Landscaping ideas with small rocks
21 Unique Rock Landscaping Ideas For Your Yard
There are many rock landscaping ideas that you can use to create beautiful areas of your yard that are less suitable for traditional gardens.
It’s the perfect way to improve curb appeal and solve problems with soil erosion, poor drainage and sandy soil at the same time.
Fortunately, there are so many great rock landscaping ideas you can tap into to find the perfect solution for your situation.
Or you can choose rock landscape design for its stunning natural look and beauty it provides.
It works great in any outdoor space and has the great advantage of being low maintenance as well.
Types of Landscape Designs Using Rocks
Rock Gardens
A rock garden is a garden bed where the rocks can be the foundation or focal point of the garden bed.
Instead of wood chips, use small stones. The use of smaller stones or even gravel will still allow you to easily plant your shrubs, trees or perennials.
Rock Pathways
Small stones or gravel can be used to provide a walkway between points, whether it’s in the front yard or backyard.
These can also be combined with stepping stones, like my DIY concrete ones or concrete pavers.
Dry Creek Beds
These are excellent for dealing with low areas that stay moist. Usually, stones of different sizes will be used to help with drainage, as well as for nicer aesthetics.
Drought-resistant vegetation can also be added to these types of garden beds.
Rock Walls
Rock walls are great for soil erosion problems. These can make a dramatic difference in a landscape. Typically larger rocks are used.
Rock Water Features
From ponds to small streams to waterfalls, rocks are the perfect vehicle or backdrop for any water feature in your yard.
How to Design With Rocks in a Garden
Start by creating a focal point. This can be a special plant, tree, garden sculpture or water feature. Just something that stands out or is special for you.
Create layers to bring in visual interest. This can be achieved by using a mixture of small and large rocks.
In addition to using different size rocks, also think about using unique shapes and textures, and a variety of different colors.
When it comes to shapes or textures in stones, combining flat and round or smooth with a more jagged texture makes for a beautiful multi-layered look.
It provides a foundation or backdrop that looks great for planting ornamental grasses, flowers or any type of vegetation in front.
Unique Rock Landscaping Ideas
Check out this great idea for making a gorgeous dry river bed using river stones.
Birdz of a Feather used a cool statue and special tree as a focal point.
They thoughtfully included stepping stones for meandering through their dry creek bed oasis.
They also used landscape fabric to inhibit weed growth, which is also a natural act of the river rock, and in combination makes this a very low maintenance rock garden.
If you suffer from wet ground and soil erosion, then a gravel garden can be a fantastic solution to your problem.
We refurbished a muddy, weed garden into what will next year become a lush, gravel garden. And it will eventually be virtually maintenance-free.
This is because the gravel is 4-6” thick and the plants were actually potted in the gravel and not in the soil they came in.
There’s even a small rock garden portion set to the side in this gravel bed.
Check out the detailed tutorial for how to make this, so you can reduce your time spent weeding the garden.
Here is lots of useful advice on different ways to create a rock water feature, including ponds and waterfalls.
Kelly will explain what considerations to take into account when it comes to combining water and rocks.
For example, what type of rock to use and why different types of rocks create different effects. As well as when to use large stones, vs flat rocks, natural stones or artificial ones.
For fabulous details on how to execute perfect stone paths, you’ll want to check out how Craving Some Creativity made this one.
This low-budget solution to a walkway improved the aesthetics of their yard as well as made it infinitely more functional.
Here are 15 other garden path ideas you may be interested in as well.
If you loved our first rock landscaping idea, then here is the tutorial for the corner rock garden portion of the dry creek bed.
The use of ground cover and drought tolerant plants make this an easy type of garden to care for.
Here’s the perfect way to add literal curb appeal to an awkward patch of grass next to your sidewalk.
This rock garden pathway edging uses a landscape barrier to control weed growth.
With the contrast of dark mulch and different sizes of rocks, you can transform an awkward space into a beautiful garden bed.
You can make an awesome flagstone path right on top of dirt! Just remove any weeds or sod first. Of course there are a few other important things to know, so check out the detailed tutorial for great tips!
I bet you didn’t think weed-free flower beds were possible. Well Girl Just DIY can show you how it’s done.
