Cleaning leather furniture at home
How to Clean Leather Furniture
With its sumptuous texture and supple feel, leather furniture provides an element of luxury to your room decor. Fortunately, despite its opulence, leather doesn’t require the kind of painstaking maintenance you might associate with other refinements. Inevitably, however, there comes a time in the life of all leather chairs, chaises, and sofas when a little care is called for. Rest assured that it’s not difficult to learn how to clean leather furniture, and the process involves only supplies that most homeowners keep readily at hand.
Tools & Materials- Vacuum (with brush attachment)
- Clean cotton or microfiber cloths
- Vinegar
- Small bucket
When you set out to clean leather furniture, the first step in how to clean a leather couch or chair is to remove all dust and loose debris from the piece. You can do so easily by means of a vacuum cleaner outfitted with a brush attachment. Don’t forget to clean between the cushions of the furniture, if there are any. Once finished, wipe the whole thing down with a cotton or microfiber cloth.
STEP 2: Inspect the furniture carefully.Having inspected the furniture in the course of dusting and wiping it down, you now understand which parts of the piece look the worse for wear. These are the areas where you’re going to focus the lion’s share of your cleaning efforts.
STEP 3: Apply diluted vinegar to problem areas.To address the problem areas, you can use a simple but effective homemade cleaner, comprising equal parts vinegar and water. Mix the two in a small bucket, then dip in the corner of a cloth. Wring out the cloth so that it’s damp but not wet, then proceed to wipe down the soiled parts of the leather. Rinse the cloth after every few strokes to avoid spreading any dirt.
STEP 4: Wipe down the leather promptly.Photo: istockphoto. com
Next, follow up with a dry cloth, making sure to go over every area that you treated with the water-and-vinegar solution. At no point during the process should you let the leather become soaking wet; saturation is one of the material’s enemies.
STEP 5: Apply conditioner and buff the furniture.When you’re satisfied with your leather couch cleaning, apply a small amount of a commercial or homemade leather conditioner to a clean, lint-free cloth. Select an inconspicuous spot on the piece of furniture and apply the conditioner by rubbing in a circular motion. Be sure to thoroughly rub the conditioner into the leather, and then let it sit for an hour or so.
Check the spot and if you are satisfied with the results, apply conditioner in a similar manner to the rest of the piece of furniture, section by section. Buff the conditioner with a clean cloth, and then let the piece thoroughly air dry before you settle in with your popcorn.
Other Tips for Cleaning LeatherPhoto: istockphoto. com
Has a careless guest spilled something, and you’re wondering how to clean leather furniture to banish the stain? Don’t despair—you can probably prevent the accident from leaving a permanent stain, but to be successful, you’ll need to work quickly. Different stains demand different remedies.
How to Degrease LeatherWipe away grease stains with a clean, dry cloth. Do not add water, because the liquid could help the grease soak into the leather. If the grease has dried by the time you notice it, try sprinkling baking soda onto the area in order to draw out the grease. Leave the baking soda on for a few hours, then brush it off with a rag.
How to Remove Ink and MoldRubbing alcohol may be the key to removing ink from leather. Dab alcohol onto a cotton swab, then wipe the stain until it clears. Keep in mind for the future that many homeowners have reported luck using rubbing alcohol to remove pesky patches of either mold or mildew on furniture.
White and beige leather are notoriously vulnerable to stains. To remove dark-colored spots from such pieces, opt for a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and cream of tartar. Combine the two into a paste, apply it to the stain, then leave it in place for 10 minutes. Wipe it away with a damp cloth.
Generally speaking, be wary of experimenting with stain-removal products on leather; some may do more harm than good. Always first try a cleaning agent on an inconspicuous part of the furniture. That way, if things go awry, nobody is likely to notice!
If none of the above tips or tricks prove helpful, consider seeking the assistance of a pro.
FAQs About How to Clean a Leather Sofa or Leather ChairsPhoto:
Having read through our process as outlined above, you’re nearly an expert in leather cleaning and will soon be ready to show off your clean leather couch. Check out these last bits of info to truly understand the dos and don’ts of how to clean leather chairs or other leather furniture.
