Most fragrance flower
The 10 Most Fragrant Flowers to Plant in Your Garden
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peony pink flowers
Credit: Getty / Isabel Pavia
These blooms will transform your yard into a sweet-smelling oasis.
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peony pink flowers
Credit: Getty / Isabel Pavia
While it's certainly true that non-fragrant blooms—like sunflowers, dahlias, tulips, and calla lilies, for example—are just as lovely as the sweet-smelling ones, your favorite blossoms do likely have a scent. This is understandable: So many memories begin with smell, which is why fragrant flowers so often stand out in our minds. The best way to experience your go-to floral fragrance regularly? Plant the blooms' shrubs, bushes, or trees into your very own garden.
Luckily, your fragrant flower options aren't limited—these blooms come in all shapes, sizes, and types, from ones that grow on trees in the tropics to tiny, compact blossoms that hug the ground. Some are as showy as they are fragrant, while others don't look like much—but when you lean in close, they surprise you. Believe it or not, flowers can be fragrant in all kinds of ways: Some release a sweet smell all day long, while others make you wait until evening or nighttime. And there are fragrant bloomers for any season, from the first of spring's thaw to the dog days of summer. Longevity changes, too—certain varieties bloom for a few hours, and others persist for months.
There's a reason for all this fragrance. Flowers produce a scent in order to attract pollinators, which is crucial in continuing the life cycle of the plant. And these little critters are critical to a flourishing garden. To help you bring your own space to this level, we've rounded up the 10 most fragrant flowers—you and your garden's tiniest wildlife will thank you for including them.
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peach colored rose bloom
Credit: Getty / iconogenic
A rose is a rose is a rose, except that's not actually true at all. Roses have a wide range of fragrances, including fruity ("Jude the Obscure" is a great one), musky (like "Snow Goose"), and "classic" rose (like our absolute favorite, "Gertrude Jekyll").
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Gardenia milky-white flower
Credit: Getty / Alexandra Grablewski
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Sweet Pea
sweet pea spring annual
Credit: Getty / Ruth Brown
These spring-blooming annual vines range in scent, with heirloom varieties like "Cupani," being the most classic. Their fragrance is strong enough to waft down the street—which explains why they are a true treat to have in your garden.
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daphne flower pink blooms
Credit: Getty / Westend61
Rewarding us at the end of winter, daphne flowers form on small mounding shrubs. The buds give off the sweetest clean-smelling scent, perfuming the air surrounding the bush.
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Angel's Trumpet
Angel’s trumpet yellow flower
Credit: Getty / membio
Though this plant is poisonous, its scent is certainly inviting. Only fragrant once the sun goes down, it wafts an exotic perfume around the air. Suspended on the branches of a small tropical tree, the yellow buds hang like oversized, upside-down squash blossoms.
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lilac purple blooms spring flower
Credit: Getty / Martin Flashback / EyeEm
Most people love the scent of lilacs, but some find it too astringent or similar to a go-to household cleaner. If you're into them, however, plant some of these multi-stemmed shrubs around your space—and expect to be wowed.
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Freesia bell shaped flowers
Credit: Getty / Kazuharu Harada
Planted in the fall as bulbs, freesia emerge in the spring as bell-shaped flowers lined along a single stem. These flowers come in many hues, including white, golden yellow, orange, red, pink, mauve, lavender, purple and bicolors.
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paperwhites flowers
Credit: Getty / bigworld
Strongly scented, paperwhites are a divisive bud: You either love or hate this type of narcissus. Plant these florals as bulbs and expect them to bloom in late winter or early spring. And then it's up to you to decide whether the musky scent smells good (which is our opinion!) or like dirty socks, as other suggest.
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Tuberose fall white flowers
Credit: Getty / rasikabendre
Another fall-planted bulb, these tropical-looking, tubular flowers bloom summer through fall. Their scent will leave you feeling like you're on vacation—even when you're standing in your own garden.
