Get rid of mosquitoes in the yard
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard - Lawn Care Blog
Spending time outdoors enjoying your dream landscape can quickly turn into a nightmare if you’re swarmed by pesky mosquitoes. Taking these steps will help you take back control of your yard.
We’ll go over:
What do mosquitoes look like?
You might know their bites, but not everyone can recognize the insect itself. Mosquitoes are small insects that are between ¼ and ½ of an inch long. There are a few different species that vary in color, but the ones you’re likely to see are gray or brown.
Their limbs are the best way to identify them. They have two long, scale-covered wings and a set of uniquely long legs. If you’re up close, you’ll also see an extended mouthpart called a proboscis. It’s like the mosquito’s straw. This characteristic sets them apart from other insects like crane flies.
What attracts mosquitoes to your landscape?
Mosquitoes love dark, humid places. They thrive in areas with plenty of shade and moisture because that’s where they can breed.
Common mosquito habitats:
- Tall grass
- Hollow trees
- Under leaves
- Anywhere with standing water
The mosquito life cycle
Effective mosquito control interrupts the life cycle of the insect. Killing adult mosquitoes is a good start, but preventing mosquito breeding will ensure mosquitoes don’t come back.
Each female can lay more than 700 eggs over the course of her lifespan (which is just a few months). They can mate with a male mosquito once and lay eggs up to five times from just that one encounter. They don’t need a mansion either – a mosquito can lay as many as 100 eggs in a space as small as a bottle cap.
Mosquitoes move through four stages of life: egg, larvae, pupae, and adult. The first three stages depend on water, which is why minimizing standing water in your landscape is so important. They need water to lay eggs in, and mosquito larvae and pupae live on the surface of the water.
Finally, adult mosquitoes are able to leave the water. Male mosquitoes only live for about a week and mostly subsist on plant nectar. Female mosquitoes need blood meals to support their eggs (they’re the ones biting you), and can live up to six months. When the weather starts to cool off, some adult females hibernate. Mosquito eggs often survive winter.
5 ways to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard
1. Free from debris
As long as you have places for them to play hide and seek, mosquitoes won’t want to leave. Clearing debris is a great first step and will ensure any subsequent chemical treatment you use sticks.
So what does clearing debris mean? Debris includes:
- Toys
- Lawn furniture
- Leaves
- Weeds
- Fallen branches
- Compost piles
- Overgrown vegetation
- Tall grass
Tidying up will have a huge impact on the efficacy of future treatment. If you choose to use a broad-spectrum insecticide, for example, there’s nothing stopping new adult mosquitoes from making their home there again.
2. Dethatch
A similar line of treatment for mosquitoes is dethatching. Like clearing debris, dethatching removes a possible humid home for mosquitoes. Dethatching improves your soil’s drainage. This helps prevent fungal growth as well as mosquitoes.
What is thatch?
Thatch is a tightly woven layer of living and dead stems, roots, and leaves that collects in grass between the growing blades and the soil beneath. Thatch is totally normal, and a healthy layer protects your lawn against heavy foot traffic.
How do you know you need to dethatch?
A thatch layer of more than one-half inch means it’s time to dethatch. To find out how much thatch is on your lawn, cut out a small triangle of turf 6 inches deep. If the spongy layer above the soil is less than one-half inch thick when you squeeze it, you’re fine.
Certain factors increase your risk for heavy thatch. Acidic and compacted soils are more likely to develop thatch. Also, poor fertilization practices can increase thatch thickness. Grass types like Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass produce more thatch than other types.
How to dethatch:
You have two options: use a rake or a dethatcher. A dethatcher, similar to a rake, uses metal blades or tines to comb through the grass but requires less effort on your part.
- Wait until your grass can be mowed.
- Mow it at half its normal height.
- Use a dethatcher or a rake to pull up the thatch.
3. Clear standing water
Dealing with pooling water that just keeps coming back is the last thing you want to add to your chores. You might not even be aware of where or how water is collecting on your property.
Don’t skip this step. Mosquitoes spend 75% of their life cycle in water, so an abundance of it is one of the main reasons mosquitoes keep breeding in your landscape. We’ll give you a rundown of where to check for standing water and suggestions for how to deal with it.
Where to check for standing water:
- Flower pots (consider moving inside)
- Wheelbarrows
- Tires
- Birdbaths (change several times a week)
- Pet bowls (change daily)
- Buckets
- Grill covers
- Tarps
- Trash can lids
- Gutters
- Depressions in lawn
Solutions for standing water in your lawn:
Rain garden: A rain garden is a simple way to take advantage of depressions in your landscape without installing a drain. Creating one is simple: Plant water-loving native grasses and flowers in a place that collects water.
