Caring for jasmine plants outdoors

Jasmine Care: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jasmine Flowers

Jasmine Care: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jasmine Flowers | Gilmour

Tips & Techniques

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Delicate and dainty with small flowers, jasmine is known around the world for its unique tropical smell and pretty blossoms that attract bees. The jasmine flower is usually white, although some species are yellow or cream, and it can bloom all year long. Jasmine can grow in a pot or hanging basket. It can also be planted directly in the ground and trained to climb or grow as bushes or ground cover.

Interested in growing Jasmine? Learn everything there is to know about jasmine plant care so you can enjoy its sweet-smelling flower and full, hardy look.

What are Jasmine Flowers?

Jasmine flowers are tropical blooms that thrive in warmer climates. Most varieties have a distinct scent that is popular even off the vine. The smell of jasmine can be found in everything from teas to candles to soaps to lotion. Jasmine has bright green, glossy foliage and likes sun to light shade and relatively fertile, well-drained soil. Some jasmine plants are evergreen, meaning they will keep their green leaves year-round. While growing jasmine does require some effort, it’s well worth it, as the plant will put on a profuse, showy display of blooms that can liven up even the dullest of yards.

Planting Jasmine Flowers

Planting jasmine is easy. Just follow these simple tips.

Jasmine Plant Care

Jasmine is not particularly hard to care for, but it does require some attention in the beginning and needs regular feeding and pruning. Learn how to care for a jasmine plant below.

Types of Jasmine

Jasmine is a member of the olive family. The most common types are grown as vines, but there are some varieties that work as ground covers or shrubs, too. There are about 200 different species of jasmine, which is native to warmer, temperate tropical climates. Jasmine plant types will all have slightly different needs, so it is important to know about the varieties before choosing which one to plant.

Common Questions About Jasmine

Is Jasmine an annual or perennial?

Jasmine is a perennial that will grow year after year. Different varieties have different watering, space and sunlight needs depending on what zone they are growing in.

How much sun does jasmine need?

All types of jasmine will do well in full sun to partial shade – exactly how much sun a plant needs each day will depend on the variety.

Can jasmine grow indoors or outdoors?

Jasmine can grow both indoors and outdoors. Dwarf varieties do best indoors, but vines can also thrive inside the home. Just pinch or prune the plant in the dormant season to maintain the desired height and shape.

Can jasmine survive winter?

Many gardeners choose to grow jasmine in containers so they can bring the plant indoors over winter. If bringing jasmine inside because of extreme cold, do so gradually, over about a week or so, to allow the plant time to adjust to less sun once indoors. A good way to make this transition is by bringing the plant in at night, and then returning it outside during the day time, increasing the hours you leave it inside throughout the week. Once it is inside permanently, place it in the sunniest spot of the house.

When does jasmine bloom?

Jasmine blooms in clusters from spring until well into the fall. The sweet flowers are most often cream, white or yellow, depending on the variety, and will attract bees and other pollinators.

How long do jasmine flowers last?

With enough sun and the right watering and feeding, jasmine flowers will stay open and fresh for you to enjoy for several months.

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Outdoor Jasmine Plant Guide | Home Guides

By Patricia Telesco Updated December 10, 2018

Jasmines (Jasminum spp.) make visually engaging additions to gardens. Jasmine flowers grow in clusters, attracting bees and other pollinators from spring well into fall. These plants are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 to 10, depending on the species. Choose from among many species of Jasmine for your yard, one of which should nicely fit your space and style.

Types of Outdoor Jasmine

The types of jasmine include aromatic, non-aromatic, bushes and vines. While you may typically think of jasmine as a perfumed flower, many species have no scent. White winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is fragrant, compared to yellow winter jasmine, which has no scent. Aromatic jasmine is often used in oil production, particularly Spanish jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) and poet's or white jasmine (Jasminum officinale).
Jasmine varieties grow either as a bush or a vine. An example of vining jasmine is poet’s jasmine . This plant benefits from trellis support and bears flowers between June and August, attracting butterflies. By comparison, showy jasmine (Jasminum floridum) grows into a 4-foot-high bush, flowering from April to June.

Growing Outdoor Jasmine

Growing jasmine isn’t difficult. You need well-drained, moist soil that’s moderately fertile. Place the plant here it will receive at least four hours of full sunlight daily, and plant it between June and November. Each plant needs at least 8 feet of space for healthy root growth. In spring, add 5-10-5 fertilizer to the soil. During the summer, water the plant regularly but take care not to saturate the roots.


