Evergreen bushes for front of house

12 Best Low Maintenance Evergreen Shrubs For Front Of House

It looks kind of lonely to see a house with empty front landscaping, no matter how good the architecture is.

But a house accented by living green ornaments and evergreen shrubs is worthy of a double look.

What is a greater kind of plant to use than an evergreen shrub? That will stay small, are low-maintenance and evergreen?

They maintain color in all seasons, short and very manageable.

But before you finally decide, you must first ready enough space that can accommodate the evergreen shrub for your house.

Make sure that its height will not block your house. Anyways, evergreen shrubs enjoy being trimmed.

Without dragging it further, here is a list of the best evergreen shrub for the front of the house.

Surely, this kind of plant will make your house look and feel fresh.

Table of Contents

12 Best Evergreen Shrubs For Front Of Houses

Before we begin, below are our top 3 recommendations for fertilizing your shrubs and trees in your landscaping.

From the get-go, plants are the beautiful ornaments of our houses.

In front of houses, using low maintenance dwarf evergreen shrubs is the best choice because it will keep your house lively throughout the year, and shrubs don’t exceed 20 feet in height.

It is important to note that all kinds of shrubs benefit from regular pruning.

It helps the appearance to be kept neat and promotes flowering.

Here are the 12 best small evergreen shrubs For The Front Of House

1. Sprinter Boxwood Shrubs (Buxus Microphylla ‘Bulthouse’)



Looking into this kind of shrub, you will feel a great resemblance to The Hobbit community.

Boxwoods are low-maintenance evergreen shrubs that can transform your front yard into a wonderland of lush green.

The oval leaves turn yellowish or reddish if overexposed to direct sun or windbreak.

It will strive better in a bright location with partial shade.

It is very flexible and follows the desired shape you have set it in during trimmings.

The soil type it prefers is not anything special for as long as it drains well. It does not like to stay in soggy soil and stagnant water.

It can weaken in the cold winter. They will thank you if you give them mulch to protect its roots and burlap wraps from covering its entirety.

It is not into cold but warmer areas. It is drought and deer-resistant too.

Established sprinters only need watering when rainfall isn’t enough to let them dry out. It is hardy to zones 5-8.

Quick Facts

2. Green Mountain Boxwood (Buxus Sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’)




Assuming the front of your house is big and elevated, another type of boxwood perfect for enhancing your facade is the Green Mountain.

It is quite tall; in that sense, make sure you trim it regularly, keeping it neat and your house design visible.

It is naturally conical so that you can picture a petite Christmas tree as your front liners.

Green Mountain boxwood shrubs grow moderately, about 3-6 inches a year, keeping deer away since they are resistant to their natural state.

It will require regular watering in well-draining soil. Slightly acidic soil is more preferred, though.

Compared to other boxwood varieties, Green Mountain is more tolerant of short periods of drought enjoying the full sun but can thrive in partial shade.

It can grow greenish-cream flowers too and hardy in regions 4-9.

Quick Facts

Below are some other boxwoods that you may be interested in planting into your landscaping.

3. Densa Japanese (Yew Taxus Cuspidate)


Quite a spreader. Densa Japanese Yew is a dark green shrub with needle-like foliage, perfect for the front-of-house decoration and curb appeal.

These turn into reddish-green during winter.

This shrub is dense in nature that you may try mass planting it as your front borders.

Your location is not of much concern because it is tolerant of urban pollution.

This is one of the evergreens that can tolerate full shade.

It can grow well even under dappled light, but that doesn’t imply that they don’t do well in full sun.

Like most plants, it is not fond of stagnant water, meaning it prefers well-draining soil regardless of its acidity. Keep it evenly moist regularly.

You can protect it during winter by mulching the root areas.

A little caution in the household with pets: all species of Japanese yew are poisonous when ingested.

It bears red small fruits, but it will harm pets and humans if consumed.

It is deer-resistant too and hardy to zone 4b in the USDA map.

Quick Facts



#2nd Best Choice


Southern Living Baby Gem Boxwood (Hedge, Bush, Green Foliage) (Cant Ship TN), 2 Gallon

Buxus micro. jap. 'Green Mountain' (Boxwood) Evergreen, #2 - Size Container







Southern Living Baby Gem Boxwood (Hedge, Bush, Green Foliage) (Cant Ship TN), 2 Gallon



#2nd Best Choice



Buxus micro. jap. 'Green Mountain' (Boxwood) Evergreen, #2 - Size Container



4. Emerald Fountain (Tsuga Canadensis ‘Monler’)


By its common name it goes by, Canadian hemlock, it is easy to infer that they are native of Canada.