You may have guessed the theme by now, landscape fabric and gravel can be powerful barriers to weed growth.
This combination uses multi-colored granite for the gravel. It works perfectly for perennials and succulents.
If you love these ideas but are not interested in going the DIY route, then this is the post for you.
Bigger Than The Three of Us decided to hire out their rock bed job and can give you a sense of costs- both materials and labor, as well as the time involved.
The dry creek bed turned out fantastic with the large river rocks, mixed with smaller ones.
It’s especially stunning in contrast with the dark mulch that borders it on one end and lush green grass on the other.
There’s more information in this guide to help you decide whether to pay for a stone pathway installation or to do it yourself.
This one is a bit different but thinks outside the box. Use concrete to make a faux rock to conceal less appealing solar lights.
The round “rocks” are a natural fit in any garden or pathway. We have these placed in our 4-6” deep gravel garden. In case you missed it, it was the second item on our list.
The artificial solar rock lights make for the perfect ambiance at night.
And during the day they add visual interest to the garden due to the varying changes in heights, much like the rock garden portion of this garden.
Here is a nicely detailed tutorial for a gorgeous flagstone pathway made from pieces of rock (which may not be officially flagstone) but look very much like it.
Any flat pieces of rock will work for a flagstone-like path. Check out the tutorial from Farm Fresh Vintage Finds to see how.
For great tips and advice on how to incorporate larger rocks into your landscaping design, you’ve got to check out this post from Lane and High.
She’ll discuss different design options and why she made the choices she did for her front yard rock landscaping project.
And in addition, she’ll even give you the breakdown of costs.
Usually, when you purchase rocks from a landscape supply, you typically need to buy them in bulk.
This almost always ends up in having a fair amount leftover that you need to get creative with.
DIY Danielle has found several great ways to utilize small rocks all around the yard. From a stone pathway to hard-to-mow areas, to drainage locations.
Check out the post for more ideas on how to put your leftover stones to good use.
Here is a landscape makeover using pea gravel and landscape rocks.
There had been a large, plain area of grass that didn’t have much visual appeal and also couldn’t be used recreationally.
Landscaping rocks was a great choice for visually breaking up the space to make it a little more dynamic.
In addition, the rock acted as a retaining wall for a raised garden bed.
Pocket Guide to Concrete & Cement Mixes For Crafts
Grab the free pocket guide. It has a handy chart for choosing the right mix for your project.
Grab The Guide!
Use large boulders to create stone structures, or stone cairns to add appeal to an awkward space.
You’ll have to check out On Woodland Lane’s fantastic rock landscaping ideas on stacking rocks.
A stone feature creates visual interest in any space where a garden may not fit. This type of structure is also perfect for a small space.
You can make a rock water feature with a dramatic effect.
This DIY waterfall incorporates some lava rock so that not all of the large rocks are heavy to lift.
Check out the post to see how the waterfall was made with relatively few materials and at a lower price than you’d think.
This is a simple way to use rocks in your landscape. This bird bath was repurposed into a rock garden.
If you have a challenging landscape with steeper grading then rock stairs just may be the perfect solution.
The stone blends in beautifully with the natural surroundings.
The tutorial is very detailed and also has a video, so you’ll be sure to have the information you need to create your own set of outdoor stairs.
Here’s another amazing solution for a steeply graded yard. Use boulders to act as a retaining wall to allow for usable outdoor space.
Check out how they were able to squeeze a large patio into what used to be a tiny space.
Okay so you’ve got 100 ideas on how to use rocks in your home’s landscaping, so now you need to know how to do a little repair should the need arise.
This may come up if you have rock walls or water features that are experiencing a little bit of slippage.
Check out this post to learn how to repair stones that are coming out of place.
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10 stylish nature-inspired looks |
Landscaping ideas with rocks are a creative way to add depth and dimension to the yard. The beautifully weathered appearance of rocks helps to forge a connection between a manmade landscape and the natural world, as well as adding year-round structure to your design.
Rocks can be used as part of a complex large-scale project with many aspects and layers, or in a smaller way, perhaps in a corner adorned with gravel and river stones. They’re generally one of the low maintenance backyard landscaping ideas available, too, making using rocks a fabulous option for many.