Not only will you have a beautiful garden, but you’ll also reduce water waste, minimize flooding, and help purify water before it reaches streams and rivers. For extra credit, choose native plants that also repel mosquitoes like bee balm and American beautyberry.
Audit sprinkler system: Sometimes a faulty sprinkler system is responsible for the mysterious puddles you find in the morning. Sprinkler systems should be maintained and audited twice a year. This includes cleaning heads, adjusting stream direction, and making sure your watering sessions are timed.
If everything checks out but you’re still left with puddles, make sure you’re watering early in the morning (4-8 a.m.). You might need a different sprinkler system that fits your landscape better.
Add drainage: Drainage systems are another effective way of dealing with flooding. The most common drains for residential properties are channel drains, french drains, dry wells, and catch basins. French drains are likely to solve your problem and are best installed by a professional unless you’re really handy.
Before adding drainage, try clearing your gutters and extending your downspouts away from the foundation of your house. Sometimes this is enough to solve your standing water issues.
4. Add mosquito-repelling plants to your landscape
Beautify your landscape and keep mosquitoes away? Sign us up. There are many plants that have qualities that are natural repellents for mosquitoes. Some plants have overwhelming fragrances, and others contain chemicals that irritate the bugs.
Where should you plant them?
The best places to put these plants are in “hot spots” — areas where mosquitoes are likely to congregate. Shady places like the front porch and back patio, or wet areas like around water features or in low points of land are great ideas.
Mosquito-repelling plants:
- Citronella
- Bee balm
- Lavender
- American beautyberry
- Catnip
- Marigolds
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint
Many of these plants do double duty as flea and tick repellent, too.
5. Apply an insecticide
An insecticide is a substance applied to your yard that kills adult mosquitoes, eggs, and larvae. This is usually used as a last resort. Insecticides contain chemicals that can irritate the skin, hurt beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, and harm the environment. However, they are an effective way to control mosquitoes.
Most insecticides you’ll find use pyrethrins or the synthetic version, pyrethroids. They’ll need a few applications over the course of several weeks to eradicate the mosquito population. Always follow the instructions for your particular product.
How to use a broad-spectrum insecticide:
- To minimize the negative effects, only apply insecticide to mosquito-prone areas instead of the entire yard (shady and wet places).
- Measure the square footage you’ll be spraying by multiplying the length by width of each section, then adding them together.
- For example, Area A has a length of 3 feet and width of 2 feet. 3 x 2 is 6 square feet.
- Area B has a length of 6 feet and a width of 2 feet. 6 x 2 is 12 square feet.
- Area A (6 square feet) + Area B (12 square feet) is 18 square feet in total.
- Calculate how much product you need by multiplying the square footage you’ll be spraying by the amount of product recommended for 1,000 square feet, then dividing by 1,000.
- Let’s say you’re spraying 100 square feet. And 8 ounces of product covers 1,000 square feet.
- 8 x 100 = 800
- 800 divided by 1,000 = 0.8 ounces
- If you’re using concentrate, follow their instructions to calculate how many gallons of water you’ll mix it with. For example, a popular concentrate is Permethrin SFR. Every 1.23 ounces of product should be mixed with 1 gallon of water.
Multiply 1.23 by the number of ounces you need to get the number of gallons of water to use.
- If it’s less than 1 ounce, it’s easier to use a 1 gallon pump sprayer. You can get these online or from home and garden stores.
- If it’s more than 1 ounce, use a hose-end sprayer.
How to use a hose-end sprayer:
- Fill the reservoir with the proper amount of concentrate and water to the corresponding gallon mark. The gallon marks tell you how much water has been sprayed from your hose.
- Connect the nozzle to your hose, making sure it’s in the off position.
- Make sure your water is turned off and attach the reservoir to the nozzle.
- Turn on the water and spray the areas.
- Leaving the deflector on sprays the water downward. To get the undersides of leaves, turn the deflector up so the water fans upward.
- Continue spraying evenly until the water in the reservoir depletes.
FAQs about mosquitoes
1. Do different types of mosquitoes need different treatments?
Though there are different types of mosquitoes (more than 130 in the U.S.) like the aedes, culex, and anopheles, they all like the same general habitats and have the same life cycles. These treatments are effective against all types.
2. If I don’t usually get bitten, do I really need to get rid of mosquitoes?
Regardless of whether or not you get bitten, mosquito treatment is important if you notice a lot of them living on your property. They can carry harmful diseases like Zika and West Nile virus and cause heartworm disease in dogs.
3. Do coffee grounds kill mosquitoes?
Sprinkling coffee grounds over the lawn probably won’t deter adult mosquitoes, but flooding water with coffee grounds will harm mosquito larvae. Treating standing water with coffee can also prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs there in the first place.
4. When are mosquitoes most active?
Mosquitoes look for targets at dusk and dawn when the sunlight isn’t too strong. They breed or come out of hibernation when temperatures rise above 50 degrees.
