Pool house size
Designing a pool house: top tips from a design expert
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch )
Designing a pool house will be an integral part of your planning if you are landscaping for a new pool or looking for pool ideas for next summer. However much space you have, pool house design needs to fit in with its surroundings, use materials that complement that of other landscaping – and be fitted out perfectly inside.
We asked Emma Sims-Hilditch, founder of design agency Sims Hilditch for her advice on tackling pool house design.
'One of the parts of the home that my team and I have real fun designing during the summer months are pool houses. A pool house may be an exterior building, such as an outbuilding or barn, or it may be that you have an indoor pool and are seeking to resurrect something inside your home. Either way, the same design tenets apply, such as creating a pitched ceiling to give rise to a lofty, well-ventilated space that imbues an airy, luxurious quality.
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch)
Before you begin browsing pool house ideas, take note of Emma's advice to get the very best from your space.
'The ultimate role of a pool house is to provide somewhere that brings home comforts and practicality closer to the poolside, and wet feet and soggy towels away from the main home. It is therefore important to approach the design of it with function, form and fun in mind,' says Emma.
'Below I share a few ideas and suggestions for those of you who are about to, or hope to soon be, embarking on designing a pool house of your very own,' she says.
Concentrate on your pool house's orientation
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch )
Before you consider pool area ideas, consider the position of the pool house and how much light it gets. In a sunny, hot climate, you may want to site it in natural shade; or perhaps you want to open it up to sunlight?
'When it comes to the building, you should contemplate just how much sun you hope to receive and at what times of day. Bi-fold doors are incredibly useful in pool house design. Placing them on three walls for example, will open up the space enormously and connect it in a very compelling way with the outdoor space.'
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch )
'Of course, you will benefit from a changing area with a bin for wet towels and baskets for pool toys and goggles.
'A washing machine and tumble dryer cabinet is additionally ideal and of course a shower or wet room stocked with lovely toiletries.
'Even an outdoor shower if you want to re-create the sort of luxury resort you might see in more exotic climes.'
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch )
'I will always seek to include aspects like an area to store plenty of drinks in a cool environment and a miniature hi-speed dishwasher so that used glasses and plates need not have to be brought back to the main house.
'If there is room, a counter area with a sturdy, practical top such as zinc, and svelte bar stools are a worthy addition too. Together, they form a sort of kitchenette.'
Let practicality lead when it comes to decorating a pool house
'I would strongly advise letting performance, durability and ease of living rule your decision-making when it comes to pool houses.
'I love to use rustic floor tiles, such as terracotta brick, with underfloor heating to keep it warm in cooler moments and to help the room dry out.
'I will often design with exposed stone or brick walls too because they will not suffer at all when splashed with water.'
And of course, it's likely that any choices you make when designing a pool house will affect your choice of materials for pool patio ideas – both will need to reflect the design and materials of your home, and ideally look appropriate amongst their natural surroundings.
'Blankets, scatter cushions, and lanterns are my go-to touches for adding a cosy touch to a pool house.'
Consider curtains to soften a pool house's lines
(Image credit: Sims Hilditch )
'I will always be somebody who truly values what curtains bring to an interior. A pool house is no different.
'Here, I favor natural linen curtains without any interlining. They give that dreamy, romantic floating appearance as though you could be in the South of France or even the Seychelles! They are discreet for a changing area also, but without being so private as a proper changing room. It is a home after all.'
What needs to be in a pool house?
What needs to be in a pool house really depends on how much space you have and how often you will use it.
At a very basic level, you need a convenient changing area and airing/storage for towels, swimwear and any swimming equipment, such as children's toys.
With more space, it is useful to have seating, an area for showering and relaxing – if you need to get out of the sun or if a chilly wind gets up. With a ton of space, an outdoor kitchen is a fabulous bonus. And if you want to use your pool house for exercise, a home gym is a fabulous option, too.
(Image credit: Sims Hiditch )
What is a good size for a pool house?
Pool house designs tend to average at around 9ft by 13 ft, but if you have more space to include more useful features, there is no reason yours can't be bigger. As long as its size is in proportion to the size of the garden and, importantly, to the pool, it will not look out of place.
