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Erbstück weiße, orange und graue Kürbisse mit bunten Müttern, die vor der Haustür sitzen.
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Veranda im traditionellen Stil, die für den Herbst mit Regenstiefeln, Erbstückkürbissen, weißen Kürbissen, Müttern und Schaukelstuhl mit Büffelkarokissen und Wurfdecke dekoriert ist und eine einladende Atmosphäre bietet.
Soldatin ist aufgeregt, mit ihrer Familie zu Hause zu sein
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Vordere Glastür mit Betonveranda
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Erstaunliche samtes rotes Backsteinhaus mit komplizierten...
Große Felsbrocken säumen den vorderen Betonsteg, der zur Veranda führt
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Ein Vintage-Haus im The Height in Houston, Texas. Houston hat keine Zonengesetze, so dass diese historischen Bungalowhäuser für > $ 1 Million abgerissen und vom Stadthaus verdrängt werden. Dieses Haus befindet sich an einer Ecke und wurde sorgfältig gepflegt und behält seine Vintage-Anziehungskraft bei. Die Geschichte geht verloren.
Amazon Prime-Boxen und Umschläge an eine Haustür eines...
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Schöne Veranda mit Tisch und Stühlen, an einem schönen Sommertag
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Panorama Entryway eines Hauses mit Treppen, die auf die vordere...
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Eine Veranda mit einer roten Tür
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Zwei Adirondack-Stühle und Tulpen auf der Veranda eines Hauses.
Saisonale Herbstferien dekorieren. Herbstdekor an der Haustür.
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Erbstück weiße, orange und graue Kürbisse mit bunten Müttern, die vor der Haustür sitzen.
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Vordere Veranda dekoriert für Herbst mit Buffalo Plaid
Veranda im traditionellen Stil, die für den Herbst mit Regenstiefeln, Erbstückkürbissen, weißen Kürbissen, Müttern und Schaukelstuhl mit Büffelkarokissen und Wurfdecke dekoriert ist und eine einladende Atmosphäre bietet.
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Nach der Wiedervereinigung mit ihrer Familie verbringt eine Soldatin gerne Zeit mit ihnen.
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Hübsche Veranda in einem kleinen amerikanischen Dorf
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Veranda für den Herbst dekoriert.
Vorderseite des Hauses dekoriert Herbst Urlaub. Halloween oder Thanksgiving. Herbstliche Pracht
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Große Felsbrocken säumen den vorderen Betonsteg, der zur Veranda führt
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Eine luxuriöse und klassische Outdoor-Bettschaukel, die in einem...
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Eine Veranda mit einer roten Tür
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Ein Vintage-Haus im The Height in Houston, Texas. Houston hat keine Zonengesetze, so dass diese historischen Bungalowhäuser für > $ 1 Million abgerissen und vom Stadthaus verdrängt werden. Dieses Haus befindet sich an einer Ecke und wurde sorgfältig gepflegt und behält seine Vintage-Anziehungskraft bei. Die Geschichte geht verloren.
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Rustikale Proch und malerischen Sonnenuntergang.
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Schöne Veranda mit Tisch und Stühlen, an einem schönen Sommertag
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Bungalow Veranden
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Vordere Glastür mit Betonveranda
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Zwei Adirondack-Stühle und Tulpen auf der Veranda eines Hauses.
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Amerikanische Flaggen fliegen von der Veranda
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Deutscher Schäferhund sitzt auf der Veranda, dekoriert für den Thanksgiving-Tag mit hausgemachtem Kranz an der Tür. Erbstückkürbisse, weiße Kürbisse, Regenstiefel und Mütter sorgen für eine einladende Atmosphäre.
When I was young, I often came to Moscow. And then there was a big break. and here I am again able to come. First of all, I went to the Kremlin. I visited the armory, the cathedrals, occasionally looking into a guidebook published 20 years ago. A red porch appeared on the cathedral square, about which there is not a word in my book. May I ask you to tell his story.
Science and life // Illustrations
The Grand Duke's Palace in the Kremlin. XVII century. Reconstruction by A. Potapov.
