Removing rust from stainless steel knives
4 Ways to Get Rust Off a Knife
If your favorite kitchen knife is made from steel, it definitely has the potential to show rust spots. This means that eventually, unsightly rust stains will show up on the blade and have you asking exactly how to get rust off a knife that you love to use.
No worries if your favorite knives are turning a bit oxidized, as there are several ways to get rust off a knife and get the new-knife look again. Here, we offer a few of our favorite tips about how to get rust off a knife.
Rust, the brown and orange iron oxide seen on your favorite kitchen knives, can form on any metal. Rust begins to form when metals such as steel are exposed to acidic substances, like water.
Luckily though, the small rust spots on your knives are not dangerous at all. And while it may not be as attractive as it once was, it can still be safely used with food. Be careful of excessive rust stains though, as this can begin to add impurities to your food and can also eventually make the knife unusable if it gets too rusty.
Fortunately, there are several different ways to remove rust stains from the blade of your knife. Here are a few of our tried and true rust removal methods.
The Vinegar Method
You will need a bowl, white vinegar, soft sponge, and dish soap.
- Submerge your knife in a glass of vinegar and soak for 15-30 minutes for minor rust, and overnight for more damaged blades.
- Remove from the vinegar and scrub with a soft sponge to remove rust spots.
- Once the rust stains have been removed from the knife, wash with soap and water and dry thoroughly.
The Baking Soda Method
For this method, you’ll need baking soda, water, and a soft sponge.
- Mix water and baking soda into a thick paste and spread the paste over the rust spots on the knife.
- Let the paste sit for at least an hour.
- Use soft sponge to scrub the knife to remove the rust stains.
- Rinse well with water and dry thoroughly.
The Lemon Method
For this method, you’ll want to have lemon, salt, and a soft sponge.
- Cover the rust stains with salt.
- Squeeze juice from a lemon on top of the salt.
- Let the mixture sit for about two hours.
- Scrub the knife with the lemon rind and soft sponge.
- Rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
The Potato Method
For this method, gather a potato, salt or baking soda, and dish soap.
- Slice a potato in half.
- Cover one half of the cut potato with dish soap.
- Sprinkle salt or baking soda on top of the potato.
- Rub the rust spots with the potato to remove the stains.
- Rinse well and dry thoroughly.
Once you have removed all the rust spots from your kitchen knives, it is important to keep them rust-free. To avoid rust spots on your favorite knives, this is what you need to do to care for and keep the blade of your knife in tip-top shape.
- Keep knives clean and dry thoroughly after washing.
- Store knives in a dry area that also maintains low humidity.
- Apply a protective coating to prevent rust stains on knives by using a small amount of mineral oil on the knife twice a year.
While it is unfortunate that even the best knives do get rust spots from time to time, knowing how to properly store them, remove rust spots, and avoid future rust stains is as easy as following a few simple steps. With proper care, you will no longer have to worry about unsightly rust spots on your knives and concentrate on the delicious recipes you will be making instead.
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How to Remove Rust From Stainless Steel Knife
Whether you are a professional cook or an amateur in the kitchen, you know the vital role cleanliness plays. We want everything to be sparkling clean, from countertops to equipment, because any dirt can throw us off in our cooking routines. In addition to that, dirt or any residue on our supplies poses a health issue.
If you did not know, leftover dirt or residue stays on our most used kitchen equipment. With that being said, even our stainless steel knives will wear out the more we use them. Over time, you will notice rust forming on your knife, and it is crucial that this is removed. As your cleaning guide, this article will tackle removing rust from stainless steel knives and which is the best method to use.
Why Does Stainless Steel Rust?
Although most companies market their knives as “stainless steel” and therefore resistant to rust and tarnishing, it is still a material that can develop damage over time. Exposures to grease, moisture, heat, saline, and damaging chemicals can rust the stainless steel.
Stainless steel is made up of carbon, iron, nickel, and about 10.5% of chromium. The chromium component is responsible for protecting the material, so its resistance is entirely dependent on the amount of chromium present. It generates a chromium oxide that can seal the surface and acts as a protective cover on the material. It also makes sure to regenerate if the layer is damaged.
