Homemade squirrel repellents

Homemade Squirrel Repellent Recipe 🐿️

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Last week I showed you How To Make A Fall Corn Garland.  In that post, a reader innocently asked if the squirrels around the house would try to eat the corn.

Squirrels, what squirrels?

We do have plenty of chipmunks running around here, but I have had corn stalks on my porch off and on for YEARS and I never had a problem with those cute little guys eating my fall displays. Never once.

The chipmunks and I are buddies. Amigos. BFFs.

And as for squirrels, I have never seen a single squirrel in the yard. Ever.

Table Of Contents

Well not until Susie mentioned squirrels in her comment and then all of a sudden I see one of those stupid furry little rats with big tails poking around my porch.

Darn you Susie, you jinxed me!

But here's the kicker, I think the squirrel came up on the porch to give a seminar to the chipmunks on how to eat corn or something.

Corn Eating 101 taught by Skippy The Squirrel.

The little guys were very well behaved until Mr. Squirrel showed up on the scene and now I'm down 3 ears of corn!. And I know it was the chipmunks because I saw one scurrying out of the cornstalks when I opened the back door.

So I searched online and tried a few concoctions and theories and came up with a homemade squirrel repellent that seems to be working on both the squirrels and the chipmunks.

Of course, there's always the shovel over the head remedy, but I try very hard not to hurt other living creatures. Besides we USED to be friends.

Oh, and BTW, the squirrel in these photos is the stuffed squirrel my son bought at an antique mall a few months ago. He's long dead, probably 50 years dead, so it's not like I killed Skippy to make some pretty photos or anything.

How To Make Homemade Squirrel Repellent

Disclaimer: Please don’t be silly and spray this stuff in your eyes or face. It is a pepper based spray and it is HOT!

Others uses for Squirrel Repellent:

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(my dead stuffed squirrel agrees, use your common sense when using this and keep it away from your face)

Using Squirrel Repellent In The Garden

Besides keeping them off my fall decor, it is also good for using in your garden. Just spray the plants and flowers you want the squirrels to stay away from (it won't harm the plants and flowers). You may need to reapply after heavy rains as it would tend to wash away.

Now if this homemade squirrel repellent would just work on snakes too, I'd be all set!

What are some companion plants for your garden to repel squirrels?

There are some plants that squirrels just do not like to be around. By planting these in the garden you have a better chance of keeping the squirrels and chipmunks away. And they are a nice organic solution to the problem.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the BEST way to repel squirrels?

Well, my homemade squirrel repellent obviously, but I'll list some alternatives.

Dogs and Cats - Not that they will be able to chase off every single squirrel in the yard, but the more your animals run around in the backyard the less you'll see squirrel activity. You can even go as far as to take some pet hair and place it around your vegetables and plants to keep the squirrels away.

Alternative Foods - You can always try to feed the squirrels in another part of your yard and hope it keeps them from wanting to eat your good stuff in the other part of the yard. Have you seen those cute little squirrel picnic benches?

Netting - Surround your plants with netting, similar to what you would do to keep birds from eating berries.

Chicken Wire - Create a tent of chicken wire around smaller plants or enclose the whole garden area in chicken wire.

Cover The Ground - Putting gravel in the beds (similar to what you would use in a gravel driveway) may deter them as they won't enjoy walking on it.

Tin Foil - Put a layer of tin foil around the base of plants and in flower pots. The reflection from the tin foil scares off squirrels and they won't like stepping on the foil. This remedy can get a bit expensive if you use it for the entire garden though.

Decoys - Buy fake cat silhouettes or fox decoys to stake out in the garden to scare them off.

What scent will repel squirrels?

Spicy things like my squirrel repellent above.  You can also grind up some chili pepper flakes and spread them around the base of the plants.



Predator urine - you can buy coyote urine in a spray bottle online if you don't want to follow your dog around the back yard in the morning

Cider Vinegar - soak rags in cider vinegar and lay in the garden


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Keeping Squirrels Away - 7 Homemade Squirrel Repellent Tips and Recipes

Have you ever found a squirrel trying to get into your bird feeders or vegetable garden? Have you ever tried keeping the chipmunks out of your trash cans? If you’ve attempted to get rid of them, you’ve likely discovered that they run away from you quickly.

When they do run away, you’ll have to find a solution to keep them out of your bird feeders and gardens indefinitely. If you’re wondering how to keep the squirrels away, have you thought about making a homemade squirrel repellent to deter them?

When dealing with animals like squirrels, you’ll want to avoid using chemical-based products, as they contain chemicals and pesticides have the potential to harm chipmunks. Therefore you should use natural recipes to shoo them away. Learn how to create your natural squirrel repellent with our tips and tricks.




