Farrow and ball colours for living rooms
10 Living Rooms That’ll Make You Want to Redecorate
Geschrieben am 17th Januar 2020
Parma Gray No.27 in Estate Emulsion und Wimborne White No.239 in Estate Eggshell
Ein Hafen der Ruhe. Ein romantischer Rückzugsort. Der Ort, an dem das Familienleben tobt. Das Wohnzimmer kann alles sein. Also würdigen Sie diesen Raum am besten entsprechend und schenken Sie ihm alle Aufmerksamkeit, die er verdient! Um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern und Ihnen ein paar hilfreiche Impulse zu liefern, haben wir Ihnen zehn unserer liebsten Looks zusammen gestellt. Viel Freude beim Entdecken und inspiriert Werden!
1. Gegensätze ziehen sich an
Dieser in Inchyra Blue gestaltete Raum ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie man einen perfekten Flow kreiert. Das kleine Zimmer liegt zwischen einem Wohnzimmer in Strong White und einer Küche, die in Ammonite gestrichen wurde. Die petrolfarbenen Wände addieren dem sonst eher neutral gestalteten Zuhause einen wohl dosierten Farbakzent hinzu. Der rote Faden, der dem Farbkonzept Kohärenz verleiht, sind die im dunkelgrauen Worsted gestrichenen Holzelemente, die sich durch die Räume ziehen.
2. Florale Akzente
Eine Akzentwand mit einem opulenten Blütenmotiv wie Helleborus kreiert in jedem Wohnzimmer einen außergewöhnlichen Hingucker. Der großformatige Blumendruck wirkt bezwingend modern – auch in einem sonst eher traditionell gestalteten Zuhause. Die blanken Holzdielen und die hohen weißen Fußleisten komplettieren den unprätentiösen und gleichzeitig eleganten Look.
3. Alt trifft auf Neu
Viele Menschen erliegen der Versuchung, einen Raum mit besonderer Architektur weiß zu streichen (was im Übrigen oft auch die Empfehlung von Architekten ist). Doch eine dezent abgetönte Farbe schenkt solchen Räumen Behaglichkeit, ohne dass ihre Vielseitigkeit darunter leidet. Old White, aus der Familie unserer traditionellen Neutraltöne, hat grau-grünliche Untertöne, die das üppige Licht bestmöglich unterstreichen. Dadurch wirkt diese ehemalige Fabrikhalle wunderschön hell, ohne klinisch zu sein.
4. Go green.
Grüne Farben sind aus einem modernen Gestaltungskonzept kaum mehr wegzudenken. Doch auch ein eher traditionelles Zuhause wird mit Grün richtig lebendig. Typisch für Altbauten und historische Gebäude ist es, an den Wänden eine dunklere Farbe einzusetzen und die Holzelemente heller zu gestalten. Hier wirkt das dunkle Green Smoke mit Türen und Stuck in Strong White sehr modern, und der traditionelle Charakter wird dennoch gewahrt.
5. Magische Muster
Eine auffällige Tapete ist ein erprobtes und sehr beliebtes Mittel, um einem Wohnzimmer Persönlichkeit zu schenken. Wenn die opulente Tapete darüber hinaus zart schimmert, dann wird die Anmutung gleich noch etwas luxuriöser. Unsere Lotus BP 2071 im Farbton De Nimes mit kupferfarbenem Muster wertet diese gemütliche Ecke extrem auf und passt sehr gut zum dunklen Holz und dem dunkelblauen Sofa.
6. Finish first!
Die Kombination aus Stone Blue an den Wänden und Dix Blue an der Decke ist schon ein mutiges Statement. Dank der verschiedenen Finishes wird der Look jedoch echt außergewöhnlich. Die Wände sind hier in unserer tuchmatten Farbe Estate Emulsion gestrichen, wohingegen die dekorativen Leisten und Fensterrahmen mit dem hochglänzenden Lack Full Gloss verziert wurden, was einen spannenden Kontrast im Glanzgrad bildet.
