Green plants bedroom

15 of the Best Bedroom Plants that Purify the Air

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Lavender (Lavandula)

Olena Rudo / EyeEm//Getty Images

It’s not typically thought of as a houseplant, but lavender can survive indoors under the right conditions. Along with air-purifying qualities, lavender will also bring aromatherapy benefits to the bedroom. Research shows that inhaling lavender essential oil can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. So before heading to dreamland, take a moment to smell the lavender!

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give lavender bright, direct light for a few hours every day, preferably in a south-facing window, and water when the soil is slightly dry. Don’t overwater it, though, or the plant will rot.


RELATED: How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden


Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)


Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

$25 at Amazon

Credit: Amazon / Hirt's Gardens

With large shiny leaves and a fun, beefy shape, this plant adds strong vertical interest to any room.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: This plant likes moderate to bright light and light, constant moisture, to boot. If you feel the need to prune it, just be sure to wear gardening gloves to keep its sticky sap off your fingers. Get more rubber plant care tips.


Wekiva Foliage Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)


Wekiva Foliage Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

$135 at Amazon

Multiple fronds in an elegant fan pattern make this a beautiful plant, no matter your personal decor style. It’s a fairly easy one to grow, too, compared to many other palms.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Lady palms prefer bright indirect light and require water only when the top inch of soil is dry.

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English Ivy (Hedera helix)

Image Source//Getty Images

This hardy ivy thrives in pots, hanging baskets, or mixed with other taller houseplants in a shared pot.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: English ivy needs moderate light in spring and summer, and it requires bright light (or additional fluorescent light) in fall and winter. Let the soil surface dry a tad between waterings, but don’t let the plant totally dry out.



California Tropicals Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)


California Tropicals Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

$15 at Amazon

The plumes of this gorgeous palm can reach 6 to 7 feet tall, so be sure to give it plenty of space.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give your areca palm bright, indoor light. During spring and summer, it will need constant light moisture (but don’t let it get soggy!).


Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)


Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)

Now 22% Off

$37 at Amazon

These lush ferns are an inexpensive, classic houseplant, and their arching, bright green fronds always look lovely. But be warned: They can be a bit of a diva indoors.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Boston ferns prefer lots of light, and they'll need to be misted every day. Alternatively, you can try putting them on a tray of pebbles filled with water. What's more, they also tend to shed regularly… so, like a parent, you should be prepared to pick up after them!

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Costa Farms Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)


Costa Farms Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)

Now 39% Off

$35 at Amazon$28 at Home Depot

This easy-to-grow plant has glossy, pale green leaves accented with white markings.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Chinese evergreen tolerates low indoor light, and prefers its soil to be lightly moist at all times, but despises cold air. Be sure to keep it away from drafts!


Snake Plant (Sanseveria trifasciata)

Oscar Wong//Getty Images

Dramatic, sword-like leaves define this striking plant (and also lend it the not-so-flattering alternate name of "mother-in-law’s tongue"). It’s tough as nails, so give it a try if you’re not typically known for having a green thumb. In the right conditions, it can live for decades!

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Bright, indirect light is best for this plant, which also only needs to be watered when the soil becomes nearly dry. Get more snake plant care tips.



Dracaena (various species)

AHatmaker//Getty Images

Several different types of dracaena have been shown to clean and purify the air. They’re all easy-to-grow plants with long, strappy leaves, some of which have beautiful red markings. Not sure which variety to try? Look for dragon tree (especially ‘Tricolor’ for interesting foliage), ‘Janet Craig’, or ‘Masangeana’ (sometimes called "corn plant").

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Whichever one you go with, know that all Dracaena species prefer similar conditions: moderate to bright indirect light, and soil that’s kept lightly moist.


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Wekiva Foliage Split-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum)


Wekiva Foliage Split-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum)

$90 at Amazon

This spectacular but easy-to-manage plant has huge leaves with delicate, lacelike edges. Make room for this one—it can grow 3 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give your plant moderate light, and water it when top soil becomes dry. Get more Philodendron care tips.


Dieffenbachia (various hybrids)

Dennis McColeman//Getty Images

This plant has flashy leaves—but the sap within contains crystals that can irritate mucous membranes. Yikes. If you have a pet that enjoys chewing on greenery, we suggest skipping it. Otherwise, it’s a generally carefree bedroom plant.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Dieffenbachia only needs moderate amounts of filtered light. Keep the soil lightly moist, but never soggy.



Rosemary (Rosmarinus officianalis)

Sally Williams Photography//Getty Images

This culinary herb has a pleasant, piney scent, particularly after you brush your fingertips against it—which we suggest doing in the morning when you get out of bed, as research shows that simply smelling this therapeutic herb can clear the mind and elevate your mood. How about that? A bedroom plant that gives you an instant dose of Monday motivation!