Table Of Contents

  1. Amazingly Easy-to-Make Squirrel Repellent Recipes & Tips
    • Natural Squirrel Repellent Pepper Spray
    • All-Natural DIY Squirrel Deterrent
    • Squirrel Repellent to Keep Chipmunks out of the Garden
    • DIY Squirrel Deterrent: Grease for Bird Feeders
    • Homemade Squirrel Repellent Using Hot Sauce
    • Homemade Squirrel Baffle
    • Squirrel Repellent using Mothballs
    • Recipe for Homemade Squirrel Repellent

Many of these home remedies are not only effective for getting rid of squirrels but they also keep chipmunks away. Taking care of more than one type of pest with a single solution is always a great idea.

Natural Squirrel Repellent Pepper Spray

Learning how to make homemade squirrel repellent can be a challenging task, especially if you don’t have the proper ingredients. Luckily, this pepper spray squirrel deterrent and homemade chipmunk repellent will do the trick.


Pepper Spray Squirrel Repellent Recipe


Boil the water and add all ingredients to the pot. Stir the mixture for approximately 30 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the liquid cool. Once the combination is at room temperature, strain it so that the vegetables separate and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the hot pepper spray on and around surfaces you’d like the squirrels to stay away.

All-Natural DIY Squirrel Deterrent

Powdered squirrel deterrents can be useful, especially in hard to reach places. These types of DIY squirrel repellents are also the best solution to ensuring chipmunks stay away from your bird feeders.


Powder Squirrel Repellent Recipe


Mix equal parts of each spice and sprinkle the flakes in areas you want to keep out the squirrels. We suggest you mix the repellent with your bird seed. Doing this will prevent the squirrels from eating the food, as they do not like anything that tastes spicy.

Sprinkling spices over the bird food does not harm the birds in any way; in fact, birds do not have taste buds that transmit heat. The powder-like repellent will only add flavor to their sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, or other sources of food to help them taste better.

Squirrel Repellent to Keep Chipmunks out of the Garden

Squirrels start to prepare for winter hibernation during the fall season, which means that you need to get on top of your pest control home remedies during the late summer months.

Chipmunks usually search for bulbs and other seeds in your garden when they’re in preparation mode, which means you’ll have to break out a good squirrel repellent recipe.

Mix a few drops of detergent or dish soap with a few tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Once you’ve maintained the right fluid consistency, pour the mixture around the yard as a way to keep squirrels out of your garden.

DIY Squirrel Deterrent: Grease for Bird Feeders

Squirrels enjoy eating at bird feeders just as much as the birds do, and it’s not so easy to find squirrel-proof bird feeders to purchase. Instead, place the bird feeder that you already own on a tall metal pole.

Use cooking grease, like Crisco, to coat the pole. If you lather on the right amount of oil, squirrels will have a hard time climbing up the pole to get to the bird seed.

They’ll likely slip down the pole with the greasy like substance all over their feet. Because the active ingredient in cooking grease is difficult to remove from their feet, they will not attempt to climb the Crisco lathered pole again.

Though this is an excellent trick to keeping squirrels away from bird feeders, keep in mind that, if ingested, cooking oils can harm cats and dogs. Be careful of where you apply it.

Homemade Squirrel Repellent Using Hot Sauce

Squirrels have a sensitivity towards spices, therefore using ingredients like hot sauce in deterrent recipes will guarantee they will flee.


DIY Squirrel Repellent Recipe


Combine all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake gently. Spray the mixture in crawl spaces, on garden patches, and anywhere else you’d like to deter squirrels. This mixture will not hurt squirrels; it will just get them away from the areas you spray.

Homemade Squirrel Baffle

You don’t want the squirrels to start treating your bird feeders like their home, and we understand that. If they begin to do this, it’s time to make a homemade squirrel baffle.

Go to your local supply store and purchase a deep plastic bowl. Cut the lip off of the container to make it difficult for squirrels to grab and cut a hole in the middle of the container. Make sure that the gap matches that on the bird feeder pole.

Cut down one side of the bowl to the center and drill holes along each side of the cut. Finally, spread the cut side and twist it over the feeder pole. Lock the baffle into place using bolts, screws, and L-brackets.

Squirrel Repellent using Mothballs

Deterring squirrels is easy, especially if you have mothballs handy. Place mothballs around your garden or flower pots if you want the squirrels to stay out. Be sure to keep these away from pets and children, as they can be very harmful if ingested.

In this squirrel repellent article, you’ve discovered how to create a DIY squirrel deterrent using ingredients from around the house like a gallon of water, cayenne pepper, hot sauce, and dish soap. Getting squirrels away from your bird feeders, garden, and flowers are now more accessible than ever before.

Recipe for Homemade Squirrel Repellent



  1. Bring the water to a boil and add onions, jalapeno, and cayenne.
  2. Reduce the heat to simmer, and stir occasionally for a half hour.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
  4. Strain the liquid only into the sprayer.
  5. Spray areas where squirrels don't belong.
  6. Repeat after it rains.