The Middle (Golden) Chamber (in the center) and a fragment of the Faceted Chamber. Reconstruction by K. Lopyalo.
Cathedral Square and Grand Duke's Palace. Miniature from the "Book of the election and wedding to the kingdom of the Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich".
Procession of Their Majesties Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna from the Red Porch to the Assumption Cathedral on April 2, 1900.
Red porch after reconstruction. Photo by I. Konstantinov. 2007
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S. Smolyaninova (Nizhny Tagil).
The Moscow Kremlin has long been the center of Russian statehood. The Kremlin was the Grand Duke's Palace, where foreign ambassadors were received and important state affairs were decided. The family of the Grand Duke, and then the Tsar, lived in the same palace.
In ancient Russian architecture, stone living quarters resembled wooden mansions - a complex of individual buildings of various sizes and shapes. An important element of the composition of the choir was the Red Porch, which served as the main entrance to the building. Usually, the Red Porch was built “on the fly” (that is, it was pushed forward in front of the building). The porch had 2-3 flights of stairs with platforms (lockers) and led to the second floor in the choir, where the main reception rooms were located. According to the ancient Russian tradition, the entrance to any building was distinguished by a tower-like composition, the lockers of the Red Porches were decorated with tents; often over the upper lockers they arranged a teremok or a roof of complex configuration. The red porch served as a kind of "face" of the house, so it is not surprising that it received the most rich decoration and original forms.
The stone palace of the Grand Duke in the Moscow Kremlin, built by Italian architects in 1491-1516, like the wooden mansions, consisted of separate chambers united by a common basement (only the Faceted Chamber has survived to this day). The main facade was turned to the Cathedral Square. The main chambers of the palace overlooked the square: the Faceted, Golden (or Middle) and Dining Rooms. Solemn embassy audiences and large ceremonial tables were given in the Palace of Facets: at the wedding to the kingdom, at the announcement of heirs to the throne, at the appointment of patriarchs, metropolitans and archbishops, as well as marriage, birth, christening, holiday tables. The great Zemsky Sobors took place in the Palace of Facets and all the most important celebrations took place. In order for the tsarina with her children to watch the festivities (according to the customs of Ancient Rus', women did not have the right to attend state ceremonies), a hiding place was arranged above the Holy entrance, upholstered with expensive foreign fabrics.
The Middle (Golden) Chamber originally had the same purpose as the Faceted Chamber, but from the 16th century it turned into an ordinary reception hall. Here, with less pomp, the patriarch, spiritual and secular dignitaries, foreign ambassadors, messengers were presented to the sovereign; meetings of small Zemsky Sobors took place, birthday and festive tables were arranged.
The dining room served as a small front hall for the sovereign's tables, receptions of the clergy, boyars and other officials, foreign envoys and messengers; There were also large Zemsky Sobors here, at which important state issues were discussed. In the Memorial Chamber, on the days of commemoration of the kings and persons of the sovereign family, memorial tables were given to the spiritual authorities and cathedrals. In the Reciprocal, or Ambassadorial, Chamber, negotiations (answers) of the boyars with foreign ambassadors took place. Hence the expression "to be in charge" - to negotiate, to give royal answers. The tsar sometimes listened to embassy meetings through a hiding place.
