How to plant basil seeds in a pot
Growing Basil From Seed: A Step-by-Step Guide
Growing basil from seed should be on every gardeners to-do list. Why? Basil is easy to grow from seed and when you buy seeds instead of transplants you can choose from dozens of types and varieties available through seed catalogs. There are two ways to start basil seeds: indoors in a window or beneath a growlight, or by direct seeding outdoors. Keep reading to learn more about the simple steps of growing basil from seed.
Most gardeners start their basil seeds indoors to get a jump on the growing season. Sow seeds 6 to 8 weeks before the last expected spring frost.What is basil?
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a tender annual herb grown for its aromatic leaves that are added to fresh and cooked dishes. Sweet basil, also called Genovese basil is the most widely grown due to its delicious anise clove flavor. There are many other types of basil available through seed catalogs including lemon basil, Greek basil, cinnamon basil, and Thai basil. Each one offers a variety of flavors, forms, leaf sizes, and even colors. Basil is often planted with tomatoes and peppers because they have similar growing conditions – well draining soil and 8 to 10 hours of sunlight. Basil is also used in companion planting as the mid to late summer flowers attract bees and beneficial insects to the garden.
Why you should be growing basil from seed
Wondering if it’s worth your time to grow basil from seed? It absolutely is! Here are my four reasons for starting basil from seeds:
- Basil is easy to grow from seed – It’s true! I’ve been growing basil from seed for over 25 years and it’s generally a fuss-free herb that goes from seed to garden in under two months. You don’t need special equipment either. I start my seeds under grow lights but you can also use a sunny windowsill.
- Save money – I grow a lot of basil each summer so we have plenty of fresh basil and basil leaves for pesto, as well as for the freezer and to dry.
With individual basil plants costing $3.00 to $4.00 each at my local nursery, growing basil from seed is a budget-friendly way to get a lot of basil plants for your garden.
- Variety – There are a lot of different types and varieties of basil available through seed catalogs. It’s fun to try new ones each year, but growing basil from seed was also a game changer in my garden when downy mildew wiped out almost all of my basil plants. The plants that weren’t affected? They were Rutgers Devotion DMR, a downy mildew-resistant variety I grew from seed. It can be hard to find disease-resistant basil transplants at garden centres, but they’re easy to source as seeds from seed catalogs.
- Succession planting – I plant basil several times over the course of the growing season to ensure a non-stop supply of high quality leaves. It’s hard to find healthy basil seedlings in mid-summer but starting a few pots of seeds under my grow lights ensures I’ll have basil for successive crops.
Growing basil from seed
There are two ways to grow basil from seed. First, you can start the seeds indoors on a sunny windowsill or beneath grow lights. Eventually the young plants are transplanted into the garden. The second method is to direct sow basil seeds in garden beds or containers. Let’s look closer at each method so you can figure out which one is right for you.
Growing basil from seed indoors
Most gardeners start their basil seeds indoors to get a jump on the growing season. Success begins with sowing the seeds at the right time, 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date. In my zone 5 garden that’s late May so I start my basil seeds indoors in late March. Sowing the seeds indoors even earlier doesn’t necessarily give you a head start on the basil harvest. It just means you’ll have bigger plants that need to be re-potted into larger containers. And they’ll take up a lot of space on a windowsill or beneath grow lights. Plus, transplanting mature basil plants into the garden often results in bolted plants that begin to flower instead of pushing out lots of fresh leaves. This reduces the overall harvest. Younger seedlings adapt better to transplanting and should be moved to the garden when they’re 6 to 8 weeks old.
The best containers for growing basil from seed
Now that we know when to sow basil seeds indoors, we can consider containers. I typically use 10 by 20 trays with cell pack inserts to start most of my vegetable, flower, and herb seeds. They offer an efficient use of space under my grow lights and I re-use them from year to year. However, you can start basil seeds in pretty much any type of container as long as it’s clean and offers good drainage. If you’re up-cycling items like salad containers for seed starting be sure to pole holes in the bottom for excess water to drain away.
To cut down on plastic use I’ve recently bought a soil blocker for seed starting. A soil blocker forms lightly compressed cubes of soil – no container needed. I have several sizes and look forward to experimenting with starting basil seeds this way.
