When to grow strawberries
Growing Strawberries and Strawberry Varieties
How do you grow the best-tasting strawberries? We’ll share our planting and growing tips. Let’s start with the best strawberry varieties.
Garden strawberries are typically much sweeter and juicier than what you can find in the grocery store because the sugar in the berries converts to sugar after the berries are removed from the plant.
Strawberries are also perennials, so they’ll come back year after year! Plus, they will grow easily in a traditional garden bed, in containers, or even as a border crop.
Choosing Strawberry Varieties
Strawberries are best planted in the spring, as early as several weeks before the last frost date. By selecting a range of strawberry varieties you can spread your harvest from late spring through to early fall. Look for varieties described as ‘early-season’ to start, then choose a mid-season type, followed by a late-season strawberry.
June-bearing Strawberries
The most common variety of strawberries is called June-bearing because the fruit crops during the weeks of June (or early July) in most regions. The harvest generally lasts several weeks.
Everbearing Strawberries
For smaller quantities of strawberries produced over a long period (from spring to autumn), you could choose ‘everbearing’ varieties, also known as day-neutral or perpetual strawberries.
Everbearing strawberries are smaller, but can produce a few harvests each season. They are excellent for making preserves.
Alpine Strawberries
Alpine strawberries have tiny fruits that have a very intense strawberry taste. They don’t fruit heavily, but they can be allowed to grow between ornamentals and will naturally self-seed to create a useful edible ground cover.
Our Garden Planner can help you choose the best strawberry varieties to grow. Double-click on the strawberry icon to view the Varieties box and then scroll down the drop-down list to select a variety, or click the + button and hover over the information buttons for catalog descriptions. You even customize your own variety with its own spacing and dates.
Planting Strawberries
Strawberries will tolerate a partially shaded position, but grow them in a sunny spot for the best harvests. Add plenty of organic matter, such as well-rotted compost, before planting. Plant your strawberries so that the base of the crown (where the leaves emerge) is at soil level. Space them 18 to 24 inches apart in both directions.
Growing your strawberries in containers keeps the fruit off the ground where they are less likely to be nibbled by slugs. Fill the pots with rich potting soil and you can plant the strawberries a little closer together. Containers can dry out quickly, so pay close attention to watering.
To encourage a harvest of strawberries up to three weeks earlier than normal, cover early varieties with a cloche or row cover from the end of winter. When the plants are flowering, remove the covers on warm days to let insect pollinators in.
Growing Strawberries
Use special strawberry mats to prevent dirt from splashing onto the developing fruits, or use an organic mulch such as straw.
Keep plants weeded and well watered. Water on an organic liquid fertilizer that’s high in potassium (such as comfrey tea or a tomato fertilizer) every two weeks from when the first flowers appear until they’ve finished fruiting.
In the first year remove any runners (long trailing stems) that appear. From the second year, you can leave a few runners to grow them on into new plants.
Keep slug numbers down using beer traps, and net the fruits against birds. Make sure to tuck netting in at the edges to prevent birds becoming trapped underneath.
Harvesting Strawberries
Strawberries are ripe as soon as they’ve turned red. They taste best immediately after picking. Strawberries can be stored in a refrigerator after picking, but this does make them a little less flavorsome.
Once strawberries have finished fruiting, cut back the older foliage to leave just the young, central leaves. Add any straw mulch to your compost heap.
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As an easy and popular fruit to grow, knowing when to plant strawberries is important for a bumper, flavorful harvest.
Nothing quite beats a home-grown strawberry, and as they are simple to plant and look after, growing these tasty fruits is a great way of getting children interested in gardening.
A crucial factor in how to grow strawberries is knowing when to plant strawberry varieties to suit your local climate and growing conditions. Get it right, and you could be picking your own within a matter of months.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
When to plant strawberries
Strawberry plants, depending on the type, are generally planted out in spring when the soil becomes workable, or at the end of the growing season in fall.
