How to rid yard of squirrels
How To Keep Squirrels Out of Your Yard
Squirrels can be a nuisance in the yard or garden by eating fruit, vegetables and birdseed and chewing tree bark. Squirrels also have a way of making their way into your attic or crawlspaces and setting up nests. Here’s how to get rid of squirrels in the yard and keep them out of your home.
Don’t feed them. If you feed them, they will come. Any food found in your yard is fair game for roaming creatures or those already calling your property home. When you’re hanging bird feeders, scattering plant seeds or throwing compostable food scraps into your garden, you create the opportunity for easy meals. You should weigh your enjoyment of bird watching with the potential to attract pests with uneaten birdseed.
Remove what attracts them. The sight and smell of fallen fruit, nuts and seeds lures squirrels. Rake your yard regularly to remove these items from under bird feeders and trees. Use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to keep squirrels out of your trash.
Scare them. A dog or cat may keep squirrels out of your yard, particularly if your dog chases squirrels. If you don’t have a cat or dog, you can place plastic owls around your property on elevated surfaces such as fence posts or the roof to frighten squirrels away. You can also buy containers of predator (wolf or tiger) urine to spray in your yard or garden. The scent scares many animals, including squirrels, deer and rabbits. You need to re-apply the solution after it rains.
Spray them. Motion-activated sprinkler systems may help keep squirrels out of your yard.
Exclude them. Keep squirrels out of your yard by blocking their entry points. Prevent squirrels from traveling along utility wires by putting two-foot sections of lightweight two- to three-inch diameter plastic pipe around non-electrical wires. Slit the pipe lengthwise, spread it open and place it over the wire. The pipe will spin on the wire, causing tightrope-walking squirrels to tumble to the ground.
Deter them. If you can’t keep ground squirrels out of your yard, you can keep them away from your trees and plants using squirrel baffles. Put a two-foot-wide metal collar around trees, at least six to eight feet off the ground. You can also use squirrel baffles on poles that support your bird feeders. Put fences or netting around your plants. Build a fence out of one-inch mesh wire. The fence should be at least 30 inches high and extend six inches below ground, with an additional six inches underground bent outward at a 90-degree angle to discourage burrowing. An electric fence is a further deterrent. Place at least two electrified fence strands about three inches from an existing fence, one six inches above the ground and the other at the fence height. Cut small pieces of plastic bird netting and wrap it around ripening fruit. Use heavyweight mulch, stones or decorative rocks on the surface of your soil to keep squirrels from digging in your flowerpots.
Repel them. Treat seeds, bulbs and flowers with a taste repellent such as capsaicin or commercially available chemical repellent. Reapply these substances after it rains. Don’t use repellents on vegetables or fruit you’re planning to eat. Plant mint at the edge of your garden. Squirrels avoid the smell of peppermint plants.
Plant flowers squirrels hate. Daffodils have a toxin that makes them inedible. Squirrels don’t like the taste of snowdrops, allium or hyacinth, so plant those spring bulbs as a deterrent.
Trap them. Catching squirrels with a live trap can rid your yard or squirrels temporarily, but other squirrels often arrive to take their place. In many states, squirrels are considered a game species and are protected by law. Trapping may be illegal, so check with your state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Keep them out of your home. If you’re having problems with squirrels in your yard or garden, it could be a symptom of a larger problem: squirrels in your home. Walk around the exterior of your house looking for possible damage or breaches in the eaves, exterior walls or roof. Holes could serve as a squirrel’s point of entry and exit as they fetch food from your yard and take it back to their nest. Be sure to promptly patch or repair any openings to give squirrels one less option for entering.
Assess the squirrel activity in your yard or garden to determine the best way to get rid of ground squirrels. Look for signs of squirrel damage: golf ball-size or smaller holes in your plant beds, bite marks on fruit, missing plants or tree bark and container digging. Then follow the appropriate steps above to keep squirrels out of your yard or get rid of them after they arrive. Remember, a squirrel infestation can lead to severe damage that extends beyond that in your yard or garden. Prevent squirrels in your home by controlling the squirrels outside your home.
How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels in Your Yard: A Complete Guide [2022]
In some states, home and business owners enjoy watching squirrels frolic and play, scampering around, leaping from branch to branch in tall trees, or defying gravity by climbing onto bird feeders.
However, in California, most home and business owners do not enjoy hosting a squirrel that can cause damage and create dangerous conditions on their properties.
Fortunately, you don’t have to share space with the California ground squirrel forever.
Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we help Bay Area and Central Coast homeowners get rid of ground squirrels quickly and humanely with professional squirrel control services, so we know a few things about how to get rid of ground squirrels permanently.
Whether your ground squirrel infestation is new or has been a problem for a while, our team can help.
We’ll share our top tips for getting rid of ground squirrels and reclaiming your yard in this post.
Key Takeaways
- Ground squirrels are some of the most destructive burrowing pests in California and can quickly destroy your lawn or garden. The pests live, breed, and mate in burrows they dig into hillsides or low berms, which can be 5-35 feet in length, and 4-5” in diameter.
- Ground squirrels eat nuts, buds, grain, small frogs, human leftovers, and seeds. They’ll establish communities in any place that offers them ample food, water, and shelter.
