Pantry wall shelf
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25 DIY Pantry Shelves Ideas for Your Home
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Have you ever opened up your pantry to grab a snack and realized that you can’t even find what you’re looking for, or maybe you can but you can’t get to it very easily without knocking something else over? We’ve been having that issue lately too, and we just can’t help thinking that our DIY skills might be the key to better pantry organization and probably even more effective storage for a greater amount of storage. That’s why we’ve been combing the Internet lately for different guides and tutorials that might help us overhaul the inside of our pantry and make it a more effective space in our home. To be honest, we were very pleased indeed with just how many useful resources we came across!
Our pantries need as many shelves as possible to hold everything we need to tuck away from sight, as well as call the canned food, cereals, and coffee that your family needs.
1. Basic DIY closet shelving
Do you have at least a little bit of experience with simple woodworking and basic wall mounting techniques, but you’re also still quite new to the game in the grand scheme of things? Then we’d definitely suggest taking a look at something like this project fromBlesser House. They show you how to make some basic wooden DIY pantry shelving using a simple bracing system.
2. Poplar wood DIY pantry shelves
If you’ve got a little more woodworking experience than the above project calls for and you’d like to put it to good use, then perhaps you’d be better off taking a look at this project and full tutorial featured in detail onRmarvids! They guide you step by step through their own experience creating strong, high weight-bearing pantry shelves made of strong poplar.
3. How to make a pantry out of a closet
Perhaps you actually don’t have a pantry at all but youdo have a regular closet in the hallway that you could easily clear out? In that case, we’d absolutely suggest checking out this guide fromThe Turquoise Home that teaches you how to put some simple board shelves in just about any old closet. This resource is particularly great in the way it deals with classic clothing closet dimensions and shape, making it a little more universal.
4. The ultimate custom pantry
Are you working with a uniquely shaped or sized limited space that you think would benefit more from the different organization than just board style floating shelves like the ones you’ve seen so far? Then we’d be willing to bet that you’ll get along a little better with something like this fully detailed outline featured on Live Pretty on A Penny! They show you how to build an easily customized cubby style closet insert of your very own that will cater to the space you’re working with in just about any circumstance.
5. Farmhouse pantry makeover
Just because the pantry isn’t an area of your house the necessarily stays on display when guests come over doesn’t mean it can’t still be present nicely and match the aesthetic in the rest of your house! For those with a farmhouse inspired aesthetic, here’s a tutorial fromLittle Glass Jar that shows you how to put in slatted pantry shelves made from stylishly weathered reclaimed wood that provides a very rustic chic atmosphere.
6. DIY open inset pantry walls
Is the problem you’re having actually that you don’t have a proper pantry closet at all? Well, if you’ve at least got a little bit of space to work witharound your appliances or between cupboards then you might find this resource fromYoung House Love more of a help than some of the other things we’ve shared here. This guide teaches you in surprisingly simple steps how to make a set of inset shelves that give you pantry-like storage right there on or in the walls near your kitchen.
7. How to replace pantry wire shelving
Are you actually living in a slightly older house that has a bit of a 1980s flare, right down to that old style metal wire shelving in the pantry? Well, there’s nothingwrong with that per se, but we’ve lived in places with those shelves before and found that most things won’t sit straight or solid on shelves with spaces in them. That’s why we thought this tutorial fromDIY Network that teaches you how to replace wire shelves with stronger, more solid wooden ones was such a good idea.
8. DIY farmhouse inspired pantry shelves
Just in case you’re still in love with the idea of creating a pantry that’s consistent with the rest of your farmhouse aesthetic but the particular structure of those shelves doesn’t work for your space, here’s another alternative. This time, however,Jenron Designs shows you how to make rustic chic reclaimed wood shelves that are a “floating shelf” style, rather than being inset into the wall like you saw earlier. This is a slightly simpler alternative.
9. Awesome pantry upgrade in a kitchen remodel
Did we catch your attention the best so far with all this talk of customizable and inset cubby shelves, but you’re feeling up to a challenge and wouldn’t shy away from an even more extensive design? Then this fully pantry upgrade guide featured in awesome detail onDad Rambles Workshop might be right up your alley! They show you how to create an entire system of inset shelves that even includes a rotating tower in the corner to maximize all spaces possible.
10. DIY built-in pantry shelves
If you’re still feeling a little bit enamoured with the idea of making built-in or inset pantry shelves but you’re looking for another resource to truly get an idea of the best approach, here’s another awesome option for your consideration. This resource fromCentsational Style guides you through the steps for making differently sized and shaped cubic shelves that will let you store just about anything with careful, space efficient arrangement.
