How to get rid of a skunk under the house
What to do about skunks
Skunks, easily identifiable by their characteristic black and white striping, are infamous for producing a foul odor when frightened. Although a skunk’s spray is known mostly for its robust smell, it can also cause intense discomfort if it gets into a person or animal’s eyes.
Fortunately, these mild-mannered creatures rarely use this potent defense, and provide quite a few benefits to the areas they inhabit.
In cases where eviction is necessary, a few mild harassment and deterrence techniques can help you humanely remove skunks while escaping smell-free.
Common conflicts and what to do about skunks
It is more likely you will smell a skunk than see one. Persistent, faint musky smells under a building or woodpile may suggest that a skunk has taken up residence.
You may find small, shallow holes in the lawn, similar to those made by squirrels, which are a result of a skunk foraging for grubs. Occasionally, you may even find plants knocked over or damage to the lower leaves or ears of ripening garden crops, including corn. You should look for these additional clues; foxes also have their own musky scent that may cause misidentification.
Skunk Deodorizers on
Skunk encounters
Occasional skunk sightings in a neighborhood are not a cause for alarm. Because skunks are generally easy-going, they will not intentionally bother people. In fact, skunks may benefit humans by eating many insects and rodents many regard as pests.
Warning signs to heed
Skunks use their powerful defense only when they or their young are threatened and cannot escape. Even then, they give ample warning that should be heeded — stamping front feet, a raised tail, hissing, short forward charges and twisting their hind end around in your direction. Spotted skunks will even contort into a characteristic handstand, rump in the air with eyes still fixed on the threat. Move away slowly and quietly. By nature, dogs tend to ignore these warnings, so it is important they be restrained for their own good.
How do you get rid of skunks?
Because of the lingering odor, and fear of being sprayed, it may be hard for some people to tolerate skunks living under a deck or old shed. But skunks need shelter when they are most vulnerable (during the coldest parts of the winter and when raising young).
Skunks are nocturnal and non-aggressive, plus they play a beneficial role—all good reasons to just leave them alone until they have moved on of their own accord (which they readily do) or can safely be encouraged to leave an area where they are not wanted.
What attracts skunks to your yard?
Habitat modification
Skunks are opportunists at heart — they’re mainly attracted to low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food left out at night, as well as convenient denning sites, such as wood and rock piles, elevated sheds, and openings under concrete slabs and porches and crawl spaces.
Preventive measures, such as removing attractants around houses, will decrease the likelihood of an unpleasant skunk encounter. This includes securing trash, covering window wells, feeding pets indoors, or if fed outdoors, removing food immediately after pets eat.
Skunks may also dig for grubs in the yard when wet soil conditions push grubs close to the surface — their presence may be a sign of an overwatered lawn. Occasionally, however, a skunk may also wander into an open garage or shed, which is a compelling reason to secure all outbuildings.
Preventing denning (exclusion)
Exclusion techniques should be used proactively to prevent denning before an animal moves in. Any suspected skunk den should first be checked to determine if it has residents.
This may be done by loosely filling the hole (or holes) with soil, leaves, straw, crumpled paper or similar material. If a skunk is present, the animal will easily push their way out overnight and reopen the hole.
If the plug remains undisturbed for two or three nights, it is safe to assume that the hole is unoccupied and can be filled. In the winter, skunks may remain inactive for longer periods, so provide them with a bit more time to disturb the plug before blocking the den entrance. Permanently exclude skunks (and other den-seeking creatures) with an L-shaped footer of welded wire or similar barriers.
If a skunk is using the den, either harassment or eviction using a one-way door system is recommended. When evicting skunks, be sure that dependent young are not present. When in doubt, assume they are and use the door only after they start following their mother to forage. Leave the door in place from two or three nights to a week to be sure the skunk has left.
When it is safe to displace skunks, mild harassment can be very effective. This can be as simple as loosely repacking the den hole with leaves or straw or other material to see if the skunk gets the message and moves elsewhere. If they require more persuading, adding light and noise to make an dark and quiet denning space unattractive may help as well. Make sure the skunk is not close by before setting up the disturbances.
About repellants
Repellants may also be effective in skunk deterrence. Mild repellents, such as used kitty litter, can be placed near or inside the den to one side so the skunk has to pass them to get out; commercial or homemade capsaicin or castor oil repellents may also be tried.
Avoid buying skunk deterrents that are based on predator urine — these products are created under inhumane conditions, and are not necessary to repel skunks effectively.
Stronger products, such as the powerful capsaicin-based “hot sauces,” are often unnecessary — in the case that they are used, they must be treated with extreme care due to the consequences for people, and animals who may inadvertently come into contact with them.
