Front doors designs pictures
50 Modern Front Door Designs
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The front door is often the focal point of a home exterior – a door is the first thing guests see when they arrive, it's the last thing they contemplate after leaving, it's visited daily by the mail delivery, and it gives potential buyers something to remember the house by. An ordinary home can become "the house with the red door" with nothing more than a simple coat of paint, while a magnificent piece of architecture can rely on a unique door style to tie its exterior design together. Why settle with normal? This post looks at 50 spectacular front doors that boast expressively tailored personality and style.
- 1 |
- Architect: Stuart Silk Architects
- 2 |
- Architect: Sanders Pace Architecture
- 3 |
- Via: Sean Myers
- 4 |
- Architect: SBCH Architects
- 5 |
- Architect: ONG & ONG
- 6 |
- Architect: McClennan Architects
- 7 |
- Architect: Atelier M+A
- 8 |
- Source: Daniel James Hatton
- 9 |
- Via: Martha Stewart
- 10 |
- Designer: Joseph Douglas
- 11 |
- Source: Bramco Builders
- 12 |
- Designer: Jute Home
- 13 |
- Architect: Sculp[IT]
- 14 |
- Source: Borano
- 15 |
- Designer: Keratuer
- 16 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 17 |
- Designer: Minarc
- 18 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 19 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 20 |
- Via: Casa Vogue
- 21 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 22 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 23 |
- Designer: Denai Kulcsar Interiors
- 24 |
- Designer: Axolotl
- 25 |
- Designer: Michael Fullen Design Group
- 26 |
- Architect: Mahoney Architect & Interiors
- 27 |
- Architect: Silvas Studios Architecture
- 28 |
- Architect: MCK Architects
- 29 |
- Architect: Dick Clark Associates
- 30 |
- Designer: Mark Tessier
- 31 |
- Architect: Workroom
- 32 |
- Architect: Chamberlain Javens Architects
- 33 |
- Designer: Jennifer Post
- 34 |
- Via: Minha Casa
- 35 |
- Designer: Denise McGaha Interiors
- 36 |
- Architect: Furman + Keil Architects
- 37 |
- Architect: Olson Kundig Architects
- 38 |
- Designer: Karim Rashid
- 39 |
- Designer: Karim Rashid
- 40 |
- Source: Inside Out
- 41 |
- Via: Skona hem
- 42 |
- Architect: Moises Esquenazi and Associates
- Photographer: Studio DIY
- 43 |
- Via: The Transcontinental Affair
- 44 |
- Architect: Matharoo Associates
- 45 |
- Via: Permahaus
- 46 |
- Photographer: Toni Kaarttinen
- 47 |
- Architect: Peter Zumthor and Gottfried Böhm
- 48 |
- Via: Livemaster
- 49 |
- Source: Decoesfera
- 50 |
- Via: Photobucket
A great door design can be made special with a few additional things. Explore these to truly take your entry to the next level:
40 Unique Door Knockers To Add Drama To Your Door
40 Decorative Door Stops That Leave The Door Open For Conversation
30 Funny Door Mats To Give Your Guests A Humorous Welcome
Front Door - Bilder und Stockfotos
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von 100Entrance doors - 135 best hallway interior design photo ideas
Lakhta Plaza
Zina Malysheva
A source of inspiration for home comfort: a medium-sized modern style front door with gray walls, a single-leaf front door, a black front door, a beige floor and a wooden ceiling
Apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt
Anastasia Kovalchuk
Photo of a medium-sized neoclassical (modern classic) front door with porcelain stoneware flooring, beige flooring, pink walls, single leaf front door, white front door and tiered ceiling
Repair on the street. Rowan
Design idea: contemporary style front door with gray walls, single leaf front door, gray front door and beige floor
South of France in modern apartment
Natalia Coall
Inspiration for homeliness: small classic front door with green walls, laminate flooring, single door front, white front door and beige flooring
Townhouse by the bay
Maxim Maximov
Stylish design: large rustic front door with green walls, ceramic tile floor, single leaf front door, gray front door, white floor, beamed ceiling and wallpaper on the walls - the latest trend
Residential complex PRIMORSKY LIFE
Alla Senicheva
On the photo: modern style entrance door with white walls, single door and white floor with
Apartment in warm colors
entrance door Marina Svetlova 9003 9003 contemporary style with a single leaf front door, light wood front door and white floor - the latest trend
Out of sight
Irina Kireeva
A source of inspiration for home comfort: a modern style front door with white walls, a single-leaf front door, a red front door and a gray floor
Apartment in Zvonarsky Residential Complex, 128 m2 comfort: a large modern-style front door with white walls, a single-leaf front door, a white front door and a beige floor
Reality show "People's Repair" on TNT
Vladimir Lyubarsky Architectural Bureau
Fresh design idea: small contemporary style front door with red walls, laminate flooring, single leaf front door, light wood front door, beige flooring and paneling on the walls - great interior photo
Residential complex "Rublevsky Lights"
Tatiana Dmitrieva
Fresh design idea: small contemporary style front door with white walls, porcelain stoneware floor, single leaf front door, medium tone wood front door and beige floor - great interior photo
Villandry Circle
Hills & Grant
Photo: Lisa Petrole
Stylish design: Huge modern front door with porcelain stoneware floor, single leaf front door, mid tone wood front door, gray floor and white walls - the latest trend
Entrance doors in the interior: photos, tips, ideas
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March 8 is coming soon and we decided to talk about what women are especially interested in when choosing an entrance door - namely design and finishes.