Here, we’ve collected landscaping ideas with river rock together with other suggestions to inspire your project.
Landscaping ideas with rocks
Rocks can be used to define a slope, transform an area where little will grow or define and outline walkways and planting beds with an attractive arrangement including pebbles and gravel. Larger rocks can be used as garden sculpture to lend structure to the landscape or even for seating if you choose those with smooth flattened surfaces.
(Image credit: Gay Bumgarner/Alamy Stock Photo)
Using rough-hewn slabs for paved surfaces such as paths is one of the most popular landscaping ideas with rocks. They can be edged with gravel, pebbles or boulders to further complement a natural style that focuses on sustainability because it offers a porous hard landscaping choice that allows water to seep into the soil rather than run off.
If you want to build a rockery, local stone that weathers to produce varied surface textures is often a feature in naturalistic garden design, and planting to soften the edges is, of course, key to this look. This combination helps to create an informal space that comes together in a coherent composition.
To pull the look together, choose plants with harmonious or complementary colors to the rocks. Use a mix of plants with flower and foliage interest, and combine upright and creeping forms.
2. Opt for an easy low-maintenance style
(Image credit: Beekeepx/GettyImage)
A ground cover garden that combines soft cushions of planting with pebbles and rocks is a low maintenance landscaping choice that suits most spaces. It's best to leave these rock garden ideas to evolve into a more natural look.
Instead of trying to create a fixed picture, landscaping ideas with rocks are best when ground cover is left to evolve from year to year in a scheme that takes its lead from the planting. By taking inspiration from nature, it’s possible to adapt the approach to managing your backyard and opt for something suited to local conditions that's also easy to maintain.
3. Introduce rocks into an urban setting
(Image credit: Oneillbro/GettyImages)
In urban landscape design smooth hard surfaces tend to dominate but garden designers often use the trick of introducing contrasting materials in a contemporary color palette to maximize texture and interest.
Adding a distinctive edging detail to enhance the space between smooth paving and raised beds works well in a bold architectural scheme. Decorative gray or black pebbles are available in a range of sizes and also come polished for a stylish finish. They work well in contemporary garden schemes or to create a cool contrast in your landscaping project.
4. Landscape with real river rocks
(Image credit: Fiona Stephenson Designs)
Opt for landscaping ideas with river rock to create a look that feels likes it's been there for ever. A naturally hard-wearing material, limestone will maintain its shape and appearance for years to come with very little maintenance. In fact, time and extended weathering only improve its curves and crevices.
'I wanted to create a stream with waterfalls, essentially a natural feel that was inviting to wildlife,' explains garden designer Fiona Stephenson of this landscaping project featuring a natural waterfall over rocks. 'I designed shallow areas for birds to bathe and drink, and a “beach” for newts and frogs to access.
'To make the stream look natural, it has a layer of mortar with gravel and small stones pressed into it. Additional small gravel and loose stones are added to create a natural effect. The sides and “falls” use Irish water-worn boulders, placing natural gulleys in the rocks to create falling water.'
5. Mix up different textures
(Image credit: Jeep5d/GettyImages)
Designers often use a mix of materials to maximize texture and interest in their landscaping ideas with rocks. This can include both manmade and natural materials, such as flagstones or pavers mixed with river rocks or stones.
Using gravel to infill around smooth slabs then adding an edging of small boulders turns a path into an interesting design that demands attention as a feature in itself rather than just a path from A to B.
If you prefer the idea of a pebble path, try paddlestones. These are large pieces of slate that have been tumbled to round off the edges. The result is smooth and flat stones that are easy to walk on. In Japanese garden design they are used to create decorative paths designed to resemble a river bed.
6. Work a Mediterranean look
(Image credit: Basie B/GettyImages)
In the Mediterranean garden landscaping ideas with rocks include an irregular combination of these plus pebbles to create a stony terrain. These can be interspersed with a natural planting scheme that combines a tapestry of different colors and textures using perennial plants.
