Getting rid of bees in the ground
How Do You Get Rid Of Bees In The Ground? – Forbes Home
Spring is a time for so many beginnings. Flowers bloom, trees fill their arms with leaves and ground-nesting bees emerge from their burrows ready to party. Although ground-nesting bees are rarely harmful, they can be nuisances by digging holes in yards and creating messes for homeowners.
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What Are Ground Bees?
Ground bees are bees that nest in the ground. The majority of the species are ground-nesting, but unlike honey bees, for example, these bees tend to be solitary, and many lack stingers. Males tend to be aggressive but are unable to do more than bounce off of surfaces helplessly. Females have ovipositors in place of the stingers on social bees.
Common ground bees include leafcutter bees, digger bees, sweat bees, mason bees, cellophane bees, mining bees and plasterer bees. They’re usually no more than three quarters of an inch long and appear in a wide range of colors from blue and green to copper, metallic red and black. Since there’s usually only one generation born a year, ground bees don’t generally multiply dramatically.
It’s important to note that ground bees are vital pollinators, so if you have them in your yard, you’ll be making some important decisions for your local ecosystem when you notice their presence. Ground burrows contain everything the next generation of ground bees need to survive, including sticky wads of pollen that the young insects fee on.
Why Do Ground Bees Invade Your Yard?
Ground bees tend to nest where conditions are best for their success, and if that happens to be your yard, well, that’s where they’ll appear. Since they are generally solitary, you’ll be able to see just how ideal your yard is by how many burrows pop up. Multiple nests don’t mean that a colony has descended upon you, just that many bees have chosen your yard as an ideal place to leave their eggs to grow.
It’s important not to confuse ground-nesting bees with yellowjackets, which are wasps that nest in the ground. Ground-nesting bees tend to be rotund and harmless, whereas ground-nesting wasps have distinct waists and are often extremely aggressive. If ground-nesting wasps are present, you should leave them alone and call a pest control expert right away.
4 Ways to Get Rid of Ground Bees
Ground bees, as stated above, are important pollinators, so if you can leave them alone, it’s best for the ecosystem. Since they rarely have stingers and aren’t generally aggressive, they pose little to no risk to homeowners. However, if they’re doing significant damage to the landscape, there are ways to encourage them to move along or discourage them from nesting in your yard again.
1. Water Your Yard Regularly
Many ground bees need dry, sandy dirt to dig their nests. This kind of soil is easier for them to scoop out and tunnel through so that creating a larger burrow is possible. If you are seeing a lot of burrows in your yard and you’d like the ground-nesting bees to stop hanging out, start running a sprinkler in that general area to discourage them. They won’t necessarily leave this season, but you’ll notice that they are unlikely to return next year.
2. Plant More Grass
Bare patches of dirt are easy to excavate and encourage bees to tunnel. If you have a ground-nesting bee problem, you can look around at your yard and see exactly where they are: in the bald patches. Planting more grass or other kinds of thick ground cover can keep bees from digging.
3. Remove Piles of Rocks and Bricks
Although rock gardens are lovely and can be a huge eye-catching feature in your yard, some ground-nesting bees will substitute secure rock piles for burrows if the soil is too hard to dig. Removing rocks and brick piles can further eliminate nesting sites for ground bees.
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4. Bee Patient
Ground-nesting bees tend to only be active for two to four weeks in most areas, so if you’re patient, you can simply wait out the insects This method will allow them to continue to reproduce and spread, though, so it’s probably a good idea to combine with other tricks, like cleaning up rocks and planting more grass. But you’ll find the numbers of active bees diminish dramatically after just a few weeks.
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How to Get Rid of Ground Bees
The Guide to Getting Rid of Ground Bees
When thinking about bees, many homeowners picture beehives with bees buzzing through the air. While ground bees in Maryland can fly, not all bees live in hives like honeybees do.
In fact, a staggering 70% of bee species in the U.S. nest underground.
When it comes to ground bees in Maryland, you might be surprised if you stumble upon a nest in your yard. Homeowners call Brody Brothers Pest Control asking how to get rid of ground bees, and we have some advice to share on this topic.
What Are Ground Bees?
