Living on the couch
10 Tips to Living On A Couch Rent-Free And Not Being Killed by Your Roommate
My parents came to visit two months ago. I was a good lad. I showed them my apartment, did the walk around Central Park, took them to the inestimable P.J. Clarkes for burgers and Guinness. For a full weekend, I acted like a hyperactive cruise director, both because I genuinely wanted to provide a good time during their limited stay in New York, and because I was doing everything possible to avoid a particular conversation—this ONE thing that I really didn’t want to discuss. It was broached several times, yes, but I’d swat the advances each time, like a Dikembe Mutombo directly beamed in from the 1997 Atlanta Hawks. In Times Square: “Hey, is that Al Pacino?” In front of the Empire State Building: “Hey, did you know a plane hit this in the ’30s?” In Chelsea: “Hey, I tell you I think I might be gay?”
Finally, the weekend ended. They hugged me goodbye. My mom grabbed me by the shoulders. “We know your lease runs out this month. Where are you living in June?”
“A couch?”
Broaching the Situation
I’ve now lived on a couch for almost a month. It fucking sucks. I’m not going to say I feel homeless or anything over-dramatic—both because that would trivialize the shittiness of actually being homeless, and because I do have Internet and said couch—but you really do feel unmoored. Even a bro used to living in the dumpiest of senior-year dumps begins to feel that closing-in feeling. That feeling that someone is always peeking over your shoulder. That you’ve invaded your buddy’s palace, and that you’ll ultimately get your Red Wedding for storming his King’s Landing.
Anyway, when you’re broaching the subject of an extended sofa crash with a friend, don’t actually bring up this inevitable psychic toll. You will come across as bizarre and slightly insane, even though, if my current mental state says anything, this will be an inevitability after two weeks. Tell your friend your situation in as emphatic a manner as possible. Use the phrases “In this economy,” “Rental situation is brutal,” and “I’m just figuring things out.” Pull up an online list of new apartments you’re looking at. Grunt. Point at one place that looks reasonable. He’ll understand.
Do not talk about paying. The onus is on him.
(NOTE: This is very lame, and you should actually try to work out some sort of payment.)
Bringing Shit In
You’re allowed two trash bags, not including bedding. That’s it. Bringing anything else—lamp, chair, collection of vintage pornography—gets more frowned upon than living in the corner of a living room. You’ll stow these bags in your Special Corner, alongside what quickly becomes your dirty clothes pile, which will grow rapidly because you never figure out where the laundry room is located. At this point, you’re really just trying to model your life off the dirty, bearded guy from Oliver & Company. And if you get that reference, well, sweet.
You will not be able to cook. Crashing a couch is one thing, crashing a kitchen, and getting rice stuck in the corner of the stove, is a whole different level of degeneration. Stock up on the microwavable dinners, and offer every now and then to grab take-out for the “house.” Pitching in on beer will be a necessity, and, at soon, life will seem like an extended sleepover—you two will drink nearly every night. This is really unsustainable.
Through the magic of centralized cooling, air somehow doesn’t reach the couch-level quite like it does a queen-sized bed. Your nights will consist of kicking off and putting back on sheets, and you’ll look, to an impartial observer, like someone suffering from a 102-degree fever.
Invest in a sleeping bag (at least it’ll commit you to sheets or not), and look into buying an air mattress. The human back is not meant for 30 days straight sleeping on a sofa. It’s fun every now and then when you’re drunk and just need a place to pass out, but that same logic applies to unprotected sex.
Spending Too Much Time on the Couch
You’re going to want to really commit to being the Guy on the Couch (see above). You’ve got to stave off those feelings. You’re a guest, and that five-season Breaking Bad binge should maybe wait till you have your own place. (Also: Would you swipe the remote from Dad when you were a kid? Well, obviously, because his taste in reality TV sucks, but don’t do it here.)
Paying for Things
This is an awkward situation. Do you pay for utilities? Cable? How much rent do you cover when you’re really only taking up eight feet of space?
What I propose is a giant rulebook for all situations like this. A modern-day guide to etiquette that would encompass: paying for a concert ticket your bro gave you; how often you should fill up the tank of a car you’re borrowing; and when to bring beer to a house party. Stuff like that. Because when crashing, it totally depends on whatever price you think is accurate. That price is not set by market prices or anything logical. A man needs a code.
Jerking Off
Guys in the military come back from overseas with stories about this all the time: A long night out on patrol, an eight-hour window of crippling boredom, a hasty and dumb decision to jack off while standing in the desert sand. Your whack windows will mimic our fine heroes in Afghanistan. The key is VERSATILITY. Your special 11 p.m. time is gone. Be prepared for 8 a.m. weekday sessions, or 5:30 p.m. Saturday retreats, or standing over a shower while desperately trying to remember that one girl that one time in college. It’s the only way.
They will be very good. If you live in New York, you’re looking at potentially $1,500 saved in rent for a month. This will all be very tempting at the beginning of your stay.
Overall Mental State
It will be very poor. Your overall self-worth won’t be… high. And you’re really going to have to emphasize various career prospects in those calls back home to dad. (For God’s sake, don’t Skype.)
Is on your call. It’s…
Hahahaha, who are we kidding. YOU’RE THE COUCH GUY. You’ll be kicked out after a week.
Post-Sad appears every Tuesday.
