Picture of spinach growing

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Gesundes trinken grünen Smoothie aus Spinat am Arbeitsplatz. ..

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Diät-Plan. Vektor-Illustration von Obst und Gemüse mit Textraum.

Diätplan. Vektorillustration von Obst und Gemüse mit Textraum

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Grüner gesunder Salat und Smoothie

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Gemüse, Grün und ein Notizblock auf grauem Hintergrund

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Rohkost-Diät abstrakte Konzept Vektor-Illustration.

Rohkostdiät abstraktes Konzept Vektorillustration. Bio-Mahlzeit, frisches und natürliches Gemüse und Obst, gesunde Zutaten, vegetarische Ernährung, Ernährungsplan, grüner Salat dunkler Modus Metapher.

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Gemüse, Grün und ein Notizblock auf grauem Hintergrund

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Frisches Gemüse ist um Notebook mit Platz für Text angeordnet....

Frisches Gemüse ist um Notizbuch mit Platz für Text angeordnet. Gesundes Ernährungskonzept. Flache Lage, Draufsicht.

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Gesunde Ernährung

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Sämlinge am sonnigen Tag im Garten im Frühjahr im Boden pflanzen.

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Growing Spinach Stock-Fotos und Bilder

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photos what it looks like, growing from seed, outdoor and home care, varieties

The French call spinach "king" and "broom for the stomach", and try to eat it as often as possible. In our country, this vegetable is not so popular, but the number of its fans is increasing. Spinach is the champion among leafy crops in terms of iron and ascorbic acid content.

Botanical description

Garden spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a herbaceous plant with edible leaves belonging to the Marev subfamily, the closest relative of the beet. It is one of the most common leafy vegetables.

The plant has a two-year development cycle. Leaves appear in the first year, flowers and seeds in the second. Seeds can form in the first year.

Nowadays spinach is rarely grown by gardeners, many do not even know what it looks like. It has smooth or bubbly, depending on the variety, leaves growing from one common point - a kind of root collar, from which the stem root extends downward.

The bush, on which flower stalks have already appeared, becomes inedible. Its leaves are coarsening as the plant prepares to bear fruit.

The leaves of the culture are large, juicy, triangular in shape, sometimes with ears. Their length together with the petiole can reach 25 cm.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences-panicles, inconspicuous, cream-colored, small. The fruits are large, spherical in shape.

The culture is dioecious, that is, it has male and female specimens. Male leaves form earlier than female ones, and die off after flowering. Women are tying fruits.

Photo of spinach:

Spinach species are few. In addition to the usual, connoisseurs grow strawberry or multi-leaf spinach Blítum virgátum. This is a plant from the same family, whose leaves and berries can be eaten. Because of the red color of the fruit, Blítum virgátum is sometimes referred to as "spinach-raspberry".

Photo: Strawberry spinach

Garden spinach has many high-yielding varieties that give the gardener the opportunity to get up to 2.5 kg of produce per square meter. m.

  • Fat-leaved - early ripening, with raised large-bubbly leaves of intense green color.
  • Matador - leaves are rounded, light green, delicate taste, medium early ripening.
  • Useful properties and myths about spinach

    The birthplace of culture is Persia, where it is called the "Green Hand". The vegetable was introduced into culture about 2000 years ago. Even in the time of Catherine de Medici, the plant was served at the table during every meal.

    Spinach has been grown in Russia since the middle of the 18th century. In the 19th century, the culture was massively cultivated by gardeners in St. Petersburg and Kyiv. They also planted it in the central regions of Russia. Due to the fact that the plant can be consumed separately, as an independent dish, it is considered not a seasoning, but a full-fledged vegetable.

    Over the long history of cultivation, the plant has acquired myths and legends that revolve around its beneficial properties. Either it is declared incredibly useful, then it is removed from the pedestal.

    In the last century, it was believed that the culture was enormously rich in iron. Doctors advised to include it in the children's menu, recommended to use it for pregnant women and people with anemia.

    In modern times, it turned out that although there is a lot of iron in spinach, it is poorly absorbed by the body. After that, the use of the plant in Europe declined.

    Now most people eat spinach in China. In this country, they traditionally prefer plant foods and consume a huge range of herbs, herbs and vegetables.

    Recent data have shown that the vegetable is really useful. It contains substances that normalize the functioning of the pancreas, eliminates constipation, and supplies the body with ascorbic acid.

