Easy veg to grow
10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow in the Home Garden
Which vegetables are easiest to grow from seed? Growing from seed is less expensive and offers much more variety. Our list includes vegetable seeds that can be sown directly into your garden soil, but some are also suitable for starting indoors and transplanting.
Should I Grow Vegetables from Seed or Transplants?
There’s nothing wrong with starting your garden from small plants which you purchase (known as “transplants”)—in fact, many people do! In fact, there are a handful of vegetables that can be challenging to grow from seed and are best purchased as young plants from a garden store/nursery (tomatoes, for example, can be finicky to start from seed). Transplants also allow you to get a head start on growing tender vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, which require a long, warm growing season.
That said—unless you have a short growing season—many vegetables are easy enough to start from seed at home.
Here are a handful of the benefits of starting from seeds:
- Seeds are much cheaper, especially in greater quantities. They often keep at least a couple years, and they can be shared with friends and neighbors, too.
- Seeds offer much more variety than the often limited choice of transplants in a nursery. Just take a look at these seed catalogs and let the dreams begin!
- Some vegetables do not survive being transplated from one place to another.
- Starting from seed means that you can sow seeds directly in the garden, which opens the door to growing crops such as corn, melons, squash, beans, and peas, which simply do not grow as well when transplanted from one place to another.
- Starting plants from seed means you can ensure they are healthy and strong right from the start.
This is not a complete list, by any means, but these are considered some of the easiest and most common vegetables that can be grown at home.
1. Lettuce
We’ve never known a garden that cannot grow lettuce.
Lettuce can be sown directly in your garden bed, or started indoors for transplanting. It’s one of the few crops that can be grown all year in our climate, but in hot weather it should be shaded and harvested at smaller sizes. Lettuce growth slows in shade; it is also slower to go to seed, or “bolt,” which means that it can be harvested for longer.
An endless assortment of leaf shapes and shades of green and red means you’ll never get tired of growing new lettuce varieties. Leaf lettuces can be cut as they grow, and you can enjoy several harvests from the same plant by just snipping off what you need each time.
If you want full heads of romaine and head lettuce to develop, thin them. Allow for 8 to 10 inches between plants. As you thin young plants, save the delicate small leaves for salads.
See our Growing Guide for Lettuce.
Pole beans require some sort of structure to climb! Photo by Smereka/Shutterstock.
2. Green Beans
Beans grow even in fairly poor soils, because they fix the nitrogen as they go! Bush varieties don’t require trellising, but pole varieties provide a more extended harvest. In cool areas, snap beans are easiest. In hot areas, lima beans, southern peas, and asparagus beans are also very easy to grow. All bean plants are fast growers and thrive in warm, moist soil.
See our Growing Guide for Green Beans for more information on planting and growing beans!
Peas! Photo by DigiCake/Shutterstock.3. Peas
Plant peas as soon as the soil can be worked—2 weeks before the average last spring frost for your region, if possible. To harvest a continuous supply of peas during the summer, simultaneously sow varieties with different maturity dates. Then sow more seeds about 2 weeks later. Continue this pattern, sowing no later than mid-June.
See our Growing Guide for Peas.
Radishes. Photo by Udra11/Shutterstock.4. Radishes
Radishes can be harvested in as little as 24 days after planting, and can be inter-planted with slower-growing vegetables. You can plant radishes as soon as you can work the soil in the spring.
Sow each seed 2 inches apart or more, or thin them to this spacing after they sprout. Cover the seeds with about half an inch of compost or soil.
Here’s a tip: Radish seeds are natural companions to carrots. Mix radish seeds with carrot seeds before you sow, especially if your soil tends to develop a tough crust. The quick-to-sprout radishes will push up through the soil, breaking it up for the later-sprouting carrots. As you harvest the radishes, the carrots will fill in the row.
See our Growing Guide for Radishes.
5. Carrots
We’re including carrots only because they’re super easy to grow as long as they’re planted in loose, sandy soil during the cooler periods of the growing season—spring and fall (carrots can tolerate frost). Not all carrots are orange; varieties range in color from purple to white, and some are resistant to diseases and pests.
Many beginners find their carrots are short and deformed. This is typically due to poor, rocky soil, so it’s important to provide soft, loose soil that drains well. Mix in some sand and really loosen it up. Also, it is essential to THIN carrot seedlings to the proper spacing so that they’re not overcrowded. Be bold! Thin those seedlings if you want carrots to form properly.