[Happy man image via Shutterstock]
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The delicate balancing act of 21st-century couch living
We can thank Lord Philip Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield for commissioning the first finely crafted settee of its type in the early 1700s. The purpose was to allow gentlemen to sit in comfort without wrinkling their clothes.
But ever since there have been chesterfields — or sofas or couches — they have been used for other purposes.
Like sleeping. Which is now being done in a most 21st-century way.
For some years, there has been a website where, with a couple of clicks, you can find a couch anywhere in the world where you can sleep for a night or two. For free.
Living arrangements
Finding the right architectural and interpersonal design — the right amount of togetherness or solitude — can be a life-long challenge.
Today, many people are experimenting with things like co-housing, tiny portable houses and with radical de-cluttering, not to mention off-the-grid hermitage.
This season, The Sunday Edition is paying special attention to people doing it a little differently. And so if you know about an original kind of living arrangement — or have put together one yourself — please let us know about it by visiting our website or emailing the program at: [email protected].
If you're really alternative, you can sit down and write a letter to The Sunday Edition, CBC Radio One, P.O. Box 500, Station A Toronto, M5W 1E6.
But couch surfing is being pushed to new heights, or horizontals, with practitioners — couch livers — sometimes camping on other people's chesterfields for weeks and weeks and weeks on end.
These new urban nomads keep their laptops, cellphone chargers, clothes and toothbrushes in backpacks and plastic bags, ever thankful not to pay rent, ever-ready to move on when the time comes
'Didn't necessarily want her to leave'
Sophie Blais's pot of espresso coffee whistles away on the stove.
A recent McGill graduate Sophie is spending the year just getting to know Montreal, happily taking time to hang out before she decides on what she is going to do next. She tiptoes over and pulls the pot off. It's 8:30 in the morning but she doesn't want to wake Claris who is sound asleep on the well-worn living room couch just a few metres away.
"So I told Claris she could stay for a few weeks," Sophie says, "because I knew she wanted to come to live in Montreal.
She just stayed and we sorta talked about finding her a new place, but we just all got attached to her and didn't necessarily want her to leave."
- Listen to David Gutnick's report on Sunday Edition
- See also 'Old people should live everywhere'
Sophie and her three other roommates each have a bedroom in this third floor downtown walk-up. There are beer bottles lined up against a wall, tofu in the fridge and a tangle of laptop chargers and textbooks sitting on the counter.
As Blais sees it, there is a big difference between "couch surfing" and "couch living."
"A couch surfer would come for two or three days," she says, "you find them online, it's a great community.
"The first few times I was a little wary of who was coming into my house, but after a while you get to trust and you get to talk to people. They stay a week at the longest."
Claris opens her eyes. She smiles. She’s from British Columbia and with her back pack and guitar has travelled from one end of Canada to the other.
She knew somebody who knew somebody and that is one evening she ended up knocking on the apartment door. That was over a month ago.
Claris (left) has been crashing on Sophie Blais's couch in Montreal for a few weeks now. It's working out, and she may just stay on for a while. (Robin Dianoux)The smell of fresh espresso filling the apartment is just too tempting. Sophie hands Claris a mug.
Over the weeks they have tiptoed around talking about rent, grocery shopping and dishwashing.
"I remember reading [the French sociologist] Michel Foucault," says Claris, "and he talks about certain architectural structures that coerce you to live in a certain way.
"But if you change the structure of a house it changes even the way you think about the world. And this couch is the perfect size for me."
This month Claris promised to pay the internet. And maybe find a job.
Some inconveniences
Dan and Eli are best friends. Just like Claris they have been living on friends' couches for months.
Dan a student in his early twenties has not told his parents who live south of the border.
"I would want them to have a peace of mind," he says. "I am not sleeping on park benches; it is inside places with oscillating fans and running water."
"Right now I have three different places that I have my stuff at," says Eli, who plays in a local rock band. "I have my records at one place; I have a few toothbrushes around town."
Dan keeps deodorant, a toothbrush and socks in his nylon backpack — along with a roll of toilet paper. "I am between three different apartments," he says.
Eli remembers the "place where the owner’s cat pooped on my bed."
"I just wanted to stay out of their hair, stay out late at night," so he would still be welcome. "You want to do the dishes for sure, just be a lot more conscious of how you take up space."
He has a theory on why his friends don't mind him staying on, and on, and on.
We are "living in an age when people share more, it is a sharing economy," he says.
As he sees it, he is simply "employing social networks that are becoming culturally more acceptable," as a generation of 20 year olds tries to get by.
It's a great way to save money, he says. But it does have its inconveniences.
A couple of nights a week Dan sleeps on a couch in a musician's apartment. She likes to practice violin at 3a. m.
"I miss privacy," he says.
He also recalls the day he was at work "and I unzipped my backpack and there was a roll of toilet paper and the boxers I was planning to wear the next day.
"And I was like 'oh, crap' because there is still a stigma associated with it. I don't necessarily want to advertise to the people at the office where I work that I am oscillating between three different dwellings.
Couch living "isn't necessarily a mark of stability, which is valued in the workplace," he says. "But I have never felt unsafe. And that is a privilege."
Live on the couch | Author's platform
Although Rudyard Kipling assured that East and West would never meet, there was still a link between two such different worlds. They became a sofa - a luxurious invention of oriental masters, a symbol of bliss and idleness. Once in Europe, he underwent significant metamorphoses, without losing, however, to this day his main purpose - to take a tortured body into his soft embrace.