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Mock Orange
mock orange white blossoms
Credit: Getty / Jacky Parker Photography
This flowering shrub bursts into small white blossoms in spring or early summer. Best of all is the sweet, citrusy scent of its flowers—though they're not actually citrus blossoms. They are, however, a great alternative for gardeners in climates too cold to grow orange trees.
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47 Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners
If you are in love with the perfume of anything natural, then have a look at the
Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners and grow one today!We love pleasant aromas, and flowers are the liveliest source of them. Here’s an all-inclusive list of the Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners based on a small survey in more than 20 countries on major social media platforms.
Check out the most beautiful Orchids hereMost Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners
1. Scented Primrose
shutterstock/wehaBotanical Name: Primula vulgaris
Grows widely in Europe, primrose comes in colorful flowers with beautiful foliage and a mild fruity aroma. They herald the arrival of spring, especially in the evening time when the breeze passes through them.
2. Plumeria
shutterstock/AgeAloysiusBotanical Name: Plumeria
Also called Frangipani, plumeria is a subtropical or tropical flower related to oleander. Its flowers are softly fragrant in the daytime and intensify at night.
3. Sweet Autumn Clematis
Botanical Name: Clematis terniflora
From late summer to autumn, its perfumed white flowers bloom in clusters. The sweet vanilla scent oozes out and spreads a soft coolness all around.
Here are the best varieties of Clematis4. Ylang-Ylang
flickrBotanical Name: Cananga odorata
It is native to the rainforests of Asia and Australia and is also called the perfume tree. The plant blooms profusely year-round, pouring a slightly fruity floral scent to the surroundings.
5. Nicotiana
Botanical Name: Nicotiana
Popular as a Tobacco flower, nicotiana is native to North and South America. Its small tubular flowers open in the noon and ooze out lily-like intense fragrance.
6. Lily of the Valley
Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis
Lily of the valley grows in USDA Zones 2-9 and blooms in spring. It has cute bell-like white or pale, pink flowers that spread their floral type fragrance in the whole area.
7. Viburnum
Botanical Name: Viburnum
With beautiful foliage, viburnums are excellent fragrant flowers, especially their ‘Korean spice’ variety blooming in clusters of white fluffy flowers in spring and summer with a sweet and spicy fragrance.
8. Tuberose
Botanical Name: Polianthes tuberosa
Rajnigandha is its local name in India. Its seductive odor captures the warmth of mid-summer. The tube-like blossoms appear in hot tropical spring and summer with a sweet scent.
9. Sweet Osmanthus
shutterstock/LiliStormstoutBotanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans
Native to China, Japan & Cambodia, orange osmanthus flowers carry a sweet apricot-like fragrance. It’s also called Kinmokusei, grown popularly in patios and yards and sidewalks in Japan.
10. Mock Orange
Botanical Name: Philadelphus
It is a cold-weather plant that blooms in summer and emits a pleasant orange-like scent that is refreshing like mint. The plant is the best combination of beauty and fragrance!
11. Lilac
Botanical Name: Syringa
Blooms in spring and summer in Europe & America, lilacs are excellent cut flowers, with their arousing sweet-smelling fragrance. You can also grow this in containers as many hybrid varieties are now available.
12. Angel’s Trumpet
shutterstock/olcphotoBotanical Name: Brugmansia
Popular for its trumpet-like creamy-orange flowers that ooze a sweet and strong aroma at the onset of dusk.
13. Daphne
Botanical Name: Daphne
This flower is a favorite of the perfume industry with its alluring fragrance, thanks to its sweet and spicy fragrance. Not many gardeners grow Daphne because of the care it needs.
14. Night Scented Stocks
shutterstock/avofertenBotanical Name: Matthiola longipetala
Stocks with their intoxicating perfume like lily are the best choice in fragrant gardens of cold climate. Its mild fragrance blends lightly in the surroundings in the evening.
15. Magnolia
flickrBotanical Name: Magnolia champaca
The beautiful cream-colored flowers give it a mix of deep grape and sweet banana-like fragrance like no other flowers. It’s native to the Himalayan ranges of South-East Asia, and blooms year-round in a tropical and subtropical climate.
