Cleaning solutions with baking soda
Best Baking Soda and Vinegar Cleaning Solutions
Here's what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar—and how to use them for cleaning.
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What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar?
Baking soda and vinegar are two strong products people love to use for cleaning. Each have their own individual sanitizing perks, according to Brian Sansoni of the American Cleaning Institute, an expert on all things cleaning. “Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and a fine abrasive; that’s good for odor absorption and scrubbing,” Sansoni says. Vinegar is especially great at lifting hard water stains. When you combine baking soda and vinegar, you mix an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) which creates salty water and carbon dioxide gas, according to Sansoni. “The reaction has an immediate ‘clean’ look, but when you look deeper you realize that you’re left with saltwater,” Sansoni says. “The agitation of the fizzy reaction itself can be useful to physically break up and carry away dirt, but there’s no long-lasting help.” So although this combo visibly breaks up muck, it’s not necessarily the most effective way to disinfect and sanitize, according to Sansoni. The idea that it’s a foolproof cleaning technique is one of the cleaning myths you should stop believing.
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Clean a stainless steel kitchen sink
Although Sansoni says mixing baking soda and vinegar shouldn’t be your first line of cleaning defense, other cleaning experts say the duo could come in handy in some situations. The bubbly and pasty mixture breaks up and removes scum or grease, like that in your kitchen sink drain, according to Sarah Brunette, the Brand Director of Molly Maid, a Neighborly company.
Here’s how to clean your kitchen sink:
Wet the sink, sprinkle baking soda over the surface, and scrub, then rinse. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and the same paste on the rim and caulk. Line the sink with paper towels that you’ve soaked in white vinegar. Leave them there for 20 minutes. When thinking of home remedies, don’t forget these amazing uses for rubbing alcohol.
Here’s how to clean your drain:
Brunette says to sprinkle 4 tablespoons of baking soda followed by two cups of vinegar. Once the bubbling stops, flush the drain with boiling water. Use soapy water and vinegar-soaked paper towels to clean the faucet, too.
RELATED: Here’s everything you need to know about red wine stain removal.
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iStock/Shane White
Make a bathroom cleaner
This cleanser works on any bathroom surface. It cuts through soap scum and mildew as well as any commercial bathroom product and costs just pennies.
Here’s how to make the cleanser:
Mix 1 2/3 cups baking soda and 1/2 cup liquid soap in a bowl. Dilute with2/2 cup water and add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Stir the mixture with a fork until any lumps dissolve. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Shake well before using. Squirt on the area to be cleaned. Scrub with a nylon-backed sponge. Rinse off with water. Keep covered between uses.
RELATED: How to Remove Blood Stains
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Remove stains on the carpet
Of course, baking soda and vinegar are great cleaners, independently. One thing you can clean with vinegar is your carpet.
Here’s how to lift carpet stains with vinegar:
Rub light carpet stains with a mixture of 2 tablespoons salt dissolved in 1/2 cup white vinegar. Let the solution dry, then vacuum. For larger or darker stains, add 2 tablespoons borax to the mixture and use in the same way.
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Boost laundry detergent
It may sound like a cliché, but adding 1/2 cup baking soda to your usual amount of liquid laundry detergent really will give you brighter colors. The baking soda also softens the water, so you can actually use less detergent. Adding 1/2 cup baking soda in top-loading machines (1/4 cup for front-loaders) also increases the potency of bleach, so you need only half the usual amount of bleach. Although baking soda is a classic laundry staple, there are 11 things you should never clean with baking soda.
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Refresh the fridge
Did you know that vinegar might be an even more effective safe cleanser for your refrigerator than baking soda? Use equal parts white vinegar and water to wash both the interior and exterior of your fridge, including the door gasket and the fronts of the vegetable and fruit bins. To prevent mildew growth, wash the inside walls and bin interiors with some full-strength vinegar on a cloth. Also, use undiluted vinegar to wipe off accumulated dust and grime on top of your refrigerator. Of course, you’ll still want to put that box of baking soda inside your refrigerator to keep it smelling clean when you finish. Even if you clean your fridge and kitchen religiously with baking soda and vinegar, chances are you’re still making some of these 11 kitchen cleaning mistakes.
Originally Published: August 06, 2019
Originally Published in Reader's Digest
4 Homemade Cleaners You Can Make With Baking Soda
Mary Marlowe Leverette
Mary Marlowe Leverette
Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry's most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. She is also a Master Gardener with over 40 years' experience; writing for over 20 years.