They are part of the pine species but can be grown lushly as the front house furnishing too.

It is dense and conical, a perfect hedge, screen, or a stand-alone evergreen.

This species is evergreen with red-brown stems. The needle-like dark green leaves are regarded as the smallest among the genus.

It grows well in any soil type that drains well and is averagely moist. Regular watering is advised, especially in the first weeks of growing.

Emerald fountain is not drought-tolerant.

As a matter of fact, it may be damaged from a temperature higher than 95 degrees F if exposed for long periods.

In rare cases, extremely hot weather can be fatal to it. The zone of the hardiness of T.canadensis is 4 to 7.

Quick Facts

5. Sea Green Juniper (Juniperus Chinensis ‘Sea Green’)



Of all possible names for a shrub, why sea green? It is because this variety of Juniper has bluish-green foliage, the color of the beautiful sea.

The branches arch like the fireworks on display.

It bears blueberries which are in question if edible. To be safe, you better not eat it.

Deer will not be interested in lurking around, but likewise, it doesn’t attract any beneficial insects.

Sea green juniper is a high-maintenance shrub that asks for a regular check-up.

It cannot last in very wet soil. But aside from the watering issue, it can thrive in any soil type that drains well.

It does well in full sunlight and is tolerant of urban pollution.

It is an important characteristic of juniper, making it a popular genus in gardening. Daily smoke and heat are not fatal to juniper.

Quick Facts

6. Asparagus Fern (Asparagus Densiflorus “Myersii”)


I saw it and fell in love with it. Asparagus fern or foxtail fern is a low-growing evergreen with unique-looking dense foliage.

It arches with feathery stems and bright green leaves.

Asparagus fern, despite its name, is not a true fern and not edible like asparagus.

Hence, it is a true family of the Asparagus genus. The plant is a native of South Africa.

The evergreen shrub for front of houses is not into direct light.

The color ranges from yellow, pale green, or deep green if under direct light, full shade, or partial shade.

Foxtail fern can tolerate cool temperatures but up to 25 degrees F only.

Lower, and it will be deadly to the plant. During the cold season, the plant tends to rest but is not dormant.

Asparagus fern prefers moist soil that drains well.

It appreciates heat, so you may tag it drought-tolerant.

At the same time, it is tolerant to salt sprays. It is hardy to zones 9-11 and can sometimes be invasive.

If you are looking for ideas on what type of ferns to grow, you can look at our post on the most popular ferns to grow indoors or outside.

Quick Facts

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7. Evergreen Azalea (Rhododendron Indicum)


The scarlet flowers of the shrub will surely steal your interest.

Evergreen azaleas, or Azaleas for short, is a broadleaf evergreen shrub with shiny green leaves that turns reddish during winter.

It blooms red flowers in mid-spring.

It is native to Japan, where it tolerates cooler summer. It is winter hardy in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9.

Although azaleas are categorized as winter hardy, it is still safe to mulch them, especially when the winter wind is very prominent.

Mulching will keep the soil cool in summer but warm during winter.

This plant requires constant moisture and benefits greatly in rich, fertilized, acidic soil (ph of 6.5).

It is prone to root rot when left on water not drained well from the soil.

Azalea survives more in areas where there is no extremely hot season.

It enjoys more on dappled light outdoors or filtered sunlight for as long as it is not direct.

Unfortunately for this evergreen, it is vulnerable to pests and diseases.

But with proper attention, it can grow healthy and limit problems.

Quick Facts

8. Georgia Petite Indian Hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis X Delacourii ‘Georgia Petite’)


By far, it is like a wedding aisle in your front yard, and up-close Georgia Petite Indian Hawthorn looks like blossoms of popcorn from its pink buds.

It is in great contrast to its dark green foliage that is very dense.

It has a mild fragrance that can last throughout the year. The flowers turn to dark blue ornamental berries afterward.

Indian Hawthorn prefers to be in evenly moist soil.

Before it can establish a vast root system, it requires regular watering.

However, it can be reduced to weekly once they mature.

Similar to most plants, it favors soil that drains well despite average acidity or fertility.

The plant grows well in a spot receiving good sun to a slightly shaded area.