Despite the introduction of all sorts of interior innovations, the positions of the sofa are incredibly strong. This is due to our unwavering love for upholstered furniture.
"Sofa philosophy", sung by Schopenhauer and promoting the cult of "lying" existence, has many fans. For those who are not alien to hedonism, the motto "To live without getting up from the couch!" is especially relevant. And so much so that the ideal space seems to them a room filled with air and light, where one single object reigns - a sofa, huge and soft, in the bottomless bowels of which you can hide a lot of things necessary for comfort.
Well, there is nothing utopian in dreams of complete autonomy: hybrid models are equipped not only with extensive storage systems, but also with such functional “things” as a telephone, stereo headphones built into the armrests, a minibar, a library, lamps, a folding table and even a massager. As you can see, the transformation is not limited solely to the transformation of the "day bed" (day bed - as sofas were once called) into a night one. The modern sofa system is truly a miracle of ergonomics, and it’s not just about possible transformations and “bells and whistles”. The therapeutic aspect has also been scrupulously worked out: the angle of the backrest, the location of the seat, elasticity, streamlining and other parameters are carefully calculated not only by designers, but also by physiologists, because the task of this subject is to relieve tension and stress.
According to renowned Italian designer Ten van Zanten, the shape of the sofa was dictated by the human body. The founder of this approach is the Austrian architect Josef Hoffmann, who designed the Club sofa in 1910, which combined the aesthetics of cubism and the achievements of orthopedics. To this day, this model is produced almost unchanged - it is so well done.
There is also a trend towards a variety of configurations. Many models are a set of segments that are ordered and installed in any configuration. Some factories make systems according to the customer's project.
And yet, according to many designers, the sofa should not be the main accent in the interior. Its purpose is to be "an island of peace and quiet", so excessive expression in his installation is not entirely appropriate. Let your eyes please the objects of art, while the sofa should make this admiration as comfortable as possible.
Useful information
An important element of the sofa is a folding mechanism. There are dozens of its varieties, which can be divided into five groups.
• The first includes “books” that operate on the principle of a locking lock (“click”). The seat of the sofa, together with the back, tilts back, and then unfolds, forming a wide berth. Another option is "clack". The back can be fixed in three positions; horizontal, vertical and intermediate (relax).
• The second group includes mechanisms that work on the principle of a "scroll", that is, "clamshells": for example, American, designed for everyday use (with a thick mattress), or a guest version - French (with a thinner mattress).
• The third group includes withdrawable or withdrawable mechanisms (the most popular). These include the "Eurobook" - the seat must be moved towards itself, and the back should be put in its place. The second option is the “dolphin”: an additional element is pulled forward from under the seat and moved up / forward to the sleeping position. By the way, the “Eurobook” allows a box for linen under the seat, but the “dolphin” does not, so the former are more often installed in ordinary sofas, and the latter in corner sofas (the box can be located in a sector adjacent to the main sofa at an angle). Recently, an anti-skew system has been installed in the roll-out mechanisms, which prevents them from shifting when the sofa is inaccurately unfolded.
• The fourth group includes swivel mechanisms that allow you to rotate the seat by 90°. In corner sofas, this way you can get a wide berth: the movable part of the seat on special wheels rolls up and joins the fixed one, after which it is fixed with a special tape and lock.
• The fifth group is represented by mechanisms folding like "accordion". This is an "accordion" (the back folds in half) and a "cascade" (the seat folds in two).
Please note that imported sofas are generally not designed to be used as beds. True, some well-known {factories, such as the French LIGNE ROSET, produce small quantities of "clamshells" - especially for Eastern European consumers.
Evolution of form
No matter how sophisticated designers are in their desire to modify the sofa, all their experiments can be reduced to two main areas: an abundance of decor or its complete absence. In the first case, classical samples are offered - "remakes" of historical heritage, adapted to the current mode of use. These are decorative salon ensembles that claim the leading role in the interior. And how not to notice, say, a dark blue and gold sofa in the Louis XVI style from Versace or a sofa trimmed with gilded braids from the Directory era from Francesco Molon?
Another, modern direction is represented, first of all, by minimalist low-set (or even without legs) parade grounds, the prototype of which was tatami. Such sofas tend to merge with the interior, to become a single functional whole. For no less popular in this category, Art Nouveau is characterized by asymmetry and ornate lines, a combination of metal and wood, as well as the maximum exposure of the texture of the material.
In any case, there is no need to talk about revolutionary metamorphoses - it is rather a smooth constructive evolution. Although there are bursts of avant-garde frenzy, the beginning of which was once laid by the surrealist of all times and peoples Salvador Dali, who gave the world at 1938 sofa in the shape of the lips of the star of Broadway musicals Mae West.
Considering that playing with the form is not original, our illustrious contemporary Philippe Starck shocked the audience with the choice of color. His famous Bubble Club sofa is made of plastic in a rich lemon shade, which, despite the conservatism of the lines, looks very ironic: they say, the classics can also be funny.
Designers Samantha Snidaro and Andrea Fino from the SAND & BIRCH studio decided to surprise the consumer, firstly, with a provocative name, and secondly, with a defiant design. Their "Diamond sofa" is made of aluminum and adorned with 160 Swarovski crystals. Thanks to the play of light, the model turns from an ordinary piece of furniture into a jewel. With all the brilliance of the design, one gets the impression that the creators of the sofa cared least of all about the comfort of sitting on it. In a word, there will always be lovers to amuse us with the concept - couches.
