Homemade bug spray for house
Homemade Bug Spray: Natural & Effective Repellent Recipes
Bothered by bugs? Here are 4 homemade bug repellents for your skin—and they take seconds to mix up for an effective everyday spray. Using witch hazel or other simple ingredients, these DIY bug sprays kick those pesky mosquitos and insects to the curb and keep you bite-free. If you prefer not to spray chemicals on your skin, check out these natural recipes using simple pantry ingredients.
Know Thy Enemy
As soon as we step outside, bugs have a way of finding us. Some use the carbon dioxide that we exhale to locate us, others go by scent, body heat, vibrations, or even the colors we wear. For example, deerflies are attracted to CO2, warmth, motion, and dark colors. One way to make yourself less attractive to insects is to avoid using fragrant soaps, lotions, perfume, hairspray, or aftershave. Instead, use scents that block their receptors, making you harder to find.
- Mosquitoes hate citronella, lemon eucalyptus, basil, and garlic.
- Ants and flies dislike mint, basil, and bay.
- Tiny gnats (such as No-See-Ums) are repelled by citronella, lemongrass, and rose geranium.
- Ticks and lice avoid lemon eucalyptus and geranium.
→ Learn more about plants that repel mosquitoes and other insects.
Make an All-Purpose Insect Repellent
Since different scents repel different bugs, you can target specific ones or use a combination of oils to make an all-purpose repellent.
Here are four simple homemade bug sprays you can make using essential oils, based on your scent preference:
- 2 cups witch hazel, ½ tsp. lemongrass or citronella oil, and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.
- 1 cup isopropyl alcohol, 1 cup water, ½ tsp. catnip oil.
- 1 cup alcohol or witch hazel and 10-20 drops of essential oils such as lemongrass, peppermint, or lemon eucalyptus.
- 1 qt. vinegar, ½ tsp. pennyroyal oil, 1 tsp.
lemon eucalyptus oil, 1 tsp. orange oil, and 1 tsp. citronella oil.
Herbal Bug Spray
No essential oils on-hand? Use dried or fresh herbs instead. If you can make tea, you can make these concoctions. Keep them in the fridge for a cooling spray.
Here are two herbal recipes:
- Steep 2 tbsp each of chopped fresh mint, basil, and lavender leaves in 1 cup boiling water until cooled. Strain, add 1 cup witch hazel and shake.
- Boil 1 cup water, add a few cloves and 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs including peppermint, catnip, and lavender. Mix, cover, cool, and strain. Add 1 cup witch hazel or isopropyl alcohol.
Words of Caution
- Be aware that some herbs and oils can be harmful or irritating. Lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under the age of 3 or on pregnant or nursing mothers.
- Pregnant women should also avoid pennyroyal.
- Test any homemade bug spray for possible allergic reactions before using it more liberally.
- Sprays made with vinegar may sting and smell a bit pickle-y until they dry.
- Oils may stain clothing.
Label your mixture with its ingredients and store in a dark-colored bottle or keep in a dark spot to prolong its effectiveness.
Do you have a recipe for an effective natural bug repellent? Let us know about it!
See more tips about mosquito repellents and bite remedies.
Natural Recipes for Your Skin, Home, and Plants
Not everyone is comfortable using synthetic chemicals and pesticides to ward off bugs. Many people are turning to natural, environmentally friendly remedies for repelling insects, and homemade bug sprays are an easy solution. Not only are they typically safe for human use, they’re generally effective too.
This article will take a closer look at some of the natural ingredients that may help keep bugs at bay, and how you can use these ingredients to make your own bug spray.
While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires most skin-applied insect repellants to be registered for both human safety and effectiveness, the agency has also listed several natural ingredients as minimum risk pesticides.
It’s important to note that while these ingredients are safe for human use, the EPA does not evaluate them for effectiveness.
Here are some popular natural ingredients that may help repel bugs in your home and yard.
Citrus oils
Citronella and citrus oils like limonene are popular and well-known insect repellents. Studies suggest citronella helps repel mosquitoes, and it may also be effective against kissing bugs, fleas, aphids, mites, and flies.
Garlic oilResearch suggests that garlic oil may help with repelling ticks. Plus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists garlic oil as a natural tick repellent for use in yards and gardens.
Thyme essential oilA 2005 study suggest that thyme essential oil helps repel mosquitoes. However, thyme oil isn’t considered safe for use on your skin unless diluted.
Oil of lemon eucalyptusA 2016 review concluded that oil of lemon eucalyptus is an effective natural mosquito repellent. Plus, according to the CDC, products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus are effective against mosquitoes.
Oil of lemon eucalyptus shouldn’t be confused with lemon eucalyptus essential oil which isn’t effective at repelling mosquitoes.