Learn more in our Growing Guide for Carrots.
6. Cucumbers
Prepare in advance for cucumbers; amend the soil with a fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium to support the plant’s large yields. If possible, plant cucumbers in the sun next to a fence. The fence will serve as support for climbing and act as a shelter. Or plant them near corn. The corn will trap the heat that cucumbers crave and also serve as a windbreak.
See our Growing Guide for Cucumbers.
7. Kale
Like it or not, super-nutritious kale is very hardy and can grow in a wide range of temperatures. It can be harvested at many different stages, and the buds and flowers are edible, too! Mustards and collards are closely related to kale and are also easy to grow.
Set out plants any time, from early spring to early summer and kale will grow until it gets too hot. Plant again the fall, especially if you live in the southern United States. Another nice thing about kale is that it only gets sweeter after being hit by a couple frosts. Try kale baked, stir-fried, or steamed. Enjoy in salads, smoothies, omelettes, casseroles, or wherever you’d use spinach.
See our Growing Guide for Kale.
8. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard—or simply “chard”—is a member of the beet family. It does well in both cool and warm weather. It is a nutritional superfood, high in vitamins A, C, and K as well as minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber—plus, its rainbow of colors are beautiful!
See our Growing Guide for Swiss Chard.
Beets. Photo by Darasp Kran/Shutterstock.9. Beets
You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted beets you’ve grown yourself. We mean it! Nothing compares to garden-fresh beets, boiled or roasted until tender.
The quirky seed capsules contain two or three beet seeds, so the seedlings will always need to be thinned. Sow the seed capsules about an inch deep, and 4 inches apart.
Harvest the roots at any time up until they’re the size of a tennis ball. While you’re waiting for them to plump up, why not try a few of the leaves? They can be used just like spinach, giving you two harvests from one plant.
See our Growing Guide to Beets.
10. Summer Squash (Zucchini)
Summer squash and zucchini like well-composted soil and need plenty of space (plant them 3 to 6 feet apart in warm soil and lots of sun.) Soon enough, you’ll have so many zucchinis, you’ll be leaving them on neighbors’ doorsteps! Always water at the soil level—not the leaves—to avoid powdery mildew.
See our Growing Guide for Squash and Zucchini.
The above crops are some of the easiest vegetables you can grow, but there are many, many more veggies for you to try! Check out our complete library of Growing Guides for advice on planting all the popular vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers.
And now that you know which seeds are easiest to grow, see our Tips to Starting Seeds Indoors!
Free Online Gardening Guides
We’ve gathered all of our best beginner gardening guides into a step-by-step series designed to help you learn how to garden! Visit our complete Gardening for Everyone hub, where you’ll find a series of guides—all free! From selecting the right gardening spot to choosing the best vegetables to grow, our Almanac gardening experts are excited to teach gardening to everyone—whether it’s your 1st or 40th garden.
10 best crops for beginners |
(Image credit: Getty Images)
If you want to plant a kitchen garden, start with the easiest vegetables to grow to ensure success.
There is little more fulfilling in life than cultivating your own crops from tiny seeds. Not only are home-grown vegetables tastier than store bought, but they are healthier and free from chemicals.
Start planning your kitchen garden ideas now, and in as little as a few weeks you’ll have a delicious harvest.
When deciding what to grow, make sure you choose vegetables that you actually enjoy eating, as you will get much more satisfaction out of your efforts.
Knowing when to plant vegetables is also important to get them off to the right start. ‘The biggest mistake beginner gardeners make is bad timing,’ says Stephanie Turner, horticulture agent for Clemson Cooperative Extension .
‘Each crop will have ideal growing conditions that depend heavily on your local climate. So sometimes it isn’t so much what you are planting, but when. The back of most seed packets will have some general guidance about when to plant.’
Also make sure you sow your seeds in a suitable location. Each crop has its own needs for sunlight and water.
‘Choose a location that is close to your water source and has at least six full hours of sunlight,’ adds Turner. ‘However, leafy vegetables can tolerate less than six hours.’
Easiest vegetables to grow at home
As long as you choose suitable varieties for your garden and follow the growing instructions, you should have no trouble growing our pick of the easiest vegetables to grow, whatever your experience level.
Always check the plant's individual requirements and whether that complements the level of sun in your backyard, and the space you have available.
