Washing machine sign

How to Read Laundry Symbols

Laundry symbols seem like another language, but the washing instruction symbols on your garments’ care labels tell you exactly how to do the washing and drying, as well as give extra information on bleaching and ironing. Read on for our quick guide to what the symbols mean, or download and print your own laundry symbols chart to refer to when you see a symbol you don’t recognize.

Washing Symbols

Getting the temperature and wash cycle right is important for seeing great laundry results, and can even prevent damage to your clothes. The clothes washing symbols below can give you an idea for temperature, indicated by the number of dots in the tub of water symbol, whereas different cycle types are represented by a tub with one or two lines drawn under it.

Washing cycle symbols

Washing temperature symbols

Washing machine symbols

Important: Don't forget to look out for dry clean signs, given by a circle, or hand wash symbols, indicated by a tub of water with a hand sign, so you'll know when to avoid putting garments in the washing machine.

Drying Symbols

Drying is an important part of the clothing care process, but we’ve all heard those scary stories of cashmere sweaters that come out of the wash three sizes too small.

Knowing your dryer symbols, like the square with a circle in the middle that indicates tumble drying allowed, can help you avoid putting the wrong garment in the tumble dryer. Other symbols can give you additional information, such as a square with a horizontal line in the middle means you should dry the item flat, or the crossed-out twisted symbol, which tells you not to wring the garment. The temperature is given by the increasing number of dots inside a circle.

General drying symbols

Drying temperature symbols

Tumble dry laundry symbols

Bleaching symbols

If you want to use bleach, you’ll want to take a look at your garment’s fabric care label to see if there is a bleach symbol, given by a triangle ormore importantly a do not bleach symbol, a triangle crossed out. Recognizing these signs can save your garment from getting permanently damaged by chlorine bleach.

Bleaching symbols

Ironing Symbols

Some fabrics look great after ironing but others, like more delicate materials, can be damaged. There are even some fabrics that simply need special care when ironing.

For example, if you want to iron your new dress shirt and you want to know if it can be ironed safely, lookout for the iron symbol on your garment, represented by a little iron symbol with dots in the middle that denote the temperature setting, like those shown below.

Ironing symbols

Download Your Laundry Symbols Guide

Don’t let laundry symbols confuse you. Get this printable laundry symbols guide and keep it to hand the next time you do the laundry. Once you download this laundry symbols pdf you’ll be a pro when it comes to doing your laundry. Download now

Laundry symbols are there to guide you, so your clothes get the care they deserve. Make sure you use the right laundry detergent for the wash cycle you pick, like Tide Plus Coldwater Clean for cold washes, or use a detergent like Tide PODS® that’s suitable for any temperature. Get the best out of your laundry, with a little help from Tide, and if you need more detailed information, visit our comprehensive guide on how to do laundry.

Your Guide to Laundry Symbols (Plus a Handy Washing Symbols Chart!)

You know those hieroglyphic-like laundry symbols on clothing labels? They relay important cleaning information. Here's what they mean and how to use them.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it’s more confusing than text. That goes double when it’s one of the many laundry symbols found on the care label of your clothes. What are all those circles, squares, and triangles—and why should you care about them?

Clothing manufacturers use washing symbols to help you extend the life of your clothes. Sure, you may think you know how to wash clothes, how to use a washing machine, how to separate laundry, and how to put liquid fabric softener in the fabric softener dispenser. You might even use the best laundry detergent and take the time to set the washing machine temperature just right. But that doesn’t guarantee your clothing will stay in the same condition, color, or size.

“You risk destroying your clothes by not following the laundry care instructions,” says Alicia Sokolowski, president and co-CEO of Aspen Clean. “What might happen if you put a dry-clean-only garment in a washing machine? The garment could shrink—not just a little, but significantly. Garments made of wool can shrink two to three sizes or more, and drapes can shrink to half their size.” Instead of making it a guessing game—no, that’s not an envelope, suggesting you send the item to your mom to clean; it’s the sign for “hang to dry”—we asked the experts to decipher the most common washing instruction symbols. Here’s your comprehensive laundry symbols guide, complete with laundry symbols charts.