Dill essential oilLooking to repel bugs indoors? One study concluded that dill effectively repels cockroaches. However, the oil should be diluted before using it on your skin.
Cinnamon oilIf mosquitoes are a major concern, cinnamon oil may be a good option to consider. One study concluded that cinnamon oil helped repel mosquitoes both in a lab setting and outdoors. Another study suggested cinnamon oil may be effective in killing mosquito larvae as well.
However, cinnamon oil can cause skin reactions, so be sure to dilute it before using it on your body, or stick to using it in the yard.
Lavender essential oilLavender oil isn’t only helpful for relaxation and sleep. It can also be effective at repelling mosquitoes. Plus, lavender is usually considered safe for topical use without diluting it.
Studies suggest that peppermint oil works to both kill and repel mosquitoes. Plus, another study concluded that peppermint oil may be effective at keeping spiders away as well.
Many of these ingredients are considered natural and safe for human use. However, it’s important to remember that not all essential oils are safe for topical use. If you’re planning to use essential oils on your skin, you may need to dilute them with a carrier oil.
Certain essential oils, like citrus oils, can be phototoxic when applied directly to the skin. This means that sun exposure may cause severe burns and even skin cancer.
When it comes to making a bug spray recipe that’s safe on your skin, make sure that you’re choosing essential oils that are safe and effective for topical application.
For an easy and natural mosquito repellent for your skin, you’ll need the following:
- glass spray bottle
- oil of lemon eucalyptus or lavender essential oil
- witch hazel
Then, follow these steps:
- Mix 1 part oil of lemon eucalyptus or lavender essential oil with 10 parts witch hazel in the bottle.
(For each drop of oil, use 10 drops of witch hazel.)
- Shake gently to mix.
- Spray to apply.
You can also create a homemade bug spray to use around your house or yard. Remember, while many essential oils are safe and effective for repelling insects, that doesn’t mean they’re safe for topical use.
For a DIY indoor/outdoor bug spray, you’ll need the following:
- glass spray bottle
- lavender essential oil
- oil of lemon eucalyptus
- citronella essential oil
- distilled water
- white vinegar
Then follow these steps:
- Mix 10 to 20 drops of each essential oil with 2 ounces distilled water and 2 ounces of white vinegar.
- Shake gently to mix.
- Spray to use.
While some homemade bug sprays can help keep bugs away from your plants, others — like cinnamon essential oil — can cause damage to the plants themselves.
For a DIY recipe that won’t harm your plants, try diluting a few drops of thyme essential oil with distilled water. Mix in a glass spray bottle and spritz on your plants.
No one likes dealing with bug bites. Besides using a bug spray or repellant, there are other steps you can take to help protect yourself.
- Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing, especially when you’re outdoors.
- Make sure your clothing covers your arms, legs, ankles, and feet.
- To avoid mosquito bites, try to stay indoors at dusk and dawn.
- Use citronella candles when you’re outdoors for additional protection.
- Avoid wearing scented lotions and perfumes outside.
- Get rid of standing water in gutters, birdbaths, planters, pots, and wheelbarrows.
- Keep any food or drinks covered.
Although synthetic insect repellents are considered safe for human use, natural alternatives are growing in popularity. While studies suggest that many natural ingredients may be effective in repelling insects, more research is needed.
If you want to make a homemade bug spray, make sure you know about the safety of the ingredients you’re using. Even natural ingredients can be unsafe in certain situations.
10 best folk remedies for mosquitoes and other insects
July 8, 2018 Likbez Video
Alcohol and lemon will save you if you don't have store repellent on hand.
Home remedies for mosquitoes last about two hours, so be sure to reapply regularly.
If you want to sit in a cozy company by the fire, throw a couple of juniper branches into the fire. Or drip a couple of drops of juniper berry oil. The smoke will repel mosquitoes and midges. nine0003
Vanillin is one of the most effective insect repellents, especially against midges. Just apply the powder to your skin. Or mix 1 g vanillin and 10 g baby cream.
Essential oils
Essential oils can be used to counteract natural body odor. Suitable clove, anise, orange, cedar, lavender, tea tree, geranium, mint, thyme.
Simply mix 7-8 drops of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and apply to skin. nine0003
You can also treat clothing and tent with essential oil, or pour a few drops into a fire. But before using, be sure to check if you have allergies.
Lemon and eucalyptus
The combination of lemon and eucalyptus is considered by many to be the most effective mosquito repellent. Mix 10 ml of eucalyptus oil with the juice of one lemon. Apply to exposed areas of the body, and mosquitoes will not touch you.
Garlic is a very effective remedy, but not very pleasant. Take 5-6 cloves of garlic, crush, boil in a glass of water for 5-6 minutes. Pour the garlic water into a spray bottle and spray the tent. nine0003
Geranium and Lavender
Fill a liter bottle with water. Add 30 drops each of geranium and lavender oils and shake well. Apply to skin every hour.
