Celebrities with flowers

Celebrities and Their Favorite Flowers

Posted by Russ Griffin on March 6, 2020 | Last Updated: March 12, 2020 Uncategorized

What does your favorite flower say about you? You may be surprised. In recognition of Women’s History Month, Columbus’ premier florist, Griffin’s Floral Design & Wineshop, we are revealing the favorite flowers of today’s most famous female celebrities as well as important women who have left their mark in history.

Mokara Orchid

Angelina Jolie – Orchid

Exotic and beautiful, Angelina Jolie is a world-famous actress and director. Angelina’s favorite flower is the exotic and beautiful orchid – a delicate and distinctive flowering plant coveted by many across the globe for their unique beauty. Blooming in a wide range of colors, orchids have 3-petal blooms, the shape of which is determined by the species of plant. Symbolizing luxury, strength, and beauty — traits Angelina also has, it’s no wonder she is drawn the orchid plant.


Anne Hathaway – Anemones

A bright and beautiful talented actress, Anne Hathaway’s favorite flower is also bright and beautiful – the anemone. A delicate wildflower that comes in an array of bright colors, the anemone is a favorite of gardeners and florists alike. There a many different meanings associated with the anemone flower, such as purity and peace for white ones, forsaken love for pink and red ones, and protection from evil spirits for purple ones.


Lady Bird Johnson – Lavender Bluebell

Lady Bird Johnson enjoyed wildflowers, as well as the lavender bluebell, which was the favorite of her. While First Lady, she was in the cost of many tasks for beautifying cities and highways with flowers and plants, which result in the development of the Highway Beautification Act. She also created the National Wildlife Research Center in Houston in 1982. The Lavender Bluebell is a vibrant and beautiful flower that symbolizes devotion, undying love, humility, and gratitude.

White Roses

Madonna – White Roses

One of the most prominent females in the world, Madonna’s favorite flower is actually the delicate and pristine white rose. She takes the love of her of white roses on the street with her where she’s them waiting for her in her dressing room whenever she performs. The white rose has a large number of different meanings besides the commonly known ones of purity, innocence, and love. For instance, white roses also symbolize happiness, peace, and focus. In Greek mythology, the white rose is actually connected to Adonis, the god of renewal and rebirth.

Floral Fantasia

Michelle Obama – Hydrangeas and Pink Roses

Michelle Obama is a dignified, smart, and elegant woman who was not only a dedicated and passionate First Lady but is also a lawyer and author. Pink roses and hydrangeas are Michelle’s Obama’s favorite flowers and they ring true to her personality. Hydrangeas represent heartfelt emotion and gratitude, and the pink rose to symbolize femininity, appreciation, love, and grace. These are all traits Michelle exhibits as well.

White Heron

Celebrities and Their Favorite Flowers – BOKAY

Ok, here’s some fun trivia for you: what do you think of when you think of roses? Or peonies? Or hydrangeas? Do you think of celebrities? We didn’t either until we realized that some of our favorite celebs love flowers as much as we do! We were surprised at some of the fav’s these celebrities picked, check them out below:

Audrey Hepburn - Tulips

Tulips are known to signify love and deep affection. So we’re NOT surprised that tulips are Audrey Hepburn’s favorite flower! She loved a variety of different flowers and loved to garden! In fact, word has it that a species of tulip was actually named after her! 

Michelle Obama - Hydrangeas and Pink Roses

Pink roses are known for sweetness and joy, they’re such a delight to have around the home as decor and Michelle Obama couldn’t agree more! Her other favorite flower is the hydrangea, a stunning cone shaped stem with petals signifying grace and abundance - and nothing saying the former first lady like grace. Check out our arrangement, "Sophistication + Grace" below.

Morrissey (of the Smiths) - Gladiolas and Daffodils

This musician was known for carrying a bouquet of gladiolas and daffodils on stage before each show! Gladiolas are symbolic for strength and pride and daffodils are known for their meaning of new beginnings. And as time went on, his fans would reciprocate his love of flowers by throwing numerous amounts on stage as his show went on!  

Jennifer Lopez - White Roses and Lilies

J Lo - the pop sensation we all know and love! Her favorite flowers include white roses (meaning purity) and lilies (meaning confidence and vigor) - she exudes confidence and is a role model for people all over the world!

Michael Jackson - Sunflowers

Sunflowers signify happiness and healing. Michael Jackson loved sunflowers during his lifetime and even called them “the happy flower” because that’s exactly what he saw when he looked at them! Happiness! Don't forget to view our "Sunshine in Sunflowers" arrangement featuring these beautiful blooms, here:

Anne Hathaway - Anemones 

Kind, sweet and stunning Anne Hathaway - her favorite flowers are anemones. And if you haven’t seen one of these flowers yet, don’t miss out! They’re meaning is all about relaxation - they range in color but the most popular type of anemone is a white flower with a blue center, mostly used in specialty bouquets or for weddings! Anne has amazing taste, we love the Anemone!  

Katy Perry - Peonies

Another stunning flower to go along with a stunning pop star! Katy Perry has amazing taste in flowers, the peony is one of the most sought after stems with it’s huge beautiful petals. They range in a variety of different colors and they signify prosperity, love and honor.