The best soil for growing basil from seed
When starting seeds indoors a lightweight seed starting or potting mix is essential. These mixes are typically made up of materials like peat moss, coconut coir, compost, vermiculite, perlite, and fertilizers. The ideal growing medium for seed starting is one that retains water, but is also quick draining to promote healthy root growth. You can make your own (check out our DIY potting mix recipes here) or buy a bag online or from your local garden centre.
You can use a variety of containers to start basil seeds including soil blocks. Soil blockers form loosely compacted cubes of soil ideal for seed starting.Starting basil seeds indoors
Once you’ve gathered your supplies, it’s time to get planting. Fill your containers with the pre-moistened potting mix. When sowing basil seeds in cell packs, plant 2 to 3 seeds per cell. If starting basil seeds in 4 inch pots, plant 6 to 8 seeds per pot. Whatever type of container you are using for the basil seeds, sow each seed about an inch apart. Plant the seeds a quarter of an inch deep. The exception to this is holy basil whose seeds need light to germinate. Instead of covering holy basil seeds, gently press them into the moist potting mix to ensure good soil-seed contact.
After the seeds have been planted place a clear dome or a piece of plastic wrap on top of the trays or pots. This keeps humidity high to promote good germination. Once the seeds sprout, remove any plastic coverings so air can circulate.
When the young plants have developed two sets of true leaves, thin them to one plant per cell, or three to four plants per 4 inch pot. You can carefully prick the surplus seedlings from their containers and transplant them into more pots. Let’s be honest, you can never have too much basil!
How much light do basil seedlings need?
Providing sufficient light is perhaps the biggest challenge when starting seeds indoors. Most types of vegetables, flowers, and herbs need plenty of light to form strong, stocky seedlings. Relying on natural sunlight from a window can be a challenge, especially for those who live in Northern climates. Seedlings grown in insufficient light are tall, leggy, and tend to flop over. The solution is to use a grow light to start seeds like basil.
I have two types of grow lights: LED grow lights and fluorescent grow lights. I leave my grow lights on for 16 hours each day using an inexpensive timer to turn them on and off. You can DIY a grow light set up or buy one from a garden supply store. When I’m not starting seeds I use my grow lights to provide light to succulents, culinary herbs, and other indoor plants.
The ideal temperature for basil
Basil is a heat-loving herb and the seeds germinate best in warm soil. The ideal temperature for basil seed germination is 70 to 75F (21 to 24C) with the seeds emerging in about 5 to 10 days. If you have a seedling heat mat you can use it provide bottom heat to both speed up germination and increase germination rates.
As basil seedlings grow thin them to one plant per cell pack. Also keep an eye on soil moisture aiming to maintain a lightly moist, but not wet soil.Watering and fertilizing basil seedlings
Basil seedlings can be prone to damping off, a soil-borne fungal disease that affects the stems and roots of young seedlings. I’ve found the two best ways to reduce damping off is to water the seedlings properly and provide good air circulation. First, let’s talk watering. Basil seedlings grow best in lightly moist, not wet soil. Water when the soil is dry to the touch, checking seedlings every day to gauge soil moisture. The other consideration for preventing damping off is air movement. I keep a small oscillating fan in the room near my grow lights. Good air circulation helps strengthen the seedlings, reduces mold growth on the soil surface (a sign of overwatering), and dries the leaves after watering.
When basil seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves I begin to fertilize. I use a liquid organic fertilizer diluted to half strength every 14 days. This promotes healthy growth and plenty of bright green leaves.
These basil seedlings are ready to be hardened off and moved to the garden.Hardening off basil seedlings
Hardening off seedlings is the final step when growing basil from seed. This is a step you don’t want to skip. The hardening off process acclimatizes seedlings to the sun, wind, and weather of the outdoor garden. Because basil is sensitive to heat don’t move the plants outside while there is still a risk of cold weather. I begin the hardening off process, which takes about five days, after the last expected date has passed.
Start by moving the seedlings outside on a mild day, placing the trays or containers in a shady spot. Cover them with row cover that night or bring them back indoors. On day two, give the plants some early morning or late afternoon sun, but shade during from mid-morning to mid-afternoon when the sun is most intense. Again, cover them up at night or bring them back inside the house. On days three to five continue to gradually introduce the plants to more light until by day five they are ready for full sun.
