Fast growing evergreen shrubs for privacy uk

Fast Growing Evergreen Shrubs

Requests for information about fast growing evergreen shrubs is a regular question to the Sunday Gardener. We all like privacy in our gardens, and sometimes there is a need to create a hedge or buffer quickly, but avoiding the blandness of conifers and problems of Leylandii. Whilst it is not illegal to plant Leylandii, your neighbours can complain to the council if the trees or hedge you plant breaches the Anti-Social Behaviour Act (2003)  

This law applies to hedges consisting of two or more evergreens, or mostly evergreen trees (not to individual trees) and hedges over two metres affecting domestic property. This means is that if you pick a shrub which is quick growing, you will need to be scrupulous with maintenance and pruning so as not to offend neighbours and the law. If in doubt, take legal advice from an appropriate source, such as Citizens Advice or a solicitor.

If you are planning a hedge or screen in proximity to your neighbours, you need to be aware of the law and act sensitively. As an alternative, you could consider planting a deciduous hedge, such as a Fagus, the common Beech which is fast growing and not evergreen. It gives privacy but is a less dense shrub, creating less shade. 

Planting a fast-growing shrub is good in some ways as it produces an instant result, but a fast-growing hedge produces a lot of growth quickly and needs regular pruning. It can also produce very dense shade around it. It is important to view the space and surroundings before deciding. For example, Portuguese laurel is correctly billed as a fast-growing evergreen, but it also gets very large and in around 7 years can reach 7m and 2/3m wide which if planted on a boundary could swamp the area and be unmanageable. 

It is a question of balance, to cover a fence or unattractive spot in the garden weighed against the size the evergreen will become, how quickly and the amount of maintenance. It is great to get the cover, but you do not want to have to spend time or money cutting back to prevent the evergreen from taking over. With that caveat, there are a good number of easy, fast-growing evergreen shrubs. 

Thinking of planting bamboo to provide a quick screen? Check out planting non invasive bamboo in the garden for hints, tips and a complete list of invasive and non invasive bamboo varieties.


Photinia is fast growing and a popular variety is P. 'Red Robin'. It will grow up to 5m in height and spread, and can be contained by regular pruning. Should the shrub become overgrown, it will respond to hard pruning.

The fresh growth is an attractive bright red in the spring. Photinia Easy to grow, not fussy about soil types and Hardy H5/h5.


Escallonia is fast growing and makes a great hedge. It is evergreen with glossy waxy leaves and lovely pink or white flowers. Unfortunately, it is not fully hardy everywhere in the UK, this hedge was growing in Guernsey, but it will grow in many parts of the UK with some shelter. For growing tips and advice on the hardiest varieties to grow.  


Choiysa is another fast-growing shrub, although not as large as some others. The most popular varieties C. 'Aztec Pearl'   and 'ternata' both reach around 2.5m. The up side is that Choiysa is a very attractive shrub, with glossy leaves and highly scented flowers- and easy to grow;  tips on growing.


Pyracantha are fast growing and tolerant of most growing conditions. This is  Pyracantha ' Orange Glow'  which has orange berries and there are also varieties with bright red berries.  Pyracanthas will reach a height of between 3-4m and will grow in  partial shade. Pyracantha will attract bees to the summer flowers and birds for the autumn berries.

Portuguese laurel

Prunus lusitanica, the Portuguese laurel has attractive leaves, dark green with small white flowers in the spring.

In the right conditions, it is very fast growing up to a  height of 12m and above. It has dense growth which will create a complete barrier, but also a lot of shade. Take care when planting to ensure it doesn't overshadow where it is not wanted. 

Clematis Armandii

If you are fortunate to have the right growing conditions, Clematis Armandii is a fast-growing evergreen climbing Clematis which will grow to around  8 meters in around 5-10 years depending on the conditions. To look good, retain its leaves and evergreen status, C. Armandii requires a warm sheltered spot but rewards with lovely glossy leaves and scented flowers. It is a group 1 Clematis so does not require routine pruning.  Information on planting and growing Clematis.  Illustrated is Clematis armandii ' Apple blossom' more information on types of Clematis.

Common Beech

Although not evergreen, well worth considering Fagus sylvatica the Common Beech. It makes a beautiful hedge with so much interest. Illustrated is the Autumn colour, which is followed by brown leaves which stay in place for most of the winter. The new growth in spring is vivid green. It is not fussy about growing conditions, and will reach an ultimate height of around 15m. Birds love to nest in it. For this reason, it is pruned after August, as it is an offence under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 to damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built. It makes a really stylish hedge.

Pieris japonica

Pieris japonica is a shrub with a strong spring colour as the new growth is bright red, which fades over the spring months followed by white flowers. 

There are many sizes and varieties for Pieris, from dwarf to a small sized tree. Pieris is easy to grow, provided the growing conditions are acid soil.

Tips on growing Pieris, good varieties to choose and images.


Elaeagnus is quick growing evergreens which make a good hedge, illustrated is E.x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' another popular variety is 'limelight', and there are a good selection of evergreen varieties to choose from. It is a tough shrub which will grow in most conditions, any new shoots which do not display variegation prune out to keep the bright colour.


Some, but not all Mahonia are fast growing. If you are looking for the fast growing varieties try Mahonia x media Winter Sun. Most of the tall upright Mahonia media are medium to fast growing whilst the low growing ground cover varieties are slower growing.

Tips about growing Mahonia and more images

If you live in an urban area, or close to a busy road, a hedge can help clean up the air around your property. There has been some very useful scientific research by the RHS about this issue, and some shrubs are better at collecting particulates than others.  For more information about the best shrubs to grow to tackle pollution and particulates, follow this link.

last updated 05.12.2022

14 Fast Growing Evergreen Shrubs for Privacy

Privacy often feels like a thing of the past in the digital age of social media. Primarily since most communities consist of houses so tightly pressed against one another, it’s easy to feel like your home is also your neighbor’s. One way to reclaim your personal space is to use fast growing evergreen shrubs for privacy.

These plants block your porches and yards from view, while also providing a distinct and elegant barrier. Some of the best shrubs to use in this matter are common hedge species like North Privet and the various arborvitae plants.

Many of these specimens are low-maintenance evergreens that also add visual interest to any landscape.

Even flower bushes like hydrangea and lilac employ their wide-stretching branches to keep out onlookers, while simultaneously lending their natural charm and beauty to the scenery. To discover the best fast growing shrubs for privacy for your yard, take a look at this list of our favorite candidates.