11. Tips for selecting the right kind of pantry shelving for your space
Just in case you’ve been scrolling our list unsure of what kind of shelving is actually best for the particular pantry space you’re trying to make over, here’s a great resource for helping you analyze its dimension and shape and make an informed decision!This Old House walks you through different kinds of DIY pantry shelving, gives you some pros and cons, and suggests some ways to get solid results.
12. Freestanding pantry shelves
Are you still thinking about the built-in wall option we showed you earlier because you don’t actually have a pantry at all, but you’re just not sure that particular design is a feasible option for you? In that case, particularly if you’re prefer something with a little more character, we’d suggest checking out howHandmade Haven used reclaimed wooden boards and organized plastic bins and baskets to create a freestanding “pantry” instead!

Have you been feeling pretty intent on making your own set of pantry shelves but the prevalence of corners in your little closet has thrown you off, since angles are a little harder to work with in the building process for beginners? Then we think you’ll really appreciate the way this tutorial fromSawdust Girl actuallyspecifically outlines the process of making floating shelves in those very corners that felt intimidating to look at.
14. How to install wooden wrap shelves
If you’ve never made wrap shelves before but you’re looking for a decently simple shelving solution then we don’t think you’ll have to look much further than this resource outlined onLucy Designs! They show you how to make shelves that span the entire length of the pantry’s walls on either side, meeting in the order on specific measurements to create a wrapping effect that gives you consistent shelving space all the way around.

If your favorite concept on the list so far has truly been the cubby design but you’re still looking for the guide that’s quite the right one for you, here’s a tutorial that specifically outlines the process for shallow pantries that don’t leave you a whole lot of depth to work with.Live Pretty on A Penny shows you the basics of how to make a collaged cubby wall like this and then tells you simple steps for customizing one of your own in the measurements that work best for what you’re planning to store there.
16. Retractable pantry
Depending on what type of space you dispose of, you can also build a retractable pantry. This one looks so awesome and it can be a space saver and it can also be rather useful if you can bring the items you need closer so you can access them better. You can get all the details from Instructables.
17. Floating corner shelves
If you want another corner shelves project, well, we have one that’s just right for you! They all look awesome and the tutorial covers all bases – from the supplies to the steps you’ll need to take to make this work for you and your home. Get the details from The Martin Nest.
18. Open kitchen pantry
Those who like having everything out in the open may even go for this particular model for an open kitchen pantry. It features plenty of shelving, drawers for easier access, and more. If you have a nook in which you can push it, that would be great. Otherwise, it works just fine even as a standalone. You can get the directions from Instructables.
19. DIY pantry shelves
If you’re tired of those wire shelves that many homes come with, changing them up will help create a lot more space for you and your family. If you follow the tutorial from The Navage Patch, you’ll learn all about their road to turning their pantry into a space-efficient area.
20. Kitchen pantry shelves
You can always transform your pantry in such a cute spot where you can fit so much more stuff in, making it a lot more efficient from this point of view. Check out what Amanda Seghetti managed to do.
21. Pull out pantry shelves
We’ve already seen some really cool plans for a retractable pantry, but it’s not the only way you can make yourself a cool project. Over on Just Measuring Up we found a cool project that doesn’t just feature shelves, but also drawers. It’s absolutely wonderful, so go check it out.
22. Pantry cabinet
If you’re missing an actual pantry room, do not fret! You can build yourself a pantry cabinet that will work just as well if not better. You can add however many shelves you want, you can even move them on different heights depending on what items you want to store. Ultimately, it may be easier to deal with than an actual pantry room. Find the tutorial on Instructables.
23. White pantry shelving
If you want to change things up in your home, creating a bright white pantry for all your essentials is the way to go. It’s such a great result and it can help you declutter, especially if you already know exactly what you need and how to organize everything. Get the tutorial from HomeTalk.
24. Walk-in pantry idea
If you have a walk-in pantry, then this remodel is the thing you’ll want to make happen. Not only does it feature a ton of shelving, but it also comes with a pop of color in the form of a workspace. After all, you always need a little space where to deposit your shopping bags so you can make sure everything ends up on the right shelf. Get the tutorial from Stacy’s Savings.
25. Open shelving
This next project may have been intended for the dining room but it can definitely go into your pantry just as well. It all depends on what space you have to make this happen. Check out the guide from The Wood Grain Cottage.