It is mildly drought-resistant but a true disease-resistant shrub.​

In its native habit, Asia, it grows aggressively in the wild. However, the dwarf version, like Georgia petite, is very manageable.

Quick Facts


Brilliant Hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis ‘Brilliant’)

Make this your flowering hedge because the big red flowers of this tropical hibiscus stand out against the green stem and leaves.

The flowers are naturally designed with red stigma and yellow anthers.

The flowering evergreen shrub is tough against deer, so that you may use it as a bed, border, or foundation in front of your house without worry from stray animals.

It likes soil that is consistently wet but drains well. It will like it more if the soil is rich and treated.

When it comes to strong winds, it rather chooses a well-protected area than being swayed heavily.

It will tolerate being sheltered but more in full sun.

It must be watered thoroughly until winter when you can greatly reduce it during its initial growth.

Despite being tolerant of other conditions, it is sensitive to changing temperature.

If you have started growing it in full sun or partial shade, you better not change it halfway through the growing time.

Else, it will affect its blooming time and see bud drops.

Quick Facts

10. Chinese Snowball (Viburnum Macrocephalum)


Native to mainland China, the Chinese snowball Viburnum is a woody evergreen shrub that produces a cluster of flowers in round form.

The flowers come as green but quickly turns white.

The white and round form of its flower makes it worthy of being called snowball.

Each little white flowers are 1.25 wide and 8 inches in a cluster. The inflorescence has no fragrance.

The shrub is hardy to USDA zones 6-9. It has a medium growth rate and has moderate care required.

It grows well to direct sunlight but can prosper in partial shades, too, with a minimum of 2 hours of direct sun.

It prefers slightly acidic soil that has good drainage.

Watering it in moderation can keep its preferred soil to be moist.

Chinese snowball is resistant to damage by deer and can attract beautiful butterflies in the garden.

However, It is not resilient to cold winds and asks for protection instead.

Quick Facts



#2nd Best Choice

#3rd Best Choice


Pixies Gardens (1 Gallon) Chinese Snowball Viburnum Beautiful Softball Size Hydrangea-Like...

Viburnum p. t. 'Summer Snowflake' (Doublefile Viburnum) Shrub, white flowers, #2 - Size...

April Remembered Camellia Japonica ( Zone 6 ) - Live Plant - Quart Pot








Pixies Gardens (1 Gallon) Chinese Snowball Viburnum Beautiful Softball Size Hydrangea-Like. ..



#2nd Best Choice



Viburnum p. t. 'Summer Snowflake' (Doublefile Viburnum) Shrub, white flowers, #2 - Size...



#3rd Best Choice



April Remembered Camellia Japonica ( Zone 6 ) - Live Plant - Quart Pot



11. Carol Mackie (Daphne X Burkwoodii)


A variegated Daphne shrub, Carol Mackie, is the most popular Daphne evergreen in mild climates.

The leaves of the shrub are green outlined with yellow to creamy white lines.

In full bloom, it bears white to pink flowers in masses forming tubular shoots.

It is grown hardy in zones 4-9.

Daphne’s are fastidious shrubs that don’t appreciate replanting once established.

It is better to be careful planting it with the long-term garden landscape in mind.

It does well in full sun and on a partial screen as long as the soil in its area has good drainage.

Though it likes a moist environment, overwatering can cause root rot.

Matured Carol Mackie is drought tolerant and cannot be damaged by deer.

It is impressive, but a flaw is its habit of suddenly dying without a probable reason.

Another thing, they are weak against snow, and the damages can be fatal to the Daphne.

Quick Facts

Related post: 10 Stunning Yellow Shrubs To Add To Your Landscaping

12. Camellia (Camellia Japonica)


Maybe one of the most popular evergreens, Camellia shrubs grow best in cold climates.

It is a winter-hardy plant that can tolerate temperatures limited to 10 degrees F.

The cold temperatures of fall and winter can promote its flowering.

Flowers in bloom may be white, pink, red, yellow, and lavender; the leaves are oval and glossy green.

Camellias are not very flexible to change of environment.

Some other plants may be brought in and out of the house but not Camellias.

They prefer a bright spot in dappled sunlight and a wide area where it can freely spread.

It will require protection from the direct heat of the afternoon sun and strong winds too.

In terms of soil, it likes a moist acidic one that is well fertilized. As for drainage, it prefers soil that drains well.

Camellias are not okay where standing water is though it enjoys moist soil.

In reality, this plant has shallow roots and will benefit from mulching.