Alcohol solution
Mosquitoes don't like the smell of alcohol, so you can make a repellent based on it. Fill the bottle ¾ full with alcohol, add 50 drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass will do) and top up with water. Shake well before use.
Cloves will be an excellent remedy. Pour 5 g of spice into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Mix the solution little by little with cologne in a ratio of 1 : 1 and apply to exposed skin.
Basil and wormwood
If you don't like to smear yourself with anything, take a sprig of basil or wormwood with you. Mosquitoes are terribly afraid of these smells.
Black Pepper Salve
Pour 6 drops of black pepper, catnip, citronella, lavender and neem oil into a jar. Mix with any moisturizer in a 1:2 ratio. Apply to a small area of skin to check for allergies. If all is well, enjoy. nine0003
Read also 🧐
- 14 remedies that will help you not scratch mosquito bites
- 11 herbs that will drive away mosquitoes
- Why you are most often bitten by mosquitoes
How to make homemade insect spray » Inventions and crafts
The number of known species of insects in Russia is estimated to be over 80,000. Some of them are beneficial and some are dangerous to humans. We view some insects as pests, and many homeowners resort to using harmful chemicals to eliminate them.
However, there are also ways to make homemade bug spray, which is a natural alternative to commercial sprays. nine0003
Here we have listed eleven recipes that use homemade products and essential oils to make a natural insect repellent spray to prevent bugs.
Goods for inventors Link to the store.
- How to Make Homemade Insect Spray: 11 Sprays for Sticky Insects
- 0058
- 2. DIY tea tree oil spray
- 3. Natural bug spray with lavender oil, lemon juice and vanilla extract
- 4. Peppermint insect repellent oil
- 5. Grape or olive oil and vodka bug spray
- 6. Use geranium essential oil
- 7. Coconut oil and citronella insect repellant
- 8. Lemon and eucalyptus essential oil control bugs
- 9.
Apple cider vinegar
- 10. Get rid of bugs with onion, garlic and cayenne pepper nine0058
- 11. Essential Oil Insect Repellent Spray
- Why Use Homemade Insect Repellent Sprays?
How to Make Homemade Bug Spray: 11 Sticky Bug Sprays
1. Citronella Essential Oil and Lemongrass Homemade Bedbug Spray
Citronella extracts are the first effective active ingredients used in mosquito repellents. Citronella is an Asian herb that people use for natural remedies. Because it has the fragrant properties of the material, many believe that its chemistry is responsible for its effectiveness as a repellant. nine0003
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Citronella Lemongrass Insect Spray Recipe
- 10 drops Citronella essential oil
- 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil
- 8 tablespoons of water
- 8 tablespoons witch hazel
- 1 clean spray bottle
Citronella is a classic bug spray that many people love. It protects against mosquitoes and insects, but some of its properties may also limit its effectiveness. For example, it quickly evaporates after spraying. Also, you may need to reapply the mixture for it to work well. nine0003
2. DIY tea tree oil spray
Tea tree oil is another versatile essential oil that exists on the planet. You can use it to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Many researchers have found that it also kills various bacteria and viruses. Its benefits don't stop there; it is also one of the best oils for repelling mosquitoes and other insects.
Tea Tree Mosquito Repellent Recipe
- 1 clean empty spray bottle
- 10 drops of pure tea tree essential oil
- 1½ cups fresh water
To make your own natural bug spray repellant, mix all of the ingredients listed above and spray on your skin before leaving the house to keep corpses away.
Lavender essential oils are active moth, flea and mosquito repellants. It is safe for humans, some animals and various plant species. You can easily create your own insect repellant. nine0003
DIY Lavender Mistake Spray Recipe
- 1 Empty Spray Bottle
- 7-8 drops undiluted lavender essential oil
- 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 cup fresh water
Combine all the ingredients to make a homemade bug spray recipe, shake it well in a spray bottle and spray all over your home. You can also use it as a natural insect repellant that you can keep in your pocket for personal use. nine0003
4. Peppermint insect repellent oil
The use of peppermint essential oil is not limited to aromatherapy. It can also scare away stinky insects, rodents, and other creepy creeps that walk the ground. It works like a natural bug spray because most bugs don't like the smell of mint.
Mint Spray Recipe
- 1 Empty Glass Spray Bottle
- 10 drops undiluted peppermint essential oil
- ½ cup witch hazel
- 1½ cups fresh water
Mix water and witch hazel in an aerosol can and add peppermint oil. Finally, shake the mixture, and voila! You now have a homemade bug spray that you can use to prevent bug bites.