- You can get rid of ground squirrels naturally (without killing them) with home remedies like deterrents, decoys, and live-catch traps. Conventional methods like trapping and baiting may be required for more extensive infestations.
- You can prevent ground squirrels from coming back by keeping your yard tidy and free of food and shelter for the squirrels and addressing other pest infestations that may be drawing the ground squirrels to your property.
What is a Ground Squirrel?
California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) are 9-11” long with a bushy tail that’s about as long as their body. Their fur is a mix of gray, light brown, and dusky fur, which gives them a mottled appearance.
Strips of darker fur extend from the head to the mid-back, while gray fur forms a cape over the sides of the head and shoulders. Their underside is a pale buff or grayish yellow.
Where do Ground Squirrels live?
California ground squirrels live, breed, and mate in burrows containing 2-20 or more animals. They build their burrows into hillsides or low berms. They avoid flood-irrigated areas, dense woods, very moist soil, or lands that are frequently cultivated and tilled.
If they can’t find a hillside, ground squirrels will dig down vertically several feet to create a safe space. Their burrows are about 4-5” in diameter, 2.5-4’ below the surface of the ground, and 5-35 feet in length.
Multiple generations of ground squirrels use each burrow, and individual squirrels all have their own entrances. A single den may have dozens of tunnels and several dozen openings. Left unattended, ground squirrel colonies can get very large very quickly.
When California ground squirrels are not gathering food to “squirrel away,” they spend their time underground in their tunnels and burrows.
Once they’ve constructed these elaborate burrow systems, California ground squirrels tend to stay close to home.
In fact, both males and females can usually be found within 150 yards of their burrows. These animals are active throughout the year in the coastal areas of the state but may hibernate in the winter in inland areas with extreme temperature variations.
When ground squirrels do hibernate, they emerge in January, when the weather begins to warm up. Females have one litter each spring, averaging about 8 young. The baby ground squirrels first leave the burrow when they are about six weeks old.
What do Ground Squirrels Eat?
Ground squirrels eat a diet of nuts and seeds, with a particular preference for California black walnuts, grass seeds, and poppies.
They also eat fruit (especially gooseberries and prickly pear) and will eat insects and fungi.
What Attracts Ground Squirrels to My Yard?
One of the best ways to deal with a ground squirrel infestation is to understand what’s drawing them to your property in the first place.
Here are a few of the biggest culprits:
1. Food and water
- Nuts
- Plant and flower buds
- Buds
- Grains like corn and wheat
- Frogs
- Garbage
- Human food leftovers
- Seeds
- Birdseed
They may also eat frogs, insects, bird eggs (including chicken eggs), and fungi.
If your yard has acorn or walnut trees, they will attract squirrels. Fish ponds, birdbaths, and streams also provide squirrels with both a food and water source.
2. Shelter
Ground squirrels like to live in large, grassy areas that provide plenty of unimpeded space for their excavation.
What Damage Do Ground Squirrels Cause?
Don’t let their small size fool you. Ground squirrels are bad for your yard because of the following reasons:
- Burrowing. Ground squirrels uproot plants in your landscaping and can kill trees and shrubs.
Ground squirrel burrows have also been known to divert irrigation water and cause flooding or damage to water retention systems. As ground squirrels dig their burrows, they excavate soil and rock to the surface and leave it in mounds near the entrances to their burrows. Each year, they enlarge their burrow systems and the mounds associated with them, which can make harvesting crops mechanically or using small equipment (like lawnmowers) difficult.
- Crop damage. Ground squirrels eat whole seedlings, nibble the tops of vegetables, and eat fruits and berries, thus destroying your vegetable garden. Since ground squirrels can climb trees and vines to eat fruit and nuts, they can destroy grapes and other crops and eliminate harvests. They also consume crops like alfalfa, lettuce, and berries and can girdle or kill trees by gnawing on bark and limbs or damaging a tree’s roots underground, which leaves the tree vulnerable to fungal infections.
- Structural damage.
When ground squirrels excavate under buildings, it can cause foundation cracks and soil erosion that is hard to fix. Even worse, it may impact the stability of your structure.
- Lawn damage. Ground squirrels will gnaw the plastic heads of underground sprinklers, chew through sprinkler lines, and damage irrigation boxes. They will also create bald patches around your yard with their grazing.
- Diseases. Ground squirrels can pose a risk to human health and safety since they carry and spread the sylvatic plague – a flea-borne disease that’s common in wild rodents.
To learn more about the types of damage ground squirrels can do, check out our article on the topic.
9 Signs of a Ground Squirrel Infestation
How will you know if you have a ground squirrel infestation?
Look for the following signs:
- Holes. Ground squirrels create exposed, open tunnels with mounds of discarded dirt around the entrance.
These holes tend to appear at the base of trees or around your garden plants.
- Destroyed plants or bulbs. If you notice that the tops of your vegetables are gone, or that the fruit has been harshly chewed off your plants, ground squirrels could be the culprit. They’ll also eat seedlings and certain ornamental plants and will dig up and eat flower bulbs.
- Patchy grass. Ground squirrels can cause serious damage to your yard and can easily cause bald areas with their grazing.
- Squirrel sightings. If you see ground squirrels, or your domestic pets start bringing you dead squirrels, it’s a sure sign you have ground squirrels on the property.