1. Radishes
(Image credit: Unsplash)
Learning how to grow radishes is probably the easiest place to start for beginners, and they are also one of the quickest vegetables to grow.
Their peppery flavor makes them a tasty addition to salads, while some varieties are also delicious in stir fries.
‘These spicy little roots germinate reliably when seeded directly in the ground and are harvestable in a month or less in most conditions,’ says Matthew Geldin, head farmer at Farmscape .
‘They thrive in full sun but can also slowly succeed in shady areas. They’re so fast that they can be seeded in succession for a continuous harvest, and interplanted with slower-starting crops before they mature.’
One of the reasons radishes are so easy to grow is that they don’t typically struggle with pests, and they are somewhat frost tolerant. ‘They actually prefer the cool weather of the spring or fall,’ says Turner.
‘Sow seeds directly where they are to be grown, into the garden or a pot, to a depth of about half an inch. Thin seedlings to 2-3 inches apart when they emerge. Radishes are ready to harvest in 20-30 days.’
French Breakfast, Pink Beauty, Easter Egg and Valentine’s Day are good varieties to try.
2. Green beans
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Versatile, delicious and generous yielders, green beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow.
You can choose from two growing styles: bush, which are more compact, and pole, which grow vertically, making them more space efficient.
There are some wonderful vegetable garden trellis ideas if you want to maximize your growing area.
‘I like the bush bean variety as you can skip the trellis. They’ll take up less room in your garden and grow well in pots,’ says Ashley Christian, founder of Homestead Sweet Home .
‘Beans do well even in poor soil because they fix the nitrogen as they grow. This is an easy summer crop that is fast growing and ready to harvest in about 60 days.’
To grow green beans, sow seeds direct 1 inch deep, around 2-4 inches apart. You will be able to start harvesting them in 50-60 days.
Good varieties to try include Blue Lake, Provider, Contender, Maxibel, Dragon Tongue and Tongue of Fire.
Learn how to grow French beans for a more tender, slender variety.
3. Kale
(Image credit: Getty Images)
‘In my opinion, kale is the easiest vegetable to grow,’ says Katie Krejci, homesteader, dietician and owner of The Homesteading RD .
‘It has very little disease or pest issues and is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures. It also doesn't bolt (go to seed) when it's hot out like other greens do.’
Kale is also one of the healthiest crops beginners can grow. A true superfood, it’s packed with Vitamins A, C and K, with a single cup of the vegetable offering well in excess of your daily recommended dose.
It also contributes to a broad variety of other essential nutrients, including manganese, calcium and potassium.
As kale is a fairly compact crop, it can grow well in pots, so make sure to include a few plants in your vegetable garden container ideas.
‘It also not only survives frost, but it actually tastes better when the temperatures dip into the freezing zone. Kale can handle some shade as well,’ adds Krejci.
Start seeds off indoors, or directly in position in warmer weather, from late spring to early summer. Sow seeds around half an inch deep, and when they start to grow, thin them out to around 18 inches apart, or less if you prefer to eat younger leaves. You should be able to harvest the leaves in around 60 days.
Aside from the classic Cavolo Nero, good varieties to try include Meadowlark, Curly Roja and Black Tuscan Lacinado.
4. Beets
(Image credit: Laura Edwards/Future PLC)
Compact, colorful and relatively trouble free, beets – or beetroot – are an essential addition to your vegetable garden.
If you enjoy eating the vegetable fresh in salads, or roasted as a side dish, then make successive plantings every couple of weeks from the spring. Alternatively, a glut of beets can be preserved and enjoyed for months.
To grow beets, plant seeds direct in a sunny position, as the young plants do not like to be transplanted. Sow seeds half an inch deep, around 1-2 inches apart in rows around a foot apart.
Once the beets have begun to grow, thin out the seedlings to around 3-4 inches apart.
It will take around 2 months before beets are ready. At this stage, the root vegetables will bulge above the surface of the soil – you’re looking for at least the size of a golf ball.
Don’t discard the leaves, as these are also delicious – simply sauté until tender.
Good varieties to try include Boltardy, Baby Ball, Avalanche, Ruby Queen, and Bull’s Blood.
5. Hardy herbs
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
‘Hardy herbs are great for beginner gardeners because they grow under a wide variety of conditions and levels of care,’ says Geldin.
‘They work great in the corners of raised beds, ends of rows or in pots, and thrive in full sun, partial shade or irregular watering.’