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Indoors, rosemary needs strong light, so keep it by a bright window (preferably a south-facing one). Allow the soil to dry within an inch of the surface between waterings, and turn the pot every week so the plant grows more evenly. Get more rosemary growing tips.


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Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

©Daniela White Images//Getty Images

Your mom or grandma may have grown this classic houseplant in the '70s, but it’s still worthy of a place in your home today. The striped leaves arch from the center, and eventually, the plant produces oodles of baby Spider Plants. And how cute is this? They’re called “plantlets!”

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: This plant prefers medium to bright light and steady moisture. Get more spider plant care tips.



Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Kristina Strasunske//Getty Images

Pothos is quite possibly the easiest houseplant to grow. It has shiny, heart-shaped leaves and vining stems that can grow to several feet long.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Preferring moderate to bright light, Pothos actually prefers to get a little dry between waterings. Get more Pothos growing tips.



Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum species)

Yana Iskayeva//Getty Images

These luxurious-looking plants are surprisingly fuss-free.

Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Peace lilies tolerate low to moderate light, though they bloom best in brighter light. We suggest allowing the soil to become nearly dry before watering, and dividing every five years or so to create new baby plants.


Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.

The 10 Best Plants for Your Bedroom

Houseplants can help bring in greenery and some sense of serenity, especially in bedrooms which are often meant to be a haven to recharge your battery. Whether your home is flooded with natural light or relies on lamps and wall sconces for illumination, houseplants can thrive in your bedroom. Not only can they beautify a room, but they can also purify the air of toxins and produce nighttime oxygen, freshening the bedroom for sounder sleep. These are the best 10 plants for a bedroom.

55 original ways to decorate your bedroom in green tones - INMYROOM

The bedroom is a place where you can relax and unwind, so the interior of this room must be chosen wisely. The style of the green bedroom may even differ from the style of the whole house. Main - make the space convenient and comfortable just for you.

Shades of green

First of all, pay attention to the fact that as the main color in no case should you choose poisonous, juicy, acid colors. Excess such shades will put pressure on the psyche, and for the bedroom it is important to create an atmosphere calmness.

Among eligible shades for decorating bedrooms, you can choose:

These shades of green, being calm, are suitable for the main color in the interior of the bedrooms.

To give juiciness room, you can use accent colors. Just for them those same acid shades will do, such as:

that these colors need to be entered very carefully and only for accents in the design. It can be the color of a vase or textile, a small pattern on the wall, the color of an armchair and etc.

Of course, the whole interior it is not possible to completely decorate in green, so additional colors come into play. These are complementary shades, close on the color wheel. For different shades of green suitable colors from cream, coffee, lemon, to brown, burgundy and red. The main thing is to evenly fill the bedroom space without overdoing it with splashes of color in the design.

Color combination

using decor interior heat. For example, you can design in white and olive tones. The room will always be bright due to calm shades and spacious - by adding white.

It will be just as good look like a mixture of khaki with a coffee complementary color and rich green accents. Such a classic room is suitable for a discreet, calm to a person. In it you can always relax and have a good rest. If the room is on the south side, then vice versa - add cool freshness due to blue-green flowers.

Please note if there are few windows in the room, then a dark palette will make the space even colder, so give preference to light shades without complex combinations.

Styles and trends

Better just choose one style for arranging the whole house or apartment in order to avoid awkward design, but the bedroom as a personal space can become exception. There are many different styles and directions, choose suitable need, going out of your temperament, taste and personal preference.


The perfect style for a green bedroom become eco style. Its design is based on a combination of natural materials. and simplicity. In such a green bedroom will always be fresh, even on the most cloudy day. The photo shows the successful options for this layout.


Hi-tech adds a modern touch fashion to design the room of your dreams. To decorate such a room, you will need glass and metal elements, and built-in appliances. This can be played for example, adding a small coffee glass table, high floor lamps with a metal frame and a built-in TV in the wall panel. The room will seem minimalistic and comfortable, as shown in the photo.


Fusion - a style that combines contains several directions. This is ideal as you save space from a sharp stylistic transition, if the whole house is made in the same style.


Exquisite classic will always be look stylish and on topic. To design a green bedroom in a classic style, you you will need wooden decor elements and brown shades for additional color palette. For the main color, you can take pistachio, olive or any color close to natural green. Browse the photos in our gallery to have a basic understanding of this style.


