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10 Best Kitchen Floor Tile Ideas & Pictures
You might be focusing on statement backsplashes, cabinetry upgrades, and flat-out ignoring your kitchen floor because it's not hardwood, but tile doesn't have to be your ugly stepchild. It can be seriously chic when done right, you just have to get creative and choose the right texture, pattern, and color scheme. Don't know where to start? These gorg tiled kitchens are probably a good place.
Check Yourself
Jonny Valiant
This super sleek, industrial-style kitchen deserves nothing less than a sweet, statement tile. We're obsessed with this take on a checkerboard, with slightly misaligned tiles to keep it from feeling too polished.
Easiest Cleanup Ever
Matthew Hranek
Stained concrete tiles give this coastal kitchen natural texture. They're also insanely durable, so you don't have to worry about your kids or pets wreaking havoc on them.
Two Floors > One
Nathan Kirkman
Can't decide between wood and tile? This kitchen is proof you don't have to. Wood planks run into a hexagonal mosaic tile. It's eclectic, unexpected, and somehow, seriously sexy.
Diamond (Floors) Are A Girl's Best Friend
Anson Smart
Turkish terrazzo tiles create a graphic floor, which perfectly accents the white subway tile.
Courtesy of A House In The Hills
Match your floor tiles to your countertops, and you won't have to stress about anything clashing. Warm up the space (and add contrast) with a bold, colorful rug.
See more at A House In The Hills.
Fake It 'Til You Make It
William Waldron
Live out your hardwood floor dreams with tiles in wood tones. Lay them in a similar pattern to hardwoods, and you'll have the look you've been dreaming about for way less money — plus, tile cleanup is a breeze.
Turn Up For Terracotta
Victoria Pearson
If you want a kitchen that feels laid-back and lived in, opt for terracotta floor tiles. This home's farmhouse-style kitchen gets a dose of hacienda charm from the hexagonal-patterned floor.
Wood on Wood
custom tile backsplash
There's a lot of wood going on in this kitchen, so to complement the cabinets and island, the floors got concrete tiles in a similar hue. A subtle pattern helps keep it from feeling too monochromatic.
Bring The Party To Your Floor
Thomas Kuoh
White kitchens can get basic, fast. De-blandify your kitch without having to swap out cabinets or re-do your backsplash by creating a patterned floor with colorful tiles.
Keep It Classic
House Beautiful
White tile might sound boring and basic, but there's a time and place for it, and that time and place is in a bold kitchen like this one. Between the painted shutters and patterned, colorful backsplash, the floor could use a little basic white tile.
Sienna Livermore Senior Editor Sienna is a senior editor at Hearst.
photos of beautiful tiles for decoration
- Kitchen floor tiles: the most trendy designs
- Floor materials: tiles, stoneware, parquet
- Floor color: dark, light, grey, white, black, beige
- Floor design in the kitchen-living room: examples of zoning
The design of the floor in the kitchen can be very different. First of all, the design depends on the type of material chosen. For example, porcelain stoneware is larger than tiles, and there is also ceramic parquet, engineered board, self-leveling floor. Kitchen floor tiles with a particular style design are usually the most practical yet economical solution. We recommend marbled porcelain stoneware for the highest quality and professional repair. nine0003
In this article, we will show you photos of the design of the floors in the kitchen, which will be the most interesting and original. We will also look at different styles in interior design, fashion trends and design solutions that look great in a particular area.
And we will also show successful zoning and floor design options in the living room kitchen and floor design in the hallway and kitchen when these two rooms are connected to each other by an open plan. You will see that the floor finish is very important in terms of visual zoning. nine0003
The floor design in the kitchen in porcelain stoneware will be the most appropriate solution for business class and elite renovation. We also recommend natural marble for luxury design. Now in interior design, kitchen renovations with a beautiful floor in marbled porcelain stoneware are the most popular. In fashion and finishing the floor in the kitchen with porcelain stoneware for concrete, stone or wood (in the form of a complex parquet or a simple floorboard).