    Planting spinach

    Growing spinach in your garden is easy. To have a harvest throughout the warm season, planting in open ground begins in early May and continues every two weeks.

    Growing spinach from seeds will be faster if the seeds are soaked in a box of damp sawdust and kept warm for a week. During this time, large balls will peck, after which they can be sown to a depth of 2-3 cm.

    The distance between the seeds should not be small - this is a rather large plant. Thickening reduces yield. The optimal distance between bushes in a row is 20 cm. Leave about 30 cm between rows. If ash or lime is added to the soil before sowing, the yield will be higher, the taste will become richer, the plants will develop faster and will not suffer from diseases.

    Furrows before sowing or planting seedlings should be lightly dusted with ash and mixed with the soil so that there is no direct contact of the roots with an alkaline substance.

    To obtain a particularly early harvest, seeds are sown before winter in mid-August and well watered. By October rosettes of leaves will form. In winter, they are sprinkled with fallen leaves. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, spinach will begin to grow back quickly. It can be plucked already 10-14 days after the soil has thawed.

    It is possible to sow spinach before winter, but the harvest will not be as early as when sowing in autumn. The culture germinates at a temperature of +20, so plants sown before winter will appear on the soil surface only when stable warm weather sets in.

    You can get an early harvest with the help of seedlings. The seeds are lowered into the ground while still in the apartment, and then the seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse.

    Seedlings are planted at the age of 1 week, when they have only cotyledon leaves. When transplanting, the long tap root of the seedlings is pinched by about a third and buried in the soil to the very leaves.

    Spinach care

    The plant is extremely moisture-loving, loves frequent watering. Due to the lack of moisture in the soil, the leaves become small, hard, the plants quickly turn to flowering.

    If humus has not been applied to the soil, nitrophoska can be added little by little to the irrigation water (a teaspoon per watering can). Higher doses of organic or mineral fertilizers will lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the leaves.

    Vegetables can be grown at home on the windowsill, getting useful vitamins and minerals during off-season. If you provide additional lighting, the harvest will be tasty and plentiful.

    The culture is planted on the southern windows. Due to its cold resistance, it is possible to harvest in late autumn and early spring on glazed balconies. The lamps are installed at a height of 50 cm from the container and are turned on for 4 hours a day.

    The vegetable is undemanding to the length of the day, but if it exceeds 14 hours, it will bloom, the leaves will become rough, inedible. Lamps should be turned on for a short time and not left to work around the clock.

    Seeds can be planted in flower pots or boxes about 20 cm high. Soil can be bought from a shop. The land is suitable for cucumbers with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. The temperature should not fall below +9. Plants are often watered, sprayed with clean water.

    Diseases and pests

    Spinach is resistant to diseases, rarely gets sick, but if an infection occurs, it spreads quickly.

    The main problem is Fusarium root rot. In some years, losses from it reach 90%. The disease develops due to infection with pathogenic fungi of the genus Fusarium.

    Plants are infected when young, and by the time the seeds ripen, most bushes are already affected, as the disease quickly spreads through the soil. Instances affected by the fungus fusarium are dull in color, slow down growth, then die.

    If at the beginning of flowering the plants lost their turgor, turned yellow and withered, most likely it is due to Fusarium. The lower leaves wilt first. If you dig a bush, it turns out that its roots are almost completely rotted. The disease is seed-borne.

    To prevent plants from suffering from Fusarium, you need to disinfect the seeds in potassium permanganate and observe crop rotation. In the old place, a vegetable can be planted no earlier than after 3 years. You can not sow it immediately after the beets - these are plants of the same family and therefore are affected by the same diseases. Fusarium-resistant varieties exist.

    The crop may be affected by cucumber mosaic virus. The disease is manifested by chlorosis and curly hair.

    Other viruses are dangerous for crops:

    Viral diseases lead to a stop in the development of dwarfism, deformation and spotting of the plates. Diseased bushes must be removed from the site.

    Mining fly is the most common pest. The insect lays eggs on the back side of the plates.

    The first pests appear after the soil warms up, as they hibernate in it in the form of pupae. Clutches of mining flies can be seen already on the cotyledon plates. The larvae eat their flesh and leave only the central petiole.