He recommends Berggarten sage, French thyme, Italian oregano and Barbeque rosemary as being particularly well suited to beginner growers, but annual varieties such as cilantro and basil also make wonderful additions to your herb garden ideas.
‘Cooking with fresh herbs can be a game changer, and blending with salts or tying into the bows of presents makes for great gifting to family, friends, and neighbors,’ adds Geldin.
6. Tomatoes
(Image credit: Burpee Europe)
‘They may seem like an advanced vegetable but growing tomatoes can actually be quite easy, especially if you focus on hearty varieties that are adaptable to any zone,’ says Carrie Williams Howe, founder of Homestead How-To .
Depending on your climate and chosen variety, tomatoes can either be grown outside or under glass. You can also choose between vine tomatoes, which are trained to grow vertically (cordon), and bush varieties, which are easier for beginners and can be grown in pots or even hanging baskets.
‘Growing tomatoes is incredibly rewarding when you choose the right type,’ adds Williams Howe. ‘Our favorite variety to grow is the Amish paste tomato.
'While paste tomatoes are generally good candidates for making sauce, the Amish variety of paste tomato is large and juicy, so it also makes a great slicer for use in sandwiches and salads. It has a sweet taste that will convince anyone to switch from grocery store to garden tomatoes for the rest of their life.’
Cherry tomatoes are also easy to grow as they are quick to crop. Try Super Sweet 100 and Gardener’s Delight to grow as cordons, or a tumbling variety for containers.
7. Swiss chard
(Image credit: coldsnowstorm / Getty Images)
Swiss chard is easy to grow, looks lovely on the veg patch, and packs a flavor punch in side dishes to stir fries. It’s also considered a superfood, rich in vitamins A, C, and K.
‘Swiss chard is in the same family as spinach, but easier to grow because it is more heat and cold tolerant,’ says Christian.
‘Begin planting in the spring 2 to 3 weeks before the last frost date, and in the fall about 40 days before the last frost date. You can plant seeds at 10-day intervals over the course of a month of a continuous harvest. You can also grow chard through the winter in a small greenhouse.’
Sow seed thinly, half an inch deep, in rows about a foot apart. Once the seedlings have begun to grow, thin them out to 10 inches apart.
The plants make fantastic cut-and-come-again leaves, and will be ready to harvest within 12 weeks.
Good varieties to try include Rainbow or Giant Swiss chard or classic Baby Leaf varieties.
8. Squash
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Squashes are a fun crop for beginner growers to experiment with, and several varieties are particularly easy.
‘Spaghetti squash has consistently proven, in garden after garden, year after year, to be the most resilient and productive of the vining squashes,’ says Geldin.
‘You can seed these directly into the garden and this hardy vegetable will outlive its fellow pumpkins and acorns, surviving the aphids and powdery mildew to produce five or more squash by the end of the season.
‘You do need room for the vines to spread outward or upward, but they take well to pruning if they’re heading out of bounds.’
Squashes come in a huge range of shapes and sizes, but all are straightforward to grow from seed. To grow squash, start seeds off indoors in early spring, or late spring direct into their positions. Sow seeds 1 inch deep, spaced around 3 foot apart. It’s a good idea to plant 2 or seeds at each sowing site, as not all seeds will germinate. You can remove the weaker seedlings when they begin to grow.
As well as spaghetti squash, also consider growing versatile butternut squash and summer squashes such as Zephyr and Early Summer Crookneck.
9. Carrots
(Image credit: Miracle Gro)
‘Provided they are grown in the spring and fall, learning how to grow carrots is an easy activity,’ says Christian.
‘Carrots do well in loose, sandy soil and can even be grown in a 5-gallon bucket. Mix in some sand with the soil in your bucket, and don’t be shy about thinning your crop – you will be rewarded with thick, properly formed carrots.’
Carrot seed should be sown thinly into raked soil, in rows around a foot apart. Aim for the carrots to be spaced around 2 inches apart, and don’t sow seed too thickly, as thinning out the crop can attract carrot fly, which is its main pest in many areas.
Though carrot fly can be a real problem that can put off beginner growers, you can keep them away by covering the carrots with horticultural fleece, fine netting or clear plastic. Otherwise, they are relatively trouble free.
If you want to take things to the next level, then clever carrot companion planting will also help ensure success.
