How to dutch oven someone

Dutch oven Definition & Meaning

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a heavily constructed kettle with a close-fitting lid, used for pot roasts, stews, etc.

a metal utensil, open in front, for roasting before an open fire.

a brick oven in which the walls are preheated for cooking.



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Origin of Dutch oven

First recorded in 1760–70

Words nearby Dutch oven

Dutchman's-pipe, Dutch mattress, Dutch medicine, Dutch metal, Dutch New Guinea, Dutch oven, Dutch Reformed, Dutch Reformed Church, Dutch rise, Dutch rush, Dutch settle

Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022


What else does

Dutch oven mean?

In cooking, a Dutch oven is a type of heavy pot with a lid.

But in slang, a Dutch oven is when you pass gas in bed and pull the covers over someone else’s head, trapping it in like a Dutch oven traps heat. 

How is Dutch oven pronounced?

[ duhch uhvuhn ]

​Where does

Dutch oven come from?​

The flatulent prank of the Dutch oven takes its name from an actual cooking device called a Dutch oven. This is a large metal pot kept hot on a stove or in the oven by placing coals on its tight-fitting lid. The term Dutch oven has been recorded since the 1700s (though the cooking technique is itself older). In 2005, the Dutch oven was named the Official State Cooking Implement of Texas. (Don’t laugh, now.)

In the early 1900s, Dutch oven was used as slang for the mouth (e.g., Shut your Dutch oven!). National Lampoon magazine described the current Dutch oven—trapping a fart under the covers of a bed—in 1974 as the kind of stunt a guy might pull on his little brother. Other sources describe Dutch ovening your significant other or even yourself.

It’s not clear exactly when the gassy gag came to be known as a Dutch oven, but the name appears to compare the blanket to the lid of a Dutch oven and the fart as the, um, scent of cooking. (Gross.)

How is

Dutch oven used in real life?

A 2001 book, The Girl Code, dubbed the Dutch oven an important “boundary to maintain” in a relationship, underscoring just how much  not everyone appreciates the joke. The slang Dutch oven can be a noun or verb, and, as a term (not to mention practice), appears in potty humor.

my dad dutch ovened my little brother so bad that he started bawling 😂😂😂

— Emily Nelson (@em_nellie) April 28, 2014

And of course, plenty of cooks widely and earnestly refer to Dutch ovens in culinary contexts.

Hubby is throwing down for Mother's Day. Got some ribs on the grill, black eyed peas in the instant pot and greens in the Dutch oven. 🙌🏾🙌🏾

— BlackWomenViews (@blackwomenviews) May 10, 2020


This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.

How to use Dutch oven in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for Dutch oven

Dutch oven


an iron or earthenware container with a cover used for stews, etc

a metal box, open in front, for cooking in front of an open fire

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

What does Dutch Oven mean? Dutch Oven Definition. Meaning of Dutch Oven.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to flatulate, fart, pass gas':

  • cut a melon
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • *ss blast
Definitions include: instance of flatulence.
  • bust *ss
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • queif
Definitions include: misspelling of queef.
  • break wind
Definitions include: to flatulate.
  • Arkansas barking spider
Definitions include: a metaphorical creature on which flatulence ("farts") can be blamed.
  • fluff
Definitions include: to have sex.
  • rip a juicy one
Definitions include: to flatulate.
  • toot
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • tear *ss
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • bake brownies
Definitions include: to flatulate.
  • snart
Definitions include: to sneeze and involuntarily, simultaneously flatulate.
  • let one
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • bake
Definitions include: to flatulate.
  • tear arse
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
  • (show 45 more)

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'dutch':

  • Dutch f*ck
Definitions include: to titty-fuck.
  • Dutch wife
Definitions include: an instrument used for masturbation.
  • go Dutch
Definitions include: to go on a date and pay for one's self, rather than the other person paying.
  • in Dutch
Definitions include: in trouble.
  • play little Dutch boy
Definitions include: Playing Dutch boy
  • speak Dutch
Definitions include: to vomit.