However, if there is not enough chromium present in the material, replacing a damaged chromium oxide layer with a new one is not possible. As a result, the stainless steel is left vulnerable to numerous damaging factors and, in turn, will form rust.
In the context of a kitchen environment, rust will form on the stainless steel knives when exposed to moisture for a long time. The cause may also be due to contact with strong dish detergents or food acids.
Is Rust On Knives Dangerous?
The compound name for rust is iron oxide, and you can identify it on the knives as the reddish and yellowish flaky stuff on it. Despite the appearance of rust, small amounts of it are actually not dangerous. Even if you have rust on your stainless steel knives, it is still safe to use in your kitchen. Moreover, it is also not harmful to your skin, and you are free to come in contact with it.
On the other hand, rust is fragile and can contaminate your food. It may leave some residue and therefore add impurities to your food preparation. With that being said, it is still best to remove the rust on your stainless steel knives even though it is not harmful or dangerous. In addition to that, rust tends to grow as time passes by. When it comes to preparing food, rust on knives can still cause an issue in the cleanliness and integrity of the dish.
How To Remove Rust From Stainless Steel (The Best Method)
When the amount of rust on your stainless steel knives is only minimal or manageable, removing it is possible. You may use various methods, but the best method is by using baking soda.
Apart from being an easily accessible item, the advantage of baking soda is that it is non-abrasive, which means that it will not cause further damage to the material. It acts as a gentle cleanser to stainless steel knives and kitchen utensils alike.
Remove Rust With Baking Soda
Material You Will Need:
- ¼ Cup of Baking Soda
- Hot or Warm Water
- Wash Cloth
- Toothbrush
- You must clean your knife to ensure no dirt is present on the material. When there is leftover dirt other than the rust, your cleaning operation may not achieve your desired results. With that said, it is imperative that you wash your knives first.
- Combine the baking soda and water to create a cleaning paste. The measure depends on you as long as you can create a thick paste. It should not be too runny or powdery.
- Once you have created your cleaning paste and your knife is clean, you must evenly spread the paste on the entirety of the blade.
It is crucial for you to cover all the parts infested with rust. You must let this rest for at least an hour.
- After which, rub on the blade using the toothbrush. You should focus on the areas with rust that are difficult to remove. You may repeatedly scrub until all the rust is gone.
- Once you are done cleaning, you should only rinse it with warm water, and do not forget to wipe it dry with the cloth.
How To Remove Rust From Stainless Steel (Alternatives)
If you find that the baking soda is not working for you or need more accessible materials, then no worries because there are alternative methods you can take. However, it may not be as effective or material-friendly as baking soda. Some of these alternatives are the following:
Remove Rust With White Vinegar
White vinegar is another household item that is easily accessible. Its acetic acid component can work well on removing rust. On the other hand, it is crucial to remember that white vinegar is the only vinegar type that you can use since others would leave stains.
To use this, you just need to submerge the knife under a vinegar bath for a few minutes. It is a must that it does not stay too long since it can cause more damage. You may rub on the material if you wish to do so. If the rusting is abundant, one use of this white vinegar method will not completely remove it. If you want to redo it, you need to wait a few days in between or switch to the baking soda method.
Remove Rust With Lemon and Salt
Another ingredient that has great acidic properties is lemon. Juice/extract coming from lemons works as an acidic cleaner for stainless steel, and in order to add further texture, it is paired with salt. The lemon extract provides for a strong cleanser, whereas the salt acts as a gentle abrasive for scrubbing the blade since it will not leave any scratches.
In order to use this method, you must place salt on the rust stains and apply lemon juice/ extract on top of it. You may let the kitchen knife rest with this mixture for about two hours. After doing so, you may gently scrub it and rinse with warm water afterward. Similar to the white vinegar method, you must not let it sit for too long since it can cause damage.
If you are looking for a more comprehensive cleaning solution, you may replace the water in the baking soda method with lemon juice instead of creating the cleaning paste.
Remove Rust With Cream Tartar
Cream tartar is another ingredient that works well as a rust remover since it has acidic properties. The tartaric acid could be mixed with the lemon juice in order to create a cleaning solution. You may apply it on the stainless steel knife with a sponge and gently scrub. After which, you should rinse it with warm water and wipe it dry. This particular method does require you to leave it on, which makes it the fastest way of cleaning.
