost untouched nature with lots of greenery. nine0005

Old boards on a green lawn are both a retro option and a very natural part of a garden that has retained its natural charm

9. Stone mosaic

This option for arranging a garden path will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will be so beautiful, durable and original that it will pay off all the efforts.

From pebbles, large and small stones, you can create amazing garden paths, real mosaic panels nine0005

Such a mosaic is laid out on concrete or sand. If you decide to lay the stones on the sand, you can additionally fix them with wood glue so that the paths last long enough

The process of laying out such a stone mosaic is very painstaking, it requires attention to each stone


Mosaic from broken ceramic tiles

Everyone who has ever made repairs using ceramic tiles will always have unclaimed pieces. Do not rush to throw them away - with the help of a bat or tile cut into pieces, you can create a beautiful and reliable garden path. nine0005

From pieces of a wide variety of broken tiles, you can create garden paths that will definitely be one of a kind

From small pieces of tiles, you can create small separate panels

11. Plastic lids

A very interesting option for arranging garden paths. The more plastic covers you have in different colors, the more beautiful and brighter your garden path will turn out.

Plastic is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, so such covers can be called an unusual, but quite suitable option for creating garden paths. nine0005

The only thing that can delay the implementation of such a project is the need to collect a sufficiently large number of plastic caps. Although, if you turn to friends, acquaintances and neighbors for help, it will not be difficult to cope with this task.

12. "Vegetable" concrete slabs

Concrete is a truly versatile material from which you can make amazingly beautiful things. To create a garden path from unusual concrete slabs, you only need cement mortar and ordinary large burdock, which you will definitely find without any problems under the nearest fence. nine0005

It turns out that even a child can make such a garden path! So you can definitely do it

These are the concrete mugs you should end up with

13. Mold for casting

Special forms for creating concrete garden paths can now be purchased at many hardware stores. With their help, you can arrange convenient paths throughout the garden or house adjoining area with your own hands.

The appearance of your garden path will depend on the chosen form. nine0005

You can add color to the solution and your path will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow


Terrace board

Of course, this option can no longer be called cheap, because a ready-made decking board is very expensive. However, such a track will look not only beautiful, but also respectable, and will last for many years without losing its original parameters.

A deck or deck board path is one of the most expensive options. nine0005

A larch deck board will cost less depending on the type of material

15. Brick

Remember the girl Ellie, who was walking with her friends to Goodwin along the yellow brick path? Why not transfer such a fabulous path to your garden by creating a solid and beautiful brick path with your own hands.

You can choose a brick for the walkway in a different shade, and the process of laying it is similar to paving slabs

The most economical option is to create a garden path from the old brick left after the dismantling of the outbuilding nine0005


Paving slabs

It seems that there is nothing original in this idea. Indeed, at present, paving slabs have become one of the most popular options for arranging garden paths. But tiles are different! The diversity that exists today allows you to create original patterns from paving slabs and turn garden paths into a masterpiece of landscape design.

Simple and tasteful. Such a garden path will look great in a garden decorated in a French regular style. nine0005

And in this case, the path of paving slabs is surrounded by areas covered with gravel

As you can see, there are many options for arranging garden paths, and you can choose very inexpensive, if not free, options that involve the use of such "improvised" materials as wooden cuts, old bricks and plastic covers. Choose the idea that you like, implement your options and let your paths on the site be the most beautiful! nine0005


ideas and photos for inspiration - WikiStroy

DIY garden paths: ideas and photos for inspiration Paths are an integral and important part of the garden plot. Some ideas of garden paths that you can make with your own hands, for every taste and budget, you will find in our article, they will help you choose your own option, convenient, practical, well fitting into the overall design of the site. nine0005

Paths are an integral and important part of a garden plot. Some ideas of garden paths that you can make with your own hands, for every taste and budget, you will find in our article, they will help you choose your own option, convenient, practical, well fitting into the overall design of the site.

Dump paths - "cheap and cheerful"

Winding gravel or pebble paths made of natural stone, laid on dense geotextiles, in combination with flower beds, are one of the simplest options for garden paths. nine0005

If you want something more solid - build a "Swiss path" (or "animal trail") on the site: the stones are stacked at a step distance from each other (1 step - 1 stone). A sand cushion must be made under each of the stones laid in the soil level.

If you pick up crushed stone or gravel of different colors, you can divide the paths into zones.

Combination of surfaces

The combined path, filled with cement, with the left areas of lawn grass creates not only a romantic image, but it is simply pleasant to walk along it. nine0005

You can combine surfaces not only for beauty, but also for practicality. For example, in places where water accumulates, concrete modules are perfect, like a shell covering the ground. Lay them at a distance from each other, and rainwater will drain between them.

Paving tracks: classic options

A popular paving material is cement paving slabs. Make an irregularly shaped paving slab path, it looks more natural than a straight one. nine0005

In the color of the house, you can lay paths with decorative paving stones of non-standard shapes - these can be stumps, feet, boards.

Natural paving stone

Natural stone is not the most budget option for building a path, but it is often used.

Take stones of different sizes and uneven shapes: the path will look very picturesque, especially in combination with pebbles. Small ornamental grass planted between the stones will add originality to the path. nine0005

Concrete paths: a variety of do-it-yourself forms

Decorative concrete pavement can be made by hand and given the appearance of tiles, natural stone, paving stones, bricks, boards or parquet. Bars or saw cuts made of concrete look like natural ones, and their service life is much longer.

The surface of the concrete is molded, painted and covered with a sealant, with the help of special brushes it acquires the desired texture or even an ornament. nine0005

Paving slabs: original high-tech paths

The garden path with built-in lighting looks interesting. At night, the shining threads glow beautifully, indicating the direction. Fluorescent lamps can be used as accessories - they will complement the high-tech track.

Unusual paving options

Using modern finishing materials, you can create unusual paving options, for example, flat river pebbles placed vertically or glass blocks embedded in a pattern attract the eye. nine0005

Wooden walkways: from a budget option to decking

A colorful option is wooden paths. As an inexpensive coating, you can use scraps of wooden beams or saw cuts treated with an "embalming" compound and laid on gravel or sand.

Often a path is made in the form of a wooden flooring made of boards or logs. The disadvantage of such a coating is its fragility, with the exception of larch flooring, which is more resistant to atmospheric influences. nine0005

Unusual and beautiful for paths is the use of decking or garden parquet, durable, durable, moisture resistant and not cheap.

Paths from improvised materials

A very inexpensive option for a summer cottage is the construction of paths from improvised materials. For example, you can create a mosaic path with your own hands, decorating it with fragments of ceramic tiles, colored glass or stones painted in different colors. nine0005

If you want to create your own “eco-garden” and prefer everything natural, then you can recommend soft bulk coatings, for example, painted tree bark or pine nut shells, wood chips, needles, which are renewed annually.

Popular lately are "ecological paths" made of smooth and ribbed stones of various shapes: rounded or flat.

Garden paths should not only be beautiful and in harmony with the general view of the garden, but also be convenient for moving, so you should think about the material for their construction and the laying technology in advance.

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