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Updated on 10/13/22
Reviewed by
Rhea Mehta
Reviewed by Rhea Mehta
Rhea Mehta, PhD, is an award-winning healthcare innovator and toxicologist who for the past decade has worked to empower people to lead healthier lives, starting in their homes. Rhea holds a PhD in Toxicology, with over 15 scientific publications, and a certificate in integrative health coaching.
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The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
In This Article
How Often to Use
Before You Begin
Making Scouring Powder
Making Drain Cleaner
Making Oven Cleaner
Making Carpet Deodorizer
Project Overview
Baking soda, (sodium bicarbonate), is found in many commercial cleaning products as well as on your pantry shelf. While most of us use it to keep our refrigerator smelling fresh, it can also be used to remove stains, cut through grease, and polish metals. Learn how to create these four homemade cleaning products that use baking soda as the main ingredient.
How Often to Make Baking Soda-Based Cleaners
Your homemade cleaner production will depend on how often you clean different areas of your home. It's best to make small batches for each project to keep the cleaner from separating or clumping. Commercial cleaners contain ingredients to keep ingredients from caking, hardening, or separating.
If you make more cleaner than you can use in one session, store it in an airtight container and be sure to label it clearly. Store it in a cool, dry place.
Before You Begin
As with any cleaning product, always test these homemade solutions in an inconspicuous area to make sure they do not change the color or finish of the item you're cleaning. This is particularly important for any soft surfaces like upholstery, carpet, or fabrics.
The 9 Best All-Purpose Cleaners of 2022
Equipment / Tools
- 1 Plastic bucket
- 1 Soft-bristled brush
- 1 Vacuum
- 1 Small bowl
- Sponge
- 1 Spray bottle
- 1 Microwave or stovetop
- 1 Microwavable bowl
- 1 Kettle or pan
- 1 Baking soda
- 1 Distilled white vinegar
- 1 Borax
- 1 Bar soap
- 1 Table salt
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
How to Make Baking Soda Scouring Powder
Many surfaces in your home can be cleaned with a simple baking soda scouring powder.
Mix Baking Soda and Water
To remove stuck-on food or grime on hard surfaces, try dipping a damp sponge in dry baking soda for a gentle abrasive. Or, make a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water to spread over a stain. Let it sit for several minutes, scrub, and rinse well.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar
Boost the cleaning powder of dry baking soda by sprinkling a few drops of vinegar on the surface you're cleaning. There will be fizzing but the chemical reaction will help release soil. Scrub gently and rinse well.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Mix Baking Soda and Borax
Borax will boost the stain removal power of baking soda. Combine one tablespoon of borax with one-third cup of baking soda. Apply to dirty surfaces with a damp sponge, scrub, and rinse well.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Add Some Soap Flakes
To clean dirty surfaces with a sudsy scouring powder, stir together one-half cup of soap flakes and one cup of baking soda.
You can use commercial soap flakes or create your own by grating a true soap like Buff City Soap. Keep the mixture in a labeled airtight container. Use a sponge or mop with the solution to clean then rinse the area well.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
How to Make Baking Soda-Based Drain Cleaner
Combining baking soda and distilled white vinegar can freshen, unclog, and clean sink drains.
If there is standing water in the sink, it should be bailed out before using the baking soda and vinegar method.
Heat the Drain Plumbing
Heat and pour at least one quart of boiling water into the sink drain.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Add Baking Soda and Distilled White Vinegar
If you have a double sink, use the drain stopper to close one side of the sink. Add one-half cup of dry baking soda and one-half cup of distilled white vinegar to the drain. There will be bubbling so pour the vinegar in slowly.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Wait and Flush
Allow the baking soda and vinegar to work for at least 15 minutes. Flush with another quart of boiling water. If the sink is still clogged, repeat all of the steps.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
How to Make Baking Soda-Based Oven Cleaner
If you don't like commercial oven cleaners, baking soda and vinegar can be used to make a cleaner for your oven.
Make and Spread a Paste
In a small bowl, combine one-half cup of baking soda with two tablespoons of water (use more or less) to create a spreadable paste. Use a sponge or paintbrush to spread the paste liberally on all of the surfaces of the oven except the heating elements. You may need to make a second batch to cover the entire oven.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Let the Paste Work
Close the door and allow the paste to work for eight to 10 hours.
During that time, use baking soda and a sponge to scrub the oven racks.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Wipe Away the Grime
After eight hours, down all of the surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth. Scrub away stuck-on food with a spray of vinegar and some additional dry baking soda.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Make a Baking Soda-Based Carpet Deodorizer
Carpets take lots of abuse but with just a few supplies you can make an effective homemade carpet deodorizer.