Then, simply gather a few supplies and get to work. You’ll wonder why you didn’t clean your leather furniture sooner!
Q. What is the best thing to clean leather furniture with?After a thorough dusting with a clean, soft cloth, the best thing to clean leather furniture with is a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water, which is wiped gently across the surface of the leather to clean it.
Q. Is Vaseline bad for leather?Vaseline will add an immediate shine and suppleness to leather, but its effects are not long-lasting. You are better off following the steps above to get long-lasting conditioning and cleaning results.
Q. What should you not clean leather with?Don’t attempt to clean your leather furniture with harsh commercial cleaning solutions such as window cleaner. You should also avoid olive oil, hairspray, shoe polish, and fingernail polish remover.
You can clean your leather furniture as often as every 6 weeks, but you can also almost certainly stretch out your cleanings to twice a year.
How to Carefully Clean Leather With Household Materials
A little soap or vinegar does the trick
Abe Abbas
Abe Abbas
Abe Abbas is a furniture expert who has worked as a design consultant for Sears Home Life, Levitz, and La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. He has over 30 years of experience in the furniture industry—working with all facets from retail sales, design, buying, marketing, and importing. He has also owned and managed high-volume furniture stores in California.
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Updated on 10/17/22
Reviewed by
Brandon Pleshek
Reviewed by Brandon Pleshek
Brandon Pleshek of Clean That Up! is a seasoned veteran of the cleaning industry with over 20 years of experience in commercial and residential cleaning. He is a member of The Spruce's Cleaning and Organizing Review Board
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Fact checked by
Sarah Scott
Fact checked by Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott is a fact-checker and researcher who has worked in the custom home building industry in sales, marketing, and design.
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The Spruce / Danielle Holstein
Project Overview
The best way to clean leather furniture is to do it gently—the gentler your cleaning method, the better. Leather is a very forgiving material, and just a tiny amount of regular care goes a long way. The jury is out whether soapy water or vinegary water solution is best, but both work wonders. For a quick leather cleaning, you can gently wipe down the surface using a microfiber cloth and equal parts vinegar and water to remove light dirt. For a deeper cleaning, it's helpful to incorporate mild soap.
Stains happen, and so do dust and dirt. However, harsh cleansers on leather can leave stubborn stains that are hard to remove. This approach is especially true for aniline leather which can become stained easily as it does not have a surface protective layer.
Vinegar is a practical, inexpensive household product that naturally cleans and removes stubborn stains from leather. However, to ensure it doesn't ruin or discolor the leather before cleaning, test the vinegar solution on a small, hidden part of the item to check it can handle it.
Click Play to Learn How to Clean Leather Furniture Quickly and Easily
Clean any stains immediately, so they do not have a chance to set. Older stains that have had time to dry and set may be harder to remove, and these gentler cleaning methods may not work so well.
It is best to clean your leather furniture regularly to prevent dirt buildup. Save your furniture manufacturer's instructions, and follow them for the care and cleaning of your leather furniture. Those instructions are targeted towards the specific type of leather used in your furniture. It is very helpful to have them when there are difficult stains on your upholstery.
The 10 Best Leather Sofas of 2023
Equipment / Tools
- Microfiber cloth
- Mild soap
- Vinegar (Optional)
When there are no instructions, the single best and simplest way to clean leather is with a very small amount of very mild soap, such as Dove or Ivory. This process works on most stains and for general cleaning and upkeep. Always test an inconspicuous spot first and allow it to dry.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein-
Use a Microfiber Cloth First
Before cleaning it with soap and water, go over it with a dry microfiber cloth. It will get most of the dirt.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein -
Moisten Cloth Slightly
Once you are done, moisten a cloth very slightly; wipe it across a bar of mild soap.
The Spruce / Danielle HolsteinIf you are using liquid soap, use a very slight amount. Now, clean the surface of your furniture with this damp cloth.