Table of Contents

  1. Setting Up Privacy Hedges
    • How fast do most privacy hedges grow?
    • How far apart should I space them?
  2. Fantastic Evergreen Shrubs and Bushes for Privacy
    • Emerald Green Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)
    • North Privet (Ligustrum x ibolium): Fast Growing Evergreen Shrubs for Privacy
    • Red Robin (Photinia × fraseri)
    • Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja plicata)
    • Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla): Beautiful Floral Decorations
    • Columnar Norway Spruce (Picea abies ‘Cupressina’)
    • Juniper (Juniperus)
    • Forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia)
    • California Lilac (Ceanothus): Incredible Flowers as Privacy Hedges
    • Yew (Taxus baccata)
    • Leyland Cypress (Leylandii): Fast Growing Shrubs for Privacy
    • Viburnum (Viburnum cinnamomifolium)
    • Wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei)
    • Highlander Boxwood (L. Buxus sempervirens)

Setting Up Privacy Hedges

Some factors you may wish to consider when creating barriers out of any plant are how wide they are and how fast they grow. You also want to pay attention to height, since some privacy hedges grow to near-astronomical proportions if left untrimmed.

How fast do most privacy hedges grow?

Saving time is critical when it comes to planting privacy hedges. Most homeowners lean toward faster-growing species since they achieve the desired screening effect in a reasonable amount of time. Plus, the last thing anyone wants is to wait several years for their hedges to reach maturity, only to discover they are too far apart.

Though all hedges grow at a different pace, Leylandii is among the fastest, growing approximately three feet each year. Of course, this also means regular pruning is required on faster-growing plants. Take how fast and often you tend to your plants into account when making your selection.

How far apart should I space them?

The space between each plant changes depending on the species, since some grow unusually wide, while others stretch in taller, leaner forms. Boxwood shrubs require only about two feet of space between plants, where other shrubs like hydrangeas call for approximately seven feet of distance.

What’s most important when it comes to determining the spacing of plants is the stage of life your tree is at currently. As essential as closing the gaps between plants is to create a privacy screen, you also should refrain from overcrowding them. Accounting for the plant’s growth and size when it reaches its mature height offers enough space between plants without leaving unwanted gaps.

Fantastic Evergreen Shrubs and Bushes for Privacy

The best part about using evergreens for hedging is the year-round interest. Even without flowers, this selection of stunning green trees and bushes still look beautiful during the winter months.

Emerald Green Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)

(ozdereisa/123rf. com)

One of the first trees landscapers imagine when planning a privacy hedge is the Emerald Green Arborvitae. True to their namesake, these beautiful trees retain their lovely emerald green foliage year-round, offering incredible appeal even in the winter.

These tall fast growing trees start maturing at around 10-15 feet tall and they are also significantly more manageable than their larger arborvitae cousins, who reach proportions of up to 60 feet high. Emerald Arborvitae forms an attractive pyramid-like shape and expands to only about 4 feet wide.

For these privacy bushes that grow fast, placing them about 2 feet apart is ideal to give them room to spread into a hedge. Though it grows at about one foot per year, their size and width are easy to cultivate into a dense hedge.

North Privet (Ligustrum x ibolium): Fast Growing Evergreen Shrubs for Privacy


Another common variety of shrubs used for privacy hedges is the privet. These plants generally grow from 4-15 tall and about 4 to 8 feet wide.

When planting, leave about one to two feet of distance between the plants to give them room to spread out. They do just as well in partial shade as they do in full sun and withstand a variety of soil types.

In summer, these hedges that grow fast bloom with dainty white flowers. They are also drought-tolerant, making them a relatively easy plant to maintain.

Red Robin (Photinia × fraseri)


Another common shrub for borders is the Fraser photinia, also called Red Robin. This plant develops into a height of 9-12 feet with a spread of the same. In April, these shrubs produce lovely white blooms that remain for a month or two.

The most beautiful part about this plant, however, is the vibrant fall color of new plant growth. While the plant remains green throughout the winter months when fresh leaves begin to form, they are a beautiful shade of red. This color eventually shifts to green as the leaves mature.

Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja plicata)

(maykal/123rf. com)

Another species from the Thuja genus is the Green Giant Arborvitae. A much faster grower than its emerald cousin, these shrubs for privacy grow around 2.5′ every year. While it reaches heights of up to 60 feet, simply prune down the branches to maintain the desired reach.

Since these plants stretch anywhere between 12-20 feet in width, these fast growing evergreen shrubs for shade make the perfect privacy hedge. Experts suggest planting them about 8 to 12 feet apart to provide maximum screening.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla): Beautiful Floral Decorations


Another group of privacy shrubs that add just as much beauty as peace of mind is the hydrangea. While the most common version of these plants is deciduous, there are a few evergreen varieties, too. In the summer and spring, these shrubs develop large clusters of flowers that range from white to purple to blue.

On average, hydrangeas grow about ten feet in both height and width. They also grow just over two feet a year. Pruning in the spring is an excellent way to trim back fast-growing portions, though it’s not necessary.

Columnar Norway Spruce (Picea abies ‘Cupressina’)


A low-maintenance evergreen, the Columnar Norway Spruce works wonderfully as a series of privacy trees. This tree adapts well to cold climates and is one of the best year round shrubs with appealing green textured needles. Once mature, the spruce grows up to 30 feet with a ten-foot spread.

A speedy grower, the plant achieves up to two feet a year during its initial development stages. For best results for privacy reasons, place them approximately 5 feet apart when planting.

Juniper (Juniperus)


Junipers come in many different shapes and sizes and grow as both evergreen shrubs and taller trees. The typical height for most juniper species when hedging is about 5 feet tall. While not as fast as plants like Leyland Cypress or Green Giants, they still grow around 18 inches a year.

Junipers are fast growing evergreen trees for privacy that prefer alkaline soil and full sun to thrive. Some varieties include little bluish-silver berries that appear in the fall. The plant also contains highly flammable resin, so it is not suggested for homes close to areas with potential fire dangers.

Forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia)


An incredibly fast-growing plant, Forsythia grows anywhere between 2-4 feet a year. It also achieves a spread and height of 10 feet, so spacing them about 4-6 feet apart is ideal.

Most recommend pruning to manage the plant’s quick growth and ensure blooms in the spring. With a hardiness level that spans across cooler regions in zone 4 down to warmer climates in zone 9, it’s the perfect addition to any landscape.

Forsythia is one of the evergreen full sun flowering shrubs that is the earliest blooming in the spring. The bright yellow flowers are cheerful after a long winter.

California Lilac (Ceanothus): Incredible Flowers as Privacy Hedges

(vicushka/123rf. com)

Another fantastic choice for hedges is lilac. While most of us automatically imagine the deciduous lilac from the Syringa genus, the evergreen variant belongs to the Ceanothus family. Despite the dainty appearance of its flowers, they make amazing windbreakers.

California Lilacs are fast-growing shrubs, reaching their full height of 6 feet in just under three years. Setting them at 2-4 feet apart creates an elegant and effective privacy hedge that both you and your neighbors will love.

Yew (Taxus baccata)


Yew is an evergreen shrub that flowers in late winter and yields red berries in the fall. These berries are quite sweet and edible, though the seed at its center is poisonous. On average, these shrubs grow about 5 feet tall and 10 feet wide, so allow plenty of space between other plants.

Planting this shrub generally takes place either in early fall or spring. A partially grown specimen between 1½ to 2 feet tall is ideal for ensuring a successful growth.