How and when to transplant basil
Hardened off basil seedlings can be moved into garden beds or containers once the risk of frost has passed and the weather has warmed. Don’t rush basil outside, however, as cold damage can occur when the day or night temperatures fall below 50F (10C). Once the conditions are right, transplant seedlings into a site with direct sunlight and well-draining fertile soil. I add all purpose compost to my beds or containers before transplanting. Space basil plants 8 to 10 inches apart. When the plants have five to six sets of true leaves you can start to harvest basil.
Growing basil from seed outdoors
The other technique for growing basil from seed is to direct sow seeds outdoors. Because I live in a cold climate, I start my basil seeds indoors to give the plants a head start. Gardeners who live in zones 6 and above, however, can direct sow basil seeds outdoors in a garden bed or container. Choose a sunny site and amend the soil with a thin layer of compost. Plant the seeds in late spring or early summer, about a week or two after the last spring frost. The soil temperature should be at least 70F (21C). Sow the seeds a quarter of an inch deep and one inch apart.
Once the seeds are planted, water the seedbed often with a hose nozzle on a gentle setting. You don’t want a hard jet of water which could dislodge or wash away the seeds or young seedlings. Don’t let the soil dry out as the seeds are germinating. Once the basil seedlings have developed two to three sets of true leaves, thin them 8 to 10 inches apart.
For further reading on growing basil, be sure to check out these articles:
- Types of basil to grow
- The secrets of growing great basil
- How to grow basil from cuttings
- How to trim basil for bushy plants
- 7 reasons for basil leaves turning yellow
Are you growing basil from seed this spring?
How to grow basil: successfully indoors and outside
It is definitely worth your while learning how to grow basil as this popular herb is wonderfully versatile, adding its its unique flavor to many dishes, or its aroma filling the air.
With many different varieties of basil, you could choose a few different types to grow as part of your herb garden ideas. If you know how to grow basil at home, this crucial ingredient will always be there to add to your culinary creations – from salads and sandwiches, to many Italian dishes or Thai recipes.
Basil is an excellent choice if you're growing herbs indoors in a sunny spot, but you can also grow basil outdoors in a pot on the patio as a herb planter idea, where you can enjoy its lovely aroma as you brush past it, or among the vegetables in a vegetable patch.
If you get to grips with how to grow basil then you can experiment with the many different varieties available, which you often can't find in grocery stores. The different types have varied flavors and aromas, from the large-leaved Italian basil varieties known for adding to pasta and pizza dishes or salads, to purple or lemon basil, tiny-leaved Greek basil, or even Thai basil with its mild liquorice notes.
If you sow basil seeds successionally from spring as part of your vegetable garden ideas, you can enjoy a continuous supply of different leaves for use in cooking for much of the year.
How to grow basil indoors
(Image credit: Getty Images)
A true sun lover, basil can be grown indoors as long as you make sure it has about six hours of sunlight every day. In fact, given the right conditions it is one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors.
'Basil likes it hot so will thrive in a greenhouse and is even said to enhance the flavor of tomatoes when grown alongside them as a companion plant,' says Lucy Hutchings of She Grows Veg and author of Get Up and Grow .
If you don't have a greenhouse or conservatory, choose a sunny windowsill to grow basil plants, such as a south or south-west facing one, but protect the plant from the hot midday sun.
The plants will need regular watering, although will not like to sit in water or wet compost.
Barbara Segall is editor of the Herb Society magazine and she advises to 'be regular and diligent with water. Don’t let herbs stand in saucers of water, but equally don’t let them go without water in a sunny season.'
How to grow basil from seed
(Image credit: Monika Grabkowska / Unsplash)
If you're looking for the most cost effective way of how to grow basil, then you can start it off from seed. It is ridiculously easy to grow basil from seed. It's important to know when to plant herbs, and you can start to grow basil indoors from seed anytime from March to mid-summer.
- Start your basil seeds off in small pots or seed trays of moist, peat-free multi-purpose compost.
- Only sow a few more basil seeds than you need as most will germinate. 'I sow several seeds per pot and thin them out as they grow until there are three to four strong stems,' says Barbara Segall.
- Cover the seeds with a thin layer of vermiculite.
