Houses with movie theaters
Tips for Building the Perfect Home Movie Theater Room
Lee Wallender
Lee Wallender
Lee has over two decades of hands-on experience remodeling, fixing, and improving homes, and has been providing home improvement advice for over 13 years.
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Updated on 12/09/22
Reviewed by
Deane Biermeier
Reviewed by Deane Biermeier
Deane Biermeier is an expert contractor with nearly 30 years of experience in all types of home repair, maintenance, and remodeling. He is a certified lead carpenter and also holds a certification from the EPA. Deane is a member of The Spruce's Home Improvement Review Board.
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Fact checked by
Jessica Wrubel
Fact checked by Jessica Wrubel
Jessica Wrubel has an accomplished background as a writer and copy editor, working for various publications, newspapers and in public libraries assisting with reference, research and special projects. In addition to her journalism experience, she has been educating on health and wellness topics for over 15 years in and outside of the classroom.
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Vostok / Getty Images
Building a home movie theater room can often be the true endpoint of home remodeling. Once you have concluded the utilitarian work of fixing windows and installing floors, it's time to turn your attention on more critical matters: your entertainment needs.
A home movie room is not a sofa and a screen in a room. If you want to do this right, you'll want to meet some bare minimums, like controlling outside light and casting a large enough picture. Follow these tips for creating a movie room in your home.
Click Play for Tips to Build the Perfect Home Movie Room
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Make Your Movie Room a Dedicated Space
itchySan / Getty Images
A dedicated home movie room is a space solely dedicated to watching videos on a big screen.
This means that little else happens in that home movie room except for screening-related activities. And today, screening means far more than it ever did, with streaming services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu in addition to Blu-ray movies, video gaming, and conventional cable TV.
When the home movie room shares space with other activities, the cinematic experience is lessened. When the non-dedicated home theater shares open floor plan space with the kitchen, cooking sounds and smells invade. When the movie room is the living room, other people may interfere and light is difficult to control.
Spare bedrooms work fine as dedicated movie rooms. But they do need to be long enough to maintain a proper distance from the screen, especially with video projectors. At the extreme end, a projector needs roughly a 14-foot throw distance in order to cast a 150-inch diagonal picture, though short-throw projectors are available.
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Control Ambient Light
imaginima / Getty Images
Ambient light is unwanted light.
Ambient light means light from sources outside of the movie room, like light coming from windows, under and around doors, and from artificial light within the room.
With most home remodeling, you're always trying to add more natural light. Home movie rooms are spaces where you want to do the exact opposite. You want less light, not more.
Light-bleed kills video projection images. Even flat screens, which are far brighter, benefit from lower room lighting.
On the video projector side, you will need a projector with a high lumens rating if you have some ambient light that you cannot control. But the best way to deal with ambient light is simply to stop it before it starts, by choosing a space that already has little light, such as a basement. If you cannot do this, limit the light with light-blocking curtains and shades.
With its multitude of flashing and static light displays, your movie room's A/V stack is often the main source of ambient light. Building a closed-off, ventilated A/V room will take care of all of that unwanted light.
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Control Ambient Sound
Beyhes Evren / Getty Images
Ambient sound is the unwanted sound coming from outside of your home movie room. Even if you do manage to find a dedicated space for your home theater, sounds from outside of that space often ruin the viewing experience.
The dishwasher, clothes washers and dryers, people in other rooms, kitchen noises, plumbing noises, and sounds from outside the house are just a few examples of ambient sounds that can crash in and destroy your home theater's audio.
Establishing a dedicated space is the first step to controlling outside noise. But you do need to take it a few steps beyond that:
- Soundproof your room by adding a second layer of drywall or replacing it with special sound-reducing foam or wallboard like QuietRock.
- Replace your hollow-core doors with solid doors.
- Put up thicker curtains that both block light and absorb sound.
- Seal cracks with caulk.
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Build a Proper A/V Component Rack
Kypros / Getty Images
The audio-visual component rack, or A/V rack, is the central point for your source components. Consider the A/V rack to be the central brain that controls all entertainment-related activities in the movie room.
Source components such as a Blu-ray player, cable box, network media streaming box (like Roku), and home theater tuner will operate from here.
The A/V rack (or stack) must be located near an electric outlet and you should be able to bring in an Ethernet source wire for a reliable, unbroken connection. It may not be best to put the A/V rack components on a GFCI outlet unless required by electrical code.
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Properly Ventilate A/V Rack
Zoonar/N.Okhitin / Getty Images
The A/V component rack should be well-ventilated since components create heat and can be damaged if the heat build-up is excessive.
Metal A/V racks are available for purchase that are open-air in front and back. You can build your own A/V rack, as well.
The rack needs to be sturdy enough to hold the electronics. It also should be open in front, back, and even the sides, if possible. Use a metal grid as a platform for the electronic devices to promote ventilation.