Camellias are native to China, Korea, and Japan.

Quick Facts


Are All The Evergreen Shrubs I Should Plant Green?

No, some plants are blue, red, or purple. The choice is yours. However, you should carefully study your landscape to match it before deciding on the plant variety.

What Should Be The Distance Between My Plants And My House?

Some plants spread wide, considering their growth span. Ideally, plant the shrub 5 feet from the house.

How Are Shrubs Propagated?

Depending on the species of the shrub, you may start from seeds or through division. You can buy them in stores in containers too.

What Is The Growth Rate Of Shrubs?

There slow or fast growers. Shrubs that have a rapid growth rate mature in a month. The slower ones can take years.

How Long Does An Evergreen Shrub Live?

Evergreens have a generally long lifespan. It can take 10 or more years. Conifers can live up to 100 years!

Related post: 3 Simple Ways on How To Propagate Landscaping Bamboo Plants


Shrubs can be the good front liners in your yard.

They can be trimmed handsomely too. Make sure your hedge trimmer blades are sharp, as it will make your landscaping job a lot easier.

If you like all-year colors, evergreen shrubs are the ones you need.

Always follow their care facts, and you’ll see yourself enticed by how beautiful your front landscape can be.

Also, know your zone so you won’t waste your time cultivating a plant that won’t thrive.

You also want to consider their growth spans on how long the evergreen shrub will live.

Evergreen shrubs for the front of your house are a classic and modern design that will never go out of style.

Lindsey Hyland

Lindsey Hyland grew up in Arizona where she studied at the University of Arizona’s Controlled Environment Agriculture Center. She continued her gardening education by working on organic farms in both rural and urban settings. She started UrbanOrganicYield.com to share gardening tips and tactics. She’s happy to talk about succulents and houseplants or vegetables and herbs – or just about anything in a backyard garden or hydroponics garden.

Best shrubs for the front of the house |

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Planting one of the best shrubs for the front of the house in your front yard will imbue the entrance to your home with character and personality, creating structure, a refuge for wildlife and a frame for your front porch.  

Introducing greenery and foliage to your front yard ideas will increase the curb appeal, while adding flowering shrubs will bring with them beauty and fragrance in equal measure. When planted in the right location, the right shrubs for the front of the house can also be used to provide privacy, block unsightly views and reduce noise pollution – so working them into your front yard landscaping ideas is a must.

‘When choosing a shrub for your front yard – pay more attention to your local hardiness zone than anything else. Your hardiness zone determines which shrubs will survive and thrive in your front yard,’ says Elle Meager, founder and CEO of Outdoor Happens .

Shrubs for the front of the house

There are species of shrubs for the front of the house to suit almost any type of home and garden. From towering specimens that are great for achieving your garden privacy ideas, to the prettiest floral varieties and the best low growing shrubs for the front of the house to incorporate into your small front garden ideas, adding one of these shrubs will help you to create a warm welcome to your home.  

The best shrubs for the front of the house are also great companions for the best trees for front yards, as together they will add height, color and texture to the front of your home. Landscaping with evergreens is also the most environmentally friendly option.

1. Best floral shrub for the front of the house

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Shrub roses make for stunning front yard cottage garden ideas. Unlike other types of roses, shrub roses have a bushy appearance making them a great addition to front yard flower bed ideas as well as to rose gardens. 

According to experts at David Austen : 'Shrub roses look best when planted in groups of three or more of the same variety. They will then grow together to form one dense shrub, which will provide a more continuous display and make a more definite statement in the border.'

If growing shrub roses, then it is important that you know how to prune roses. 'For bush and shrub roses prune down to half their height in spring and remove all dead wood,' advises Period Living garden expert Leigh Clapp. 'Don’t, however, prune English shrub roses too hard over the first couple of years, until they have established, to help the stems mature and support the blooms.'

2. Best low growing shrub for the front of the house

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you only have a small front yard, then looking for low growing shrubs for the front of the house will be a better option. Despite only having a small footprint, lavender makes a big impression. Lavender are great low growing shrubs for the front of the house and has a signature fragrance that offers a warm welcome as you approach your front door. 

'Though it can only grow about one foot in height, its 2 inch wide blossoms are loved by butterflies and bees,' says gardening expert Lindsey Hyland of Urban Organic Yield . This makes them a great choice if you are trying to incorporate more wildlife garden ideas into your front yard.

