How to remove old coffee stain

How To Remove Coffee Stains From Everything You Own – Eldorado Coffee Roasters

No coffee connoisseur is immune to the dreaded coffee stain. If you love enjoying cups of coffee all day long, everywhere and anywhere, then you’ve probably run into a coffee spill or two—on the white carpet, or on your brand new shoes. We’ve been there. 

But fear not! Coffee stains aren’t impossible to get rid of. You haven’t ruined your clothes, seats, carpet, or—gulp—boss’s desk chair when you were drinking a sticky salted caramel latte in her office (when you shouldn’t have been).

Check out our tips and tricks on how to remove coffee stains fast, easy, and effectively. 

How to remove coffee stains from carpet and upholstery 

You’ve dropped your cup (or… cups) on the carpet, or your cat knocked your coffee from your hand while lounging on the couch. What can you do to save your carpet or upholstered furniture?

When it comes to carpet stains, the faster you tackle them, the better.  

  1. Blot up as much coffee liquid as you can from your carpet with paper towels or rags. 
  2. Mix two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of dish soap, and one tablespoon of white vinegar. 
  3. Using a clean, white cloth, blot the stain with the mixture. (Make sure the rag is clean and fresh, like a paper towel, to avoid color transference.) 
  4. Repeat blotting until the stain is gone. 
  5. With a fresh cloth, sponge with cold water to rinse. 
  6. Blot your carpet dry with another fresh cloth. 

How to remove coffee stains from cups 

Do you (or someone in your household) leave coffee remnants in your mug for a little too long? Or, maybe your pesky roommate never cleans the coffee cups they’ve been borrowing from you for the past six months? 

How do you get rid of those stains on the bottom or side of your favorite coffee cups?

Psst… This process also works for other porous surfaces, like countertops or tiles. If you have a coffee table (which is made for coffee spills, right?), you can try this out also. 

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your cup. 
  2. Add just a splash of white vinegar. It will start bubbling up. 
  3. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. 
  4. Rinse with clean water. 
  5. Now, sprinkle a little more baking soda on the bottom with a bit of water to make a paste. 
  6. Scrub with a sponge. This abrasion will help remove the coffee stains quickly and effectively. 
  7. Rinse the mug with water, and wash as you normally would. 

If that doesn’t work, we’ve also found that a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works well to remove coffee stains on smooth surfaces like cups and counters. 

How to remove old coffee stains from clothes

Don’t you always seem to spill coffee on the day you’re wearing a white shirt or favorite sweater, or when you’re on your way to a big meeting? What can you do right now if you spilled your cold brew on your way to a job interview? 

For immediate stain removal:

When you get home, here’s how you care for your clothes to remove the rest of that deep-set stain. 

For cotton clothing:
  1. First, blot the stain away. You want to pull up as much excess coffee as possible. Use a clean cloth in cool water to blot. 
  2. You can use a stain remover like Shout wipes or Tide-To-Go stain pens, or you can sponge with cool water. You may also want to pre-treat with a prewash stain remover. 
  3. Launder as usual. We recommend using a detergent with stain-fighting enzymes, which is especially useful if your coffee had milk, alternative milks, or sugar in it.  

For synthetic fabrics: 
  1. Blot the stain away with a clean cloth in cool water. 
  2. Pre-soak the item in a solution of one quart warm water, half a teaspoon natural dishwashing detergent (not laundry detergent), and one tablespoon white vinegar.  
  3. Rinse the garment with warm water. 
  4. Use a sponge to blot the remaining stain. 
  5. Rinse again in warm water. 
  6. Launder as usual. 

How to remove coffee stains from car seat

We know the coffee stains aren’t limited to your home and office. If you’re one of the java-enthusiasts that drinks cups of coffee on the road, you know the stress of spilling behind the wheel. You’re sipping your scrumptious summer drink in the car, hit a pothole, and your iced latte flies everywhere. Now you’re late to work, so you can’t stop to clean it up. You forget about it, and later, you see that your favorite coffee drink has betrayed you and left a stain. What do you do? 