Also known as mining bees and digger bees, they burrow into the ground to nest. Unlike honey bees, ground bees are solitary and do not live in colonies. However, one exception to this is the bumblebee — they are one of the few species of ground bees that live in colonies. They often nest in large holes that are already made by a small animal.
Female ground bees go underground to lay their eggs inside tunnels in the ground. You can easily identify a ground bee nest. It’s a small pile of dirt with a large hole in the center. This is where the female tunnels go inside to lay eggs.
These eggs hatch underground and spend wintertime underground. In the summer, they come back out and the females begin digging tunnels again to lay eggs.
What Do Ground Bees Look Like?
Ground bees come in different sizes and shades of color. The largest species is about the size of a honey bee. The large variation is furry and darker than a honey bee. You may also see ground bees that are metallic green or have bright stripes.
Know that the term ground bee is not coined to a single species of bee. Any bee variation that burrows underground can be considered as a ground bee.
The Good Things About Ground Bees
While you might want to get rid of ground bees, know that there are some positive elements about them.
Do Ground Bees Sting?
First, unlike social bees and wasps, they are not aggressive. Ground bees generally won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. Females have stingers but won’t sting you unless they feel threatened.
You will often see male ground bees out hovering around the underground nests. The males are not equipped to sting or hurt you. The worst they will do to you is chase you away.
Ground Bees Help Gardens Grow
Lastly, ground bees are pollinators. Pollinators are an incredibly important part of the ecosystem here in Maryland.
However, it’s understandable if you don’t want ground bees living underground in your yard. You might have young children around or you can have an allergy to bees. No matter your reason, there are ways to get rid of ground bees.
Should I Kill Ground Bees?
The first point to understand is that it’s not necessary to kill ground bees. These are generally docile bees in comparison to honey bees. Killing them can be a threat to the ecosystem over time.
Instead of killing ground bees, you may call Brody Brother’s Pest Control to remove the nests. You can also try some of the following advice with caution.
How to Get Rid of Ground Bees
We highly recommend against using any type of chemical to get rid of ground bees. This attempt can backfire and potentially cause harm to pets or children.
Safer ways to approach the removal of ground bees include:
How to Get Rid of Ground Bees
- Cover the Nesting Holes
Blocking access to the underground nest is a safer solution than using chemicals.
This will prevent the bees from tunneling back inside to lay eggs. Once the bees realize they can’t get back into their nest, they will likely disappear and find a new place to burrow.
To block the underground nests, you can put items on top of the holes such as bricks.
If you are allergic to bees, please do not attempt to do this on your own. This option can put you in close proximity to the bees, which can result in stings. - Wet the Soil
Ground bees burrow their nests in dry soil. The act of watering your lawn can be enough to send the bees elsewhere. You may have to try watering multiple times in order for this method to be effective. Consider using a sprinkler so you don’t have to come in close contact with the holes.
- Sprinkle Cinnamon
Bees might love sugary sweets, but not so much with cinnamon. This spice is a put-off to bees and can help you get rid of ground bees when you’re in a pinch.
The idea is to sprinkle cinnamon on the holes of the nest.
You will need to do this each day for at least one week for it to take effect.
- Use Vinegar Spray
Mixing a spray bottle with equal parts of water and vinegar can help to get rid of ground bees. 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of water can serve as your solution in the spray bottle.
This can help ward the bees away, in addition to treating for grub worms and fungus gnats.
A Word of Caution on Getting Rid of Ground Bees
If you decide to use any of these 4 methods, there are some precautions to take before moving forward.
- Driving the bees away is a much safer approach than attempting to exterminate on your own.
- The use of chemicals and pesticides is ill-advised. It’s harmful to children, pets, and the soil.
- Since the DIY methods above can ultimately aggravate the bees, you’ll want to try these suggestions at night when the bees are asleep. Remember that the female can sting if provoked. Males won’t sting you, but they can swarm and chase you.
- Do not attempt these approaches if you have a bee allergy. The female stings and it can result in a severe allergic reaction.
When Should You Hire a Professional for Ground Bee Removal?
Removing ground bees in Maryland isn’t always a straightforward approach. Using one or a combination of the natural remedies may or may not be effective. More concerningly, you can get stung in the process which can result in an allergic reaction.