Some jasmine is suited to ongoing outdoor living, while other types need to come into the house over winter. Examples of hardy jasmine that can remain outdoors year-round include Stephanor pink jasmine (Jasminum × stephanense), which attracts hummingbirds, growing to about 13 feet tall. There’s also Italian jasmine (Jasminum humile) that bears butter-yellow flowers, winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) that blossoms in January, and white jasmine that has white flowers appearing between June and August. Tender jasmines need temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit to thrive. If you live in an area where temperatures dip lower than this in winter, you’ll need to grow the jasmine in pots for easy transport indoors. Place the pot in a bright, sunny window and keep the soil evenly moist until any threat of lower temperatures passes. Examples of tender jasmines include South African jasmine (Jasminum angulare) with white, scented flowers and angelwing jasmine (Jasminum nitidu), which bears dark pink flowers

Landscaping Uses

Jasmine has numerous landscaping applications. Dwarf jasmine (Jasminum parkeri) works well in rock gardens or may be used as a topiary piece. If you have limited space, this plant only reaches 1 foot tall. Italian jasmine could become a focal point for a yard, growing 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide at maturity. Add winter jasmin into an ever-blooming landscape design, and use showy jasmine in sloping gardens or as means of naturalizing water features.



Writer Bio

Patricia Telesco has been a writer since 1992. She has produced more than 60 books with publishers that include HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster. Her articles have appeared in "Woman's World" and "National Geographic Today." Telesco holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Buffalo.

planting and care in the open field, how to propagate

Probably, almost every person knows what garden jasmine looks like and what it is. This plant grows a very large number of flower growers as an indoor plant. However, it is quite possible to grow it outdoors. Many gardeners are happy to grow such a spectacular flower on their site. The jasmine bush can be easily confused with mock orange, and although these plants need almost the same care, they differ in appearance, and also have significant differences in their origin. So, jasmine can be easily distinguished by fragrant inflorescences, which are quite large in size. nine0003

However, in order to grow a spectacular and strong plant, you need to know how to plant it correctly in the spring, and you also need to know the rules for caring for garden jasmine. This kind of jasmine is a very beautiful plant, especially during flowering, when fragrant flowers bloom. But he needs good care, as well as proper fit.


Features of garden jasmine

A plant like garden jasmine is quite possible to grow in absolutely any area, but it should be remembered that it requires special care. Before you start growing this flower, you should first find out all the details about the care it needs. However, first you should learn about this kind of jasmine better. nine0003

Garden jasmine from the Mediterranean. This plant has medicinal properties. However, most often it is grown as an ornamental for decorating summer cottages and garden plots. This shrub has a very spectacular lush crown. It is most beautiful during the flowering period, when yellow or white flowers bloom on the branches, collected in inflorescences. They are incredibly fragrant. Garden jasmine has a large number of different subspecies that differ from each other in the size of the flowers. These plants are distinguished by the fact that they are able to adapt to almost any weather conditions. nine0003

Garden jasmine is rather undemanding to the planting site. So, it grows very well and develops both in a sunny and shady place. It can be planted both on the south and on the north side of the site. It tolerates both drought and high humidity quite well. Various insects, including most species of bees, love to collect nectar from the jasmine bush.

The uniqueness of garden jasmine

During the flowering period, the flowers contain a large amount of essential oils, but only in those that have blossomed quite recently. They have a beneficial effect on a person's well-being. Benzyl alcohol and jasmine benzyl acetate are able to normalize a person's sexual libido. The buds of such a plant are used to make a special decoction that has the ability to normalize the work of the digestive organs. Also, the substances contained in garden jasmine are able to cleanse the body of toxins, as well as strengthen the immune system. In any of the varieties of this jasmine are substances that have medicinal properties. The jasmine bush will not only become a magnificent decoration of your site, but can also significantly improve your health. nine0003

In order for the cultivation to be successful, it is necessary to know at what time and how exactly to plant this flower in open ground.

Main species with photo

Some species are the most popular among gardeners and summer residents.

Small-leaved jasmine

This is a fairly compact shrub that almost never reaches more than 100 centimeters in height. In such a plant, the leaf plates are quite large and curved. Its flowers have a very pleasant smell, reminiscent of strawberries. nine0003

Common crown jasmine

The shrub is quite large. So, it can reach a height of 250 to 300 centimeters. During the flowering period, such a jasmine bush is decorated with very large and beautiful inflorescences that exude a pleasant sweetish smell. Leaf plates are painted in a rich golden color.

Fluffy jasmine

This plant is recommended to be grown in parks or large areas. The bush can reach a height of 400 centimeters, and this is the tallest plant of all types of jasmine. However, the peculiarity of this plant is also that its lovely flowers do not have an aroma. This species blooms quite late. Flowering lasts for 4 weeks. nine0003

Also very popular is the Ermine Mantle jasmine variety. This plant is quite compact and its height does not exceed 100 centimeters. Inflorescences are located along the entire length of the branches. Flowering lasts about 8 weeks.