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What are international laundry care symbols?

Because people do laundry all around the world, the industry has created a standard of five basic symbols that form a kind of universal language. To make it even easier, laundry symbols are always featured in the same order on a label. From left to right, they are:

“As you go through the five basic international symbols, you’ll start to see a pattern,” said Annette Grant and Sarah Karakaian, full-time short-term rental managers and hosts of the “Thanks for Visiting” podcast. “It’s like its own language where, for example, two lines under an icon or three dots inside an icon always mean the same thing. Once you learn these, you’ll be fluent in care tags in no time.”

According to fashion stylist Leena Alsulaiman, one of the most important symbols to pay attention to is a large X. “When a symbol is crossed out,” she warns, “that’s your sign not to do that thing.”

Laundry symbols for how to machine wash clothes

The washtub symbol indicates instructions for every step of the washing process, whether you’re using a traditional or HE washer. If the garment is machine washable, you’ll see either dots or numbers inside it, representing the recommended maximum water temperature.

Lines under the washtub signify that the garment needs to be washed on a special cycle.

“Just remember, the more lines under the washtub, the more careful you should be,” says Alsulaiman. And finally, if your washtub has an X through it, back away from the washing machine. This means “do not wash.”

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Laundry symbols for how to hand-wash clothes

If you see a hand reaching into the washtub, that means your garment should be hand-washed only. Do not put it in the washing machine. There’s another washing symbol that indicates how to hand-wash clothes: If you see an icon that looks like a wrapped, hard candy with an X through it, don’t wring or twist the garment. Gently squeeze the water out after hand-washing it.

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Laundry symbols for how to bleach clothes

The triangle tells you everything you need to know about bleaching an item. Here’s how to decipher the symbols:


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Laundry symbols for how to dry clothes

Everything you need to know about how to dry an item can be found in the square on the care label. Be sure to check this before tossing your clothing in the wash to avoid shrinkage—unless, of course, you’re trying to shrink clothes. First, look for a circle in the square, which tells you it’s okay to dry the item in the dryer. If your square has both a circle in its center and an X through it, do not put the item in the dryer.

Just like with the washtub, the number of dots signifies the maximum temperature to be used:

You may also notice lines beneath the square. As with the washtub icon, these indicate the proper dryer settings to use.

All of that explains how to machine dry an item (and if you should). But if your square doesn’t have a circle at all, it should air-dry. Here’s how to interpret the various air-dry laundry symbols:

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Laundry symbols for how to iron clothes

With the abundance of wrinkle-free garments options, you might not spend much time wondering how to get wrinkles out of clothes. But there comes a time when your clothes really need to be ironed. The iron is the most self-explanatory of all the clothes-washing symbols. Once again, the number of dots signifies the maximum temperature that can be used.

And, of course, an X means don’t iron it at all. When it comes to wrinkles, the steamer vs. iron debate comes down to fabric—and therefore the laundry symbols you see on your clothing tag. The following symbols relate to whether or not you should use steam on a garment. (P.S.—here’s how to clean an iron so your clothes don’t get damaged.)

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Laundry symbols for dry cleaning clothes

You can try your hand at dry cleaning at home, but chances are you’ll want to leave it to the pros, so pay attention to the clothing label. The symbol for dry cleaning is a circle, and if it doesn’t have an X through it, it means you can take it to the dry cleaner. If the label specifies “dry clean only,” you should definitely take it to the dry cleaner. An item with this label is one of the things that should never end up in your washing machine.

Sometimes there are letters inside the circle, but don’t worry about those. They indicate the kinds of chemicals that can be used on a garment and are meant for professionals. Your dry cleaner will understand.

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Laundry markings on clothing labels. Decryption.

Each item must be provided with a special label indicating how to properly care for clothing and use it.

These quick tips help you keep your favorite piece of clothing looking its best for longer and prolong its wear. But what does each of these symbols mean, and how do they help keep things in order?