Prepare Ingredients
In a bowl or bucket, mix equal amounts of baking soda and table salt. To clean a 5 x 7 area, you will need at least one cup of each. Fill a spray bottle with water.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Apply the Deodorizer
Evenly sprinkle the mixture over the carpet. Working in a grid so you don't miss any areas, lightly spray the dry mixture with water. Use a soft-bristled brush to work the mixture into the carpet fibers.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
Air-Dry and Vacuum
Allow the damp mixture to remain on the carpet until the carpet is dry. This can take up to eight hours. Vacuum away the loose soil and odors.
The Spruce / Meg MacDonald
How to Make 10 DIY Laundry Products
Originally written by
Erin Huffstetler
Erin Huffstetler
Erin Huffstetler is a frugal living expert who has been writing for over 10 years about easy ways to save money at home. She's covered money-saving advice and tricks for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Forbes, among others. She is the owner of "My Frugal Home," a money-saving, frugal living how-to guide.
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How to use baking soda to clean your home
Modern household chemicals will help not only to cope with difficult dirt, get rid of unpleasant smells in the house and make any surface shine, but can also be harmful to health. Substances that make up chemistry can cause poisoning, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, allergic reactions, and in some cases, toxins are deadly poisons.
To protect yourself from harmful chemicals, but also save a decent amount, "Nastenka" recommends using products that can be found in any kitchen. Laundry soap, vinegar, salt, citric acid, soda - all these substances will help to polish the house without allergies and other undesirable health consequences.
"Nastenka" will tell you how you can use baking soda to clean your house.
Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and a mild abrasive cleaner. With baking soda, you can easily clean plastic food containers, as well as other containers used to store food and kitchen utensils. It is enough to add soda to a soft sponge and slightly moisten with water. In this way, you can clean plastic containers from dirt and get rid of an unpleasant odor.
Baking soda can also help get rid of bad smells inside the refrigerator:
- Prepare a baking soda solution. Mix four tablespoons of baking soda in one liter of water.
- Wipe the interior walls and shelves of the refrigerator with the resulting solution. Remove the remaining solution with a damp cloth.
- After cleaning, pour baking soda into a saucer or small container. Do not close the container, leave it in the refrigerator. The baking soda powder will absorb any bad odors.
To get rid of traces of fat on the hob, stove or table, it is necessary to pour baking soda on the contaminated place and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then remove with a damp cloth, rinse with water.
A dirty grill or baking tray can also be cleaned with baking soda. Cover the surface with soda, leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse the grill or baking sheet under warm water, after rubbing it with a sponge. The baking soda will absorb the grease and the dirt will be easily cleaned.
Baking soda solution is great for cleaning carpets. To combat stains, take a baking soda solution and spray onto the carpet surface. Leave the solution for 15 minutes. Then clean with a vacuum cleaner or brush.
Pet bedding can also be treated with soda solution. Soda will disinfect products and get rid of unpleasant odors. At the same time, soda is absolutely harmless to animals.
Soda solution will also help in the fight against mold in the bathroom. The affected area must be sprayed with a solution and left for 20-30 minutes. After brushing, rinse with water.
These simple tips will make it easy to achieve the desired result. And you can order professional cleaning of your home or office on our website. It is enough to call the contact numbers or leave a request. Specialists of the cleaning company "Nastenka" will cope with any pollution.
Household chemicals and detergents: replacements
Julia Skopich
searched for analogues
Author profile
Or the child has soiled a white T-shirt, but there is no bleach at hand.
In such cases, you can arm yourself with folk remedies that will replace the usual household chemicals. Keep a list of analogues so that it is always at hand.
What can be done using available funds
- Wash the dishes without special products
- Wash the fat dishes without chemistry
- Wash without powder in washing machine
- Clean the kettle, iron and coffee machine
- to clean the washing machine and the washing machine and the washing machine dishwasher
- Delete stacked stacked and mirrors
- Refresh the air without chemistry
- Get rid of the unpleasant odor
Wash the dishes without special products
water. Boil and wash the dishes with this solution using a sponge. Another option is to pour some powder on wet dishes and rub with a sponge.
Nuances. The method is suitable for washing dishes by hand. It is better to do this with gloves, as baking soda dries the skin of the hands.
How to properly use your dishwasher
Baking soda can be used on a variety of surfaces: faience, porcelain, glass, steel, silver, enamel. But it can scratch Teflon. Baking soda helps to remove burning residue, coffee and tea stains, yellowness and dark spots from enameled pots.