If possible, try to treat the stain as soon as possible. If you can pull over in a safe spot to care for the stain, do that. Or treat it as soon as you reach your destination. 

  1. Soak up any excess liquid with a paper towel or rag. Blot, don’t wipe. Repeat until you’ve absorbed as much liquid as possible. (If the stain is old, there likely won’t be excess liquid as it would have dried—and stained.) 
  2. Apply cool water to the stain using a fresh paper towel. Blot, holding the water on the stain for a few seconds. This helps pull out more of the coffee. 
  3. Blot with another fresh, dry paper towel to remove the excess water and coffee that has been pulled out. 

Now, you have options in how to treat the remainder of the stain. Dish soap or baking soda works well to treat a new stain. Apply a small amount of dish soap or baking soda on a paper towel with a small amount of cool water. Blot gently to create a lather on the surface. Leave the baking soda on the stain for up to 30 minutes to let it work into the stain. Rinse with a fresh paper towel. Repeat as necessary. 

For leather car seats, we recommend a low or neutral pH dish soap. Only blot, don’t use a brush (this can wear down the seats). Baking soda works best on vinyl seats. 

This is best for cloth seats that are light colored. You can also use a mixture of white vinegar and water. It should be about one-to-one, or more water to vinegar. Add a small squirt of dish soap, and apply to the coffee stain with a paper towel. You can also work it into the stain with a stiff-bristled brush, and let sit for 30 minutes. 

Baby wipes may also help clean coffee stains, especially if they’re fresh. Keep baby wipes in the car for a quick picker-upper whenever you need it. Finish with a protectant or sealant. If you have leather or vinyl seats, you’ll want to finish with a leather conditioner. This ensures the stain doesn’t wear down the material, and it may help protect against stains in the future. 

Check out CarBibles for more info on removing coffee stains from your car.  

Let’s start sipping and spilling!

Now that you know how to remove coffee stains from virtually anything and everything, you can freely drink (and spill) your coffee wherever and whenever! 

What’s your favorite coffee to sip and spill? 

Want to try out our staffer’s current favorite? D-Shoppe Blend is a fan-favorite medium roast, with a nostalgic aroma that will transport you to American diners and cafes before you start your morning. For something a little stronger, try out our Havanero Espresso for a bold flavor with sweet undertones (perfect with your cream and sugar). 

How to Removing Coffee Stains – Real Good Coffee Company, LLC

Real Good Blog.

Jun 29, 2020


Few things are more disruptive to your morning ritual than spilling that freshly brewed cup of coffee on your work clothes. We've all been there — but you may not know how to properly remove coffee stains. Instead of scrubbing furiously with a wet washcloth, take a look at these foolproof methods of making those embarrassing stains disappear, even when you're in a hurry. 

What You'll Need

The process for removing coffee stains can vary slightly based on the material, but you'll need the following items to banish those stains for good:

Removing Fresh Coffee Stains

Fresh coffee stains are the easiest to remove because the coffee particles have yet to set into the material. When you drip coffee on your clothing, immediately run cold water through the stain to dilute it. Don't scrub, as this will only damage the material. Running water through a fresh stain will wash the coffee out in a minute or two. If this method proves unsuccessful, move on to the dried coffee stain method.

Keep in mind that removing fresh coffee stains from upholstery and carpet will require a bit more effort with the same method.

Removing Dried Coffee Stains

For dried coffee stains, you'll need water, clean cloths or paper towels, liquid laundry detergent, and white vinegar — in tough cases. If your clothing has a dried coffee stain, wet the stained area, and apply a few drops of laundry detergent while gently rubbing the stain with your fingers. Let the solution sit for five minutes, then rinse. 

If the stain is still there, repeat this process by mixing a few drops of white vinegar with powdered laundry detergent until they make a paste. Gently rub the mixture into the stain with a soft-bristled toothbrush and let it sit for five more minutes before rinsing.

How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Different Materials

Clothes aren't the only victims of the infamous coffee spill. From carpets to nightstands, many surfaces are frequently subjected to coffee stains. The good news is that you can remove coffee stains from almost any special materials in the following ways:

Sip, Spill, Remove, Repeat — It's Worth It for Good Coffee

Don't let a little stain deter you from enjoying your morning brew. Check out Real Good Coffee Company's quality coffee.