Selecting a suitable planting site

These species and varieties can be found in many garden and suburban areas. As a rule, garden jasmine is planted in open ground in spring. In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, you need to know a few important rules for both planting and caring for it. As a rule, planting various types and varieties of garden jasmine is practically no different. nine0003

Key points in choosing a suitable planting site:

  1. When choosing a suitable site for a given plant on the site, it is imperative to take into account the fact that it can adapt to almost any weather conditions. However, if you want your plant to have a spectacular appearance and bloom very profusely, then it should be planted in a place that is protected from strong drafts. The fact is that they have an extremely negative effect on this shrub. Also, garden jasmine grows best and develops in a well-lit place with a sufficient amount of direct sunlight. nine0010
  2. This shrub is recommended to be planted in close proximity to flowers that have a purple or deep blue color. For example, it will look great next to a delphinium or lavender. Jasmine also grows well next to hydrangea or spirea.
  3. Experts recommend planting garden jasmine in the spring. However, this procedure can be carried out in the fall.

Selection of the optimal soil and planting

Garden jasmine, as mentioned above, is a rather undemanding plant. But for its best growth, it should be more carefully attributed to the choice of soil, as well as to its direct planting. nine0003

  1. In view of its unpretentiousness, such a shrub is able to take root and grow well on almost any soil. However, preference, if possible, should be given to soil saturated with nutrients. It should be remembered that jasmine roots react extremely negatively to excessive moisture, so the choice should be left on a piece of land located on a not very high elevation.
  2. Pour sand mixed with small stones into the hole prepared for planting. This layer will act as a drainage. When planting a plant in the spring, it is recommended to pour 50 g of nitrophosphate into the hole. This will allow the plant to quickly take root in a new place. nine0010
  3. When the bush is planted, the soil will need to be compacted a little. Then the jasmine must be watered.
  4. In order for the plant to develop properly, it is necessary to systematically apply fertilizer to the soil.

Feeding Rules

In order to decorate your garden with a lush jasmine bush, you not only need to take care of it regularly, but also systematically fertilize the soil. It should be remembered that the very first top dressing should be carried out only 12 months after planting the plant in open ground. nine0003

Garden jasmine needs minerals. To feed the plant, it is recommended to use a nutrient solution consisting of 1 liter of water and 5 grams of superphosphate. Pour another 2.5 grams of urea and potassium sulfide into the resulting solution. After that, the solution is thoroughly mixed. It is used to fertilize this shrub.

Garden jasmine also needs organic fertilizer. So, for feeding it is recommended to use manure, as well as humus. But at the same time, it should be remembered that manure for top dressing should be used only in a diluted form, otherwise the root system of the plant may burn out. Manure is recommended to be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:15. nine0003

Features of pruning

In order for the jasmine bush to be lush and fragrant, top dressing alone is not enough, it also needs to be properly looked after.

Regular shaping pruning should be carried out to ensure that the crown always looks well-groomed and spectacular. Both summer residents and gardeners have several secrets and rules regarding this procedure:

Every year it is necessary to inspect the shrub and remove damaged and diseased branches.

Preparation for wintering

In order for the plant not to die in winter, it must be properly prepared for this difficult period. To do this, perform a few very simple manipulations:

  1. It should be remembered that adult specimens are more frost-resistant than young ones. Therefore, adult plants may well not be prepared for the winter period. However, those jasmines that are still quite young need this procedure.
  2. When the shrub has faded, it should be wrapped with a material specially designed for this purpose. Ordinary straw can also be used for this purpose. nine0010
  3. So that the jasmine roots do not suffer during the winter cold, in the autumn you need to dig up the soil around the trunk and do not forget to add compost to it.
  4. If desired, this shrub can be transplanted to a new place in the spring.

Features of transplanting

Garden jasmine is transplanted in spring. To do this, you need to prepare the soil by digging a hole in it, which in size should correspond to the volume of the root system of the shrub. A plant is transplanted into this hole, while the rules are similar to those that apply to planting such a shrub in spring. nine0003

Propagation methods

It is very easy to propagate garden jasmine. So, there are several ways:

  1. Seeds. Sowing of seeds is carried out both in open ground and in a box at home (growing through seedlings).
  2. Cutting. It is recommended to cut the cuttings in the first days of June. They are then planted either in open soil or in a greenhouse.
  3. Shoots. In spring time, the shoots should be prepared by separating them from the mother plant. The choice should be stopped on the strongest shoots. After they overwinter, with the onset of the spring period, they are transplanted to a permanent place. nine0010
  4. Division of the root system. This is not the most popular breeding method. Division is recommended in autumn.

Unpretentious plants for the garden How to propagate mock orange, or garden jasmine

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Also, be sure to remember that indoor and garden jasmine are different cultures, and each of them requires special care.