‘In terms of variety, try some fun varieties like yellow Amarillo, dark purple Black Nebula, or Kyoto Red, or stick with a classic orange Little Finger or Autumn King,’ adds Christian.
10. Lettuce
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
‘There's nothing better than a fresh-picked salad from the garden,’ says Krejci ‘It's easy to learn how to grow lettuce from seed, and it grows well in a container or pot.’
It’s also quick to grow – within 6 weeks you’ll be harvesting leaves, or earlier if you eat any thinned out seedlings.
While all lettuces are easy to grow, loose-leaved varieties, which don’t form a firm heart, are particularly easy.
You can also grow lettuce all year round – outside in spring and summer, and indoors in colder months.
Sow lettuce seed thinly and cover with a fine layer of compost. To avoid a glut, it’s best to successionally sow a few seeds each week. Once the seedlings are large enough, thin them out to a distance of 4-8 inches, depending on whether you prefer to eat baby leaves.
‘Some lettuce varieties have a tendency to bolt (go to seed) when the temperatures soar, so if you are in a warm climate, I would recommend planning for a spring or fall harvest when growing lettuce,’ says Krejci.
‘There are some bolt-resistant varieties that perform really well in my garden and can extend your season into the summer: Green Star and New Red Fire.’
Bear in mind you will likely need to protect your crop from slugs and snails.
What are the easiest vegetables to grow in pots?
The easiest vegetables to grow in pots are those with a compact growth habit that won't quickly outgrow their containers.
'Leafy greens and herbs such as basil, green onions, and thyme work well in containers,' says Stuart Jones, farm manager at Civic Works' Real Food Farm .
'However, anything with a shallow root system will do just fine in a pot.'
Also consider growing beans, tomatoes and potatoes in containers.
What are the easiest vegetables to grow from seed?
The easiest vegetables to grow from seed are those that require little intervention besides planting and watering.
'Many vegetables are easy to grow from seed,' says Turner. 'Lettuce, beans, cucumber, squash, radish, peas, pumpkins, arugula and okra would be what I’d consider the easiest.
'To be considered easy I would want the vegetable to germinate quickly and then not require much extra care (beyond necessary watering) to reach maturity and enjoy the harvest.'
As editor of Period Living, Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, Melanie loves the charm of older properties. I live in a rural village just outside the Cotswolds in England, so am lucky to be surrounded by beautiful homes and countryside, where I enjoy exploring. Having worked in the industry for almost two decades, Melanie is interested in all aspects of homes and gardens. Her previous roles include working on Real Homes and Homebuilding & Renovating, and she has also contributed to Gardening Etc. She has an English degree and has also studied interior design. Melanie frequently writes for Homes & Gardens about property restoration and gardening.
Which vegetables are the easiest to grow - TOP 10
Sowing for seedlings, picking, health pruning, pollination, grafting, top dressing, pinching, pinching - how much a gardener needs to know, his head is spinning! Is it possible to do something faster? So that special care is not required, so that it grows on its own, so that it is planted and forgotten, just know to harvest.
It could be simpler. There are vegetables, as if specially invented for beginners in gardening. With minimal labor, time and nerve cells, they grow, bear fruit, delight the summer resident and add invaluable experience points to his piggy bank. What vegetables are easiest to grow in the country? Here are our top ten hardiest crops to grow...
This vegetable is the leader of our hit parade of the easiest plants to grow. It is a perennial, grows on any soil, loves the shade, grows rapidly from the rhizome. So quickly and briskly that gardeners prefer to plant horseradish in a limited area (otherwise, they will later have to destroy the excess growth, and this is not so easy).
To plant a horseradish, a couple of its rhizomes about twenty centimeters long are enough. First, they dig a hole to a depth of forty centimeters and prepare obstacles: someone from the sides lays out a hole with slate, plexiglass, carbonate, tin, etc.; someone digs a bucket without a bottom into the ground. Roots are planted inside. All that is required of the gardener after germination is to water the leaves in dry weather. nine0003
And if no barriers keep the horseradish in the territory allotted to it and uninvited bushes appear in the wrong places, they get rid of them with the help of ordinary salt. Read about how it's done HERE.
Another perennial that grows well in the shade and propagates by division. If your dacha neighbors grow rhubarb, ask for part of the root. Rhubarb grown from the root will get stronger faster and please with thick juicy stems. But it is not difficult to grow rhubarb from seeds, only the first harvest will have to wait a couple of years. nine0003
Before planting, the rhubarb rhizome is dipped in ashes and planted at a depth of 5-8 centimeters. Seeds can be sown both in spring (in April) and in autumn (in September) to a depth of 1-1.5 centimeters. When young seedlings grow up, the best ones are selected from them and transplanted to a permanent place. In the future, it is enough to water the bushes if necessary.