Skunk in garage
Skunks who have wandered into a garage can simply be allowed to wander back out by making sure the door is open before dusk. Skunks are nocturnally active, so opening the door at dusk and closing it later in the evening is likely to be a solution to this problem.
It is important to make sure the skunk has not been coming and going for long enough to have established a den and given birth, and that any accessible foods (bags of bird seed, for example) have been moved and secured in tightly sealed containers.
Removing a skunk from a window well
It is not uncommon for skunks, with their climbing abilities and weak eyesight, to become trapped in a window well or similarly deep pit. If this happens, provide a means of escape.
Place a rough board (or one with cleats, carpet, toweling, chicken wire or other material to give the animal traction) that is long enough to serve as a ramp out of the well. Skunks are poor climbers, so the board should lean no steeper than a 45-degree angle. Trying to stay out of sight of the skunk, slowly and carefully lower the board. If possible, a second person with a vantage point high enough to see the skunk (perhaps from an upstairs window) can warn of any signs of agitation.
Another method of placing the board is to tie it to the end of a long pole and lower it by holding the opposite end of the pole. Once the board is placed, keep people and pets away from the area until nightfall, when the skunk should leave.
If the skunk cannot climb out due to the well’s depth or steepness, the Connecticut Wildlife Rehabilitators Association recommends a technique that involves a garbage can and smelly cheese. Place the cheese at the bottom of the can and lower it on its side with the open end facing the skunk. Once the skunk enters and begins to dine, carefully tilt the can up a bit, raising it elevator-style out of the window well, then gently tip it on its side again so the skunk can amble out.
Neutralizing skunk odors
The traditional remedy for removing the smell of skunk spray is a tomato juice bath. However, tomato juice, in conjunction with vinegar, only serves to reduce the stench, as it doesn’t neutralize the molecules that make skunk spray particularly pungent. Here’s a particularly effective remedy that’s safe for dogs and cats, as well as humans:
Mix together:
- 1 quart of 3-% hydrogen peroxide (available at any pharmacy)
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap
Wearing rubber gloves, wash with this solution immediately after the spraying occurs. DO NOT get the solution in eyes. (If you don't have peroxide, baking soda, and liquid soap on hand, use vinegar diluted with water.)
Caution: Do NOT store this mixture or make it ahead of time, as the mixture could explode if left in a bottle.
Rub the mixture all over and scrub deep to neutralize the odor — however, if you’re washing your dog or cat, don’t leave the mixture on longer than you have to as peroxide can bleach fur. Rinse the solution off thoroughly, and the smell should be gone.
The cruelty of lethal control
People will go to extreme lengths to avoid getting sprayed by a skunk — even those who bill themselves as wildlife-control professionals. To stay outside the range of spray, these hired workers will sometimes kill skunks by injecting chemical solvents, such as acetone (aka nail polish remover), into the animal’s chest using a long pole syringe, likely causing a painful and stressful death.. Skunks are at particular risk of inhumane killing methods, including treatment as horrific as drowning. As long as humane methods of deterrence and eviction are possible, there are ways to avoid being sprayed by skunks without causing extreme suffering.
Public health concerns
The skunk is one of four wild animals (including the fox, raccoon and bat) considered to be primary carriers of the rabies virus and is, therefore, classified as a rabies vector species. Skunks have also been known to carry leptospirosis.
Is that skunk rabid?
Even though skunks are mostly active at night, they sometimes look for food by day—particularly in the spring, when they have young and may be extra hungry. Don’t be concerned if you see an adult skunk in the daytime unless they are also showing abnormal behaviors:
- Limb paralysis.
- Circling.
- Boldness or unprovoked aggression.
- Disorientation, staggering.
- Uncharacteristic tameness.
Don’t approach the skunk yourself. Call your local animal control officer, wildlife rehabilitator, health department, or police department for assistance.
How To Get Rid Of Skunks Under Deck, Shed, Porch and House
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Skunks are often non-aggressive and can benefit the area they inhabit. However, they can become a nuisance quickly. If they decide to make a den and have babies on your property, you might only want to think about how to get rid of skunks under deck, shed, or house before you (or your pets) get sprayed.
Luckily, there are many ways to convince skunks to leave your home naturally and humanely. The best option is to make an uninhabitable area by covering prime den locations and deterring the animals with smells like mothballs, pepper, ammonia, urine, or spray repellents.
In this article, we’ll show you the many techniques you can use to get rid of skunks – no matter what part of your home they took over.
Quick Navigation
- Are Skunks Dangerous?
- What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Skunks?
- How To Get Rid Of Skunks Under Deck, Shed, Porch, or House
- 1.