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Make the Movie Room Look Like a Cinema
Michael Robinson / Getty Images
What is your vision of a home movie room? For some homeowners, it's the classic movie theater with red velvet walls, sconce lights, tiered seating, and a popcorn maker.
Older commercial theaters have sloped floors and contemporary ones have elaborate, steeply tiered seating.
Home cinema seat tiering is relatively simple to build with a framework of joists of 2x6 or 2x8 boards set on edge. Three-quarter inch interior grade plywood forms the top, and carpeting goes on top of the plywood.
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Plan a Robust, Flexible Lighting System
imaginima / Getty Images
Cinema light control means the ability to turn lights on and off or to graduate that light within the cinema space.
Soffits, rope lights, dimmers, and recessed lights form the backbone of many owner-built home movie rooms. Soffits are long trays near the ceiling that run around the room's perimeter and are often inlaid with rope lights.
Small recessed lights may be added to the bottoms of the soffits or in the ceiling to shine downward to form the classic home theater look. Keep the majority of these lights behind the viewer to avoid degrading the viewing experience.
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Limit Reflective Objects
Anything that isn't the screen itself and which reflects light back at the viewer should be minimized or avoided.
This means that your paint should be kept to flatter sheens, preferably matte or flat. Shiny doorknobs, hinges, light fixtures, recessed light trim kits, countertops, heating registers, and fireplace inserts should all be avoided in the crucial zone between the screen and the viewer.
If you do have reflective objects, consider reducing their shininess by spray-painting them with dark-colored matte paint.
With outlet and light switch wall covers, lightly sand them with fine-grit sandpaper to reduce the glossiness, then clean them off well. Follow with two light coats of matte spray paint.
An even easier idea is to sand the wall covers and not paint them. Sanding removes the visually troublesome gloss.
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Plan for Proper Viewing and Seating
John Edward Linden / Getty Images
No one in the movie room should have their view of the screen blocked or be too close or too far away. Tiered seating is a true luxury and one that can only be accomplished in a dedicated cinema space. The problem of blockage is solved by raising rear seats on a platform. Even a modest 6-inch boost can be enough to clear the sight lines.
Distance from the screen is determined by room size in conjunction with the size of the picture you want to display. For flat-screen TVs, your small converted bedroom space might be able to accommodate up to a 55-inch screen before the closest row of viewers begins to feel overwhelmed.
Seating does not need to be specialty home theater seats costing thousands. Any comfortable seat that faces forward, without a high back to obstruct viewers behind you, will do the job.
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Control Sound Within the Home Movie Room
Mint Images / Getty Images
Home theater audio bounces around the walls, ceiling, and flooring. Limiting that bounce is key to achieving the perfect home movie room sound.
- Even if wall-to-wall carpeting isn't your thing, you'll love it for your home theater since it reduces audio-bounce.
- Draperies and other soft materials can be installed on the walls.
- Soft, cushiony seating absorbs sound better than furniture with hard elements.
- Picture frames with glass bounce back sound. Consider framing those pictures and posters without glass.
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Plan for the Flow of Signals
Lex20 / Getty Images
Your entertainment experience depends on the flow of data.
This data is carried by wires and through the air.
The days of the entirely self-contained home theater are gone. You may retain your Blu-ray player to show discs.
Still, more and more entertainment is delivered through hard-wired connections and Wi-Fi signals. Wires need to be hidden as much as possible. Wires that extend to the front and sides of the home movie room can be hidden in the soffits. Some home theater audio systems throw signals to the speakers wirelessly.
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Add a Drop-Down Movie Screen
itchySan / Getty Images
If you have a video projector, one perk is that you can tuck the screen away when you are finished watching your show. Flatscreen TVs, on the other hand, cannot be hidden away.
Movie screens can be manually lowered and raised. Or you can invest in an electric movie screen that lowers and raises at the touch of a button.
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Keep Your Home Movie Room Simple
onurdongel / Getty Images
Avoid the temptation to load up your home movie room with curios and tchotchkes near the screen.
You may have purchased those movie posters at auction and want to display them, but they are only a distraction when they are mounted near the screen.
Where can you display your vintage movie posters? In the back of the movie room, where they aren't visual distractions.
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Suspend the Projector
domin_domin / Getty Images
To protect your expensive video projector purchase, suspend it from the ceiling rather than placing it on a flat surface. Generic suspension kits are available that attach to most video projectors.
Projector suspension mounts have gimbals that allow you to tilt the projector to perfectly fit the image on the screen.
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Use a Dark Paint for Walls and Ceiling
EricVega / Getty Images
Home movie room lighting can be controlled by using dark-colored paint for the walls.