16. Arabian Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac
It is the national flower of the Philippines and is also called Arabian Jasmine & mogra. Its strong fragrance is different than jasmine and is more like vanilla.
Check out the most beautiful Jasmine varietieshere17.

Botanical Name: Lilium ‘Stargazer’
All lilies are aromatic, but this hybrid variety is the most fragrant. Its sensual and slightly spicy scent is addictive to fall in love with!
Have a look at the most beautiful Lily pictures here18. Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera periclymenum
A trendy flower among those who love fragrant plants. Its cluster of tiny flowers erupts, inviting fruity fragrances like vanilla & honey that are always noticed.
19. Rose
Botanical Name: Rosa
A fragrant plant list can never be complete without the inclusion of fragrant roses. Loveliest of all the flowers and popular, everyone should grow them! They give out a mild and pleasing scent.
Check out this brilliant hack for growing Roses here20. Freesia
Botanical Name: Freesia
Native to South Africa, many European gardeners voted for freesias. Its charming and fruity fragrance is pleasing to the senses.
21. Hyacinth
Botanical Name: Hyacinthus
Coming in red, white, blue, and more, hyacinths are appealing to the eyes, and their fragrance resembles a combination of strawberry and honeysuckle.
22. Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum
Whether it’s the queen of the night or the poet’s jasmine, they all are the most fragrant flowers in the world with a strong and sweet scent.
Check out some stunning Jasmine varieties here23. Night Blooming Jasmine
logeesBotanical Name: Cestrum nocturnum
The plant surely has the most powerful fragrance and what makes it different from the others is its nature to bloom at night, wafting the intoxicating aroma in the air.
24. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Botanical Name: Brunfelsia pauciflora
The reason this plant has a strange name is that it opens in purple (yesterday), gets a lavender hue (today), and finally takes a pure white shade (tomorrow). It has a sweet fragrance.
25. Orange Jessamine
logeesBotanical Name: Murraya paniculata
If you love intense fragrance, then this should be your pick. The plant has beautiful waxy white flowers with a strong, orange-like smell. It stays bushy and compact, which makes it a top pick for small spaces.
26. Water Jasmine
Botanical Name: Wrightia religiosa
It is a very fragrant plant with a fruity scent. The best part about it is that it blooms all year round and grows quite fast.
27. Ginger Lily
plantogalleryBotanical Name: Hedychium coronarium
The stunning white flowers of this plant have a strong, lily-like fragrance with fruity undertones. Its scent is at its peak in the evening.
28. Spider Lily
Botanical Name: Hymenocallis littoralis
The flowers of this plant look like spiders crawling on leaves. It is one of the most fragrant flowers with a sweet and strong scent of vanilla!

Botanical Name: Fagraea berteroana
This Hawaiian beauty gets full of small cream-white flowers that take a yellow hue over time. It has a sweet fragrance that anyone will surely love.
30. Gardenia
Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides
The plant is quite easy to grow and flourishes everywhere, in the cold or the tropics. Its big milky white flowers look beautiful, and their magical fragrance is pleasing yet not as overpowering as jasmine.
Learn growing Gardenia in pots here31. Crepe Jasmine
Botanical Name: Tabernaemontana divaricata
This evergreen shrub is popular for its pinwheel-shaped flowers that give out a sweet and strong fragrance. It does best in full sun and looks stunning with its glossy green foliage.
32. Day Blooming Jasmine
Botanical Name: Cestrum diurnum
This tall plant is a great contender for pots and gives out a pleasing, sweet fragrance during the daytime from its clusters of tubular white flowers. The plant is prevalent in Indian subcontinent countries.
33. Vanilla Spice
flora-toskanaBotanical Name: Clethra alnifolia
This dense shrub is quite popular for its sweetly fragrant white flowers. It is easy to maintain and also attracts bees and butterflies.
34. Spice Baby Viburnum
alexander.hoyleBotanical Name: Viburnum carlesii
Noted for its magnificent white blooms in clusters, the plant will wow you with its rich and spicy vanilla-like fragrance. It does well in full sun.