A staple of front yard walkway ideas, 'lavender is a popular choice for foundation plantings and when established, they are drought tolerant plants, but they are best placed in full sun,' continues Lindsey. Planting drought tolerant shrubs in the front of the house will help to keep your front yard even during the driest summers.

3. Best shrub for the front of the house for a show-stopping display

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Part of the rhododendron family, azaleas are beautiful flowering shrubs that are favored for their long-lasting blooms. Popular plants for flower bed ideas, azaleas are great shrubs for the front of the house as their large size makes a bold impression. 'The azalea features long, leathery, egg-shaped leaves as well as showy white, magenta pink flowers with ruffled petals. This outstanding flower can become the focal point of every garden,' says Victoria Kuchinskaya, a plant physiologist for the NatureID app .

If deciding to grow azalea shrubs for the front of the house, it is also important that you know how to prune azaleas to enjoy the best from them.

4. Best evergreen shrubs for the front of the house

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Evergreen shrubs are one of the best shrubs for the front of the house as they offer year-round character and interest to your front garden ideas.

'Winter Gem Boxwood shrub is a common type of low-growing shrub that is perfect for growing at the front of your house,' says Shannon Bernadin, botanist and creator of The African Garden . 'It is a dense and bushy shrub that is evergreen and super easy to maintain. It will provide greenery to the front of your house all year round.'

Plus, boxwood shrubs are one of the best low growing shrubs for the front of the house.

5. Best winter interest shrubs for the front of the house

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Holly shrubs can be grown as either a small tree or a shrub and is a great addition to the front of the house. Characterized by dark green, sharp leaves, they are great evergreen trees for gardens and can also be grown into a hedge to provide garden privacy.

Holly comes into its own in the winter, with its bright red berries adding vibrancy to your garden during the bleakest winter months. As well as providing aesthetic interest, the berries are also great for feeding birds in winter.

'Another tremendous benefit of holly shrubs is that they come in many cultivars. Whether you live in North Carolina or frosty New England – you can find a holly shrub that will acclimate to your area,' says Elle Meager. 'However, one word of warning: holly shrub cultivars vary substantially in their size. Some maintain a height of only a few feet, while others skyrocket to over 30 feet.’

6. Best colorful shrub for the front of the house

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Hydrangeas are unusual in the fact that their color is defined by the soil pH. 'An acid soil ( pH below 7) will usually produce flower color closer to blue, whereas an alkaline soil (pH above 7) will produce pinker flowers,' explains Victoria Kuchinskaya. Hydrangeas can be grown either in the ground or in a pot, making them a great choice for small front garden ideas.

Most hydrangeas are deciduous shrubs, however there are some evergreen varieties that can make for great shrubs for the front of the house. 'Hydrangeas are a versatile choice with an array of options on offer to match your color scheme and work beautifully in more formal front gardens. They prefer sun in the morning with some shade in the afternoon,' says garden expert Leigh Clapp.

7. Best floral shrub for the front of the house

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Part of the verbena family, Lantana camara is a fast-growing shrub that is native to Central and South America. Characterized by its colorful flowers in carnival shades, its pretty blooms catch the eye and produce a sweet tutti frutti scent. Typically growing around 2m tall, it creates a bold statement that will make it a welcome addition to the front of the house. 

Furthermore, they're a great addition to other wildlife garden ideas. 'All butterflies and bees go mad for this, and it's incredibly easy to grow in a pot or border,' says plantswoman Sarah Raven .

8. Best flowering winter shrub for the front of the house

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Camellias have seen a rise in popularity in recent years, quickly becoming favorite shrubs for the front of the house. Loved for their flamboyant flowers, they are one of the first flowers, offering a cheery display through the darker months of the year. 

'Camellias have been hybridized to create more durable flowers and longer bloom times and the pink 'Winter's Star' is lovely in late fall and early winter. Camellia 'Winter's Snowman" blooms earlier in white, usually in October or November where we are in Washington,' says Robert Bell, principal at Bell Design .

As such, camellias are one of the best winter plants for pots and borders, and would make a stunning container display on the front porch. If growing these beautiful shrubs, it is vital to know how to prune camellias to get the best out of these pretty plants.

9. The best wildife shrubs for the front of the house bush (Buddleja davidii)

(Image credit: Getty Images/ Jacky Parker Photography)

If you are looking for shrubs for the front of the house that will help you to incorporate wildlife garden ideas into your plot, then buddleja is a must.