Badges on clothing. Deciphering what conditions to create your things

When it comes to washing, the labels are a good cheat sheet . If the symbol table is familiar to you, they will tell you in what temperature water it is permissible to wash this or that product and whether it can be done at all; what type of washing to use - hand or machine; in case of choosing a machine option - which mode is more suitable: normal, gentle or delicate . So, eloquently , a basin of water crossed out crosswise means that things with such an icon simply cannot be washed. nine0003

Repair of the Samsung washing machine in Saratov will not be necessary if you follow all the instructions on the labels and use the Spin and Dry functions correctly. The label with the image of a square with a circle inscribed in it informs that the specified actions can be performed in the machine. If the symbol is crossed out, you should not do this.

A square with one or two lines below denotes sparing and delicate manipulations of this plan, respectively.

Clothing label symbols: a clear aid to the consumer

The symbol table is designed in such a way that the icons eloquently reflect all kinds of manipulations that can or, conversely, cannot be performed on garments:

Laundry icons on clothes: deciphering temperature conditions

Washing symbols are an image of a half-filled basin with numbers or dots inscribed in it . For example, the number 60 (or three dots) indicates that cotton thin linen or polyester items should be washed in water with a temperature not exceeding 60 about - these products are not resistant to boiling.

The horizontal line below the picture indicates the need for gentle washing. Therefore, in order not to urgently organize the repair of the Vyatka washing machine, we must remember: the clothes loaded into the drum should not be more than 2/3 of the value that is the maximum allowable for this model. In this case, the spin should be turned on at a reduced number of revolutions and its duration should be reduced. nine0003

The two lines under the image of the basin symbolize the especially gentle conditions of the “cleansing” process at a temperature of 30 o . Repair of the control unit of the Indesit washing machine will not threaten if the load of the unit does not exceed one third of the permissible value. Spinning is carried out at even lower speeds and an even greater reduction in its time.

There is also a symbol with the number 95 - this is a permit for boiling cotton and linen items (both white and boil-resistant colored). nine0003

Labels on clothes for washing: what else is possible, what is impossible

If the symbol in the picture depicts a hand immersed in a basin, this means an exclusively manual type of washing process. And the water temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees. Spinning is also done manually. It is logical to assume that this applies to wardrobe items made of satin, guipure, silk.

Washing symbols on clothing labels can also indicate the type of detergent . If the figure is 40 or two dots are shown, this indicates not only the required temperature, but also that the washing powder will need a neutral composition. Most likely this will apply to dark-colored or colorful cotton products, to viscose fabrics, as well as those containing polyester or some other synthetics. nine0003

Laundry icons on clothes: explanation - a few words about spinning

The recommendation to dry without wringing is given by the image of a square with three parallel vertical lines. But if a thing is generally forbidden to wring out, the icon looks more eloquent: the image of something twisted is crossed out crosswise.

Housewives need to master the icons for washing on clothes, their decoding . This will in many ways help you navigate the rules for proper care of things, tell you whether strong mechanical processing is acceptable, which mode of operation of the centrifuge during machine washing during spinning is the most optimal. nine0003

Labels on clothes for washing: drying

Is it worth wringing and drying this or that item of personal wardrobe and how to do it correctly - the icons on the labels also inform about this . Permission for drying gives the image of a square. If the square is crossed out, drying is not recommended. As a rule, such a symbol is applicable simultaneously with a sign prohibiting washing the product. This should be given special attention so that the Ardo washing machine does not have to be repaired, perhaps there are metal parts on the product that can damage the unit. nine0003

The symbols also inform about the recommended drying temperature. Such a “punctuation mark” in the singular symbolizes a low drying temperature, two - an average one, well, and three indicate the temperature “peak” of the process.

Clothing labels. Symbols for other operations with textiles

Of no small importance in the care of garments is whether it is possible to use an iron to smooth them; whether they are subject to bleaching or dry cleaning when dirty. Understandable icons will also inform about this. nine0003

Laundry labels on garments plus additional information

Stylized iron for easy ironing. And, accordingly, forbids it - a crossed out symbol.