35. Paperwhite
Botanical Name: Narcissus papyraceus
The strong scented white flowers look beautiful on the tall, slender stalks. The upright nature of the plant makes them perfect for cut flowers and tabletop decors.
36. Sweet Violet
Botanical Name: Viola odorata
The tiny scented flowers bloom profusely in dappled sunlight under the shade of big trees. The fresh floral scent contributes to one of the most loved perfumes from around the world.
37. Gillyflower
Botanical Name: Matthiola incana
Gillyflower features tiny pink, purple, mauve, white, and violet flower spikes on gray-green foliage. The plant thrives in the well-draining medium under bright indirect sunlight.
38. Candle Flower
Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa
Clusters of waxy, star-shaped flowers adorn the deep-green vining foliage. The tiny pink or white fuzzy flowers emit a sweet fragrance at night.
39. Purple Panicle
Botanical Name: Wisteria sinensis
The hanging purple-blue flowers look dreamy on shiny oblong leaflets and exude a strong sweet smell that might seem overpowering to some.
40. Scented Selluka Ivy
Botanical Name: Vigra caracalla
The plant produces purple and white ornamental flowers on the ovate green foliage. The unique snail shell-like flowers smell like hyacinths and are a magnet for ants.
41. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata
Although the plant is a rare bloomer but will reward you with fragrant pale green flower stalks under suitable conditions that emit a strong vanilla-like scent at night.
Learn the secret of making a Snake Plant bloom here42. Chocolate Vine
Botanical Name: Akebia quinata
As the name suggests, the deciduous semi-evergreen plant blooms purplish-brown blooms that smell of chocolates. The plant needs sturdy support to vine beautifully across the garden.
43. Clary sage
Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea
The plant blooms pink, lavender, and white flowers during mid-late summer on wrinkled, serrated foliage. Clary sage mists the air with a sweet and mild tobacco-like scent.
44. Night Jasmine
Botanical Name: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Night Jasmine blooms in clusters that emit a sweet fragrance as the petals open at night. The tiny white blooms with orange centers can be the point of attraction in any garden.
45. Garlic Creeper
Botanical Name: Mansoa alliacea
The plant produces funnel-shaped intensely fragrant blooms in purple and lavender that take a lighter hue as they age. The creeping vines look great on pergolas and fences. It grows best as a perennial in frost-free regions.
46. Yellow Jasmine
Botanical Name: Gelsemium sempervirens
The fragrant yellow blooms can be a great addition to outdoor gardens for their unmistakable sweet scent in the spring and fall months.
47. Rangoon creeper
Botanical Name: Combretum indicum
The star-shaped aromatic blooms are loaded with nectar that attracts a hoard of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Plus, the warm and sweet scent intensifies with the evening.
Find out the most fragrant houseplants here10 most fragrant flowers - AZERTAC
Baku, February 17, AZERTAC
Each flower is unique in its beauty, shape and incredible variety of shades. But there are flowers that, in addition to their amazing beauty, also have a unique smell, so loved by many. In order to be able to contemplate and enjoy the aroma of their favorite flowers, some of their connoisseurs create gardens on their site. AZERTAC with a link to the site presents to learn more about the 10 most fragrant flowers. nine0003
1. Rose
It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of all flowers, because it is truly beautiful and majestic. There are many varieties of this flower, florists are working to get new and new varieties of roses. But not all varieties have a strong aroma, like garden roses, which used to grow in the garden near the houses.
A rose flower is a combination of strict petals of different colors. The color scheme can be very different: snow-white, peach, lemon, rich yellow or red, pink or burgundy flowers. As for the smell, it may differ, depending on the variety of the flower. nine0003
Roses love lots of sunshine and need to be trimmed regularly to keep the bushes growing properly. But, despite the fact that roses are demanding to care for, their incredible beauty and fragrance are worth it.
Interesting facts:
- Approximately 35 million years old rose discovered during excavations in Colorado.
- There is no "black" rose in nature. These are called dark red varieties.
- In Zambia, roses are grown in 80% of the country.
