Inside the actors studio matt damon

Inside the Actors Studio - Season 13 Episode 3: Matt Damon

Bravo | Air Date: January 8, 2007

Starring: James Lipton

Summary: Actor/writer Matt Damon is profiled and interviewed about his career.

Genre(s): Talk & Interview, Arts

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50 Inside The Actor's Studio Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

50 Inside The Actor's Studio Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

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Inside The Actor's Studio

How much do you know about Inside The Actor's Studio? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Inside The Actor's Studio (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.

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1 Which celebrity said their favorite word was "antidisestablishmentarianism"?

Answer: Will Smith

"What's your favorite word?" is the first question asked in the questionnaire. Ellen Barkin said her favorite word was "serendipity". Sissy Spacek said her favorite word was "yes" and Christopher Walken said his favorite word was "lunch".

  From Quiz: What. ..?

2 When asked, 'If Heaven exists...what did Harrison Ford say he would like to hear?

Answer: 'You're much better looking in person.'

Harrison also said his turn on was flying, his least favorite sound was car alarms and his favorite word was 'perfect'. Christopher Walken said he's like to hear 'You were right.' Tommy Lee Jones said he'd like to hear, 'Go on in, son. You did fine.' Jack Lemmon and Ned Beatty both said they'd like to hear 'It's about time!'

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

3 Which of the following guests smoked during his or her interview?

Answer: Sean Penn

Penn actually received applause from the audience for lighting up. (Since Penn's appearance, Melanie Griffith and Johnny Depp have also smoked, incidentally.)

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

4 Who was the 100th guest on 'Inside the Actors Studio'?

Answer: Gene Hackman

Newman and Field were among the first guests, and Kline will be appearing in November, 2001.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

5 Which guest said that his favorite word was 'lunch'?

Answer: Christopher Walken

Walken's least favorite word is 'bedtime'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

6 What did Ethan Hawke say his biggest turn-off was?

Answer: People

He also said his biggest turn-on was "people". Ben Stiller said his biggest turn-off was "judgement". Kevin Kline said his biggest turn-off was "stupidity" and Bernadette Peters said her biggest turn-off was "prejudice".

  From Quiz: What. ..?

7 Who said they would like to hear, 'Would you like to try again'?

Answer: Jerry Lewis

Jery also said his least favorite word was 'incompetence', laughter turned him on and he hated the sound of children crying.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

8 Which of the following married couples appeared as 'co-guests,' being interviewed on stage simultaneously?

Answer: Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson

Baldwin and Basinger have each been guests, but not in the same episode. Neil Simon has been a guest, but not alongside his wife. Neither Tandy nor Cronyn were guests of the show before their deaths.

I'm fairly certain that the Wallach-Jackson interview was the only time that exactly two guests appeared on stage at the same time.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

9 Is 'Inside the Actors Studio' a class that Actors Studio students are able to take or an optional lecture series they are able to attend because they are part of the Actors Studio?

Answer: Class

I'd be thrilled to get class credit for listening to these people talk.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

10 Which guest said that his or her least favorite word was 'boorish'?

Answer: Robert DeNiro

DeNiro's favorite word is 'refinement'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

11 Which celebrity said the sound they hated the most was "call-waiting"?

Answer: Ben Stiller

Will Smith said he hated the sound of "nails down a chalkboard". Ben Affleck said he hated the sound "someone makes indicating he let them down" and Sylvester Stallone said he hated the sound of "slamming doors".

  From Quiz: What...?

12 Which actor said they would like to hear, 'Good job'?

Answer: Gene Hackman

Al Pacino didn't have a response, Robin Williams said he'd like to hear God say 'laughter' and Mike Myers said he'd like to hear Him say, 'He saw it'.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists. ..

13 James Lipton uses the questionnaire invented by French talk show host Bernard Pivot to end every interview...with one exception. Which of the following guests of 'Inside the Actors Studio' was NOT shown answering the questionnaire?