Any alterations to your landscape can be overwhelming to deal with on your own. A professional landscaping company can help you redesign and maintain your backyard. A pest control expert can handle your insecticide needs.
Main Photo Credit: Wonderlane | Flickr | public domain
Rachel Abrams
Born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, Rachel Abrams studied creative writing at the University of Virginia. She enjoys volunteering at her neighborhood community garden and growing herbs in her New York City apartment.
Posts by Rachel Abrams
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes (2022 Guide)
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Nothing ruins warm weather fun like a mosquito bite. Our ultimate guide on how to get rid of mosquitoes offers options for DIY and professional ways to eliminate these pests.
Reviews by This Old House Reviews Team 07/27/2022 12:00 am
Mosquitos range from being a nuisance to carriers of diseases and most homeowners are looking for ways to eliminate these pests every year. Thankfully, there are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes, from insecticides to natural and organic options.
There are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes, but they aren’t all equally effective. The This Old House Reviews Team has rounded up the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes and stay bug bite-free. In this guide you’ll find tips on removing them from your house and your yard, your options for DIY mosquito control, and the best professional pest control options.
Dangers of Mosquitoes
There are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes in almost every country around the world, with roughly 200 species in the U.S. alone. Unfortunately, these flying pests can carry malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, yellow fever, Zika virus, and more. This danger to humans occurs when mosquitoes ingest the disease, carry it in their bloodstream and then transfer it to the next person they bite.
It’s a common misconception that mosquitoes suck blood for food. Mosquitoes ingest blood to nourish their bodies so they can lay and hatch healthy eggs. Mosquitoes can lay 100 eggs at a time, so populations of this pest can get out of control quickly. When eliminating mosquitoes, it’s key to use multiple methods, to kill mosquitoes at every stage of the life cycle.
It’s also important to note that repelling and killing mosquitoes aren’t the same thing. Repelling mosquitoes will keep them away from you by making you less attractive to them. They’re attracted to the carbon dioxide from our breath and elements of our sweat. Mosquitoes are also attracted to standing water, laying eggs in areas such as birdbaths, damp potting soil, standing water in kitchens, puddles, and more.
Killing mosquitoes may seem like a tempting option, but it’s not always in our—or the environment’s—best interest. That’s because mosquitoes can become resistant to pesticides, making them harder to kill over time. Try natural methods first if your infestation is minor, or turn to the pros if you’re dealing with serious mosquito problems.
How to Get Rid of Indoor Mosquitoes
You’re more likely to have a mosquito issue in your yard than in your home itself, but having mosquitoes buzzing around during bedtime can be frustrating.
Mosquitoes buzzing around are easier to spot during the day than at night. If it’s getting late and you want to track them down, turn on a lamp, flashlight, or your smartphone and wait for them to be attracted to the light.
Here are the top ways to repel mosquitoes that have already entered your home.
- Bug zappers: Safe for the indoors, bug zappers can kill mosquitoes on contact and are a good solution if you are only facing a few stray bugs.
- Candles: Burning lavender candles is a natural mosquito repellent that keeps mosquitoes away while making your home smell pleasant.
- Chemical repellents: Applying traditional chemical mosquito repellent spray will keep these pests from biting you. You should purchase products that contain 30% to 50% DEET. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that DEET continues to meet safety standards when used properly.
- Coffee grounds: Burn some coffee grounds in a coffee tray or egg carton and the smoke will repel these pests. Do this carefully in an area where it won’t cause damage or set off a fire alarm.
- Essential oils: These may not be as effective as traditional pesticides. Mix a few drops of lavender, lemon, or eucalyptus with one cup of water, pour it into a spray bottle, and shake.
Be sure to patch test your oil first, and consult with a medical professional if you have questions.
- Mosquito traps: There are several ways you can get a mosquito trap—order one online, buy one from the grocery store or hardware store, or even make your own with sugar water and yeast.
- Oscillating fans: Mosquitoes can’t fly well against the wind. Turn your fan on and watch the mosquitoes scatter and ultimately give up.
- Outdoor soap: Some outdoor soaps are specially designed to repel mosquitoes. After bathing with 100% natural, non-toxic soap such as Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor soap, the scent of your sweat will repel mosquitoes.
- Sealing your space: To prevent mosquitoes from entering your home, patch any holes, tears, or gaps in screens and doors. If you can see sunlight in the space around your door, that means it isn’t properly sealed. There’s an easy fix—purchase a simple door strip.