2. Lily-of-the-valley
Such a delicate flower, beloved by many, with a delicate aroma, like lily-of-the-valley, will bring a lot of positive emotions. Lily-of-the-valley are small and delicate snow-white bells that are attached to a green stalk. The flower has huge glossy leaves.
Lily of the valley does not require any special care. You can plant these flowers near the house, and enjoy their amazing smell. Lily of the valley is a perennial plant that reproduces quite quickly, so it needs to be fenced in order to determine the boundaries. nine0003
Interesting facts:
- In Finland, the lily of the valley is considered the national symbol of the country.
3. Jasmine
This flower is very popular and loved not only for its delicate white or yellow flowers, but also for its sweet fragrance. The essential oils contained in the flowers are widely used in aromatherapy and perfumery.
Jasmine has many varieties. There are more than 200 varieties of this plant from the olive family around the world. The height of the jasmine bush can reach a height of up to 4.5 meters. A bush with green shiny leaves has delicate and soft flowers that emit a wonderful and unique aroma. nine0003
Arabian jasmine flowers are used to make delicious jasmine teas, and the essential oil has found its way into fragrances that are loved all over the world.
Interesting to know:
- Jasmine bush blooms twice a year: in spring and in summer.
- The scent of jasmine is particularly noticeable at night when the sun is setting.
- Oil is extracted from some varieties of jasmine. Despite its toxicity, jasmine roots are used as medicines. nine0003
4. Gardenia
Many people know a beautiful shrub that remains green at any time of the year. Gardenia has waxy, thick, snow-white flowers, and its aroma is simply incredible. That is why it is often used in perfumery. The plant owes its name to a famous scientist and botanist.
A gardenia bush can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. Grows best in soil that is rich in minerals. The plant loves moisture and lots of sunlight. Gardenia requires some care, but its rich sweet aroma, which will soar in the air during flowering, is incomparable. nine0003
Interesting to know:
- Gardenia has many varieties. In total there are about 140 varieties.
5. Plumeria
The flower is native to the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, as well as Mexico and South America. The color of the flower can be red, snow-white, pink and yellow, and the core is golden. The aroma of plumeria is pronounced, especially in the evening, which wonderfully complements the incredible beauty of the flower.
The plant is a large shrub, and sometimes a small tree, with long and thick leaves at the tips of the branches. Plumeria wood is used in the manufacture of furniture and utensils. nine0003
Interesting facts:
- The common name for plumeria is frangipani, after an Italian nobleman who created a perfume using the fragrance of the flowers of this plant.
- In Nicaragua, the plumeria is a national symbol. The plant is present on some banknotes.
- Flower resistant to high temperatures.
6. Sweet Alyssum
Among the people, the sweet Alyssum plant has received such names as stonecrop and alyssum. This is a simple annual plant, the seeds of which grow from the ground in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Sweet Alyssum pleases the eye with its flowering from early spring to late autumn. Seeds that fall from the plant after it blooms will germinate next spring. nine0003
In appearance, the plant looks like a huge bouquet, which includes many small flowers with an incredible aroma. The smell of sweet Alyssum is unlike any other, which is its peculiarity.
Interesting to know:
- Perianth falls off after pollination by bees, then the flower itself becomes ugly.
- When the fruit is already tied, the petals on the flowers of the sweet Alyssum do not fall off. They go beyond attracting bees to pollinate flowers that are just about to bloom. nine0003
7. Chocolate cosmos
The flower also has other names: “blood red cosmos” and “black cosmos”. Chocolate lovers will definitely appreciate this flower, the petals of which are distinguished by a unique red-brown color.
Chocolate Cosmos has a subtle vanilla aroma that is similar to the smell of chocolate candy. But, such a special smell of a flower is quite insidious, because it is poisonous in reality.
Mexico is considered the birthplace of the flower. A perennial herbaceous plant grows in warm climates, and in cold climates it is an annual. The plant reaches a height of up to 91 cm, very fond of sunlight.
To get a spectacular flower fragrance, it is recommended to plant 6-8 bushes at once. The aroma will be heard the more, the higher the air temperature.