Planting strawberries doesn’t have to take up valuable growing space, as they can be grown in containers, hanging baskets and even vertical wall hangers and are perfect to add to your kitchen garden ideas.
Strawberry plants are hardy perennials and will come back year after year, making them a relatively inexpensive delight to grow. However, ‘strawberry plants are productive for around four years, so it is good to propagate runners regularly to keep rejuvenating your plant stock’ says Debi Holland, an RHS trained horticulturalist who manages Debi Holland Gardening .
When thinking about when to plant your strawberries, several factors need to be considered. ‘The local climate will have an impact on planting times. Note local weather conditions and plant outside in spring when frost-risk has passed. Winds can also be an issue. Plant strawberries in protected areas to reduce flower damage and make it easier for pollinating insects,’ explain Debi.
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What month is best to plant strawberries?
The USDA plant hardiness zone and your local climate will have a bearing on which month is best to plant your strawberries.
‘Strawberries are a cooler weather producer and early planting of a day neutral variety is best when evening/morning temperatures are upwards of 45 degrees. Planting a June bearing variety is typically done in either late summer or mid-October to winter over, for fruit picking when you have the longest day length hours of the year,’ says Leonora Meier of expert strawberry growers Lassen Canyon Nursery .
If you are planting strawberries in fall and live in a colder region, you may need to look into ways to winterize strawberry plants to protect them over the coldest months.
Most strawberry varieties grow best in full sun, although they will tolerate some shade. Alpine or wild strawberries, on the other hand, don’t require full sun and are ideal for a shaded spot.
(Image credit: Faba Photography/GettyImages)
When to plant strawberries under cover
Growing strawberries under cover can lengthen the growing season and even produce a crop as early as April or May, depending on the climate where you live.
There are a number of options for when to plant strawberries under cover, which you can factor into your planting schedule when planning a greenhouse:
- Strawberry plants can be planted in an unheated greenhouse or poly tunnel in the fall to fruit the following spring.
- They can be planted in March to harvest a few months later.
- If grown in a heated greenhouse, strawberries can be planted out as early as December, with pickable fruit ready from late March onwards.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
When to plant strawberries grown in containers
Strawberries are often grown as vegetable garden container ideas as they can easily be moved under cover to avoid frosts and then back outside again when necessary, to the sunniest spot in the garden.
When it comes to when to plant strawberries in containers, bare-root and potted plants can be planted out from spring to early summer, hopefully providing the first fruits only several weeks later.
However, if you are growing strawberries from runners, these can be planted out in September to establish before fruiting the following year.
When to plant strawberry seeds
Strawberry seeds can be planted in late winter or early spring. The plants will be small and require some care before planting out. Gradually harden off the young plants before planting out in their final position in spring, but only once all risk of frost has passed.
(Image credit: Getty images)
When to plant strawberries for a summer harvest?
If you plant them at the right time, most strawberry varieties, if planted as bare root or potted plants in spring and given the right conditions, will provide something to eat after 3 months.
When thinking about when to plant strawberries, Leonora Meier suggests ‘the best question a grower should ask themselves is “When do I want to be picking flavorful strawberries?”
‘The answer to that question is to map out your timeline of when your last or first expected frost date is and count backwards 6-8 weeks. That is your planting window to either be picking marketable fruit or having a strong root system to get the plant through the dormant period,’ she explains.
However, it is good to remember that strawberry plants grown from seed won’t crop until their second season, and even potted or bare root grown plants can take a year to establish fully and really produce a bountiful harvest.
Edward Bowring is a horticultural therapist and writer with a passion for gardening and the health benefits that it has to offer. With a background in occupational therapy, Edward worked within health care settings where he witnessed first-hand the healing power of gardening and has managed and run therapeutic kitchen and community gardens ever since.
Strawberries - gardening tips, planting, care and best varieties
In the article we discuss strawberries . We tell you how to plant it, grow it and care for it. You will learn about the best varieties of strawberries, how to water them and how to fertilize them.