The Best Way to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard
Now that you know how to get rid of mosquitoes in your home, here are a few ways to keep these pests out of your yard. The most effective methods to get rid of mosquitoes outdoors include these:
- Attracting natural predators
- Burning candles
- Cedar mulch
- Eliminating standing water
- Manicuring your lawn
- Mosquito traps
- Outdoor chemical repellents
- Planting natural deterrents
- Thermacell
- Treating pools and ponds
- Yellow LED lighting
Apply Chemical Repellents
Applying a chemical insect repellent designed for the outdoors is a solid way to get rid of mosquitoes. Repellents can protect the perimeters of lawns, backyards, and gardens for up to eight weeks. You can also spray a traditional, safe repellent on your skin.
Set a Mosquito Trap
Mosquito traps are a handy way to control your mosquito population. These traps work by mimicking the visual and smell stimuli that attract mosquitoes to humans.
There are many varieties of mosquito traps out there. Some work by trapping mosquitoes to a sticky surface, while others electrocute them with an electric grid. The Mosquito Magnet is one of the most popular traps—it works by vacuuming mosquitoes up.
For this method, place your traps in a shady area. You may have to move them around to find the optimal placement for ensnaring mosquitoes. It’s worth noting that different species of mosquitoes react differently to traps, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy.
Eliminate Standing Water
Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and that’s where their larvae hatch. Empty all stagnant bodies of water you can, like any water that’s pooled in buckets, gutters, ditches, and pet bowls. Make sure to refresh the water in any birdbaths and check to see if your potted plants have enough drainage.
Treat Pools and Ponds
For standing water that you can’t eliminate, apply a larvicide dunk or liquid larvicide and run the filter regularly. To prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in your pool, be sure to cover the pool at night and during the months when you aren’t using it.
Burn Candles
Citronella candles are a long-time fan favorite for repelling mosquitoes. You can buy sizable ones to place around your yard and ensure mosquitoes will keep their distance.
Set Out Thermacell
Thermacell devices are spray-free, emitting a no-mess repellent in a compact container. Completely scent-free, these containers are easy to refill and provide up to 15 feet of protection.
Keep a Manicured Lawn
Mosquitoes like to rest and settle in areas that are cool, damp, and dark. Manicure your lawn, trim trees and shrubs, and make sure your grass isn’t too tall. This will make your yard less hospitable to mosquitoes.
Plant Natural Deterrents
Repelling mosquitoes doesn’t have to be just practical—it can be pretty, too. Planting natural deterrents can spruce up your garden while keeping these prevalent pests away. Consider planting the following flora to keep mosquitoes away:
- Tulsi
- Lavender
- Marigolds
- Lemon balm
- Lemongrass
- Citronella
- Catnip
- Basil
- Garlic
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Pennyroyal
- Geraniums
- Sage
Put Down Cedar Mulch
Cedar oil is a common mosquito repellent ingredient, and you can easily find cedar mulch for your lawn or garden. Cedar mulch soaks up excess moisture, keeping it in the soil and deterring mosquitoes from settling in your vegetation.
Attract Natural Predators
Predators can’t completely eradicate your issue if you’re overrun with mosquitoes, but if you’re just getting a few unwanted critters here and there, attracting them is worth a shot.
Many birds are natural mosquito predators, including purple martins, waterfowl, swallows, and migratory songbirds. Setting up bird feeders is a solid step in attracting these birds. Installing a bat house can also help. Bats eat up mosquitoes, but you may not want to attract bats near your home.
If you have a pond, you can benefit from predators like goldfish, koi, and red-eared slider turtles.
Use Yellow LED lighting
Mosquitoes are attracted to the light from traditional light bulbs. Warm, yellow LED lights are less appealing to them, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Professional Mosquito Control
While you may find some measure of success with DIY methods, if you’re dealing with tons of mosquitoes, you need to call in a professional pest control company. Professional pest control companies have the expertise to kill mosquitoes at all stages of the life cycle and are more knowledgeable about safety practices when applying chemicals.
Here are our top recommendations for professional mosquito control.
Terminix’s mosquito solution promises to kill mosquitoes with a fast-acting, specialized treatment. Its polymer layer protects the product’s active ingredient against weather and lawn watering, allowing weeks-long mosquito prevention.
First, Terminix inspects your yard for mosquitoes. Then, the technician will create a treatment plan that involves a protection zone. Terminix offers a one-time application and monthly treatment.
If you’d like to get a free quote from Terminix, call 866-569-4035 or fill out this form.
This trusted pest control company follows a targeted mosquito control process that involves monthly treating and added protection against mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile and Zika.
After completing a thorough inspection, your Orkin specialist will create a specific treatment plan.
Orkin uses three primary treatment controls—microbial insects that inhibit breeding in water, insecticides applied to plants that adult mosquitoes use for shelter, and insect growth regulators that prevent the development of mosquitoes in stagnant bodies of water.
To get a free quote from Orkin, call 877-868-1416 or fill out this simple form.