Wall and floor design in the kitchen is also very related. Sometimes we even see the use of the same material for interior decoration. In this article, we will separately look at the colors for the floor in the kitchen and the different styles of flooring in the kitchen. nine0003
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Kitchen floor tiles: trendiest designs
The design of the walls and floor in the kitchen is the main renovation of this room. Below we show kitchen renovations with a beautiful floor in different shades: dark and light, white, gray and brown.
Kitchen refurbishment with beautiful flooring in marble effect porcelain tiles in three colors
In the photo above, in the art deco kitchen floor design, we see a combination of several types of black, white and gray marble effect porcelain stoneware. Inserts of thin stripes of decor in white are stacked with a geometric ornament in the Greek style. This solution is often found in styles such as classic, neoclassical and art deco. A similar pattern is sometimes called a "carpet", since the dark part of the tile with decor imitates the perimeter of a rectangular carpet. A strip of black marble on the right side visually zones the kitchen space with an island and the main dining room. nine0003
Kitchen floor design in cream French parquet look
The design of the floors in a small neoclassical kitchen is most often made under wood or parquet. In the photo above, you can see the flooring in the kitchen under French parquet with the effect of aging, but porcelain stoneware was used for decoration. This finishing option almost always involves the installation of a warm floor. In the photo you see a marbled apron and a parquet floor.
Neoclassical kitchen floor design with central decoration
In this beautiful kitchen interior with a beautiful ornamented floor, we see a light set in the neoclassical style with golden elements. Here the dining room is located near the window, and the shades of the countertop and backsplash are repeated in the design of the floor.
Hexagon tiles in black and white with colored inserts
In the photo above, in the interior of a kitchen with a loft-style corner set, you see a unique floor design with hexagon-shaped tiles. The combination of hexagons in white, black, walnut, complemented by an ornament, looks very modern. The asymmetrical arrangement of colored details makes such an interior extremely stylish and fashionable. nine0003
Pattern carpet in the design of the floor in the culinary area in marbled porcelain stoneware and glencheck pattern
In this bright interior, a fashionable carpet pattern looks very elegant in the design of the floor in the culinary area. The most up-to-date finishes are in marble-look porcelain stoneware and glencheck pattern. It is worth paying attention to the design of the backsplash, countertops and islands in white marble.
Art Deco Geometric Kitchen Renovation
In a modern kitchen, any geometric ornaments are in favor, including in the decoration of various rooms and in combination with different materials.
Floor design in brown, black and white marble effect porcelain stoneware
The design of the floor, walls and ceiling in the interior should be interconnected. A professional interior designer selects all materials for the overall design of the kitchen set and at the same time creates an atmosphere in which the elements do not compete with each other for the right of superiority in aesthetics, but organically complement. nine0003
Marble floor with carpet ornament in black and white porcelain stoneware
In the photo above you see another beautiful example of a carpet patterned floor in white and black marble. This option effectively highlights the island in the central part of the room.
Luxurious polished floor in luxury kitchen design
A kitchen design with a black floor can be especially spectacular. We can recommend it for a luxury renovation in neoclassical, art deco or classicism style. Also, the black floor can be found in minimalism and loft, but in a more concise manner. In any case, the design of a kitchen with a dark floor is a very trendy solution. In the kitchen above, there is a sumptuous floor in luxury large-format ebony-effect marble-effect porcelain stoneware with light-coloured pine effect inserts. nine0003
Plain floor in marble effect porcelain stoneware without accents or inserts
For the design of the floor in a small kitchen, a light, almost monochromatic option is more suitable. Porcelain stoneware in light onyx, white or beige marble is the perfect choice.
Modern kitchen with gray white marble effect porcelain stoneware flooring
Gray white marble is another great option for both small and spacious kitchens. Usually such a finish does without additional decor and ornaments. It is the gray floor that is best suited for modern interiors. nine0003
Natural wood in the interior of the kitchen-dining room
Natural wood is not the most practical solution, but with proper care, you can easily afford such a design. True, you still have to choose between wood-effect porcelain stoneware, veneered engineered board, parquet and other popular options.