Answer: Spike Lee

To this day, I have no idea if Lee was never asked the questions at all, or if the questionnaire segment wound up on the editing room floor for some reason. Either way, I found the absence of the segment quite annoying.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

14 What acting coach did Robert DeNiro say taught him about being true to the character?

Answer: Stella Adler

DeNiro said Alder also taught him about dissecting the text and being faithful to the text.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

15 Many guests have said that the profession other than his or her own that he or she would like to attempt is 'teacher.' Which of the following guests did not give 'teacher' as his answer to the question?

Answer: Michael Douglas

Douglas said that the profession he would like to try is 'pro golfer'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

16 Which celebrity chose "summer days in the Berkshires" as their biggest turn-on?

Answer: Gwyneth Paltrow

Meg Ryan said her biggest turn-on was "absolute honesty". Helen Hunt said her biggest turn-on was "enthusiasm" and Mary Tyler Moore said her biggest turn-on was "life".

  From Quiz: What...?

17 Which actress said they'd like to hear God say, 'Safe!'?

Answer: Kathy Bates

Julia said she'd like to hear Him say, 'Come on in'. Roseanne wanted to hear Him say, 'Hello' and Meryl Streep wanted to hear God say, 'Everybody in'.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists. ..

18 Bit of a tricky one here: only one person has been the featured guest of 'Inside the Actors Studio' twice. Who was it?

Answer: Alec Baldwin

Baldwin was the guest for the 'prototype' episode of 'ITAS' -- it took place in an actual classroom as opposed to the now-familiar auditorium, and has only been shown a handful of times on Bravo. Baldwin later became a guest for the second time in the 'official' format.

Holly Hunter popped up as an audience member at the end of Steven Spielberg's episode, but she has only been the featured guest once.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

19 Harrison Ford talked about being private regarding his personal life but about how a character needs to be completely accessible. In discussing this, he said 'You have to be willing to _____ in front of people.'

Answer: Live

Ford said that you have to give a 'backstage pass' to the audience.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

20 Many guests have given a musical answer to the question about what profession other than his or her own that he or she would like to attempt. Which of the following guests did not give a musically-related profession as his or her answer to the question?

Answer: Melanie Griffith

Griffith said she would like to be a brain surgeon. I haven't stopped laughing at that one yet. Davis's answer was 'opera singer'. Garcia's answer was 'concert pianist'. Lemmon's answer was 'composer'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

21 What did Ben Affleck say his least favorite words were?

Answer: I can't

Gabriel Byrne said his least favorite word was 'loser". Meryl Streep said her least favorite word was "edgy" and Sean Penn said his least favorite word was "smell".

  From Quiz: What...?

22 What did Anthony Hopkins say he wanted to hear God say?

Answer: 'What were you doing down there?'

Anthony also said he loved the sound of the sea, no was his favorite word and cool was his least favorite word. Richard Dreyfuss wanted to hear Him say, 'Come on in. It's not as boring as you thought.' Danny Glover said he'd like to hear 'Thank you' and Kevin Spacey said he would like to hear God say, 'It's about time'.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

23 Which guest asked to borrow James Lipton's glasses, and actually put them on?

Answer: Val Kilmer

Kilmer was asked by Lipton to read aloud the poem that Kilmer had used as his audition piece for Julliard. Kilmer responded with, 'Can I read it as you?' Lipton agreed to hand over his glasses so that Kilmer could look the part a bit more. (He wound up balking at reading the poem as Lipton, which is kind of a shame. Could have been quite funny.)

Ferrell does a dead-on Lipton impression, but has never been (as of October 2001) an official guest, despite making a brief appearance on the 100th episode retrospective.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

24 While discussing a role in which he played an alcoholic which actor disclosed that he was an alcoholic?

Answer: Jack Lemmon

Lipton was clearly shocked by this revelation.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

25 Which guest said that his turn on was 'a good story'?

Answer: Steven Spielberg

Coppola said his turn on was 'life'. Lee didn't say what his turn on was. Penn said his turn on was 'quiet'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

26 What did Sarah Jessica Parker say her biggest turn-on was?

Answer: "New York City"
  From Quiz: What...?

27 What did Michael Douglas say he wanted to hear God say?

Answer: 'Thought you'd never get here.'