I prefer to pour soda not on dishes, but on a sponge - it seems to be more economical, since one sponge can wash several plates and cupsWash greasy dishes without chemicals
What: with a mixture of baking soda - from 43 R and mustard - from 75 R
Mix soda with mustard in proportions 1: 1. Can be used dry: pour on wet dishes and rub with a sponge.
Alternatively, boil 200 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon each of mustard and baking soda to make a thick mixture. It can be poured into a bottle or jar and used as needed.
Nuances. Mustard works as a natural absorbent: it absorbs fat and helps to clean even pans after frying meat. Soda is a neutralizer, it removes the smell of mustard.
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Mustard and Baking Soda Mix Even Cleans Deep FryersWash Without Powder in the Washing Machine
What: and boric acid - from 15 R
For one wash for 2 kg of laundry, take 1 tablespoon of boric acid and baking soda. Pour the mixture into a glass, pour hot water and stir. Pour the solution into the powder compartment. For best results, wash at 40-60°C.
Nuances. The product will help to cope with only light dirt. It can be used to wash items made of cotton and linen, other types of fabrics can be destroyed due to alkali exposure. Soda is not suitable for washing things that can shed.
For washing, both solution and powder of boric acid can be used. Source: vseapteki.ruRemove stubborn stains on clothes
What: with hydrogen peroxide 3% - from 26 R
Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water and soak clothes for 15-30 minutes, depending on the degree pollution. For uniform bleaching, the item must be turned over approximately every five minutes. Rinse thoroughly in warm water so that no smell remains. You can use hydrogen peroxide 6%, then the soak time should be halved.
Nuances. Hydrogen peroxide helps remove many types of stains, including soap bubbles, blood, tea and grass. To do this, apply a few drops to the contaminated area, leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse the item.
Soap bubbles, berries and chocolate: 17 ways to remove the most difficult stains on children's clothes
Peroxide copes with even the toughest stains, but you need to rinse the clothes well after it so that the smell does not remainDescale kettle, iron, coffee machine
What: citric acid - from 127 R
The proportions depend on what will have to be cleaned. The proportion for kettles, irons, coffee machines and coffee makers is 10 g of citric acid for every 100 ml of water. The solution must be poured into the device and heated.
To clean the washing machine, pour 100-150 g of citric acid into the powder compartment. The same amount - in the dishwasher detergent compartment. After that, you need to run the cycle at the maximum temperature for one hour. It is better to remove the remnants of plaque.
Nuances. It is not recommended to use citric acid for regular cleaning of the washing machine, as it deteriorates rubber, which can lead to bearing failure.
How to care for your washing machine
I use a humidifier every day and it gets scaled up quickly. For cleaning once a month, I put 1 tablespoon of citric acid into the tank, pour 500 ml of warm water and turn on the device for 1 hour. After I ventilate the room to get rid of the smellDescale washing machine and dishwasher
What: soda ash - from 117 R
To clean kettles, irons, coffee makers and coffee machines, pour soda ash into the appliance at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Boil, then rinse.
To clean the washing machine and dishwasher, pour 1 tablespoon of soda ash into the powder or detergent drawer. Start the cycle at maximum temperature.
Nuances. If there is no soda ash, you can use food grade in the same proportions, but it copes worse with old deposits.
Soda ash can also replace other household chemicals. For example, with its help, you can wash dishes and stoves, soften water during machine washing, wash floors, and clean plumbing. And you can soak things in it before hand washing. Dosage information is usually indicated on the packagingRemove stains from glasses and mirrors
What: acetic acid 70% - from 72.5 R, as well as starch - from 76 R or raw potatoes from 39 R
First wipe the surfaces with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Then dilute the vinegar with water 1:1 and wipe again. To avoid streaks, go dry with a rag or crumpled newspaper.
Another option is to dissolve 1 tablespoon of corn starch in 1 liter of cold water so that no sticky mass forms. Apply the mixture on glass or mirrors, then immediately wipe them with a dry cloth to get rid of starch residue.
Instead of starch, you can rub the glass with a slice of raw potato.
Nuances. There are many pits in the glass that are not visible to the eye, into which water easily penetrates. When it dries, streaks form. Starch destroys hydrogen bonds and prevents streaks.
How to clean an apartment after winter and not kill the whole day for it
If you work with vinegar, it is better to do it with gloves so as not to overdry your skin. Afterwards, the room must be well ventilated, as vinegar vapors can burn the mucous membranes.
If vinegar is 9%, you can not dilute it with waterRefresh the air without chemicals
What: any essential oil - from 46 R
Pour water into a spray bottle and add essential oil in the proportion of 10 drops per 500 ml.