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pictures of a real corridor than sheathing walls
Modern apartments are getting bigger, and every square meter of space is well thought out. So, the hallway has ceased to be just a room at the entrance. Much attention is paid to its design. When choosing materials, it is important that they look attractive and meet the requirements of practicality at the same time.
Private houses do not resemble each other in the same way as apartments, and differ in layout. Therefore, when designing a design, each individual case must be considered.
Design ideas for wall decoration in the hallway of a private house
- Design ideas for wall decoration in the hallway of a private house
- How to finish walls
- decorative plaster
- MDF decorative panels and PVC
Anti - - Bathers
- Cork flooring
- Stone and ceramic tiles
- Paint
- Clapboard
- Other options

Selecting materials for decorating an entryway is a particularly difficult task. It is not enough to think about aesthetics so that the room immediately makes a good impression.
The entrance hall is the first room of any dwelling, and its appearance should create a pleasant impression, set the mood.
It is optimal that the decoration in the hallway of the house also meets the following criteria:
- high resistance to impact;
- ease of installation and maintenance;
- safety for the health of those living in the house.
The design of the hallway should not be very different from the design of other rooms in the house, so it is important to maintain the unity of style.
There is a wide range of finishing materials on the market, but it is not easy to find one that meets all the criteria. Sometimes you have to compromise and sacrifice some moments, and this should be a conscious choice.
A large number of doors and doorways require a lot of space. Such hallways are spacious, but the arrangement of furniture still needs to be well thought out.
How to finish the walls
The choice of material for decoration depends not so much on personal preferences as on the characteristics of the room. If the entrance hall is relatively small, and the transitions to other rooms are made in the form of arches (without door panels), a light finish without volumetric textures would be appropriate. Otherwise, the boundaries of the room will be underlined. When choosing how to decorate the walls in the hallway in a private house, consider the pros and cons of all the materials available on the market.
There are some layouts in which a separate entrance hall is not allocated. And at the entrance, the owners and guests enter the hallway-living room.
Decorative plaster
In a traditional hallway with several doors to other rooms, you can emphasize the walls. For this, decorative plaster with a volumetric texture is suitable. In this case, the rest of the finish should be discreet. The advantage of a relief surface with a different pattern is that it will fit into any style. You can emphasize the rigor and restraint of the room with a neutral color or realize ambitious design ideas using bright prints.
The part at the entrance must be highlighted with a color or other finish. This will also be required if the entrance hall is combined with the hall.
The minus of the material is only the difficulty of working with it. Only an experienced specialist can entrust the finishing with decorative plaster.
Decorative MDF and PVC panels
These composite models are available in different colors. For example, a combination of light plaster with a pronounced texture and smooth dark walnut panels will be successful.
Playing on contrasts and textures, you can achieve a vintage flavor in the hallway.
PVC panels are easier to maintain than MDF. Pollution from them can be removed even with a damp sponge. This type of finish perfectly masks the curvature of the walls and hides electrical cables.
Select materials according to financial possibilities.
Artificial stone
Stone looks great in a classic interior. Large country houses are often built with the expectation of many years, and prioritize the strength of materials. An artificial stone with plaster is just right, it is not inferior to natural stone in this regard.
You can cover the entire surface of the walls with material or individual areas to create accents.
If the hallway in the house is a little more modest than we would like, non-woven wallpaper will be appropriate for decoration. If you want to give “elegance” to the room, choose not a monophonic option, but with a small ornament along the edge.
A great responsibility falls on the walls of the hallway. It is on them that attention is focused, the decoration and color scheme of the floor and ceiling depend on them.
Wall mural is gradually losing popularity, but can also be used in the hallway. Modern options are distinguished by a more embossed texture that masks minor defects on the walls.
When choosing materials, remember that hallway walls often suffer from external influences.
The disadvantage of the material is that it is easily damaged, so it is hardly worth making it dominant in the design of the hallway.
Natural material suitable for eco-style entryways, Scandinavian or minimalist interiors. The advantage of cork coating is that it meets all the requirements of practicality: it repels water, does not absorb odors, ensures temperature stability in the room and sound insulation.