Taking inspiration from the natural scenery of the Mediterranean, try introducing a variety of plants that work well landscaped with stones and rocks. Many are happy to settle their roots straight into gravel. The gaps between the stones will soon be colonized by self-seeding plants which helps your landscaping design subtly evolve from year to year. Random groupings of stones will look more natural than placing them in neat rows or organized patterns.
Try drifts of hardy and low-growing plants including lavender, herbs, succulents and grasses to create a naturalistic and wild look.
7. Embrace a Japanese aesthetic
(Image credit: Charlie Turchetta/GettyImages)
The balance of hard landscaping elements such as rocks, stepping stones and gravel, contrasted with tightly clipped shrubs and trees, is one of the features of Japanese garden ideas that's particularly appealing.
Rocks are selected for their weathered qualities, color and aesthetic appeal, and their innate characteristics are given careful consideration before they are integrated into the design.
In this garden a simple flight of stone steps adds a vertical accent that invites you on a journey of discovery, while carefully placed rocks help to define planting areas. The rocks and stones form a sculptural route between one level of the garden and another. Hard and soft landscaping combine to create a stylish space.
8. Go large for dramatic impact
(Image credit: Rachel Bailey Design)
Large boulders can be used to contrast with soft sweeps of planting for naturalistic landscaping ideas with rocks, a look that was an element of Victorian garden design. Start by observing how rocks look in nature, such as their orientation, grouping and how they seem to come out of the ground. Bed your rocks into the soil and group smaller ones with larger ones in natural clusters.
'Large boulders and smaller rocks were “planted” into this sloped garden to add height and interest,' explains garden designer Rachel Bailey . She also suggests working with local rocks to connect the house with the yard and surrounding landscape. 'Include a variety of sizes including some big rocks for impact. This is especially important in small gardens where the inclination is to shy away from large rocks in favour of small ones. Larger rocks will add more drama and impact, creating a cleaner, less fussy design.'
Use rocks as a foil for your planting and include informal planting pockets for alpine plants, which will become established and merge into one other, softening edges and creating an environment that will develop naturally over time. A meandering gravel path completes the picture.
(Image credit: Fotolinchen/GettyImages)
Water feature ideas are a must if you're using rocks as design-wise the two go hand in hand. Rocks can be incorporated into all water features whether they are large pools and ponds or small freestanding bowls, rills, waterfalls or fountains.
A small pool with water rippling over smooth pebbles or stones is instantly calming and can be squeezed into even the smallest of gardens. Large rocks can be used to mirror the movement of flowing water and to create shimmering reflections. Rocks and pebbles are also good as a way of adding a distinctive edging to water features.
10. Combine planting and rocks in modern spaces
(Image credit: Hikesterson/GettyImages)
Asymmetry is key to modern garden design, which often relies on pared-back spaces, quality materials and clever styling. The materials palette tends to be minimal, such as smooth rendered concrete for paving to create clean surfaces or large rocks used for dramatic effect.
Planting needs to reflect this aesthetic, too. In modern garden design it tends to be restricted, featuring only a tree or two, smooth sections of lawn and a few shrubs as punctuation marks.
Traditionally rock landscaping included plant varieties that are alpine in origin, as the conditions simulate their native habitat. They tend to be smaller plants to complement the scale of the rocks.
Perennials, ornamental grasses and small shrubs can be used to add vertical height, while creeping ground cover plants will soften the edges. Evergreen dwarf and creeping conifers are good for adding compact year-round interest. If your garden is shady, choose mosses, ferns and hostas instead.
How do I landscape with rocks?
A good place to start is by working out how you want your rock landscaping project to look. Begin with a few well-placed larger rocks as primary focal points to anchor the space and get these into position first. Remember that you will need to factor in cranes and diggers for moving larger rocks.
Allow space between the rocks for plants to grow. Smaller complementary stones or gravel placed around larger rocks will help to pull together the design. Vary the color and texture of materials to introduce contrast.
To create visual interest, aim to vary the size and shape of the materials you choose, too. Go for a mix of boulder rocks, stones, pebbles and gravel to add interest with different textures and shapes.
Before splashing out on materials do your research by looking for specialty rock suppliers to see what's available. You can also look on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Craigslist and Freecycle, which often have listings from people looking to get rid of surplus materials left over after landscaping projects are completed.