    Up to 4 generations of the pest develop during the season. To protect the vegetable, you need to grow it away from the beets, and the affected leaves must be carefully collected and removed from the site. Do not spray spinach with anything, as the pesticides will not have time to decompose before the leaves are eaten.

    Mining flies can be repelled by scattering strong-smelling substances over the bed:


    Early maturing varieties can be harvested 20 days after sowing with hatched seeds. Mid-season and late-ripening varieties ripen in 40-50 days. By this time the plants usually form a rosette of four to five leaves.

    Spinach is harvested as a bush, pulled out of the ground with roots. It is best to do this early in the morning, before the heat sets in. The earth is shaken off, non-standard leaves are removed and the bushes are laid with their roots down. In the refrigerator in this form, they are stored for up to 2 weeks. Storage temperature +1.

    Leaves can be frozen. At a temperature of -2 they are stored up to 3 months.

    Knowing how to grow spinach on a windowsill and how to care for it outdoors, you can get a great harvest of healthy leaves all year round.

    Garden spinach: cultivation, varieties

    Garden spinach (S pinacia oleraceae) is a long-day plant, dioecious and cross-pollinated. In spring and autumn, spinach forms only a rosette of 8-12 fleshy leaves. At this time, they contain easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins C and group B, provitamin A, mineral salts - a complex that enhances immunity, strengthens blood vessels, improves digestive activity, alleviates vitamin deficiency, overwork and seasonal depression caused by a lack of heat and sun.

    Depending on the variety, the leaves of garden spinach are triangular-lanceolate, round or oblong-ovate, like sorrel, smooth-leaved (light green) or wrinkled (dark green). There is even spinach with red stalks and veins (F1 Bordeaux). But all representatives of S pinacia oleraceae will have a glossy leaf surface.

    When the day becomes long, in spinach - first on male plants (flowers are collected in a paniculate inflorescence), and a little later - on female plants (located in the axils of the leaves) flower stalks grow. At the same time, the leaves lose their juiciness, and oxalic acid begins to accumulate in them.

    Garden spinach is most widespread in the south of the country: seeds germinate already at +4 o C, sprouts withstand short-term frost, frost-resistant varieties overwinter if the temperature does not fall below +10 o C. At the same time, in open ground spinach is sown in August, early in April or before winter. In the middle lane and northern regions, spinach succeeds mainly under film shelters and when sown before winter. In a heated greenhouse, with the use of artificial illumination, spinach grows in any corner of our country, and it can be sown at several times from autumn to summer, including as a compactor in the aisles of greenhouse cucumber, pepper, tomato and eggplant.

    Photo: Yulia Belopukhova

    Spinach is a moisture-loving plant demanding nutritional conditions. Its roots are weak, lie at a depth of 20 cm. Therefore, it does not grow well on light soils, quickly ages in drought and does not tolerate acidity. He also does not like cold drafts. Therefore, it is better to allocate places for spinach that are protected from the north and east winds, with a slight slope to the south or southeast.

    Place it after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbages, after filling the soil with rotted manure (5-6 kg/sq.m.) or compost, complex fertilizer (50 g) and dolomite flour, or ash ( 200 g / sq. m) to normalize the reaction of the soil solution to pH 6.5. Keep in mind that you can’t apply a lot of potassium fertilizers - this will lead to spinach bolting. The soil after loosening must be rolled so that the seedlings do not stick out of the ground (otherwise they may die from drying out).

    Due to the fact that spinach has compact rosettes, it is often used as a beacon crop in crops of carrots and root parsley, as a compactor for kohlrabi, radishes, head lettuce, celery and even strawberries. It has been established that spinach roots secrete substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of neighboring vegetables and improve soil quality.

    In the State Register of Russia, the assortment of spinach varieties is represented by different ripeness groups: F1 (mid-season, ready for harvest in 20 days), Victoria , Varyag , Lady (late-ripening - 25 days after germination, resistant to flowering and suitable for summer crops).

    .0168 and Tyee (early, low shooter), Giant Nobel , Winter Bloomsdale , hybrid Chesapeake (early, powdery mildew resistant with wrinkled or semi-wrinkled leaf), , Olympia and Cosmos (smooth leaves), Long Standing Bloomsdale , Dixie Market , F1 Corenta (medium-late, with large wrinkled leaves). So, if you wish, you can pick up a conveyor of varieties and hybrids of different harvesting dates or sow one variety at several times.