Working with Brody Brothers Pest Control, you can ensure the safe and effective removal of ground bees. This will keep your yard free from the bees while preventing a potential allergic reaction. It will also help you avoid using harsh chemicals to kill the bees.
If you have a concern about ground bees at your ground bees at your Maryland home, contact us today to learn more about professional removal.
folk remedies and chemicals to bring out wild bees
We live in a private house and one day we noticed that someone was buzzing above the ceiling. The sound was heard both on the first floor and from the attic.
The husband dismantled part of the cladding of the house from the outside and found a bee nest under it. We did not do anything ourselves and called a beekeeper from the village. He came in a special suit and pulled out the nest. The bees didn't show up anymore.
Since you are talking about other insects, where do bees come from in houses? And what if there is no beekeeper neighbor?
Andrey Nenastiev
drove the bees out of his house on his own
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Bees and wasps start in the house because they are warm and comfortable there. If there are places where you can fly freely and where people do not go, insects settle in them. If there is an apiary nearby, then the probability of getting such neighbors is higher.
I will tell you how you can fight the bees on your own and prevent them from making nests again.
Why start with humane methods
Bees bring many benefits and are important for the ecosystem, so it is better not to destroy them, but first try to move the hive to another place. It's risky, but if you follow security measures, it's possible.
The bees can still return to their old place. To avoid this, beekeepers advise moving the hive to an existing one. For example, find wild bees in the forest or look for an apiary in the neighborhood. Then the families of bees will mix, and, perhaps, all will remain in one place.
But sometimes the situation is hopeless: bees are dangerous for the inhabitants of the house, especially for children. Then the insects need to be evicted as quickly and efficiently as possible. I will talk about all the methods of dealing with bees, but some of them cannot be called humane. If you know more efficient and gentle ways, tell us in the comments.
How to prepare for the fight against bees
There are wild bees - they fly in from the forest, as well as domestic bees that have flown in from the apiary. It is better to deal with wild bees at the beginning of spring: at this time there are fewer insects in the hive, and the risk that they will bite is lower. It is recommended to expel domestic bees at the end of winter, when the insects are as weak as possible due to the cold.
People come to bee nests late in the evening or early in the morning: at this time all the bees are at home, but the peak of their activity has not yet come or has already passed.
Before the operation to drive out the bees, you need to dress in such a way that there are no exposed parts of the body. Bees can bite through thin fabric, so you need a tight jacket and pants. If available, wear a hat with a mosquito net. If you use chemicals, the activity of the bees may persist for some time. Therefore, it is better to work not in shales, but in rubber boots.
Bees are sensitive to any smell. Before anti-bee activities, it is better not to smoke or drink, even for courage: bees can smell alcohol vapors or the smell of tobacco and attack first.
If the bee nevertheless stings, you need to check if there is a sting left in the place of the bite. If yes, then remove it with tweezers. The bite site should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then apply cold. You can also take an antihistamine, such as Claritin or Tavegil, to relieve swelling.
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How to get rid of bees with folk remedies
Sulfur wick. This is a device that is used by masters of wooden barrels to disinfect them. This is an old and inhumane method of dealing with bees. The wick is set on fire - it starts emitting sulfuric smoke, from which the bees die.
The method will work if the burning fuse can be safely planted in close proximity to the hive. But, as a rule, this is not possible.
Sulfur wick can be ordered on the Internet, they are also sometimes sold in household chemical stores. These are the prices from the Bondarny Dvor website Gasoline. Filling the nest with gasoline will kill the insects. It is poured out of a container or sprayed with an airbrush. Method unsafe: gasoline is toxic and flammable. In addition, it is difficult to get close to the hive even with a bucket of gasoline, because the nests are usually located high.
Recordings with birdsong. Bees are afraid of loud sound, and also the singing of birds. These two factors are combined. Speakers are placed next to the hive and recordings of bird voices are turned on as loudly as possible. Perhaps the bees will leave the hive voluntarily. True, it is possible that they will return as soon as the owners turn off the sound.
Smoke from fires. Bees do not like smoke, so the nest can be fumigated with smoke from a fire. To do this, you should set fire to dry branches, garbage or make a barbecue near the beehive when the wind is in its direction.