Founded in 2009, the Sims Hilditch design practice has become one of the most trusted and respected in the industry. Its couture approach combines interior architecture, interior design and procurement management within one concept-to-completion, fully bespoke service. Creative Founder, Emma Sims-Hilditch is passionate about her belief that good design can transform not only how people live but also how they feel.
6 Things to Consider Before Starting a Pool House Design
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Six Things to Consider Before Starting a Pool House Design
Summer is right around the corner! What can make having a swimming pool even better? Knowing that your bathroom, extra towels or some snacks are just a few feet away in your pool house. Pool houses have many wonderful uses, but their most needed provision is a kitchen, restroom and changing area for swimmers. Because a pool house is a big investment it is critical that the initial planning and design is done correctly. A great architect will know how to plan the perfect custom pool house design for your family’s needs and lifestyle.
If you are planning on entertaining, you can always add an outdoor kitchen and a covered porch, with cushioned seating to make the area more homey and inviting. There is a lot to consider when planning your first pool house and there are hundreds of new and exciting ways to create the perfect space. After finding the right architect to design your pool house there are several important topics to consider while planning:
1. Make Sure Your Pool House Construction is Legal
Usually, a new building has to be a set number of feet away from the house, pool and the neighbors property line. A seasoned architect knows it’s important to check the building codes of your county or city, so you aren’t breaking any laws and following best guidelines for safety. Having to tear down a structure and start over is the last thing you want.
Your pool house design doesn’t need to perfectly match your home, but it should look integrated with the current surroundings. Keep your homes style and constructed material in mind when you are planning the design for your pool house. Even if your new pool house design plan doesn’t mirror the home perfectly, the design should complement the architecture of your residence for a pleasing effect.
3. Consider Privacy for Pool House GuestsThe most coveted pool house designs are the ones that offer lots of privacy from the peering eyes. Provide multiple bedrooms or changing areas, so that guests can change into their swimsuits closer to the pool, and keep a change of clothes nearby. Keep the pool house as private as possible. You can always add extra blinds, frosted windows, or a privacy screen.
4. Keep Your Home Free from PuddlesTraveling back and forth between the house and the pool, means you run the inevitable risk of tracking water inside. This can be bad for your floor, cause slips and a hassle to think about cleaning. Keep drinks and snacks easily accessible in the pool house kitchen. You also may want to add a small restroom to your pool house design for the same reason.
Inground swimming pools come with endless accessories, chemicals and clutter,and it has a tendency to accumulate over time. A clean and organized area is important and it’s critical to include storage during the initial pool house design. A good design will include an area for pool toys, floats, chemicals and a place to store accessories during the winter. Storage rooms should include lots of shelving and cabinets with ample space. If additional space is needed furniture which is also functional such as storage benches can be used to hide away cushions .
6. Design your Pool House with Lots of Space for EntertainingA fabulous dinner party by the pool will make your pool house a favorite spot for gathering. Parties are half the fun of having a pool house so make sure your designer includes the necessary details: lots of space for dining, comfortable conversation areas and a kitchen placed close by allowing the cook to enjoy the company while preparing the meal. Most pool houses are furnished with comfortable seating, cocktail and coffee tables and a bar so that you’re always ready for a fiesta on short notice.
Ready to get started on designing your new pool house or have more questions? Contact Coogan’s Design-Build today!
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Pool size - choosing the optimal size, recommendations
Before building a pool, it is important to choose the right size. The comfort of its use, consumer value depends on the dimensions. On the other hand, they directly determine the cost of building a bowl. Therefore, dimensional characteristics affect the cost of a hydraulic structure, the convenience of its operation.
Selection of sizes depending on the site
With the right approach, the dimensions of the pool and its shape are determined at the design stage of the house and site. This will allow not only to choose the optimal dimensions for the structure, but also to correctly position the bowl, taking into account the location and dimensions of the buildings on the site, to bring communications to the pool, to ensure ease of use and maintenance.
Choosing the size of the pool is more difficult if it is planned to be built on an already exploited site. In this case, the bowl must be entered between the house and other buildings. Therefore, its dimensions have to be selected based on the layout of the territory. Also take into account the location of communications and engineering structures available on the site.