- Chew marks. Ground squirrels could be to blame if you’ve noticed gnaw or chew marks on your sprinkler heads, wood furniture, or anywhere else.
- Strange noises or smells. Have you noticed strange squeaking or scratching noises in your outdoor space? It could be ground squirrels moving around or digging burrows.
You may also notice strange, musty smells, which could indicate the presence of ground squirrels and their feces and urine.
- Droppings. If you see ground squirrel droppings, which are solid, black or brown in color, tubular, and rounded in shape, it’s a sign that ground squirrels are frequenting your property.
- Missing chicken eggs. If you have backyard chickens and you’ve noticed missing eggs, it could mean that ground squirrels are stealing and eating them.
- Nests. Like tree squirrels, ground squirrels make nests. These nests are made of leaves, twigs, bark, moss, and other organic materials compressed into a dense bed.
Once you’ve identified a ground squirrel infestation, you need to move fast to put an end to it.
Follow our tips on how to get rid of ground squirrels naturally or contact Smith’s to help you get rid of the pests (if you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, California).
Managing Ground Squirrel Populations
Managing ground squirrels can be difficult since the management actions needed to control them depend on the activity pattern and feeding preferences of the squirrels and the time of year.
That said, some of the most management tactics for ground squirrels include the following:
Cultural Control
Habitat modification can be an effective control method for ground squirrels. Removing prunings, rock, and wood piles that ground squirrels use as shelter can deter them from creating burrows.
Plowing deep lines along fence perimeters will also destroy the entrances to ground squirrel burrows and help deter the pests. That said, fumigants, baiting, and traps are still the most effective control methods.
Biological Control
Introducing natural predators like coyotes and hawks can help control ground squirrel numbers but will not eliminate the need for other, more intensive ground squirrel control methods.
How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels Naturally (Without Killing Them)
You want to get rid of ground squirrels, but you don’t feel comfortable killing them.
Don’t worry – there are plenty of home remedies ground squirrels hate.
Here are 8 common remedies:
1. Natural predators
Wondering how to keep squirrels away from the garden?
While it might seem strange to solve a rodent problem by introducing more animals, inviting predators to your yard can resolve your ground squirrel population.
Plant tall trees to attract hawks and other raptors or use large rocks and brush cover piles to attract snakes that will eat the ground squirrels.
✔ Effective
✔ Long-term solution
× Expensive
× Time-consuming
× Labor-intensive to set up
× Many people do not feel comfortable attracting snakes and birds of prey to their yards, especially if they have young kids
2. Noise
Ground squirrels hate noise. Luckily, you can use this to your advantage by using ultrasonic ground spikes to drive them away.
Purchase vibrating stakes at your local hardware store and place them in the ground near burrows.
You can also hang wind chimes or add a few moving lawn ornaments that create below-ground vibrations to scare away squirrels.
Other forms of hazing are also common: these include motion-activated devices that blast artificial hawk or predator sounds or the use of dogs to scare gophers.
✔ Effective
✔ Humane
✔ Easy to install
× May be unsightly
× Hands-on
× Bothersome to pets, which may be able to hear the noise
× Proven ineffective by many case studies
× Impractical for many sites
× Costly
× Squirrels quickly become desensitized to scare tactics
× Hazing tactics may make an area unpleasant for humans to use or inhabit

While ground squirrels eat almost anything, there are some plants they detest. The scent of narcissus, castor bean, and crown imperial will send them packing.
Plant these varieties around your yard and garden to keep ground squirrels out.
✔ Effective
✔ Safe for kids and pets
✔ Adds to the beauty of the yard
× Requires manual planting and maintenance
4. Pepper spray
Soak a cup of plain red pepper flakes in a cup of hot water for 12 hours. Add a splash of dish liquid and another pint of water and strain the entire mixture into a spray bottle.
Spray plants and leaves the squirrels have been nibbling on, as well as visible burrows. The scent will deter the animals and make your yard less appealing.
✔ Affordable
✔ Easy
✔ Non-toxic
× May be irritating for kids and pets
× Requires manual reapplication
× Repellents like pepper spray and castor oil can work if applied daily, but the gophers usually come back once the repellent wears off
× Repellents do not reduce gopher populations

Castor oil is an affordable, accessible way to get rid of critters.
For best results, mix ¼ cup of castor oil with two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid.
Mix two tablespoons of this mix into a gallon of water and spray it anywhere in your yard you have noticed ground squirrel activity.
✔ Effective
✔ Humane
✔ Easy to make
✔ Affordable
× Can affect other pets and animals, manually intensive
6. Decoys
Ground squirrels have many natural predators, but you don’t have to introduce these predators to get rid of ground squirrels.
Instead, you can use decoys to scare the squirrels off.
An owl decoy, for example, will frighten squirrels, and make them less likely to call your property home.
For best results, purchase at least 3-4 decoys and position them around your yard, anywhere you’ve noticed squirrel property. Move the decoys regularly to keep squirrels on their toes.
✔ Effective
✔ Affordable
✔ Easy to use
✔ Non-toxic
✔ Safe for kids pets, and other animals
× Time-consuming
× Many people find decoys ugly, squirrels may “get used to” decoys and come back
7. Live-catch traps
Traps don’t have to be fatal for squirrels. Instead, try live capture traps, which contain squirrels and make it possible to relocate them.