Michael also said vanity turned him off, his least favorite word was 'schmuck' and he loved the sound of a sigh. Billy Crystal wanted God to ask him about the 'Oscar thing'. James Caan wanted God to say, 'Nice to meet you' and Sylvester Stallone wanted God to ask him if he wanted something to eat.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

28 Sometimes guests bring friends or family members to the taping, and Lipton rarely fails to point them out in the audience. Which of the following people has NOT been seen in the audience of 'ITAS'?

Answer: Sarah Jessica Parker

Nimoy was there as a guest of close friend Gene Wilder. Young tagged along for James Caan's interview. Damon sneaked into Ben Affleck's interview incognito, but Lipton identified him near the end of the show, much to Affleck's surprise.

Sarah Jessica Parker is Matthew Broderick's wife, but she was not present during his interview.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

29 Which of his movies did Tom Hanks say is now very difficult for him to watch?

Answer: 'Philadelphia'

Hanks movingly spoke about the men with AIDS who worked on the movie, most of whom passed away within one year of the release of 'Philadelphia.'

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

30 Which guest said that the sound that she loved was 'bells'?

Answer: Julia Roberts

Moore said that the sound that she loved was 'Chopin'. Paltrow said that the sound that she loved was 'my mother's voice when she says goodnight'. Weaver said that the sound that she loved was 'my daughter's laughter'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

31 When asked, "What profession, other than yours, would you like to participate in?", Kim Basinger said she would like to do which of the following choices?

Answer: drive an 18-wheeler

Geena Davis said she'd like to "be an opera singer". Sigourney Weaver said she'd like to "be a choreographer" and Carol Burnett would like to "be an artist".

  From Quiz: What. ..?

32 Which actor said they wanted to hear God say, 'You see, I do exist'?

Answer: Gabriel Byrne

Gabriel also said his least favorite word was loser, his favorite sound to hear was silence and cynicism turned him off.

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

33 One of the questions asked in the aforementioned questionnaire is, 'What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?' Which guest answered, with no hesitation whatsoever, 'Shortstop, New York Yankees, number 5'?

Answer: Billy Crystal

Crystal is a well-known baseball fanatic, particularly when it comes to the Yankees.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

34 True or False: Anthony Hopkins finds Shakespeare difficult.

Answer: True

Hopkins spoke of how he used to break up the passages of Shakepeare's text to work on it and how Laurence Olivier told him not to do that because if you do, you lose the essence of the work.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

35 Which guests both answered that the profession other than theirs that they would like to try is 'architect'?

Answer: Michael Caine and Francis Ford Coppola

The professions that Caine and Coppola said they would not like to try were 'soldier' and 'executioner', respectively.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

36 Who said their least favorite word was "vomit"?

Answer: Alan Alda

Michael Caine said his least favorite word is "yesterday". Laurence Fishburne said his least favorite word is "nasty" and Gene Hackman's least favorite word is "cut".

  From Quiz: What...?

37 Which actor said they would like to hear God say, 'You're friends are in the back. They were expecting you'?

Answer: Ben Affleck

Val Kilmer wanted to hear, 'I love you'. Alan Alda wanted to hear, 'Just kidding about those earthquakes' and Tom hanks said he wanted God to say, 'Ah, ah, ah-back you go.'

  From Quiz: If Heaven Exists...

38 'Inside the Actors Studio' once featured a guest who was not only NOT a member of the Actors Studio, but someone who had virtually zero experience acting, screenwriting, playwriting, or directing. Who was it?

Answer: Billy Joel

A true anomaly among 'ITAS' guests, Joel spent his two-hour interview discussing nothing but his music, occasionally stepping over to the piano to illustrate a point or simply to take a request. For fans of Joel (like myself), it was an enjoyable episode...but one has to wonder how a man who does not act, direct, or write (music aside) wound up on this show!

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Guests (through 2001)

39 Lipton asked Steven Spielberg about the fact that characters are often looking off camera in his films, and Spielberg said that he 'likes to watch people _____.'

Answer: Thinking

Spielberg said that he thinks these types of scenes draw the audience into what the character is thinking.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' 100th Guest Celebration

40 Which guest said that his or her favorite word was 'serendipity'?

Answer: Ellen Barkin

Burnett's favorite word is 'window'. Hopkins's favorite word is 'no'. Stiller's favorite word is 'galaxy'.