How do you feel about these projects? We love them all and we really can’t decide which ones to go for. Which ones would you like to have in your pantry? Let us know in the comments section below and if you’re doing any remods, share your pictures with us over social media! We’d love to see them!
How to make shelves in the pantry with your own hands? 40+ photos and videos
Features of planning storage systems
The most important thing when arranging a pantry in an apartment or private house is to decide what things it will be intended for and correlate the load with the dimensions of the room.
- For a small closet, several rows of shelves placed one above the other are suitable. At the bottom it is better to leave room for boxes and boxes: this way the area will be used optimally. nine0008
- The dimensions of the compartments must be done in accordance with the dimensions of the items that will be removed in the pantry.
- If the room has a high ceiling, it is worth providing a place for a stool or stepladder: it will be more convenient to get things from the upper shelves.
- Some pantries have enough free space to make deep shelves. This is not always convenient, and besides, you should leave a distance for the passage and bringing in objects.
Before installing storage systems, the pantry needs to be repaired: clean the space, carry out dry and wet cleaning, remove old wallpaper and flooring. If necessary, the walls of the pantry or attic are leveled and also put in order: painted or pasted over.
It is recommended to use a primer containing antifungal impregnations.
Laminate, parquet or linoleum is laid on the floor. It is also worth equipping the pantry with ventilation and lighting, which will greatly facilitate the use of the room. nine0005
Which material can be used?
One of the most affordable and durable materials for creating shelves in the pantry is wood. Boards made of natural wood (pine, larch), as well as chipboard, are fixed to metal fasteners. The heavier the items that will be stored in the pantry, the thicker the boards should be. For conservation, large equipment, construction tools and other heavy things, it is worth providing an additional stiffener.
If you make shelves in the pantry with your own hands, you can use what is at hand - wooden pallets, old unnecessary furniture, plastic fruit boxes. Plywood is considered a budget option, but thin sheets are not suitable for heavy items. Lightweight but durable plastic is suitable for storing books, clothes and bulk products. It is easy to care for it, besides, the material is not afraid of moisture. nine0005
Metal racks are considered the most durable and do not require additional reinforcement. Modern products have a collapsible design, they are easy to rearrange and transport, in addition, the material easily withstands temperature changes. When buying, you should pay attention to the coating - it must be protected from corrosion with a special composition.
Pictured are shelving, drawers and wall shelves for a spacious pantry.
How best to arrange the shelves in the closet?
The size of the utility room primarily affects the placement of shelves.
- A small closet (about 2 meters) allows you to install shelves in only one row - linearly, along one wall. Sometimes designs are made rounded - this shape allows you to win a few centimeters and use three walls.
- The corner arrangement in the form of the letter "L" is considered much more practical, but the storage area must exceed 2 meters.
For maneuvers, you need to leave a small passage, especially if the room is elongated and narrow. nine0008
- In a large utility room, it is best to place shelves in the shape of the letter "P". In this case, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the structures so that there is room for movement in the middle.
The photo shows a pantry in which the racks are functionally arranged in the shape of the letter "P".
Deciding on the dimensions
The most popular and practical form of shelves is straight. The length of the shelf is usually equal to the length of the wall. If the distance between opposite walls is 2 meters or less, then the shelf does not need additional support. Otherwise, the structure should be strengthened, especially if it is planned to store rolls and tools. nine0005
The thicker the wooden shelf, the more fasteners it requires. Also, its strength is determined by the distance between the support posts: the more massive the structure, the smaller the gaps.
In order to use the shelves comfortably and safely, the heaviest items must be stowed down. The width of the protrusions should decrease from bottom to top. The standard shelf width for cans with preservation is 30 cm. The height depends on the dimensions of things.
Pictured is a pantry with a wide aisle between wooden shelving.
DIY Shelf Options: Step-by-Step Instructions
You can save your family budget with homemade pantry shelves and detailed tutorials below.
How to make a wooden shelving unit for a pantry?
Before starting work, it is necessary to measure the walls of the pantry and create a drawing of the desired structure. Next, prepare in advance the consumables necessary for the manufacture of functional shelves. nine0005
The photo shows a linear self-made shelving made of wood, occupying the entire wall of the closet.
Tools and materials
For work you will need:
- Planed block for a vertical post (8 pcs, about 2 m).
- Beam for horizontal supports (12 pieces, approx. 50 cm, depending on the depth of the rack).