Purchase these traps at your local home or hardware store. Bait your traps with pretzels, acorns, birdseed, or peanut butter and place them anywhere you’ve noticed squirrel activity.
Once you capture a squirrel, relocate it at least 10-15 minutes from your home.
Keep in mind that some states don’t allow the trapping of wild animals, so you’ll have to consult your local laws and regulations before taking this step.
✔ Effective
✔ Humane
✔ Removes squirrels from your property
✔ Captures only target pests
× Requires you to handle squirrels manually
× State law requires all squirrels to be euthanized on-site
× Must check traps frequently
× Can be time-consuming
× Trapping is very costly (sometimes up to $100 per trap)
× Since most populations are dozens or hundreds of animals, trapping may not be cost-efficient
8. Address other pest infestations
Ground squirrels love to eat insects, so dealing with any present insect infestations is one of the best ways to send ground squirrels packing.
Contact a professional pest management company like Smith’s to help you resolve insect infestations and reduce available food sources for ground squirrels.
✔ Effective
✔ Humane
× This is a long-term solution but won’t remove ground squirrels immediately
Home Remedies that
Won’t WorkWhile the home remedies above will deter ground squirrels, there are a few myths you should be aware of:
- Gum.
Leaving gum out for ground squirrels to find will not work. While some people believe the gum will expand in their intestines and kill them, it has never been proven.
- Coffee grounds. Spreading coffee grounds around the entrances to burrows will not deter ground squirrels and may be more work than it’s worth.
- Screening and barricades. Some people install gopher screens underground to prevent gopher infestations. While these options may work in very localized areas, squirrels will readily dig a new burrow nearby. Unless screening can be extended throughout the property, barricades are not viable solutions to gopher infestations.
Conventional Methods to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels
Traditional methods may be a better fit if you’re not interested in home remedies to get rid of ground squirrels.
Here are four of the most common:
1. Fumigation
Fumigation is a common method to deal with ground squirrels. It is generally most effective in the spring or when the soil moisture is high.
Since fumigation is conducted underground, it’s safer for non-target species while also effectively eradicating ground squirrels.
Conducted below-ground, which makes it a safe yet effective method
✔ Kills animals quickly
✔ Humane
× Must be done at a specific time of the season
× Can kill non-target species if not done carefully
2. Trapping
Trapping is a practical method for dealing with ground squirrel infestations. If numbers are low to moderate, trapping is a good solution. We recommend using live ground squirrel traps instead of kill traps.
✔ Effective
✔ Humane
✔ Can get rid of rodents fast
× Live traps require relocation of animals, while kill traps require disposal of dead animals
× May harm kids or pets
× Can trap non-target animals
× Unsightly

Gas bombs are designed to smoke ground squirrels out of their underground burrows and tunnels and kill the pests quickly.
Keep in mind that gas bombs aren’t legal everywhere, so you’ll need to check your local laws and regulations before purchasing and administering gas bombs.
✔ Effective
✔ Rapid solution
✔ Will not affect tree roots
× Dangerous to use around pets and kids
4. Baiting
What is the best bait for ground squirrels? Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we recommend using a first-generation anticoagulant.
When exposed to first-generation anticoagulants, squirrels digest most of the bait by the time it kills them.
Additionally, squirrels who consume this bait die in their dens, so you don’t have to worry about hawks, owls, and other non-target species consuming the dead squirrels and experiencing secondary poisoning.
To prove the safety of first-generation anticoagulants, the county of Contra Costa scattered these baits along a mile-long stretch of country road.
Then, they monitored for squirrel carcasses, and they found none (meaning the squirrels had died underground). They also monitored for secondary toxicity in wildlife and birds and found none.
Baiting with a first-generation anticoagulant is effective during the summer and fall when ground squirrels are very active.
This method is an effective control option for large populations and will control even rampant infestations quickly.
✔ Effective and affordable,
✔ Provides population reduction and control
✔ California-approved products present low risk for secondary effects on other wildlife or the environment
✔ Easy to deploy
✔ Safe for hawks, owls, and other wildlife
× First-generation anticoagulants contain chemicals like chlorophacinone and diphacinone
× A license and insurance are required to use baits.
How Safe is Ground Squirrel Bait?
The answer to this question depends on the bait you’re using and how you make the bait available to the ground squirrels.
Using treated grain as bait, for example, can be a very safe and effective way to control ground squirrel populations but, if not applied correctly, may also harm non-target species.
The bait must be placed in a tamper resistant rodent bait station that will exclude non-target wildlife, people, and pets.
Ground squirrels who consume the bait generally die below-ground, which prevents wildlife like hawks and owls from consuming them and experiencing secondary toxicity.
If you’re going to use ground squirrel bait, the safest option is a first-generation anticoagulant.
Substances like Diphacinone and other first-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (FGARs) are known within the industry as multiple-feed toxins, which means that ground squirrels must consume the bait several times over multiple days to ingest a toxic dose.
Because of this multi-feed requirement, if a ground squirrel is captured by other wildlife, the amount of active ingredient in its body is very low at any given time. Multi-feed baits reduce secondary toxicity.