Remove Rust With Citric Acid
The chemical compound Citric Acid is also a good solution for removing rust off your stainless steel knives. To use this, you must spray the citric acid solution directly into the steel and let it rest for a few minutes. Afterward, wash it clean and wipe it dry.
It is crucial that you do not leave it on for too long or get it on rust-free spots since citric acid also removes other coatings and can cause damage. With that said, it is the least ideal cleaning method for kitchen knives. If you wish to take extra precautions, you may add more water to the citric acid solution to dilute it a bit.
How to Prevent Rust Before It Ever Starts
Successfully removing all the rust in your stainless steel knives is undoubtedly great, but it is even better if you could prevent it from forming in the first place. The best prevention for rust on knives is by keeping the knives dry. The most common rusting cause for kitchen utensils is moisture, and with that said, you need to ensure that your knives are dry.
Key Takeaway
Rust on kitchen knives are not dangerous but can contaminate and compromise your food preparation. With that said, it is essential that it is removed. The best method for removing rust on stainless steel knives is by using the baking soda method. Although there are alternatives, baking soda is the most effective and safe method to use.
Ways to remove rust from a knife at home
In order to learn how to get rid of rust at home, you need to understand the nature of its origin. The reason for its appearance is simple. To do this, you just need to remember the chemistry for the 8th grade, and more specifically, oxidative processes. At its core, rust is iron oxide.
Do-it-yourself rust removal from a knife.Contents
- Rust - the process of oxidizing metal
- Causes of rust
- Removing rust from a knife with folk remedies
- Cleaning knives with chemicals
- Professional products
- Measures to prevent corrosion
Rust is the process of oxidizing metal
If you put any metal object in a damp room for several days, and damp. Then after a certain time, we will find it covered with a small reddish coating. This will be the process of iron oxidation.
In high humidity, water droplets from the air will settle on this item. And under the influence of oxygen, the process of oxidation will occur. nine0003
The most interesting thing is that it is enough for a small area of rust to appear, it will grow. And this happens due to the fact that this spot itself becomes porous, and it will absorb moisture from the air.
And in this way the whole metal object can “burn out”. No wonder all the iron objects on the street are painted with paint. This is rust protection.
And in order for a metal object to last longer, it must be properly looked after and, if possible, coated with special anti-rust compounds. This is a principle that absolutely applies to knife blades as well. Unless it's stainless steel. nine0003
Causes of rust
The causes of rust on various objects are in principle clear. But we are not very interested in everything around, we want to give more attention to knives.
Quite a decent number of blades, especially household ones, are made of metal alloys subject to corrosion.
Therefore, home and not only blades must be properly cared for. There are not many rules for caring for such products and they are quite simple. Never leave a knife wet or dirty, it is better to wipe it once than to suffer later. nine0003
If the blade is rarely used, for example, a hunting knife. Then after hunting it needs to be thoroughly cleaned, washed and applied with a special anti-rust agent.
Rust on the knife.Also, do not forget about the scabbard, which may contain residual dirt or moisture - you need to dry them. But if rust appears, it is better to remove it immediately. But if the blade has a certain value, then it is better to take it to a specialized workshop.
Otherwise, on your own, you can cause even more damage to it, this should be done by a specialist. nine0003
Removing rust from a knife with folk remedies
Many people think that a frequently used blade cannot rust. This is a misconception, most homemade blades are made from corroded steel. Therefore, after any work done, they must be immediately cleaned and dried.
At least wipe dry with a cloth. Many blade users, after doing something with it, immediately sheathe it, and prefer to clean it after a while.
This is not true, it is impossible to do this, metals that are easily corroded can have a small speck on themselves in a couple of hours. And then, we already wrote about this - rust will go all over the blade. And you'll wonder what's going on? nine0003
And one more thing, putting a wet or dirty blade into the sheath, they also get dirty and become wet, keep this in mind.
If such a misfortune happened, you should not panic, let's try to figure out how to remove rust from a knife at home.
Folk remedies for removing rust from a knife.