But if the hive is well hidden in a wall or in an attic, there is little chance that the smoke will penetrate there.
Vinegar, beer or juice traps. You can buy bee traps in stores or make your own from a plastic bottle: it is cut in half, and then the top is turned over and inserted into the bottom part with the neck down. A vinegar solution is poured onto the bottom at the rate of 7-8 ml per 1 liter of water. Instead of vinegar, you can pour beer, juice, compote or any other sweet drink. Drinks are taken by eye.
Drinks are designed to lure insects into a trap through which they can no longer fly back out. Traps are placed in places where bees fly. Bottles can be nailed to carnations or hung on a rope.
An amazing story 09/02/19
Neighbor trees, a fence and an apiary interfered with a woman. She got rid of them
Traps are placed in places where bees fly. Bottles can be nailed to carnations or hung on a rope.
Traps are effective for catching "scout" bees who sniff out where to make a hive. When the hive in the house is already working, there is little sense from them.
Mounting foam. If you know exactly the places where the bees enter the hive in the house, you can seal the gaps with mounting foam. Thus, the bees are deprived of the road to the nest.
How to get rid of bees in other ways
You can eliminate the hives with the help of smoke and insecticides.
Smoke-out. Professional beekeepers fumigate hives with smoke to reduce bee activity. When the bees feel the smoke, they tighten their stingers and go into the hive. Beekeepers get smoke with the help of a special installation - a smoker. This is a device similar to a kettle, inside of which burning wood chips are laid. There are smokers with hand bellows - they need to be pumped in order for smoke to come out. And there are electric ones - it's much more convenient.
When the hive is fumigated and the bees have calmed down, the nest is taken with hands in thick gloves and transferred to another place.
How much does it cost to keep bees
A smoker with hand furs costs about 900 R, but it is inconvenient to use. This one runs on batteries. Source: website "Beekeeper"Use of chemicals. This is an extreme measure that we do not recommend. Bees are poisoned with universal insecticides. You can do it yourself or call an exterminator.
5000 Р
on average, the exterminator will take for the destruction of one hive
Get, Medilis-Ziper, Smelnet, Moskitol or ordinary dichlorvos are used against bees. The means are sprayed into the hive, after a day the procedure is repeated. Only after that the nest is removed and burned.
Insecticides can be sprayed with a spray gun or spray gun, or diluted in water and loaded into traps. To do this, a solution of poison and water must be mixed with 150 ml of honey. The mixture is poured into traps, which are placed as close as possible to the hive.
How I drove out the bees
We encountered bees two years after we bought a private house. My wife noticed that insects often flew under the roof. Our roof is covered with ondulin, it is wavy like slate - bees climbed under the edges of the waves. Over time, they became more and more. A month later, I found another place where the bees flew - on the other side of the house.
I started with relatively humane methods: I went to a garden supply store and bought two bee traps for 50 R each. I also took a bottle of beer to pour it into the traps and lure the bees.
100 R
I spent on bee traps
We hung the traps on the way to one of the proposed nesting sites. Three days later, a certain number of bees actually accumulated inside. I shook out the traps on the road. But a lot of bees still flew.
We forgot about this problem until I started building the boiler room. According to my plan, it was supposed to adjoin the house, and I supposed to attach the rafters for the roof of the extension to the upper beam of the log house. When I, climbing onto the goats, took off the lining, I felt a strong pain in my finger - I was bitten by a bee. A six-meter cladding board fell to the ground, and I managed to see a huge bee nest in the mineral wool. The bees attacked me. I had to jump to the ground from a height of two meters and flee in the house.
This is my house. The beehive was in the lantern area behind the white boards. The bees settled in insulation. I smeared my finger with ointment and decided to defeat the bees immediately, because the rafters had to be put up today, otherwise the matter would be delayed. In addition, I could not allow the angry bees to bite the children, so I took an airbrush, poured White Spirit into it and began to water the nest from the ground. The stench was unbearable. The bees tried to attack me, but my wife prudently gave me a winter jacket. In the heat of +30 °C, I did not feel very good in it, but it protected from bites. In addition, I filled the entire space around me with white spirit in advance.