Additionally, FGARs have low primary toxicity concerns, which means that they’re safe for nontarget wildlife, even if nontarget species consume the bait directly.
Despite their relative safety for nontarget species, pest control professionals like Smith’s Pest Management always take precautions with FGARs, such as applying them in bait stations that are not accessible to nontarget species.
How do Pest Control Experts Get Rid of Ground Squirrels?
Ground squirrels multiply rapidly – having 5-9 babies each season. This means even a small ground squirrel infestation will quickly multiply.
Fortunately, professional pest management teams understand this and will take rapid action to resolve your infestation.
At Smith’s Pest Management, we’re conscientious and concerned lovers of nature.
While we help homeowners and businesses send ground squirrels packing, we do so in the most humane and low-impact way available.
We use EPA-approved rodent control products, apply them in accordance with all label directions, and keep a close eye on developing science to ensure we’re never using products or techniques that could harm the environment, non-target species, or the ecosystem at large.
Here’s how we professionally and humanely get rid of ground squirrels:
1. Inspection
The first step to remove ground squirrels is to locate their burrows. During this phase, our licensed pest control techs will visit your property, inspect your problem areas, and assess the extent of the damage.
2. Management Plan
Once we’ve completed our inspection, we’ll develop a plan to deal with the infestation. Smith’s uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques to provide a comprehensive solution without excess use of poison.
3. Elimination
Many of our customers come to us after DIY methods fail.
We want to rapidly get rid of your squirrel infestation, so we’ll deploy the best elimination tactic for your property and unique circumstances.
Ground Squirrel Exclusion
Smith’s Pest Management does not provide ground squirrel exclusion, although we will make recommendations if we believe exclusion is a good fit for your property.
Our goal is to make your property less attractive for ground squirrels but as relaxing and beautiful as possible for you.
How Can I Keep Ground Squirrels Off My Yard?
While the following won’t guarantee that you will never have ground squirrels take up residence on your property, they may help minimize their numbers and keep your property relatively safe from their destructive habits.
- Keep all trash in tied trash bags inside trash containers with locking lids to keep squirrels and other foraging animals out.
- If you have outdoor dining areas, make sure to thoroughly clean up after each gathering.
- If you have plants with nuts, berries, or vegetables, keep these areas as picked up as possible, reducing food sources for squirrels and other animals. We recommend raking the yard at least twice a week in the fall when leaves are falling. If you have garden beds, be sure to rake them regularly to pick up and remove any organic debris.
- Eliminate water sources on your property as much as possible.
- Keep your grass trimmed short and your yard uncluttered. This will reduce hiding places for California ground squirrels, which are preyed upon by red-tailed hawks, golden eagles, coyotes, fox, badgers, weasels, house cats, dogs, and snakes.
- Reduce insects (that squirrels feed upon) on your property by partnering with a professional pest control company.
- Install tall fencing or netting around gardens or bushes you don’t want these animals getting into.
Make sure the fencing goes at least a foot underground. Chicken wire is a great material to use, since it prevents squirrels from squeezing through the fence.
- Use motion sensor water sprinklers to scare squirrels away with water.
- If you have bird feeders on your property, swap them out with squirrel-proof bird feeders with a cage that prevents squirrels from eating the birdseed, while allowing birds free access.
- Plant mint plants around your home to repel the ground squirrels.
- Build chicken wire frames around your garden or flower beds. For best results, bury chicken mesh at least 4-6” deep around the garden beds or flowers, so ground squirrels can’t burrow under it.
- Spray a cayenne pepper solution around the foundation of your home and throughout your yard to keep ground squirrels away.
- Get a few farm cats.

While tree squirrels tend not to cause much damage, their ground-dwelling counterparts can be a big problem.
In fact, the California ground squirrel is the most common vertebrate pest in agricultural areas and urban and suburban areas.
To understand the differences between these two squirrel species better, here’s a quick breakdown of their differences:
Ground squirrels burrow – tree squirrels do not
Tree squirrels are not typically a problem unless they find their way inside attics or other places inside a home.
Once inside, they can cause issues because of their constant chewing. A squirrel in an attic can damage a home’s structure, destroy insulation, chew through wiring, or damage stored items.
California ground squirrels, however, cause enough damage without entering the home. Ground squirrels dig. It is what they do. They will dig burrows and tunnels in yards, orchards, around building foundations, patios, decks, and gardens.
And since these animals multiply quickly (each female has five to nine babies a season), infestations snowball.
Large infestations can generate large holes in the grass that present a danger to anyone walking or running there.
Ground squirrels cause damage to lawns, fields, and gardens
Ground squirrel burrow entrances are large enough to engulf a person’s foot, posing the risk of a broken ankle or leg.
On the other hand, tree squirrels live in tree cavities or nests, high up off the ground where nobody is at risk of tripping over their home.
Ground squirrel vs. chipmunks
The ground squirrel and the chipmunk are very different animals. While both are small rodents, chipmunks have a distinct, reddish-brown fur with telltale stripes on their heads and bodies.
Like tree squirrels, chipmunks live in wooded areas and trees, while ground squirrels prefer to live, feed, and burrow in grassy areas like yards, pastures, and golf courses.