Install a Wire Mesh Fence
- 2. Sprinkle Kitty Litter Nearby
- 3. Use Cotton Balls Soaked in Ammonia
- 4. Try Apple Cider Vinegar in a Plastic Bag
- 5. Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers
- 6. Add Mothballs to Your Yard
- 7. Install Predator Deterrent Lights
- 8. Use an Ultrasonic Skunk Repellent
- 9. Spread Predator Urine
- 10. Utilize the Power of Spicy Spray
- 11. Try Pepper Spray
- 12. Scatter Citrus Peels
- 13. Get a Cat or Dog
- 14. Catch and Relocate
- 15. Call a Professional
- 1.
- How to Get Rid of Skunks with Repellents
- Best Chemical Repellents
- Where Do Skunks Live?
- What to Do If You Find a Skunk Den?
- What to Do If a Skunk Sprays You?
- Warning Signs
- Summary
Are Skunks Dangerous?
Skunks are not dangerous creatures. They’re typically non-aggressive. However, they are one of the four wild animals that primarily carry the rabies virus. A rabid skunk may circle, stagger, have paralyzed limbs, or seem aggressive. If you see a rabid skunk, call your local animal control or wildlife rehabilitator for help.
What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Skunks?
The best way to remove skunks from your property depends on where they are and how you want to deal with them. For example, you may have an unrestricted budget to purchase repellants or be able to deter the animals without spending a penny.
For starters, make sure to:
- Remove food sources
- Cover the trash bin
- Keep your yard well-lit
- Cover all window wells
- Avoid overwatering your lawn
- Never leave pet food outside at night
Skunks are opportunists, so don’t leave anything out at night that could attract them. You can also prevent them from coming near your house by securing your garbage, covering openings, feeding your pets indoors, and securing all outbuildings.
Finally, skunks enjoy digging for grubs in an overwatered yard. This happens because the wet soil conditions push the grubs closer to the surface. Keeping your lawn maintained and not too wet could deter a skunk encounter.
How To Get Rid Of Skunks Under Deck, Shed, Porch, or House
Opportunist animals, skunks often create dens in locations that are easily accessible. In addition to closing off these areas, you can use natural, humane ways to get rid of skunks for good. The following list includes the many options to repel skunks from your property.
1. Install a Wire Mesh Fence
Skunks like to make openings under concrete slabs, porches, and crawl spaces home. You might hear them scurrying under the deck. However, you can close off hiding places that may seem appealing. Install an underground wire mesh fence or wood panels around the deck, shed, or under the house. Fill any gaps or spaces skunks might enter.
You can also use fencing, sheet metal, concrete, chicken wire, or wood.

Kitty litter is a mild repellent that you can place near and inside a skunk den to force them out. Make sure to place the kitty litter on a single side of the den to allow the animal to pass and leave the area.
When the skunks are gone, fill the hole with leaves or place a wire fence in front to keep them from returning.
3. Use Cotton Balls Soaked in Ammonia
Ammonia has a harsh smell that deters skunks.
Douse rags or cotton balls in ammonia, and place them next to the den’s entrance or under your porch to keep skunks from denning.
If you find the smell too harsh, try placing the rags or cotton balls in a plastic bag first.
4. Try Apple Cider Vinegar in a Plastic Bag
Similar to the ammonia method, apple cider vinegar also produces a strong odor that repels skunks. Soak rags or cotton balls in apple cider vinegar and place them in a plastic bag. Set the bag under a porch or shed, or set it near a den entrance to keep skunks from returning.
5. Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers
A motion-activated sprinkler is designed to turn on automatically. Similarly, critter sprinklers come on when an animal wanders too close. Using a critter sprinkler is a safe way to keep skunks from your property. Simply place them near areas you think skunks may want to den.
The Hoony Cobra Motion Activated Water Blaster is a natural method for repelling rodents. The battery-powered unit detects animals within a 30-foot range and sprays water for five seconds when the sensor reads motion nearby. It’s utterly harmless to animals and people, and the setup is fast and easy.
6. Add Mothballs to Your Yard
Mothballs have a pungent smell that deters skunks. Scatter a handful of mothballs under a porch or deck to get them to leave, then seal off the area with wire mesh. Expect the mothball smell to fade in a few weeks.
This method also works well if skunks are in your garden, where they may hang out to feast on pollinators. However, you must keep the mothballs away from children and pets.
7. Install Predator Deterrent Lights
No products found.Because skunks are nocturnal, they tend to shy away from bright lights. Installing a predator deterrent light or motion-activated light system in your yard could make the area less appealing. Solar-powered lights are an excellent energy-saving option as well.