The wide open space located in front of the front facades of these chambers was called the Red Porch, to which three stairs led from Cathedral Square: Blagoveshchenskaya - through the porch of the Annunciation Cathedral to the Dining Chamber, Golden - to the Golden Chamber and Red - to the Faceted. According to custom, ambassadors of Christian countries entered the palace along the Annunciation Stairs, and Muslim ambassadors (from the Golden Horde, Turkey, Iran) entered the palace along the Golden Stairs. Of particular importance was the Red Staircase, which led to the main throne room of the palace. All the solemn exits of the Russian tsars to the Assumption Cathedral for the coronation, marriage or solemn service were made along it. Meeting ceremonies of the most important embassies took place on the Red Stairs. (The magazine talked about diplomatic etiquette several times. See Science and Life, No. 3, 2006; Nos. 2 and 3, 2008)
According to the ancient custom, the hosts met eminent guests on each platform (porch) of the Red Stairs: "... they bowed from the first porch, met them with bread and salt from the other, brought wine and mash from the third." In the royal palace, this custom turned into a magnificent meeting ceremony during embassy and other important receptions. Before the meeting of foreign ambassadors, the lockers, steps and railings of all the porches of the royal palace were covered with the richest gold and Persian carpets, and the pillars of the upper and middle lockers were upholstered with precious covers. The entire porch was filled with yard and service people of the lower ranks, in the richest clothes they stood on both sides of the path. As a rule, clerks and boyar children in colored and gold dresses stood up the stairs and on the porch, and in the entryway and at the doors of the Reception Chamber there were tenants in velvet caftans and gold hats, with protazans and halberds in their hands. Especially magnificent meetings were arranged for foreign ambassadors. The eminent ambassador and a person of royal origin was given three meetings: the first, smaller one, at the stairs on the access platform or locker, the second, middle one, on the porch against the middle staircase, the third, large one, at the very doors of the chamber. Two meetings were made for less significant persons, and only one for others (envoys, messengers, merchants).
The countermen, as a rule, were appointed stewards with clerks, and on more solemn occasions, a boyar or okolnichy with a steward or a duma clerk. Especially dear guests were met with even greater ceremonies. In 1644, during the reception of the fiance of Princess Irina, the Danish prince Voldemar, in addition to arranging the usual three meetings, the guest was welcomed in the middle of the Faceted Chamber by Tsarevich Alexei Mikhailovich, accompanied by the boyars, and then sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich met the prince at the steps of the throne.
A number of ancient customs are associated with the Red Porch. For example, they approached the royal palace on foot, leaving horses or carriages at a short or long distance, depending on the rank. Only the sovereign himself had the right to drive up to the porch. High dignitaries and boyars could get off their horses at a distance of several sazhens from the palace and porch. Foreign ambassadors and noble foreigners, like boyars, got out of the carriages thirty paces from the porch. Dignitaries of junior ranks usually got off their horses on Ivanovskaya Square and approached the Red Porch with their heads bare. The boyar, who drove right up to the porch, was subjected to severe punishment: he could be imprisoned and even deprived of the boyar rank. People who did not belong to the court or service class, coming to the palace, remained on the lower lockers near the stairs. All the petitioners stood on the square in front of the Red Porch and waited for the Duma clerks to come out, who accepted the petitions and took them to the boyars.
It was forbidden to enter the palace with weapons, even those that belonged to the ceremonial costume. There were no exceptions for the boyars, or for the sovereign's relatives, or for foreign ambassadors. For a European nobleman, especially for a well-born nobleman with the rank of ambassador, it was considered a dishonor to hand over a sword, which led to numerous clashes with the tsarist administration.
Vigilant guards guarded the royal palace day and night. Permanent archery guards numbered up to 500 people. The main guard, numbering up to 300 people, was located at the Red Porch in the basement of the Faceted Chamber. In the 17th century, in the palace, on the archery guard of the Red Porch, special records were kept every day about the weather, about incidents in the palace guard, and all royal exits, embassy receptions, and emergency events were also noted. These records make it possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the time of various events of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich: “In 1657, on the 30th day of Genvara on Friday, the day was cold and windy before lunch. And on the sovereign's guard stood the head of Ivan Meshchereninov with an order. “April on the 22nd day, on Wednesday, the day was windy and the wind was great. Yes, on the same day there was a great fire beyond the Moscow River in Kadashev; and the night was warm. And in the sovereign's court stood on guard the head of Ivan Zubov with his order. “On the 4th day of August, Tuesday, it was a windy day, and it was cold at night and it rained for about two hours.
And on that day, the sovereign from Khmelnitsky had a messenger Pavel Teterya with his comrades, but he was on the Red Porch.