'Perfect for adding to front yard cottage garden ideas, buddleja can be grown as an ornamental plant pretty much anywhere,' says Victoria Kuchinskaya. 'Furthermore, it is fast-growing and not in the least fastidious. Unfortunately, however, Buddleja davidii is considered to be an invasive species in some U.S. regions so be careful before you add it into your garden.'

10. Best shrub for the front of the house for privacy

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You can't help but fall in love with the cheery yellow color of forsythia's flowers. They are characterful shrubs for the front of the house that will brighten even the greyest spring day. 

'They offer speedy growth, beautiful blossoms in the spring. Because they grow so fast and offer thick foliage, they make unrivaled screeners – especially if you want a privacy hedge in front of your home quickly,' says Elle Meager. In fact forsythia are one of the best fast-growing hedges for both privacy and interest.

'You'll need to prune your forsythia regularly because they grow seemingly overnight! Expect them to grow well over 12 inches per year. Some may reach a height of up to 10 feet – and some even slightly taller. However, there are smaller cultivars that are great for incorporating into your small front garden ideas,' continues Elle.

Which small shrubs for the front of the house look good year-round?

Evergreen small shrubs look good all year round. Since they don't lose their leaves they continually add life to the front of your house. Holly, camellias and boxwoods are all good options that bring year round interest to the front of your house.

What shrubs look good in front of the house?

Lavender, shrub roses, forsythia and hydrangeas are all shrubs that look good in front of the house. 'I always recommend a variety of shrubs, plants, and flowers for the front of your home – especially if you intend on building a privacy screen or supporting wildlife,' says Elle Meager.

Having graduated with a first class degree in English Literature four years ago, Holly started her career as a features writer and sub-editor at Period Living magazine, Homes & Gardens' sister title. Working on Period Living brought with it insight into the complexities of owning and caring for period homes, from interior decorating through to choosing the right windows and the challenges of extending. This has led to a passion for traditional interiors, particularly the country-look. Writing for the Homes & Gardens website as a content editor, alongside regular features for Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors magazines, has enabled her to broaden her writing to incorporate her interests in gardening, wildlife and nature. 

90,000 what a shrub to plant in front of the house


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What trees and shrubs to plant near the house

For example, conifers prefer sandy soil and bright places. It is better to choose not mature trees, but seedlings. Then they will get along better. Their significant drawback is the presence of a powerful root system. Being sufficiently developed, it can easily harm communications or the foundation of a house. Of course, this must be taken into account when choosing a landing site. It should not be less than 10 meters from the building. The ideal option is a spruce fence or a place along the fence.

Rowan, viburnum and other fruit trees will also decorate any yard. Bright colors of their foliage in autumn, red berries in winter - everything will please the eye. These hardy trees prefer shade and moisture. Therefore, it is better to choose shaded places for their landing. And at the same time, of course, do not forget to fertilize the soil.

But the walnut will be delighted with the moist and warm corners of the site. It is better if you choose a place near the house. Avoid windy areas in the area. This can damage the crown of the tree. The choice of location must be taken responsibly. Frequent relocation can be detrimental to a tree. After all, its root system is rather weak.

If the climate allows, you can decorate the space around the house with fruit trees. Cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, pomegranate, plum - they all prefer fertilized soil. Better to keep it moist as well. Depressions in the soil should not be more than 100 cm.

Sod is very popular among shrubs. It multiplies rapidly by dividing the bush. Therefore, even from a small amount, a lot of bushes will eventually turn out. In late autumn, its leaves turn scarlet. It looks very beautiful, especially against the background of the first snow. Depending on the species, it can be either a shrub or a tree.

In addition to turf, often planted vesiculocarp (meadowsweet, spirea). This shrub begins to bloom from the end of June and is distinguished by bright red or yellow foliage. However, this effect can be achieved only if the spirea is planted in a sunny place. Otherwise, its leaves will not acquire brightness and lose their decorative effect.

Both shrubs grow very fast. For this reason, you need to be prepared to devote a lot of time to constant pruning. The undeniable advantage is that the branches can be given a variety of shapes and eventually create a beautiful hedge.

What to pay attention to when planting trees near the house

Before landscaping a site, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its plan. There may be misunderstandings with neighbors. Therefore, it is better to immediately discuss with them all the nuances of future landings. After all, there is no guarantee that the crowns of trees will not obscure the site.