In other words - folk remedies, because our ancestors definitely had a similar problem:
- Salt and lemon juice. If the oxide is very old, you can try a pretty good way to clean the rust from the knife. We fill the damaged area with salt and drip lemon on top, wait for the salt to dissolve. And then we take a potato cut in half, it should be fresh and juicy, and rub the damaged area. Then rinse in water and wipe dry. nine0008
- Vinegar. Use only pure vinegar for this method, never acid. Wet the places of corrosion with it and leave for several hours, follow the process, if it dries up, add a little more.
- Baking soda abrasive paste. Moisten baking soda with warm water and stir until smooth (pasty). Then lubricate the blade and leave for half an hour. After removing this composition, you need to gently wipe with a damp cloth. nine0008
- Vinegar and lemon juice. Preparation of the solution is quite simple, you need to mix lemon juice and vinegar 50/50 (in equal proportions), apply on the blade for testing and leave for 1 hour.
Then we try with a sponge for dishes, remove the plaque. If it didn’t work out, we try the same thing, but for 2 hours.
- Tomato paste. People have noticed that if you put sauce, tomato paste or ketchup on a damaged blade for 10 minutes. Then wipe it well, light spots of corrosion may go away. nine0008
- Coca Cola. The magical properties of this drink have been known for a long time, they wash baths, toilet bowls, and sinks. If the rust on the blade is not quite stagnant, you can try to dip for half an hour in this magical drink. Then we try to wipe off unwanted stains.
- Lactic acid and vaseline paste. An interesting method that allows not only to remove corrosion, but will help the blade in the future. It is necessary to prepare a composition of two parts of lactic acid and one part of vaseline oil. The resulting mass is applied to the entire blade. We wait 10 minutes, and rub the entire mixture with dry material.
This method will help protect the material from destruction in the future. nine0008
- Potato. To do this, you need to cut the potato into two parts, and sprinkle salt on the cuts. Wait until it dissolves and rub the knife blade with half a tuber. Then the blade is thoroughly washed and wiped dry with a cloth.
- Onion. It is treated in exactly the same way as with potatoes. Only in this case, the onion is cut. The main thing, after the procedure, is to rinse the blade well and wipe it thoroughly.
As mentioned above, rust is a “contagious” thing. That is, if you notice the appearance of the slightest patina on the knife, you can try to remove it with an ordinary eraser. If it is not removed, then it will turn over time into pockets of corrosion. All of the above methods work with small traces of rust.
They are based on natural ingredients present in the same potato (oxalic acid) or onion (organic acids). Vinegar, lemon, soda, they also contain acidic components, and they have a cleansing ability. If these methods did not help, let's try to turn to "heavy artillery". nine0003
Cleaning knives with chemicals
Well, after trying some of the methods from the popular recommendations, and if the result was not achieved, you can resort to the help of potent reagents. Most often, such methods are resorted to with severe corrosion damage.
These methods can also be called partly folk, but they are quite effective. Such methods are much more aggressive and the result can be already in a short period of time.
It is better to use them with rubber gloves and try not to inhale the fumes. Let's try to describe three methods:
- Zinc chloride potassium hydrotartrate.
For this procedure, you will need 100 ml. water in which you need to dissolve potassium hydrotartrate 0.5 grams and 5 grams of zinc chloride. When the reaction begins, lower the blade there and, as with the Alka Seltzer method, wait for the reaction to end, but in this case, the knife will have to wait about 2-3 hours. At the end of the reaction, remove the wedge and wipe dry with a cloth. nine0008
- C hydrochloric acid. Using such strong acids, by the way, instead of hydrochloric acid, you can take sulfuric acid. You need to be especially careful and attentive, they use special inhibitors to reduce the destructive effect on the metal. Otherwise, the blade will “eat” up to the hilt. The solution should be 5% acid and urotropine (0.5 grams per liter). Then the knife is processed with a brush or cloth well soaked in this mixture.
- A seltzer. nine0063 The drug for headache after a stormy feast turns out to have other useful chemical properties.
You will need 5 tablets of this drug. We lower them into a container, and then fill them with water, dip a rusty blade there and while the bubbles go, keep it there. As soon as the seething process is over, remove it and remove the remaining contamination with a soft cloth.