5. Grape or olive oil and vodka insect repellant spray
Some plant and vegetable oils contain natural insecticidal properties. These plant-based oils include grape seed, jojoba, almond, olive oil, and neem. If you have one or two of these oils, you can use them to create a natural bug spray. nine0003
Vegetable Oil Insect Spray
- 1 tablespoon of one or any combination of grape, olive, jojoba, neem, or almond oil
- 1 tablespoon vodka
- 50 drops essential oil (optional)
- 1 glass atomizer
Mix one or any of the vegetable oils listed above with vodka in a spray bottle. Add essential oils if you want to make the mixture stronger. Shake the mixture well and your homemade bug spray is ready to be sprayed! Always shake before use and reapply as needed. nine0003
6. Use geranium essential oil
According to the published journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry (... ), rose geranium essential oil is a very powerful insect repellent. If you have pets or live in a tick-prone area, consider adding geranium essential oil to your insect repellent kit.
Powerful Homemade Geranium Essential Oil Insect Spray Recipe
- 1 clean empty spray bottle
- 10 drops of pure rose geranium essential oil
- 1½ cups of water
For your insect spray, mix all of the ingredients listed above and spray in small amounts because it's incredibly powerful. If you plan on spraying it on your pets, avoid their face, their abdomen, if they have open sores, or if they tend to lick their bodies.
7. Coconut oil and citronella - insect repellant
According to the USDA or USDA, some coconut oil compounds are more effective at controlling insects and bugs than the synthetic chemicals found in commercial bug sprays. As USDA scientists emphasized, acids derived from coconut oil have a strong repellent effect on blood-sucking insects, beetles and mites (...).
Natural insect spray: recipe for coconut and citronella
- 4 tablespoons coconut oil
- 4 tablespoons witch hazel
- 35 drops of citronella essential oil
- 150 ml atomizer
Pour the ingredients into the spray bottle. Close the lid and shake the mixture. After mixing the essential oil blend, your natural insect repellent spray is ready to use. Shake the bottle before use.
8. Essential oil of lemon and eucalyptus inhibits bugs
Lemon-eucalyptus oil comes from a tree called eucalyptus gum. Like picaridin, a substance found in commercial bug sprays, lemon eucalyptus does not act as a true insect repellant, but as a mask to keep insects, such as mosquitoes, from reaching the target.
Both lemon eucalyptus and picaridin have potential side effects such as skin irritation. And because of the potentially harmful effects, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says the latter is not safe for use with toddlers—children under the age of three. nine0003
Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Spray Recipe
- 15 drops Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons witch hazel
Mix all the ingredients, pour into a clean spray bottle and your homemade sprayer is ready. Reapply four hours after evaporation.
9. Apple cider vinegar
Fruit flies are one of the most annoying bugs in the world. They can sometimes be tricky, but with the right ingredients, you can get rid of them quickly. nine0003
A cider vinegar and dish soap trap recipe
- Small bowl or one-time party
- 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar
- 3 drops of dish soap
This recipe will be useful in your home, especially in the kitchen. To be able to use for homemade fly repellents, pour apple cider vinegar into a bowl and add dish soap. Place the mixture in a corner next to fruits or vegetables and leave for 24 hours. nine0003
Flies will instinctively dive and drown. To use apple cider vinegar as a spray, add one cup of water and pour all the ingredients into a spray bottle. Spray in an area where it is frequently flown.
10. Get rid of the bugs with onion, garlic and cayenne pepper
If you need a natural insect repellent spray for your garden and you don't have essential oils for outdoor use, you can still make an insect repellent spray that is chemical free. substances and commercial pesticides. nine0003
Organic homemade insect spray for your garden
- 2 garlic cloves
- ½ medium onion
- 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
- 1 tablespoon organic liquid soap or biodegradable dish soap
- 1 cup mint leaves
- 1 ½ to 2 liters of water
First chop the mint, garlic, onion and cayenne pepper. Strain the mixture and place it in a 2 liter bottle or a clean old vinegar container. Add soap and water to the mixture and shake well. Spray this insect repellant on any garden plants that are susceptible to insect attack. Spritz in your garden once or twice a week. nine0003
11. Essential Oil Insect Repellent Spray
If you find it difficult to choose a particular essential oil to use in your insect repellent spray due to the many benefits of each, you can mix them. Here we have created several essential oils that can be safely combined.
Ultimate Essential Oil Spray Recipe
- 15 drops of citronella essential oil
- 10 drops of essential oil of lemon and eucalyptus
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 15 drops of geranium essential oil
- 5 drops rosemary essential oil
- ½ tablespoon alcohol
- 4 tablespoons natural witch hazel
- 4 tablespoons of water or vinegar
- ½ teaspoon vegetable glycerin (optional)
- 1 glass atomizer
Mix all essential oils into a clean bottle.