Leyland Cypress (Leylandii): Fast Growing Shrubs for Privacy


One of the fastest growing evergreen trees is the Leyland Cypress. This conifer attains three feet each year and acts as a phenomenal windbreak.

In addition to being speedy little growers, they’re also among some of the most inexpensive members of the privacy hedge group. As one of the fastest growing privacy shrubs, these plants also come in a wide variety of heights, with some dwarf varieties as small as 4 feet tall and standard ones as tall as 100 feet.

Many homeowners keep these hedges shorter, however, with anywhere between 15 to 40 feet in height. Also a wide-spreading tree, place enough space between each plant, generally 5 to 7 feet for small shrubs of the species and 15-20 feet for standard ones to allow them enough room to spread adequately for your living fence.

Viburnum (Viburnum cinnamomifolium)


Viburnum trees are one of the few plants that grow both as evergreen and deciduous varieties, depending on where they grow and which species you’re planting. Both Viburnum cinnamomifolium and Viburnum davidii are evergreen viburnum that thrive in warmer climates in the USDA hardiness zones 7-9.

Even though both retain similar characteristics, their rate of growth and height are significantly different. Viburnum cinnamomifolium grows anywhere from one to two feet a year and achieves heights of approximately 10-20 feet high.

Viburnum davidii develops a little slower, with only about a foot gained each year. This difference is much more understandable, however, considering the plant grows up to 7 feet tall.

Wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei)


Euonymous plants form a family of shrubs, vines, and groundcover plants. While the shrubs grow only about 4 feet tall, the fast growing vines extend to heights of 5-15 feet. Most plants within the family display variegated green leaves that remain bright and beautiful all year long.

Wintercreeper grows throughout most of the states and is hardy within zones 5 through 9. They prefer full sun in cooler climates and partial shade in warmer ones, with a well-drained soil that is slightly alkaline in pH levels.

Highlander Boxwood (L. Buxus sempervirens)


Boxwood is another candidate that comes in a wide variety of species, styles, and sizes. Though many boxwood plants develop slowly, the Highlander variety grows at a rate of two feet per year. On average, these boxwoods grow about 6 feet tall with a spread of around three feet.

In spring, they produce small white flowers that are not as impressive as their dark green foliage. When maintaining these plants, use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

With so many different incredible options to choose from, the inspiration for your privacy fence of evergreen plants is not far behind. Whether you prefer the classic look of green foliage or wish to add a little extra pop of color with bright flowers, we found the perfect plants to accomplish the task.

(chuckhsu/vicushka/ajt/spring75/123rf. com)

If you found these privacy gardening tips useful, then please remember to share your favorite fast growing evergreen shrubs for privacy with friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest.

evergreen, curly, useful ? SKOGGY

Modern landscape design offers a lot of options that can not only ennoble your site, but turn it into a real palace. Including hedges - an excellent eco-friendly and beautiful option to replace a drooping green fence. Depending on your needs, you can choose a plant that will perform any function: evergreen, so as not to spend money on paint and not worry about the appearance of your home in winter; blooming (and even smelling), which will attract a lot of butterflies and bees in spring and turn your home into a real buzzing garden of Eden; prickly ones that will reliably hide your sleeping beauty from all sorts of princes there, if you are an evil witch, for example. nine0003


1. Which plant should I choose for my hedge?
2. Evergreen shrubs for the hedge

3. bushes for a hedge without regular haircut

  • windows
  • . shrubs for hedges

    • Rose hips Single-species is a hedge of plants of the same species and variety. It can be considered a classic. Always looks neat and stylish, does not cause problems in the formation of design.

      Combined consists of different types of plants and imitates the natural landscape. It is difficult to maintain due to differences in the life cycle of each of the elements, but it has a rather interesting appearance that goes well with houses made of natural materials.

      It's also worth considering how high you want the hedge. Living fences are divided into 4 types:

      • Curb up to 40 cm
      • Low up to 100 cm
      • Medium from 100 to 150 cm
      • High over 150 cm

      Here, first of all, the question is how open you are and how pleasant your environment is. If you are friendly with your neighbors and every morning, going to work, you affably wave to Anatoly and Aunt Marina, then you can limit yourself to small shrubs. But if the neighbors Igor and Lena drive you into a frenzy with their very appearance, then it is better to plant the perimeter with conifers more densely. nine0003

      After you have decided on the main points, you can proceed to the choice of plant. This is a very serious and thorough process. Not only the appearance of your future hedge, but also the longevity and health of the plant depends on your choice. If you do not want to devote yourself to the care of the fence, then choose an unpretentious material. If you have a thirst for gardening or you can entrust your plot to a professional, then you can not limit yourself, but be ready for anything. nine0003

      The soil and climate in which the fence will grow must be taken into account. If you live in a quiet Bashkir town, you should not expect that you will have a beautiful hedge of exotic shrubs such as yucca, for example.

      Last but not least, the number of plants. Remember that for a high-quality beautiful hedge you will need more than a dozen plants, and this will be expensive. In addition, until they grow up and gain strength, they will need more thorough care, top dressing, and some types of constant pruning. Be ready for some troubles, as with a small child, who will certainly reciprocate, becoming not only an elegant cover for the yard, but also a good protection against unwanted penetrations from both neighboring cats and the neighbors themselves. nine0003

      Modern selection is now on our side, so there is plenty to choose from.

      Evergreen Hedge Shrubs

      Let's analyze and consider several types of evergreen hedge shrubs.


      Of the more than 100 varieties of arborvitae, Brabant and Smaragd are well suited for hedges.

      Brabant has a pronounced cone-shaped crown, grows up to 4 meters in height. Therefore, from it you can concoct a very impressive living fence. It grows from 20 to 30 cm per year, needs good lighting. To obtain a solid dense hedge, it is necessary to plant thujas at a distance of 50 to 70 cm.

      Smaragd grows a little slower and has less spreading branches, but is also often used for hedges. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you can always purchase older seedlings in nurseries. They will be more expensive and do not forget that the older the plant, the harder it is to transplant. Therefore, it is better to be patient a little, but to have a good healthy fence of lush greenery.

      Of the indisputable advantages of arborvitae:

      • Frost resistance
      • Fast growth
      • The unpretentiousness of the climate
      • Large height of the plant
      • This hedge looks very expensive and rich

      of the minuses:

      Sensitivity to cutting. Thuja requires frequent careful haircuts. If you do not have good barber skills, it is better to involve a specialist. Cutting rarely, but plentifully, you risk ruining the fence - heavily cut areas will not recover, and old branches will not be able to quickly give new shoots. nine0003


      One of the most popular shrubs. Perhaps everyone recognizes the small rounded leaves of boxwood, slightly gleaming in the light, as if rubbed with wax. It can often be found in the city near administrative buildings or as a median strip on the road.