It can be dangerous to work with such chemicals yourself. It is not known what reaction can occur if the proportions are not mixed correctly. And where to get some of the reagents, you can not find it in the public domain. nine0003
For this purpose, various manufacturers of household chemicals have developed a whole line of rust removers.
Professional products
If the previous options did not help, you will have to use the products offered by household chemical manufacturers. If the blade has a completely neglected appearance, then you first need to clean the blade from pieces of rust, which are already like petals. And then walk a little with sandpaper to facilitate the action of special reagents. nine0003
As already mentioned, you need to work with chemical compounds quite carefully, with gloves and preferably in a respirator. Now these funds, for convenience, are sold in the form of sprays, aerosols and foam.
There are rust converters, they help the metal oxide to become more dense and prevent it from spreading further. But the means for removing rust, according to the principle, are already other preparations.
When using both, you must strictly follow the instructions, do not exceed the time of use. In no case do not mix different reagents - the result can be simply unpredictable. You can get a chemical burn or injury. nine0003
Measures to prevent corrosion
It is sometimes said that the blade does not rust, the knife should be used more often. To some extent this expression is true. The more often we use the blade, the more often we end up wiping and washing it.
And if you just put the knife in the box and don't take it out, sooner or later, it will start to become covered with "saffron milk caps". After all, the air contains oxygen, and humidity is still present, even if it is small. And these are the best friends of metal oxidation. nine0003
Let's try to give a couple of tips, but you probably know them:
- using the knife for its intended purpose, it is advisable to immediately wash it and wipe it with a dry cloth;
- the highest humidity at the sink, keep your "pointy helpers" away from the water;
- avoid the appearance of mechanical damage or scratches on the blade, small droplets of water will stagnate there and in due time the rust will show itself from a bad side, believe me;
- do not forget that rust behaves like an infection that will only crawl further along the blade.
At the first manifestations of it - be sure to take action. nine0008
These tips are more suitable for housewives, but with regards to professional weapons, there are also small rules here.
For example, you shouldn't keep a blade in a sheath if it's not being used for some time, it's better to take it out of its sheath and store it separately nearby. A narrow environment in the sheath happens, and can provoke the appearance of oxide.
Use wax for prevention. Coating the blade with it will give a high guarantee against rust.
With proper care of the blade, such problems will not arise. It is better to spend 10 minutes on prevention than to suffer and clean the blade later.
How to remove rust from a knife (30 ways)
For thousands of years, the knife has been a constant helper of man. And now it is very difficult to do without it in almost any field of activity. And so in every apartment there are a dozen knives for sure - kitchen, stationery, household, souvenir. But here's the problem - if the knife is not used for a long time, or stored somewhere in dampness, corrosion appears on its surface, or, more simply, rust. nine0003
Here are 30 effective home remedies to clean rust stains from knives.
Full list
In case of shallow surface oxidation, it is enough to rub the surface of the blade with fine-grained sandpaper or go over the rust on the knife with a circle of the grinder. Polish with a soft, dense cloth with polishing paste.
Break the crust on the rust by mechanical action on the knife. nine0003
- Dip the blade into a deep container with undiluted table vinegar or apple cider vinegar.
- Wrap the container in cling film to prevent rapid evaporation. Depending on the layer of rust, acid exposure lasts from several hours to several days.
- Then remove the knife and remove the remains of oxidized metal with a scraper.
- Sand with wax or polishing paste.
Rust ingrained in the metal is removed with kerosene. nine0003
- Clean the blade with a paint scraper;
- Dip the knife into a deep container of kerosene;
- Leave to act on the blade for a long time: from several days to a week;
- Remove, wipe dry with a soft flannel;
- Sand with fine sandpaper;
- Polish with a thick cloth soaked in oil.
If there is little rust, you can leave the knife wrapped in a rag soaked in petrol for several hours. After wiping with a thick rag, clean the residue with sanding paper and polish with a flannel in oil. nine0003
Rust Converter
Rust Converter Fluid works great on rusty surfaces. A film is created on the knife that protects against further oxidation.
Chemicals included in the solution interact only with iron oxides, the blade is not amenable to physical changes. The liquid is odorless and non-toxic.