Other terms relating to 'oven':

  • have a bun in the oven
Definitions include: to be pregnant.
  • oven
Definitions include: a gun, esp. a pistol.
  • oven dodger
Definitions include: a Jewish person. Derogatory
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📖 Dutch oven recipes - how to cook at home

Dutch wild goose pate

2880 min. 180 min. 10-12 servings

Dutch Wild Goose Pate

Strasbourg foie gras made famous by Remarque and his Arc de Triomphe. This dish is still considered a delicacy in Germany, France, Czechoslovakia and England. For cooking, the liver of poultry was used. Wild goose liver pate is a rarity. The liver of one bird weighs about 60-70 grams. It turns out that you need to get and have at your disposal a lot of geese in order to complete such a masterpiece. But, having a couple of carcasses, you can make an amazing delicacy from the most tender goose meat that is on the breast, and add the liver that is there for a piquant touch. In addition to the products, for cooking you will need tin molds in which the pate, foil and a food processor or a powerful vertical blender will be baked. nine0005


French-style stewed bear kidneys

180 min. 50 min. 4-6 portions

French-style stewed bear kidneys

French-style kidneys cooked very tasty. The process is simple but requires certain ingredients. It is not recommended to replace or exclude any products so as not to impair the final taste of a gourmet dish. nine0005


Deer Steak

60 min. 30 min. 4 servings

Proper deer steak

The combination of meat and fire is a surefire way to get delicious food. However, grilling steaks can ruin an excess of marinade or cutting too thin. We have prepared for you a recipe for the right deer steaks. nine0005

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White salmon steak with baby potatoes

25 min. 1-2

Nelma steak with baby potatoes

Grilled nelma steak with a simple side dish and fragrant pesto sauce is a sumptuous dish, very simple and effective, which you will spend less than 30 minutes to prepare.

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Greek salad with taimen

30 min. 4-6

Greek Taimen Salad

This delicious and healthy salad is quick and easy to make. Suitable for non-strict fasting and diet menu. All preparations - fish, salad mix and dressing - can be stored separately in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.


Thai style duck skewers

120 min. 30 min. 6-8 servings

Thai Duck Skewers

These skewers are great because they are cooked at home in a regular frying pan. The secret ingredient is lemongrass stalks as skewers. Lemongrass will provide an Asian flavor to the dish. If you can only buy a finely chopped plant, put 2-3 tablespoons in the marinade. Pre-tie the lemongrass crumbs in cheesecloth, and remove from the marinade before cooking. nine0005

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

Tartlets baked with smoked fish

30 min. 6-8

Tartlets baked with smoked fish

Hot smoked fish is good on its own, on sandwiches, with potatoes. And also as an ingredient in a delicious, mouth-watering hot appetizer! nine0005


Hare cutlets stuffed with peaches with sweet and sour sauce

40-50 min. 2

Peach-stuffed hare patties with sweet and sour sauce

Fluffy patties with a sweet secret - a must try! In addition to a hare, you can use a rabbit.

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Roe Deer Salad

60 min. 20 min. 8

Roe deer tenderloin salad

This light dietary salad can be eaten for breakfast, giving you a boost of energy and a healthy dose of vitamins for the whole day.

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Whitefish pie with onion base

220 min. 14-16

Whitefish pie on an onion base

Do you think that making a chic pie is for the elite? Not at all, and now we will convince you of this!

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Nutria in chili sauce

75 min. nine0007 4-6 servings

Coypu in chili sauce

Dietary nutria meat is considered more valuable in the West than turkey, rabbit meat and even veal. It is sold at higher prices and is recommended for use in chronic metabolic and vascular diseases. Even interior fat is useful, unlike pork and beef, it does not increase cholesterol and does not harm the body. At the same time, nutria meat cooks quickly, remaining tender and juicy.


Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

Roe deer kebab

240 min. 60 min. 12-14

Roe deer kebab

To make a kebab, you need to follow the steps of our recipe and follow three rules. First, lard must be added to lean minced meat. Secondly, it is most convenient to mold products with hands moistened with water. Then the products will turn out dense and will not fall apart during cooking. Third - wooden skewers must be held in water for at least an hour.


Cranberry Goose Pate

60 min. nine0007 60 min. 5-6 servings

Cranberry Goose Pate

Goose is not lean meat, but it is recommended for nutrition due to its beneficial mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids and is a healthy food. In addition to protein, goose meat contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

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African red deer

320 min. 8 servings

African Red Deer

If you like West African cuisine, you can add a little unrefined palm oil and tamarind fruit.