  From Quiz: 'Inside the Actors Studio' Questionnaire Responses

The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Inside The Actor's Studio Quizzes

Matt Damon - Movies and TV series

Matt Damon is an American actor, screenwriter and producer. Born October 8, 1970 in Cambridge in the family of a tax inspector and professor at the University of Leslie. He began his acting career while still a student. In 1996, he played a small role in the film Courage in Combat. Together with Ben Affleck, the actor wrote the script for the film Good Will Hunting, where he also took part in the filming. To date, Damon's most famous works are Ocean's Eleven, The Martian, Interstellar, Saving Private Ryan, The Bourne Identity.

Oppenheimer Oppenheimer 2023, Biographical, Drama, Historical



9000 Air Air 2023, Drama



Thor: Love and Thunder Thor: Love and Thunder 2022, Action, Adventure, Fantasy

5.0 Grounds



Silence Stilllwater 9000 2021, Drama, Drama, Drama, drama, drama, drama, drama thriller



6. 6IMDB

Last duel The Last Duel 2021, Drama, Historical

6.9 Zeal 9000 7.4MDB


9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Clint Eastwood: A Cinematic Legacy Clint Eastwood: A Cinematic Legacy 2021, biographical, documentary



No sudden movements No021 Move 2.90 Drama thriller

6.3 Crossers



Rebut Jay Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 2019, Comedy

6,2 6imdb

Ford against Ferrari Ford v Ferrari 2019, Biographical, Action, Drama

7.2 Grounds


Country 9000 action, comedy


6.7 Crossers


8 Ocean Ocean's Fleet Ocean's 8 2018, Action, Comedy, Triller


Reens shoulder

Deadpool 2 Deadpool 2 2018, militant, comedy, adventures

7film. ru




Not Unsane 2018, detective, drama, horror .ru

6.2 Grinders



Thor: Ragnarok Thor: Ragnarok 2017, Action, Comedy, Adventure


Reviews 9000 SUBURBICHON Suburbicon 2017, Drama, Comedy, Thriller

6.3 Crossers



Closer Downsizing 2017, Comedy, Fiction


5.7 Crossers



Boston Boston 2017, Documentary


7.4imdb 9000 Adventures, fantasy




Jason Born Jason Bourne 2016, Military, thriller

6.5 Victorious 9000 6.6imdb


88 88 Oscars The Oscars 2016, Comedy, Music

-film. ru

6,0002 6.4imdb

Martian The Martian 2015 2015, Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Adventures, science fiction



The Man Who Saved the World The Man Who Saved the World 2014, biographical, documentary, drama, historical

7.2 audience

7.6 ) Years of Living Dangerously 2014, documentary




Oscar. Hollywood History And the Oscar Goes to… 2014, Documentary, Historical




Saturday Night Live: Cut for Time (TV series) Saturday Night Live: Cut for Time


Treasures hunters The Monments Men 2014, war, drama

5.6 Grits

6.1imdb 9000 Emmy" The 65th Primetime Emmy Awards 6 2013, News


6. 9IMDB

Zero The Zero Theorem 2013 2013, Comedy, Fantasy

6.7 Claims



Elysium: Paradise is not on Earth Elysium 2013, Action, Drama, Fiction

6.9 Crossers



Behind the Candelabra 9000 2013, Bio drama, music

7.0 Crossers



Earth promised Promized Land 2012, drama

6.3 Growths

6.6imdb 9000 Up To Cancer 2012

6.6 Crossers


Lying abode (series) House of Lies , Drama, Comedy

6.4 Crossers

7.4IMDb 9Ol000 2011, cartoons, comedy, musical, adventure, family

8.9 Criters


Margaret Margaret 2011, Drama

5.8 Crossers

6. 5IMDb

American teacher American Teacher 2011, Biographical, Documentary, Historical, News