Do Not Rinse; Instead, Buff with a Dry Cloth
Never let the leather get overly wet, and remember to not rinse after cleaning with the soap. Simply buffing with a soft cloth is all you need. The moisture from the soap will condition the leather as it cleans. Polish if you need to, but just using this method is enough.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein -
Remove Tough Stains With Lather or Vinegar Solution
When treating a stain, your best bet is to first try a gentle method that works on most stains: soap lather. A tougher stain may need a more heavy-duty approach, like a vinegar solution.
First, get several rags to use for wet wiping and drying. Use a clean, soft, absorbent cloth. If the stain comes from a liquid, blot up as much as possible. Do not wipe it, as that can make the stain bigger and unmanageable.
Dampen the cloth with water, but do not make it soggy since it can leave water stains. To control it, spray water onto the rag and wring out the excess before using.
Apply a small amount of soap to the damp cloth and work it into a lather. Work the lather into the leather gently. Soft circular motions work well—no need to rinse. Absorb any excess moisture with a clean, dry cloth.
If you have a problematic or stained area, make a solution of half water and half vinegar. Dip a rag into the solution, wring out the cloth, so it’s damp but not wet, and wipe down the furniture. Repeatedly rinse the cloth to avoid spreading the stain.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein
Article Sources
The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
Reliable and Scientific Tips for Cleaning with Vinegar.
National Science Foundation.
How to clean a leather sofa at home
Modern samples, thanks to their thoughtful design and construction, from leather upholstery as a finishing element, only add sophistication and elegance to themselves. Any furniture in the apartment is used daily by people. We open the cabinet doors and pull out the chest of drawers. We try to protect those surfaces that we have to touch more often with various kinds of covers. We put a blanket on the bed. We cover the surface of the table with a tablecloth. Only the sofas and armchairs, despite being the most frequently used, remain open. If you can still pick up a cape on fabric upholstery and at the same time everything will look organic, then this will not work with leather products. You didn’t buy such a set, definitely not cheap, to hide it under a cape. nine0003
It remains to either refrain from using it for its intended purpose, or prepare for the fact that you have furniture that requires special treatment and care. We suggest you find out in advance how to clean a leather sofa from stains and dirt at home. Regularly transporting the product to a specialized dry cleaner or calling a team of specialists at home is troublesome and expensive. In some cases, professional equipment and specialized preparations are indispensable. But ordinary cleaning is quite within the power of everyone to do. nine0003
Daily care of upholstered furniture
The most important thing for the preservation of such products is a comfortable environment - constant temperature, moderate humidity and no direct sunlight. Simply following these requirements will prolong the appearance of the headset. More effective methods of maintaining cleanliness will be needed only with significant contamination. This article contains the most common ways to care for such things. The ingredients used for this are publicly available and are in every home. We will tell you in detail what and in what cases you can use. nine0003
Use a vacuum cleaner
At least once a week, along with the general cleaning of the apartment, vacuum your rest area. On a smooth glossy surface, dust is visible just as well as on a polished one. But, before cleaning a leather sofa, take a closer look at the nozzles used. Whether they are metal or plastic, they can damage the skin. There should be no sharp edges or corners. A small scratch on the protective layer will lead to further damage and cracks. The degree of safety of the furniture depends on your attentiveness and accuracy. nine0003
If the coating is fluffy, it is not recommended to use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Dust and dirt should be swept away only with a soft bristle brush and all movements should be made strictly in its direction. The same applies to corrugated trim elements.
Wet cleaning
After removing large debris and dust, it is necessary to wipe the entire upholstery. Such a procedure will help remove contaminants that have not been pre-cleaned, but have not yet had time to penetrate into the pores of the material. We dilute a little soap in clean warm water, you can use liquid soap. Even better if it has a moisturizing effect. We moisten a soft sponge in the solution, wring it out well and wipe all accessible surfaces, not pressing hard. This procedure will help you, without any cleaning products, at home, wash the dirt off the leather sofa before it penetrates the structure. We wait 15-20 minutes until the solution dries, and wipe it along with the lagging dirt. nine0003
A good effect is obtained by using ordinary Vaseline or baby oil instead of a cleaning solution. Apply the composition to the product and, after waiting a quarter of an hour, wipe everything with a dry cloth, making polishing movements. Under the influence of external conditions, the skin dries up from time to time, which leads to its cracking and loss of presentation. Treatment with such oils moisturizes and softens leather upholstery. It restores its softness and shine.