The main downside to the lights is that you might attract insects that enjoy bright light like moths or crickets. A motion sensor that trips only when a creature gets close could help compared to leaving lights on overnight.
The No products found. is a solar-powered option that won’t attract insects. The deterrent light features a red LED flash that scares nighttime animals away. It’s waterproof and suitable for all weather conditions. You can use it to protect your yard, crops, or livestock just about anywhere. Plus, the model is eco-friendly and saves energy.
8. Use an Ultrasonic Skunk Repellent
No products found.Another humane option is to use an ultrasonic animal repellent. They’re solar-powered tools that get rid of pests by producing ultrasonic sound, high-frequency alarms, and LED flashing lights to make the animals uncomfortable.
For example, the Diaotec No products found. is an effective option that drives away animals like birds, cats, dogs, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, rabbits, boars, deer, and more. The unit sends an ultrasonic sound when it detects an animal on the infrared sensor to keep it away. Use it to keep pets from your garden or reduce the chances of denning on your property.
9. Spread Predator Urine
The urine from natural predators like foxes and dogs can deter skunks. If you have a dog, you could encourage it to urinate near the den or around your yard. You can also purchase products containing urine to spray around the perimeter.
Never purchase predator urine to deter skunks. Many of these products are made under inhumane conditions, and they do not repel skunks well.
10. Utilize the Power of Spicy Spray
You can make a homemade spicy spray to repel skunks. Most people make a solution with cayenne pepper, jalapeno, or Tabasco sauce and spray it on plants or around the perimeter to tell pests to steer clear.
An easy-to-make recipe is to boil chopped yellow onion and chopped jalapeno with a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and two quarts of water. After 20 minutes, strain the solution and place it in a spray bottle. The mixture lasts up to five days.
11. Try Pepper Spray
A pepper spray is another effective repellent you can spray around your yard, the den, or trees. Sprays with pepper repel skunks and other wild creatures like squirrels. You can also use them anywhere you see a skunk.
Make a homemade pepper spray with water and black pepper. Put the solution in any spray bottle to apply it to plants or your yard. The smell is ideal for keeping skunks away from your garden. However, spicy sprays tend to work better.
12. Scatter Citrus Peels
Citrus is a natural repellent for skunks and many other animals. You can scatter citrus peels like lemon or orange under a deck or porch. You could also cut up the peels and spread them around your property.
13. Get a Cat or Dog
The smell of another animal, like a cat or dog, could deter pests from your property. However, many skunks are used to living among people and other animals. This method does not work well if you live in the city, where many skunks rely on their stinky spray to avoid harassment.
14. Catch and Relocate
If you live in a location where live trapping is legal, consider setting a spring-loaded trap to lure a skunk away from your home. You can set a large cage trap in an open area using cat food, peanut butter, marshmallows, or canned sardines as bait, then relocate the skunk at least 10 miles away from the capture site. Check the trap every 24 hours.
However, live trapping is illegal in many states. Contact the local wildlife department if you’re not sure about the laws where you live. Trapping the skunk also opens you up to the possibility of getting sprayed or bit.
The Animal Trap for Racoons is also ideal for skunks. The trap has a spring-loaded metal door that closes after the animal enters. To prevent injuries, the inside of the cage features smooth edges. The trap even comes fully assembled and ready to use, allowing you to relocate nuisance animals fast.
15. Call a Professional
If the problem is severe or you have a possibly rabid skunk on your hands, consider calling a wildlife control professional. However, make sure to vet the company thoroughly. Some professionals kill skunks by injecting them with chemical solvents like acetone, which causes a painful and inhumane death. There are many ways to avoid causing extreme suffering.
How to Get Rid of Skunks with Repellents
Mild repellents are another effective skunk deterrence. Commercial or homemade capsaicin or castor oil repellents are the best. For a stronger option, look for powerful capsaicin-based “hot sauces.” These products are often unnecessary because getting skunks to leave is not that complicated.
But if you need a more robust treatment, proceed with extreme caution. Capsaicin has consequences for any people or animals that come into contact with it. Follow the directions carefully.
Finally, you can use store-bought chemical repellents. Place the chemicals around the edges of your yard or near a den, and re-apply them every few days. The skunks should move away in a couple of days.
Best Chemical Repellents
The Natural Armor Animal and Rodent Repellent Spray is ideal for pests like skunks, mice, raccoons, rats, deer, and other rodents or critters. The powerful peppermint formula is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. You can spray it anywhere skunks may hang out, such as your basement, crawlspace, lawn, plants, trees, sheds, garages, and trash cans.