2. What Diseases do Ground Squirrels Carry?
Like most rodent pests, ground squirrels carry a host of dangerous diseases, including rabies, the bubonic plague, and leptospirosis.
Many of these diseases can spread to domestic animals or humans, so it’s wise to take steps to eliminate ground squirrels as soon as you notice an infestation.
3. Can I Kill Ground Squirrels?
The presence of ground squirrels can be so frustrating that you might find yourself just wanting to kill the pests. This is understandable, but it’s not always the best way. Shooting squirrels, for example, is a slow and expensive process.
While lethal methods like trapping, fumigation, and baiting (more on these later) may be required for severe infestations, they involve all sorts of dangerous side-effects that pose a risk to your property, landscaping, kids, and pets.
We highly recommend humane techniques, such as live trapping or exclusion tactics.
With a little patience and some professional guidance, non-lethal methods can be just as effective as conventional methods – with none of the unfortunate side-effects.
Are Ground Squirrels Taking Over Your SF Bay Area Yard? We’re Here to Help!
Tolerating ground squirrels just isn’t an option. After all, the pests can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your property. Plus, they can carry fleas and diseases and attract unwelcome visitors like coyotes.
Fortunately, you don’t have to live with them forever. Our team is here to help.
Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we don’t only take care of gopher problems. We trap and eliminate other pests, including California ground squirrels!
If you need assistance with a ground squirrel problem, our team is here to help. Let us eliminate your ground squirrel problem effectively, humanely, and in a way that’s safe for your kids and pets.
Our team helps residential and commercial customers in Northern California – from Marin to Monterey.
How to attract squirrels to your backyard? (A few simple tips!)
Do you enjoy watching squirrels play in the yard? Have you ever wanted to see them more often in your backyard? It's no secret that many people try to keep these furry creatures away from their lawn. However, there are also many people who consider squirrels not as pests but as pets.
If you are reading this, you are probably one of the latter, and it is easy to see why. Squirrels are not only cute; they also play an important role in our ecosystem. If you're wondering how to attract squirrels to your backyard, here are some tips you can try. nine0003
Interesting facts about proteins
For some people, squirrels are pesky pests that feed on the seeds or eggs of their birds. Others do not like it when these funny creatures gnaw on their things. While it can be annoying most of the time, these creatures can be very entertaining and entertaining. To make you appreciate these furry critters more, here are some interesting facts about them.
Nature gardeners
Did you know that these tree-dwelling rodents help shape plant composition? Squirrels love to collect seeds and bury them somewhere in the woods or anywhere else they can find soil to hide them. Most of the time they forget where they buried the seeds, and in return, those seeds turn into plants and trees. The squirrels that live in the forest help to expand it and also allow for variation in the types of trees in the forest. nine0003
They come in different sizes and colors
There are several types of squirrels, and these are the gray squirrel, the fox and the flying squirrel. They vary in size and color. The fox squirrel is the largest of the three species, and they come in a variety of colors. These long, furry critters can have fur that ranges from reddish brown to gray or black.
On the other hand, gray squirrels are, as the name suggests, gray in color and slightly smaller than foxes. The smallest of the three is the flying squirrel. They have flaps of skin on the back and front of their legs that allow them to glide from tree to tree. nine0003
Flying squirrels are very common, but hardly visible because they are only active at night. They usually make a lot of noise in the evenings and you've probably heard one of them.
They love to chew
Their love of chewing is no surprise, but did you know they have a very good reason why they do it? This is due to their incisors, which continue to grow. One way to prevent front teeth from growing through the skull and lower jaw is to chew. It's the only way to wear out their incisors. nine0003
They are territorial
Have you ever heard squirrels chirping loudly and wagging their tails when you walk by? This is their way of alerting animals or people that they are in their territory. Squirrels are very territorial and mark their territory with urine. The next time you hear or see a squirrel frantically wagging its tail and making a high-pitched chirp, you'll know it's telling you to back off.
Squirrels are mysterious
There is still much to be learned about squirrels, such as why they decide to bury some seeds and sometimes eat them on the spot; why they choose a certain place to bury their seeds and why there are more gray squirrels than foxes. There are so many more interesting things about proteins that people don't know about.
Attracting squirrels to your yard
Now that you've learned something interesting about squirrels, you have more reasons to love them and attract them to your yard. nine0003
Provide food
If you want to lure squirrels, the first thing you can do is provide them with food. They are picky eaters, so it won't be hard for you to attract squirrels with food. However, just like humans, they may have favorite foods and it is best to offer them seeds that they love. Some of their favorites are corn, walnuts, hickory nuts, sunflower seeds and acorns. You can just scatter corn and other seeds in your yard and wait for these funny little creatures to eat them. nine0003
Because they love corn, you can also hang corn on the tree branches. The corncobs are clearly visible and this will attract the squirrels for sure. There will be more of them in your yard soon.
Set up separate bird and squirrel feeders
If you also have birds in your backyard, be sure to provide a separate squirrel feeder. This ensures that the squirrels won't bother your birds and eat their seeds. Place the squirrel feeder away from the bird feeder. nine0003
Fill squirrel feeders with edible nuts, nuts and other favorite foods. Always check your squirrel feeders and replenish them regularly. You can expect more squirrels in your yard, so get ready to increase your food supply. Regular feeding of squirrels will keep them coming back for more. No wonder if you soon see a squirrel's nest in one of your trees.