What kind of rock is good for landscaping?
When it comes to smoothness, river rock is the best product to use. Known for its rounded texture, it's available in many sizes and colors. It’s a great way of making a pretty border, path, lining a pond or other water feature, and edging projects.
Limestone can be used for designs needing larger rocks such as rockeries, filling gabions and other landscaping projects. It's a creamy buff colour that gets darker when wet and comes in large irregular, angular pieces.
If you want a soft, rustic look for your backyard, decomposed granite is one of the best landscape rock types out there, with a pretty reddish-tan color. Use it for landscaping around trees as well as ground cover as it’s an affordable option.
If you want a good weed barrier or to fill in the gaps between pavers choose pea gravel, which comes in a good range of colors and is an affordable option.
Lava rocks are actual volcanic stones and have bold and vibrant colors to give a beautiful accent when landscaping with rocks. They are light, too, which means it's easier to transport them and spread them around.
Monoliths in landscape design - rules and uses
A garden monolith is a large standing stone of unusual shape and texture that is used for design. But so that the stone does not produce the effect of a meteorite that has fallen on the site, it must be correctly entered into the surrounding landscape. Let's figure out how to do it.
Monoliths in landscape design
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Features of landscape compositions with monoliths
A large textured stone will always be the center of the composition, no matter what you combine it with - with plants, smaller boulders, backfill.
Usually one or a group of monoliths is used in garden design, selecting them according to size, color, texture and focusing on the style of landscape design.
- In landscape gardens, stones should look as natural as possible - as if they had been standing there all the time. Sandstone, gneiss (stone bark), tuff will cope well with this task, but with diligence, other rocks can be entered into the landscape style, for example, marble with dark green veins.
- For a Mediterranean style landscape, pink marble, limestone, warm onyx, desert rose stone are suitable.
- Strict laconic obelisks made of slate, marble of cold shades, basalt, granite, onyx will become the decoration of a minimalist garden.
- Blocks that have retained their natural shape will be organic as centerpieces in a Japanese rock garden.
The dimensions of the stones must be proportionate to the garden and the site on which you plan to install them, otherwise they will either get lost or seem too bulky. If you are installing a group of monoliths, apply the rule of an unequal triangle: in the middle is the highest element, on the left is the second in height, on the right is the lowest.
Composition with monoliths
Monoliths are installed in such places that they can be seen from several viewpoints - from the main entrance, from the gazebo, from the gate.
A composition with monoliths is planned at the design stage of landscape design. This can also be done during the reconstruction period, when the design is completely changed or partially updated.
Single stone in outdoor design
How monoliths can be used - 5 garden ideas
Consider how to use large decorative stones and what compositions can be made with them.
Setting the accents
Most often, monoliths are used to create focal points. They are purposefully placed in those places where they want to attract attention.
Let's say you paved the front area with beautiful paving slabs, but the flat surface itself looks boring. If, however, an interesting standing stone is installed in the bend of the paving and cereals are planted nearby, you will get a composition that instantly attracts the eye. I would like to take a closer look at the stone itself, and all the details of the composition.
Suitable places for accent groups are the front area, the space between the lawn and the paving, paving pockets, path bends, seating area.
Suitable materials for this purpose are marble, onyx, basalt, slate. Their beauty is well set off by ornamental cereals, lavender, stonecrops, ground cover plants, creeping conifers. In the front area, monoliths can be combined with bonsai, sheared boxwood.
Examples of creating focal points using monoliths
Monolith as an art object
Some stone blocks have such an interesting shape and texture that they do not need a plant frame. They can be used as a garden sculpture - without anything.
Which stone is suitable for this installation?
This may be a rare rock, such as a breccia. It consists of multi-colored angular fragments and resembles a mosaic or a leopard skin. It is processed in such a way as to emphasize the most beautiful areas and give an interesting shape.
This is what a breccia monolith looks like
Ordinary stone can also be used for installation, but the picture must be readable, as in the photo below. When you look at these bizarre forms, it seems that these are outlandish animals or birds frozen in stone.