      Why boxwood is loved:

      • It makes a dense and bright hedge.
      • It naturally has a regular geometric shape, which needs to be slightly corrected by cutting off protruding young. nine0015
      • Establishes quickly, tolerates transplants well.

      Where's the catch?

      Boxwood does not grow quickly - up to 15 cm per year and the maximum height of an adult plant is 1 m. So this is an option only for those who have friendly neighbors. In addition, a burnt southerner loves warmth and needs shelter in winter.


      Likes shade and tolerates winter well. He definitely does not care about the quality of the soil and frequent watering. Ideal for carefree owners. Reaches decent growth up to 1.5 meters, growing 20 cm per year.

      of the pluses:

      • It perfectly tolerates a haircut, which grows into a spectacular protective wall
      • Frost -resistant
      • Unpretentious in caring

      Of the minuses:

      does not like to provide for the sun from fruit trees, for example.

      Hedge shrubs without regular trimming

      And for those who want beauty but don't have the time or inclination to tend to hedges often, there are hardy plants. nine0003


      An evergreen plant with a lush color towards the end of spring. Suitable for those who want more bright colors. It grows 25-30 cm per year. Sensitive to watering, prefers partial shade. Height reaches up to 1.5 meters.


      • Lush flowers of an unusual shape
      • in the middle lane do not require shelter for the winter

      Minuses: 9000

      • require constant soil moisture
      • Flower pollen contains an allergen

      Shrub caragana

      Openwork leaves and golden flowers will undoubtedly attract attention. The shrub grows very well and quickly and has a powerful root system. This will allow you to plant it on uneven areas. Reaches growth up to 2 meters, prefers well-lit areas or partial shade.


      • Easy care
      • Handles drought easily
      • Tolerates temperature fluctuations (from heat to frost)

      What is bad:

      • Requires regular timely pruning
      • Weakly blooms in the shade.

      Vangutta Spiraea

      Known to many as "The Bride" for its profuse flowering of small fragrant white inflorescences. It grows quickly - up to 35 cm per year. It reaches a height of 2 meters with a crown diameter of 1-2 meters.

      Why plant:

      • Looks amazing in color
      • Easy to care for
      • Undemanding to the place of residence - feels good in the shade and in the sun.

      Why you should refuse:

      A large spreading shrub does not require a haircut, but due to the abundant hair it takes up a lot of space.

      Tasty and healthy shrubs for hedges

      If you want to not only admire the beauty of the hedge, but also eat it, here is a list of fruit plants for you. nine0003


      Grows fast up to 30-40 cm per year, blooms beautifully, reaches a height of up to 2 meters, the fruits can be used to brew delicious and healthy tea (has a diuretic effect, should not be abused without consulting a doctor).


      • Acclimatizes well in any region
      • Does not require pruning



      Strong root system, flexible long stems, high growth rate. The shrub is thorny, which can be both a minus and a plus for you. On the one hand, it will protect well from the penetration of a stranger, on the other hand, when harvesting in August, you will most likely have to wear canvas mittens and an old coat, because there is a big risk of going out with a full bucket of juicy berries and carrying them with bloodied hands.

      What attracts:

      • Tasty is always plentiful fruits
      • If you are allowed by support, you can get a hedge of almost any height
      • does not require special care
      • is quickly restored in case of winter

      than scares away: 9000

    • . many thorns.


    A good protector, as it has thorns, and the branches create a dense curtain that can stop both an impudent thief and a hungry raccoon who has looked after your trash can from afar. Grows up to 6 meters in height. It does not require a haircut, in the fall it is covered with bright red berries, which not only look spectacular, but can also be used in traditional medicine in the treatment of arrhythmia and angina pectoris. As a raw material for jam, compote and various teas, it is also excellent. nine0003


    • Unpretentious
    • Frost-resistant


    Climbing Hedge Plants

    If you decide to completely decorate your fence and hide it under plants, the following options are fair.


    Golden fragrant flowers attract with their appearance and sweet smell not only bees, but also enthusiastic neighbors. So you have to be careful with this shrub. Honeysuckle shoots grow up to 1 meter per year, reaching a maximum of 5 meters. Having issued it on supports or a simple chain-link fence, in a couple of years you will have a magnificent fragrant hedge. nine0003


    • Frost resistance
    • Fruits are not only edible, but also useful


    • does not tolerate the neighborhood with other bushes and trees
    • requires protection against winds.

    Garden ivy

    Stays as lush green in winter as it is in summer. It can grow on a support, trail along any fence (tree, brick, mesh). It tolerates frost well and recovers easily even after a harsh winter. nine0003


    • The
    • is rapidly growing
    • It saves green leaves all year


    We vulnerate to the pest, so you need to carefully monitor the ivy and the first trails, the tick whiteflies, immediately treat with insecticides.


    Perhaps the most luxurious option for a hedge. If you want not just an eco-friendly fence, but real royal luxury, then wisteria is created for you. The lush color and powerful aroma of the racemose inflorescences densely fill the vines, which reach a length of up to 16 meters. nine0003

    Positive properties:

    • Rapid growth
    • Spectacular appearance
    • TREATIONAL LONGER (Plant is able to maintain vigor for 100 years)
    Negative qualities: 9000
  • Loves subtropics, acceptance of subtropics, acceptance of subtropics. frost
  • Short flowering period
  • Our favorites

    Yes, we can single out those who are most dear to us for no reason at all. Just because we can. nine0003


    We think the world needs bright colors, so our favorite is a yellow forsythia covered in flowers from head to toe. Blooms from late April to June, grows up to 2 meters, loves light. It can form a graceful scattered bush, but is also easy to shear and can take on any geometric shape that you like.


    • Frost resistant
    • Easy care
    • Gorgeous


    Likes to eat well, so the soil needs nutritious soil. But is this a minus for such a beauty?

    Thunberg barberry

    Particularly beautiful due to its special purple-brown color, emphasized by coral-red abundant fruits. Well, it's a sin not to stare. In addition, it is resistant to both cold and drought, reproduces well in several ways, and is resistant to diseases. The height can be up to 2.5 meters. Well, just lovely! nine0003

    Promotible pluses:

    • is completely independent and does not require special attention in leaving
    • Holds the soil on slopes from sliding

    Possible flaws:

    loves loose soil and drink. Well, is it a pity for him?