7. Besonders behaglich
Der typische Mid Century Look entsteht hier durch die Auswahl der Farben – und ihre ungewöhnliche Kombination: School House White und Sulking Room Pink werden zueinander in ein spannendes Verhältnis gesetzt und von einer feinen Linie in Paean Black geteilt. Außerdem greift der Designer die satte Wandfarbe in den Textilien (hier ein Teppich von The Rug Company in der Farbe Portobello Pink) noch einmal auf, was eine wohltuende Balance schafft.
8. Fein ausbalanciert
Mit der Wahl unserer architektonischen Neutraltöne haben die Besitzer dieses Stadthauses in Manhattan einen perfekten Rahmen für historische Elemente und moderne Accessories gleichermaßen geschaffen. Das helle Pavilion Gray an Wänden, Decke und Leisten verstärkt das Gefühl von Raum und Licht, während unser dunkelstes Schwarz Pitch Black den Blick auf die historischen Balken lenkt.
9. Darauf stehen wir
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, einem Wohnzimmer ein Update zu verpassen. Das beweist dieser helle Raum: Wände und Holzelemente nehmen sich sehr zurück, dafür glänzt der Boden mit einem Neuanstrich. Hier wurden die Holzdielen mit unserem strapazierfähigen Lack Modern Eggshell in Down Pipe verziert. Das klare All White und kühlere Dimpse wirken kombiniert mit unserem raffiniert dunkelgrauen Down Pipe frisch und sehr elegant.
10. Schwarze Magie
Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung, ein kleines Zimmer müsse zwingend hell gestrichen werden, empfehlen wir hier oft dunklere Farben. Sie verleihen einem nicht ganz so großzügig proportionierten Raum Tiefe und Gemütlichkeit. In diesem stylischen Wohnzimmer entsteht durch das dunkle Black Blue eine besondere Intimität, die Kinoabende genauso schön in Szene setzt wie ein gemütliches Wochenende mit einem guten Buch. Der Effekt wirkt optimal, wenn Sie die Farbe auch an den Fußleisten und an der Decke einsetzen.
Recipes for Decorating
Unseres neues Buch ist eine überbordende Ideensammlung für Kinderzimmer, Erwachsenenschlafzimmer und alle Arten von Räumen, die Sie sich nur vorstellen können. Sichern Sie sich nachstehend Ihr Exemplar.
60+ Farrow and Ball paint colours in real homes
Our favourite Farrow and Ball paint colours
Paul Massey
Long beloved of interior designers, Farrow & Ball paint has a near cult following for its array of water-based, eco-friendly paints, that are packed with rich pigments which give a deep tonality to walls. But, with 132 colours in the palette, including almost 50 neutrals, as well as their signature dark hues, a little guidance and inspiration can help. It's one thing to look at a paint chart and think a colour is nice, but in our experience, you need to see the colours in real life to understand why the vibrant, joyous hue of ‘India Yellow’ is so popular and what makes elegant, understated ‘Setting Plaster’ the perfect pink. Drawing from some of our favourite houses, we have pulled together more than 60 of the best Farrow & Ball paints, to offer a broad gallery of paint inspiration and counsel.
We spoke to Joa Studholme, Farrow and Ball’s Colour Curator and all-round paint expert, for her top tips on choosing the right Farrow and Ball paint for your house (and you can see Joa’s own house in Somerset here).
How to work with natural light
The first thing to assess is where light is coming into the room, and from which direction. “Light is your friend when it comes to decorating – do not fight what nature has given you,” Joa explains. “Large, light rooms are best suited to lighter tones while stronger colours bring small dark rooms to life. The quality of the light will change how you perceive the colour, so you need to think about what time of day you will use the space as well as whether it faces north, south, east or west.” For example, there’s no point painting a south-facing room a colour that works with the daylight if you only use that room in the evening.