When arranging a hydraulic structure inside a house or bathhouse, the size and layout of the room for the pool are a limitation. Its dimensions will be smaller compared to an open structure. However, the advantage will be the ability to swim at any time of the year and the absence of the need for winter conservation, as well as the ease of maintaining the purity of the water. At the same time, the construction of a bowl inside the house is characterized by increased complexity, the requirements for its waterproofing and engineering equipment are increasing.
Dimensions depending on the number of bathers
In addition to the layout and dimensions of the site, the number of users must be taken into account when selecting the size of the bowl. It is necessary to provide for how many people at the same time bathing the pool is designed and determine the required volume of the bowl, based on this indicator. The comfort of using a hydraulic structure, the safety of bathers, and hygienic indicators depend on this.
The water surface area per swimmer must be at least 2 m 2 . Moreover, with an increase in the depth of the pool, its required area increases, which leads to a corresponding increase in the volume of water.
The choice of dimensions depending on the nature of the operation
When determining the size of the pool, it is imperative to take into account the nature of its operation.
According to this parameter, the following types of hydraulic structures are distinguished:
- recreational - at baths, saunas;
- swimming;
- for outdoor activities - jumping into the water is assumed.
The dimensions of the pool bowl for recreational purposes can be freely chosen. Here the key factor will be the dimensions of the room in which the structure is located. When choosing a depth, you need to focus not only on the comfort of use, but also on the convenience and cost of maintenance.
The dimensions of the swimming pool should provide maximum comfort for swimmers. With a rectangular bowl, its length must be at least 5.5 meters, and the width of the pool - at least 2.5 meters. When using a round bowl, its diameter should not be less than 4 meters.
The depth of the bowl should be comfortable and safe for bathers. For adults, the optimal indicator is in the range of 1.4-1.5 meters. More carefully, you need to select the depth for children, taking into account their age. For preschoolers, it should be about 0.5 meters. For older children and adolescents, the depth is selected within 0.8-1.4 meters.
The height of the pool is a key factor if it is used for diving. This indicator is chosen based on safety considerations for swimmers. In the area where the bollard, springboard or small diving tower is located, the bottom of the bowl must be located at a depth of at least 2 meters. With an increase in the height of the tower, the required depth of the bowl also increases accordingly. The selection of this parameter is carried out with the obligatory consideration of the requirements of regulatory documentation.
Sizing according to service requirements
When sizing a pool, it is recommended to consider the cost of pool maintenance. Water must be periodically changed, cleaned, clarified. The costs of these procedures directly depend on the volume of water used. With an equal surface area, the depth of the bowl becomes the key dimension that determines the volume.
Calculations show that a 1.5-fold increase in depth leads to a 3-fold increase in the cost of maintaining the pool. Therefore, the influence of this indicator is very significant, and it must be taken into account when drawing up a project and choosing the dimensions of a hydraulic structure.
What is the optimal size of a swimming pool in a private house? Standard sizes of pools
Types and sizes of a pool in a private house Frame prefabricated pools Inflatable models Stationary dug-in pools Standard length and dimensions of a pool Pool shape Depth and dimensions for a children's pool Dimensions of a pool for swimming
The pool is used for water sports, recreational swimming, recreation and cooling. When choosing, you need to take into account several points related to the design features, location (in an open area or indoors), and performance characteristics of materials.
It is important to determine the appropriate size of the pool so that it allows you to solve your tasks: to train, relax, have fun with children. The length of the pool must comply with the specified standards.
Types and dimensions of a pool in a private house
Frame prefabricated pools
Frame are collapsible structures made of a metal case with a protective layer and a bowl made of PVC film with reinforcement. Such pools are often used in private areas. The assembly of such a pool takes only a day.
Frame pools are:
- Seasonal. They need to be disassembled every time before the onset of winter time. Sometimes a PVC bowl requires a complete replacement, which is costly. For summer cottages, usually choose this type.
- Frost resistant. Do not need seasonal assembly or disassembly, as the material and construction are designed to withstand freezing water.