Irons with a different number of dots on them indicate the temperature that must be set in each case.

  • One point "designed" for synthetics - low temperature;
  • Two - allow you to iron cotton, silk, woolen, viscose products through damp gauze or a steam iron; nine0032
  • Three - symbolizes the high temperature at which things can be steamed.

The designations for washing on clothing labels, as we see, are not limited to this process only . The sign of the circle and the symbols inscribed in it inform about whether things can be “dry-cleaned”. So, just a circle symbolizes dry cleaning. A crossed circle does not allow dry cleaning.

Letter A indicates cleaning with any solvent. The letter P allows the use of hydrocarbons, ethylene chloride, monoflotrichloromethane. A line under the same image warns of the need for gentle cleaning. nine0003

And about the possibility / impossibility of bleaching informs the triangle icon with the corresponding designations. Just a triangular symbol - whitening is possible. Crossed out - this operation is not only not allowed, but the use of washing powders containing chlorine and bleach is also not recommended.

The permission to use chlorine is signaled by the inscribed letters “cl”, and the prohibition is indicated by two lines parallel to the side of the triangle.

So be careful about the designations on the labels - this is a kind of mini-encyclopedia for clothing care. nine0003

See also:

How to remove a stuck object from the washing machine

How to wash a bra in the washing machine

Symbols on the washing machine

The most common problem that arises after buying a washing machine is a lot of unfamiliar symbols. Despite the fact that manufacturers try to make the control panel as simple and accessible as possible, most users do not immediately manage to figure out all its functions. nine0003

In order to avoid serious errors in the use of the washing machine, must carefully read the symbols printed on its front panel. An incorrectly selected washing mode can lead not only to damage to the laundry, but also to damage to the household appliance. If you need repair of washing machines in Saratov, please contact our company.

A new washing machine always comes with an instruction manual that contains a detailed explanation of each of the symbols. Some of the manufacturers also supplement the instructions with a label with an adhesive surface that can be pasted in any convenient place. If the instruction is lost, you can always use this article to decipher the characters on the washing machine. nine0003

In order to use the simplest functions of the washing machine, you need to remember the basic icons. In different brands of washing machines, they often look the same.

So, to activate the washing process in most washing machines, the "Start" / "Start" button is used.

Icons prompting you to select a particular washing mode or function are applied to the control panel of the washing machine near the button that activates this function or around the knob, by turning which the corresponding mode is selected. nine0012

Spiral/twisted spiral often indicates the spin function. In most washing machines, the low temperature wash cycle is marked with a snowflake pattern.

The most common washing modes in most washing machines are indicated by a basin pattern with the addition of various semantic elements. So, the rinse mode is usually marked with an icon in the form of a basin of water, or a watering can with drops of water.

If it becomes necessary to drain the water during washing, look for the basin pattern with a vertical arrow pointing downwards on the control panel. nine0003

The basin icon with a hand in it indicates the hand wash mode, with one vertical line - prewash, two - normal wash. If a pair of wavy horizontal lines is shown above the basin design, this may indicate a vigorous wash mode used for heavily soiled.

Icons on the washing machine Indesit

Most modern washing machines, regardless of manufacturer, have about 90% of the same functions. The differences are in the features of their implementation and designation on the control panel. nine0003

Indesit washing machines have become widespread quite logical labeling of functions and modes. So, the mode of washing cotton fabrics on the panel is indicated by a schematic image of a blooming cotton bolus. The washing mode of synthetic fabrics is marked with a chemical flask with a wide bottom. To wash delicate fabrics, turn the handle to the flower. Other types of fabrics are also indicated in an accessible form - jeans - with a pattern of pants, curtains - with a half of a curtain, wool - with a skein of threads. nine0003

A number of additional functions are also available to many modern models of Indesit washing machines. So, the economical washing mode is indicated by a tree pattern, the easy ironing function is indicated by an iron, the super-fast washing mode is indicated by a watch dial. To select additional functions, click on the button next to which a box with a check mark is drawn.