Beaten egg white can be used for this purpose. The natural component works more effectively. But, if the coating is old and dotted with a network of cracks and damage, there is a risk that the organic matter will not be completely removed by wiping. Its remains can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and microorganisms. nine0003
How to clean stains on a leather sofa and wipe off stubborn dirt
Before proceeding with direct removal, read the accompanying passport for your furniture from its manufacturer. The upholstery material, the type of dye used and a list of recommended care products are necessarily indicated there. If such a document is not available for any reason, check all formulations for interaction with the coating in places that are not conspicuous before use.
Try soapy water, petroleum jelly, or baby oil first. Most types of pollution are amenable to these means. You can use special ones designed for skin care:
- spray;
- wet wipes;
- creams and pastes.
All of them have a composition that not only destroys dirt, but also protects the product, creating a barrier from environmental influences, and restoring the structure. Thereby extending the service life. Before cleaning your leather sofa with an unfamiliar product at home, carefully read the instructions. Compositions not intended for skin treatment should not be used. Preparations intended for smooth material are not suitable for suede and nubuck. And vice versa. nine0003
Additional detergent components that can be used in the fight against pollution are also familiar to every housewife:
- dish detergent;
- mild stain remover;
- baking soda;
- lemon juice;
- rock salt;
- chalk;
- talc;
- starch.
With some care you can use:
- rubbing alcohol;
- table vinegar; nine0032
- ammonium chloride or ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- acetone.
This set is enough to keep the furniture in good condition. Any dirt is easier to remove while it is fresh. The more neglected the situation, the more actively and aggressively the means will have to be used. For application and processing, use only foam sponges, flannel cloths, microfiber and soft brushes with natural bristles. But don't put too much effort into caring for a leather sofa. Otherwise, the paintwork or protective layer may be damaged, or the upholstery may stretch or tear. nine0003
Classification of stains and how to deal with them
Most often, unexpected stains on furniture come from food and drink. If you have not made it a rule to ban eating in the rest corner, these further tips are for you.
Grease marks
When the stain is very fresh, do not rub it with a cloth. So you only increase the area of contamination and press particles of fat into the pores, which will become more difficult to remove from there.
Sprinkle any absorbent on the mark - chalk, talc, starch, salt, soda. Allow a few minutes for the grease particles to soak in and gently sweep everything off. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Then wash the entire area with soapy water or dishwashing detergent. nine0003
Old stains are removed by covering with soapy water or petroleum jelly. Allow to stand for 15-20 minutes and wipe with a dry cloth.
Spilled drinks
Freshly spilled tea, coffee, beer, wine and other liquids should first be blotted with a dry cloth. Then sprinkle with any available substance to absorb residual moisture. After a few minutes, remove the remaining dirt, wash the place with soapy water.
We try to clean a leather sofa from old stains in the same way as other dirt. First we try to soak with any warm detergent composition, and then we wipe it with a rag. If that doesn't help, try using Vaseline. If this does not work, as an extreme method, you can use a solution of ammonia, alcohol or lemon juice. But on painted products, we must first check the action in a hidden area. In order not to discolor the treated area. After processing, we rinse again, wipe everything thoroughly with clean water, dry it with a napkin and apply a layer of petroleum jelly or oil. The unpleasant smell after spilled beer is removed by adding a little ammonia to the water. nine0003
Blood stains
Blood stains, whether fresh or dried, can only be treated with cold water or solutions. Heat accelerates clotting and makes cleaning difficult. If the pollution has not had time to dry, apply talc, starch, soda on it and let it soak. Then remove the resulting slurry and wash the area with cold water and any detergent.