Choose a material that is resistant to mechanical damage, moisture resistant, easy to clean and preferably flame resistant.
The material has a low weight, which makes finishing work easier and keeps a neat look for a very long time.
The downside is the price of cork.
Stone and ceramic tiles
If the financial issue is not critical, the maximum attention should be paid to the wear resistance of materials. In this regard, stone and ceramic tiles are perfect for finishing, reliably protecting the surface from mechanical damage. The advantage of the material is also its environmental friendliness.
Don't forget that the walls will be constantly dirty, and a bright, clean entrance hall will not stay that way for long.
TIP: You can use partial stone decoration. For example, decorate their front door.
Bright hallways with lots of windows can be decorated as you like. Paint is often used, and there are no restrictions in choosing a color. Dark shades are unacceptable only in a cramped space, but in a spacious hallway they are quite appropriate.
In a small room it is better to use light colors, and preferably matte.
TIP: If you want to protect the finish from inevitable dirt, and the hallway is small, cover only the lower part of the room, closer to the floor level, with dark paint. Leave the rest of the walls and ceiling light.
There are several types of paints, differing in chemical composition and density. Also paints are divided into matte and glossy.
Choose moisture-resistant types so that you can wash them from dirt.
Some people are conservative in spirit. They are not interested in fashion trends if they contradict their ideas of beauty. A compromise between the familiar and fashionable is lining with clapboard in the hallway. The natural and practical option is very easy to install and maintain.
Lining perfectly complements the interior in country style or French Provence.
Other options
The choice of finishing depends on the area of the entrance hall, its illumination. It is often more appropriate to use a design with a combination of different materials. With a standard layout, the decoration of the corridor in a house with doors to several rooms can include plain wallpaper and light wood skirting boards, harmonizing in color with a ceiling of any texture.
In the spacious hall, which turns into a separate corridor, there is where to roam. Wooden panels can be placed in the lower half of the walls, and wallpaper can be placed above them. This option will appeal to those who want to recreate the spirit of retro.
The lower part, which will mostly get dirty, can be finished with dark panels, and the upper part with light wallpaper.
Interesting idea: You can transform a space with mirrors. They emphasize the geometry of the room and create the illusion of more light. The option is very beautiful, but suitable only for those who do not have small active children.
Decor items for interior walls in the hallway
Most often, stone or wooden elements are used as decor. Niches can be added in the spacious hall. You can add art painting (frescoes), stucco molding and even miniature statues to the walls. It all depends on the personal preferences and imagination of the owner of the house.
For the entrance hall of a private house, natural colors, wood-like finishes are relevant.
For most people, the abundance of decor may seem too bold. In this case, you can use only accents - for example, frescoes over doorways.
The floor in the entrance hall is subjected to heavy loads, and the coating is mechanically damaged.
Walls can be decorated with modular paintings, picturesque panels and photographs. You can make hanging shelves with books.
If the hallway is small, do not clutter it up with a lot of furniture.
The trendiest hallway and hallway wall cladding solutions in 2020
Before buying hallway wall cladding, look beyond your own creative intent and the overall aesthetics of the room. Do not forget about the practicality of the choice when you think about how best to finish the corridor in a private house. Learn to select materials with different textures and correctly combine them with each other.
Don't be afraid to use your imagination, turn your most daring ideas into reality. You have the right to equip your home to your liking.
View a selection of photos for inspiration. They will help you make the final choice.
VIDEO: Design of a hallway in a private house.
50 stylish options for finishing the hallway in a private house:
6 modern options with photos, designer's advice
Modern technologies give great scope in choosing materials for home decoration. We tell you which options are most relevant and what are the advantages or disadvantages
Photo: shutterstock
An important element in home design is decorative wall decoration, which will make the apartment cozy and comfortable. And the choice can not be limited only to painting or wallpaper.
What options are most relevant and what are the advantages or disadvantages of each of them - we will discuss together with experts.