The converter must be applied to the blade with a spray gun or brush. For a deeper effect, rub with an iron brush. Rust is removed immediately. After rinsing in water, the knife is ready for use. nine0003
Steel wool
Corrosion can be wiped off without chemicals by simple mechanical means. Steel wool acts most sparingly on the knife blade. This is a bundle of thin wires randomly laid in a small bundle. Use gloves. With a knife blade with pressure, draw along the center of the roll.
Movements should only be made in one direction, eg towards yourself. In this case, you can not only remove rust from the knife, but also sharpen it.
Citric acid
For the solution, one liter jar of cold water will require 10 g of citric acid (tablespoon without top). The rust on the knife goes away after exposure for a day, in severe cases it takes more time.
Immerse the blade completely in the solution. Sand the rest of the rust. The metal darkens after prolonged exposure to citric acid. To neutralize, wash with an alkaline solution: soap or soda.
Sulfuric acid
Take a ready-made 36% sulfuric acid solution that is used in car batteries. nine0003
Can also be prepared with sulfuric acid concentrate and distilled water. Dissolve only in ceramic dishes. Act very carefully. During the mixing of sulfuric acid and water, a reaction occurs during which the temperature of the solution rises sharply. Glass may crack. The solution burns the skin. When it comes into contact with clothing, as the water evaporates, the concentration of acid increases, which burns holes.
- Take 0.65 l of sulfuric acid per liter of distilled water. Sulfuric acid is poured into water, in no case vice versa. nine0008
- Ready solution can be poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
The liquid has a strong, corrosive mucous odor.
- Soak the knife in a closed jar for an hour or two. Wear rubber gloves in a ventilated area.
- Rinse in soapy water. Remove rust residues with steel wool.
Hydrogen peroxide
Apply hydrogen peroxide to rust stains with a brush or toothbrush. Hold the blade over the fire of a gas burner. After that, the rust can be easily removed with sandpaper. nine0003
For small surface rust stains, Pepsi or Coca-Cola can be used. Drinks contain phosphoric acid. Fill the blade with soda for a day. Remove and wipe with a thick flannel cloth with oil.
Sanitary Cleaner
Any toilet cleaner containing hydrochloric acid will remove rust.
The metal must be poured with the agent and left until the rust begins to dissolve. Wash with soapy water and sand. nine0003
Zinc Anti-Corrosion
Sold in a spray bottle and works as good as an acid solution on corrosion.
- Before treatment, go over the surface of the knife with iron wool or fine sandpaper.
- Rinse with running water.
- Degrease with an alcohol solution. Thus, an optimal environment is created for the interaction of zinc with metal, during which the rust leaves the knife.
- Use a plastic or glass container for prolonged soaking if the blade surface is deeply damaged. nine0008
- For small stains, apply two coats with a spray bottle (you can use a brush). The first layer is a primer. It dries in 5-10 minutes. Then a second one is applied.
- Remaining rust is removed from the knife with a scraper.
A simple and effective method. Insert the blade of a knife into a large potato and leave.
Wipe with a coarse cloth after 24 hours. You can use an old terry towel soaked in vegetable oil. nine0003
The bulb contains oxalic acid, similar to potatoes, which attacks shallow rust spots.
- Peel and grate the onion. Can be ground in a blender.
- Put on a cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
- Pour the juice on the knife, the rust on the blade softens within an hour.
- Rinse the knife in water, and remove the remaining rust with an ordinary kitchen hedgehog.
Commercial ketchup contains acetic and citric acid. nine0003
- Pour ketchup over the stains and wrap the blade in a tissue.
- Put the knife in a plastic bag or wrap it with cling film, loosely.
- Leave overnight. In the morning, rinse the knife with warm water, and remove the remaining rust with a stiff brush.
Acetylsalicylic acid
Dissolve 3 aspirin tablets in a glass of water. Dip a rusty knife into the solution for 25 minutes. Wipe with a rough cloth.
Alka Seltzer
Hangover headache remedy contains pure acetylsalicylic acid without excipients. nine0003
- Dip a rusty blade into a deep glass of water.
Throw two pills. During the reaction of the tablets with water, the rust will dissolve.
- To fix the result, hold the knife in the solution for another half an hour.
- Wipe the blade dry with flannel. Polish with oil.