Each tree should be planted in such a way that it does not create inconvenience to existing mature trees and shrubs in the future. It is also important to know exactly where to plant trees is not at all worth it. For example, close to the fence. Tree roots should not touch communications: plumbing pipes, wires, irrigation systems of the site.

It is better to maintain a distance of about 2 meters between the trees themselves. In this case, their roots or branches will not intertwine. Trees such as poplar, walnut or birch grow fairly quickly. In a few years, they can grow up to 20 m. Tree branches that are planted close to the fence can either be damaged themselves (against the fence) or damage the foundation or roof.

Many want to have their own house and land. And now the dream has been achieved: the house has been built or bought, the territory has been cleared of construction debris or rubbish of the former owners. But in order for a private house to come to life and give you comfort, joy and security, it is necessary to create a plant world around it.

It turns out that not every plant should be planted near the house. Our distant ancestors knew about this and adhered to certain rules when landscaping their site. True, then people were more often guided by existing superstitions in relation to a particular plant.

In the course of time, many superstitions were rejected, but some were justified from a scientific point of view.

If the household plot is large, there are plenty of opportunities to create a park zone. But if the area around the house is limited, well-chosen shrubs and dwarf trees will also create an excellent green frame for your home. Japanese quince in bloom
Photo: Depositphotos

And if you have just a few square meters of land, then even a few low-growing shrubs can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

For example, 2-3 bushes of Japanese quince will light up your yard with warmth and joy for several weeks in spring. And the fruits, yellow with crimson specks, will decorate the bushes until the very winter.

No matter how small the plot is, there will certainly be a place for pygmy lilac and viburnum, which can be maintained in a compact form.

And if you add, for example, bulbous plants that bloom at different times, from early spring to late autumn, a miracle garden will not require much care and will bring a lot of positive emotions into your life. Blooming lilac
Photo: pixabay.com

Of course, a large plot is a huge field of creativity: with the help of shrubs and trees, you can delimit different zones, create a hedge, and give solo roles to the most sophisticated specimens.

What kind of trees and shrubs do experts advise to plant directly near the house?

Of course, when choosing ornamental plants, one should take into account the timing of their greatest decorativeness, then almost all year round you can enjoy the beauty of the green world. You should also take into account the requirements of plants for the composition of the soil and prepare planting pits in advance. Cherry blossoms
Photo: pixabay.com

Ornamental shrubs are easier to decide on, so I suggest you get acquainted with trees that will harmoniously fit into your life.

Cherry , planted near the house, will be your talisman. Many peoples believe that it is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. This tree is unpretentious, in the spring during flowering it will fill the yard with a delicate aroma, and in the summer it will give delicious fruits.

In the old days, under the window of a girl's bedroom, it was customary to plant an apple tree , they believed that it would endow the girl with beauty and charm, and also give her happy love.

In the yard where the newlyweds settle, it is good to plant a pear tree . For a long time, people believed that this tree strengthens the love of spouses and patronizes motherhood. Pear
Photo: pixabay.com

Some forest trees are suitable for planting in the yard. For example, maple, , in addition to its undeniable attractiveness, removes negative energy, which contributes to a calm life for family members, gives them longevity and well-being.

Suitable for planting in the yard black locust . Under its openwork crown, many garden plants will feel great. And its fragrant inflorescences will attract pollinating insects to the garden and fill the air with a honey aroma. It is believed that acacia fills the space with positive energy, which relieves stress and improves mood. Acacia
Photo: pixabay.com

People have ambivalent attitudes towards juniper . In some areas, this plant is associated with burial: its branches are sprinkled on the path leading from the house where the deceased lived to the cemetery. On the other hand, juniper has long been considered a strong plant that can protect against evil forces. Also, needles were sometimes burned in houses in order to cleanse the dwelling from unclean forces, as we say now - from negative energy.

Approximately the same attitude has developed in a person to toue . To plant or not to plant these plants near the house, your intuition will tell you.

Hawthorn, wild rose, viburnum, mountain ash can be safely invited to your possessions. Only positive, benefit and beauty will give you these plants. Viburnum flowers
Photo: pixabay.com

Mages believe that wild rose will help create a strong family, mountain ash will protect the house from any evil forces and contribute to the development of psychic abilities among its inhabitants, and hawthorn and viburnum will speed up recovery in case of illness.

It is impossible to ignore such a wonderful tree as larch . It is believed that it is able to remove psychological problems from a person and restore peace of mind. Indeed, looking at the numerous, delicate needle-leaves of larch, you are distracted from worldly worries and involuntarily forget about all the accumulated anxieties and doubts.