    First, it's a funny name. Secondly, behind the funny name lies the amazing beauty of the jasmine bush. “Aaaaah! So say that jasmine! - you exclaim. BUT! NO, it so happened historically that mock orange is called jasmine, although they belong to completely different families. Graceful shoots are covered with juicy green leaves, which are balanced by simple, but even more beautiful white inflorescences. The smell that suddenly pulls you to the fence at night is the most powerful weapon of Chubushnik. Admiring the flowering fragrant bush, you may not notice how the morning has come, and your relatives have already called all the morgues and hospitals. Dangerously. But it's worth it. nine0003

    Why do you need a chubushnik:

    • Unpretentious in care
    • Frost -resistant
    • is incredibly beautiful

    Properties that may push you (but, we hope, no):

    Where to store inventory and tools

    Starting to decorate your hedge, you can not do without garden tools. Shovels, scoops, scissors, secateurs, buckets and everything else must be stored somewhere. And we know where. Just for these purposes (and not only) SKOGGY produces collapsible utility blocks of various types. Standard sizes are from 1 m to 6 m in length, width - 2 m. It is possible to make a block container for individual sizes. Roof shape: flat, shed or gable. Here's how you feel more comfortable. Single-pitched and double-pitched do not retain precipitation, flat - more economical. Gutters for water drainage are installed on each hozblok. Rain or any other water does not get inside and on the outer walls. nine0003

    You can choose swing gates or roller shutters to save space on the site. It is possible to install a gate together with the gate or place it on the side or back side of the utility block.

    All SKOGGI block containers are made of durable profiled sheet, which means that it is not afraid of cold, rodents, mold and even rust, since all sheets are treated with an anti-corrosion agent before installation.

    Collapsible so that you can easily take it with you when moving. And you can also force your beloved husband to move the hozblok from place to place within the same area until the ideal location is selected. nine0003

    It is convenient to store shovels, rakes, buckets, and fertilizers in it. In general, everything that is usually required for gardening, but it is desirable to store in a separate room. You can also put a lawn mower and other garden equipment here.

    For your convenience, we have come up with storage systems for you: racks, shelves, chests, tool panels, etc.



    If you're still in doubt about whether to go with hedges, check out the pros and cons.


    1. Functional and beautiful garden decor
    2. Retains moisture in the soil and keeps out wind and dust
    3. A wide variety of shapes from naturally rounded to true works of art
    4. A good way to ennoble an old fence without it dismantling
    5. Reliable protection against unwanted animals, both from wild and from neighbors


    1. It takes several years to form a full-fledged fence
    2. One way or another, maintenance is necessary. Even for the most unpretentious
    3. If one of the bushes died or fell ill, it will be difficult to quickly replace it with an equivalent one.

    But no matter how weighty "AGAINST" may seem, a hedge is, nevertheless, a natural decoration of your yard, garden, garden plot, an additional source of oxygen (especially if your house is located within the city), and flowering shrubs will additionally attract honey insects that will actively work on the pollination of your cucumbers and bell peppers! nine0003

    IMPORTANT! Some shrubs, such as boxwood, are poisonous. Be careful, especially if you have children.

    IMPORTANT! Distinguish between "cutting" and "cutting". Haircut shapes the appearance of the plant and is not required.

    Pruning is the process of removing excess, dry, diseased shoots and is mandatory for everyone.

    USEFUL! If the hedge has a complex shape, you can make a template for cutting, for example, from chipboard or plexiglass. nine0003

    NEEDED! When planting a hedge on your property, stock up on compost and other fertilizers to keep your plants healthy.

    NEEDED! Get a minimum set of tools: secateurs, loppers (for thick branches), electric shears. It is important to choose them just for you, so that you feel comfortable working.

    USEFUL! It is better to feed the hedge by spraying on the leaf.

    Features and characteristics of hedge shrubs:

    There are more than 50 types of dogwood. Grows fast.





    about 20 sorces. Fast growing.






    15 types of shrubs. Refers to fast growing.






    more than 100 varieties. Grows slowly.





    more than 100 types. The shrub grows slowly. nine0003





    about 70 species 15 OPARS, AM they are because of them, they are 15 OPARS. Grows slowly.










    902 There are 90 types of spirea. Showy flowering.

    shrubby karagana




    There are annual and perennial varieties

    70 species belong to the genus Caragana. Grows actively.





    more than 10 types. Grows at an average rate.




    More than 50 species grow in Russia, there are more than 300 of them in the world. It grows rapidly.

    Blackmare tract




    There are annuals and perennial varieties

    9000 9000 more venues. Grows fast, needs extra support.






    More than 50 kinds of Mahonia. Grows slowly.

    Foreign agent




    is known for 6 types of MORSITY - the most popular - the most popular - the most popular - the most popular - the most popular - the most popular - the most popular. Grows slowly.



    There are deciduous and evergreen varieties



    More than 100 species of barberry. Unpretentious, growing quickly.

    Perennial evergreen fast growing hedge

    Any backyard territory requires a lot of time and effort to care for. The most important task facing the owner of his site is its competent and beautiful fencing. In this case, a perennial fast-growing hedge will help you. Evergreen vegetation is a great way to decorate an area and define its borders. nine0114

    Such a design, of course, will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. You can create a similar decor from trees, climbing crops and shrubs. If you still do not know which plants you want to plant, then our review will help you make the right decision.

    Good plant care makes every garden look great

    Contents of the article

    • 1 Perennial fast growing hedge: evergreen trees and shrubs
    • 2 Do-it-yourself hedge in the country house: which plants are better to use
    • 3 Hedge crops: photos and names of fast-growing plants
      • 3.3 Euonymus: planting and planting care
      • 3.4 Privet: garden hedge
      • 3.5 Hawthorn hedge: growing secrets
      • 3.6 Spruce hedge features
      • 3. 7 Honeysuckle Honeysuckle: Picture of hedges, landing and care for plants
      • 3.8 IVO: Creation of hedges
      • 3.9 Capsis Large: Planting and Care for Plant
      • 3.10 Brilliant TASTIC: Photo HILARY
      • 3.1 cultivation
      • 3.12 Leyland cupressocypress: interesting use of trees
      • 3.13 Laurel cherry: photo and description of a hedge
      • 3.14 Holly: crop photo and planting rules
      • 3.15 Balsam fir: description and details of care
      • 3.16 Garden ivy: photo of a hedge
      • 3.17 Boxwood: planting, care and reproduction
      • and crop care
    • 4 What is better to make a hedge: useful recommendations
      • 4.1 Planting features
      • 4.2 Details of care

    Perennial fast-growing hedge: evergreen trees and shrubs

    There are many benefits to a perennial fast growing hedge. Evergreen crops will help create a magnificent landscape design on your backyard. After all, luxurious greenery is not only a wonderful decoration, but also excellent protection from dust, weather conditions and prying eyes. In addition, beautiful shrubs are also clean air in the area.

    Evergreen conifers

    Deciduous varieties are also often used for living fences. These include shrubs such as sea buckthorn, barberry or hawthorn, as well as trees: birch, mountain ash or beech. In winter, they lose their leaves and may appear rare. nine0003

    Perennials include both trees and shrubs. A fence of them has been created and formed for more than one year. Special supports are required for annuals. They are good to decorate all kinds of artificial fences. In winter, such crops die. Such plants include sweet peas, climbing varieties of beans and kobe.

    A small hedge used as a border option

    So, what other advantages does a hedge have:

    • plant fences have a high density and well cover the area from view;
    • vegetation attracts beneficial insects during pollination periods;
    • will not have to wait too long for the plants to grow;
    • thorny bushes will become a natural barrier from strangers;
    • a large selection of beautifully flowering plants that will be a wonderful decoration for the entire area.