For rooms you tend to use in the evenings – i.e. when there is no natural light streaming in through the windows and you’re likely to rely on lamps and electric lighting in general, then “you can afford to choose a much stronger colour. This will create an intimate cosy space as it will be artificially lit anyway, while rooms you work in during the day probably will benefit from being kept light. In that case you still need to consider whether the room would benefit from warm undertones or if you want to embrace cool light.”
Best Farrow & Ball paint for south-facing rooms
When it comes to the direction a room faces, Joa advises that “south-facing rooms are often the easiest to decorate as they are filled with warm light for most of the day. Pale soft tones like ‘Cromarty’, ‘Pink Ground’, ‘Hay’ or ‘Skimmed Milk White’ will maximise the feeling of light and space, while the slightly stronger ‘Blue Gray’, ‘French Gray’, ‘Setting Plaster’, ‘Sudbury Yellow’ and ‘Bone’ will all glow in south light. ”
Best Farrow & Ball paint for north-facing rooms
“North-facing rooms tend to bring out the green in all colours,” explains Joa, “so if you want to avoid this then look to warm based neutrals like ‘Jitney’, ‘Oxford Stone’ or ‘Stony Ground’. Alternatively embrace the cooler north light by using stronger tones like ‘Sulking Room Pink’, ‘Brassica’ or ‘Bancha’ – deeply saturated colours are perfect for use in north facing rooms.”
Best Farrow & Ball paint for east- and west-facing rooms
According to Joa, “choosing colour for an east- or west-facing room is totally dependent on what time of day you use the space. Light in east-facing rooms tends to be cooler in the evening and brighter in the morning.” Naturally, in west-facing rooms it’s the other way around. “So, if you are lucky enough to have a room that benefits from both east and west light the colour will change throughout the day – making the walls feel alive! East facing rooms tend to benefit from soft calming colours with an underlying warmth like ‘Peignoir’ or ‘Pale Powder’ while using cooler tones like ‘Cornforth White’ and ‘Dimpse’ in west-facing rooms will neutralise the warm light at the end of the day. ”
Picking wood and ceiling colours from the Farrow & Ball colour chart
“The choice of colour for the woodwork and the ceiling is just as important as that of the walls,” notes Joa. “You must think of the room as a whole. A bright white on either ceiling or trim will make the walls look darker as well as making you more aware of where the walls end and the ceiling begins; this causes the ceiling height to drop. Either use a complementary white (something with the same base colour as the walls – these are listed on the F&B website) or if you are braver use the same colour on the walls, woodwork and ceiling – not nearly as frightening as it sounds!”
Scroll down for House & Garden’s gallery of paint ideas from the Farrow & Ball colour chart; seeing them in situ in real people's houses will illuminate how these pigments react to the light, easing your passage to the perfect paint for your walls.
Berne | Modern design furniture | BoConcept
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Light, elegant and cozy, the Berne sofa embodies modern ideas of simplicity. Designed by designer Henrik Pedersen, this modern sofa features clear lines and soft curves. The absence of sharp corners and soft, rounded armrests, seat cushions and backrest create a cozy appearance from all sides. The Berne sofa features a high upright back and fixed deep seats. This sofa features a wooden frame and matte black tubular metal legs for a sophisticated floating silhouette. Personalize your Berne sofa with over 120 different fabrics and materials to transform your room into a space you won't want to leave. nine0005
The basis of the Berne sofa is a wooden frame and narrow tubular metal legs, which give the sofa a minimalist look and a floating lightness.
The seat and back of the Berne sofa are embellished with decorative stitching, which not only adds to the effect, but also helps to prevent wrinkling of the fabric. nine0005
The upright seating position and increased seat depth in the Berne sofa provide superior back support and all-day comfort.
Sofa Berne can be personalized according to your preferences. The range includes a 2-seat sofa, a 2.5-seat sofa and a 3-seat sofa, as well as an armchair in a similar design - use one or more pieces of furniture at your discretion to create the design of your dreams. nine0005
The modern, minimalist design of the Berne sofa will brighten up any space. Experiment with upholstery and create the interior of your dream living room. Rich and dark colors can create a sense of melancholy and drama, softer pastels give a relaxing effect, while bright and bold colors fill the space with energy.