Baked perch auha with vegetables

90 min. nine0007 4-6

Baked auha perch with vegetables

The super-exclusive auha perch has been revered in China for centuries. Differs in impressive dimensions - the average weight of the carcass reaches 8 kilograms. In Russia, practically, it is not imported. However, our customers got the opportunity to taste an exotic delicacy!


Braised mallard with wild berries

60 min. nine0007 60 min. 6-8

Wild berry stewed mallard

Mallard is a rare delicacy even among hunters. This small duck is shy and nimble. It is prepared very quickly, its tender meat does not need to be marinated, just hold it in cold water.

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish. nine0005

Sweet potato and bison roast

40 min. 6

Sweet Potato & Bison Roast

The combination of crispy sweet potatoes with vegetables, lean bison and perfectly matched spices will delight the most demanding gourmet. The recipe is for 6 servings.


Sicilian pasta with octopus

30 min. 6-8

Sicilian pasta with octopus

Octopus is loved not only by seafood lovers, but also by Italian cuisine fans. After all, Italy is famous for pizza, panna cotta, light salads and many types of pastas, of which a large part of the assortment is prepared with shrimp, squid, fish and octopus.


Sea urchin caviar with quick noodles

50 min. 8

Sea urchin caviar with quick noodles

Do not be embarrassed by the fact that in the proposed recipe, sea urchin caviar is used not only for sauce, but also raw. According to gourmets, this is the right choice for lovers of Japanese cuisine!


Salad with sturgeon and black caviar

30 min. 4 servings

Salad with sturgeon and black caviar

Spectacular and healthy salad of sturgeon with black caviar will be a surprise for any occasion. Suitable for the most important celebration and, of course, will be remembered by everyone invited.


Italian boar stew

165 min. nine0007 6 servings

Italian boar stew

Wild boar stew is the traditional name for an Italian meat sauce used primarily as a dressing for pasta. In any case, you will get a restaurant-level dish that is perfect for treating guests or a group of friends.

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish. nine0005

Mexican black grouse

60 min. 4 servings

Mexican spicy black grouse

This Mexican recipe will appeal to fans of spicy dishes, because there is a lot of chili, and besides, the cooking time takes only an hour. The combination of hot pepper and cumin is guaranteed to provide a spicy taste and exciting sensations. Chili should be chopped as small as possible, so that later it is more evenly distributed. And apples need to choose crispy, unsweetened varieties. The acidity of apples and lemon will give a slight marinade effect and soften the top layer of grouse meat. nine0005


Moose tenderloin with mushrooms and red wine sauce

40 min. 4

Moose tenderloin with champignons and red wine sauce

The texture and taste of elk is very similar to grass-fed beef. This rather lean meat requires the addition of fat during cooking to keep the dish juicy and tender. nine0005

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Sterlet fish soup

30-40 min. 6

Diet sterlet fish soup

Sterlet soup is tasty, nutritious and at the same time low in calories. Ideal for non-strict fasting, as well as for soup diets. Maintains muscle mass due to high-quality sterlet protein and leaves a long-lasting feeling of satiety. If the topic of weight control is irrelevant for you, then you can add croutons, carrots, potatoes, and even heavy cream or cream cheese to the basic recipe. nine0005

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Horsemeat cutlets with cumin

60 min. 8

Horse meat patties with cumin

There are many ways to prepare patties. The most desirable are soft, fluffy products with a bright meat taste. These are the cutlets you can cook according to this recipe!


Taimen in cream and mushroom sauce

40 min. 2

Taimen in cream and mushroom sauce

If you like sturgeon or salmon, be sure to try taimen - it has a similar taste. This meaty, juicy fish is flawless and cooks really fast!

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish. nine0005

Rose crab meat with garlic croutons

15 min. 8

Rose crab meat with garlic croutons

Rose crab meat does not require cooking. After defrosting, it is ready. It is enough to serve it with your favorite sauces and snacks, for example, garlic croutons.


Taimen in tomato cream sauce

30 min. 4

Taimen in tomato-cream sauce

Tender, juicy, delicious taimen is prepared very quickly, however, like most Italian dishes. Leaves a lasting impression!