Description of strawberry
Strawberry is the name of plants and their berries of some species of the Strawberry genus. Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 15–40 cm.
Branched, fibrous root system deepens into the soil by 30–40 cm. Large basal leaves have short petioles of a trifoliate shape. Strawberries produce mustaches (elongated creeping shoots), horns and flower stalks.
The yield of a plant can be judged by the number of horns in the bush and the volume of peduncles on the horn. Inflorescences consist of 5-12 white flowers that bloom for about 20 days.
It is customary to call a berry an overgrown receptacle. But in fact, the fruits are small brown nuts located on the surface of this receptacle.
Planting strawberries outdoors
Many gardeners are wondering when is the best time to plant strawberries, spring or fall. Autumn planting is recommended from mid-August to the second half of September - this procedure will allow you to harvest a good harvest for the next year. nine0005
With a closed root system, if the seedlings are in pots, then it is necessary to plant the crop by transshipment from mid-July to the 2nd half of August. It is advisable to plant strawberries on a cloudy day immediately after watering or rain. In spring, the plant should be planted as early as possible.
Strawberry yield is affected by seedling quality. You can grow seedlings yourself, but please note that this procedure will take a long time.
It usually takes 1 to 3 years to grow seedlings. This technique has one big advantage - seedlings can be immediately planted in a permanent place along with a clod of earth. This helps the plant avoid stress and establish itself better. nine0005
But still, most gardeners prefer to buy strawberry seedlings in nurseries. At the same time, it is important to buy planting material with non-bare roots, otherwise the plant will not take root well, and a full-fledged crop will be harvested only after a few years.
By buying planting material in containers, you can get a good harvest after a short period of time. But keep in mind that the cost of such seedlings is higher.
Suitable soil
Choose a well-lit area well protected from the wind for planting. The soil must be saturated with organic matter. The plant grows best on light loamy or sandy loamy soil. Chernozem and gray forest soil are also excellent for growing. It is undesirable to plant strawberries on clay soil. nine0005
It will be great if the groundwater in the dacha lies at a depth of 60-80 cm, and the pH of the soil is 5.7-6.2. It is recommended to plant strawberries in the area where garlic, marigolds, cereals or herbs have grown before. Without a transplant, the plant is grown for 3–4 years, and after transplanting, strawberries can be planted on the old site only after a few years.
Planting in spring
Planting strawberries in spring is quite rare. In this case, the seat must be prepared in advance.
In autumn, dig up the area where you plan to plant the crop and add 0.1 kg of superphosphate, 5 kg of manure or 10 kg of humus to the soil with 50 g of potassium salt per 1 sq.m. In spring, only strong and well-developed seedlings are planted. But before planting, it should be placed in a cool and dark room for 3 days, and only after that proceed with planting. nine0005
If you forgot to fertilize the soil in autumn, throw 1 handful of wood ash into each hole before planting.
The distance between the bushes must be at least 30 cm. The hole must be deep enough to place the root of the plant vertically into it.
According to gardeners' advice, for quick and better establishment of seedlings, it is advisable to pinch the longest root. It is also necessary to remove all leaf plates from the planted plant, leaving only 3-4 of the strongest. The root neck during planting should be at the same level with the soil surface. nine0005
You can first pour water into the hole, then only plant a plant in it. After that, cover the root system with earth and tamp it well. You can also place strawberries in a dry hole, sprinkle it with earth, tamp well and water the plant. If there is a possibility of frost, then cover the landing with a film.
Planting in autumn
Planting strawberries in autumn is better than in spring, because in this case you will be able to harvest the first harvest for the next season. A crop that was planted in the spring will for the first time begin to bear fruit only a year later, but only if it is not destroyed by frost. nine0005
It is necessary to prepare a seat for autumn planting at the beginning of spring by digging and applying the necessary fertilizers to the soil. Treat the roots of seedlings with fungicides. It is necessary to plant a plant in the fall in the same way as in the spring.