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How to get coffee stains out of clothes

  • For natural fabrics

  • For stubborn stains

  • For silk and wool

  • Kitchen way

  • For stubborn stains

  • Glycerine method

  • How to wash coffee from white clothes

  • For sofa or carpet

  • nine0003

    For synthetic fabrics

  • How to wash coffee from jeans

  • Leather goods

  • Shedding fabrics

  • How to wash coffee from colored clothes

  • Caffe au lait stain remover

What a morning without coffee! But even the best morning can ruin a coffee stain. And this is not a speck of fat, which can be almost invisible on some things, but a dark dot in the most inappropriate place. Worst of all, if you have light-colored clothes, because you can’t tell that this is part of the design. How to remove coffee stains? nine0005

For natural fabrics

Linen and cotton are very absorbent, so you need to wash these things as soon as possible. If you decide to go through the stain all day, then it’s not a fact that you can then wash coffee from cotton. But at the same time, it’s quite simple to clean this fabric: lather the place of pollution and stretch it. Repeat this procedure until you get the result. If you have a plain white thing, then you can try to boil it - this will help remove the remaining dirt from the fabric. But if you have a colored item, then forget about hot water, as things will simply shed. nine0005

For stubborn stains

If the stain has had time to dry, then it will be quite difficult to remove coffee from clothes. To make washing easier, soak the item in salt water. Then wash the clothes at the maximum temperature allowed. In the machine, run at least 2 rinses.

For silk and wool

Silk and wool must first be washed with a cloth soaked in a soapy ammonia solution and only after that they are washed. For the solution, you will need any soap (ideally laundry, as it copes best with stains) and a little ammonia (3-5 tsp of ammonia will be enough for 1 liter of water). After cleaning, wash the item as usual. nine0005

Also try another folk way - mix alcohol, water and ammonia and wipe the fabric with this solution.

Wool can be cleaned with a swab soaked in gasoline and washed with a mixture of ammonia and water. Be sure to thoroughly wash things, because otherwise they will continue to smell of petroleum products.

Kitchen way

Coffee stains can also be removed with salt and glycerin. Just mix them, apply the mixture on the stain and after it resolves, wash the item. nine0005

For stubborn stains

This is a very time-consuming, but at the same time effective method. First, try scrubbing the stain with a brush dipped in warm water. This is necessary in order for the cleaning mixture to better penetrate the fibers. After that, wash the clothes in a soapy solution with the addition of 1⁄2 tsp. soda ash per 1 liter. water, and rinse 2 times in warm and 1 time in cold water.

Glycerine method

Apply glycerin to the stain and leave the garment on for about 20 minutes before washing it in warm water. To combat old stains, use 1 tsp. glycerin mixed with st.l. water and a few drops of ammonia. Wipe the cloth until the stain is gone. Most importantly, do not make a hole there! nine0005

How to wash coffee from white clothes

Dilute 0.5 tsp. to a glass of water. Treat the stain and wash with warm water. If you have citric acid, add that as well. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will burn the fabric. This is how you wash coffee from white knitwear, satin and other fabrics.

For sofa or carpet

If a thing is simply impossible to wash because of its size (the same sofas or carpets), then try discoloring the stain with hydrogen peroxide. But it's better to play it safe and check the action in an inconspicuous place, since we do not know the exact composition of the fabric for upholstery of your furniture. nine0005

For synthetic fabrics

To remove coffee stains from synthetics, stock up on water and alcohol. Mix a liter of water and 1 tbsp. alcohol and soak the item in this mixture, then rinse the fabric under running water and leave it to dry naturally.

How to wash coffee from jeans

Since we need to remove a coffee stain from jeans, take oxalic and citric acid, ammonia and stain remover with you. There are 2 effective ways to clean fabric:

  • Mix 10 drops of ammonia and 0.5 liters of water and pour over the stain. After washing, it will be enough just to rinse the clothes.
  • Just pour some citric or oxalic acid on the stain, leave it on for about 1-1.5 hours and wash it off. You do not need to increase the time, otherwise you will have “fashion jeans” with a speck.