Many designers turn to nature in search of new lines, which, however, is also not new. In the early 1950s, Isamu Noguchi created a sofa sculpture in the form of two smooth river stones. Today it is echoed by Patricia Urquiola, who was inspired by the views of hilly landscapes and designed the system of sofas in the form of "seat stones" Lowland. The so-called club sofas stand apart, having migrated to the residential interior from nightclubs and foyers of luxury hotels. Due to the increased dynamics of life, dinner parties have been supplanted by democratic cocktail parties, so guests no longer sit at a large table, but are dispersed over soft seating "islands" - to increase intimacy in communication.
The club atmosphere of chill-outs (with subdued lights and relaxing music) is impossible without an appropriate sofa. Models can be quite eccentric: a fiberglass sofa, an aluminum couch, canapés made of velvet-covered pipes, shapeless “bags” of incredible colors…
By the way, our manufacturers also have something to brag about. For example, the GRAND upholstered furniture factory (Donetsk), in addition to always up-to-date classics, creates very interesting samples of modern trends, including club furniture. A whole collection of stylish products is offered, including the Concorde and Laguna-modern models. Even the most demanding consumer will appreciate the "City" sofa, whose luxurious black and white "body", bound by a chrome frame, will perfectly fit into the most sophisticated interior. Romantics will surely like the lilac-white "Matisse" or the exotic "Gauguin". Almost any model, at the request of the customer, can be “dressed” in various types of upholstery and presented in non-standard colors.
A few years ago, the market was flooded with fashion for sofas styled by famous car brands. There is still a demand for them. For example, the British company INSPIRED DESIGN offers a model in the shape of the front of a Porsche 917. The fiberglass body is covered with 9 layers of special paint that copies the war paint of a racing car, and the headlights on the sides create a complete illusion that the iconic car of the 70s drove into the house.
This interest in retro is not limited. The most popular today are sofas with a design characteristic of the 60s style: simplicity of design, conciseness of forms, a combination of plain materials and chrome legs.
Upholstery passions
Sofas can be upholstered in a variety of fabrics (linen, silk, wool, cotton), natural or artificial leather (eg Alcantara imitating nubuck). Of the synthetic coatings, the most common are flock (velvet imitator) and microfiber (jaguar).
Expensive upholstery is distinguished by: chenille - the warmest and containing a large amount of natural fibers (up to 50%) fabric; jacquard - front textile, characterized by complex patterns and interweaving of gold threads; tapestry - elegant printed fabric; velor is a pile material that looks spectacular, but wears out quickly, so it is not recommended for active daily use.
In addition, "furniture fur" imitating animal skins is in fashion. And although this is a very capricious material in terms of care, its chic is worth it.
Upholstery fabrics are treated with protective and water-repellent impregnations - Teflon and Scotchguard. After that, the material is not afraid of dirt, stains of grease, coffee, milk, etc., since they are easily removed with a regular household sponge or a soft brush. However, after 5-6 chemical cleanings, the protective coating is gradually erased.
An alternative to the “problematic” upholstery is removable covers (fastened with zippers or Velcro), the advantages of which are obvious: they are easy to remove for washing (or minor repairs), having several sets, they can be changed according to mood or season.
As for the color range, white, beige-brown, gray and other discreet natural shades are in favor. Time has shown that too bright textiles are tiring and quickly get bored. Tapestry upholstery with rich floral ornaments or figurines of fabulous animals are appropriate only in furniture of historical styles. However, flowers, only stylized, adorn modern sofas - romance is again at the peak of popularity.
Separately, I would like to say about leather sofas. For upholstery, calf, goat and horse (yuft) skins are most often used, which are divided into categories depending on thickness, dressing, color and price. Ideally, they should be elastic, of the same thickness, without wrinkles, with a uniform velvet sheen. As a rule, large pieces of leather are used for the upholstery of luxury sofas (up to 3-4 skins are used for one such sofa), smaller ones are used for simpler models, and then you can see folds and masked seams on the finished product.
By the way, Italian firms classify leather as expensive, the surface of which is "disfigured" by bite marks, abrasions or wounds received by an animal during its life. For the manufacturer, they are a sign of uniqueness, excluding the possibility of buying a fake or standard item.
The originality of the model can also be emphasized by unusual skin, for example, an ostrich, a Pakistani buffalo (embossed as a reptile) or a real alligator itself.
Glamour, and the desire for luxury, are also manifested here - in the form of traditional gilding and rhinestones. However, respectable people prefer sofas upholstered in matte smooth leather. Classics of the genre - quilted "chesterfields". Although for some, shiny skin, especially brown or black, is a quote from the Art Deco era.
Among domestic factories that produce high-quality leather sofas, I would like to mention the company "EKMI-FURNITURE". Their round models are especially good: “Nest” (can be made of python skin or dyed goat or cow skin) and “Round Mix” (upholstery - leather or fabric, as well as their combination).
Follow your instincts
So, our leisure time is more and more limited to the sofa. And therefore, you need to choose it wisely, slowly. However, unlike the pleasure-seeking hedonist, the active person who is not inclined to lie on his sides will be guided by other considerations, such as prestige. The object of his desires - designer models or their copies - is the same measure of status as a car or a watch.