This repellent spray will also deter mice.


We hope you liked our tips and tricks for creating a great homemade squirrel repellent. If you enjoyed our natural squirrel repellent recipes, please share them on Facebook and Pinterest with your family and friends.

Overview of the street repeller of dogs, cats, squirrels EcoSniper LS-937CD

Pets are the cutest pets that delight their owners. But sometimes there are a lot of such sweetest "fluffies" or they are not at all homemade. For example, if the owners live near a forested area. For protection, effective devices are needed. For example, ultrasonic repellers EcoSniper.

Why are street dogs, cats and squirrels dangerous? Any animal, a flock can either go about their business or attack a child, an adult. Even pets released on their own become uncontrollable. And when a big dog with a bared face runs towards you, only a dog repeller will save you. nine0003

But it's clear with dogs, why do you need a cat repeller? Well, at least then, so that the site, outbuildings, warehouses are not chosen by street “murks”. Any owner knows that such a "neighborhood" is more trouble than good. Not all wild cats know how or want to catch mice and rats, but marks and remains of life leave everything without exception. At the same time, they spoil things, products. And if there is a domestic cat, then street cats simply will not let her pass.

As for squirrels, their invasion can cause great harm. Rodents easily spoil the harvest of fruit trees, shrubs, they can scare with their jumps. nine0003

The main danger of animals is that they are carriers of dangerous diseases. The skin of street animals is full of ticks, allergens, in saliva and feces, worm eggs, microbes, bacteria. The bite of the cutest squirrel, a cat can cause plague, and dogs often get rabies. The only protection is the repeller of dogs, cats and the LS-937CD protein.

When and who needs repellers

Cat, dog and squirrel repeller is a universal device that everyone needs without exception. Because these animals live both in big cities and suburban villages, suburban communities. nine0003

Model from EcoSniper LS-937CD serves as an attack prevention and direct defense. The device generates a wave that a person cannot hear, but all animals pick it up. Such ultrasound from dogs, cats and squirrels acts as a signal of direct danger, an acoustic attack.

In this case, the animals do not die, which is a big plus, but they just leave, run away. There will be no harm to animals, and people and their homes, warehouses will remain intact.

Benefits of the LS-9 Repeller37CD

EcoSniper LS-937CD ultrasonic repellers are universal outdoor devices that can eliminate danger from the local area in a short time. The devices have several advantages:

  1. One device combines a cat, dog, squirrel repeller. You do not have to buy many devices, install them and monitor the work.
  2. Easy installation. The outdoor module is fixed to the wall of the house or other vertical surface, turned on and “forgotten” about it. nine0030
  3. Harmlessness. Safe for people, the repeller does not cause any harm to unwanted animals. The ultrasonic device LS-937CD works without poisons, chemicals, so the animals do not die, but only try to get out of the source of a powerful acoustic attack as quickly as possible.

With sufficient power, EcoSniper LS-937CD ultrasonic repellers are able to protect large areas. The device emits a high-frequency signal up to 15 meters at an angle of 90 degrees. The coverage area is 200 sq. m., and if you need even more, then they buy and install 2, 3 devices.

Customers often ask, does ultrasound from dogs affect cats and squirrels? Oh sure. EcoSniper specialists have developed a device specifically for the protection of the local area. You can also buy a separate dog repeller from us, which will allow you to forget about the fear of a stray pack once and for all.

mechanical traps, ultrasonic traps and chemicals

When meeting this fluffy animal in the forest, many look at it with emotion. Funny squirrels sometimes even take a treat from their hands.

Squirrel on a tree

But if these fluffy robbers have settled in your area and started destroying the planted nuts, spoiling the fruits, tenderness disappears and irritation appears.

It is even worse when the animal settles in the house, in the attic or in another secluded corner. Then he chews on everything.

We have to figure out how to get rid of proteins on our own: we will present the most effective ways to fight in our article. nineOl000 115

  • Chemicals
  • Conclusion
    • Video: How to protect fruit trees from squirrels
  • If earlier the squirrel could only be found in the forest, now it increasingly lives next to a person, living in parks or city gardens.

    Hand-feeding squirrel

    This is a small animal, the length of which does not exceed 32 cm, most of it falls on its tail.

    This baby does not weigh more than a kilogram, but usually up to 400 g, and less during the active period. In summer it is painted in a classic red color, in winter it is noticeably darker.


    In the wild, squirrels are solitary, except during the rutting season.

    Squirrel's nest in a tree

    But sometimes in winter you can meet up to 6 individuals in the nest - this way they get less cold, warming each other.

    Forest squirrel habitats are diverse:

    1. nest built independently from branches, usually spherical;
    2. hollow - the former dwelling of a woodpecker;
    3. an empty nest of a large bird.