After chemical preparation, I again climbed onto the goats, knocked down the nest with a shovel, filled it again with a spray gun and carried it out onto the road.
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I destroyed the second nest later, when I needed to climb into the attic. I planned to make a hood in the bathroom - for this it was necessary to lay pipes above the ceiling. When I tore off the lining from the ceiling, I heard a buzzing, and then I saw bees.
The nest was again in mineral wool, but this time we were separated by a vapor barrier film. This made everything easier, since the bees could not fly at me. However, I didn’t have access to the nest to somehow take it out and take it out.
I had to buy dichlorvos at a household chemical store for 90 R and spray it from below directly onto the film. The bees fell on top of her one by one. When I realized that they were no longer able to fly, I found the junction of the film, disconnected it, put my hand with the spray can into the slot and filled the nest directly. The wife screamed that a queen bee the size of a walnut had flown out of somewhere in the next room. We let her out the window.
After that, I was able to pull out the nest with a small spatula. I also took it to the road. We didn't have any more bees.
What to do to prevent bees from reappearing
If there is an apiary near the house, the bees will certainly cause problems. Even if they do not plant a beehive in the house, they will fly around the site and disturb the owners.
By law, a beekeeper must build a fence around his hives at least two meters high.
paragraph 4 of the instructions for the maintenance of bee families and the organization of beekeeping in settlements and summer cottages
The owners of the house can drive away the bees if they plant special plants on the site. Bees do not like basil, lemon balm, lavender and mint. They also help calendula, henbane, hellebore, wormwood, rhododendron. You can also plant hot peppers.
If the bees fly to the plot anyway, they can be concentrated in one place. To do this, take a bucket of water and dilute sugar in it. The bees will gather around this bucket. The disadvantage of this method: the bucket must constantly stand on the site.
You can scare away bees with an ultrasonic repeller. This is a device resembling a night light that is plugged into an outlet. The repeller generates ultrasound that frightens insects and rodents. There is no single answer about the effectiveness of such devices.
Ultrasonic repellers are mainly designed to work indoors: they need electricity and plus temperature. Outdoor battery-powered devices are more expensive.
Most ultrasonic repellers are positioned as universal - from all insects and rodents. There is no repeller from bees. These are offers on Yandex MarketWhat is the result
How to deal with bees in a private house:
- You need to approach the hive without foreign odors and in protective clothing.
Instead of a beekeeper's suit, a thick winter jacket and pants, goggles, a respirator, and a winter hat are suitable.
- The easiest way to destroy a hive is to douse it with something caustic at a safe distance. Do not do this if you can simply move the hive to another place: bees are important to nature.
- After the destruction of the hive, it is desirable to carry it as far as possible.
- To prevent bees from reappearing, special plants are planted on the site, and ultrasonic repellers are installed in the house. It is also worth checking all the joints and crevices where bees can fly in and seal them. It will also help against other insects and rodents.
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How to breed earth bees in the country: insect control methods
The earth bee is a special amazing species of honey insects. Their main habitat is desert unshaded areas with sandy soil. Most often, these insects are found in suburban areas located along the high banks of rivers or lakes. Earth bees dig a winding and branched network of tunnels underground. The constant expansion of the residential sector leads to the fact that these insects can be increasingly found near residential buildings. Their colonies are found in large clods of earth at the roots of trees, and in ground soil, and even in retaining structures covered with gravel.
- General information about insects
- Damage to earthen bees on the garden plot
- Methods of combating insects
- Chemical methods
For settlements, bees choose soil with a high content of sand. Usually they are grouped into large families, the grown offspring settle nearby, so the area of \u200b\u200bsettlement is constantly increasing.
Tunnels go deep into the ground, because these bees are excellent builders and hard workers. It is believed that such insects do not attack people and animals unless absolutely necessary, but there are periods when all insects, without exception, are particularly aggressive. And if you disturb them or destroy the dwelling, then nothing will protect them from an attack.
Earth bee does not attack people and animals unless absolutely necessary.Bee tunnels have oval rooms on the sides, which are used for breeding and for storing nectar. In these enclosed spaces, the resulting nectar does not leak out and is perfectly preserved even for years. The walls of these rooms have waterproof properties, which requires extremely painstaking work of insects.