In general, there can be only one piece of advice when choosing a sofa: trust your inner voice, it will not deceive you. Even if the sofa you like does not quite fit into the interior, do not hesitate: you can pick up suitable curtains or pillows, and the foreignness of the soft “occupier” will not be so conspicuous. By the way, some manufacturers offer carpets and curtain fabrics of the same color and pattern for sofas.
But even chosen according to taste, the sofa needs to be checked with the body so that it doesn’t work out, as in the well-known aphorism “The sofa was so uncomfortable that even dust did not sit on it.” In connection with this, we recommend sitting on it, changing positions, and even (if the sales assistants do not mind) lie down. A comfortable model should have a slight slope of the seat, a large angle between the seat and the backrest and support for the head. With this design, a natural desire arises to stretch the legs forward and “half lie down”.
What types of parasites and bacteria can live on the sofa and what can be done about it? - (3462) 389-456
Good day to all! Our customers ask why do you need to clean the sofa regularly, and why can't you do it well with a regular vacuum cleaner?
We decided to prepare a large detailed article on this subject, because We have been cleaning sofas in Surgut for more than 5 years and we have something to tell.
If you decide that you need to get your sofa in order, just call 389-456, always happy to help!
Contents of the article
Parasites in mattresses: intruders guarding your sleep
A comfortable and properly selected mattress is the key to a healthy sleep. However, if improperly cared for, the mattress can contribute to the occurrence of some diseases of its owners, as well as cause considerable discomfort. Where do these unpleasant phenomena come from? The thing is that it is the mattress that can become a haven for parasites if it is not given proper care.
Types of parasites that are found in mattresses
Regrettably, but a comfortable and soft mattress, on which you slept so comfortably yesterday, tomorrow can become a home for the following types of parasites - dust mites and house bugs. It is these types of insects that are very often found in mattresses. Of course, they can be found in other secluded places of the apartment, however, it is on the bed that insects find their source of nutrition - a person, during their highest activity - from 1 am to 6 am.
What are the differences between parasites in mattresses?
- Dust mites - insects that do not directly disturb the sleeper, as they are saprophytes. They only collect dead skin cells of a person - that is, a product that the body no longer needs. However, the problem is that dust mites leave behind feces that can cause allergies and lung diseases in humans.
- House mites are a more serious health hazard. These insects inflict small bites on a person - they not only cause discomfort, but also cause severe itching, allergies, infection.
Thus, one can understand what harm parasites in a mattress can cause to a person. That is why it is necessary not only to fight insects, but also to take preventive measures.
Surely many will be interested in the question, where do parasites come from, especially if the mattress is new? Note that insects can migrate from neighbors, they can be brought in by guests with any things. In addition, if you have purchased a new mattress and the old one is still in the apartment, parasites can move to a new home.
What can be done to minimize the possibility of parasites?
- Bed linen should be changed regularly, washed (preferably at a high enough temperature) and ironed.
- It is also necessary to systematically produce high-quality cleaning of the apartment, eliminating dust.
- To protect the mattress, you must use mattress toppers and covers that have a moisture-resistant surface.
- Clothing should be kept away from the bed.
How to recognize parasites?
The mattress is just the perfect habitat for insects - it's a dark place where it's warm and there is some level of humidity. It is worth noting that the quality of the mattress plays an important role, and it is imperative to choose a durable and strong mattress. After all, parasites can get through the weak seams of the product, so reliable stitching is extremely important.
If your mattress becomes infested, you will definitely notice some signs:
- Characteristic brown spots appear on the material of the mattress or bed linen.
- When a person crushes insect larvae, a specific smell appears, which is quite noticeable.
- Small bites remain on the body, but they are accompanied by itching, which will immediately make itself felt.
- When unintentionally scratching the affected skin in a dream in the morning, a person may notice dots or spots of red color.
In war, all means are good
Dust mites are parasites that will in any case live in your apartment to some extent, but their number can and should be reduced.
All measures for the destruction of dust mites should also be associated with the fact that they multiply quickly enough. The same statement applies to house bugs, which carry even more harm.
Thus, it is worth highlighting several effective methods for combating parasites that live in mattresses:
Thermal methods
This category includes cold or heat treatment. It must be remembered that a certain temperature level is unfavorable for the life of parasites. In winter it is -20 degrees Celsius - it is at this temperature that insects die. Just expose the mattress to frost, if its size allows and the temperature outside is appropriate. As for heat treatment, the parasites die at a temperature of +50 degrees Celsius. Thus, you can not only expose the mattress to the hot sun in summer, but also use the flow of hot air and boiling water.
Chemical methods
There are both special means for preventing the appearance of insects in the mattress, and means for their destruction. However, it is worth choosing the right chemical agent that should not be harmful to humans - not cause poisoning or allergies. When using chemicals, be sure to follow all the requirements that the instructions put forward. In addition, you should not sleep on a treated mattress for a while, even if this is not indicated in the instructions.
Mechanical methods
In this case we are talking about the use of vacuum cleaners. Today, powerful vacuum cleaners in a wide range are offered by many manufacturers of household appliances. Such models are able not only to rid the mattress of dust, but also to remove dust mites from it mechanically. It is only necessary to regularly clean the mattress.
Special services
If you want to clean your mattress, bedding, and the whole apartment from parasites as much as possible, as well as to prevent their occurrence in the future, you can contact a special insect extermination service. Specialists will make high-quality disinfection of mattresses, sofas, all upholstered furniture. This method of disposal is especially suitable for those cases when the parasites have multiplied in too large numbers.