And to obtain more tender petioles, the rhubarb bush is covered with a bucket or a large pot without a bottom. The leaves are outside, and the stems are in the dark. Without light, they take on a beautiful raspberry-pink hue and become even tastier. nine0003
A rhubarb bush lives and bears fruit for about 10-12 years.
All kinds of salads, chard, spinach and sorrel will provide the whole family with fresh vitamin greens at the very beginning of summer. And no tricks with planting and care: mark the grooves, shed the soil, scatter the seeds, sprinkle them with soil and wait for the shoots.
Lettuce, spinach and chard prefer full sun but will tolerate some shade. Sorrel grows remarkably well in the shade. If you cut the sorrel at the root at the beginning of flowering, new fresh leaves will soon grow. Thus, you can get two crops of sorrel per season. nine0003
Perhaps, of all the root crops, only the cultivation of beets does not cause any particular difficulties. The only thing beets don't like is acidic soils. But this problem is also easily solved (read more about this in the article How to grow sweet beets).
Beetroot loves the sun, but tolerates some shade well. And it happens that she doesn’t even get her own ridge: she is planted along the edge of potato, onion or strawberry beds.
Beet seeds are sown directly in open ground in May. Emerging seedlings must be thinned out after the appearance of the first true leaf. This procedure cannot be avoided, because several plants grow from one seed at once. What is pulled out can be safely transplanted to another place - it will take root and give a harvest. nine0003
Beets are usually watered once every three days, more frequent watering is required only in very dry summers.
Green onions
Feather onions are grown by children in kindergartens, and that says it all. What could be easier? He stuck the bulb into the ground, watered it, and after a while it was time to cut off the first green feathers.
Bulbs can be taken from the remnants of winter stocks (but there is a danger of getting arrows with seed boxes instead of greens), and best of all - from ordinary onion sets, which are sold all spring in any garden store and in almost every supermarket. nine0003
Bulbs are planted at a distance of 10-15 centimeters, again, you can not allocate a separate bed for them, but combine plantings with other vegetables. In dry weather, onions are watered on greens once a week.
Children love peas straight from the garden, they can be dried, canned or frozen for the winter. And who does not know about the wonderful ability of peas to enrich the soil with nitrogen? Well, how to refuse such a wonderful vegetable in every respect?
Peas are unpretentious, they can be planted on any free piece of land, they will give a harvest both in the shade and on poor soil. In the first half of May, pea seeds (pre-soaked or dry) are sown in a garden bed. Young plants need regular watering, and when they grow to fifteen centimeters in height, support will be required. So that the pea stalks do not fall into the furrows, a peg is installed in each corner of the bed and the bed is wrapped around the perimeter with twine or cord. A few more pegs are stuck in the middle of the ridge - now the peas have something to cling to. nine0003
After harvesting, pea vines are cut and placed in compost, and the roots are left to rot in the ground. Next year on
cabbage will grow well in this bed.
In our time, when weather fluctuations remain a mystery even for meteorologists, it can no longer be said that growing radishes is easier than steamed turnips. Radishes need a real spring, that is, not too long daylight hours and not too high temperatures. But still, the radish is not so capricious as not to include it in our rating of the most unpretentious vegetables. nine0003
It is possible to plant radish seeds very early, even on a snow crust. In a greenhouse or greenhouse, to obtain an ultra-early harvest, radishes are sown in the second half of March, and in open ground - in April. At first, crops are covered with agrofiber to protect against frost and pests. The covering material is removed when the root crops begin to grow larger.
The only (but what!) argument against growing radishes is the cruciferous flea. This hungry goat is able to cleanly eat all the leaves and deprive us of the harvest in just a matter of days. Therefore, early sowing of radishes in a greenhouse is still preferable. nine0003
Read more about how to get a big harvest of radishes here: //dachnye-sovety.ru/vyrashhivanie-radisa-kak-dobitsya-urozhaya/.
Spring beans
Green beans or green beans are a godsend. In a good year, four bushes can feed a large family, and even fill the freezer with healthy green (purple or yellow) pods. Bush varieties do not require high trellises and are very simple in agricultural technology.