Parquet wood floor in kitchen design with island
The design of the floor in the kitchen with laminate is not the most practical solution. That's why we recommend wood look/parquet/laminate porcelain stoneware in the right design and color range for Italian cuisine. nine0003
Go to the catalog of kitchens
The catalog contains all the factories producing Italian kitchens from inexpensive models to premium and elite ones.
Kitchen catalog
Modern kitchens classic kitchens Loft kitchens Kitchen Provence Neoclassical kitchens Art Deco Kitchens
Floor materials: tiles, porcelain stoneware, parquet
Next, we will look at several types of materials that are most often used in modern kitchen design. You can see examples of their use in the photo with our kitchens. We will show you the following options:
wood effect tiles
marble effect porcelain stoneware
- nine0002 ceramic parquet
veneer engineered board
natural parquet
poured concrete floor
Modern kitchen design wood look tile walnut
The design of the wood floor in the kitchen looks traditional and very cozy. The warm color scheme of this solution creates the perfect mood for a family interior.
Large format black marble look porcelain tile for kitchen floor
The design of the floor in the kitchen in marbled porcelain stoneware looks best in a large format. This solution looks especially luxurious if the wall design is made in the same style.
Gray ceramic parquet in minimalist kitchen floor design
Ceramic parquet on the floor imitates the presence of a natural wooden floor. Ceramic parquet usually does not have a square shape, but an elongated rectangular one, just like parquet boards.
Engineered veneer board in the interior of the kitchen-dining room
Engineered veneer board is ideal for the dining area. For more practicality, it can be combined with marble effect porcelain stoneware in the wet area.
Natural parquet in the interior of a European kitchen with a French mood
Natural parquet can be a chic solution for a luxury kitchen interior. There is also a more modern version of porcelain stoneware for parquet. Warm and grayish shades look the most fashionable.
Trendy terrazzo floor in concrete with natural stone inclusions
A terrazzo floor is a variant of a self-leveling floor or terrazzo floor tiles in kitchen interior design. This floor immediately attracts attention and looks very modern. nine0003
Self-levelling concrete effect floor for kitchen interior in loft style
Self-leveling floor under concrete is not the most popular solution, but one of the most exclusive. It is usually used for interiors in the loft and minimalist styles, because it goes well with the black furniture that is typical for these styles.
Floor color: dark, light, grey, white, black, beige
The colors of the floor design in the kitchen greatly affect the psychological perception of the interior. The light design of the floor in the kitchen visually enlarges the interior and makes it more tidy. At the same time, the design of the kitchen with a dark floor looks luxurious and luxurious. A kitchen design with a gray floor can be a neutral modern option. Whereas the design of a white kitchen with light floors will be the most relevant and concise. But the design of a kitchen with a brown floor can often be found in a classic or country-style interior. nine0003
Gray shades: ash, charcoal, smoky
The gray color scheme is very common, as the gray floor is a sophisticated and original solution in light colors.
White range: snow white, gray white, ivory, milky
The white palette in the design of the floor is most often found in white marble effect porcelain stoneware and bleached wood. This solution can be called universal, it fits almost any style of interior. nine0003
Brown floor: chocolate, coffee, walnut, wood
An excellent solution in design and decoration for interiors in neoclassical, classic and Scandinavian style!
Beige palette: light beige, creamy, antique, latte
The beige palette in interior design is usually found in classic and neoclassical styles. The combination of white with beige and gold looks the most elegant. In the photo above, pay attention to the multi-colored glass accents in the design of the chandelier and stained glass cabinets. nine0003
Black color scheme: black amber, onyx, licorice, peat
The black color scheme very often creates a glamorous mood in the interior. For example, black and white, black and brown, and black and gray palettes are now a favorite among interior designers. More complex combinations are possible, but in general, the use of a light background or furniture to compensate can be recommended.