Hawx pest control is a newer addition to our top pest control services, but their customized mosquito plans also eliminate mosquito breeding grounds and nesting sites around the yard. Starting with an inspection, Hawx will identify problem areas, apply targeted mosquito treatment using a fogger, and recommend other steps to keep your home mosquito free.
Local Pest Control Companies
Some homeowners prefer to select a pest control company a little closer to home, whether a local business or a locally owned branch. Others simply prefer to be called instead of calling around for quotes. To be contacted by local pest control companies in your area, fill out this form or insert your details into the tool below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Rating Methodology
The This Old House Reviews Team is committed to providing unbiased and comprehensive reviews for our readers. This means earning your trust through transparency and having the data to back up our ratings and recommendations. With that in mind, we spent time creating an objective rating system to score each best pest control company. Here’s what that review process looks like:
- We contact every pest control company via phone and online chat (if available), talking to representatives. We get quotes, ask questions, and fully understand each company’s pest control plans.
- We test the customer service, including factors such as wait times, friendliness, and problem-solving ability.
- We check and update all of the data and metrics on the companies on a regular basis to ensure we have the most current and accurate information.
With all of that data, we created a rating system to score each pest control company. Our rating system is a weighted, 100-point scale on the following factors:
- Plan options (35): Every home and every pest problem has its specific needs when it comes to prevention and remediation.
Companies with multiple plans and service offerings were given higher scores than those without.
- State Availability (5): Where you live determines which providers are available. Companies available in more states were rated higher than those with less.
- Trustworthiness (15): We consider companies that offer service guarantees and others more trustworthy and therefore scored higher.
- Customer Service (35): This factor is based on our own research from calling providers, as well as their availability and guarantees for responses.
- Additional Benefits (10): Companies who offer things like information about the products they use, have an app for customers, and other benefits were given higher ratings.
In summary, the This Old House Reviews Team reviewed over 40 companies to select this list of the best pest control companies. Our researchers check and update our data on all 40 companies each month to ensure the most accurate information.
To share feedback or ask a question about this article, send a note to our Reviews Team at [email protected].
How to get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage: all working ways to fight
1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars
We talk about folk remedies, safe chemicals and what traps will help get rid of mosquitoes.
In the hot season, there is one unpleasant moment that can spoil the whole impression of summer - mosquito bites. It is because of them that summer residents and all nature lovers are forced to hide in garden houses, apply a lot of repellents or wear special clothes. We decided to find out if there is a convenient and safe way to get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage.
We expel pests with proven methods
Folk remedies
- Get rid of water bodies
- Use repellent herbs
- Build a trap
Modern technologies
- Repellents
- Chemical treatment
Before turning on serious control measures such as chemical irrigation, try simpler and safer, but no less effective options: remove all excess water from the site, make herbal infusions or use a special trap.
Get rid of water bodies
How to deal with mosquitoes in your summer cottage? The simplest thing you can do is close all water bodies on the site. Tanks and barrels with water - with lids, ponds and other decorative elements - with special awnings or just a film. Still water is an ideal place for mosquito larvae to lay and grow. If they do not have access to it, it will be much more difficult to reproduce, and sooner or later the insects will leave your garden. In addition, try to change the water in such places more often - experts advise doing this once a week.
In addition to decorative and utility reservoirs, the breeding ground for hordes of bloodsuckers can be ordinary puddles that do not dry out for a long time, too damp soil. If your garden is located in a shady area, near a forest, then it is very important to get rid of dense thickets that further shade the soil and prevent it from drying out. Thinning shrubs, regular weed cleaning - all these activities will also reduce the activity and number of harmful insects.
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Use repellent odors
The second effective and relatively safe way to drive out mosquitoes are plants, or rather their scent. There are several species that successfully fight pests. For example, tomatoes. They can be planted locally in different parts of the garden, you can even plan a flower bed out of them. By the way, wormwood, mint, lavender are perfect here - mosquitoes hate them too. Natural repellents can be planted near water bodies, so you will kill two birds with one stone: you will scare away mosquitoes and stop their reproduction in the water.
Another way is a natural aroma lamp. If you have a barbecue dinner in the fresh air, throw a couple of sprigs of tansy or the same mint somewhere on the side of the grill on smoldering coals. Its fragrance will protect you for a while.
House plants
9 plants that repel mosquitoes
Aroma oils can be used: cedar, anise, eucalyptus, clove. Apply a drop to your wrists if you are not allergic to these plants. Soak a cloth napkin in a decoction of wheatgrass and hang it at the entrance to the house or over the window for the night - small pests will not dare to invade your home with such protection. How to make a decoction? It's as easy as shelling pears: pour one hundred grams of grass with boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, the decoction can be applied to the skin or tissue.
6 beneficial insects for your garden (do not rush them away!)