- Water lightly.
- Use a propagator or cover the pot with a freezer bag secured with an elastic band to increase the temperature.
- Once the basil seeds have germinated, remove the covering, but keep the compost damp.
- Thin out basil seedlings so that each one has the space and share of water and nutrients to grow into a healthy plant.
- When the basil seedlings have developed their first true leaves and are large enough to handle, plant them on into 3.
5 inch pots.
- Pot them on into larger pots as they grow and their roots start coming through the drainage holes at the bottom of the plant pot.
'Water the compost (not the leaves) regularly, in the morning: basil hates having wet feet overnight,' advises food writer Mark Diacono in his new book Herb: A Cook's Companion .
'Cut back to encourage new leaves to form, or enjoy the delicious flowers,' Mark adds.
How to grow basil from cuttings
(Image credit: Cassidy Phillips / Unsplash)
An alternative to growing from seed, if you know how to grow basil from cuttings then you can grow basil plants year round. You can then swap cuttings of different varieties with friends and neighbors, and it is a great way to make garden ready plants from supermarket herb plants or garden centers.
You can quickly learn how to take plant cuttings. 'It is really easy to make a seemingly endless supply of basil plants from just one,' says Lucy Hutchings.
'Take cuttings of around 6-8 inches long, remove the lower leaves and place in water. Within around a week you will see new roots growing from the submerged stem.
'Once there are a few decent looking roots, pot up your cutting and enjoy your new basil baby,' adds Lucy.
- If you use tap water, leave it for about 24 hours before adding the basil cutting.
- Place on a sunny windowsill, although out of direct sunlight.
- Change the water every couple of days to prevent bacteria from growing.
- When the roots of the basil cuttings are an inch or two long, remove the cuttings from the water and pot them up into a container filled with pre-moistened potting mix.
Keep the planted basil cuttings in a humid environment – place them in a propagator, or cover with a clear freezer bag. Once they have started to develop new growth, pot them on into larger pots.
Growing basil from cuttings cuts growing time by about half, so you will soon have some delicious leaves to harvest. This is a great project to try if you're gardening with children as they can produce their own crops for free.
How to grow basil outdoors
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Depending on the hardiness zone where you live, even if you want to learn how to grow basil outdoors, you will probably still need to start the seeds off in pots inside from spring, either in a greenhouse or on a warm windowsill.
Sow the seeds in small pots of moist peat-free multi-purpose compost, cover with a thin layer of vermiculite, and place in a propagator or cover the pot with a freezer bag.
Once the seeds have germinated, remove the covering. When they have developed their first true leaves and are big enough to handle, plant into individual 3.5 inch pots.
When to plant basil outdoors
'Always wait for the air and soil to warm before moving basil into the garden,' advises author and gardening expert Melinda Myers .
Put your young basil plants that you have started off indoors, outside after the last frost, which in some areas will be early summer, or warmer regions could be in spring.
'Cold air and soil can stunt or damage the plants and increase the risk of downy mildew. You may even see blackened leaves and other damage,' Melinda adds.
For how to grow basil outdoors, acclimatize the basil plants to the conditions outdoors for about two weeks before planting them out. Do this by standing them outside in a sheltered, lightly shaded spot during the day, and bring them back in at night time.
'This plant is really not a fan of the cold, so wait until night time temperatures are up to around roughly 50ºF before you plant out basil it into its final position,' advises Lucy Hutchings.
Where to grow basil outdoors
(Image credit: Markus Spiske / Unsplash)
When you come to plant the basil plants in your garden, choose a sunny, sheltered spot with well-drained soil. As basil makes such a good companion, such as for tomato companion planting, and produces a prolific crop when well cared for, it is an excellent addition to small vegetable gardens.
Celebrity gardener Monty Don advises that basil needs generous space to grow well. He recommends a space of 9 inches between the plants when they are 4 inches tall, so that the basil will grow vigorously.
How to grow basil in a pot
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Basil also grows well in containers outdoors, and the advantage of this is that you can move the plant around to give it pride of place in the sunniest, sheltered spot. It can then be close to hand for cooking, and if it is in pots by a seating area you will be able to enjoy the scent of this aromatic herb.
Experts at Dobbies recommend adding a layer of grit to the surface of the compost in each pot to keep weeds at bay and stop rain splash marking your herbs.