By type of construction there are round, oval, rectangular. The difference lies in the features of the installation and the size of the pool.
- The maximum depth of such pools is usually 1.5-1.6 m;
- Diameter 7-8 m;
- Rectangular pool length parameter up to 7 m.
- The volume of water can be from 2.5 to 120 m3.
Inflatables do not have a frame. The shape of a circle or oval is supported by rollers that are filled with air. The structures are held due to the pressure of the water mass on the walls, it can be inflated and deflated. Pool sizes may be small. Depth up to 90 cm, that is, the water level will be no more than 80 cm. Recommended for preschool children.
Stationary dig-in
Classic concrete is a reinforced concrete bowl equipped with the necessary embedded elements - drains, skimmers, nozzles. The shape, size and finish are usually according to the customer's requirements. Reliable designs that are laborious in execution. During construction, it is necessary to dig a pit, install formwork, reinforcement, fix embedded parts, bring cables and pipes, pour concrete.
Composite are made of durable, elastic, plastic and lightweight material that can withstand significant loads. The dimensions of the pool are selected according to the request - this is a ready-made bowl installed on the site.
Fixed pools can be swimming pools, sport pools, recreational pools and school pools.
There are certain parameters for such models:
- For diving, there must be a safety zone and sufficient depth to enter the water. If a 1 m jump track is used, then on an area of 4x4 m2 the depth of the pool should be 2.4-3 m.
- For saunas and hardening, also available in small sizes. Rectangular have a size of 3x6 m, and round - from 4 m.
- For training and endurance training - elongated pools from 10 m long and 2-3 m wide.
Standard length and dimensions of the pool
If we take sports facilities, then during construction all dimensions are regulated by the rules of GOST R 53491.1-2009 and SanPiNu 2. 1.2.1188-03. As an example, the size of an Olympic swimming pool is 50 meters long and 25 meters wide, with a depth of at least 2 meters.
School swimming pools are also designed in accordance with established rules, such as SP 31-113-2004. The length of the pool is from 10 to 25 meters, the width of the track is 2.5 meters, the depth is 0.6 - 1.3 m.
The recommended pool depth is 1.5 m, as it is safe to swim in it, and you can stand on your feet if necessary . The water level should be up to the chest, so as not to experience discomfort.
It is customary to calculate standard sizes based on what it is intended for. If it is used for relaxation, then an area of 1.5-2 m2 is enough for one adult, and 1 m2 for a child. For babies, bowls are selected according to age.
You can determine the desired dimensions with emphasis on the height of the sides:
- Up to 17 cm suitable for children up to 1.5 years;
- Up to 50 cm high enough for ages 1.
5 to 3;
- Height up to 70 cm is aimed at children 3-7 years old;
- Up to 100 cm high enough for children 7-12 years old.
Shape of the pool
When choosing the shape, the reference point is taken from the features of the landscape, the size of the area allocated for the bowl. Classic shapes are the most common:
- Rectangle;
- Square;
- Circle;
- Oval.
The first two allow you to save space, with their help, harmonious recreation areas are formed. The rectangle is suitable not only for swimming training, but also for water games. The circle and oval are shapes that handle water pressure well, which is important if the bowl is large. For families with children, rounded corners are the preferred option.
Depth and dimensions for a children's pool
The construction of a children's bowl involves the creation of safe conditions for learning swimming skills, so its depth should not be more than 0. 5 m. Children in such water will feel confident. For older children, the depth can be increased to 0.6-0.8 m.
If the pool is to be used by children and adults, then the bathing area for babies must be separated from the adult area, and the fence must be located from the bottom to the surface. Even in the presence of such structures, the mandatory presence of adults with children when bathing is required.
For adults, the optimal depth is 1-1.5 m. If necessary, you can increase the depth, but it is important to understand that from an economic and practical point of view this is not practical.
In bowls with variable depth, a stepless smooth transition should be made to prevent injury by making it comfortable to move along the bottom.
Swimming pool dimensions
It is difficult to say what are the optimal dimensions of a pool for a private house. It is quite difficult and expensive to build a large bowl, and in addition, it is required to mount equipment and heating.