How to take care of strawberries
In the first year of development, strawberries should develop a strong root system. Therefore, experts recommend cutting off all flowers and mustaches so that the culture does not waste energy on them. It is necessary to start caring for adult bushes in early spring. At the beginning of the growing season, free the area from the mulch layer, also remove all dried and old leaves. nine0005
Loosen the surface of the soil between the beds. After that, periodically water the plant, loosen the soil, feed and treat the crop from various pests and diseases.
Strawberries in bloom
Strawberries begin to bloom in mid-May. If at this time you properly care for the plant, this will positively affect the quantity and quality of the crop. At the beginning of flowering, add potash fertilizer, wood ash, humus to the soil.
Treat leaves with 1 tsp boric acid solution to increase yield. on a bucket of water. This procedure will help increase the number of ovaries. Also, remove weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil, as the crust that forms on the surface interferes with the respiration of the root system. Before the berries ripen, cover the soil surface near the crop with a layer of mulch. nine0005
If you want to get large berries, take care to water the plant abundantly. But watering should be such that there is no stagnation of water in the wells. Due to lack of water, the surface root system suffers. With an excessive amount of water, gray rot forms on the root system.
Strawberries should be watered at the end of April. For one sq.m. 10–12 liters of water are required. In moderate heat, the plant must be watered 1 time in 10-12 days. In the summer heat, strawberries need to be watered 3-4 times a week. From August to October, water 2 times a week. nine0005
Strawberries should be watered early in the morning, while trying not to get water drops on the leaves and inflorescences. Before the appearance of flower stalks, it is best to water the plant by sprinkling, and during flowering, drip irrigation will be optimal.
Top dressing
Mature bushes should be fertilized at least 3 times per season. At the beginning of spring, after removing weeds and dried leaves, add a solution of Nitroammophoska to the soil at the rate of 1 tbsp. on a bucket of water. Or replace it with an infusion of chicken manure at the rate of 1 tbsp. on a bucket of water. For 1 bush you will need 0.5 liters of nutrient solution. nine0005
To increase the yield and growth of strawberries, feed them on the foliage with such mineral fertilizers: ammonium molybdate, boric acid and potassium permanganate at the rate of 2 g of each product per bucket of water.
During the formation of fruits and buds, add chicken manure infusion, potassium nitrate or wood ash to the soil. Also, if desired, treat the foliage with boric acid.
After harvesting and pruning the foliage, apply a solution of Nitroammophoska to the soil at the rate of 2 tbsp. on a bucket of water. To activate the laying of flower buds for the next season in August, fertilize the bushes with urea (at the rate of 2.5 tablespoons per bucket of water). Then water the plant generously. nine0005
In many specialized stores you can buy a special complex fertilizer for strawberries. It contains all the necessary elements that the plant needs. Such a nutrient mixture allows you to increase the yield by 30%.
How to transplant strawberries
At the 4th year, the growth of strawberries stops, as a result of which its yield decreases. This is due to the severe depletion of the soil.
Gardeners advise transplanting strawberries to a new place once every 3–4 years. For transplanting, use strong and healthy plant bushes that are no more than 3 years old. This is due to the fact that plants older than 3 years old do not please with abundant fruiting, so they are simply dug up and thrown away. nine0005
Strawberries can be transplanted in spring or late summer on a cloudy day. Prepare the seat in the same way as described above. Dig bushes out of the soil, and then remove the soil from the root system. Pinch the roots ¼ of the length, then immerse them in a chatterbox and plant them in a new place. Water the bushes well, then cover the surface of the soil with a layer of peat.
Propagation of strawberries
Propagation of culture can be done in the following ways:
- mustaches;
- dividing the bush;
- seeds.
Let's take a closer look at each method.
Mustache propagation
When fruiting, choose the most suitable bushes for propagation, which are 1-2 years old. Pay attention to the fact that the berries on them are large.