Thus, there are several methods to combat parasites in mattresses, but the easiest way is to prevent the appearance of insects in advance. Follow a few rules for handling a mattress - and the parasites will not disturb you, and your sleep will be really healthy.
Removing germs, bacteria from the sofa.
The human eye tends to notice only visible dirt, such as spots, marks and stains, but we do not think about what can only be seen under a microscope.
The sofa - a favorite place in the family home - is constantly infiltrated by various germs, bacteria, dust mites and dust itself, which we simply do not notice. But these are not just microorganisms, they can really cause significant harm to the health of apartment residents. Everything can start with the usual sneezing from dust and end with a serious allergy and irritation on the body.
To avoid these consequences, the sofa must be cleaned. Dry cleaning sofas at home can be done on your own, but you can’t get rid of germs and bacteria with a regular vacuum cleaner, so it’s best to entrust it to professionals.
Dry cleaning of sofas is divided into the following steps:
- Garbage collection. First of all, large debris is removed from the surface of the sofa, which prevents a complete dry cleaning.
- Shampoo application. The shampoo, specially selected for your sofa, is applied to its entire surface and draws dirt, bacteria and microorganisms from the deep layers.
- Spot stain removal. Shampoo will not be able to remove all stains, it is aimed at removing deep-seated dirt, but a good set of professional stain removers will help to cope with local stubborn stains.
- Sofa wash. At the end of the work, the master will definitely wash your sofa so that there are no cleaning products left in it and it will soon be ready for use.
As you can see, these are complex procedures for self-carrying out, so the best way out of the situation is to dry-clean sofas in Nizhny Novgorod with an on-site service.
If you have decided that you do not want to live with bacteria and germs in your sofa and you need to clean the sofa at home, the price and quality will pleasantly surprise you, and you will definitely be satisfied with the results of our work.
How to clean a sofa yourself
A sofa is not only a cozy place in the house, but also the center of life. On the couch we relax after a hard day, raise children, communicate with friends, arrange feasts, and our smaller brothers strive to comfortably sit on it. And after some time, the owners notice that the upholstery has lost color, become dirty, and spots have appeared in some places. The question arises sharply of how to clean the sofa at home, and in such a way as to restore its original appearance to the maximum.
And in order not to be disappointed in the process of operation and care of the sofa - get a sofa that will meet the living conditions in your family. If you have small children, a cat or a dog that will often leave various marks on the upholstery, choose practical, light-colored upholstery that will be easy to clean. Teach all family members to cover the sofa with a bedspread and, if possible, not eat on it, then supportive care will not take much time and effort, and the appearance of the sofa will last much longer.
Which sofa is quicker and easier to clean
The most practical upholstery, which is quite easy to clean, is matting and microflock. Plush, velor, velvet require more delicate use and special care. Tapestry heavy expensive upholstery is very wear-resistant, but their cleaning is quite problematic.
All of the DIY upholstery cleaning and stain removal recipes below only work if you keep your upholstery and home clean on a regular basis. Alas, dust accumulates not only on the surface, but also deep inside, in the filler of sofas. Therefore, at least once or twice a year, it is necessary to resort to professional dry cleaning services.
Cleaning companies have special equipment that will powerfully pull out deeply ingrained dust. If this is not done, then all your home cleanings will have the opposite effect. Even if you thoroughly vacuum the surface, domestic vacuum cleaners are not powerful enough to deal with internal dirt and when you wet the upholstery, deep dirt will remain in the form of stains on the surface of the sofa. Simply put, you will "carry dirt", be disappointed and waste your precious time. Therefore, be careful and be guided by logic when deciding to clean the sofa yourself.
How to clean the sofa yourself and not ruin it
To avoid mistakes when cleaning fabric upholstery, first determine what type it is and whether it will shed, lose color if wet with water and detergent. Be careful with fabrics such as plush, velvet and velor, they require delicate care. You can not wet the sofa abundantly, otherwise the water will get inside, and after a while you will feel an unpleasant musty smell. The product you are going to clean the sofa with should be tested on the most inconspicuous area.
Pile fabrics such as flock are best cleaned with a vacuum cleaner fitted with a special upholstery nozzle. For flock, choose a product that does not contain alcohol, and after cleaning, go over the entire surface with a soft brush so that the pile dries evenly and straightens out.
Wet cleaning of microfiber upholstery at home is not recommended, this work is for professionals and is done in exceptional cases. Microfiber is dry cleaned. When cleaning light-colored sofa upholstery, use only white rags, as colored fabrics can fade when exposed to drugs, and you will ruin the sofa. Do not use bleach or undiluted vinegar when cleaning upholstery. If you are not sure about something, it is better not to take on the self-cleaning of the sofa.
How to clean a fabric sofa at home
First you need to get rid of the dust. This is done either with a vacuum cleaner or with a damp sheet. If vacuuming, then pay special attention to difficult places of furniture, joints, corners. Use the special crevice nozzle for hard-to-reach places. If there is no vacuum cleaner or the sofa is upholstered with velor, velvet or other pile fabric, then the dust must be knocked out. To do this, wet the sheet in soapy water and wring it out. Then cover the sofa and start beating all over the surface.
You can do this procedure several times, but the sheet will have to be rinsed and wrung out each time.