    In open field spinach is sown in 2-5 rows with 20 cm spacing and 40-50 cm row spacing or across the bed, placing rows at a distance of 20 cm from each other. For 1 sq. m takes about 3 g of seeds. On medium loamy soil, they are planted to a depth of 2.5 cm, on light loamy and sandy loam soil - 4 cm. In the greenhouse, rows are placed every 10 cm, and seed consumption is 2 times higher. Normally, seedlings appear in a week - one and a half after sowing. To speed up the germination of seeds, they are kept in water at room temperature, periodically renewing it.

    When the first true leaf grows, the rows are weeded, thinned out, leaving an interval of 10 cm between plants (when the rows thicken, root rot and downy mildew develop), loosen, and after a week they are fed with infusion of herbs or manure and ash. The second top dressing is given 10 days later. When foci of the disease occur, the affected plants are uprooted, and the remaining ones are treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Cutting is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks later.

    Spinach is also threatened by caterpillars of gamma cutworm, cabbage cutworm, and aphids. That is why it is important to destroy weeds, especially gauze and quinoa. Crops for food can be treated with Bitoxibacillin, Phytoferm or tobacco infusion.

    Spinach will have to be watered in the south. In regions with temperate weather, water is given as needed - with an excess of moisture, spinach is affected by root rot. To preserve moisture in the soil, you need to finely loosen the soil more often or mulch it with mowed grass or chopped straw. In a greenhouse and film tunnel, attention should also be paid to temperature. It should not rise above +20 about C, otherwise the plants will go into bloom.

    Spinach can be grown in a winter greenhouse, loggia, on a balcony, window sill of an apartment - for its growth indoors, it is enough to have good lighting and maintain the temperature within +15 + 18 about C. For these purposes, fit: Victoria , Virofle , Godri, Normal, Winter Pomegranate, Virtuoso (varieties) and Melody , Mazurka 7,0168 Prima and Casta (hybrids). Since spinach needs intense lighting, it is sown no earlier than the third decade of January in boxes or pots filled with a 10-15 cm layer of a mixture of compost, peat and river sand, taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, and the sowing is placed as close as possible to light. You can start cutting greenery in a month.

    Spinach is harvested in the morning. They break off large leaves one by one or choose overgrown rosettes and cut them off under the first leaf - this way less dirt gets on the products, and the remaining plant will continue to grow. First of all, the greens of male plants are harvested. The crop can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, after washing it and putting it in plastic containers.

    Spinach leaves are washed immediately before cooking. They should be quickly cut with a stainless steel or ceramic knife, but not scrolled through a meat grinder (spinach oxidizes when interacting with metal and loses valuable substances). You need to cook spinach in a small amount of water and no more than 8 minutes (during heat treatment, it is greatly boiled down).

    Various varieties of spinach. Photo by Julia Belopukhova

    Thawed spinach should not be given to children under three years of age: the bacteria on the leaves quickly convert nitrates to harmful nitrites. But to revive the taste of frozen spinach, lemon dressing (1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil) will help.

    Garden spinach is a wind-pollinated plant, and it is advisable to obtain its seeds only if only one variety is grown on the site. The seed yield of garden spinach is high, so it is enough to leave a couple of female plants at a distance of 20 cm from each other in the garden.

    Seeds (nuts) ripen in 80-100 days. The inflorescences are cut off at the beginning of the mass browning of the lower inflorescences and ripened in the shade under a canopy. After threshing, the seeds are cleaned of debris and laid out in a thin layer to dry. Then they are poured into paper bags or fabric bags. In a cool, dry place, garden spinach seeds remain viable for 4 years.

    Spinach recipes: Chicken zrazy with spinach and mushrooms, Loin roll with cheese, pistachios and spinach, Potato lasagna with spinach and carrots, Triangles with spinach and puff pastry cheese, Plums stewed in wine with goat cheese and spinach, Spinach salad with gorgonzola and raspberries, Cottage cheese casserole with sorrel and spinach, Salad with sorrel "Exquisite", Warm salad of spinach, oyster mushrooms and ginger, Salad with spinach and cucumbers, Light spinach and green onion soup with ginger, Salad with spinach, cherry tomatoes, champignons and avocado, Salad with spinach, radish and apple, Spinach with butter.

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