Angelina Jolie - Orchids

You don’t hear about orchids very often, they’re beautiful and oh so great to look at. Angelina Jolia thinks so too! Orchids have a meaning of beauty, thoughtfulness and tenderness. Orchids can be their own plant or a stem in an arrangement. Either way, they’re a great addition to any home!

10 spectacular photos of celebrities against the background of flowers

Flowers accompany a person throughout his life, at every stage. Admire the selection of stars in the flower "clouds"!

Glafira Tarkhanova

Despite busy schedules, filming and theater work, Glafira Tarkhanova manages to do everything. She is a wonderful mother of many children, a super wife and a talented actress. According to Glafira, she draws ideas and strength from nature.

Vera Brezhneva

According to the artist and producer Konstantin Meladze's wife, she has a real passion for flowers. These green "pets" became her passion. Therefore, at home she equipped a whole greenhouse. Among her favorites, orchids occupy a special niche. Despite her wayward nature, she knows how to please them. By the way, among the flowers, she practices yoga daily.

Anastasia Makeeva

This actress once admitted that her favorite flowers are sunflowers. Anastasia is from Krasnodar, and near her house the field was sown with this plant, drawing a bright yellow carpet against the background of green natural "cloth". In addition, she considers herself a connoisseur of cute field bouquets. She's tired of roses. If you choose roses, then only vintage ones.

Jennifer Lopez

The actress loves everything bright. She repeatedly admitted in interviews that she appreciates hand embroidery, especially flower embroidery. The star does not like noisy parties, she prefers a cozy home nest created by herself and a good sleep.

Katy Perry

Singer, actress has a difficult character. Sometimes she can be capricious, and will not allow drivers to look at her while they are taking her shopping or on business. But she is not indifferent to flowers. By the way, when coming on tour, the artist puts forward a condition. Her rooms should be filled with flowers.

Sofia Rotaru

Once in an interview, the artist admitted that she loves Crimean lavender. In those places its sea. These are the flowers of her childhood, the aroma of which brings back pleasant memories. Although the singer's favorite flower is magnolia, which she shared on Instagram.

Natalie Portman

By the way, this actress loves natural hair color and relies on lipstick in her make-up. According to her, she loves flowers very much, because there are a great many of them in her garden. Sometimes passers-by even think that she is walking them like pets, seeing Portman crossing street with a pot in her hands.


The singer is used to the fact that fans at concerts literally overwhelm her with bouquets. Of course, like any woman, she is not indifferent to them.

Kate Middleton

Poppy field. Kate reflects on life, briefly left alone. Despite the fact that poppies look like artificial ones, they are real. Faithful natural "soldiers" meet their queen.

Lyubov Tolkalina

Concluding the selection, I would like to note that recently a grandiose event took place in the family of Lyubov Tolkalina. Her daughter got married. By the way, the charming mother brought flowers grown in a garden in the Ryazan region to the wedding.

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Free flowers in celebrities hair

, as it says known proverb: "Man does not live by bread alone." There are many needs, in addition to the most urgent ones. For example, the desire to please the opposite sex and, as a result, the desire to look good. But for a woman, beauty lies not only in an elegant dress. No less important is such an element of natural beauty as hair. That is why since ancient times fashionistas paid such attention to hairstyles. It is good when the hair is clean, healthy and neatly styled. But this is not always enough: at some moments you want to give your hair a “zest” that can set us apart from the crowd. This goal can be served by a skillfully selected decorative element - a flower decoration in the hair.

Hairstyle with fresh flowers looks delicate, sensual and charming, it is perceived as a real work of art. Even the most stellar actors and models constantly use flowers as an addition to their hair. Examples? Please!

Known for the TV series Sex and the City, actress Sarah Jessica Parker loves to dress fashionably and stylishly. Sometimes she places hats on her head with whole flower beds where even butterflies are! once loved the famous Coco Chanel) and constantly weaves them into her fashionable pigtails.They give the hairstyle touching and unique grace.0003

Actress Zooey Deschanel, decorating her head with natural flowers, adheres to the rule: when her hairstyle is lush and voluminous, she uses medium-sized buds, and on the contrary, she complements her smoothed hair with large flowers that create the necessary contrast with the shape of her hairstyle.

Socialite Peaches Geldof also follows fashion trends: in her long flowing hair, she builds simple daisies that emphasize the sophisticated beauty of the rest of her appearance. Sometimes Peaches attaches the flower to a bun or this season's trendy Greek braid.

Ivory flowers look great on actress Mareva Galanter's dark hair. By the way, Mareva also often uses artificial flowers as well as live ones.

Pop singer Lily Allen supports the hippie trend: a bright accent on her blond hair is created by a rose “carelessly stuck behind her ear.

Actress and model Mischa Barton prefers to wear wreaths of flowers on her head” complemented by elegant accessories: rhinestones, beads, ribbons, interspersed with crystals.

Celebrities often use floral decorations even for their wedding hairstyles. For example, the daughter of former President Jenna Bush chose a fairly simple hairstyle for her wedding. She adorned her hair, twisted at the face into 2 strands and lying in a free wave, with elegant white eustoma.

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