Thus, you will effectively collect dust from the sofa without polluting the air in the room. If the upholstery of your sofa is light, then the sheet can be moistened with a solution of 9% vinegar. The proportion is as follows: for 1 tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of vinegar. The rest follows the same principle. After such a wet procedure, you should dry the sofa before using it.
To clean the entire surface, you can make the following composition:
- Take a spoonful of detergent, a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of vinegar.
- Dilute all ingredients in a liter of water and lather.
- Apply foam with a brush in one direction to avoid streaks.
Make sure that there is not too much foam and that the furniture is not excessively wet. There are upholstery on which a lot of foam is formed, then wetting will be much more active. In this case, it is better not to use this method of cleaning the upholstery of the sofa.
There are upholstery that does not allow the use of even a soft brush. In this case, there is another method for cleaning the upholstery. Take a powder for delicate washing about half a cup and mix with a glass of warm water. Then you create foam, apply it to the upholstery and wait for it to disappear. The procedure must be repeated up to 3 times, and then draw out the dirty foam with a washing vacuum cleaner.
If there are solid impurities, they must be scraped off with a blunt object. Fabrics such as velor, flock, chenille cannot be scraped off solid dirt, they should be soaked with soapy foam.
How to clean the sofa at home from dirt
There is another very common problem that occurs on the upholstery of upholstered furniture. These are greasy surfaces that look like glossy dark spots. Usually they are on the armrests, along the front edge of the seating space and on the back in the area of contact with the fabric of the back and head. Such spots arise from the combination of dust and soot particles with biological secretions of the human body. How to clean them from fabric upholstery?
For example, tapestry fabrics can be cleaned with a soap and soda solution or dishwashing detergent diluted in water. They perfectly dissolve fat and will not harm the tissue.
- Lather for 10 minutes;
- brush;
- rinse with clean water;
- Wipe with an absorbent cloth.
If necessary, repeat the procedure several times until the spots disappear. We advise you to make the same solution for cleaning the entire surface of the sofa, only at a lower concentration, about 2 times. By cleaning the entire sofa, you will avoid ugly borders from moisture after cleaning the greasy area. After this procedure, it is important to let the sofa dry and do not use a hair dryer, as uneven airflow will provoke the formation of streaks.
Greases on fluffy upholstery, such as flock, are best cleaned with a foam sponge. And as a means, use a solution of laundry soap, dishwashing detergent or Vanish for furniture.
How to clean the sofa from stains yourself
The next unpleasant problem is stains of various origins that stain the fabric or leave greasy marks. Stains should be removed as soon as possible, before they have penetrated deep into the fibers of the sofa upholstery. Keep paper towels or gauze handy.
These materials can immediately blot the stain and most of the dirt will be absorbed into them, and not into the upholstery. What is left must be processed immediately. It is necessary to act from the edges to the center of the stain so that the area of contamination does not increase.
The most common stains are from fat, fruit, chocolate, beer, wine and other drinks, blood, urine. To remove stains, first try the universal method of removing soapy water or Vanish. Apply the solution to the stain, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water and blot the moisture with a clean cloth. If that doesn't work, try the following formulas:
- 9% vinegar - 2 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.
- Add 10 drops of ammonia to shampoo with warm water.
Often these compounds help to remove fresh stains from coffee, tea, chocolate, beer, jam, white wine, Coca-Cola.
Grease stains can be removed with chalk, talc or salt. It is necessary to sprinkle it on a contaminated place and leave it for a couple of hours. These substances perfectly absorb fat. Then they are removed with a vacuum cleaner or simply swept away. Beer stains are treated with a simple soapy solution, and to remove an unpleasant odor, you need to additionally treat the area with vinegar.
Blood stains can be removed with cold water and soap, and if the stain is very fresh, dust it with talcum powder. In order to remove stains from drinks, ammonia is used. It must be applied to the contamination, and then rinse the area with water. Remember that velvet and plush cannot be treated with soapy solutions. Stains from these fabrics are removed with gasoline or alcohol.
If stains of other origin or simple methods fail. Here is a selection of recipes for removing stains of various kinds.
How to quickly clean a sofa with your own hands. Recipes
- Blood should be immediately washed with cold water by adding 1 aspirin tablet per glass or liter of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. If the blood stain is old, then hold ice cubes on the stain, and then treat with a weak solution of vinegar in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar per 1 liter. water. Then wash the stain with soapy water and finally with clean water.
- Traces of greasy food, plasticine or cream must first be removed with a spatula, and the stain should be covered with salt so that it absorbs the substances.
- If candle wax is dripped onto the sofa upholstery, let it harden. Then crumble and scrape with a spatula. Cover the wax stain with a thin cotton cloth or two or three paper towels and iron several times.
Can be repeated several times if needed.
- Felt pen, ballpoint pen, nail polish, lipstick marks can be removed with ethyl/ammonia or acetone. And then the area is washed with clean water.
- Spots from fruits, vegetables or juices, treat with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1, wait until dry, rinse with water.
- Wipe beer or coffee with a clean napkin, and then treat with a soapy solution with the addition of vinegar in a proportion of 2 tbsp. per 1 liter water.
- Sprinkle red wine stains with salt to absorb moisture. Then brush off the salt with a soft-bristled brush and treat the stain with ethyl alcohol and then with soap suds. Finally, remove soap residue with water and blot the area as much as possible with tissues or clean gauze.
- Jam, chocolate, condensed milk need to be dried a little so as not to be smeared on the surface. Then remove the dried crust and clean the stain with soapy water
- Chewing gum should be frozen with an ice pack and then carefully removed with a knife.