Alternatively, you can sprinkle Safer Animal Repellent Granules, a dual-action mixture of black pepper, piperine, and capsaicin oils. The granules are long-lasting for up to 30 days of protection, and it repels other animals like groundhogs, cats, dogs, raccoons, and chipmunks.
Where Do Skunks Live?
Skunks are easy to identify by their black and white stripes and a faint, musky odor. You’re more likely to smell the skunk before you see it. For example, a skunk may be living at your home if the smell is persistent and coming from under a building or woodpile. You may also notice shallow holes in your lawn where the skunks forage for grubs or plants knocked over.
The animals also look for convenient locations for their den, such as rock or woodpiles, elevated sheds, crawl spaces, garages, and openings under concrete slabs. Often, skunks wander into the area and back out at dusk. For example, closing a garage door when the animal wanders out could solve your skunk problem.
What to Do If You Find a Skunk Den?
According to the Humane Society, skunks are beneficial to the areas they inhabit because they eat neighborhood pests like insects and rodents. But they may seek shelter under your deck, shed, or home during winter or when they’re raising young. If you have to evict them from your home, mild harassment and deterrence usually do the trick.
Because skunks are nocturnal and non-aggressive, you could leave them alone until they easily move of their own accord. It’s also humane to leave a skunk den alone in the winter because the animals cannot dig a new den when the ground is frozen. You may want to wait until warm weather to evict skunks, especially if newborns are involved.
A den with newborn skunks is best left alone until the babies are old enough. In this case, you would wait until the babies can follow the mom skunk out of the den for forage, then start filling the hole to deter them from re-entering. If you can’t wait, contact a professional for help. Skunks can become threatening if you mess with their young.
Alternatively, you can encourage skunks to leave by filling the hole with soil, leaves, paper, straw, or a similar material. Mild harassment like loosely packing the den hole with leaves can get skunks to relocate and keep them from coming back. However, you don’t want to plug the den when the skunks (or newborns) are inside.
If the plug remains in place for a few nights, you can assume the den is unoccupied and safe to fill. It would help if you also used exclusion techniques to prevent denning before skunks have the opportunity to move in.
What to Do If a Skunk Sprays You?
Skunks are infamous for spraying a foul odor when they’re frightened. The spray causes intense discomfort, particularly if it gets in your eyes. However, skunks are mild-mannered and rarely utilize this defense mechanism unless their young are threatened or cannot escape. For this reason, it’s important not to make a skunk feel cornered.
If a skunk sprays you, a tomato juice bath is a traditional remedy for removing the odor. The bath reduces the stench. It’s also safe for cats and dogs. Wearing gloves, mix:
- 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (3%, available at any pharmacy)
- ¼ cup of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap
Wear the gloves and scrub with the solution immediately after the spraying takes place. Rinse thoroughly. Avoid getting the tomato juice bath in your eyes. Do not store any leftover mixture in a bottle, or it may explode. You can also use equal parts of water and vinegar instead of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dishwashing soap.
Warning Signs
Skunks provide ample warning that they are about to spray you. They may:
- Stamp their front feet
- Raise the tail
- Hiss
- Short forward charge
- Twist their hind end in your direction
Some skunks will even contrast into a handstand with their eyes fixed on you to spray into the air. If you notice any warning signs, move away slowly and remain quiet. Dogs may ignore the warning signs, so you might need to restrain your pet from the area.
The best option to get rid of skunks is to make the habitat uncomfortable with a repellent and keep them from returning with fencing or structural alterations to close the opening. You can also purchase bright LED lights or electronic repellent systems to keep animals from your yard. However, you may want to call a professional for help with challenging situations.
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Eugene Sokol
Eugene has been a DIY enthusiast for most of his life and loves being creative while inspiring creativity in others. He is passionately interested in home improvement, renovation and woodworking.
How to deal with skunks in the summer cottage: chemicals and traps
It is problematic to meet this animal in Europe. The vast majority of skunks live in North and South America.
Skunk on the lawn
But for our compatriots, who are many there, this problem rises to its full height.
Animals do not hesitate to enter the territory of the site, and especially annoying ones enter the dwelling. How to Get Rid of Skunks: The best self-fighting techniques will help keep the skunks away. 9Ol000 SKUNS! The stinkiest animal on the planet
These animals have a strong body structure and short paws ending in long claws. This is an excellent tool for digging holes, they will also help in obtaining food.
Skunk claws
Regardless of the species, two colors predominate in their coloration - white and black. Most often, a skunk can be found on rocky slopes and forest edges near a pond.
They adapted well in cities and towns: here you can always hide from human eyes and the food is not lost.
There are several types of skunks:
- Striped.