Interesting to know:
- Chocolate kosmeya grew in ancient Mexico. Beautiful flowers of an unusual color attracted the attention of people, they plucked them to enjoy the aroma, placing a bouquet at home. The plant itself died because of this. It got to the point that there was only one bush of the plant in Mexico. Fortunately, scientists managed to collect the seeds from this plant in time and artificially began to breed the plant in Mexico. nine0003
Thus, all the plants that grow today in different countries of the world came from one single bush. This is a real achievement for scientists, which they are proud of and set it as an example for the conservation of plant genetic diversity.
8. Wisteria
The incredible sweet aroma of wisteria is a sign that spring is coming in the southern latitudes of the globe. In appearance, wisteria, which blooms profusely in clusters, is similar to a vine. In some varieties of wisteria, clusters can reach a meter in length. nine0003
The petals of the plant are white or purple. They fall off a few days after flowering. When wisteria blooms, it's just an incredible phenomenon, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.
The aroma of wisteria flowers is very fond of connoisseurs of this plant, but even without flowers the tree has a very beautiful appearance. Its branches wind horizontally or around houses, poles, trellises and other structures. That is why wisteria is increasingly used in landscape design.
Interesting to know:
- Considered the largest wisteria in the world, it grows in California (Sierra Madre). Its weight is 250 tons, the tree covers an area of 4 thousand square meters. m, and the length of its branches is more than one and a half meters. But the most amazing thing is that about 1.5 million flowers bloom on the tree every year. One can only imagine the fragrance in the air.
9. Sweet Pea
The plant has been cultivated for over 300 years. Sweet pea flowers can be of various shades and combinations: snow-white, pink and red. The aroma of sweet peas is pleasant and intense. nine0003
The plant can reach two meters in height. During warm winters, a plant is planted in the fall, but if the winters are cold, then sweet peas can be planted in the ground only in spring.
Not all sweet peas are fragrant. The flower will delight with its fragrance all spring, it is quite resistant to the summer heat.
Interesting to know:
- The variety of shades of sweet pea flowers is very large, with the exception of yellow.
- The plant cannot be eaten, it is even considered poisonous. nine0003
10. Night beauty
An amazing flower with such a beautiful name, in English it is called differently - Four o'clocks, which means "four hours". The name "Night Beauty" the flower was not accidental. The plant is a perennial shrub with funnel-shaped flowers that open in the late afternoon when the air temperature begins to drop. They stay open all night and close in the morning.
If you plant these flowers in the yard, in the evenings an amazing aroma will be fragrant in the air. Flowers of the night beauty can be of different shades: snow-white, purple, yellow. nine0003
Flowering begins around mid-summer and is pleasing to the eye until the onset of cold weather. In height, the plant can reach more than a meter, it is not demanding on the place, so it feels good both in the shade and in the sun.
Interesting to know:
- Translated from Latin, the name of the flower means "amazing".
- Flowers of different shades can bloom on one plant, this is its peculiarity.
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10 most fragrant flowers
Flowers are admired for their beauty, exquisite shapes and an endless range of different shades, but there are those that are most loved for their unique fragrance.
1.Plumeria flower fragrance
Homeland plumeria in the warm tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, as well as in South America and Mexico.
These beautiful blooms come in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, and are like a kiss of gold in the center. The plumeria has a distinct tropical scent that is most noticeable in the evening, and the flowering of this plant is a charming addition. nine0003
Plumeria grows into large shrubs and even small trees, with long, thick leaves at the tips of the branches. Plumeria flowers contain poison that can cause skin irritation in humans. Plumeria trunks are used to make musical instruments, utensils and furniture.
Interesting facts:
- The plumeria is the national symbol of Nicaragua and is featured on some banknotes. nine0171 Plumeria flower will not burn at temperatures below 500 C.
- In modern Polynesian culture, plumeria is worn by women who want to indicate their marital status - over the right ear if they are looking for a soul mate, and over the left if they are already busy or married.