The Berne armchair combines clean lines and soft curves. This eye-catching armchair features the same light, elegant design as the Berne sofa. The fixed deep seat emphasizes the minimalist silhouette of the chair, while tubular metal legs in matte black create a “floating” effect. nine0005
Your style and personality bring our furniture to life. You can personalize almost all the items in our collection by changing their colors, materials, size and configuration. The more the furniture reflects your taste, the more extraordinary it becomes. Don't limit yourself. Change colors, materials, size and configuration to suit your style.
To personalize the Berne sofa, we offer over 120 different fabrics and materials, allowing the sofa to fit seamlessly into your current interior. Classic sofa or leather sofa? The possibilities for personalization are endless. Opt for a sofa upholstered in green velvet for a dramatic interior, and for a timeless look, opt for a contemporary gray sofa.
Choosing furniture can be a daunting task. That's why you can now use augmented reality technology to see how your favorite BoConcept furniture fits into your space.
With our new tool, you can freely add and place selected pieces of furniture in your own home to see how they fit with your space and style.
With our augmented reality tool, available on mobile phones and tablets, you can create the interior of your dreams today. nine0005
Check out these 4 different Berne designs in the augmented reality tool and see how they will look in YOUR HOME
BoConcept stands for craftsmanship, uncompromising attention to detail and the highest quality materials. We collaborate with renowned Danish and international designers and strive to create timeless, modern pieces of high quality furniture. That's why we offer a 5-year warranty on all of our products. nine0005
Meet the designer
Henrik Pedersen is an experienced designer and creator of many of BoConcept's iconic pieces of furniture - tables, armchairs, sofas and lamps. The designer has always been inspired to look at objects up close. In his furniture, this manifests itself in unexpected shapes and curves: for example, he was inspired by the shape of a tennis ball to create the iconic Imola armchair.
Transform an ordinary room into an extraordinary space with the help of our interior stylists. From a small update to a massive transformation, our team is here to offer you styling advice. Book your consultation online, at your home or at your nearest BoConcept store. We also offer free samples. They'll help you find the perfect color, finish and texture for your home from over 120 different fabrics and materials. nine0005
Triple sofas - 3-seater sofa module Berne
Triple sofas
Preparing for customization
Preparing for customization. ..
Designer Henrik Pedersen
From € 2,488.00
As shown € 4,298.00
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Dimensions and weights
- Height: 74 cm
- Width: 226 cm
- Depth: 85 cm
- seat height: 43 cm
- armrest height: 62 cm
- Leg height: 18 cm
- Weight: 55 kg
- Seats: 3
FRISCO fabric is a polyester woven fabric. It is ideal for intensive use, as well as tight, non-removable covers. Recommended for practical families. nine0005
- Composition: 100% Polyester
- Leg/base: steel
- Armrest: HR 35 kg/m3 Batting 70 g/m2
- Back: Inside: HR 35 kg/m3 Outside: HR 35 kg/m3 Batting 150 g/m2
- Frame: Solid wood, chipboard, plywood
- Seat: Seat: HR 35 kg/m3 and CMHR 26 kg/m3.
Front side: HR 35 kg/m3, wadding 150 g/m2
- Fabric lining: TC fabric with logo
- Leg/base: powder coated
This product is easy to assemble. Just follow the instructions and we are sure you will be able to do it without any further help.
Item number
445030012058075ORGANIC SHAPES
With its clear lines and soft curves, the Berne sofa impresses with its attractive appearance and soft-touch materials. It will turn your space into a place you won't want to leave. nine0005
The basis of the Berne sofa is a wooden frame and narrow tubular metal legs, which give the sofa a minimalist look and a floating lightness.
The upright seating position and increased seat depth in the Berne sofa provide superior back support and all-day comfort.
The seat and back of the Berne sofa are adorned with decorative stitching, which not only adds to the effect, but is also a beautiful detail of the thoughtful design that helps prevent wrinkles in the fabric.