Select the largest tendrils emerging from the selected bushes, plant them in a pot and pin. Choose only the largest rosettes for breeding, and cut off the tendrils of the 2nd and 3rd orders and other creeping shoots connecting the mustache to the bush. nine0005
In July, 4–6 leaf blades should grow on selected tendrils. After this happens, separate the sockets from the parent plants and transplant to a permanent place along with a clod of soil. Water the transplanted bushes abundantly.
Propagation by dividing the bush
This technique is only suitable for propagating remontant strawberries, since they have almost no rosettes. Also, this method can be used in case of a small amount of seedlings.
For dividing, use 2 or 3 year old bushes with a well developed root system. In spring or autumn, remove a strawberry bush with a good yield from the soil and divide it into several parts, taking into account that each horn has a leaf rosette and roots. Plant the resulting bushes in a new place. nine0005
Propagation by seeds
In July-August, select the largest and most ripe berries. With a sharp knife, cut off the layer with seeds from them, then rub it on the fabric, and place it in a sunny place to dry. After the mass has dried, grind the composition again, and try to collect all the small seeds. Pour the seeds into a paper bag.
In February, take out the seeds and soak them in melted or rain water, which should be replaced 2 times a day. If the seeds were bought in a store, then they must be immersed for 2-3 hours in a solution that accelerates growth. nine0005
At the bottom of the container, make a good drainage layer of broken bricks. After that, fill it with soil mixture, which includes river sand, leaf humus, soil from the garden (in a ratio of 1 to 2 and to 1.
Make small indentations in the moistened soil mixture, the distance between them should be 5 cm. Deepen the seeds by 5 mm , then lightly close them and cover the container with glass on top. Place the container in a room with a temperature of 20–25 degrees, and keep it in this place for 2 weeks.0005
Ventilate the crops daily and pour water into the pan. When the first shoots appear, transfer the container to a well-lit place. After 2 weeks, the seedlings should have a leaf plate. When this happens, then proceed to pick the plant. To do this, dig up each seedling and pinch its roots, and then plant it in a pot. There should be a distance of 2–3 cm between plants.
When strawberries develop 4–5 true leaf plates, dive them again, adhering to the 5 by 5 cm pattern. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it must be hardened off. nine0005
Many gardeners argue about whether to prune dead strawberry leaves, and if so, when to do it. There is no exact confirmation of the need for this procedure, but at the same time, you will not harm the plant if you cut off the withered leaves.
After yellowing, drying and spots appear on the leaves, they can be cut off. Carry out this procedure early in the morning or in the evening, and only when the weather is cloudy and dry.
Dry leaves should be removed with secateurs or a sharp knife. But do not cut the leaf plate at the root, leave shoots and cuttings 10 cm long on the bush. Cut only leaves and unnecessary rosettes. Carry out a digging of young growing tendrils for the speedy growth of the root system. If you do not plan to propagate the culture with antennae, then remove all of them. nine0005
After pruning, loosen the soil, then water it with a solution of potassium manganese, and then feed the plant. Water the crop systematically until young leaves appear on it. Also, make sure that the soil is constantly slightly moist.
If the plant grows young foliage, then the culture will endure even the coldest winter. In late autumn, it is recommended to cover strawberries with pine needles to protect them from frost.
Diseases and pests
Strawberries are susceptible to various diseases and pests often settle on them. Often, gardeners are faced with the fact that they cannot understand why strawberries suddenly began to dry out or rot. Most often the culture is affected by such diseases:
- gray, fruit and root rot;
- powdery mildew;
- septoria;
- jaundice, etc.
Most of these diseases are fungal. In order to avoid diseases, you should properly care for the crop, treat it in a timely manner from pests and diseases, and pay close attention to crop rotation. In case of disease of the crop, spray it with fungicides. nine0005
As a rule, pests of strawberries are strawberry nematodes, leaf beetles, mites. Snails and red ants also settle on plants. Timely spraying with insecticidal agents will help protect strawberries from these pests.