    When choosing such an unusual hedge, it is important to consider that the plants require special care. They will need a haircut, watering and a variety of top dressing. nine0003

    The group of evergreens includes junipers, conifers, cypresses, deciduous trees such as boxwood or holly. The advantage of such crops is their ability to maintain decorativeness all year round.

    Two row juniper fence

    These fences can be of different heights. Low grow no more than a meter. Medium hedges grow up to one and a half meters, and high ones up to two.

    Hedges may differ in how they are formed. For example, free-growing crops do not require complex care. If you choose the right combination of plants, you get a completely natural hedge that does not require regular pruning. But such plantings also have disadvantages. They need to be chosen especially carefully, and they also need a lot of space, as they can spread out a lot. nine0003 Free-growing variant

    Formed ornamental plants look exquisite. With the shaping procedure, you can give them any shape. In this case, it is important to choose cultures that are able to maintain the created shape for a long time, and also easily tolerate a haircut.

    Formed structures

    Note! Fast growing fences can be fully formed in a couple of years. But since these crops grow very quickly, they need frequent pruning to create the desired shape. nine0003

    Do-it-yourself hedge in the country: which plants are best to use

    To make a perennial fast-growing hedge, various evergreen vegetation will do. Small trees are also used. When choosing plants, decide in advance what result you want. You can make a fence for the garden from shrubs of one particular type. For this, hawthorn, cotoneaster or barberry are suitable.

    Mixed fences also look good. In this case, different types of shrubs and trees are used. nine0003 Combined fencing

    Evergreen shrubs retain their decorative appearance throughout the year. For example, conifers will look bright even in winter in the middle of snow. Importantly, such cultures are unpretentious in care. Just keep in mind that some types of conifers grow better in the shade, and there are species that are better adapted to the sun's rays. Remember that these crops should not be grown on clay soils or near groundwater.

    Conifer plantations

    When choosing crops, consider the intensity of their growth. Slow-growing crops do not require constant pruning. An important point is the height of the plants. A low fence will be made from boxwood, Japanese spirea or gooseberries. If you need a fence up to three meters high, then you can consider options such as juniper, lilac or thuja.

    Deciduous plants are able to reach the required size already in the first year. In this case, remember the following points:

    • vegetation can grow in different ways, so it needs to be specially formed; nine0015
    • If the crops are vines, it is important to take care that they do not grow too far. After all, they can become a threat to your beds;
    • practical option - planting fruit-bearing varieties;
    • plants with thorns can be an additional protection.

    Consider the type of terrain, soil and climatic conditions when choosing the right crops. Also, learn how the plants will get along with each other.

    1 of 6

    Please note! nine0008 Before you start building a fast growing fence, sketch out your crop placement plan. When using a mixed fence, it is necessary to correctly distribute different varieties of trees and bushes.

    Article on the topic:

    Flower beds and flower beds with their own hands from improvised materials. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on landscaping your territory, then a wonderful solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds on your own. We will teach this in our article. nine0003

    Hedge crops: photos and names of fast-growing plants

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting plants that are recommended as fencing. Our review presents a variety of photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for summer cottages, from which you can select the best options.

    When decorating the local area, it is not necessary to use any one option

    Barberry: planting and caring for a plant

    Growing a barberry fence requires special care. With the right restriction, this plant will actively grow in a suitable direction, and with its spines will protect the territory from strangers. To achieve a dense planting, place the bushes at a distance of 20 cm. Planting in a checkerboard pattern can also be tried.

    Such a culture will acquire a luxurious look with proper pruning. Here are the features of care and pruning:

    • in the first year shoots are cut from the sides. In this case, 2-3 central branches should be left; nine0015
    • in the second season it is necessary to prune a third before bud break;
    • Mulching is necessary during growth. The height of adult crops is about one and a half meters;
    • shaping is done by pruning branches.
    Barberry fence

    Flowering is also an advantage of the crop. The flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell good. Decorative effect is preserved in autumn, and in winter the leaves fall off.

    Please note! Barberry is best planted in the spring, but if it is impossible otherwise, then it is possible in the fall. It negatively relates to the increased level of soil acidity. During hot periods, the plant should be watered once a week, but without splashing on the foliage. nine0003

    Periwinkle: photos of flowers and advice from gardeners

    Periwinkle is a herbaceous culture that has a different number of colors. Flowering occurs in spring and is most often blue, pinkish or purple.

    It is important to know the peculiarities of planting and caring for periwinkle in the open field. You can plant a seedling at any time of the year. It can be late autumn, spring time or summer time in cloudy weather. Culture remarkably takes root both in the illuminated areas and in the shade. nine0007 This plant does not need constant watering, only in severe drought. Periwinkle can develop independently. It does not overgrow with weeds either.

    Beautiful flowering periwinkle

    Important! To create a beautiful shape, trim after the flowering period.

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    Euonymus: planting and planting care

    Euonymus is not only shrubs, but also trees. But for a live fence it is better to choose bushes. This crop is valued for its beautiful leaf colors, which can include orange, red, yellow, and purple hues. nine0003

    The plant is fruitful, but its fruits cannot be eaten because they are poisonous. But as a decoration for the backyard, they fit perfectly. Care is not that difficult. Euonymus requires pruning and timely removal of damaged and dried branches. This plant is suitable for forming fences. In this case, it turns out to create a variety of interesting configurations.

    Different varieties

    Important! The plant may not be watered, but young shoots are extremely unstable to cold weather. Therefore, when frosts, they should be covered. nine0003

    Privet: a hedge for the garden

    Privet comes in many varieties. There are evergreen and deciduous varieties. Planting can bloom, but only at the beginning of summer and only a month. This option is more recommended for the southern regions, as it does not have high frost resistance. In frosty branches are severely frosted over.

    Mature bushes do not grow more than two meters in height. There are varieties up to a meter suitable for forming borders. The plant is unpretentious in care and drought-resistant. In addition, it takes root in the shade. nine0003 Neat privet fence

    Important! When the bush takes root, you need to cut off the top a little. This will keep the shrub from growing upwards and make it denser.

    Hawthorn hedge: the secrets of growing

    Hawthorn is a wonderful plant with useful fruits. But the plant will begin to bear fruit only 6-7 years after planting. Many varieties of this crop are suitable for growing in the most difficult climatic conditions. The advantages of culture include the presence of thorns, which allow you to protect the territory from intruders. The branches of the plant are covered with thorns, and large leaves can grow up to 12 cm. During flowering, white flowers appear that turn into pear-shaped fruits. nine0003

    This plant does not require complex care. Here are the main nuances of care that you need to know about:

    • watering should be done once a month if the summer is normal and 3-4 times if it is dry;
    • trim bush to desired shape;
    • Suitable planting height is approx. 4-5 meters.