Torex entrance doors will not only reliably protect your home from all troubles, but will also emphasize any interior. It is important for us to provide our customers with a variety of design solutions, patterns, colors, glazing.
In this article we have collected the most popular Torex door finishes. And now we will show how they fit into different interior styles. We have indicated the names of patterns and colors of finishes in the captions of the images so that you can immediately choose a door for your home.
- Modern interiors
- Light interior and light door
- Light interior and dark door
- Concrete in the interior and concrete effect door
- Entrance door with hallway design
- Floral motifs in the interior
- Ethnic style in the interior
- Classic interiors
- Light classic interior and dark classic door
- Classic interior and modern door design
- Bright classic interior
- Entrance door with mirror
- Entrance and interior doors in the same style
Modern interiorsDark, light, bright, minimalistic, ethnic - today there are a lot of modern styles. Concrete elements, lots of plants, colorful details, unusual furniture, geometric lines, lots of white and natural materials — these are the signs that you can recognize a modern interior. The front door can both emphasize the style of the hallway, and become the main accent due to the contrast with the color of the walls.
Light interior and light door
Light doors fit well into the bright interior of the hallway. This combination does not give a contrast, and therefore the interior looks concise and complete. At the same time, if you choose an entrance door in a trendy design with an interesting pattern, geometric lines, they will become the main focus.
Light interior and dark door
A popular solution is to dilute the "beige" of the hallway with dark shades of the front door. This creates a contrast between the color of the walls, furniture and doors. At the same time, you can choose a front door with a modern pattern, combined with the overall style of the interior. Another option is to choose a more classic design to enhance the contrast.
Concrete in the interior and concrete effect door
A characteristic element of modern interiors, for example, a loft, is various accessories and concrete-like finishes. A good solution is to fit an entrance door with an identical finish into the hallway. And if you highlight a part of the wall next to the door with a darker color, this will create a contrast. This means that the interior will not be boring, because the door will not merge with the walls.
The Torex range also includes dark shades “under concrete”.
Entrance door with hallway design
Another interior solution is to combine the design of the door with the design of the hallway with the help of accessories. For example, as in the image below, where the circles on the door panel are combined with the clock. The color of the finish "under the tree" echoes the nightstand. This "chip" makes the interior more interesting and thoughtful.
Floral motifs in the interior
You do not always want to cross the design of the door and hallway. For example, floral motifs in the interior are now popular. A simple option is to choose a neutral door without a pattern or with a floral ornament. But it's obvious. An interesting solution is to create a contrast between floral motifs with the geometric lines of the door. This combination is often used by fashion designers and stylists.
Ethnic style in the interior
Ethnic and exotic in the interior is a real trend. Many only add bright accessories in ethnic style - Japanese vases, Chinese lanterns, leopard rugs and blankets. And in this case, choosing the front door is easy. But what if the ethnic ornament is placed directly on the walls, and they themselves are painted in bright exotic colors?
Here it is worth choosing a neutral classic design of the front door. Strict straight lines, a light shade of decoration will not draw attention to themselves, will not create excessive variegation.
2. Classic interiors
Classics in the interior is also multifaceted and varied. And often it requires even more taste and attention to combinations of elements. Strict lines, exquisite furniture, "expensive" materials and finishes, gilded accessories, mirrors in massive frames - this is how we easily recognize the classic style.
Light classic interior and dark classic door
A classic light interior with a lot of beige can be "diluted" with a dark front door with a noble "wood look" finish and a strict geometric pattern.
Classic interior and modern door design
Often you want to deviate from the “classic” rule in the interior = a classic door in the opening. Beautiful classic interiors are also well suited to more trendy finishes of entrance doors. Of course, you should not choose a clear high-tech and bright color. But trendy glazing and restrained geometry will only emphasize the interior of the hallway.
If there are a lot of gilded elements in the hallway, such as lamps, candles, mirrors, this will balance the design.
Bright classic interior
How to balance the rich color of the walls? The answer is quite simple - choose a neutral shade of the door that will blend perfectly. In the image, green walls, gilded picture frames, blue furniture in the image take a lot of attention. And the woody noble shade of the door soothes the eye.
Entrance door with mirror
Another option is an entrance door with a large mirror. The mirror visually expands the space in the hallway and gives more light.
3. Entrance and interior doors in the same style
Both in modern and classic interiors, the trend is a combination of entrance and interior doors. The same finishes of interior doors, which exactly repeat the entrance door, give the interior completeness and accuracy.