How to process strawberries
The opinions of experts and gardeners agree on one thing - it is easier to prevent the development of the disease and the appearance of pests than to fight these misfortunes in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to treat the plant with various means from pests and diseases for prevention. nine0005
Carry out the first preventive treatment at the beginning of the growing season in spring. Perform the second and last spraying in the fall at the end of the growing season after harvesting, removing excess rosettes and leaves, and preparing strawberries for winter.
In the spring before the buds swell, gardeners are advised to cut off all the foliage from the bushes and remove the top layer of soil to eliminate pest larvae and pathogens that have settled in the soil for wintering. Instead of removing the top layer of soil, you can loosen it to a depth of 6–8 cm. After that, treat the area with a solution of copper sulphate or Bordeaux mixture. Repeat the treatment with these drugs in September-October. But before autumn processing, prepare this mixture: add 2 tbsp to a bucket of warm water. liquid soap, wood ash, table vinegar and 3 tbsp. burnt vegetable oil. Mix the composition well and strain. Then spray the strawberries and the surface of the plot. nine0005
The best varieties of strawberries
The varieties of strawberries presented below are excellent for growing in the Moscow region and other regions of the country. Remember, if you live in cold areas, then cover strawberries with pine needles for the winter, and properly care for the crop during the rest of the year.
This strawberry variety originated in America. Harvesting takes place in May, July, August and September. A feature of the culture is continuous flowering, which, under warm autumn conditions, can continue until frost. nine0005
The advantages of the Albion strawberry variety include long-term fruiting and large size of berries, the weight of which is from 40 to 60 g. With proper care of the plant, 0.4–2 kg of fruit can be harvested from 1 bush.
This variety has good disease and pest resistance. The bushes are low and slightly leafy. Red berries of the canonical form are quite large. The Alba strawberry variety is used for cultivation on an industrial scale.
Victoria is a strong shrub with large, healthy and dark leaves. The plant is not afraid of cold weather, but the flowers are susceptible to spring frosts. Victoria is not a very early variety.
For a bountiful harvest, the crop must be well watered. Berries are easily spoiled and cannot be transported.
Gigantella is a strawberry variety of Dutch origin. The average weight of one berry is about 100 g, the diameter is 9 cm. Thanks to these features, this strawberry variety got its name. nine0005
In diameter, the girth of a sprawling bush, as well as height, is more than 50 cm. There are 20-30 peduncles on the bush, each of which has 6-8 flowers. The fruits ripen on June 20-25, if grown under a film, then in this case the period is shifted by a week. With proper care from one bush, it is possible to collect up to 3 kg of fragrant and tasty berries.
This strawberry variety originated in Holland. The bushes are small and squat, but powerful. The leaves are light green, medium in size and rounded. Inflorescences consist of 5-6 flowers, antennae are few, they can be cut off to improve the volume of the crop. nine0005
Kimberley is resistant to fungal diseases, powdery mildew and cold. The weight of one berry reaches 50 g.
Queen Elizabeth
This strawberry variety is represented by 2 types: Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth 2. It is generally accepted that this variety of crops was bred in England, but there is no reliable confirmation of this fact. Queen Elizabeth 2 was bred by Russian breeder Kachalkin in 2001.
These varieties are almost identical to each other, but there are some differences:
- Queen Elizabeth fruits with at least 8 hours of daylight, while daylight does not affect the fruiting of Queen Elizabeth 2.
- Leaves and bush of Queen Elizabeth are larger.
- Elizabeth has more mustaches.
- Elizabeth 2 belongs to remontant varieties.
Up to 1.5 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush. The taste of ripe berries resembles honey.
Merchant's wife
This variety was bred by Russian breeders. Strawberries have almost no varietal flaws. The weight of one berry is 20–25 g, in some cases it can reach 35 g. The fruit is 6 cm long.