Lure mosquitoes with sugar and yeast
So-called mosquito traps or traps can be easily made from a plastic bottle. Her neck is cut off, and sugar and yeast are poured into the bottom. Then some warm water is added to start the fermentation process. The cut off top is turned over and inserted back already in the manner of a funnel. Everything is carefully fastened with adhesive tape or glue. Mosquitoes love the smell of carbon dioxide, and during fermentation, a sufficient amount is released. Insects fly inside the bottle, but they can no longer get out - they die there.
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If you do not trust folk recipes or want to use something more effective and reliable, then modern chemical pesticides will help you.
There are many varieties of chemical repellents. These are the most popular and simple means for fighting mosquitoes. There are lotions, sprays, tablets, aerosols, strips, coils, liquids - options for every taste. Perhaps the most convenient are aerosols: they can be sprayed on the body, hair, clothes and irrigate the room. On average, all forms last from two to six hours. So-called pyrotechnic repellents can be analogues of herbs smoldering on coals. The most budgetary and common is a spiral that needs to be set on fire. It is worth doing this outdoors so that toxic fumes do not poison the room. The spiral will begin to smolder and will drive away pests.
Mosquito coil Raid
Summer cottage
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Chemical treatment
This is a pretty effective way to forget about bloodsuckers forever. Today, the chemical industry is developing a variety of site treatments. First of all, places of possible reproduction of insects are irrigated: ditches with water, ponds, storm drains, and so on. After that comes the turn of residential premises, special attention is paid to basements. Chemicals are sprayed on trees, shrubs, fences. It is best to call a special service for effective irrigation of the site, they will do everything quickly, efficiently and most importantly safely. Specialists work in special protective suits, due to which they are not exposed to the toxic effects of substances. If you decide to carry out such a procedure yourself, it is very important to stock up on the necessary clothes, and also carefully study the instructions for using certain means.
Spray Dichlorvos
Although the chemicals that kill mosquitoes have no effect on humans and pets, safety precautions must be followed in full. Such treatment of the site gives a guarantee of protection for one or two months, sometimes a little more - it depends on how rainy the summer will be.
Summer cottage
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Ultrasonic repellers
Ultrasonic repellers are available. How to remove mosquitoes on the site with their help?
Mosquitoes can't stand ultrasound, and these devices just reproduce it, forcing them to stay away from the garden. In addition to stationary, there are other varieties, for example, those that are attached to clothes, keys. These devices will protect an area up to 50 square meters. But they also have disadvantages. One of them is that not all subspecies of insects are sensitive to ultrasound. There are mosquitoes to which the harmful effect does not apply. Therefore, it is better to buy such models where you can change the frequency of oscillation.
Ultrasonic Repeller
Above, we have already talked about a similar way to get rid of mosquitoes. But now we are not talking about a home-made, but about an industrial trap. The most common is sticky tape. It is attached to the ceiling in a room, veranda or gazebo. The surface of the tape is treated with a special bait and insects, sitting on it, cannot get out and die immediately. It cannot be called effective: whether a mosquito sits on a tape or not, it is rather a matter of chance, and not systematic. But there is a plus - low cost.
Adhesive tape Raptor
UV lamps are much more effective than sticky tapes. They lure the insect with light, it falls on the grid, through which a small voltage is applied, and there it dies. It is logical that the lamps can be used in the dark. Depending on the model, the range will be different - in extreme cases, several pieces can be installed on a vast territory.
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Prepared by
Elena Perlova
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How to overcome mosquitoes and midges in a summer cottage
Hot summer is coming, and you are already looking forward to charming evenings on the country veranda or in a cozy gazebo. The cool air is filled with the aromas of herbs and flowers, the foliage rustles softly, large stars shine. In the quiet of the evening, the itching of hundreds of mosquitoes and midges hovering over you with the most unambiguous intentions is especially clearly audible. There are resounding clapping of the palms on various parts of the body, shattering the magic of the summer night to smithereens.
From time immemorial, humanity has been fighting the damned bloodsuckers by all available means. Today, summer residents, in addition to mosquito nets and smoke from fires, can take advantage of modern inventions and preparations. They greatly facilitate life in the bosom of nature and allow you to enjoy the fresh summer air without fear of being bitten from head to toe.
Who threatens us?
In recent decades, the species diversity of winged bloodsucking insects in central Russia has increased significantly. Today, the list of hostile creatures includes the following types.
Pisk mosquito and other types of mosquitoes. In this insect, only females experience a craving for human blood during the period of egg maturation. Protein-rich liquid is necessary for them to bear offspring. One female mosquito can attack a person up to eight times a night. During the day, they hide in the cool shade, because they cannot tolerate temperatures above 28 degrees, and at dusk they fly out to hunt. In search of a person, they are guided by the heat emitted by the body and the smell of sweat.