To keep them in good condition for a long time, you can rub them with wax, with a rag heated with an iron or with polishing paste.
So what needs to be done:
- Remove surface dirt from the knife: do not use water. The blade is cleaned with a coarse cloth impregnated with a lubricating spray.
- Wrap the blade of the knife in a cloth, pour generously over the top with a spray bottle of WD-40.
- Place in a plastic bag.
- Leave overnight.
- Wipe the blade thoroughly with a dry, clean cloth.
- Remove rust residues with foil rolled into a ball.
- Polish with an oiled cloth. nine0008
Remove dirt from the surface of the knife before removing any rust. Apply a layer of Vaseline about 1 mm thick. Leave for a few hours.
The duration of the exposure depends on how deeply the rust is embedded. Wipe the knife dry. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Metal polish can be used.
First, rub the knife with autosalt to remove the layer of dirt and leave the area for the polish to penetrate into the rusty spot on the knife. nine0003
Then fill the blade with a dense layer of the substance, and wrap the knife in a cloth.
Rust will take a couple of hours to break down. Wipe the knife with a dry, clean cloth and sand with oiled flannel or wax paper.
The easiest way to clean a knife from corrosion is the old-fashioned way. They say that you need to stick the blade several times into the ground. Only fertile soil is suitable. After that, the knife is carefully wiped with a dry cloth to a shine.
- Mix soda powder with water until it becomes a thick but not crumbly porridge.
- Coat a rusty knife blade with a thick coat of compound.
Rust can be removed after 20-25 minutes with a dense, rough cloth. If the metal is oxidized deeper, then the procedure must be repeated.
If there are pittings under the top layer of rust, clean the surface with metal wool or fine-grained sandpaper. Polish with an oiled cloth or apply a thin layer of wax. nine0003
Tomato juice
It is better to use homemade juice, its acidity is higher than that of store-bought long-life products.
- Remove the surface layer of dirt and rust flakes with a rough cloth;
- Soak a cloth liberally in the juice and wrap the knife in this cloth for 30 minutes;
- In case of severe corrosion, lower the knife into a deep container with a tomato;
- Remove the knife and wash the blade with soapy water;
- Wipe and smooth the residue with fine sandpaper; nine0008
- Polish with oil or wax.
Stationery eraser
A regular pencil eraser will do to remove surface fresh rust. It is better to use its colored part, where there are tiny pieces of abrasive.
Lauryl Sulfate
A powerful cleaner found in many household chemicals such as microwave and dish detergent. You need to study the composition on the package.
Wrap a rusty knife in a cloth soaked in the agent and leave until the cloth is completely dry. Rinse and wipe. Go over the blade with crumpled foil. Wipe with an oiled cloth. nine0003
Orthophosphoric acid
Orthophosphoric acid can quickly remove corrosion on a knife. Contained in household products for washing the stove and plumbing.
We do not recommend the use of powder cleaners. Abrasive in powders can damage the coating of the knife.
This will cause further rapid rusting. The liquid agent is poured into a high container and the knife is lowered overnight. After rinsing with water, wipe dry and polish with wax. nine0003
Helium converter Loctite is very popular among avid hunters. It removes rust quickly without damaging the varnish.
- Using a brush appropriate to the width of the blade, apply the gel to the surface and leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Wipe thoroughly with a thick cloth.
- Repeat procedure if necessary.
If the rust has eaten in and formed “shells” in the body of the knife, you should forget about the preservation of the varnish coating. "Sinks" are cleaned mechanically, using a grinder or sandpaper. nine0003
CIF cleaning gel or spray is great for cleaning carbon steel and stainless steel knives. The traditional use of the product is the fight against heat-treated dirt or limescale. Rust on a knife is also exposed to the components that make up its composition.
Spray on the surface of the blade and wipe off the knife, together with loose rust flakes, with a coarse cloth. Gel cover the blade with a layer of 0.5 mm using a toothbrush, rub into the surface. Remove with a dry cloth after 10 minutes.
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- Triangle items at home
- Conservatory styles ideas
- Ideas for exterior house paint colors
- How to plant wisteria vine
- House plants elephant ears
- Will grass seed germinate on top of soil