Basil will grow fast in pots, so you can expect to have to pot up the plants a few times during the growing season.
In fall, when temperatures start to dip, bring a few plants back indoors to provide a fresh supply of leaves in winter.
Caring for basil plants
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Basil plants do need a bit of care to keep them producing tasty leaves. Learn how to prune basil to keep plants healthy, and also follow these other care tips:
- Water basil plants sparingly as they do not like to sit in wet compost.
- Ideally water before midday, to avoid basil plants developing mould if they are damp at nighttime, and avoid splashing the leaves.
- Feed basil plants with liquid fertiliser every week to keep your herbs at their best.
- Pinch out the flowering tips to delay flowering and encourage bushiness.
Harvesting basil
If you have followed the advice on how to grow basil you should be able to regularly pick the leaves from the top of the basil plant to use fresh in cooking, and to encourage new growth and a bushier shape. You can be quite ruthless – so learn how to harvest basil and when to harvest basil to get the most from your plant.
Mark Diacono advises not to refrigerate harvested basil leaves as 'this accelerates their decline. '
When cooking with basil 'its flavor floats away in the steam of any heat, so it’s almost always best added on serving. The exception is if using gently warmed in milk, cream or oil to extract the flavor,' says Mark.
So, armed with all the tips you need on how to grow basil, you can add wonderful depth and flavor to a multitude of dishes with this versatile herb.
(Image credit: Getty Images/ Elva Etienne)
What is the best way to grow basil?
The best way to grow basil depends on the time of year that you are growing it, and also the climate in the region where you live.
For many people, growing basil indoors is a favorable option as it can thrive on a warm, sunny windowsill, and the flavorsome leaves then then be close at hand for adding to cooking. But basil can be successfully grown outdoors, too, whether in a herb garden or pots and containers, so choose the option that is best for you.
Should I let basil flower?
If you are growing basil for its leaves to use in cooking and salads, then you don't want to let it flower – known as bolting – as then the plant will put its energy into the flower production and as a result the leaves will not have a good flavor.
That said, flowers on basil are attractive as plants for pollinators, so particularly if you are growing basil in a vegetable patch, it can help with the health and pollination of other plants and crops, as well as helping to nuture a wildlife garden.
An idea would be to allow some of your basil plants to flower, to help promote a sustainable garden, while keeping the majority producing healthy and tasty leaves by harvesting them regularly.
Basil on the windowsill: how to grow it correctly
Basil is a vitamin seasoning for various dishes. How to grow a plant in an apartment? Gardeners Anna Zorina, Victoria Karpukhina and Nikolai Zvonarev shared the secrets of growing crops on the windowsill.
Peculiarities of growing basil on a windowsill
Basil is an unpretentious plant, grows in winter and summer, smells wonderful, contains useful vitamins and microelements, according to the author of the Great Encyclopedia of Spices, Seasonings and Herbs Victoria Karpukhina.
Can you grow basil in a window? Yes. Basil is easy to grow in a pot on a windowsill. The culture does not require special care and actively grows shoots from the main stem. They are used for food.
Secrets of growing basil on the windowsill
How to grow basil on the windowsill? Basil on the windowsill is grown from seeds, by cuttings and transplanting the finished bush into a pot. The best way to grow basil indoors is from seeds. Then it forms a lush bush and yields a green crop for almost a whole year.
How to grow basil on a window sill: Unsplash/Lesly JuarezTo grow basil on a window sill, follow these guidelines:
- Choose small-leaved and low-growing varieties of basil for planting, such as clove aroma, marquise, small-leaf, "beamy".
Violet and Greek small-leaved develop for a long time and are more demanding in care.
- Prepare green growing containers with drainage holes at least 15 cm deep to avoid picking plants. Basil is difficult to tolerate any manipulation of the root system and is sick for a long time after transplantation.
- Use ready-made universal potting soil. Be sure to mix it with garden soil (1:1) or biohumus (1:4). For long-term cultivation of basil, you will need a lot of nutrients.
- Display basil seedlings in a well-lit window facing south or southwest. Extend daylight hours for the plant in the autumn-winter period up to 12 hours. Author of the book "Spices. Growing, harvesting, application ”Anna Zorina advises using fitolamps to get enough light for plants.