Mink of earthen beesHarm of earthen bees on the garden plot
Uninvited guests often settle in unsuitable places on summer cottages and occupy more and more area. In addition, they can bite the inhabitants of the site, they are especially dangerous for children and pets, as well as for people who are allergic to bee stings.
The venom produced by insects when they bite is high in histamine and can lead to a severe allergic reaction. The bite is accompanied by redness and inflammation of the tissues, as well as a slight swelling.
Edema resulting from a sting of an earth beeTo alleviate the consequences, the sting must be removed immediately and the wound treated with alcohol or sweetened water. With pronounced swelling, ice can be applied. To avoid an allergic reaction, you need to take an antihistamine. In addition, experts recommend drinking as much water as possible and in no case drink alcohol, as it can enhance the effect of oxins.
Sometimes when a bee stings a person has to go to the hospital to avoid serious consequences.
These insects also cause great harm to plants in the garden, nibbling their foliage and thereby reducing, and sometimes completely destroying, the crop. Therefore, the desire to get rid of "uninvited neighbors" is quite understandable.
Insect control methods
These insects should be dealt with as soon as they are discovered. Of course, it is best to seek the help of professionals. There are special firms that specialize in the fight against any pests.
But if for some reason you cannot turn to professionals, then you will have to solve this problem yourself. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and be sure to protect yourself from all possible consequences.
Chemical methods
The most effective method of getting rid of earthen bee colonies is fumigating them with a special smoker. In this case, 100% death of all pests is guaranteed.
It is necessary to purchase a special poisonous substance for the destruction of wild bees and do not hesitate to apply as much of this poison as possible, since an insufficient amount will not kill insects, but will make them aggressive, which will lead to attacks on people.
Wild Wasp Killer "Get" can be used. This poisonous substance contains 5% chlorpyrifos, which is enough to treat one hundred square meters of land.
"Get" - an effective remedy for wasps and hornetsSo, instructions for working with a fumigator and a chemical agent:
- Wear a hazmat suit, net and thick gloves;
- Use a smoker to fumigate the place where the earthen bees gather. After that, the insects will become lethargic and inactive;
- Now you need to carefully introduce the chemical into the earthen holes - nests. Do not be afraid to overdo it, the more poison, the more certain the result;
- When finished, seal the underground hives tightly.
In the morning, dig up this piece of land and plant lavender or lemon balm on it. Insects, especially bees, do not like the smells of these plants, and they will fly around your site.
Folk ways
The easiest old way to get rid of earthen bees in the garden is to pour boiling water over them. Typically, a small bee colony requires 15 liters of boiling water. Keep in mind that cold water will not help here, after it the bees survive and become aggressive.
If the area occupied by insects is very large, then more water will be needed. Don't be greedy, the more water the better. Because it can be quite difficult to get rid of uninvited guests.
This procedure is best done in the evening at sunset, when all the insects have returned home. BUT you need to be very careful, because it is possible to spoil the root system of plants standing nearby.
Some experts recommend digging up fresh settlements of wild bees, forcing them to change their place of residence. But keep in mind that the old settlements go very deep into the ground and therefore it is quite difficult to reach the bottom of the tunnel. At the bottom point there are pantries with nectar, so if you find honey when digging, it means that you have completely destroyed the entire home of wild bees. After carefully digging all the ground, you need to fill it with compost and constantly check, because the bees can return and form their colony in the neighborhood.
Important: you may not even notice the bite, but the consequences will not be long in coming. Therefore, protect yourself by wearing a tight suit and gloves. And keep in mind that it is impossible to get rid of these stinging insects simply by covering their dwellings with earth or sand. In this case, the insects become very aggressive and it will become much more difficult to eradicate them from the site.
Bee traps can be used. Place bottles of sugar syrup near the entrances. The bees that crawled in there will never be able to get out.
Safety and preventive measures
In order to protect yourself from the stings of earthen bees, you need to get a protective suit. This includes a bee net, thick, long gloves, a jacket and trousers made of thick material.
Keep children and pets away from the area at the time of work.