    Strong paws of a squirrel, equipped with sharp claws, are perfectly adapted by nature for climbing trees. No worse than a squirrel and jumps, flying along a curve up to 10 m.

    Squirrel in a jump

    When there is no snow, the animal often moves along the ground, making huge jumps up to 1 m in length.

    In winter it prefers to climb trees, sometimes not leaving the nest for a long time in bad weather. If this interval is long, it can fall into half-sleep, but not into hibernation.


    It is very diverse for squirrels and can include up to 130 different types of food, but the main component is seeds obtained from cones of coniferous trees, which are dictated by the habitat:

    If the squirrel doesn't have enough food for this, it switches to hazelnuts, fresh and dried mushrooms, occasionally acorns.

    Nut-eating squirrel

    Can eat berries, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes. It can gnaw buds and shoots of trees, severely damaging the bark.

    In the mating season and in spring, it can switch to animal food, destroying bird nests and eating their eggs, and sometimes chicks.

    In addition to insects and their larvae, it can also attack small vertebrates. The amount of feed that a squirrel needs per day is small - about 80 g during the mating season, and only 35 g in winter.

    The squirrel is very active during the day. She does not eat all the food she finds, she hides some of it in secluded corners: these are stocks for the winter.

    True, she forgets about their whereabouts very quickly, in winter she finds them only by chance. Most of the stock is eaten by other animals and birds.

    Harm to humans

    Squirrel teeth are designed in such a way that they grow constantly and require grinding. This forces the animals to gnaw on everything they meet.

    Such a feature is dangerous for humans:

    1. once settled in the house, they can gnaw through the wires, which will lead to a short circuit and a fire;
    2. the noise they make annoys the inhabitants of the house and interferes with peaceful sleep;
    3. excrement, and they can be seen in the habitats of animals, make you think about how to get rid of squirrels;
    4. Parasites and diseases that can be transmitted from furry robbers to humans pose a significant health hazard.

    Squirrels do a lot of harm at their summer cottage:

    All this makes you think about how to drive the squirrels from the site to their natural habitat.

    How to get rid of squirrels with your own hands

    You need to start the fight with humane methods. The easiest way is to simply not allow animals to enter the site.

    To do this, it should not have anything attractive to them. nine0003

    1. We'll have to remove all the branches of the trees, through which the animals can get into the attic.
    2. Do not leave acorns and fruits on the ground.
    3. Waste bins must be sealed.
    4. Bird feeders must prevent squirrels from reaching their contents.

    To prevent the animals from getting into the house, certain measures must be taken:

    If all this did not help, the fight against proteins continues with cardinal methods. nine0003

    Mechanical traps

    They are a bit like a mousetrap, but larger. The principle of operation is the same - the animal is caught on the bait.

    The cage can be made of metal, plastic or other materials, as long as they are strong enough.

    Trapped squirrel

    Size - 15x15x45 cm. It is better to take a trapped squirrel to the forest away from home so that it does not find its way to it.

    Ultrasonic repellers

    They can be either simple or combined. nine0003

    GX-033 Ultrasonic Repeller

    The former are capable of emitting only ultrasound. Secondly, in addition to it, there is a sound signal and flashes of light. They are more efficient.

    Stationary dog ​​and squirrel repeller Tornado 115

    Devices differ both in power and in price.

    1. Model Tornado 115. Actually, this device is designed to scare away dogs and cats. But with a problem with proteins, it will also help very effectively. This squirrel repeller uses 115 dB ultrasonic waves emitted from two speakers to drive the squirrel away. If the squirrels settled somewhere in your attic or shed, then you will need to find out how they get inside there. Having found out this point, the device must be placed at the beginning of the passage of the dwelling where the squirrels settled. And it is important that this facility has access to a 220 V network. Then Tornado 115 must be connected to a 220 V network and it will start dispersing unwanted squirrels. nine0030
    2. Model GX-033. Emits ultrasound, runs on batteries. Equipped with a motion sensor that activates the action of bright light flashes. Hang it at a height of approximately 1.2 m.
    3. EcoSniper Model. It operates at a distance of up to 10 m. In addition to the functions that the previous model has, it can turn on a sound siren.
    4. "Defender of the yards" model. The motion sensor is designed for 16 m. It protects an area of ​​200 square meters and is able to work both from the mains and from batteries. nine0030

    If furry pests cannot be repelled in this way, less humane chemical methods are resorted to.

    Video: Stationary dog, cat and squirrel repeller Tornado 115

    Of course, no one is going to poison animals. It is enough just to apply chemical agents that have a deterrent effect - repellents.

    They are available in various forms:

    Means are non-toxic, repel animals by smell.

    Gel repellent from the manufacturer Trixie

    The composition is usually complex: extracts of hot pepper and mint, extracts of secretions of predators.

    Learn more