- Boards or lining for shelves (the number depends on the depth of the shelves, the length - on the length of the wall).
- 16 metal corner fasteners (corners). nine0008
- 45 screws (3.5x25).
- About 70 thin studs.
- Wood impregnation and brush.
- Building level.
- Roulette.
- Hammer.
- Electric jigsaw.
- Screwdriver.
Step-by-step instructions
- First you need to prepare the material. Using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw, we cut the bars and lining in accordance with the dimensions of the future pantry rack. nine0004
- We apply impregnation, carefully processing every detail. You need to dry for as long as indicated in the instructions on the bank.
- We fix the corners with screws at the level where the shelves will be located:
- We fix horizontal bars as follows (4 such structures should be obtained):
- We install the lining horizontally, nail it with thin nails:
- We make the second shelf in the same way: we fasten the corners, fix the horizontal bars, attach the lining.
- We lay the upper horizontal bars, fasten them.
The shelves in the pantry are ready. In this way, you can make a rack of any height, depth and shape.
You can learn more about how to make shelves in the pantry from this video:
DIY wall shelves
This is the easiest and most economical way to make hanging shelves for a small closet. The amount of material for the shelves depends on the size of the room and the number of floors.
In the photo there are pantries in small apartments such as Khrushchev or Leningradka, equipped with simple shelves.
Tools and materials
To make shelves in the pantry with your own hands, you will need:
- Planed bars.
- Plywood, chipboard, boards or remnants of old furniture. nine0008
- Self-tapping screws for fastening.
- Screwdriver.
- Thin nails.
- Hammer.
- Level.
- Jigsaw or hacksaw.
Step-by-step instructions
- Sawing timber and plywood according to the size of the pantry. If desired, they can be painted or varnished. For the frame of one shelf, you will need 1 long and 2 short bars, for the base - a plywood sheet or boards of the required size and thickness. We make markings on the walls and securely fasten the bars. nine0004
- Making markings for the next shelf.
- We mount the shelf in the pantry.
- We fix it with nails.
And this video shows how to install a wall shelf in the pantry in two ways: on the brackets for chipboard and on the standard brackets.
Shelves in the pantry from the profile
Solid U-shaped shelving for a spacious pantry is obtained from metal profiles. Having understood the principle of operation, you can make shelves of any configuration, replace plywood with wood, cover the metal profile with paint and create a loft-style rack. nine0005
The photo shows two types of shelves for the pantry, made by hand from metal profiles and wood.
Tools and materials
- Guide profiles 50x40.
- Guide profiles 50x50.
- Plywood or wooden boards.
- Roulette.
- Building level.
- Metal shears.
- Electric jigsaw.
- Screwdriver.
- Dowel-nails.
- Self-tapping screws.
- Ladder. nine0008
Step-by-step instructions
- We make a drawing and calculate the amount of materials. We cut the profile into components in accordance with the dimensions.
- Marking out horizontal lines. We fasten guide profiles 50x40 to the walls using dowel-nails.
- We make the frame of the first shelf, put it on temporary supports from the profile.
- We cut a sheet of plywood with an electric jigsaw:
- We fix the finished parts with self-tapping screws.
- We replace temporary racks with rails. Shelves on the walls in the pantry are ready.
This video clearly shows how to make shelves in the pantry from the profile:
Photo gallery
You can see other options for shelves in the pantry in the photo selection below.
How to make your own shelving and shelves for a closet
The current developers, unlike their colleagues of the past generation, do not seek to equip the living area with storage rooms. This increases the living space, but does not allow you to optimize the space and have the storage area that is sometimes necessary.
The presence of a pantry in the apartment becomes a gift for the hostess and sometimes a luxury inaccessible to others.
Unfortunately, the pantry is not always equipped with shelves and racks for placing and storing things, so you have to install the shelves in the pantry yourself. nine0005
Do-it-yourself shelving in the closet is a simple task.
- 1 Design, construction and mounting methods
- 2 Required materials
- 3 Tools for work
- 4 Choosing a place for a shelf
- 5 DIY manufacturing and installation process
- 7 Shelves in pantries - 50 photo ideas:
Design, construction and fastening methods
wall. nine0005
There are only two options for how to make a rack, namely to make a free-standing shelf, or simply fix the boards directly to the wall.
First, it's worth drawing the idea on paper. This will allow you to visualize the desired rack, take measurements and most successfully place it, taking into account the wishes and intended storage items.
In order for a closet to be equipped with shelving, there must be enough space in it.