Slate is often used in landscape design due to its excellent performance
Such a composition makes you want to look at it and find something new in it every time
Japanese motifs
Monoliths are indispensable if you decide to add a touch of Japanese style to your landscape design. Moreover, it is not necessary to create a full-fledged rock garden. You can get by with a small rocky corner where you will relax, meditate and enjoy the harmony of nature.
Monoliths in such compositions are used as central elements symbolizing the Earth, islands, heavenly bodies. They can be combined with small boulders or set on a flat area of fine gravel and draw “water ripples” with a rake.
This is how individual fragments of a Japanese rock garden look like
Combining the elements
Another modern trend in the use of monoliths is garden fountains. The stone is set on a gravel dump, to which water is supplied in advance. Water can hit from below and irrigate gravel and stones.
Fountains in landscape design, decorated with stones
Landscaping project
garden design by Sad-dizain
Compositions with plants
If the design of the garden is landscape style, the monoliths fit into it especially carefully. Nothing should be on display. The stone is positioned so that it is partially covered by trees or shrubs. Creeping plants are planted nearby, which will braid the stone from below.
Lumps look organic in one-sided compositions, but only for them you need to choose the right plants. Evergreen and coniferous species, cereals, succulents, wild plants go well with the stone. Bright and large garden flowers are not suitable for such a design.
In a landscape garden, stone should not be an ornament, but part of it.
There may be other uses for monoliths in landscape design. It all depends on your imagination and personal perception of beauty. The stone deserves a place of honor in the garden and will be a real decoration of the site.
Landscape design with stones in the garden: decorating a summer cottage, photo
Stones help create a harmonious landscape design. They can be of different sizes, colors or shapes. How to choose a material for decoration and what you need to know about the use of stones in landscape design?
Big or small, gravel or boulders, slabs or chips, any stone can be used in your garden
Stone classification
- Stone classification
- Artificial or natural?
- Glowing stones
- How to choose a stone for the landscape
- Painting and decorating
- Video: Ideas for decorating the garden and yard with stones
- Photo: Stones in the landscape of a suburban area
We note right away that you should not “collect” all kinds of stones on your site. This is no longer a design, but a demonstration of the materials you have. The feeling of naturalness is lost and the composition looks rough. Professionals recommend using two, maximum three types of stones.
All stones can be divided into natural and artificial
Artificial or natural?
These are the two categories into which all stones are divided. More often they prefer natural ones, but even here everything is not so simple. Not all natural stones have the same characteristics, so choose the ones that suit your needs. The first thing that draws attention is the strength and attractive appearance.
Stones are part of nature, which is why they look very natural in the garden and flower beds.
Leaders among natural stones are granite, basalt and gneiss. Granite is a unique material in its composition, it contains natural mica, feldspar and quartz. In addition, its distinctive feature is the coloring. Granite can be graphite, grey, greenish or even pink. Such a natural range allows the use of stone for a variety of purposes from building decoration to the construction of flower beds and flower beds. In any case, the stone is very effective. But its cost is not available to everyone.
Natural stones of medium size can be used as borders on a flower bed
Basalt has a porous structure and no less varied color than granite. It is often used for alpine slides.
Garden fountain made of basalt blocks
Gneiss is very similar in appearance and properties to granite. Demanded for the construction of fences.
Attractive texture of gneiss makes it suitable for various garden decorations
The main advantage of artificial stones is their price. The most common artificial stones are brick and concrete. Brick has been used for a long time. It has high technical characteristics, is resistant to mechanical stress, to temperature changes. Since it is available in different colors, interesting design solutions are created from it, ranging from garden paths with ornaments to fencing flower beds or a front garden.
Old red brick will still serve as a retaining wall
Concrete is highly durable, and you can make it bright and interesting using different dyes.
Strong and durable paths emerge from concrete slabs
Depending on the origin, natural stones are divided into the following types:
- Volcanic rock. These include granite, basalt, diabase. These stones are distinguished by a solid base and a large weight. Such specimens will stand on your site for many years and nothing will happen to them. Volcanic stones look very impressive not only due to their shape, but also due to their multi-colored color. They are used for decoration, both in their original form and in a polished version. The only significant “disadvantage” is the high price.