Midge. If mosquitoes have adapted to living even in megacities, then the midge prefers the banks of rivers and lakes. It is easily distinguished by the small size of the rounded and rigid body, as well as by the wide oval wings.
The bite is extremely painful, and the wound does not heal for a long time, because the midge does not pierce the skin with its proboscis, but bites out a small piece of skin and licks the protruding blood. The consequences of a bite are quite unpleasant: the toxin contained in saliva causes extensive swelling, and in some people a severe allergic reaction.
Biting midges. In terms of body structure, these insects are similar to mosquitoes, but their sizes are very small - the body length barely reaches 2.5 mm. This allows biting midges to sit on the mosquito net and crawl through the cells to get into the room. Bites can cause symptoms of general toxicosis: a person has a fever, weakness and nausea appear.
Mosquitoes. Fortunately, these bloodsuckers are thermophilic and are rarely found north of the Krasnodar Territory. Small insects, the length of which does not exceed 3 mm, are carriers of a number of infectious diseases. At the site of the bite, a person develops severe itching, and dermatitis often develops.
The cycle of reproduction of all listed species is connected with the water in which the larvae develop. Therefore, in areas far from water bodies, the danger of being bitten is significantly less high than on the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds.
Methods for controlling bloodsucking insects
You can fight mosquitoes and midges in different ways:
by installing barriers through which insects cannot penetrate;
scaring away bloodsuckers with unpleasant smells or sounds for them;
local or total destruction.
The means for conducting this struggle can be divided into the following groups:
mechanical - nets, mosquito nets;
chemical - all kinds of repellents and insecticides of industrial production;
electric - a variety of devices for scaring away or, conversely, luring and destroying insects;
biological - the use of features of the life cycle of insects to reduce their population.
The best result is achieved, as in other areas of life, by implementing a set of measures that includes several different methods. This complex for each individual site should be developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the microclimate, landscape, your habits and preferences.
Let us consider in more detail the main ways to fight for the integrity of your skin and a relaxing holiday in the country.
Mosquito net ProGarden 130x150cm black with Velcro
The easiest way is to install breathable barriers that do not interfere with the ventilation of the premises, but at the same time do not allow harmful insects to enter. Our grandparents used tulle or gauze curtains for this, but to say that they created a reliable barrier is to sin against the truth. Today it is not difficult to buy ready-made mosquito nets for windows of a standard size. Products for doorways are equipped with convenient magnetic fasteners and are often decorated with cheerful drawings.
In the life of insects, smells play a huge role, which help them to accurately find food and avoid danger. So, they detect people and animals by the smell of sweat they secrete, which unmistakably signals to female bloodsuckers about the presence of tasty fresh food. Therefore, masking our own smell with some strong aroma, we send a message to the small gnat: fly away from here, there is nothing interesting for you here.
Attention! In order for the disguise to work without failures, before applying fragrances, you need to thoroughly wash your body, removing traces of sweat that has been released earlier. Some insects only need one molecule per cubic meter of air to detect food.
Folk remedies for repelling midges and mosquitoes
You will find most of the repellents in this group in your own kitchen, in the medicine cabinet or in the nearest forest.
Sagebrush. To prepare an anti-mosquito tincture, collect the roots of fresh wormwood and finely chop, then pour boiling water over and leave for half an hour.
For a glass of chopped wormwood roots, you need to take a liter of water. When the decoction has cooled, apply it with a cotton swab or a spray bottle to exposed skin, spray door and window openings.
Camphor. In any pharmacy you will find camphor alcohol, tincture or crystalline camphor. With the onset of dusk and the activation of mosquitoes, pour the camphor from the vial into a small saucepan, put it on the stove and evaporate the substance by heating it over low heat. After this procedure, you are guaranteed a restful sleep throughout the night. If you pour the solution into a tin can and evaporate on a fire or barbecue, then during the evening not a single mosquito will approach the site where you are resting.
Valerian. In the same way, valerian tincture is used, which has similar properties. True, in this case, a side effect is possible in the form of an invasion of cats in a summer cottage.
Aroma oils.
As practice shows, bloodsuckers do not tolerate the smell of oils of cedar, tea tree, basil, eucalyptus, cloves, anise. Evaporate a few drops of any of these oils in an aroma lamp to cleanse a room, porch or gazebo. Mix aroma oil with any cream and lubricate exposed skin.
Vanillin. To effectively protect the skin, two or three sachets of vanillin should be mixed with the cream until completely dissolved, then applied to the face, hands and feet. You can dissolve the substance in water, vodka or alcohol and spray on the skin and furniture.
Means that are applied to the skin do not have a long duration of action. In order for them to work well, it is necessary to renew the protective coating every 1-2 hours.