Contagion 2011 2011,




His Way His Way 2011, documentary


6.80005 The Adjustment Bureau 2011, melodrama, thriller, science fiction



Documents Unauthorized: The Harvey Weinstein Pro 000666 .ru



68th Annual Golden Globe Awards The 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards 2011, comedy, music

6.8 Grounds


Young paparazzi Teenage Paparazzo 2010, documentary



Iron grave True Grit 9000 2010, Western, drama 9000

7film. ru




Otherworldly HereAFTER 2010, Drama, Fantasy

7.2 7.2 7. : Tribute to American Cinematics (TV) Hollywood Salutes Matt Damon: An American Cinematheque Tribute 2010, comedy



Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (Video) Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy 2010, documentary, horror



6.2 Grounds


Do not take live Green Zone 2010, Action, Drama, Thriller

7.3 Crossers



insiders Intside Job 2010, documentary, thriller




16th ceremony of the Awards Akaters Awards 16th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards

9000 8spectators


67th Golden Globus Award Ceremony The 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards 2010, Comedy, News

–Film. ru

6,0002 7,3IMDB

Unborn Invictus 2009, Biographical, Drama, Historical, Sports

7.4 Crossers



in Cuba (series) Cubed 2009, Comedy, Sports

-Film .ru



Live from the fifth studio (TV series) Live from Studio Five 2009, news, talk shows


3 200D2 Informant

The Informant! 2009, biographical, comedy, thriller

-6,0002 6.0002 6.5IMDB


Ponyo Rybok Ponyo 2008, cartoons, comedy, adventure

10film.ruOl000 Sahara Office Running the Sahara 2007, Documentary, Sports


6.7 Crossers



Ultimatum Born The Bourne Ultimatum 2007, Metective, Adventure

7film. ru Ocean's Thirteen 2007, thriller

7.4 viewers


5.8 Crossers



Dedicated to George Clooney George Cloony: An American Cinemate Tribute 9000

7,0002 -Zhristelniki - Studio 30 (TV series) 30 Rock 2006, comedy

6.9 Crossers


Excensities Aparted 2006, Drama, Thriller

7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9.9 7.9.9 7.9s



Syrian Syriana 2005, Drama, thriller

7.0 Grounds

6.9IMDB 9000 , news, talk show



Travel to the Moon 3D Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 2005, cartoons, documentary, short film 900.ru3

7.0 Crossers


Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm 2005, Action, Comedy, Adventures

7film. ru

7.6 Grinders 9000 5.9IMDB

9000 Edge to Mainstream Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream 2005, documentary



Tsunami Relief: Concert of Hope (TV) 900 of Hope 6 2005, music


6.0002 6.0002 Twelve friends of Ocean Ocean's Twelve 2004, thriller

7.0 7.0 7.0

Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tracy Morgan 2004, documentary, comedy0005 The Bourne Supremacy 2004, action, detective, thriller

7.5 viewers

7.7 On A Moving Train 2004, Documentary



Girl from Jersey Jersey Girl 2004, Drama, Comedy, Melodrama


6.7 Directors



eurotur Eurotrip 2004, comedy

7.6 Grinders

6. 6imdb


stuck in you Stack on You,



7.2 Grinders



Ropes is enough with Andrew Denton (TV series) ENUGH ROPE with Andrew Denton 2003, Comedy



Recognitions of a dangerous person Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 2002, Biographical, Comedy, Thriller

6.8 Grounds




7.9 viewers


6.5 pricks


Spirit: Soul of the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron 2002, Cartoons, Drama, Adventures

8.2 8.2 8.2 7.2imdb

Moving ceremonies ceremonies Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2002 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '02 2002, documentary, family




, detective story Gerry 2

–Film. ru

7.5 Crossers


Majestic The Majestic 2001, Drama, Melodrama

6.9 Crossers




2001, thriller

7.8 Crossers



Show Bernie Mac (Series) The Bernie Mac Show 2001, Comedy, Family 9000 –

- viewers


Law and order. Criminal Intent (TV series) Law & Order: Criminal Intent 2001, detective drama, thriller Strike Back 2001, comedy