- Sedimentary rock. The main representatives of this "species" are sandstone, shell rock, dolomite. In the natural environment, stones lie in layers and have a porous structure. They do not have high wear resistance.
Hitting with a blunt object, such a stone is easy to break. Most often, "representatives" of sedimentary rock are used to decorate the facades of houses, stairs, create floors on open verandas, or to make spectacular decorative borders. Tiles are also made from such a stone, since the rock is easy to process. A distinctive feature is soft natural shades that easily harmonize with any style.
- Metamorphic rock. Shungite, marble, slate are the brightest representatives. They are of sedimentary origin. However, compared to shell rock or sandstone, they are more durable. Therefore, metamorphic rock, along with volcanic stones, is used in various works: both for finishing and for giving strength.
And depending on the size and shape, the stones have the following gradation:
- Lump. Textured, voluminous stone with a raw surface.
- Boulder. A little less lumpy and with rounded shapes. Appears due to the influence of water and wind.
- Cobblestones. Small in shape with a streamlined surface.
- Pebble. Rounded stones of different shapes and colors, small in size.
- Rubble. Waste of stone production. Small fragments with sharp edges, different sizes and shapes.
- Sand and stone screenings. These are the smallest stones.
The largest and most beautiful boulders are used for the base of the alpine slide
A single stone can break the monotony of a green lawn or decorate flower plantings with it
Luminous stones
Recently, luminous stones are gaining more and more popularity. Let's dwell on them in more detail.
These are artificial stones made using a special technology. They appeared relatively recently, but quickly won the attention of connoisseurs of the new, interesting. Such know-how in the landscape of a summer cottage turns the most ordinary garden into a fabulous piece of paradise in which you want to relax or chat in a pleasant company.
Glow in the dark stones perform not only a decorative function, but also serve as a source of illumination, which is sufficient for orientation in the dark. Such models are distinguished by a long service life - up to ten years, although they are more expensive than other luminous stones. In daylight, they look like translucent fragments. And in the dark - a spectacular decoration.

Luminous stones with built-in LEDs
Luminous stones in the form of paving stones built into the garden path
And this is how decorative lighting made of pebbles painted with fluorescent paint looks like
How to choose a stone for landscape
The question is very important, since not every stone for the landscape is suitable for the implementation of a specific idea. First of all, clearly define what exactly you are going to create on a suburban area so that the stones "revolve" around your idea, and not vice versa.
Small cullet and pebbles are often used to mulch the surface of the ground in flowerbeds and under trees
Both boulders and flat stones laid in rows are suitable for decorating an alpine hill
Even a few stones can radically change the nook of your garden
Listen to expert advice, choose those stones that are suitable not only for external data, but also for technical characteristics, strength and wear resistance. Even the size of the site affects the choice of stones: the smaller the area, the smaller the boulders or cobblestones should be. Large "rocks" in a small area will look ridiculous, and tiny stones on a plot of ten hectares will simply be lost.
The color and texture must also be appropriate. Only in this case, landscaping with stones represents a general concept, and not a demonstration of the available details for decorating the site.
Painting and decorating
There are many ways to use decorative stone in the garden. For example, if you like to combine stones with flowers, shrubs or conifers, then slate, granite and limestone rocks will be an ideal choice.
A small path laid out in a flower bed of flat stones will add convenience when caring for plants
The stones laid along the edges of the flower bed will not allow the soil to be washed away by water during irrigation. Such a "collection" will only emphasize the artificiality of the landscape. By the way, a stone for decorating an alpine slide can be either plain or colored. Moreover, you can paint it yourself. Most importantly, do not forget to apply a layer of varnish on top of the paint on the stone so that the color lasts longer.
Stones painted in different colors can be used to create bright decorative elements in the garden
The highlight of the garden can be a composition of pebbles painted like insects or animals
Basalt, granite and concrete are suitable for creating spectacular garden paths. Limestone and sandstone will not withstand the load and will quickly collapse.
The simplest version of a garden path is flat stones laid at a small distance from each other.
Stone is an indispensable element in landscape design. With its help, not only powerful and impressive structures are created, but also a neat, almost weightless design of rock gardens and flower beds. And do not be afraid to experiment, who knows, or maybe your idea will become a new word in landscape design.