Symbols on the Bosch washing machine

For most Bosch washing machines, the control panel looks like this:

Understanding the meaning of each of the buttons is very easy. So, the number 1 indicates the "Start" / "Start" button. Buttons 2, 3, 4 - the main washing modes. The iron pattern (2) indicates the easy ironing mode. The image of the basin and the wavy line in its upper part (3) indicates the washing mode using a large amount of water. An empty basin (4) symbolizes the quick wash mode.

There is a separate switch (5) to select the speed of the drum during washing. The denser the fabric and the more soiled, the more turns should be selected. It should be borne in mind that delicate fabrics can be damaged during washing at a high number of revolutions. nine0003

Another switch is used to select the washing temperature and mode, depending on the type of fabric. So, synthetics are indicated by a T-shirt pattern (7). For the delicate wash, the image of a women's nightgown (8) was selected. Hand washing and washing of woolen things is carried out using the same mode, indicated by a basin with a hand lowered into it and a skein of wool (9). The cotton wash mode is indicated by the pattern of T-shirt, T-shirt and shorts (15). The intensive washing mode has a similar designation, only in this case the drawings are circled with a bold outline, symbolizing contamination (14). nine0011 All other icons on the control panel (drain, rinse, spin, prewash) are displayed in the same way as on other washing machines.

Icons on the Samsung washing machine

Most of the modes in Samsung washing machines have standard icons. So, the basin icon with one or two vertical stripes will indicate the pre-wash or main wash modes. The rinsing mode is indicated by the drawing of a basin filled with water. The spin function is symbolized by a spiral. nine0003

The Eco-Buble function is marked with a T-shirt and a pair of soap bubbles. The T-shirt icon with a dark lower right edge indicates the intensive wash mode. The soaking function is indicated by a basin and a horizontal wavy line.

Many washing machines of this brand are equipped with additional features. For example, the child lock feature is represented by a lock with a smiling face. Delayed start - watch face icon.

Samsung Eco-Buble washing machines are equipped with an eco drum cleaning mode. If it is necessary to enable this function, the corresponding indicator will light up on the display - the icon of the drum and the figured rhombus. nine0003

Also, units of this brand have a mute function, which is indicated by a crossed-out speaker.

The key icon indicates that the door is locked - it will remain on the display until the wash is finished.

Also on the control panel of the washing machine can be a digital display that shows the washing time, selected temperature, spin speed and number of rinses.

Badges on the Zanussi 9 washing machine0045

Zanussi has used generally accepted conventions to describe the main functions and washing modes on the control panel of the washing machine.

For example, as in most washing machines of other brands, cotton is depicted as an open box of cotton, synthetics as a chemical flask with a wide bottom, spinning as a twisting spiral, delicate fabrics as a flower, wool as a skein of wool.

In washing machines of this brand, you can also find the crossed-out spiral icon, which means that the no-spin mode is activated. Cold wash in most cases is marked with an image of a basin with a snowflake inside. The action of stopping with water in the tank is indicated by a basin with a flat horizontal stripe at the top. The rinsing function is symbolized by a basin icon with several dots inside and a wavy horizontal line at the top. nine0003

Icons on the Candy washing machine

Most of the function buttons of this brand of washing machine are marked with simple, common symbols. Only a small part of the icons on the control panel are somewhat different from the infographics on other washing machines.

So, in order to activate the aquaplus function, designed for washing shedding and mixed fabrics, you must press the button next to the icon in the form of two drops and a plus. The function includes several additional rinses. nine0003

The intensive wash cycle is marked with a T-shirt silhouette with several stains. The "delayed start" function can be activated by pressing the button with the image of a clock and an arrow to the left.

The rinsing cycle is indicated by an empty basin with a jet of water directed at it. To wash woolen products, you should look for a button with three balls of wool drawn on it.

On many Candy washing machines, you can find an icon that shows a basin and the number 32. This button is used to start program express wash lasting 32 minutes.

Delicate fabrics in these washing machines are marked with a feather, strong fabrics with a cloud and a down arrow.

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