It can be found most often. This species has learned to live next to humans. It turns out that it is not necessary to dig a hole in the ground, a warm and cozy basement is also a suitable place. The animal can be recognized by two divergent white stripes on the back, on the head there is a spot of the same color. A narrow white stripe goes up from the nose.
- Mexican. This is the baby among the skunks. A distinctive feature is not only growth, but also a pure white back. Sometimes it has black on it.
- Spotted. Three types of skunks have black fur covered with white spots. They are perfectly accustomed to the conditions of the city, where they chose basements for residence.
- Pig-nosed. They are named so for a nose that is not typical for other skunks, wide and bare, somewhat similar to a piglet.
All skunks do not exceed 43 cm in length, and some are much smaller, the fluffy tail grows up to 30 cm. If the maximum weight of a spotted skunk is 1 kg, then pig-nosed ones gain up to 4. 5 kg.
Life cycle and reproduction
Skunk is a burrowing animal. This is where he spends most of his life.
Skunk looking out of a hole
The animals are most active at night. All the warm season they hunt: by the time of a four-month hibernation, you need to double the weight.
Skunks are omnivores, they enjoy eating both plant and animal food. But here its dimensions are not large due to the small growth of the hunter himself:
- rodents that are not able to run fast, the skunk cannot catch up with the rest;
- worms;
- adult insects and their larvae.
They love to eat frogs, snakes, bird eggs, seeds, fruits, fish. They will not refuse even carrion or garbage. Sounds and smells help them find all this, since the eyesight of skunks is very poorly developed.
By nature, skunks are solitary. Only in the "wedding" period they are looking for a mate, the female can bring up to 10 cubs 2 months after mating. They appear in May, and already in August they switch to an independent way of life.
Skunk cubs
The male does not take any part in raising the cubs.
Skunk Spray
This is how this small animal protects itself from large predators.
Terrible smell of substances produced by the skunk
Therefore, they rarely hunt him. The skunk itself is clean and smells nothing. But special anal glands produce a caustic substance, with a persistent and very unpleasant odor, containing mercaptans.
Depending on the species, the animal can throw a jet of spray at a distance of 1 to 6 m. The animal is not capable of doing this all the time.
Most often, he tries to escape from the enemy by flight. If this is not possible, it first makes warning movements with the body and tail.
Harm from a skunk to a person
A skunk is not aggressive by nature, but it can harm a person.
- Animals can carry the rabies virus and various parasites that can infect both humans and animals.
- When they get to the site, they enjoy eating the fruits growing there, and are able to profit from the food left on the plate.
- The spray they give off is very difficult to remove from clothes or other items, and the smell lasts for a long time. There are cases when a caustic liquid that got into the eyes caused temporary blindness.
All of the above makes you think about how to get rid of the skunk, if the animal settled on the site.
How to get rid of a skunk yourself
The easiest way is to catch the animal and put it in its natural habitat.
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Mechanical traps
Regular wire traps are not very suitable for catching skunks - there is always a risk of getting an odorous spray in response. Scientists have come up with special plastic traps.
Their one-piece walls reliably protect a person from the smelly secretions of an animal. For insurance when transporting an animal in a trap, it is better to throw a blanket over it.
Among wire devices, the OxGord Live Animal Trap 24″ X 7″ X 7″ Catch Release Humane Rodent Cage is the most popular.
Plastic pray-proof Skunk Trap
The most convenient plastic option is the Spray-proof Skunk Trap.
Many states have laws against killing these animals, so poisoning is out of the question.
There are humane ways to scare away animals:
- sprays containing excretions of predators;
- pepper spray;
- rags moistened with ammonia;
- orange or lemon peels.
If the area is lit at night, animals are unlikely to appear there.
Water sprinklers keep skunks out of your yard
Water sprinklers with a motion sensor also work well.
All cellar entrances must be securely secured with bars or tightly closing doors. Food waste bins are hermetically sealed.
If you're unfortunate enough to have a skunk spray on your clothes, you'll need to think about how to get rid of the skunk smell. It is very difficult to do this on your own. Often you just have to burn the clothes.
Of the proven products, we can recommend the following: mix equal parts dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice.
There are also special odor removers sold in stores. There are even shampoos for dogs, they will help when an odorous jet gets on their coat.
In order not to have to catch animals on the site, it is better not to create conditions under which it will become attractive to them.
Do not leave food in the public domain, this also applies to canned food.
If you don't want skunks to visit you, stop growing fruit. If there is no food for them on your site, he will not attract animals.