Home movie rooms even benefit from darker ceilings near the screen. White is usually the color recommended for ceilings because it reflects maximum light.
But with home movie rooms, light reflection is not desirable. So, consider toning down the color of the ceiling with a gray or another neutral paint color.
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Close Up Windows
alexey_ds / Getty Images
Consider closing up windows. Transforming a window into a wall is the ultimate way to block light and sound transmission from the exterior.
Your room may have certain egress requirements that prevent you from closing up all of the windows in the room. Check with your local permitting department.
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Epson Projector Throw Distance Simulator. Epson.
Almubarak, Adel Ahmed. The Effects of Heat on Electronic Components. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, vol.
7, no. 5, 2017, pp. 52–57. doi:10.9790/9622-0705055257
Top 6 Outer Banks Vacation Homes with Theater Rooms
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It rained!
So you’re finally on vacation on the Outer Banks. And…it’s raining…with gray skies and wind. What’s a family to do? Patience you must have, young Padawan. Look no further if you are a family that chose an OBX vacation home with an awesome theater room. With over 185 vacation homes with theater rooms, we have just what you need to turn a dreary day on Kamino into a cinematic adventure.
Our Favorite Theater Rooms Star Wars OBX Gallery
Create A New Tradition
In addition to an entertainment option for foul-weather days, theater rooms are a fun way to get everyone to watch a movie together with all the comforts of home. Imagine creating a new vacation tradition with an annual viewing of a classic. — Perhaps, one of our personal favorites, Star Wars. You’ll have the little ones quoting, “I am your father!” for years to come!
Vader’s Vacation Pro-Tip
Theater rooms are not just offered in the homes with the highest bedroom count, or in the newest neighborhoods. You can refine your search on our website and find vacation homes with theater rooms located throughout the OBX, from Nags Head to the 4X4 beaches, in a variety of price ranges. Take a look at some of our favorites below!
Summer Winds (Nh4535)
Summer Winds (Nh4535)
Nags Head
No admission tickets are necessary to enter this epic movie theater! Summer Winds provides a complete movie theater experience, with leather reclining seats, cupholders, cinema carpeting, and a large projector screen. Whether you’re a casual movie-watcher or a film buff, this home theater is sure to impress.
Aphrodite (KD1627)
Aphrodite (KD1627)
Kill Devil Hills
Aphrodite is a beautiful 24-bedroom oceanfront home in Kill Devil Hills with a theater room that is perfect for a large group, with seating for up to 21. The theater room is located on the lower level and has a spacious and comfortable sectional couch for those wanting to kick back and relax. There are also additional rows of theater-style seating. The last row offers a countertop area to enjoy refreshments while watching a movie. It’s a nice feature to have so you don’t have to balance your food on your lap. There is a kitchenette on the lower level nearby for you to grab a drink or make popcorn to enjoy while screening flicks!
The Pineapple House (B270)
The Pineapple House (B270)
The Pineapple House’s theater room is complete with a projector, overstuffed armchairs and couch, and movie posters from all the family classics. It’s a cozy retreat to curl up and enjoy a flick with your favorite candy, popcorn, and beverage! This home has 9 bedrooms, so it’s great at accommodating a mid-size family gathering.
Heavens to Betsy (ER011)
Heavens to Betsy (ER011)
The luxurious theater room in Heavens to Betsy is fit for a queen…Queen Amidala, that is. With a mixture of seating, the family can choose between spreading out on the plush couch or kicking back in a traditional movie theater seat. The vintage spotlights and Art Deco carpets transport moviegoers back to the rise of the motion picture industry — a beautifully understated touch!
Sound to Sea Beach Club (EC3)
Sound to Sea Beach Club (EC3)
Everything about Sound to Sea Beach Club has the “wow” factor and the theater room is no exception. Enter the three-tiered theater room through two sliding barn doors to be impressed by the four lavish side by side fine leather recliners on each tier. A popcorn machine and a candy machine sits on either side of the projection screen. The high-quality projector has Blue-Ray, Netflix, access to other apps, and a surround sound system which continues to make this vacation home a guest favorite.
Dreams (P190)
Dreams (P190)Corolla
Dreams offers a theater room as unique as the rest of this eccentric home. Nestled into the last lot before the 4×4 beaches, this 8-bedroom home offers amazing views and surprises around every corner. Cozy up in the theater room’s oversized recliners and comfy floor chairs for your favorite movie or sports game. The theater room seats nine and has its own half bathroom and wet bar with a microwave and a beverage fridge for your convenience.
Select the perfect Outer Banks vacation home with a theater room, turn off the lights, relax and enjoy the show!