- Wall painting
- Wallpapers
- Panels
- Linkrust
- Decorative plaster
- Decorative brick
www. adv.rbc.ru
Experts in this article:
- Elena Sedykh, architect-designer, teacher at the international school of design, founder of the Dom Inside design bureau, author of the telegram channel Interiorshchitsa
- Elena Mizotina, founder and head of the GM-interior studio
Wall painting
Paint has long ceased to be something intimidating - before, only strong-smelling mixtures could be bought for repairs, and the choice of shades was limited.
Now the store has a huge number of colors, but if the palette does not have what you need, then you can mix the colors right on the spot. It is better to immediately calculate the required amount of paint and buy it with a margin. At the next tinting, there may be a difference in shade, insignificant at first glance, but noticeable when painting.
Photo: personal archive
Walls painted with modern materials are easy to clean, so stains can be easily removed. If the coating is damaged, it is easy to paint over.
This type of finish is used in almost any room. In this case, you can apply the paint evenly and textured - using a special roller. But this finishing method has its own difficulties. Before painting, the walls must be carefully prepared - they must be perfectly even. And here you can not do without the help of a specialist.
Elena Sedykh:
— Paint is one of the most convenient repair tools. English premium brands are preferred, they have stunningly beautiful color palettes. The only disadvantage of painting is the thorough preparation of the walls. The paint can be used in all areas - bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
For wet areas, choose a paint with gloss levels from 7% - it is not afraid of either water or dirt. Deep matte will look beautiful in the bedroom, but you have to be very careful - there are traces of the slightest touch on it.
Another plus of painting is that the color of the walls is always easy to update or change. But if you have chosen a new shade, do not apply it on top of the old one, be sure to apply the primer first.
Elena Mizotina:
— Today, painted walls are more relevant than ever, more and more people choose this option. The paint is easy to apply, it is easier to care for such a wall, and a wide tint palette allows you to realize any design ideas. Cons - the preparation of walls causes great difficulty.
Wallpapering is one of the most popular types of wall decoration. Paper, non-woven, vinyl, textile, glass, liquid, photo, acrylic - there are many options. And among them you can choose the right one: ordinary or washable, resistant to fading, moisture resistant.
Wallpapers are distinguished by a variety of patterns - you can always find one that you like. When buying, you need to take into account the required volume with a margin, since the next batch may differ in shade. And if a few rolls remain, then they can be used locally if part of the wallpaper is damaged.
Photo: shutterstock
One of the advantages is that they hide minor wall imperfections very well. In addition, they can be glued without resorting to the help of a master.
But not every wallpaper can be used in certain rooms. For example, paper ones are categorically not suitable for the bathroom, as they cannot withstand a humid environment. Here it is better to use moisture-resistant, for example, non-woven, vinyl or fiberglass. Manufacturers offer many options even for such "difficult" rooms.
The disadvantages of such a coating include its fragility - sooner or later they will have to be completely changed. And here another minus pops up - a rather complicated dismantling and processing of walls after removing old wallpaper.
Elena Sedykh:
— Wallpaper is perhaps the most popular finishing material. The fact is that for wallpapering it is not at all necessary to use perfectly even walls - the thickness of the roll allows you to level out small flaws. It is better not to use the same wallpaper for the entire room, but to combine active patterns with neutral, painted sections of the walls, add moldings.
The most versatile wallpaper material is interlining. It is convenient to glue it, it is easy to clean and generally quite unpretentious. With careful use, such wallpaper can decorate even the bathroom. Paper wallpapers are beautiful, but very delicate and will cause a lot of inconvenience in sticking.
Vinyl wallpaper has almost "reinforced concrete" strength, but is not very environmentally friendly. They have minimal chemical fumes, so they are best left for common walk-through areas - corridors and halls.
Elena Mizotina:
— Today, wallpapers are more often used as a bright accent. The drawing can be plot or with a spectacular pattern, large-format prints are especially popular, they fill the room with artistic beauty. Cons - you need to understand which pattern on the wallpaper visually enlarges the room, which plot is appropriate. This is very delicate work.