    Hawthorn is best planted in areas with good sunlight. The best time for planting is spring. It is possible to form and cut a shrub in the fourth year of growth. nine0003 Bright stands

    Hawthorn matures throughout the autumn period and before the onset of cold weather. In gardening, terry varieties are often used, the buds of which are somewhat similar to roses. There are also tall varieties. These include the Siberian hawthorn, reaching a height of six meters.

    Please note! When creating a live fence, choose 3-5 year old bushes that have a good establishment. To destroy harmful microorganisms, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the well. nine0003

    Spruce hedge features

    Spruce crops are in particular demand due to their ability to stay green throughout the year. In spruce, it is worth noting the following advantages:

    • closes the territory from strangers throughout the year;
    • purifies the air and helps eliminate bad odours;
    • protects the area from dust and snow drifts;
    • is resistant to various diseases;
    • shaping a tree should rarely be done. nine0015

    When forming a 1-row hedge, plant the plant 1 meter apart. If a multi-row scheme is used, then trees can be planted in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of a meter. Or linear. In this case, the plants are planted against each other.

    Lush Spruce Structure

    Important! Spruces do not do well in dry soils and prefer humid climates.

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    Honeysuckle honeysuckle: hedge photo, planting and caring for the plant

    Honeysuckle plantations can use different types of plants with different flowering times. Shoots can grow up to two meters in height. Honeysuckle does not require special watering and too fertile soils, but partial shade is important for it. Bright sunlight is detrimental to her. The advantages of culture include resistance to frost. In the first year, a wall with gaps may grow, which will bloom over time. Climbing varieties grow excellently on lattice fences. nine0007 Such varieties are best planted at meter intervals. And the distance between bushes should be at least 60 cm. It can grow up to 6 meters. This culture blooms in spring and early summer. To create a high-quality fence for a plant, you will need special supports. Dry and clay soils are not suitable for cultivation. Care must necessarily include weeding, watering and pruning to form bushes.

    Flowering fence

    Useful information! Edible varieties of honeysuckle can also be planted. Its berries are not only very tasty, but also healthy. But the fruits of the honeysuckle variety are poisonous and should not be eaten.

    Willow: making a hedge

    The simplest option is to make a willow fence. This tree has an excellent survival rate. It can take root even from twigs. You can plant a twig in moist soil, and it will settle down remarkably and take root. The tree does not require serious maintenance, but it is important to monitor the timely pruning, as well as to stop its growth. nine0008

    This crop is known for its high growth rate, which requires some control. For the strength of the fence, you can use wire to attach the tree to the supports.

    Willow fence

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    Campsis grandiflora: planting and care of the plant

    Campsis is a perennial vine. This is an unpretentious culture that even a novice gardener can handle. Two types of plant can be applied:

    • Kampsis rooting is able to weave a large surface area, and is also more resistant to cold;
    • a large-flowered species known for its showy flowers and size. For it, it is necessary to mount special supports. It is more suitable for warm regions.
    Luxurious hedge in bloom

    If the growth of the plant is not controlled, it can grow up to 15 m. That is why it is so important to form a fence. Bushes should be planted at a distance of a meter and it is better if they are in sunny areas. nine0008 Proper care requires sufficient watering. Fertilizers are not required, but recommended. From July to September, the culture blooms in red, yellow and orange flowers.

    Please note! In the first year, only beautiful carved leaves will appear, and flowering should be expected only in the next season.

    Brilliant cotoneaster: hedge photo

    Cotoneaster makes an excellent fence. It is evergreen and deciduous. The culture is famous for its shiny leaves. To grow a good fence, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for planting and caring for a brilliant cotoneaster. nine0007 This crop can grow well in both shade and full sun. In addition, cotoneaster is resistant to frost. He is able to reach a height of up to two meters. Remarkably grows in three years.

    Seedlings must be placed at a distance of half a meter. Cotoneaster refers to drought-resistant crops. Even in summer, it is enough to water it no more than once a month.

    By the way, this variety of cotoneaster does not have edible fruits.

    Simple fence

    Please note! Cotoneaster will only look beautiful when pruned properly. It should be carried out in the spring, until the buds open.

    Lawson cypress columnaris: the secrets of growing

    Cypress is a beautiful coniferous plant. When landing it is important to choose the right place. It is best if it is a site with a close location of the water source. This crop prefers moist conditions. Also, the landing site must be protected from gusts of wind. nine0003

    In summer, the tree should be watered with 8-10 liters of water. It is also necessary to spray the foliage. It is required for seedlings and top dressing at least once a month. In this case, organic and mineral fertilizers are used.

    Planting crop in several rows

    Note! To create the desired shape, you need to perform a shaping cut. At the same time, dry branches should also be removed.

    Watch this video on YouTube0109

    This evergreen crop can grow up to 20 m. The canopy is symmetrical and dense. Cupressocyparis Leylanda is a fast-growing plant, it adds up to one and a half meters in a year. It can also be grown in shady areas. It develops remarkably in moderate humidity and fertile soil. The acidity level for this tree is minimal. In dry weather, young seedlings require watering, and at any other time, natural precipitation is sufficient. nine0008

    Planting in open ground is carried out only after the seedlings have acquired a sufficiently strong root system.

    Formed shrubs

    Cherry laurel: photo and description of the hedge

    Fast-growing laurel cherry hedge is popular. Plant height varies from 2 to 6 meters. With proper care, a rapid increase in green mass is observed.

    Seedlings are planted in mid-autumn, when the soil is well moistened. Laurel cherry officinalis is in great demand among gardeners. This plant has very beautiful flowers. The inflorescence can be up to 12 cm long and consists of many small flowers, which allows you to give the fence a luxurious look. nine0003

    Laurel cherry is a fairly hardy plant. She is able to survive severe frosts. In addition, this culture is shade-tolerant, but it needs moisture regularly. If the soil is dry for a long time, the plant will stop flowering and fruiting.

    Hedges require pruning a couple of times a year. After planting seedlings, the first pruning is done the following summer.

    Original cherry laurel fence

    Holly: crop photo and planting rules

    Holly is a shrub with dark green foliage. Moreover, the leaves are quite prickly, which allows you to create a fence with good protection. Such a culture is unpretentious to care for. It can grow well in both sunny and shady conditions.

    If well-formed seedlings are planted in the ground, then in 4-5 years the bushes will turn into a wonderful hedge. When planting, it is important to keep a gap of at least 60 cm.

    Beautiful holly decoration

    Please note! Planting can be done twice a year. Suitable time in spring in April and in autumn from October to November. And pruning is done in the middle of summer.

    Balsam fir: description and details of care

    The balsam variety is distinguished by fragrant and soft needles. The tree has a conical shape. At the same time, the branches below grow in a perpendicular direction from the ground, and the upper ones are slightly raised. The tree can grow up to 20-25 meters. nine0007 This crop is demanding on soil structure and moisture content.