Beans are planted in early summer to avoid frost. Before sowing, beans are recommended to be soaked for a day. The planting pattern is as follows: 30 centimeters between bushes, 50 centimeters between rows, 3 centimeters deep. nine0003
Already in July, beans will begin to bear the first harvest. It is important here not to yawn and collect the pods while the seeds in them are not ripe, then the asparagus beans will bear fruit continuously until September. The gardener is required to water the bushes 3-4 times a month and loosen the row spacing 2 times a month (or mulch the plantings and forget about loosening and reduce watering).
All the secrets of growing green beans can be found here: //dachnye-sovety.ru/kak-vyrastit-struchkovuyu-fasol
Usually a potato field occupies a large area of a dacha and makes the summer resident sweat. But if you don’t chase volumes, but plant just a couple of ridges of potatoes, you can get a crop without any extra effort.
At the beginning of May, we spread the tubers (seed or cut into several large pieces) along the furrow at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other and cover with earth.
If the rains don't do all the work for us, the potato beds will have to be watered three times a day: after germination, at the time of budding, and immediately after flowering. nine0003
To avoid the difficult operation called "double hilling", it is necessary to regularly mulch potato beds with straw or grass clippings - this is much easier. You can generally try to grow potatoes under straw.
Finally, we must not forget the Colorado potato beetle. So that our potatoes do not end up in his gluttonous belly, we will either have to spray chemicals or keep potato bushes under close supervision and destroy beetles and larvae at their first appearance. nine0003
All that zucchini needs for stable fruiting is a sunny place, warm weather and lack of prolonged rains. A couple of squash bushes for a family of four is enough for the eyes. It will also stay for the winter.
Usually zucchini is planted in the first half of May, after soaking the seeds in warm water or germinating them. Plant immediately in the ground to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. Once every ten days, the bushes are watered and the garden is loosened (or only mulched). nine0003
A month after the start of flowering, the zucchini will give the first fruits. You should not overgrow them, it is better to remove milky ripeness zucchini, stimulating the bush to more fruiting.
What is the easiest thing to grow in a vegetable garden? A whole list of vegetables! Try it and you will definitely succeed, as everyone who started last year already did.
We wish you success and great harvests!
TOP 10 easiest vegetables to grow
"We all learned little by little, something and somehow." It is unlikely that the classic had gardening in mind, however, it also needs to start somewhere. And it’s more pleasant to start with the simplest and most accurately guaranteed result. nine0003
Among vegetable crops, there are well-known whims, and there are also simple "guys" that can grow with a minimum of care, on unprepared soils, and even if the owner of the plot visits them no more than once a week. But whom to choose so as not to make a mistake and not ruin your first landings?
As a child, did you like to go for a walk, stuffing your pockets with pea pods? Nothing prevents you from enjoying this process even now. Peas are completely unpretentious, their seeds remain viable for a long time, and you can eat the entire crop only if you have several of the same green vegetable fans in your family. nine0003
Seeds are sown directly into the ground in early or mid-May, choosing any free corner on the site. Peas bear fruit well both in the sun and in the shade, are unpretentious in the choice of soils and will give a bountiful harvest in any case. Shoots that will appear on the ridges in 1-1.5 weeks will need to be watered regularly, and when the sprouts reach a height of 15 cm, install a support for them at the rate of 1 peg per 4 plants. Pea lashes can cling to them themselves, but it is advisable to tie them around the perimeter with ribbon or twine so that the green mass does not lean into the furrows. nine0003
After harvest, remove all pea vines and compost them. Finally, you can collect the seeds for the next year, dry and put in a linen bag.
It will be possible to plant peas in the same place only after 4 years.
Zucchini - a culture from the category of "planted, forgotten, filled up with a harvest." One bush is enough to provide fruits for a family of 3-4 people, and if you have already planted a whole ridge, you can provide the entire summer cottage village with zucchini. nine0003
In early or mid-May, when the sun is already hot with might and main, soak the zucchini seeds for several hours in warm water, and then send them to the ground to a depth of 4-5 cm. Water them every 10 days, periodically loosen the soil around and soon you will be surprised how many huge yellow flowers blossomed on the bushes.
By the way, in Provence, zucchini flowers are eaten, preparing pies with them or stuffing them.