Two-tone floor: combinations and shade combinations
A multi-colored floor can be a stunningly aesthetic solution for interior decoration. We can recommend dark colors only for light interiors or for very spacious ones. And light combinations can be used in any room.
Floor design in the kitchen-living room: examples of zoning
The kitchen-living room can have zoning elements in the floor design, which allows you to create an exclusive cozy interior. Zoning makes it possible to comfortably use each zone and create a unique atmosphere for it. The most common combination is marble and wood effect porcelain stoneware, as well as ceramic parquet and marble effect tiles. nine0003
Combination of wood and marble effect porcelain tiles in the design of the kitchen-living room with underfloor heating
The combination of wood and marble effect porcelain stoneware in the design of the kitchen-living room can be the best solution for separating two zones. For example, in the culinary and in the island area, you can use marbled decoration, and in the living room itself - under the tree.
Marble effect porcelain stoneware combination with dark perimeter black accent
The intricate porcelain stoneware finish with a black accent around the perimeter looks especially luxurious. The photo above is a perfect example of just such an art deco finish with a minimalist set. Gold accents beautifully accentuate this dark interior with natural marble countertops and backsplash.
Geometric greek carpet for central kitchen area
The “carpet” pattern is becoming more and more popular today, and in this interior with a mirrored apron and a gray ashy set, it looks especially harmonious. Check out the ceiling design with built-in lighting and art deco accent chandeliers above the island. This interior has a particularly refined atmosphere! nine0003
Tiles for the Kitchen on the Floor for Beautiful Design + 150 PHOTOS
to make it boring.
Because the kitchen is often combined with the dining area in an open-plan space, a kitchen floor can be a great way to bring the different areas of a room together, creating a cohesive finish.
- Advantages of ceramic flooring
- Concepts of kitchen flooring
- How to create the ideal floor
- Before you start
- Do this yourself 9000,
- 9000
- hard work
- TOP TOP TOP TOP -6 top kitchen tile trends in 2019
- GALLERY: Best kitchen floor tile designs
Benefits of ceramic flooring
1Modern ceramic tiles are generally the most reliable choice for kitchen flooring because they are waterproof, stain and scratch resistant and also easy to clean;
2 good ceramics or porcelain stoneware will last a lifetime if properly installed and treated;
3if you are thinking about installing underfloor heating, ceramic tiles are generally excellent for underfloor heating, the most preferred material for this purpose. nine0003
Ceramic tiles excellent for underfloor heating
Floors must be clean, dry, structurally sound and level. Most suppliers recommend using an installer who is experienced in laying this type of flooring.
If you are dealing with larger slabs, as well as a non-standard format, or with a large layout type pattern, then they usually take more time to install, effort, and are much more expensive.
Stone floor tiles in brown tones blend in well with wooden interiors
Don't know what to do? Check out our tips below.
Read also: Modern kitchen interior design ideas in a private house + 130 PHOTOS and TOP-8 trends in 2019Kitchen flooring concepts gamma for the floor.
Patterned floor tiles add charm and style to your kitchen floor.
Natural motifs such as stone or wood are always popular. They give a natural authenticity. nine0003
Gray complements the main color scheme chosen
The current trend is "mimic" ceramics, which recreate the look of natural materials while offering an easy maintenance finish that no truly natural material can offer, even though it is many times more aesthetically pleasing .
Porcelain tile fits all kitchen styles
Classic porcelain tile fits all kitchen styles. It fits perfectly into frequently used rooms that are subject to maximum wear and tear. nine0003
Dark color with white looks beautiful and elegant
Durable, hard-wearing, stain-resistant, easy to clean, granite is an ideal material for family homes.
Achieve the effect of terracotta or clay earth with practical lightweight ceramic tiles.
Ceramic tiles
An ideal addition to the countryside, it needs minimal attention. Fill the space with bright shelves, cream blocks and open shelving. nine0003
Stoneware is a good addition to any kitchen and can be used to achieve the effect of limestone slabs.
A great addition to any kitchen
This modern country style home will have a light feel combined with classic white blocks that pairs well with a variety of furnishings. Be adventurous with your kitchen floor.