If you don't provide separate bird feeders, these hungry rodents will feed on your bird feeders and may even go after your bird eggs. So be sure to protect bird nests from squirrels and other wildlife. This way you can still continue to attract birds and at the same time feed the squirrels without harming the birds. nine0003
Provide them with fresh water
Like any other living thing, squirrels get thirsty after they have finished their meal or in hot weather. They drink a lot of water and it is better to give them clean water. You don't need to buy a plate or anything to pour water into it. You can put an old shallow tray outside and fill it with clean water.
If you have a fountain or birdbaths in your garden or backyard, you can empty them and fill them with fresh water. nine0003
Provide natural cover
When you want to lure squirrels, in addition to water and food to feed the squirrels, the look of your yard is also important. Another way to attract squirrels is to provide them with a natural hiding place. It can be shrubs, semi-shrubs or hedges. These hiding places allow them to hide when they feel shy. So be sure to add dense vegetation or other landscaping ideas to your garden that will make them feel comfortable and safe in your yard. nine0003
Get some squirrel-friendly trees
Not all trees attract squirrels. There are certain trees that are squirrel friendly and you need to know what those are. These rodents are usually attracted to deciduous trees, which have a branched structure that allows them to build their nests. These branches usually have curves, hollows, and bark that is easy to peel off.
Some trees you can plant in your yard that will attract squirrels are aspens, pines, spruces, and willows. Besides attracting squirrels, it can also provide good shade for your backyard. nine0003
Make your home landscape squirrel-friendly
The landscape and trees in your yard are particularly attractive to squirrels. If they like the way your yard looks, they'll love coming to your lawn. If you love animals, you will be lucky if you attract other wild animals as well.
By planting more trees, especially their favorite trees, hiding places, providing natural water sources and their favorite food, your home will soon become a friendly place for squirrels to play. However, don't make your place too friendly as you don't want them to feel too comfortable for them to invade your home as well. nine0003
If this happens, there are a few things you can do to keep squirrels from entering your home.
Repair of broken windows
If your windows are broken, be sure to fix them. If squirrels and other rodents see this, they will go through it without hesitation. Also, if you have a broken window and don't have time to fix it, make sure there are no food leftovers near it.
Installation of squirrels
Another way to prevent squirrels from entering your home is to install squirrel screens outside possible entrances. Squirrel dividers effectively keep squirrels away from your home. You can also install them near bird feeders and bird nests to protect them.
Installation of squirrel dividers is easy; You can simply wrap them around tall racks or poles. Place them at least four feet above the ground. This is a good way to keep them away from bird feeders, nests, and other plants or places you want to protect. nine0003
Installing sheet metal
If you have other trees in your yard that you don't want squirrels and other wildlife to climb or build nests on, you can use sheet metal and wrap it around tree trunks you want to protect.
You can place a metal sheet five feet off the ground since squirrels can only jump 4 feet. Metal sheet with a thickness of 18 to 24 inches will do. Be sure to place a piece of wire on both sides of the sheet metal and lock them in place by bending the wire on the outside. nine0003
Use Strong Smells
These furry creatures hate strong odors, and if you want to keep them out of your home, you can just put some black or white pepper or garlic in places where they can enter. They also hate the smell of mint, so you can apply some peppermint oil on a cotton swab and spread it outside windows or doors.
You can also place some hot pepper plants in a doorway or porch. This will keep them away from your homes and stay in your yard wherever you want. nine0003
What attracts squirrels to your garden?
There are several things that can attract squirrels to your garden. Because they are shy by nature, they love gardens containing flowers or shrubs where they can easily hide when they feel threatened.
How to attract squirrels to your territory?
Providing food, such as throwing corn on the ground, providing clean water, and creating a friendly environment for squirrels, will attract squirrels and possibly other animals. You can also plant trees that provide edible nuts. Don't plant ornamental grass in your backyard, as this will scare away your furry friends. nine0003
How to get squirrels to come to the feeder?
Getting squirrels to eat from feeders right away can be tricky, but there are ways to get them to do it. One way is to leave the lid open or place the seeds on the platform. Soon the squirrels will be eating feeders.
What colors attract squirrels?
If you want to attract squirrels to your yard, you can plant some colorful vegetables or flowers in your yard. They will be attracted to bright orange, red and bright yellow colors. nine0003
Do proteins carry disease?
Yes, they can carry diseases, which is why some people don't recommend pets. Some of them can be dangerous to humans and can be transmitted through direct contact or through bites. Some of the most common diseases you can catch from squirrels are ringworm, typhus, and tularemia.
What do squirrels hate the most?
Another way to repel squirrels is to spray plants or paths with peppermint oil water, or sprinkle plants and trees with pepper or garlic. Squirrels hate the smell of pepper, garlic, and peppermint oil. nine0003
Is the eastern gray squirrel the same as gray squirrels?
Yes, they are the same depending on which region they are in. This squirrel species is native to eastern North America.
What do squirrels eat?
Squirrels can eat almost anything, but they love to eat nuts, corn and seeds.
Why do blue jays fight squirrels?