Merchant belongs to a variety of medium maturation. The first fruits can be harvested in mid-June. From one bush you can collect 0.3–0.4 kg of berries.
This strawberry variety was bred over 50 years ago. The second name of the culture is Moscow Jubilee. The weight of the first berries is about 0.1 kg, and the next - 30–40 g.
Mashenka is a powerful, medium spreading bush of compact size. Among the advantages, it should be noted the good transportability of berries, resistance to diseases and early ripeness. nine0005
This crop variety was developed 50 years ago. The shelf is not a very sprawling, medium height bush. The roots of the plant are susceptible to various diseases, most often affected by strawberry mites, verticillium. It is resistant to gray mold.
Medium sized cone shaped dark red berries. The average fruit weight is from 20 to 60 g. Berries are universal, they can be consumed fresh, frozen, cooked compote and jam. nine0005
Up to 2 kg of fruits can be harvested from one bush. The shelf can be used for industrial cultivation.
In some cases, during severe frosts, the crop freezes slightly. Therefore, for the winter it is recommended to protect it from freezing.
This is a domestic variety of culture that many gardeners liked because of its excellent adaptability to the weather. The fruits of Sudarushka are large, the plant is rarely affected by pests.
The crop is a slightly spreading shrub with lots of foliage. Sudarushka has many rosettes, long antennae are pink. nine0005
The culture is resistant to fungal infections, but is affected by strawberry mites.
Fruit weight can reach 34 g, but most often it is 12 g. The crop is resistant to frost, grows well in lighted areas.
This variety was developed in America. Honey is an upright bush with a well-developed root system. The leaves are up to 23 cm long. Long tendrils form in June.
The weight of one berry is 30 g. Honey blooms in early May for 2 weeks. The fruits begin to ripen from mid-May. The culture bears fruit for several weeks, it is better to collect berries every 2-3 days. nine0005
- berries keep fresh for 3 days;
- fruits have an attractive appearance;
- leaves resistant to diseases;
- early maturing variety, resistant to frost.
The weight of ripe berries of the first order is 40–50 g. The weight of subsequent fruits ranges from 12–15 g. For culture, only winters without snow are dangerous, since at a temperature of -15, flower buds are damaged. During a snowy winter, the plant is able to withstand temperatures down to minus 25-40 degrees. nine0005
Tsaritsa - medium ripening strawberries. The plant is a tall, spreading shrub with bright green foliage. From one bush you can collect up to 2.5 kg of berries.
Remember, the future harvest depends on the condition of seedlings and proper care of strawberries. If you want to buy strawberry seedlings with delivery by Russian post, you can do it in our online store. We offer quality goods at affordable prices.
Have a good harvest and all the best!
cultivation, planting, care in the open field
Many summer residents do not particularly bother with caring for strawberries - they grow and grow for themselves. It seems that this culture is quite unpretentious. In fact, she is very capricious. It is important to choose the right place for her, properly plant and constantly care for her.
Cultivation of strawberries
There are now many varieties of strawberries that are resistant to heat and drought, but their resistance also has limits. In general, this culture does not like when the soil dries out very much. But even more she does not tolerate when the site is waterlogged. Therefore, it is important to choose the optimal place for it. The ideal option is a flat or elevated surface, or small slopes of the south, south-west or east direction (1) in a sheltered part of the site where cold north winds will not penetrate. This is especially important in winter - many varieties of strawberries are not very hardy. nine0005
Strawberries prefer loose and fertile soils, such as loam or sandy loam.
Strawberry planting
- Strawberries are now most often sold with a closed root system, in containers. In this form, it can be planted from early May to late September. In this case, there are no special problems with planting - it is only important that the seedling on the site be at the same level as in the pot - no higher, no lower, - says agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.
But if strawberries have bare roots, that is, with an open root system (all kinds of scientific institutes sell this in the old fashioned way), it can be planted only in late summer - early autumn: from about August 15 to September 15 (2). However, if the autumn is planned to be warm and protracted, the planting period can be extended until September 15 - 20. nine0005
It is important to plant open-rooted seedlings as soon as possible, ideally on the same day they are bought.