The importance of the Red Staircase affected the design of its external appearance, which has undergone significant changes over the course of four centuries. original
The red staircase was open (as it is depicted in the drawing "Kremlenagrad" of 1600). On the miniature from the "Book of Election to the Kingdom" (end of the 17th century), the Red Staircase is shown already with a roof. In the 80s of the 17th century, the Faceted Chamber was significantly rebuilt (in particular, narrow window openings were expanded, which received a magnificent baroque frame). The restructuring also affected the Red Porch: in 1685, Prince V.V. Golitsyn arranged a copper roof over the Red Staircase, while the lower platforms of the stairs were covered with tents, and the upper one with a barrel; the tent of the lower platform received a stone vault and carved stone pillars. In 1686, the carver Grigory Ivanov made sculptures of three lions and two eagles from white stone. Rare for ancient Russian art, voluminous white-stone sculpture gave the appearance of the Red Porch a special splendor and richness, which was emphasized by the gilding of the lions (in the 19th century, the gilding was replaced by yellow painting).
During a fire in 1696, the roof burned down. According to some historians, since that time the staircase has become open. However, according to the inventory compiled after the fire of 1737, among other ruins, the burnt roof of the Red Porch was also listed.
In 1730, during the construction of a wooden palace for the Empress Anna Ioannovna, F. B. Rastrelli demolished the Dining Room and the Golden Chamber along with their mound. Since that time, the only surviving staircase of the Faceted Chamber began to be called the Red Porch. Rastrelli redid the Red Porch, and dismantled the tents of the upper lockers. It is possible that the tent of the lower locker was also lost at the same time. The wooden palace was soon transferred to a new royal residence on the banks of the Yauza.
In 1842-1845, in connection with the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Red Porch was redone by the architect F. Richter. At the same time, stone carved pillars and pediments of the lower platform were renewed according to ancient samples. However, frequent leaks in the guard room of the Kremlin guardhouse, located under the Red Porch, forced the porch to be periodically repaired. The last such repair with the re-laying of all steps and with the pavement of the platforms was carried out in 1915-1916.
In the early 1930s, the Red Porch was demolished. In its place, an extension to the Faceted Chamber appeared. This two-story building, erected by I. A. Ivanov-Shitz in 1934, was intended for a dining room, in which deputies of numerous congresses, plenums and meetings ate for half a century. The inexpressive appearance of the dining room contrasted sharply with the majestic architectural monuments of the Cathedral Square, violating the integrity of its ensemble. In addition, during the construction of the dining room, the southern facade of the Faceted Chamber was barbarously mutilated: the white-stone entrance portal, decorated with wonderful Italian carvings, was turned into a window, the reliefs of lions under the architraves were cut down, and the only surviving architraves of the 15th century were hidden by a rough superstructure.
A document dated November 2, 1934 has been preserved, which says: “During the dismantling of the Red Porch, two stone lions from the 17th century were removed from it ... (the third lion had already disappeared by that time. - Note ed.) State . The Armory Chamber asks for an order to install lions on the stairs near the Patriarchal Sacristy.” Of those lions from the Red Porch, only one has survived to this day. According to V. N. Ivanov (at that time he was the head of the monuments department of the Moscow Kremlin Museum), after the Red Porch was dismantled, museum workers dragged two lions onto the porch of the Archangel Cathedral. However, the next day the lions... disappeared! In the commandant's office of the Kremlin, V.N. Ivanov was informed that the lions "interfered", so they were taken out at night to one of the collective farms near Moscow and there they seemed to be thrown into a silo pit. Attempts to find them were unsuccessful. However, at 19In 69, while digging a trench in the Tainitsky Garden, a sculpture of one of the three lions was discovered (judging by the potholes, they tried to split it into pieces).
The idea of demolishing the dining room and restoring the Red Porch belongs to the employees of the Moscow Kremlin Museums. In 1988, an initiative group of five people was created (the author of this article was also included in it), which sent a letter to the chairman of the Cultural Foundation D.S. Likhachev with a letter about the restoration of the Red Porch. The Cultural Foundation supported the initiative of the employees of the Moscow Kremlin Museums. Specialists from Mosproekt-2 have developed a project for the reconstruction of the Red Porch. It started only at 1993: the canteen building was demolished and the foundation of the Red Porch was laid. By the summer of 1994, the restoration of the Red Porch was completed.