- In India, the plumeria is a symbol of immortality, due to its ability to produce leaves and flowers, even after being taken from the soil. It is often planted near temples and cemeteries, where fresh flowers fall daily on graves. nine0172
2. Sweet Alyssum flower fragrance
The sweet alyssum flower is also called alyssum or rockwort. It is a simple annual, the seeds of which grow in the spring after the snow melts. Sweet allisum blooms from early spring to autumn. The flower itself will produce seeds and grow next year in the same place.
Sweet alyssum is a dense bouquet of small flowers. With little effort and minimal expense, your garden or apartment will be given a unique aroma. nine0003
An interesting fact.
- After the flower is pollinated by insects, the perianth falls off the plants, and the flower becomes unattractive. In most plants, but not in sweet alyssum.
The petals of flowers with already set fruits do not fall off, but, on the contrary, increase in size, attracting insects to the remaining blooming flowers.
3. Chocolate Cosmos Flower Aroma
Chocolate Cosmos is also called Black Cosmos or Blood Red Cosmos.
Chocolate lovers will love this flower. Chocolate Cosmos has unique reddish-brown petals that give off a light vanilla flavor reminiscent of chocolate candy. However, you should know that the alluring smell of this flower is deceptive, because in fact it is poisonous.
Native to Mexico, chocolate cosmos is a herbaceous perennial in warm climates, and an annual in cold climates. This flower loves sunlight and grows up to 91 cm high.
Gardeners advise immediately planting six to eight bushes in order to fully enjoy the spectacular aroma. At the same time, the higher the air temperature, the stronger the aroma of chocolate space becomes.
Interesting fact! It is believed that chocolate cosmea grew in ancient times in Mexico. Its chocolate aroma attracted people, the flowers were plucked and the plant died. In nature, the chocolate cosmea is difficult to germinate, so it did not have time to recreate itself. In the end, at the beginning of the twentieth century, one bush of this plant remained in Mexico. nine0003
Fortunately, scientists came to the conclusion in time that if urgent measures are not taken, then people will never again be able to admire these beautiful flowers. In 1902, botanists obtained seeds from a single bush and artificially planted cosmea in Mexican fields.
It so happened that all the chocolate cosmos in the world have one common ancestor. Botanical scientists are very proud of their achievement, which is why this flower is often presented in scientific cases dedicated to the conservation of botanical genetic diversity. nine0003
4. Wisteria flower fragrance
In the southern latitudes of the Earth, a sure sign of spring is if the sweet smell of wisteria is in the air. Huge, profusely blooming in clusters, wisteria resembles grapes. In some varieties, such clusters can grow up to 92 cm in length.
Wisterias have purple or white shades of petals, and the petals themselves fall after full bloom for only a few days. Before the petals fall, it is better to leave all your affairs and enjoy this beauty to the fullest. nine0003
True connoisseurs of wisteria are very fond of the aroma of its flowers, but no less appreciate the beauty of the vine of this tree outside of flowering. Wisteria winds its branches in a horizontal position, or around various structures: lattices, pillars, houses. This tree is widely used in landscape design, decorating the facades of houses.
Interesting fact .
- The world's largest wisteria grows in the Sierra Madre, California. It covers 4000 sq. m and weighs 250 tons. The length of the branches is 152 m. In one year, 1.5 million flowers bloom on this wisteria.
5. Sweet pea flower fragrance
Known for flowers with intense fragrance, sweet peas have been cultivated for over 300 years. Its flowers come in a variety of shades from red, pink and white to combinations thereof.
Sweet pea grows up to 1.8 m in height. It is planted in autumn if the winters in this climate zone are mild, otherwise sweet peas are planted in early spring.
The aroma of this flower can be enjoyed all spring, although the sweet pea endures the summer heat with firmness. However, there are varieties that give no flavor at all. nine0003
Interesting facts:
- Sweet peas grow in a very wide range of colors, but not in yellow.
- Sweet peas are not edible and are slightly poisonous.
- Studies have shown that a fresh bouquet of these flowers in the house improves well-being, increases libido, both in men and women, and reduces the effects of a hangover.