Wild Hearts All the Pretty Horses 2000, western, drama, romance


6.9 Crossers


Find a Forrester Finding Forrester 2000, Drama

7.2 Grinders


Bagger legend Legend of Bagger Vance 2000, drama, sports, fantasy

-film. ru

6.8 viewers

6.7 2000, cartoons, action, adventure



BlockBusbuster Entertainment 2000 BlockBuster Entertainment Awards 2000, documentary

4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 Oscar The 72nd Annual Academy Awards 2000 Family



57th Golden Globe Awards The 57th Annual Golden Globe Awards0006 2000, news



The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999, drama, thriller



Dogma Dogma 1999, Drama, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy



71st Annual Academy Awards The 71st Annual Academy Awards 1999 Family


-6,0002 6.1imdb

56th Golden Globus Awards The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards 1999

-film. ru

6.8 Growths

5 6imdb

Return to Normandy Return to Normandy 1998, documentary



Will and Grace Will & Grace 1998, Comedy, Melodrama



Schuler Rouunders 1998, drama, thriller


7.1 , drama


8.4 Crossers


70 70 Oscar Awards The 70th Annual Awards 1998, News



55th Golden Globe Award Ceremony The 55th Annual Golden Globe Awards 1998, News


9000 Clews Will Hunting 9000 GOOD Will HULL HUNTING


8.3 Grinders


Bindowing Bindowing The Rainmaker 1997, Drama, Thriller



Chasing Amy 1997, drama, comedy, melodrama

-film. ru



Arthur (series) Arthur 1996, cartoons, short, adventure



Courage in the battle Courage Under Fire 1996, war, detective, drama, thriller


7,000 comedy

7.0 Crossers


Good old guys The Good Old Boys 1995, Western, Adventures



Jeronimo: American Legend 9000 Geronimo: American Legend: American Legend: An American Legend 1993, western, drama, historical



The Late Show with David Letterman (TV series) Late Show with David Letterman 1993, music, talk, comedy -show




HBO: First glance (Series) HBO FIRST LOOK 1992, Documentary

7.3 Vygers


School Lessons School Lesson School Ties 1992, drama -film. ru



Son -the upward star Rising Son 1990, Drama



Miracles Field of Dreams 1989, Drama, Family, Fantasy


7.1 Grounds


Good mother The Good Mother 1988, Drama, Melodrama



Mystical pizza 1988, drama, comedy, melodrama



Biography (series) BIOGRAPHY 1987, biographical, documentary


7, 7IMDb

Film '72 (TV series) Film '72 1971, talk show



Today, current news show

7.3 viewers


Last duel The Last Duel 2021, Drama, Historical

6.9 Grounds

7. 4IMDB


Earth Promined Land 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000



Jerry Gerry 2002, detective, drama, adventures

7.5 Expitants


Cleverlah Hunting Good Will Hunting 1997, drama


AIR Air 2023, Drama



Jason Born Jason Bourne 2016, Action, Triller


6.5 Infants

6, 6, 6,000 6IMDb


Manchester by the sea Manchester by the Sea 2016, Drama




9000 .ru



promised Land Promised Land 2012, Drama

6.3 Grounds

6.6IMDB Stolen Summer 2002, Drama 9,0006 2002, Drama

-film. ru

7.3 6imdb

Corporation (TV series) Incorporated 2016, thriller, fiction




Running the Sahara 2007, Sports 9000 - Sports 9000 9Ol000 SHAKER Heights
2003, Drama, Comedy, Melodrama




Speak more than Speakesy 2002, Drama

-9000 -9000 9000 9000 9000 All Grown Up 2003, Comedy

-6,0002 5.0002 5.000 5.0003

third excess 5.4imdb

Jerry Gerry 2002, Detective, Drama, Adventures

7.5 Crossers


Matt Damon - Films

Matt Damon born on October 8, 1970 in Cambridge (state Massachusetts, USA) in the family of Kent Damon and Nancy Carsson-Page. Matt's father worked as a tax inspector, and his mother was a college professor. Matt has Scottish, English and Finnish roots. The parents of the future actor divorced when Matt was three years old, and he and his brother Kyle were raised by the same mother.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

When Damon was 8 years old, he met his future friend and colleague Ben Affleck. He lived in several houses from Matt, and the boys quickly became friends. At the age of 16, Damon firmly decided that he wanted to become a professional actor, despite the dissatisfaction of his parents. He had to take all his savings (he only had $200 at the time) and go to New York to try his luck. Then he only managed to star in one commercial.