Zucchini will be harvested one month after the first flowers appear. Don't wait for the fruits to get huge, remember that by plucking them, you make room for new zucchini. nine0003
Tender, crunchy cabbage stalk with juicy pulp - every child's dream. But what if the mass of this stalk is almost half a kilo? Enough for the whole family. It is with these characteristics that kohlrabi cabbage, which has become popular in our gardens in recent years, can boast. Its advantage is also that it is grown much easier than its leafy and flowering relatives, and is stored without much effort until spring.
If you don't want to mess around with seedlings, buy them from the market or sow kohlrabi seeds directly into the ground in early or mid-June. Spud the grown shoots, do not forget to powder with ashes and water regularly. In principle, this is where caring for kohlrabi ends, and the expectation of the result begins. Try not to outgrow the kohlrabi - its roughened fruits are sharp in taste and too fibrous. nine0003
Do not wrinkle your nose at the mention of this vegetable. Of course, planting endless fields and cultivating them manually in the heat is a dubious pleasure. But a few furrows in the garden can be grown without the hassle.
If you are not interested in potatoes in terms of nutrition, try experimenting with unusual varieties. Surprising guests with red Olivier or purple puree will be fun, believe me.
If you prefer the standard method of growing potatoes, plant the tubers in the grooves in early May, water the grown bushes every 2 weeks, hill them twice and do not forget to spray them from the Colorado potato beetle. And if you want something unusual, try unconventional ways to grow potatoes. nine0003
Spring beans
Green beans and green beans are not only healthy, but also easy to care for. It is best to grow bush varieties, because for climbers you need to build additional supports or plant plants near the trellis. Of course, they are able to decorate the site, but if you are only interested in beans as food, then it is not necessary to spend time creating support structures. Among the varieties, you can choose both by color (green, yellow or purple), and by ripening time. nine0003
Beans are planted when the threat of a return frost has passed, ie. At the beginning of June. The grains are buried 3 cm into loose soil, at a distance of 30 cm from each other. If you soak the beans for a day before planting, then shoots will appear in a week, and after another month the bushes will bloom. Harvest from them can be harvested continuously, until the fall. It is enough to loosen the aisles every 2-3 weeks and water the ridge 3-4 times a month.
Green onions, one of the first to appear on the plot, will make up for the lack of vitamins in the body weakened after the winter, and strong golden onions will be an excellent addition to barbecue, soup or a hot dish. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in growing onions; even a five-year-old child can handle it. nine0003
In mid-May, plant onion sets in a loose bed, the small bulbs of which are sold seasonally in any specialist shop. Plant them at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, in rows, to make it easier to loosen. Water once a week, and remove weeds once a month, and by mid-summer you will have an endless supply of fragrant greens, and by August you will be able to fill boxes with supplies for the winter.
Every spring salad starts with a bright crispy radish. And how nice it is to pull it out of the ridge yourself, and not buy it from the metro, overpaying dozens of times. This is easy to achieve, because this vegetable is completely non-capricious. nine0003
Radishes can be sown already in April, and even earlier in a greenhouse or greenhouse. In loose soil, the seeds are scattered with grooves or laid out every 5 cm, leaving about 15 cm between the holes. The crops are covered with a spunbond to protect them from night frosts. Watered 2 times a week directly on the agrofibre, and when the root crops begin to pour, the shelter is removed.
Do you think that only fabulous grandfathers grow turnips? But no, the traditional Russian vegetable is tightly included in the menu of supporters of a healthy diet. Turnip contains beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, PP, B1, B2, E and many other useful substances. And it’s easy to grow it and you don’t even have to call a mouse. nine0003
It is possible to sow turnips in ridges in the middle or end of May, covering them with spunbond for the first couple of days. Shoots that appear after 3-5 days should be regularly watered (1 time per week) and dusted with ash (1 time in 2-3 weeks). Turnip fertilizer is not required, but it will have to be thinned out when the seedlings grow up. Leave 1 plant per 20 cm furrow, and 15-20 cm between furrows.
crops, for example, along the edge of a strawberry or onion ridge. Sow it in early or mid-May directly into the ground, shoots appear pretty soon. nine0003
The minus of beets is that its seeds are prolific, so no matter how far apart you spread them, you still have to thin out. Beets do not need top dressing, and they can react extremely negatively to the introduction of organic matter. But it is desirable to water it little by little and often, so that the soil does not dry out, but there is no stagnation of water either.
This vegetable is so unpretentious that you will have to limit it rather than grow it.