Moisten old stains with soapy water and let stand in this form for about twenty minutes. Then you need to rinse the leather sofa with a damp sponge, let it dry and grease it with petroleum jelly or baby oil, protecting it from drying out. nine0003
Ink and marker marks
These marks can be easily removed with weak alcohol solutions or acetone. But check if this concentration will affect the coloring layer. Sometimes small spots can be erased with an ordinary eraser.
Microbial Infestation
A common skin problem is mold and mildew. A contributing factor can be increased humidity in the room, spilled and not cleaned liquid, and even poorly wiped furniture after washing. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor products that have abundant folds and additional elements. nine0003
If a colony of spores is found, immediate disinfection is required. This is best done by wiping the area with a mild vinegar solution. But, without allowing the composition to be absorbed, rinse everything with detergent and wipe with clean water and napkins. Launched cases of mold damage to a leather sofa cannot be washed off on their own, like ordinary dirt. The fungus penetrates deep into the structure. To get it, you will need the effort of professionals and special operating means.
Care instructions for light colors
Keeping such furniture clean turns out to be an additional hassle for the owner. Any blots on such a surface stand out especially brightly. In part, this inconvenience is offset by the ability to use more radical cleaning products.
Many steps are the same as for painted products. Vacuum and wipe regularly. First with a damp sponge, then with Vaseline. We only note the distinctive features that can be used on such headsets:
- Remove everyday dirt with detergents.
- Fat residues, after being collected with absorbent ingredients, can be treated with higher strength alcohol solutions.
- Drink marks are more visible on this surface. But alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice or ammonia can be used much more boldly than on dark ones.
- Blood stains, if not removed in the standard way with cold water and detergent, are treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. nine0032
- Pen and marker ink blots and dashes can also be dissolved in alcohol, acetone or hydroperite.
If you are going to clean a white or light leather sofa at home, do not forget to test the product on an inconspicuous area before treating the base. And after washing with water, dry and lubricate the surfaces with nourishing baby oil.
Restoration of scuffs and scratches
You can easily repair leather goods yourself. After the standard cleaning procedure, allow the material to dry and carefully inspect it in good light from different angles. Over time, scratches and worn spots form on any surface. Under the influence of cleaning agents, the painted surface also brightens. To restore the appearance, you can use special tools. Whitish spots are returned to their juiciness with cream-paint for leather products. To hide cracks, treatment with a spray or napkins impregnated with a restorative composition based on wax or silicone helps. nine0003
Restoration of wooden elements
If your suite has decorative inserts and armrests made of wood, they also need to be looked after. The already tested furniture polish and petroleum jelly will help you with this. They will help hide minor scratches on lacquered surfaces, and remove whitish stains left after hot cups.
A few more tips for caring for furniture
In this article we tried to tell you how to wash and how to clean leather sofas and armchairs. But no matter how hard you try, no matter how carefully you use them, over time, the coating wears out, tears and loses its presentability. If earlier such a product was considered to have served its time and was thrown away, modern technologies allow it to return to its second youth. Only such a procedure requires special tools, consumables and some experience in their use. nine0003
Leather repairs
These are done in leather repair shops. But for those who like to make their own hands, all means are quite affordable. And the necessary skills are developed in the course of actions. What opportunities exist in this service sector:
- Tears, cuts and torn pieces are closed with patches on a special glue.
- All abrasions are cleaned and leveled.
- Deep cracks and chips are filled with liquid skin polymer, which creates a texture that completely mimics the surrounding tissues.
- The surface is coated with a special primer and carefully sanded.
- After that, everything is painted and covered with a protective varnish for leather surfaces.
Thus, the old product is returned to its original appearance. Such work will cost much less than a complete alteration of new upholstery or the purchase of other furniture.