Chemical repellents
A wide selection of mosquito repellents is easy to find in the specialized department of any supermarket. Repellents in the form of a cream or spray are applied to the skin for personal protection. The rules, in general, are the same as when using folk remedies: they must be applied to cleanly washed skin and periodically updated. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for use at night: you will calmly fall asleep without hearing the annoying mosquito ringing, but after a couple of hours the repellent will stop, and the bloodsuckers will attack your defenseless skin.
Electronic scarers
The action of a small but very effective device is based on the emission of ultrasonic waves in the range from 5 to 20 kHz. Most models operate on 220 V. There are also battery-powered mobile devices, but their power is usually small, so the range does not exceed 2.5 meters. The capabilities of network repellers are much higher: one device is enough to secure a country house, an open veranda or a spacious gazebo.
Insect repeller ENERGY 6W ultrasonic
Killing of blood-sucking insects
Means for the destruction of mosquitoes, midges and other midges are quite diverse, and their choice depends on your goals and on the number of flying parasites in your area.
The most common means to combat bloodsuckers is a fumigator - a device whose action is based on the evaporation of special substances that are harmless to humans, but paralyze the respiratory function of insects. A small heating element heats up a plate impregnated with the active substance or the porous stem of a vial containing the corresponding liquid, causing active evaporation of the volatile component. After some time in the room, all mosquitoes are neutralized.
In the open air, the device does not work due to the inability to create a sufficiently high concentration of the substance necessary to influence midges. It is advisable not to turn off the device after the disappearance of insects, since short-term exposure does not destroy, but only stuns mosquitoes. After the concentration of the substance decreases, malicious bloodsuckers often come to their senses and again attack people.
Electric flyswatters
The device in appearance resembles a tennis racket: the oval frame is fixed on the handle and tightened with a grid, which is supplied with an electric current. Any insect that touches the net is instantly struck by an electric discharge. Advantages of an electric fly swatter:
autonomy - it does not require a network connection and runs on battery power;
versatility - you can destroy not only mosquitoes, but also flies, horseflies, butterflies, beetles, and other flying insects;
safety - the wire under tension is protected on both sides by nylon mesh membranes.
The device is indispensable for quickly getting rid of single bloodsuckers and peddlers of infection that have made their way into an enclosed space.
Electric shock fly swatter ENERGY 5W 21x50.5cm
Insecticide lamps
A special lamp generates radiation in the infrared range, simulating the presence of a living being. Attracted by the heat, the mosquito sits on the grate of the lamp and is destroyed by an electric discharge. You do not need to run after every mosquito, as he himself will fly to the lamp and, quite voluntarily, sit on his electric chair. The device works effectively on the veranda, in the gazebo, in the open area, but only on condition that the number of midges is not too large. If the midge in your country house flies in huge clouds, it will take too many lamps to destroy it.
Insecticide preparations
Is the summer cottage located in an area with high soil moisture and a tendency to waterlogging? Most likely, every night you are attacked by innumerable hordes of vile. It is useless to fight them using the above methods - total genocide is needed here. Or rather, an insecticide. There is a huge variety of drugs to fight mosquitoes and midges. They process fences, grass, trees and shrubs, paying the most attention to reservoirs and their banks.
Many of the insecticides have a negative effect on humans, so the treatment must be carried out in a protective suit to prevent inhalation, skin and mucous membranes. If you are not sure that you can reliably protect yourself, then it is better to contact professional exterminators who have everything you need to fight mosquitoes.
The effect of the treatment lasts for a month or two - just before the end of the summer season. It should be remembered that a heavy downpour washes the drug from foliage and other surfaces. As soon as good weather is established again, the treatment will have to be repeated. In addition, other insects, including flower pollinators, die along with mosquitoes. Therefore, you should not count on a good harvest of a number of garden crops and berries after processing the site.
Helpful hints
Although scientists have found that mosquitoes and midges can fly over 10 km in search of food, such long journeys are the exception rather than the rule. Most bloodsuckers are born, grow and breed within your area. If you make its territory as uncomfortable as possible for midges, its numbers will decrease significantly.
Mow all the grass. It is in it that insects hide during a hot day. They do not tolerate heat and dry air, preferring cool and damp.
Drain damp, poorly ventilated and not lit by sunlight areas, remove puddles, organize drainage of the surface soil layer.
Refuse artificial reservoirs.
Install an airtight container for an outdoor shower.
Examine water irrigation pipes, hoses, faucets. Even small leaks lead to the formation of puddles and spots of permanent dampness.
Similar actions should be taken by the owners of neighboring plots. It will not be possible to get rid of mosquitoes if they can reproduce freely in thickets and puddles in your neighborhood.
Anti-mosquito candle in a pot 13x6,5cm paraffin/wax
How to treat bites
For most people, mosquito bites, of course, are not fatal, but they bring a lot of discomfort. Children are especially affected, on whom the midge attacks especially fiercely because of their thin, easily bitten skin.