- Keep the temperature in the room at least +20 °C, otherwise the basil will lose its aroma. There should be no drafts on the windowsill, from which the plant is sick and develops poorly.
- Take cuttings from the mother bush in advance to replace the old plant in time.
A seedling grown from a cutting gives a crop of greenery within 3-4 months.
- Cut off leaves and shoots after 2 weeks on cuttings. If the basil was planted with seeds, the crop will ripen in a month and a half. Cut the greens, leaving at least 4 leaves on the bottom of the stem, new side shoots will begin to develop in their axils.
- Pinch off the top when the bush is 8-10 cm tall to help it sprout side shoots and keep the flower spike.
When is the best time to plant basil on the windowsill? But this plant is light and heat-loving, therefore, in the autumn-winter months, it requires additional lighting and maintaining the optimum temperature.
When to plant basil on the windowsill? The best time to plant basil in a pot is late February and early March. During this period, there is an active awakening of seeds, and daylight hours increase. Basil seedlings do not have to create artificial conditions for development. By the summer, the bush will grow up, and it will be possible to put it on a balcony or loggia, where there is a lot of light, air and heat.
How to plant and care for basil on your windowsill
Basil germinates quickly from seed if you choose varieties suitable for growing indoors. For propagation of basil by cuttings, observe a certain watering regime, optimal indicators of temperature and humidity in the room.
In autumn, the basil bushes are transplanted from the open bed into pots and placed on the windowsill. But such plants very quickly throw out flower stalks. They will have to be cut to get juicy greens in winter.
How to plant basil in pots
Sow basil seeds step by step:
- Soak the seeds for faster germination in warm water for 1-2 days, change the water every 12 hours. Hold them in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours and dry on a napkin.
- Fill prepared containers or pots with a drainage layer (2-3 cm) of expanded clay or pebbles.
Lay the soil on top, do not add 3-4 cm to the edges of the container. Level the ground and pour plenty of water.
- Sow the seeds in bulk at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
- Sprinkle a centimeter layer of earth on top and cover with foil for a greenhouse effect.
- Place the container in a warm place (+25-28°C) and air the crops every day until germination.
The first sprouts of basil will appear in 7-12 days. After the shoots appear, remove the film, and thin out the seedlings so that a distance of 10 cm remains between them. Place the container on a lighted windowsill. When the stems reach 5 cm, add a layer of earth (2-3 cm) to strengthen the young plants.
How long does basil grow from seed? The first crop (a couple of top leaves of the top) can be harvested 5-7 weeks after germination, when 5-6 full-fledged leaves appear. A plant grown from seed will take much longer to produce leaves than a seedling from cuttings. It will take 8-12 months for such a bush to fully mature.
When planting basil with cuttings, use the recommendations of Nikolai Zvonarev, author of the book Spicy Herbs. We plant, we grow, we harvest, we treat”:
- Take cuttings from the mother bush, breaking off shoots at least 5 cm long from the top or from the middle of the stem.
- Soak the cuttings in water for 1-2 weeks until roots develop at the broken point.
- Plant the germinated cuttings in pots and cut off the first greens after a couple of weeks.
Pluck out the top shoots in time to keep the bush green longer, then it will not bloom. Flowering basil is not suitable for human consumption.
Planting basil cuttings: YouTube / Yana Fedorova Popular videoHow to care for basil on the windowsill
Basil seedlings take a long time to gain strength until harvest. Plants in pots will need a schedule of watering, fertilizing, a certain temperature regime, proper lighting and humidity regime.
How to water basil on the windowsill? Water the basil correctly:
- in spring and summer - every morning, and on very hot summer days 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. In winter, it is enough to water twice a week;
- use only settled warm water;
- Periodically, and in summer every day, spray the plant with water from a spray bottle.
Basil bushes grow actively at a temperature of +20–25 °C. At the same time, they require direct sunlight for at least 3-4 hours a day and air humidity of at least 60%. When the window is open, basil is not left, because the plant is afraid of drafts.
So that the root system breathes and absorbs moisture, loosen the soil in pots with adult plants once every 2-3 days. If the potted soil is not too fertile, fertilize once a month using complex fertilizers based on humates. Spend the first top dressing when the plant releases lateral shoots.
