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- dining room table decor
Dinner table decor for every day
Dinner table decor can be not only festive, but also everyday. Yes, a solid table is good on its own, without additional decorations. But the right design is never superfluous. Table decor transforms the dining area, making it cozier and more appetizing. The entire interior as a whole benefits from this.
It doesn't matter where the table is located - in the kitchen or in the living room - it should in any case be decorated with a central composition. As a rule, it is located exactly in the center of the table, setting the point through which the axis passes. On both sides of the axis or around the central point, cutlery is placed when setting the table.
If the table is against the wall, the decorative composition may be off-center.
The most common centerpiece is the flower vase . Yes, not original, but very beautiful. Flowers make the dining area bright and elegant. And they bring a touch of natural freshness to the interior.
How to arrange a dining table for every day? Flowers!
The choice of vessel for flowers is also important. A traditional vase, transparent or matched to the main color scheme, is appropriate everywhere. But for some styles, other solutions are also suitable. So, to decorate the interior in country style, flowers can be placed not in a vase, but in a jug, in a bucket or even in a ceramic teapot.
It is not always possible to decorate a house with flowers. Instead, branches can be used - for example, willow or fir.
If the table is large and the vase is small, put it on a tray or on a napkin. This will make the composition more expressive.
Flowers are the most popular, but far from the only decor option. Consider several other ways to design a dining table.
1. Vase, dish or basket of fruit. With them, the dining area looks no less elegant than with flowers. But fruits certainly make it more appetizing.
Fruit decoration of the dining table for every day
By the way, fruits can be selected by color in accordance with the interior. So, if the kitchen has orange accents, a vase of constantly refreshed oranges will not only liven up the dining table, but also support the color scheme.
Vegetables can also be used instead of fruit. This is especially true in autumn, during the harvest season.
2. Candles. They are good both on their own and in candlesticks. Candles create a romantic mood and make the dining area warm and soulful.
3. An empty vase or dish. Of course, this item should be not only aesthetic, but also very effective.
4. Transparent container with filling. The advantage of this decorative solution is that its color, theme and mood can be easily varied. It is enough just to change the filling. These can be dragees, berries, marmalade, beads, coffee beans, cereals and legumes, flower petals, decorative balls and much more.
5. Carafe or jug with glasses. This is a classic that will be especially appropriate in interiors decorated in a traditional, vintage or rustic style.
6. Teapot or coffee pot made of ceramics, steel, cupronickel, etc. Everyone loves tea or coffee. Everything connected with them adds attractiveness and comfort to the dining area.
7. Living plant. This is a versatile decor for any interior.
Central composition: one or more objects?
It is desirable that the central object be proportional to the size of the tabletop. If the table is large, a single piece of decor will look unattractive and unconvincing. In such a situation, it is better to group several decorative elements.
Casual kitchen table decor
You can combine both the same and different items. Their location is also variable: the details of the composition can be concentrated in the center of the table or distributed along its middle line.
If meals are often eaten at the dinner table, it is more practical to leave one or two items. This makes it easier to keep clean.
Dining table decor with textiles
Nowadays it is not customary to use a tablecloth for every day. It is considered a festive element. However, for some styles, the tablecloth is relevant even in everyday design. This applies, first of all, to such areas as country and Provence.
Country style kitchen. Authors: A-Design studio
Table paths are much more common. With their help, you can enter the desired color, pattern, texture into the dining area. In addition, the track protects the countertop from scratches and other defects.
For the same purposes, placemats (or so-called underplates) are also used. They do not completely hide the countertop, but at the same time protect it as much as possible. Napkins can be placed on the table just before eating or used as a permanent decoration component. In this case, they should not be too large.
Casual dining table setting
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Apartment design
The decoration of the dining table is done both for certain celebrations and for every day. Of course, an impressive table is beautiful even without auxiliary decor. However, a well-chosen design will never become a hindrance. Table decor enlivens the dining area, allowing you to make it more comfortable and enjoyable. Along with this, the kitchen area is also being transformed.
It doesn't matter where the table is located - in the dining area or in the hall - it must certainly be decorated as a central object. Usually, it is installed clearly in the middle of the table, indicating the place that permeates the axis. On both edges of it or in a circle are cutlery when decorating the table.
If the table is placed next to a wall structure, the decor may be shifted from the middle.
The most famous solution for the central composition is flower vase . Of course, this move is not particularly original, but the most aesthetic. Flowers allow you to add brightness and solemnity to the dining area. In addition, they add a piece of natural freshness to the room.
How do you decorate your dining table every day? With flowers!
It is important to take a responsible approach to the selection of containers for flowers. A classic vase, colorless or bought to match the main color palette, always fits in without question. However, other options will fit into individual style directions. So, for kitchen decor in the country direction, it is better to place flowers instead of a vase, in a jug, in a bucket or, for example, in a porcelain teapot.
Sometimes it is not possible to decorate an apartment with flowers. Branches will help to replace them - say, birch or Christmas trees.
Recommendation . If the table is huge and the vase is small, place it on a tray or on a special “socket”. This will create the most organic composition.
Flowers are the most famous, but not the last decorative solution. Next, we will talk about several other methods for decorating a dining table.
- Vase, plate or basket filled with fruits and vegetables. With them, the kitchen area looks no less festive than with flowers. However, the fruits, of course, make it the most "delicious".
daily fruit dining table decoration
In addition, fruits can be selected according to the shade, taking into account the main color of the room. For example, if the kitchen is decorated with red accents, a vase of periodically refreshed apples will not only make the dining table more interesting, but will also be in harmony with the color plan.
By the way, fruits can be replaced with vegetables. This is especially convenient in the autumn season, when everything is “in time”.
- Candles. They are beautiful both individually and in candelabra. Candles reproduce a romantic atmosphere and set coziness and comfort in the dining area.
- Empty vase or plate. Naturally, such an element must be not only beautiful, but also very elegant.
- Transparent bottle with filling. The advantage of such a design move lies in the fact that its shade, theme and state are very easy to change. Pretty easy to change the filling. The role of the filler can be played by confectionery, berries, jewelry, coffee beans, seeds, nuts, rose petals, artificial peas, etc.
- Decanter or jug with mugs. This is a traditional option that will be a great addition to rooms decorated in a classic, vintage or retro style.
- Porcelain teapot or tea pot. Everyone loves such drinks. Everything that somehow reminds of them brings originality and sincerity to the dining area.
- Natural plant. This decoration is suitable for all interiors.
One or more elements for the centerpiece of a dining table?
Preferably, the main object should be in harmony with the dimensions of the tabletop. If the table is huge, a lonely design element will look unattractive and ugly. In this version, it is much better to combine a number of decorative items.
You can combine both uniform and dissimilar elements. Their location can also change: composite objects can be located in the middle of the table or spread out parallel to its center line.
If breakfast is served daily at the dining table, it is more functional to leave a couple of cutlery items. This will make it more practical to put things in order.
Dining table decor textile
In the modern world, a tablecloth is not usually used daily. It is more about solemn details. Although, for certain style directions, the tablecloth is harmonious even when decorated for every day. This primarily applies to styles, - Provence and country.
The most popular dining paths in this regard. They allow you to add the required shade, ornament, texture to the dining area. In addition, the track acts as a protector for the countertop, protecting it from scratches and chips.
With similar intentions, napkins-substrate for serving items are also used. They do not cover the entire surface of the countertop, but at the same time they protect it well. These products are best laid out on the table before lunch or used on an ongoing basis.