Cleaning leather furniture at home, removing stains from a leather sofa in Moscow
Times change, but leather furniture always remains at the height of fashion. Visually, it gives any room solidity and solidity. The presence of classic leather furniture behind the scenes emphasizes that the owner is endowed with a fairly high status in society. Better than other types of furniture, it fits into any space - office or club, restaurants or other places of recreation. nine0003
Leather furniture is ethical and practical. The wear of leather products is several times lower than that of furniture with textile or polymer upholstery. The high price of such furniture is more than compensated by its long service life. However, for all its durability, leather is a very difficult material to handle and requires constant care.
Tips for caring for leather furniture
Caring for your leather furniture starts with proper arrangement. There are two principles that will help you reduce the risk of spoilage:
- keep leather furniture away from direct sunlight or bright lamps;
- should avoid close proximity to heating sources - radiators, fireplaces or stoves.
It should be noted that leather is a material capable of both actively absorbing moisture and releasing it under the influence of temperature or changes in air humidity. For the normal preservation of leather furniture, it is necessary to maintain the moisture content of the leather coating at a level of at least 10%. This can be achieved if the average relative humidity of the room is 65-70%. If you lower this level of humidity, then the skin will begin to give off moisture and may dry out and crack, and the dye that covers the product simply crumbles..
Leather furniture should also be avoided from constant contact with blankets, toys and other things that have coloring properties. These items can simply shed on light leather upholstery.
Use a soft cloth dampened with water to remove dust from the leather surface. If it is not possible to remove the contamination with clean water, it is best to use a mild soap solution.
Surprisingly, dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is another way to care for leather furniture. Since the surface of the skin is covered with pores, with regular vacuuming, they remain clean, the furniture continues to "breathe", and this in turn reduces the wear of the coating several times. nine0003
How do I remove stains from leather furniture myself?
If you find a stain on the surface of your leather furniture, don't worry. Use our instructions for removing certain types of stains from leather upholstery.
Mold stains
Mold marks should be cleaned with a 1:1 solution of water and rubbing alcohol. Wait until dry and work with a stearin sponge in order to maintain the elasticity of the surface. Attention: we recommend trying the solution on an inconspicuous area of the skin - alcohol can harm low-quality dyes. nine0003
Pen or marker marks
Spray the stained area with normal hairspray and wipe with a dry, clean cloth. An alternative option is to wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in undiluted rubbing alcohol.
Wine stains
Remove with alcohol, similar to pen and marker marks.
Grease stains
Grease stains of organic origin are not terrible for the skin. It is enough to wipe with a dry cloth and remove excess fat - the rest will be absorbed over time and become invisible. After wiping, the surface can be sprinkled with corn starch or talc and left for 4 hours. Bulk products absorb some of the fat from the skin. nine0003
Blood stains
Blood stains are easily removed from the leather surface with warm water.
Chewing gum
Use ice packs to freeze gum. After it hardens, remove it. If there are slight traces of chewing gum on the surface, use a hair dryer. For a few seconds, direct a warm stream of air to the place of contamination (never hot!), Then wipe the surface with a dry, clean cloth. nine0003
If you are in doubt about the choice of a product or the stain cannot be removed by the suggested methods, then in this case amateur activity is the enemy of your furniture. Under no circumstances should stain removers, chemical solvents or other aggressive agents be used. After such a “treatment”, cleaning leather furniture will become unnecessary - the product will be hopelessly damaged. Proper care of her is the lot of a qualified specialist.
In our company you can order a professional dry cleaning of leather furniture. We've cleaned over 6,700 sofas, including leather upholstery, and we know exactly how to get your furniture back clean. Our masters in just 1 hour will save your leather furniture from any dirt and old stains that cannot be cleaned by yourself. nine0003
How is professional dry cleaning done?
First, the furniture is cleaned with a special washing shampoo. It opens the pores of the skin and gently removes impurities. If there is a stain on the upholstery that does not come off with shampoo, use stronger stain removers for spot cleaning.
The sofa is then rubbed with a special regenerating paste. It fills the pores, preventing dirt from getting back into them, and gives softness and shine to leather upholstery.
Caring for leather furniture involves a general professional cleaning 2 times a year and the so-called fatliquoring - applying special compositions to the furniture that will allow the leather not to dry out and retain its elasticity for many years.