Cutting of leaves and shoots is being carried out not only in order to use them for cooking various dishes. Frequent early pruning of basil allows you to grow a bushy bush with many succulent branches.
Every housewife can grow basil on a windowsill. The correct way of reproduction and care of the plant allows you to create a green garden in the house in a few weeks and use vitamin greens at any time of the year.
Original article:
How to grow basil at home in a pot
It is well known that you can grow basil in a pot on your windowsill all year round. However, practice often diverges from theory, and once again, without waiting for shoots or pulling out “long-legged” wilted seedlings, the gardener gives up - no luck.
The fact is that basil is a light and heat-loving plant, and for its full growth it is necessary: a rather high temperature (20-25 ° C), a long daylight hours, fertilized soil with drainage and regular "water procedures": watering and spraying.
3 ways to grow basil in pots:
— Transferring an adult plant from outdoors to a pot. This method is used by summer residents who grow basil in their beds in the summer. In this case, the youngest bushes that did not have time to bloom are dug out along with a clod of earth and transplanted into a pot. The growing season of these plants is short - pretty soon they will bloom, and you will need to cut off the flower stalks or cut the shoots into cuttings to plant a new plant.
- Growing basil from cuttings from the previous bush. Side shoots or tops from an existing basil bush (or from a market bought one) are placed in water for 1-2 weeks to give roots, and then planted in pots. After about half a month, it will be possible to cut the first greens. Such a bush will serve you 3-4 months.
- Growing a new basil bush from seeds. When planted from seed, a basil bush will take 8-12 months to fully develop, but it will also provide you with fresh herbs for much longer than basil grown from cuttings.
Growing Basil from Seed: Basic Steps
In principle, any variety of basil is suitable for growing in pots, but as a rule, low-growing bunch-forming varieties are chosen.
Initial containers may be small pots, plastic buckets or cups. Then, some time after the basil has several true leaves, the plants will need to be carefully transplanted into large containers without damaging the roots. To avoid this procedure, it is better to immediately plant the seeds in liter pots.
The soil must be fertile, light, with high water permeability. You can use humus mixed with coconut fiber in a ratio of 1: 2, you can take a mixture of garden soil with ready-made fully decomposed compost, you can prepare soil from 1 part of humus and 2 parts of peat, which is then shed with a solution of mineral fertilizers (1/8 teaspoon of urea , potassium sulfate and superphosphate per 1 liter of water). And do not forget about drainage - it is mandatory for basil. Therefore, before filling the containers with soil, pour a layer of expanded clay, broken brick or polystyrene 2-3 centimeters high to the bottom.
Before planting, basil seeds are soaked for two hours in a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are planted in prepared moist soil to a depth of 1 centimeter at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other and covered with cling film or a bag that is not removed until the shoots.
The optimum temperature for germination of basil seeds is from 22°C to 28°C, in such conditions the first shoots will appear in 5-8 days.
Pots with young plants are immediately placed in a warm, bright place and watered regularly. It is recommended to water the basil in the morning once a day (on very hot summer days you can water it twice - in the morning and in the afternoon) with water at room temperature. It will not be superfluous to spray the plants with water from time to time (in the summer you can do this daily).
Basil is native to the subtropics, so it cannot survive without heat and light. In order for the basil to grow, bush and branch, the air temperature on your windowsill must be at least 20 ° C (or even better 25 ° C), and the sun should shine at least 3-4 hours a day. Basil is afraid of drafts.
In pots with mature plants, loosen the soil every two or three days to enrich it with oxygen. If the soil for growing basil was not particularly fertile, once a month the bushes need to be fed. Universal fertilizers based on organic compost or gummates are excellent for top dressing.
After 1.5 months, you will start picking off the first spicy leaves from the side shoots. Subsequently, when cutting greens, leave at least three leaves on the stem - new side shoots will begin to develop in their axils. When the bush has grown enough, it will be possible to pinch the top so that it grows in breadth.
Best time to grow basil in pots
Basil can of course be grown indoors all year round, but its heightened sensitivity to heat and light will require you to put in extra effort during the fall/winter period.
It may be necessary to wrap the pots in clear plastic wrap to keep out drafts and keep them warm in autumn and winter.