The chewing gum will be removed quite easily, but if after that a trace remains on the fabric, treat this place with methyl alcohol, and then rinse with water until clean.
- If the wooden armrests of your sofa are damaged, then there are solutions. You can get rid of sticky chewing gum with a simple Vaseline. It must be rubbed into the gum and after a while it will simply crumble. Vaseline will also help to cope with white spots that remain from glasses of hot tea. Just rub Vaseline on these areas and after a few hours you will find that the spots have completely disappeared.
How to clean a sofa from urine stains at home
A separate issue is urine stains. This is the most unpleasant and complex organic pollution, which not only leaves stains, but also has an unpleasant odor. You should immediately collect urine with a napkin or rag. If the upholstery of your sofa is colored, then treat the stain with a solution of 9% vinegar in a ratio of 1:5 or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
If the upholstery of the sofa is light, then you can apply a solution of citric acid in a ratio of 1:10, and after an hour, wash the area with soapy water and finally with clean water.
How to clean the sofa from the smell yourself
It will take some work to remove unpleasant odors from drinks, food or urine. You can of course use special tools for furniture, but often this does not give a positive result. The liquid quickly seeps into the depths of the sofa filler, and the unpleasant smell will steadily manifest until you remove the cause from the inside. In this case, the compositions that you will apply must be absorbed inside.
For the smell of beer or juice, you can use an vinegar solution in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water (you can add a small amount of fabric softener). Dampen a cloth in the solution and press firmly against the damaged area so that the composition passes into the upholstery. Repeat this procedure several times, and then dry the sofa. The vinegar smell will dissipate after a couple of days.
You can try to remove the smell of human urine from dark upholstery using iodine tincture. Dissolve 15-20 drops in a liter of water, soak the filler as deeply as possible. You can also clean the upholstery from above with this composition. If the upholstery of the sofa is light, then you can use diluted lemon juice in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l. for half a liter of water.
How to clean a sofa from the smell of cat urine
It is very difficult to remove the smell of cat urine. You will have to spend time and do it in several steps. First, soak the upholstery with a vinegar solution of 1 part 9% vinegar to 3 parts water. Then the furniture should be dried. Then you need to sprinkle the surface with soda and spray from the sprayer with the following composition: hydrogen peroxide and water in a 1: 1 ratio. The composition is very foamy and should be left for 2-3 hours on the upholstery, and then remove the remaining foam with a damp cloth and dry. After complete drying, vacuum the remaining soda.
But all this will have an effect if you immediately discover a cat trick. If the cat messed up in your absence and the urine penetrated deep into the filler, then you can of course try to fight the smell on your own, but this is unlikely to be effective.
You will have to heavily shed the upholstery with compound or Vanish, and you cannot remove the liquid from the depth yourself. And in addition to the unpleasant smell of urine, you will also get the smell of musty filler. In this case, we recommend calling specialists who will extract urine from the depths of the sofa with an extractor and block the smell with effective safe chemicals.
Clean the sofa at home
Special thick furniture covers will help extend the life of your furniture and protect it from dirt. A lot of people don't like slipcovers and bedspreads because they don't cover beautiful furniture upholstery. In this case, you can order a cleaning company such a service as hydrophobization. A special composition is applied to the entire surface of the upholstery in several layers, and your sofa will be reliably protected from dirt, stains and moisture. This procedure is done on a slightly damp surface, so it is advisable to combine it with a preliminary deep dry cleaning.
Remember that timely proper care significantly increases the service life and aesthetic appearance of upholstered furniture. And this means that your nerves, time and family budget for the premature purchase of a new sofa will be saved.
Dry cleaning of sofas from professionals
Without which furniture the house will not be cozy? Of course, without a soft and comfortable sofa where you can lie down and read a book or watch TV, or just sit and chat with friends. Rarely in which house is the sofa just for the interior, in most cases it is a fairly popular pastime for all family members. Daily use causes soiling of its upholstery, so the sofa needs to be cleaned regularly.
Sofa cleaning at home is possible, but only in cases where the soiling is slight. For example, you can vacuum it or remove a simple stain with a wet cloth.
If the problem is more extensive: greasy upholstery, stubborn stains, persistent unpleasant odor, or you are afraid to spoil the color of the fabric, then it is better not to risk it and turn to professionals.
Specialists will be able to quickly and efficiently clean the sofa, regardless of how dirty it is. In their work, they use special cleaning products that will not only remove any stain, but also will not affect the color of the fabric.
What are the benefits of ordering dry cleaning at home?
- The company guarantees a positive result.
- Control capability.
- Saving time and effort, as the sofa does not need to be taken anywhere.
- Arrival of specialists at a convenient time for you.
Dry cleaning of sofas at home is carried out using modern technologies, special equipment and various detergents. The work of specialists of cleaning companies includes several successive stages.
- The sofa upholstery is dry cleaned first. With the help of a powerful vacuum cleaner, the sofa is cleaned of dusty dirt and animal hair, if any, in the house.
- After pre-cleaning, experts evaluate the degree and type of contamination. Then, taking into account the fabric of the upholstery, the most suitable chemical agent is selected and applied to the surface of the sofa.
- If the washing solution has not coped with some persistent stains, then they are removed with a stronger stain remover, treating a specific place.
- Lastly, shampoos and gels designed specifically for furniture are applied to the upholstery.
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