Video: Skunk! The Stinkiest Animal on the Planet
How to Get Rid of Skunks: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
Although skunks are generally harmless creatures, it's best not to get too close to them. You run the risk of getting a dose of their poison spray, or worse, being bitten by a rabies-infected skunk. Skunks are omnivores that can live off human waste, so they often make their home in yards and below decks. Learn how to make your property less attractive to skunks who need a home and get rid of skunks that have already moved in.
Part one of 3: Remove food sources and hiding places for skunks
one Remove nuts, berries and other natural foods. Skunks are scavengers, so they eat whatever nutritious food they can find. If you have trees that grow nuts, berries, apples, or other fruits, clear them out by raking the yard as often as necessary.- Other vegetation, such as piles of cut grass, should also be discarded as it may contain seeds or other food sources for skunks.
- If you have a vegetable garden, harvest ripe fruits and vegetables as soon as possible so that a hungry skunk doesn't eat them.
- Use the tray under the feeder to collect most of the seeds, and often remove the occasional seeds that the birds drop.
- Other vegetation, such as piles of cut grass, should also be discarded as it may contain seeds or other food sources for skunks.
2 Protect your waste. Like raccoons and other homeless animals, skunks can only survive on garbage. It is important that your trash cans are tightly closed. Sometimes regular trash cans just don't fit. To protect yourself from scavenging animals, you can buy lockable trash cans for a fairly low price at your local home improvement store.- If possible, store trash cans in the shed or garage overnight so that the smell doesn't attract skunks.
- Use a covered compost bin, as skunks love to eat old fruit and vegetable skins, eggshells, and other items you can compost.
3 Close covers. Skunks love to build their homes below decks, porches, and other sheltered areas. Close off areas that may be attractive to skunks using rocks, fences, or plywood.- Log piles and piles of lumber or building materials can provide shelter for skunks. Store supplies in a shed or trash can so skunks can't get in.
- Large bushes are also good hiding places for skunks. If you see skunks dangling in bushes or low vegetation, you can trim the branches to make it less attractive.
Part 2 of 3: Using Skunk Deterrents
- one Install a light in the yard. Skunks are nocturnal and avoid bright lights. If you light up your yard at night, it will be much less attractive to skunks. However, you run the risk of attracting insects that like bright light, such as crickets and moths.
- Since the lights will stay on all night, consider using solar lighting or energy efficient lighting to avoid paying high electricity bills.
- You can also install a motion sensor that is triggered when a skunk or other creature approaches. In this case, the skunk will have to break into your property for the light to act as a deterrent.
- Since the lights will stay on all night, consider using solar lighting or energy efficient lighting to avoid paying high electricity bills.
- 2 Use chemicals that repel skunks. There are several different chemicals known to be harmful to skunks. If you place them around the edges of your yard and in places where you suspect skunks like to hang out, skunks will start avoiding those places. Chemical repellents need to be reapplied every few days, especially after heavy rain.
- Fox and dog urine deter skunks because both animals are natural predators of skunks. If you know how to collect dog urine, that's fine. You can also buy products containing fox or dog urine from hardware stores. Spray it around the perimeter of your yard.
- Pepper spray, also sold to repel squirrels and other wildlife, is an effective skunk repellant. Spray them on trees and other areas where you have seen skunks.
- Ammonia also repels skunks. Soak old rags in ammonia and place them under your patio or porch so skunks can't get in.
- Citrus peel has natural repellent properties. Scatter orange or lemon peel around your property and under your deck or porch.
- 3 Install motion activated sprinklers. They automatically turn on when an animal gets too close and are a safe and natural way to keep skunks out of your property. Place them strategically close to areas where you suspect skunks might want to hide. Advertising
Part 3 of 3: Removing Skunks from Your Property
one Set a trap. Skunk spring traps lure the skunk inside with bait and then close the door behind them so they can't escape. The skunk is then removed from your property and set free in the woods or other open, wild area.- Add peanut butter, canned sardines, cat food, or other strong-smelling food to the skunk trap. Install it near the skunk's lair or its access path to your property.
- Traps designed for raccoons, wild cats and other wildlife are also suitable for skunks.
- When you release a skunk into the woods, wear heavy clothing and gloves and make sure your face is as far away from the door as possible, where the skunk will exit the trap. Most of the time, skunks leave their traps calmly, but you should take precautions in case you get spattered.
- Add peanut butter, canned sardines, cat food, or other strong-smelling food to the skunk trap. Install it near the skunk's lair or its access path to your property.
- 2 Make a trash can and trap ramp. Get a 30 gallon (113.6 l) metal trash can and a long wooden stick.
- Just before dark, place a bin upright where you want to catch a skunk. Attach it to something strong, like a wall, so the skunk can't knock it over. Feed him cat food.