Classic strawberry planting pattern:
- between rows - 70 (3) - 80 cm (4);
- in a row - 15 - 20 cm (3, 4).
Care of strawberries outdoors
Strawberries require care throughout the season - from late April to September. But often summer residents neglect this - they pay attention to it only until the moment of harvesting. And then the plants are forgotten. And this leads to the fact that next year the harvest is greatly reduced. nine0005
“Strawberries lay flower buds of the future crop in the middle of summer, in July, and at this time they need abundant watering,” reminds Svetlana Mikhailova.
Strawberries should be watered once a week in summer. If the beds are mulched, then less often - 1 time in 2 weeks. It is best to mulch plantings with peat, humus or compost with a layer of 3-5 cm (5).
3 feedings are enough for strawberries during the season:
- in the last days of April - 10 g of urea (1 tablespoon) per 10 liters of water, the norm is 1 bucket per 1 sq. m; nine0106
- as soon as the first flowers bloom - 15 g of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon) per 10 liters of water, the norm is 1 bucket per 1 sq. m;
- in early August - 30 g of double superphosphate (2 tablespoons) and 50 g of ash (1/2 cup) per 10 liters of water, the norm is 1 bucket per 1 sq. m.
Harvesting strawberries
Since strawberries ripen unevenly, they should be harvested every 3 to 4 days.
- If they are intended for transportation and storage, it is important not to overexpose them on the bush, because it is problematic to bring overripe fruits to the house - they will wrinkle and flow. But if you are going to make jam from strawberries, then it is better to wait until they are fully ripe or even a little overripe - in this case they will be sweeter, advises agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova. nine0005
When harvesting, strawberries should not be taken by the berry, but by the stalk and carefully pinched off. It is important that the green sepals remain - without them, the fruits deteriorate instantly.
Photo: pixabay.com Strawberries should be placed in small containers - in deep containers, the berries will shift under the weight of their own weight. And in no case should they be sorted out - sort immediately at harvest, removing all damaged and rotten fruits. Rotten berries, by the way, must be buried in the soil - they cannot be left on the site, otherwise the disease will spread to other fruits. nine0005
It is better to harvest strawberries in the morning, when the dew subsides - at this time the berries are the most dense and dry.
Rules for storing strawberries
Strawberries are very tender and do not last long - a week at most. The best place for them is the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. The ideal temperature is 0 - 2 °C.
Strawberries can be stored in shallow plastic containers or in plastic bags (they should be opened slightly to allow the berries to breathe). But even better - in wooden containers or birch bark boxes. But in metal dishes, especially zinc, it is undesirable, in which the berries deteriorate much faster. nine0005
For winter use strawberries can be frozen whole or cut into pieces. It depends on how you are going to use them in the future. It is best to freeze in portioned plastic containers.
Popular questions and answers
We talked about growing strawberries with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova - we asked her the most popular questions of summer residents.
Which crops are best for strawberries?
Potatoes, early cabbages, beans and lettuce plants are good precursors for strawberries.
Can strawberries grow in the shade?
Strawberry is a photophilous plant. It can grow in the shade, but its yield will be very small, if at all. In addition, in the shade, she is more likely to get sick, because the plants will be weakened.
Do I need to cover strawberries for the winter?
Strawberries winter well under snow, but in regions with little snowy winters they need shelter. The first step is to mulch the soil on the plantation - with peat, humus or compost with a layer of 5 - 7 cm. And on top of the plants it is useful to throw straw or dry leaves with a layer of 5 cm, or potato tops - it will hold the snow. nine0005
- Lavrik P.I., Rybitsky N.A., Gavrilov I.S. Gardener's desk book // L.: Lenizdat, 1972 - 568 p.
- Egorov V.I., Nazaryan E.