They fight because the blue jays see them as predators. Males are usually more aggressive and protect their nests, females, eggs, and young from other wild animals. nine0003
Are red squirrels rare?
Every year the population of red squirrels decreases. There are no clear reasons why this is happening. However, Brownsea Island is one of the safest places for these rare rodents.
Ready to see more of these cute and fluffy creatures in your yard? Get your cameras ready to capture these furry creatures running, jumping and playing in your yard. If you love squirrels, just follow the tips above and you will soon be playing with them. Just be prepared to get more of their favorite food to keep them coming back. nine0003
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But you won't be on guard all the time! And having arrived once again for the weekend, I found that not a single nut was left on the trees, and empty shells were lying below. Tell us how to get rid of this animal or at least protect the crop. Oleg Ivanovich DENISENKO, Brest region, Malorita These are funny animals only in the pictures - squirrels look quite good-natured. They can also be predators: squirrels often eat nestlings and eggs of useful birds, lizards and frogs. Titmouse, which are expelled from their houses, suffer the most from them. There are cases when squirrels "sharpened" their teeth on wooden furniture and electrical wires. Read also: How to get rid of mole rats and voles - my way Animals with sharp teeth feel great in foreign territory all year round. A pair of squirrels in love is able to “equip” an entire army of rodents and occupy your home for a long time. In a year, a squirrel brings a couple of litters of 3-10 squirrels, and a year later the squirrel population is enough for a whole fur coat, but earlier the rodents will eat everything that is in the country, along with a wooden house. Therefore, let's face it: such a cute little animal has no place in summer cottages and household plots. It follows from this that keeping them in the garden, or at least feeding them, is by no means worth it. nine0003 Sound and light Fighting squirrels is not a one-day task, it takes time and patience. These creatures are quite smart, and it is very difficult to beat them. High intelligence and agility allow them to reach any feeder or get deep-planted bulbs out of the ground. The insidious plans of the animal are brought to life with the help of strong paws: they easily jump from branch to branch, cling to wires and dig entire holes. The simplest way to fight is the method of avoidance. Instead of feeding animals, you need to remove everything that a squirrel can eat: collect nuts, acorns, fruits from the ground, buy airtight trash cans with tight lids and always keep them closed. Get special bird feeders - they come in a variety of models and types. Do not put them close to trees and the house, keep the area under them clean. nine0003 If nothing stops the jumpers and they continue to visit guests, try to scare them away with a sound, leaving the radio or music player on the roof. Squirrels will constantly hear human voices, and they are unlikely to like it. Leave flashing lights right on the site and attic. They can make the animal run away and leave the venture to settle there. See also: How to get rid of mice in the vineyard and orchard note Constant light in the attic can cause squirrels to leave. In especially difficult situations, a pulsating light beam can scare away rodents. Squirrels can be repelled with repellents. Today, the market offers many such drugs to choose from. All of them have a deterrent and are available in any form: sprays, liquids, oil, granules or powder. Repellents are easy to use and economical. They allow you to protect bird feeders, flower beds, shrubs, ornamental plants from destruction by proteins. It is enough to spray a spray, sprinkle granules, powder or oil a place around the perimeter - and the smell will scare away the animals for up to 30 days. nine0003 Electronics Electronic squirrel repellers are environmentally friendly and safe devices. They come in different types: ultrasonic, light, water, etc. Ultrasonic devices emit sound vibrations to which only animals are sensitive. They make the squirrels uncomfortable and force them to stay away from the device. The high decibels of ultrasonic repellant noise can make an area of interest unbearable for individuals who only plan to occupy it. Traps If the previous methods turned out to be powerless, and predators made a real mess - they gnaw wires and multiply uncontrollably, then use traps for squirrels. Outwitting and catching a squirrel is not as easy as it seems, because you are dealing with an intelligent creature. There are several types of traps on the market that are used according to the instructions. One-man automatic trap cage (pictured) is the most common squirrel trap. It is a solid metal trap cage with a special door slamming mechanism. When an animal comes in to feast on something tasty, the mechanism works, and the squirrel is inside - closed, alive and unharmed. A number of cages are made from hard plastic, metal rods and other materials. Squirrel cages should be large enough and strong enough to hold a rodent. As practice has shown, the optimal size is 15.25 × 15.25 × 45.75 cm. Make sure that the bait is far inside so that the squirrel cannot reach it from the side. Ideal bait are nuts, crackers, apple slices, peanut butter, bread crusts. Lavaca, 1401, PMB 40510
Austin, TX 78701 How to get rid of squirrels in the country | DIY
Squirrels eat and spoil everything
Despite their external attractiveness, they have long gained a reputation as malicious pests that spoil literally everything that comes their way. The main part of the diet of squirrels is made up of various nuts - hazelnuts, cedar and walnuts, peach pits. There is a known case when a squirrel plucked the most beautiful fruits of a pear and gnawed seeds out of them. It was also noted that in the absence of their favorite food, they are not averse to feasting on bulbs of vegetable and flower crops (especially tulips), berries, buds and bark of fruit and berry crops. nine0003
Farewell, cottage!
Not only do they manage the garden, but they turn everything upside down in the attic if they get there. nine0003
For this, flashing strobe lights are used.