Maral meatballs in cream sauce

60 min. nine0007 8-10 servings

Maral meatballs in creamy sauce

Make this recipe with fruit jelly made from drooping berries. Currants or grapes will be especially well combined. If you like the cutlets to be softer, mix a little pork into the maral minced meat.


Game of Thrones Wild Turtle Pie

120 min. nine0007 6-8

Game of Thrones wild turtledove pie

Treat yourself to a feast like in medieval palaces. Make this easy turtledove pie and enjoy your Game of Thrones meal!


Wild boar goulash

60 min. 6-8

Wild boar goulash

The aroma that fills the house while preparing this dish will so excite your taste buds that you will immediately start tasting and not leave a bite!

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

Coypu and smoked game Jambalaya

60 min. nine0007 10-12

Coypu and smoked game Jambalaya

Jambalaya is a popular American dish made from a mixture of rice, vegetables and meat ingredients.


Salted smelt

130 min. 8-10

Salted smelt

Smelt is a delicious fish that smells like fresh cucumbers. It can be dried, fried and salted. There are many ways of salting, we have selected for you one of the fastest and easiest. For more, simply increase the proportions of the ingredients. nine0005


Burbot Creamy Wine Soup

60 min. 10-12

Burbot Creamy Wine Soup

We would like to bring to your attention a recipe for an exquisite burbot and vegetable soup with cream and white wine. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent and will become one of the favorites in the family!

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Reindeer roll

60 min. 4 servings

Reindeer roll

This roll cooks very quickly. Therefore, you can pamper the household on any day. If your family members enjoy the treat, then plan a dish for a festive event and surprise guests with a rare dish.

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Spicy battered char

30 min. 4

Char in spicy batter

Everyone loves fish in batter! Prepare healthy char according to this recipe and enjoy its delicate taste!

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

nine0002 Elk tenderloin roast beef

180 min. 40 min.

Elk Tenderloin Roast Beef

When your plate is a piece of art that you don't want to eat! We are preparing an elk tenderloin according to the recipe of chef Maxim Cheboksarov, a participant in the 1st Culinary Battle of the autumn season of 2021, as well as a teacher at Service Industry College No. 32 and a student trainer for WorldSkills championships. Stock up on a sharp knife and remarkable patience! nine0005

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Danubian pike-perch with spicy sauce

40 min. 6

Danube-style zander with spicy sauce

This is a universal recipe that you can use to cook any white fish. At the same time, the fewer bones in the ear, as in pike perch, the more convenient it is to enjoy the dish.

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Braised elk in red sauce

90 min. 6-8

Braised Elk in Red Sauce

With this recipe, we once again debunk the myth that game must be soaked or marinated for a long time. Follow these steps, cook fast, easy and delicious!

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Grilled salmon steaks marinated in soy and maple syrup

60 min. 15 min. 4

Grilled Salmon Steaks Marinated in Soy and Maple Syrup

This dish is made with just a few ingredients, making it a breeze to prepare in no time. And the rich taste of salmon will give you true bliss! nine0005

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Oven venison ham

180 min. 4

Oven-baked reindeer ham

You can bake delicious ham at home in the oven. Everyone can do it, and the result is a great dish for real men!

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Ask a question to Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

Mediterranean motifs for the heart, kidneys and liver of a hare

120 min. 4 servings

Mediterranean Motifs for the heart, kidneys and liver of a hare

Everyone knows about the benefits of offal, but not everyone loves kidneys or liver. In this recipe, the offal of the hare, combined with tomato sauce and mushrooms, acquires an excellent taste and retains all the necessary benefits. nine0005


Light goose soup

180 min. 8-10 servings

Easy Goose Soup

The list of ingredients in this recipe may seem long, but you will be surprised how easy the soup is to prepare. You will not need to cook all the time, in addition, you can divide the process into 2 days. On the first day, simply bake the goose, then place the meat and juices in a jar and leave in the refrigerator. On the second day, make soup. And use goose fat for a week to soak various side dishes. nine0005


Horse tongue with green peas and vegetables

560 min.

Horse tongue with green peas and vegetables

Such an unusual way of cooking horse tongue will not leave any gourmet indifferent! If you love haute cuisine and restaurant serving, our recipe will come in handy. Better stock up on groceries!