But our white-trunk beauty birch is better to plant behind the fence. For a long time, people believed that spirits like to settle in the branches of this tree, and as you know, not all of them are favorable to people. On the other hand, birch is a protector, especially of the female half of humanity.

Experts give a scientific justification why it is not worth planting a birch on a personal plot:

this tree has a branched root system, which can damage communications suitable for the house, as well as deprive plants living not far from it of moisture and nutrients.

Poplar is also an unsuitable tree for the yard, although it takes away negative energy from the surrounding space. During storms, its rather fragile trunk can fall and cause a lot of trouble. In addition, like birch, the poplar root system can even damage the foundation of buildings.

No matter how much you like oak , especially its decorative types, it is better to admire them in forests and forest parks. This strong long-liver of the plant kingdom recognizes only his own kind: he favors strong and healthy people, and he can harm the weakened with his powerful energy.

Beauty willow also does not enjoy a good reputation, and willow and aspen can bring grief to the house. Rowan
Photo: pixabay.com

If you are serious about superstitions, don't tempt fate - there are many shrubs and trees that will bring you only good and joy. When choosing plants, listen to your subconscious - it will certainly tell you the right decision.

To create coziness in the backyard of a private house, it is necessary not only to create beautiful flower beds, but also to plant ornamental shrubs. With their help, many problems are solved. From dividing the space of the garden into zones and filling the site with flowering plants to enclosing it with a green living fence.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

Using flowering shrubs is more interesting. Some of them have an amazing aroma and literally transform the garden. They can be used in mixed plantings, mixborders, along fences to create compositions that bloom all summer from different plants that replace each other in terms of flowering.

This list of flowering shrubs may include the following plants:

Evergreen Shrubs

With regular and proper pruning, evergreen shrubs easily turn into a hedge or an unusual living sculpture that will become the center of a recreation area. To do this, it is enough to skillfully cut them. List of evergreen ornamental shrubs that can be planted in the garden:

Garden Shade Shrubs

They are often used to create a smooth transition from grass cover to canopy. Shade-loving shrubs are also needed to create a beautiful design for fences and the shady side of a private house. The most common shade-tolerant shrubs are listed below.

Garden jasmine (shrub)

Privet Oval Aureum

Fast growing shrubs

Growers of choice when hedges need to be grown in a short time. Often such plantings are made combined from different types of shrubs. In this case, you should carefully consider the issue of the future size of an adult plant and its relationship to a haircut.

The most popular fast growing shrubs are:

Low-growing and frost-resistant garden shrubs

The former are characterized by the fact that they do not grow above one meter. They are usually planted on the borders. They decorate flower beds. List of low-growing ornamental shrubs for the garden:

If you still have not decided which shrubs to plant in the country, you can familiarize yourself with the list of frost-resistant ones:

Mixborder of conifers and shrubs scheme

The word "mix" leads us to mixing. The second part of the word - border - sends to the borders. It turns out that in such a landing there are no boundaries. But this is not true. It just seems so. In fact, everything here must be carefully thought out and planned.

Plants in a mixborder are supposed to have dense groups that smoothly flow into one another. Moreover, it must contain elements that will remain visible in the cold season. They are shrubs and conifers. They are also called the skeleton of the composition.

Any mixborder must be divided into three parts. They will not be the same in size and shape. In the background are planted tall plants with interesting leaves. The second row is filled with flowers that are characterized by straight and tall stems. They are covered with medium height with a small number of leaves. And stunted and ground cover plants come to the fore. Plantings of annual flowers are usually placed in front of them.

Here is one example of a perennial mixborder placed along a wall or fence. Its background is decorated with plants: lafanthus, purple echinacea, chatma and clematis. The middle is filled with shrubby cinquefoil, yarrow, fennel polygon, vervain bonar, boxwood, decorative wormwood and onions. In the first rows planted: shrub cinquefoil, geranium, soft cuff, coreopsis.

1. Endress geranium. 2. The cuff is soft. 3. Majestic geranium. 4. Coreopsis whorled. 5. Potentilla shrub. 6. Ptarmic yarrow. 7. Decorative bow. 8. Fennel multi-grate. 9. Bonar verbena. 10. Boxwood. 11. Decorative wormwood. 12. Lofant. 13. Echinacea purpurea. 14. Hatma. 15. Clematis