    The plant does well in shady places. It will develop intensively if there is a body of water nearby. Soil rich in micronutrients is especially suitable. Do not allow stagnant water for this crop. When planting, you can use seedlings that are at least four years old. The best day to plant is an overcast day in April. Moreover, pits for plantings are made in two weeks. nine0003

    Fir has a certain frost resistance. But with sudden temperature changes, young trees need additional protection. You can cover them with spruce branches.

    This tree does not require decorative pruning. It independently forms a magnificent crown.

    Siberian fir fence

    For your information! For landing, it is better to choose areas protected from strong winds, since the root system of fir is located close to the surface of the earth. nine0003

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    Garden ivy: hedge photo

    One of the most unpretentious plants is garden ivy. It grows into a beautiful hedge, even in the shade, even in a sunny place. But it should be borne in mind that such a plant does not tolerate powerful frosts and high levels of humidity. Therefore, it is sheltered for the winter.

    When choosing a suitable landing site, an important factor is the absence of drafts, winds, and it is also desirable that it be elevated. nine0008 Planting is best done in early spring, so that the plant gains strength during the warm season. After rains, the soil should be loosened.

    Ivy does not require frequent watering. You can water a little during periods of drought.

    Decoration with decorative ivy

    For your information! If you later want to get rid of the ivy, it will be very difficult to do. Therefore, before planting it, think about whether it is better to choose some other plant.

    Boxwood: planting, care and propagation

    With evergreen boxwood, you can create luxurious hedges on the site. But it is important to follow the rules of its planting and care. Loamy, sandy soil with sufficient moisture is suitable for this plant. Will not grow on soils with high acidity. It is also bad if the groundwater passes close to the surface of the earth. Shaded areas are more suitable for planting boxwood. In this case, planting is best done in the spring.

    Small boxwood borders

    Please note! Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to dig holes that are twice as deep as the roots. At the same time, pay attention to the condition of the root system and the crowns of the plant.

    Thuja brabant: photo, description and tips for growing

    This plant is evergreen. It is often called the tree of life. Thuja Brabant is distinguished by endurance and resistance to disease. Planting and care does not require much effort. The photo shows what the fence from this plant looks like. Suitable for almost any kind of soil. From thuja with a haircut, you can create any beautiful shape. At the same time, the height of the tree can reach 10 m, and the width of the crown up to 3 m.

    The advantages of culture include unpretentious care, rapid growth and excellent decorative effect. To plant a plant, you will need not only seedlings, but also compost, fertilizers, peat, sand and soddy soil. You can plant a plant from April to November. Landing should be done with an interval of 0.6-0.7 meters. If landing is done in one row, then the distance between the holes can reach up to a meter. When creating a two-row fence, seedlings are placed at intervals of up to two meters and preferably in a checkerboard pattern. Some large-sized thuja varieties are planted at intervals of up to five meters. nine0003

    To get a beautiful Brabant hedge, it needs to be watered every week after planting. And during the dry season, watering is done a couple of times a week. In this case, at least 15 liters of water should be poured under each tree.

    In addition to seedlings, this type of arborvitae can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. But experienced gardeners recommend growing a plant only from seedlings.

    Lush plantations of thuja

    For your information! If you cut it often, the plant becomes more lush and dense. The best time for pruning is in spring or already at the end of summer. nine0003

    Thuja smaragd: planting and care of culture

    When choosing thuja for hedges, it is worth considering the ornamental variety of smaragd. This tree, unlike the previous variety, has a shape in the form of a pyramid. But it must be constantly supported. Such a plant can grow up to 5 meters, and the crown has up to two meters. These parameters are important to consider when planting and leave the necessary gap between seedlings.

    This crop grows slowly. Each year adds no more than 10 cm in height and about 5 cm in width. Thuja can grow for 150 years. This is an unpretentious plant that grows both in shaded areas and in more sunny ones. nine0003 Making the alley

    Here are the main points when caring for the arborvitae:

    • watering is carried out depending on the condition of the soil and the passage of groundwater. Most often, this procedure is performed once a week. At the same time, a bucket of water goes to one seedling. If there is a severe drought, then the amount increases to two buckets;
    • after each watering it is necessary to loosen the soil;
    • one month after planting, it is important to mulch the soil with wood chips or peat; nine0015
    • compost must be used every spring and mineral fertilizing is carried out;
    • young trees should be protected from the sun until they gain strength;
    • cut in autumn and spring. In this case, you need to remove the old branches, which will allow you to form a beautiful crown.

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    Tips for making the best hedges

    When choosing fast-growing plants for hedges, you should give preference to hardy crops. Most often, for such plantations, it is important to simply choose the right landing site, and further care involves only regular pruning to maintain a beautiful shape. nine0003

    The following criteria will help you find the right option:

    • conditions for normal growth and development, including climatic conditions, the degree of illumination on the site, the type of soil and the approximate amount of precipitation;
    • features of the maintenance of a live fence. If there is no time to engage in constant pruning, then it is better to consider simpler options;
    • attractive appearance is the most important factor.
    Bright living fences

    Features of planting

    Particular attention should be paid to planting. In this case, the procedure includes such stages as marking the territory, preparing the soil and planting seedlings.

    For marking it is important to decide what the height of the fence will be. On the ground, the lines are marked with a rope and pegs.

    It is important to properly prepare the soil before planting. It is necessary to fertilize the soil qualitatively. And for some varieties of trees and shrubs, you need to consider drainage. In this case, expanded clay, river pebbles and even broken bricks are used. nine0003

    If the soil is clay, it can be thinned with sand. Lime is used to reduce acidity, and peat is used to reduce alkalinity.

    After that, a trench or the required number of holes is made along the marking. If a fence is planned in one row, then the width should be about 50 cm. With two-row placement - up to 90. The depth is about 60 cm. nine0003

    Planting is most often done in autumn or spring. First you need to prepare the soil. For example, dig and fertilize.

    Hedge with fence

    Maintenance details

    Watering and pruning are important steps in the care of any hedge crop. In this case, pruning is not recommended in the first year. Then for the next two years, this procedure must be performed frequently to form the desired configuration.

    After pruning, the base of the plant should be wider than the top. This will ensure that the sun's rays reach all parts of the seedlings evenly. Over time, the procedure can be carried out less often. For example, first in early spring and the second time in mid-summer. nine0003

    Be sure to cut off dead branches. To rejuvenate the plant, pruning is carried out to two-thirds of the branches. It should be borne in mind that different cultures tolerate this procedure in different ways. Coniferous varieties do not tolerate pruning, so it is done less frequently. But for a willow that has active growth, the procedure should be carried out as often as possible.

    Watering is best done in the morning and evening hours. This will allow moisture to be retained in the soil longer. The regularity of watering also depends on the structure of the soil. If the soil is clayey, then frequent irrigation can lead to rotting of the root system. If there is not enough water, the roots will dry out. If the soils are often waterlogged and fluid stagnation occurs, then proper drainage should be considered. nine0003 Hedge figures

    With the right choice of plants and with all the important conditions of care, you can create a luxurious and practical green fence on your site. When choosing a suitable variety, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of its growth and the stages of planting and care.

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