Minimalist make a green bedroom simple and spacious, and at the same time add to her tranquility. For clearance bedrooms in this style need to use pure muted colors: white, gray, black, coffee - for an additional palette and khaki, olive, mint, malachite - for the main color.

The room should not be colorful paints. An additional color scheme should be used in the color of the furniture, windows and doors. As additional accents to dilute boredom use bright, acidic shades of green. Add them to textiles or let it go with a strip to fence off different functional areas.

Can be used in green bedroom zoning with different shades of green on the floor, walls, ceiling and decor. The original versions of "green" minimalism are presented just below in the photo.


In modern interiors, wallpaper is used less and less, but if you use it with the mind, you can achieve an interesting combination of beauty and style. When choosing wallpaper should be discarded smooth canvases. Why are they needed if possible paint the walls? So it’s worth stopping at embossed, textured wallpaper. Wallpaper can also be used as accents.

Please note that for the whole room you need to choose canvases with a small, discreet pattern, and for a green bedroom, if you want to add chic, you need to paste over one wall with an accent color canvas with a large pattern. This will visually move the wall away and make the room wider. This technique perfect for a small bedroom. The same goes for canvases. geometric ornaments.

You can't peck them the whole room, just one or two walls is enough. This way you fix geometry of space and add sophistication to your bedroom. Wall mural will become the highlight of your bedroom. Just imagine: behind your head bed is a portal to the forest or to the shores of an unknown island. Pleasant stay in such a room you are provided.


Green textiles as curtains must be added to the space carefully so as not to give them a room. Choose shades of curtains darker and more saturated - if the base color of the space is light, and vice versa. Green curtains in the bedroom can be plain and simple, and can be luxurious and embroidered with gold threads.

It depends what style you are chosen to decorate the bedroom. An exception would be minimalism - in this style there should be very light plain curtains, but it is better to do without them at all. Fusion - it can combine different styles, so you are free to choose even heavy and long curtains to the floor, at least light tulle.

Accents, decor and accessories

Decor and miscellaneous accessories in the interior of the bedroom must be entered carefully so that the room does not lost its main function - a place to relax. Accents can be color transitions from basic greenery to bright blotches on decorative elements.

Suitable for floor lamps, candles with silver holders, large chandeliers, carved photo frames, flower arrangements, etc. A bedroom in green should have an unobtrusive decor, because the base color itself can already be considered an accessory.

In the design of a bedroom in green tones, the main thing:

1. Decide with style;

2. Pick up color scheme of primary, secondary and accent colors;

3. Pick up furniture according to the chosen style;

4. Issue space so that a person is comfortable in the room.

If you follow the design rules, your bedroom in green will be look perfect!

Photo gallery

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo ideas of the bedroom in green.


Bedrooms with green walls - 135 best bedroom interior design photos

Cozy kopeck piece for a couple

Olga Tsurikova

Design idea: neoclassical (modern classic) bedroom with green walls, medium parquet floors, brown floors and wallpaper on the walls


, the first where they decided to invite designers to create the atmosphere of the house. Everything that they wanted to realize themselves, they already did in previous houses and apartments. An adult, accomplished couple who raised children, knowing each other's habits and tastes to the smallest detail, and at the same time, open to new things, they took a common part in discussing the concept, choosing shades and moods with interest and enthusiasm. We maximized the space with delicate, light shades of cinnamon, ginger and milky flowers, playing with textures, adjacent shades, emphasizing the pattern of wallpaper on the ceiling, designer light, almost luminous tiles of the kitchen backsplash. In the hallway, mirrors were used to the maximum for reflected light, as this is the darkest corner of the apartment.

Bedroom, view of the dressing room

Tatiana Vakueva | Abwarten!

Pictured: Huge gray and white contemporary master bedroom with green walls, dark parquet flooring, brown flooring, tiered ceiling, paneled walls and accent wall with

VEREN A23 | Victor Stefan

Inspiration for home comfort: medium-sized fusion master bedroom with laminate flooring, brown floors and green walls

Knightsbridge Private Park

ND Studio

Master Bedroom
A fresh design idea for a medium sized classic master bedroom with green walls, medium hardwood floors, brown flooring and wallpaper on the walls without a fireplace - great interior photo

Apartment for a friend

Marina Kutepova

In the photo: a large master bedroom, gray and white in a classic style with green walls, laminate flooring, brown flooring, wallpaper on the walls, zoning curtains and a bed in an alcove

Life in color

Kutenkovs project

Pictured: small modern style master bedroom with green walls, vinyl flooring, brown flooring and a bed in an alcove for outdoors and gardens

Small apartment 38 m2 for a ballerina


We have completely revised the layout of this apartment.

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