The red porch was restored the way it was at the time of dismantling. The staircase of 32 steps is divided into marches by three platforms (lockers). Its right side is adjacent directly to the southern facade of the Faceted Chamber, and a wide stone parapet has been erected on the left side. White-stone sculptures of lions are placed on the parapets of the platforms. There are three lions in total: two lying - on the parapets of the lower and middle platforms, one sitting with a heraldic shield in its front paws - on the upper.
At the entrance to the staircase, there are two porticos with arches and "torn" pediments, in which two white-stone eagles "for both faces" are placed. Unlike lions, bilateral eagles are high reliefs in the form of thick plates connected to one another by a bridge. Images of double-headed eagles were often used in the decoration of the monuments of the Moscow Kremlin: they adorn the internal portal of the Palace of Facets, the portals of the Terem Palace, and the facades of the Spasskaya Tower.
The revived Red Porch completely changed the appearance of the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin, returned the solemn front entrance to the Faceted Chamber, which made it possible to revive the ancient traditions of the Kremlin Palace.
about "Children's World": mozhav — LiveJournal
I appeal, as they say, to all people of good will. I want to clarify the main points, because you probably managed to get familiar with references to scandalous news from the DM, to the confused so-called war between Archnadzor and Hals-development, to (according to some) senseless pulling the skin of an already killed monument. Here, for example, respected Revzin: “If the interior has been preserved and is subject to restoration, then excellent. I am ready to personally support this 100%.”
This logic reminded me of this: a hooligan at recess snatches some printed gingerbread from his hands and loudly yells "That's it, that's it, now it's mine, I've already spit it up!!" Let's remember: even 4 years ago the store functioned normally - maybe not quite efficiently, but quite well. My kids went there every time for a holiday, definitely making DM stand out from the rest of the toy stores. People still ask when it will open and what will happen there. I answer them as they are: a big new store, like those that you have seen in abundance here or abroad. No, they say, then we won’t go, we want it to be the same as before. I swear, I didn’t drip on their brains - they must be able to distinguish marble from plastic themselves, or maybe it’s important for them that their grandmother also used to come here.
July 1, 2008 the store is closed not for repairs, which it certainly needed, but for a global reconstruction, the purpose of which is to double the area. Moskomnasledie, at the request of Luzhkov, sharply curtails the object of protection accepted by experts, deleting from it not only all the interiors, but also the material of the walls, including. external (!). They promise that the updated store will open in three years.
Three and a half passed. There is still no final, agreed draft. All this time, Hals, that is, VTB Bank, stupidly destroyed the decoration of the front interiors of the building. Now they are showing journalists some of the stored elements of the atrium, and two years ago I myself took out the fragments of the marble balusters of the main staircase, beaten with crowbars. The task of the developer is simple - to grunt into a carrot, so that later he can say "yes, there's nothing more to save there." However, the construction of the atrium is still intact, probably the decoration of the stairs and vestibules is intact. Their preservation is a guarantee that when we return to, uh, updated DM, we will be able to recognize him. That he will not turn into an ugly plastic shnyaga, like "Moscow" and Voentorg.
Further, for some reason some people think that the Archnadzor hired himself to beat his head against this wall. For example, T. Malkina, Moskovskie Novosti: “I’m afraid, claims should have been made to Arkhnadzor. ” They, unlike me, a regular customer, mother of children and amateur citizens, are professionals. They knew everything for a long time and in advance, it was they who should have been chained to the balusters, and chained to them one of the officials of the mayor's office. Well, thank you, mother.
I won't answer to NA - here are all of our publications on the topic since August 2008. I dare to appeal to anyone who cares what this lawsuit will turn out to be. Our requirement is extremely simple: stop work on the monument until the revision of the subject of protection . Today, for example, the Museum of Architecture, on its own behalf, turned to Mayor Sobyanin with the same request. Muscovites and guests of the capital, support the initiative, say your word too, otherwise the gentleman Grachevsky will say it for you. Private, collective letters, publications, everything in your power - let them see that this is not a matter of the principle of the stubborn Archnadzor, that this is a common cause.