Jasmine in your garden: planting and care

How many pleasant emotions blooming jasmine gives us, decorating our garden with golden-white flowers, which literally sprinkle its fragile branches so that even the leaves are not visible. nine0003

And their delicate, delicate aroma, filling the entire garden, awakens sweet dreams and joyful hopes.

Aroma gardens are now very fashionable in Europe, in which jasmine occupies one of the leading places among other pleasantly smelling plants.

Garden jasmine is a very unpretentious ornamental shrub that even a novice gardener can grow. It does not require careful care, is not afraid of severe winter frosts, practically does not get sick and is not damaged by pests.

But how much beauty, grace, feeling of lightness, youth, light and joy! nine0003

Today we will tell you the most important thing about jasmine: how it is planted and cared for, and then we will present you the best varieties from our unique collection of ornamental shrubs.

We would like to emphasize that all our varieties are long-flowering (their flowering lasts from the first decade of June to the beginning of August).


In fact, a beautiful ornamental shrub that we call "jasmine" has a biological name "mock orange". And real jasmine is a tropical plant that we can grow only indoors or in winter gardens. nine0003

But gardeners and many experts still call mock orange garden jasmine. Since we are used to this name, let's call it that in this article.

Garden jasmine is a deciduous shrub up to 3 m high, which belongs to the Hortensia family.

Jasmine branches are thin and very brittle. They grow fast. If the bushes are planted in the fall, then they will bloom in the first spring. When planting in spring, wait for flowering only next year. nine0003

The leaves of garden jasmine are dark green, thin, with carved edges.

Large single or double flowers, snow white or cream with a golden center, exude a strong delicate aroma that you want to inhale for hours.

According to the timing of flowering varieties of garden jasmine are divided into early, middle and late. Each long-blooming variety can delight with its golden-white flower caps for no more than a month.

But by choosing different varieties, you can admire your luxurious jasmine garden for more than two months. nine0003


Planting time . You can plant garden jasmine in spring and autumn, and if the seedlings are with a closed root system (ZKS), which we have prepared for you, then planting can be done in summer.

Landing area . Garden jasmine is very fond of open sunny places. There it will bloom luxuriantly and profusely. It can grow in partial shade, but in this case, its flowers will be smaller.

Jasmine does not like close groundwater, so it should not be planted in lowlands where melt and rainwater stagnate. In such areas, plant jasmine bushes on small mounds (40 - 50 cm high). nine0003

Soils . Jasmine needs soils that are light, loose, rich in organic matter, well permeable to oxygen to the roots, with a neutral reaction of the environment (pH 7.0).

Jasmine will not grow in acidic soils, so neutralize the area where you plan to plant it in advance. It is best to use dolomite flour for this (2 kg per 5 sq. m of plot).

Jasmine soil should always be loose and well moistened.

Fit . Dig planting holes with a diameter and depth of 50 cm at a distance of 15 - 2 m from each other. If you want to make a jasmine hedge, reduce the distance between seedlings to 80 cm.

Lay a drain of broken bricks or small gravel at the bottom with a layer of 10 cm.

Fill the planting pits with artificially prepared soil, composed of: the upper fertile layer, rotted manure, leaf soil and river sand in a ratio of 1:2:2:1.

Plant seedlings in such a way that the root collar is exactly at ground level, otherwise the trunks may begin to rot.

After planting, water the plants well (2 watering cans under each) and mulch with straw in a layer of 6 - 7 cm. The mulch layer will help retain moisture in the soil and will prevent weed growth, as well as the formation of soil crust. nine0003

Fertilizer. For lush flowering, garden jasmine needs good nutrition. For the summer season, give him four top dressings.

Feed the bushes for the first time immediately after the snow melts with a solution of carbamide (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) under each bush.

The second time, give the plants two top dressings of slurry (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bucket per bush) at the beginning of budding and two weeks after that.

Feed your jasmine in the fall with some ready-made mineral complex for autumn fertilization of ornamental shrubs. nine0003

Watering. Jasmine loves water very much. It is necessary for the plant for lush, long flowering. In dry, cool weather, water the bushes once a week (three watering cans under each bush). In hot weather, increase the amount of watering.

We recommend that you water your jasmine either in the early morning or in the evening - after 6 pm. Water strictly under the root so that water splashes do not fall on the leaves and flowers.

If you do not follow the watering norms, then the flowering of jasmine may stop altogether. nine0003

Cut . For jasmine, the most important pruning is sanitary. Do it in early spring before bud break. Without sparing, cut out all the old (over 7 years old), broken, frozen and growing shoots inside the bush.

Then cut all branches to a quarter length. Leave 7 - 9 strongest branches.

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