This type of finish is quite simple and practical. Decorative panels for wall decoration can be selected from different materials (PVC, MDF, gypsum and gypsum vinyl, bamboo, cork, glass). Moreover, they are presented in a wide palette.
Photo: shutterstock
The panels are durable, very easy to care for, and if any part is damaged, they can be easily replaced. Moreover, they are easy to install and do not need to carefully align the walls - the panels hide all the flaws.
One thing can be attributed to the minuses - they "hide" the space due to the volume of the structure.
Elena Sedykh:
- Decorative panels are very versatile - they can be made soft or hard, choose any design. But you need to remember: the more voluminous decor, the more difficult it is to clean. Plus, the materials can be expensive.
One of the types of wallpaper - linkrust - appeared in the 19th century as a replacement for stucco, but is still very relevant today. It consists of a fabric or paper substrate and a bulk material applied to it, which allows you to create any relief. Its popularity is due to its durability and low maintenance.
It is also important that linkrust is environmentally friendly, as natural materials are used for it, so it is often chosen for children's rooms. It is also breathable, so the possibility of mold or mildew on the wall is minimal. Linkrust perfectly hides the small imperfections of the walls and their unevenness.
Photo: shutterstock
However, this type of finish is quite expensive: the naturalness of the materials affects the price. Yes, and to apply it on the walls, it will take a lot of time - you must first prepare the surface, soak the canvases, and then dry them thoroughly.
Please note that linkrust can only be used in warm rooms, as it does not tolerate low temperatures.
Elena Sedykh:
— Linkrust was used on the walls of old Moscow and St. Petersburg metro cars — it is based on a fabric substrate with a pattern of natural plastics applied over it. Linkrust was invented in the Victorian era as an elite finishing material. The Soviet government established its production and fell in love with it for durability, decorativeness and ease of installation. Lincrust was sheathed on wagons and cabins of ships - he is not afraid of anything.
Now the Soviet linkrust is a thing of the past, but the original, English, is still being produced. Its advantage is in stunning decorative patterns and absolute strength. If you have a large active family with kids and you know that wallpaper or paint won't last long, durable lincrust is your best bet.
Decorative plaster
Decorative plaster is also available in a variety of textures and colors. It allows you to create deliberate irregularities on the wall, and a glossy surface, as well as imitate various natural materials.
Photo: shutterstock
The main advantages are environmental friendliness, durability, the ability to hide seams and wall irregularities, ease of application, cost-effectiveness. In addition, decorative plaster can be used in almost any room. Easy to care for - easy to wash, even with cleaning products.
Elena Sedykh:
— Fifteen years ago, all designers were fond of “Venetian” — decorative plaster imitating polished marble. Everything was covered with it - from rooms to baths.
Plaster itself is not a bad thing: it is strong enough and easy to clean. But in too much quantity it causes a feeling of some bureaucracy. Now, in addition to the "Venetian", there are many options for interesting coatings and decors of any color and texture, but be careful - only professionals should apply plaster. Preferably - specialists from the store where you bought it. Otherwise, the result can be completely unpredictable, because the application of plaster is a process that requires skill.
Elena Mizotina:
— On the one hand, it is able to maintain the simplicity and style of the interior (for example, imitation of concrete walls), and on the other hand, it can be with intriguing, luxurious effects (for example, imitation of natural silk).
Cons - the performer, the application specialist is of great importance, otherwise, instead of silk, you can get an unexpected, very far from the idea effect.
Decorative brick
If earlier a bare brick wall suggested devastation and unfinished repairs, today it is one of the most popular types of wall decoration. One of the reasons for its popularity is the ability to fit into almost any interior. To do this, you can choose almost any color and shape. At the same time, decorative brick has many advantages: environmental friendliness, fire safety, durability and ease of installation.
Photo: shutterstock
However, the uneven surface of this material makes it difficult to care for. Yes, and volumetric tiles can visually reduce the space.
Elena Sedykh:
— If you want a loft — decorative brick will help you. He will eat only a centimeter from each wall, but he perfectly imitates real old masonry. The material is quite durable, but there may be inconvenience in care - it is always more difficult to remove dust from uneven surfaces.