6. Lily of the valley flower fragrance
Lilies of the valley are tiny white or pink bell-shaped flowers with a bouquet of wonderful fragrance. nine0003
Tough, but fragile-looking lilies of the valley are easy to care for. They can be planted even at home and enjoy a fragrant smell for several years. It is a perennial plant and reproduces quickly, so fences are placed to limit overgrowth.
Small lily of the valley flowers grow on top of a slender stem, surrounded by broad, glossy green leaves.
Interesting facts:
- For many peoples, the lily of the valley personifies purity, tenderness, fidelity and love. nine0172
- It is the national symbol of Finland.
- Lily of the valley is part of the symbols of the state of Massachusetts (USA). The ancient Indians living in this territory worshiped the flower as a gift from the gods.
- The lily-of-the-valley adorns the coat of arms of one of the districts of Moscow, Kurkino, nicknamed the local Switzerland for its unique climate and rare plants.
- In France, they organize an annual folk festival in honor of the lily of the valley. If a girl and a boy exchange bouquets of these fragrant flowers, then this means a declaration of love to each other. nine0172
7. Gardenia flower fragrance
A classic evergreen gardenia shrub with thick, white and waxy flowers that give off a heady aroma. Gardenia was named after the physician and botanist Alexander Garden.
This complex scented flower is the inspiration for perfumes such as Chanel's Gardenia and Marc Jacobs Eau de Perfume.
Gardenia reaches up to 2.4 m in height. She loves mineral-rich soil, lots of light and moisture. Gardenia is susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, mites and whiteflies. This is a somewhat tricky flower to care for, but its rich, sweet scent is definitely worth the effort. nine0003
Interesting facts:
- There are 140 species of gardenia in the world.
- This flower symbolizes secret love, purity, joy and beauty.
- Gardenias are worn by men as boutonnieres (flowers in the buttonhole of a suit) in France.
8. Flower fragrance night beauty
The English name for this flower is Four o'clocks.
The name of the flower night beauty speaks of its specificity: the funnel-shaped flower of this perennial shrub opens in the afternoon, when the temperature begins to drop and remains open all night. nine0003
It is best to plant these flowers in the yard where you can fully enjoy the strong aroma in the evening. A night beauty in purple, yellow or white will add a special charm to your garden.
It begins to bloom in the middle of summer, continuing to amaze with its beauty until frost. The night beauty feels great both in the sun and in the shade, growing up to 1.2 m in height.
Interesting facts:
- Night beauty (lat.
Mirabilis Yalapa), where "mirabilis" from Latin means amazing.
- One of the main distinguishing features of the night beauty is that flowers of various shades can often be seen on the same plant.
- In the Krasnodar Territory, this flower is called a dawn.
9. Jasmine flower fragrance
The rich and sweet scent of white or yellow jasmine has made it a very popular flower throughout the world. Jasmine is native to tropical and warm countries. Its essential oils are used in perfumery and aromatherapy. nine0003
These flowers are closely related to the olive family. There are over 200 different types of jasmine. These woody plants can grow up to 4.6 m in height.
Jasmine is valued for its shiny green leaves and soft, delicate, wonderfully scented flowers. Its flowers are the source of rose oil, which is used in many perfumes. Tea is made from dried Arabian jasmine flowers.
Interesting facts:
- Jasmine blooms in spring or summer.
- Already six months old, jasmine releases its fragrance at night after sunset.
- Jasmine buds are more fragrant than flowers.
- Two types of this flower are used for oil extraction.
- The dried roots of some jasmine species are used in medicines, although they are poisonous.
10. Rose flower fragrance
Perhaps the aroma of many modern varieties of roses grown by florists is no longer the same as compared to old-fashioned garden roses. nine0003
Roses are decorated with strict petals of various colors. Garden roses of incredible beauty with various fragrances, usually with white or pastel flowers.
Modern flowers are prized for their rich colors and luxurious shapes with a subtle fragrance that varies with species. Growing roses successfully requires lots of sunlight and often needs to be pruned and fertilized, but the effort is well worth the beauty and heady scent.