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Grilled nelma in white wine

30 min. 4 servings

Grilled nelma in white wine

A lot of words have been said about the benefits of fish. In particular, nelma is a source of light protein, unsaturated useful acids, vitamin D, iodine, selenium, fluorine, magnesium and calcium. From a culinary point of view, fish is an advantageous ingredient - it marinates quickly and cooks even faster.

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Grayling with village potatoes

40 min. 1-2

Grayling with rustic potatoes

Grayling is a very delicate fish with a delicate taste. Found in the purest taiga mountain lakes and rivers. Be sure to try this delicacy - you will be completely delighted!

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish. nine0005

Chinook salmon with vegetable garnish

15 min. 30 min. 4

Chinook salmon with vegetable garnish

Fish, herbs, vegetables and lemon juice - a classic combination not only for taste. Vitamin C helps the body absorb the valuable fatty and amino acids found in chinook salmon! nine0005


Lenok with onions and herbs in foil

80 min. 4-6

Lenok with onions and herbs in foil

Lenok fish is delicate, very pleasant in taste and juicy due to the large amount of internal fat. In order not to interrupt the original taste, use seasonings carefully - small amounts of salt, lemon and pepper will be enough. nine0005


Elk Ribs in Spicy Marinade

180 min. 6

Spicy marinated elk ribs

Juicy elk ribs stewed in a thick sauce are the perfect dish for cold winter evenings. In the same way, you can cook deer and even beef. The recipe is for 6 servings.

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Horse meat steak

20-30 min. 4

Horse meat steak

Horse meat is a hemoglobin-rich meat, in some countries it is used more often than other varieties - beef, pork, lamb. Horsemeat appetizer is very good with beer and other alcoholic drinks. One easy cooking method involves quick frying and serving with sauce. The result is a soft juicy dish. nine0005

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Spicy roast with elk in beer

60 min. 8-10 servings

Spicy Beer Elk Roast

This is a versatile roast that's great for cooking outdoors or at home. It is suitable for lunch or dinner, warm in cool weather. From drinks to such a roast, green tea or beer is recommended. nine0005

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Ask the Chef Dikoed

Our chef Alexander will answer any questions related to the preparation of dishes from wild meat and fish.

How can a Dutch oven change camping life? — Salad recipes

The traditional way to use a Dutch oven is to place varying amounts of coals under and above it and simply leave them, usually in a small hole dug specifically for that purpose. Cast iron heats up surprisingly well and distributes heat evenly, allowing you to literally bake the contents inside instead of the usual campfire grilling, pan frying, stick cooking, etc. Change the amount of coals and you can easily adjust the baking temperature. Now that you have a portable oven to cook with, amazing recipes open up for you - cornbread, cobbler, pizza, baked casseroles, fried chicken, and more. If you cook it at home in the oven, then you can cook it in the forest. nine0004

The tripod accessory defies the traditional baking method, but is actually the one I use the most. With a tripod, you simply hang the Dutch oven directly above the fire. Thus, the bottom is quite direct heating, but thanks to the cast iron and the tight lid, a lot of indirect heat is still generated inside the oven.

The first meal I ever ate from a Dutch oven was delicious tripod stew, and it's probably not a coincidence that stews are also my "old faithful" Dutch oven food. It's just so easy to toss a bunch of carrots, potatoes, celery, meat, and water into the oven, put it on the fire, relax, and wait for the stew to be done (for more simplicity, just chop up all the vegetables before you go out and the meal is literally as easy as adding water or soup base). nine0005

The Dutch oven even adds some extra fun to sitting by the fire. Instead of just looking into the fire, you can also watch the stew do its thing and stir occasionally (and taste it, of course).


Imagine any old western you've seen, and you'll probably remember the scene where a group of cowboys sit around a campfire serving beans from a pot hanging over the fire. It's easy to see why a Dutch oven gives it an old fashioned look. But the moment your campmates realize you're serving garlic pesto chicken, baked ziti, or blueberry cobbler instead of the usual hot dogs and buns, you'll erase any idea of ​​the country cowboy scene from yourself or anyone else. nine0005

The Dutch oven is certainly not a backpacking item, but for those road trips where you can recharge with cold beer and good food, there really is no reason to do without it. And trust me, there's nothing better than pouring on a bowl of delicious stew and then kicking back in your lightweight camping hammock and gently falling asleep under the stars.

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