Leather goods

If you spilled coffee on your favorite bag or jacket, then get ready to wipe it with gasoline or turpentine. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will dry out the product, and it will begin to crack. After cleaning, soak the fabric with castor oil or shoe polish. If you have special care products, then use them! You need to moisturize your skin as much as possible after such work. nine0005

To remove coffee stains from suede, all you need is a simple soap solution and a soft sponge. After applying the solution, let it sit on the fabric and then gently clean off the stain. If someone advises you to clean suede with oily gel - send the person to hell! It will only make the situation worse.

Shedding fabrics

Treat the stain with 10% borax solution. If there are still stains, then try removing them with a mixture of salt and lemon juice. This should remove the contamination without damaging the product. nine0005

How to wash coffee from colored clothes

You can wash coffee from colored clothes with table salt without impurities. Salt should be applied to the stain and rubbed gently until the stain loses color. Then rinse with running water.

Removing stains from coffee with milk

Not everyone likes pure coffee, many people like to add milk there. And this means that the stain will be more oily than it could be initially. Therefore, here you will have to remove it in 2 steps. First you must wipe the thing with gasoline, and then wipe it again with a 3% peroxide solution or perhydrol. Apply with a brush, cotton swab or gauze. You can also try mixing white clay and water, this should remove all the dirt. nine0005

As you can see, with due effort, coffee stains can be removed from any fabric. And we wish you cheerfulness, and that you drink coffee only to enjoy its taste!

If the coffee stain still cannot be removed, this is not a reason to be upset. You can always buy fabrics for sewing new things at an affordable cost in the OnlineTkani online store. Wholesale prices are valid for orders from 6 meters of canvas, there is delivery by region.

Fabric catalog


Coffee stains | How to remove a tea stain

Getting ready for work with a cup of invigorating morning drink in your hands, getting a coffee or tea stain on your clothes is not a big deal. Fortunately, there are methods available for you to quickly and effectively remove these stains that you can use.

Remember : Before using stain remover or washing, read the label of the stained garment carefully. If possible, test the product or method on a small area first to avoid damaging the fabric. nine0005

To deal with tea and coffee stains, use your normal laundry detergent. It's an easy and affordable way to clean that saves you time and effort and eliminates the hassle of mixing homemade detergents.

5 Steps to Remove Coffee and Tea Stains

One of the easiest ways to remove coffee or tea stains is to rinse the stain with running hot water.

  1. Hold the stained cloth directly over the sink or secure it so that your hands are free. nine0005

  2. Next, heat the water in the kettle until it is hot but not boiling.

  3. Slowly pour water directly onto the stain so that it runs through the back of the fabric.

  4. After 15 seconds, stop pouring water and sprinkle a little washing powder on the stain on both sides of the fabric.

  5. If there are no contraindications, rub the stain so that the powder foams. Then continue rinsing the fabric until the powder is completely washed out of the fabric. nine0005

3-step method: soaking and washing to remove coffee or tea stains


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05 If you encounter a stubborn stain that the previous method does not help with, or the soiled surface is too large, you can soak the clothes in water with a stain remover before sending them to the wash. nine0005

While most stain removers work in the same way, be sure to read label instructions before use:

  1. Fill a basin, sink or other container with warm water and add laundry detergent. Make sure this washing method is suitable for your clothes.

  2. Leave your clothes to soak for several hours. During this time, the stain will dissolve, and the washing machine will be able to cope with it.

  3. When finished, rinse clothing in warm water. nine0005

Other methods for dealing with coffee or tea stains

Unfortunately, you don't always have time to immediately soak or wash stained clothing. Here are some easy and quick laundry methods to get rid of fresh coffee and tea stains.

Remember: If you decide to make your own detergent, be sure to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the surface before you start washing, so as not to damage the fabric! nine0005


Vinegar is an excellent stain remover that can be found in every home.

Learn more