Keep in mind that the shelves should be arranged in width from bottom to top, that is, the bottom shelf will be the widest, and the top one, respectively, the narrowest. This is due to the fact that the most dimensional items that are inconvenient and impractical to lift up will be stored on the lower shelves. nine0005
You need to think carefully about the distance between the shelves and correlate it with the items that you plan to store.
Depending on the desire of the owners, the racks can have any shape that will allow the implementation of the place chosen for fastening the structure.
You need to take into account the amount of free space - if the racks take up too much space, then it will be inconvenient for you to walk in the pantry.
U-shaped and L-shaped are more often chosen, this type of shelves is the most practical. For installation, it is better to prefer metal brackets and fasteners, they are the most durable, they can withstand any weight on the shelves. nine0005
Choose whichever option suits you.
Required materials
When deciding how to make shelves in the pantry, you need to decide on the material from which the structure will be made. There are several options.
- Budget option allows you to make shelves from the material that is part of the furniture. If there is an old wall-slide or an unnecessary chest of drawers available, then they can be disassembled and you can get a fairly durable and, at the same time, free canvas for making boards. nine0352
This will be enough to have good and reliable shelves in the pantry, on which you can store anything.
- The second option involves the purchase of material for shelves in the pantry. The choice should correspond to the list of intended items for storage, their dimensions, weight.
It is advisable to make the rack directly in the pantry, because if it is large, then it will be difficult for you to bring it inside.
If the shelving is expected to be loaded with conservation, then a solid board with a width of about 30 mm is the best choice.
Boards are suitable for any - the main thing is that they have sufficient length and withstand the expected load.
In addition to wooden materials, you can choose others, the main thing is durability and the possibility of self-assembly. In addition to the shelves, you should stock up on fasteners on which the shelves will be installed, consumables necessary for work.
In order to make wooden storage shelving, you will need few materials and serious tools. nine0005
Tools for the job
To understand what tool is needed for the job, you need to clarify what exactly needs to be done. If the material for the shelves is not prepared and needs to be cut and sharpened to the desired dimensions, then it is imperative to have a jigsaw or a hacksaw for wood and a planer. They will help to make the shelves the right size. And you will also need sandpaper to process the edges of the cuts and give the shelves a finished look.
Tools needed for the job. nine0005
Requires a puncher to create holes in the wall for dowel-nails to attach brackets, a screwdriver to connect parts to each other, if necessary.
This is enough to have good and reliable shelves in the pantry, on which you can store anything.
Without fail you will need:
Choosing a place for a shelf
When thinking about how to make shelves in a pantry, it is important to decide on a place. The place where the shelves will be attached should be chosen taking into account many factors. nine0005
The wall to be fastened to must be load-bearing.
This is a guarantee of strength and durability of the structure. A thin interior partition may not withstand the load and shelves filled with heavy objects will collapse.
In addition to boards, chipboard, plywood and other suitable materials can be used.
If the fastening is not carried out directly to the wall, then you can use your imagination according to the desired form of arrangement. nine0005
Consider the dimensions of the items to be stored.
It is important to prepare the storage room itself, align and tidy up the walls in advance so that the shelves stand up straight and there is no need to adjust them to the wall relief.
Lighting needs to be taken care of before shelving is installed.
The process of manufacturing and installation
So, the place for the rack has been chosen, all the tools and materials have been prepared, the layout of the shelves on paper has been made, and all dimensions have been verified and calculated? You can proceed to the main process of manufacturing shelves and assembling the structure. nine0005
- The first thing to do is to use a tape measure and a building level to mark the wall, which will serve as the basis for fastening.
Use a tape measure to mark the height of the shelves in the center of the room and draw horizontal lines using a laser level.
Use a puncher to make holes in the wall where the brackets will be attached.
Guide profiles are attached to the walls with dowel-nails. nine0005
Fasten the bases for the brackets and install them.
Their number depends on the desired number of shelves, and the distance between them determines the height of the shelves.
- The next step is the manufacture of shelves. You need to use a jigsaw or a saw to cut shelves from wood to the required size.
It is better to check the dimensions again and cut out the template from cardboard for greater accuracy.
After checking them with the installed brackets, you can start trimming. After the shelves of the desired size are cut, it is worth processing the cuts with sandpaper to remove the roughness. nine0352
This will give the shelves a decent look.
- After fixing the brackets and cutting out the required dimensions of the shelves, it is necessary to install the latter in the place of the planned location and secure with fasteners and a screwdriver.