The kitchen is one of those rooms in the house that can have several different types of tiles, in different forms, all of which enhance the kitchen beautifully. nine0003
An example of different views in a room
The kitchen is one of those rooms in the house that can have several different types of tiles, in different ways, all of which enhance the kitchen beautifully.
The floor must be safe to walk on
When choosing a kitchen floor for your home, think about the main points. The flooring needs to be safe to walk on and, for example, glossy kitchen floor tiles can be unsafe to walk on.
White classic kitchen
Decipher the difference between species that may not only be ceramic. The word "tile" refers to a flexible material that can be laid in rows across a surface.
Varieties of tiles
- sandstone;
- stone;
- plug;
- vinyl;
- bamboo;
- ceramics;
- granite;
- glass.
In addition to the usual ceramics, vinyl, cork and bamboo types are often used for the floor. nine0003
There are many options for flooring.
Determine your budget before calculating the look. Kitchen tiles can be inexpensive only if they are vinyl, linoleum, but ceramics, especially custom-made ones, are always expensive. Specialty stores will help you evaluate everything that is required for your kitchen.
Striking design in black and brown
Consider the lifestyle of your household. Although kitchen tiles are durable, they still require attention, and the durability of each material is different. nine0003
Think through every detail when designing
Ceramic is strong enough to withstand heavy objects being dropped, easy to clean and maintain.
But, unfortunately, it is also often subjected to chips and cracks, especially with improper laying, as well as with improper operation. Determine if the flooring you choose will fit your family's lifestyle.
Multicolored floor tiles
When choosing a flooring, it must be strong enough to withstand heavy traffic, pets, spilled food and detergents. nine0003
Choose according to taste and design
Make sure you buy exactly what is called "floor tiles". If you choose a low friction floor, the floor will be slippery to walk on.
Choose with a slight embossed pattern or texture instead for a safer result.
Stone granite fits perfectly into the overall picture of the kitchen corner
For a more refined and elegant look, look at stone granite. It is based on clay and limestone that is fired to look like natural stone. Stone is more expensive than traditional ceramics, but looks great in the interior. nine0003 See also: Choosing tiles for a small bathroom. Optimal combination of style and design, TOP-10 solutions + 150 PHOTO
How to create the perfect floor
If you decide to make the floor yourself, my advice on laying it and a small master class will come in handy.
Spectacular dark tones look stunning
If you've made all the preparations like me, it's time to lay your new tile floor.
This guide will walk you through all the steps and I just want to help you complete your project as smoothly as possible and also ensure it looks great in your home for the long haul. nine0003 See also: Ceramic tile for backsplash in the kitchen. Modern Design and Expert Tips + 180 PHOTOS
Before you start
It is important to prepare your existing floor, calculate the correct quantity, purchase and place key elements.
Extra large color range
This planning guide tells you everything you need to know. So, read how to plan.
Planning with taste
Tools and materials needed:
- floor tiles;
- for the floor. Choose a high-strength, specialized ceramic-specific adhesive for your decking;
- primer. Choose between a powder solution to be mixed with water or pre-mixed and ready to use.
Beautiful interior with a touch of sophistication and comfort
Using a pre-mixed grout allows you to skip the hassle of do-it-yourself preparation, but a powdered grout can be useful if you want to avoid wastage. nine0003
Because you have to mix the exact amount needed for very small or very large rooms.
Use anti-mold solutions to keep your floors looking amazing
Look for anti-mold solutions for bathrooms and kitchens to help keep your floors in good condition for longer.
Installation tools:
- silicone sealant and cartridge;
- tools; nine0006
- notched trowel;
- tile spacers;
- tile file to remove redundant elements;
- electric cutter;
- molding machine;
- level;
- rubber mallet for fine leveling;
- sponge;
- soft cloth;
- respirator and goggles.