Movies with Matt Damon

In 1988, Matt Damon entered Harvard, where he began to play his first plays in the local theater. He played his first role in the same year - in the comedy "Mystic Pizza". He managed to get several small roles in various series and low-budget films, until the 1997 film Good Will Hunting was released, which changed his life and the life of Ben Affleck forever.

Affleck and Damon wrote the screenplay for the film, which won many prestigious film awards, including an Oscar for Best Screenplay. Initially, film studios refused to take the film about the gifted janitor to work, as friends wanted to play in it themselves, but their names were little known. In the end, they managed to find a company that agreed to work, and Robin Williams appeared in the lead roles along with Matt and Ben, and the famous director Gus Van Sant shot the picture. The success of the film on a small budget instantly lifted Matt Damon to the top of the Hollywood Olympus, giving him the opportunity to star in more films. In the following years, Dogma was released, where Damon again starred with Ben Affleck, Saving Private Ryan and The Talented Mr. Ripley. The last picture received many nominations for MTV, Teen Choice and even the Golden Globe for Best Actor. Together with Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow played in the film, and for this role, Matt had to lose 13 kilograms.

Matt Damon - Jason Bourne

Most of Matt Damon's roles took place in major Hollywood films. One of the high-profile premieres was the film "The Bourne Identity" in 2002, where Damon played the main role. The success of the action movie, based on the novel by Robert Ludlem, allowed the studio to give the green light to several more films about the CIA agent. Damon returned to his role as Jason Bourne in each of them. The film Ocean's Eleven, which also received a sequel, was also a great success. The biggest stars of Hollywood starred in the film together with Matt Damon: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Andy Garcia and Julia Roberts. For his role in Steven Soderbergh's television movie Behind the Candelabra, Damon was again nominated for prestigious awards, this time including the Emmy Award. In total, Matt has about 45 nominations and 19film awards. The actor has an Oscar for Best Screenplay and a Golden Globe for Best Actor in The Martian.

Matt Damon's personal life

Matt Damon's personal life has been quiet for a long time. The actor is married to former bartender Luciana Bosan Barroso, originally from Argentina. The couple met in 2003 in Miami, and in 2005 the official marriage ceremony took place. They have three daughters (Isabella, Gia and Stella), as well as Luciana's daughter from her first marriage, Alexia.

Matt Damon Awards and Honors

- Academy Award
Nomination: Best Actor (The Martian)

- Golden Globe Award
Winner: Best Actor (Comedy or Musical) (The Martian)

- MTV Award
Nomination: Best Actor (The Martian)

- British Academy Award
Nomination: Best Actor (The Martian)

- Golden Globe Award
Nominated: Best Actor in a TV Miniseries or Movie (Behind the Candelabra)

- British Academy Award
Nominated: Best Supporting Actor (Behind the Candelabra)

- Screen Actors Guild Award
Nomination: Best Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries (Behind the Candelabra)

- Emmy Award
Nominated: Best Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie (Behind the Candelabra)

- Emmy Award
Nomination: Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series (Studio 30)

- Academy Award
Nomination: Best Supporting Actor (Invictus)

- Golden Globe Award
Nominations: Best Actor (Comedy or Musical) ("Informant!") and Best Supporting Actor ("Invictus")

- Screen Actors Guild Award
Nomination: Best Supporting Actor (Invictus)

- MTV Channel Award
Nominations: Best Actor (The Bourne Ultimatum) and Best Fight (The Bourne Ultimatum)

- Actors Guild Award
Nomination: Best Cast (The Departed)

- MTV Channel Award
Nomination: Best Actor (The Bourne Supremacy)

- Saturn Award
Nomination: Best Actor (The Bourne Supremacy)

- MTV Channel Award
Nomination: Best On-Screen Team (Ocean's Eleven)

- Golden Globe Award
Nomination: Best Actor (Drama) ("The Talented Mr.

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