For more vacation ideas, check out what Chewie, Vader, and FN-2187 enjoy doing on the Outer Banks…
Twiddy Marketing
May 04, 2022
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How to make a home theater - with your own hands in an apartment or house, what you need for organization, ideas and drawings
Watching a movie in a cinema is more exciting than watching TV at home: the screen and sound immerse you in the atmosphere of the plot. But, often this is simply impossible or problematic, so a home theater is the best way out.
We make a home cinema at home
Requirements for the premises
It is better to include the presence of a cinema in the layout of the house at the construction stage, because the equipment is connected to the network, and the elements are connected to each other. If there is a repair in the house or apartment, it is necessary to allocate a special place or a separate room at the planning stage. If the premises have already been renovated, wireless solutions, cable channels and other solutions are the way out. nine0003
Mounted in the wall or hidden in a box, the wires will look much more aesthetically pleasing. To isolate sound, it is recommended to lay soundproofing material in the wall, and place a special carpet on the floor. If you plan to use a projector, and not a TV, an appropriate place is allocated for it, the distance from the screen to the projector, a right angle, and the convenience of the audience are calculated.
A living room or other room 6 x 4 m is suitable for a home theater. It is worth considering lighting, transforming furniture that can be placed for receiving guests and watching movies. nine0003
Equipment needed
Home theater supplies:
- projector;
- projector screen;
- sound system;
- computer or player;
- window filters.
There are two types of projectors:
- DLP. They have rich colors.
- LCD. Do not let your eyes get tired quickly.
They have a low price, the right screen resolution and image quality, including contrast, brightness and saturation. To get a high-quality picture, it is better to buy products with a resolution of 1280 × 720 pixels. nine0003
A special screen is better for a projector. On our website, there are screens with an electric drive, built-in, widescreen, etc. They purchase tension or roll models. The first product is more durable, but it will not be possible to constantly remove it to free up space. Roll products are more convenient, but they should be handled with care due to the characteristics of the material. You can save money by painting the wall white with a matte or special screen-paint, with which the picture will look clear and bright. nine0003
The sound system in the home is selected for a specific room in order to achieve surround sound. Here are speaker systems that will not only provide high-quality sound, but will also be in harmony with the interior. They are placed in niches or left in plain sight.
It is important that extraneous noise does not interfere with watching a movie, so the room is isolated. Carpets on the floor in the apartment will not only protect against the discontent of the neighbors, but also improve the acoustics.
A computer will be needed to control the projector, turn the movie on or off, and so on. In order for the image to be of high quality, they select the correct type of connection between the projector and the computer. nine0003
To watch movies whenever you want, and not just in the evening, you should curtain the windows. Special light filters are an optional condition, but they protect against excess light better than other devices and take up a minimum of space.
Schematics and drawings
Here are the wiring diagrams for appliances.
This drawing shows how to connect the hardware correctly.
And here is how to set up a home theater by placing furniture and appliances. nine0003
Step-by-step plan of action
To create a high-quality home theater with your own hands, follow this sequence.
Stage 1 . Place the equipment correctly. Speakers are placed at the same distance, 2-3 meters from the viewer at head level; the center speaker is directed towards the audience. All elements of the sound system are recommended to be placed at head level, and not placed on the floor or higher. The subwoofer sits alongside the front speakers, while the rear speakers sit behind or above your head. nine0003
Correct placement of equipment is possible when there are enough cables. It is recommended to use HDMI as a universal and modern standard for wired information transfer. HDMI oriented equipment eliminates the need to purchase and position additional adapters and converters.
The distance between the screen and the viewer is 2-3 m. If the projector is not fixed to the ceiling, but placed on a cabinet, it is provided with ventilation, since the product is very hot. nine0003
Stage 2 . Set up sound. Modern models automatically adjust the sound after starting the microphone. If there is no such function, you can independently set the volume using the noise meter. It is worth testing the system by playing music or a movie clip. The necessary settings are achieved using the equalizer or by turning off the dynamic control. If the subwoofer was bought separately, it is also tuned - there is a crossover that controls the volume and frequencies.
Stage 3 . Connect the equipment correctly. It is recommended to use AV receivers with a large number of inputs and outputs. They often use HDMI ports, acoustic outputs. To connect correctly, you should check the diagrams in the manual. Connectors must also be clearly marked.
Common rookie mistakes
The main problem with a home theater setup is that the system doesn't sound the same in the store and at home after it's fully connected. The novice owner, who has never built a home theater before, realizes that the purchase is not pleasant and does not live up to expectations. This is due to a different reflection of sound waves in the room. When listening to the system for the first time in a store, the owner is happy with everything, but creating a home theater is more difficult than expected. nine0003
When it is better to entrust the work to specialists
Installation of a cinema by professionals is necessary when the owner wants to equip a room specifically for watching movies, plans to purchase an expensive system.
The work of the personnel will help to avoid expenses and mistakes, and the specialists will determine the required type of connection, sound power, and adjust its correct display in a particular room.