Installing ceramic and granite tiles is usually presented as a fairly simple procedure, followed by "just cut" advice with a wet saw. nine0003
In practice, it's not so easy to install everything with high quality
Then “lubricate the inside” and “set it in place” and finally “press it into the solution”, and then: voila, the magic happens. Perhaps this is really some kind of magic and should not be complicated? Not certainly in that way.
Do it yourself
If you are trying to save money, one way to approach this is to hire a professional for the most visible areas and the central part, leaving himself the legal right to do everything on his own in the corners that will be filled with furniture. nine0003
The material is easy to cut with the special tool
If you are not sure that you can lay everything straight, then it is worth hiring a professional installer to avoid irreparable mistakes.
A level floor will keep your kitchen surface durable
And for all the desperate home reformers like me, I suggest continuing with this guide.
One of the problems that will come your way is that it will be difficult to peel off if you make a mistake. nine0003
Beautiful combination of flooring with backsplash
Tile mortar allows for some movement, but unfortunately it will also shift the rest of the work, although this mostly applies to vertical masonry.
For this purpose, there is a tile that will be easier to remove and move if necessary.
Kitchen floor options
The following guide aims to show you the tricky parts of the job and how to do it in a way that's easier to remove. nine0003 See also: Design options for rooms in an apartment (+150 Photos). TOP 12 trends and TOP 4 antitrends
Easy work
Projects and topics that are generally easier to complete are as follows:
Dry places
special work with the substrate material and sealing.
Updating the Interior Nicely and Quickly
Rain can be especially problematic for amateur tiles to make a problem area completely watertight. nine0003
Floors near walls
Slippage is something you will constantly struggle with when dealing with walls.
Small is also easy to install
Tiles ranging from 10 to 30 cm
Small size, especially if it is a mosaic, especially easy to install. Use self-adhesive (although it has very limited use).
Start your amateur career with tiles that will maximize your skills. nine0258
See also: Liquid wallpaper for walls (+150 Photos). How to apply, advantages and disadvantages ofHard work
Dry mortar for ceramics is quite cheap, but the problem is that it is difficult to mix.
The solution is to buy a pre-mixed solution. Although it is more expensive, it saves you from the process of correctly measuring the amount of water with powder.
A level floor surface is essential
In addition, mixing the dry matter is physically difficult. If you don't have a good floor, your tiles won't lay flat. In this case, damage will inevitably occur at adjacent edges that do not have the same height. nine0003
Bright colors are always pleasing and easy to perceive
Worse, a base floor that is not hard enough will eventually lead to cracking. Tiles that will be located around the perimeter must be cut. I used a wet grinder, or you can use a regular tile cutter.
You will most likely want to use both types of cutting tools. If you have any chips, you can arrange them so that the problem area is under the baseboard or in another inconspicuous place. nine0003
Perfect combination with wood
Even perimeter tiles can be difficult. They don't automatically fall into straight lines: you'll have to work hard to get everything straight. Cutting, laying diagonally is very difficult and can be a real challenge for a beginner.
Proper alternation is difficult. Be sure to use plastic spacers for the correct spacing.
Make sure to use plastic spacers 9 for correct tiling.0003
While the spacers are very difficult to remove, they provide the perfect spacing. Constantly kneeling on a hard surface can affect the quality of your work. For this reason, when working yourself, it is worth buying an inexpensive pair of knee pads.
One way or another, self-laying is a complex and time-consuming process, so the first experience should be under the supervision of professionals.
TOP-6 of the lead trends of kitchen tiles in 2019
1 Immitation of marble
Marble drawing
2 Imithing Parquet
Parquet of tiles
3 factor of fabric
Tiles repeats the fabric 9000,40002 4,000,0002 tiles
tiles5 Large format tiles
Large tiles
6 Hexagonal tiles
Hexagonal tiles
VIDEO: Floor tiles
Floor tiles
Use only the best ideas with us
Read also: Interior Fresco - How does it look in the hallway, living room, kitchen and bedroom? 150+ Photo Options for Original IdeasGALLERY: Best Kitchen Floor Tile Designs
9 Total Score
Are floor tiles really better?
Kitchen floor tiles are the most suitable option today.
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