- Take a long, strong piece of wood (it should be thick and heavy enough to hold the skunk, maybe 2 x 4). Use it as a ramp so the skunk can get off the ground and into the trash can.
- The skunk can't get out of the bin. We hope that with careful handling there will be no splashes.
- Once the skunk is inside, put the lid on the trash can. Place it on the truck and take the skunk to the forest. Release by tying (or pinching) a twenty-foot or more cord to the lid handle. This will allow you to remove the lid and allow the skunk to return to nature without the danger of spraying.
3 Call Animal Control. If you'd rather have a professional handle the skunk, ask the animal control center in your area to send someone to remove it. He or she will have the tools and knowledge to capture and release the skunk. Advertising
Community Q&A
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- Question: What will keep skunks away from my house? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness.wikiHow Editor's Staff Reply Remove all food sources that may attract skunks to your home, such as food bushes (such as nuts and berries), open trash cans, and pet food. Also remove or block out anything the skunk might see as a good home improvement spot, such as piles of firewood, large bushes, under decks or patios. Install structural barriers against openings leading into the house. All of these precautions will help reduce the chance of skunks and other problem animals like snakes and deer in your home. You can also ask a wildlife specialist to protect your home from a skunk.
- Question Do mothballs get rid of skunks? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow Editor's Staff Response Moth balls are designed to repel moths.And while mothballs have been touted for years as a miracle cure for all sorts of pests, including skunks, they do little to keep skunks out for long, especially in quantities you could handle safely. In addition, mothballs and their ingredient naphthalene are carcinogenic, meaning they are highly toxic to you, other people, and animals, and should not be released into the environment. There are much more effective and safer ways to scare off skunks.
- Question Is there skunk repellant? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow Editor Staff Answer Yes, there are different types of chemical repellants that can be used to repel skunks. A well-known example is pepper spray, which can be sprayed on trees, around exterior walls, and anywhere else you see skunks lingering.Other chemical repellants include fox or dog urine, ammonia, and citrus peel, each of which is covered in more detail in part 2 above. Most repellents need to be reapplied every few days, or more often if it's raining heavily.
- Question How long does a skunk smell last? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow Editor's Staff Reply Skunk scent lasts 14 to 21 days (2 to 3 weeks) if left untreated on skin, hair, and fur. It can last even longer if it contains impregnated fabrics, upholstery, or other absorbent materials. It would be quite difficult to sit 2-3 weeks waiting for the smell to go away, so it's in everyone's best interest to try to remove it as quickly as possible! - Question Do skunks like to eat grubs? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness.wikiHow Editor's Staff Reply Yes, skunks do like to eat grubs as well as earthworms and insects. If you spot a skunk burrowing in your lawn, it's likely looking for larvae to feed on. Skunks also like to eat plants, leaves, flowers, buds, berries, grains, nuts, etc. as they are not too picky and this can make them pests for the gardener. However, they eat crop-destroying larvae such as cutworm and hornworm larvae, and even small creatures such as mice and rabbit kits, so they are useful when in balance.
- Question: How to scare off a skunk? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow Editor Staff Reply Try using motion-sensing lamps that light up whenever there is movement; skunks don't like sudden nighttime lighting.Similarly, motion-activated sprinklers can scare off a skunk trying to run across a lawn. You can also spray pepper repellent around the house to repel the skunk; as soon as the peppery substance is on her feet, she will be very unhappy and will not want to stay still. It is not recommended to chase a skunk or approach it to scare it away as you risk getting sprayed.
- Question How can I get rid of the skunk smell in my house? wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Response This response was written by one of our trained research team and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. wikiHow Editor Staff Reply You have a variety of options for removing a skunk's odor, each of which will have varying degrees of success depending on how quickly you can fix the odor problem. For example, you can use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide with baking soda or bleach (never mix bleach with anything else to avoid creating toxic gas).Each of these methods is described in more detail in wikiHow. How to get rid of skunk smell from home. Or you can check out another wikiHow: How to Get Rid of Skunk Smell, which covers removing odor from skin, pets, clothing, and also from your home.
- Question: What attracts skunks? Skunks are attracted to easy food sources. These can be cleaned insects, fruits, compost, nuts, seeds, etc. If the food source cannot be easily cleaned, they will move on when their needs cannot be met.
- Q: What should I do if I run into a skunk? Try to remain calm and give him as much space as possible. You don't have to worry about a skunk spraying you unless it feels threatened.
- Q: How do I avoid getting caught in the skunk's trap when I try to move it? If you carefully cover the cage with a large black plastic bag and move it slowly during transport, there will be no splashing.
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