Can you plant strawberry seeds

Plant Care & Growing Guide

A favorite fruit in nearly every culture and cuisine, strawberries are beloved for their sweet, juicy flavor and plump red appearance. And though many people cook with them (and eat them) regularly, few have actually considered growing them themselves. Good news: It’s relatively easy and inexpensive to grow strawberries from seed. The plants, native to North America, actually aren’t that picky about where they grow, as long as you can meet their basic needs. Keep in mind, growing strawberries from seed is a process—depending on your location and the length of your grow season, it's possible your plants won't bear actual fruit until the following year. Still, with proper care and patience, you will eventually reap the benefits, knowing you tended to the delicious berries from their very beginnings.

Click Play to Learn How to Grow and Harvest Strawberries

When to Start Strawberries

Because strawberries are perennials, the plants will come back each year. So taking the time to give them a good start will absolutely be worth it in the long run.

Bareroot strawberries can be planted anytime after last spring frost, or in the fall before first expected frost to overwinter. But when you start strawberries from seed, you’ll want to keep them indoors in the early spring to help them along until the last frost has passed.

December is a good time to start the process of growing strawberries from seed. Before you begin planting strawberry seeds, you'll need to stratify the seeds. This simply means giving the seeds a chilling period in order to help with germination. Place the entire seed pack into the freezer (not a deep freezer) for three to four weeks. After they've chilled, remove them from the freezer and bring the seeds to room temperature.

Sow the seeds thinly, pressing the seeds into a moist potting medium in seed starter trays, and barely cover the seeds with growing mix. Place the tray under grow lights, as strawberries need light to germinate. Allow several weeks for germination. Be patient: seeds may germinate anywhere from 7 days to 6 weeks. Keep the seed tray in temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. Do not let the seeds dry out. Provide good airflow to avoid dampening off.

Once the seeds begin growing, keep the grow light about two inches above the plant. Light that's too far away from the seedlings cause thin, leggy plants. When the seedling has grown and produced three sets of true leaves (the first leave to appear are the cotyledon, or seed leaves), transplant the strawberries into larger containers. Harden off plants before placing them in the garden or outdoor containers. Plant after last spring frost.

One major benefit of growing strawberries from seed is you can plant several different varieties of your choosing, as long as they can grow in your climate. But a drawback is you likely won't have a good harvest of fruit for a year after planting. Most growers recommend pinching off the strawberry flowers the first year to direct the plant's energy into producing strong roots and a good, healthy plant. Enjoy fruit the second and third year. This is certainly a case where good things come to those who wait.

The Spruce / K. Dave


Strawberry plants can go almost anywhere. From raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens to interplanted in areas that need ground cover, strawberries aren’t picky. They also don’t grow very deep roots. So if you can find a spot for a container of any sort or designate a section of the garden, you probably can put strawberries there.

A few planting site options include:

Most strawberry plant varieties do best with lots of sunshine, so ensure that your growing location gets at least six to eight hours of direct sun per day. Also, make sure you've selected varieties that are hardy to your region, and double-check their care requirements because not all varieties can be interplanted in the same growing conditions.

Tending Strawberries

Strawberries can be everbearers, meaning they provide fruit to harvest all season long. Or they can be summer-fruiting, having one big harvest time.

To encourage the best growth from your plants, provide well-draining soil fed with organic compost or fertilizer. Also, adding a layer of mulch around your plants can help to block out weeds that would compete with your strawberries. Pull weeds as soon as you spot them, and prune off yellowed or browning leaves from the strawberry plants. This helps a plant get as much moisture and nutrients to the healthy leaves and fruits as it can, giving you a better harvest.

Many gardeners pinch off the first blossoms of their strawberry plants to help direct the early growth into bushy leaves. A mature strawberry plant will likely be no more than 6 to 12 inches high. Strawberries do best planted around 12 inches apart, and if you're using containers, a few plants to a pot is plenty.

Moreover, give your plants good, well-draining soil amended with compost or feed with compost tea after planting and harvesting, as well as in the fall. You can considerably cut down plants at the end of the season to encourage new growth for the next spring.

The Spruce / K. Dave


As soon as strawberries turn red (or white if that’s the variety you have), you can harvest them. If they’ve gone a bit too long and are soft and mushy, they’ll still be excellent in jams and other cooked-fruit recipes. And if the birds are beating you to the harvest, consider placing a low tunnel over your plants.

By tending strawberries carefully each season, you should be able to get several years of life out of your plants. However, strawberry plants tend to decline in fruit production after three years. Simply snip strawberry runners from the parent plant, and replant them to extend your strawberry bed.

The Spruce / K. Dave

Strawberry Seeds - All You Need To Know (Updated 2022)

The purpose of this site (Strawberry Plants .org) is to inspire gardeners of every type to gain an appreciation for the strawberry plant and its fruit. As a fondness for the sweet strawberry grows, we hope that many gardeners will decide to grow strawberry plants from strawberry seeds. This Strawberry Seeds page is here to help those people who want to take a strawberry seed and nurture it until it is a mature strawberry plant producing strawberries!

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How the Strawberry Seeds Page Works

This main Strawberry Seeds page serves as a hub for anyone looking to learn about or purchase strawberry seeds. This page will help you understand everything you need to about growing strawberry plants from seed. If you don’t know where to buy strawberry seeds, you can visit our list of suppliers and seed companies who offer them for sale. Following that, we cover how to plant strawberry seeds and grow strawberry plants from seeds. And, of course, you can also read up on the fascinating details and information regarding strawberry seeds and what makes them unique.

As new information is added, links will be posted at the bottom of this page to the new strawberry seed information. Be sure to check back!

Strawberry Seeds for Sale Online

When looking to buy strawberry seeds for sale online, be sure that you choose a reputable supplier. To shop and buy strawberry seeds, use the link below to access our directory of online suppliers. If you know of an additional online supplier of strawberry seeds, please contact us, and we will gladly try to include them in our directory: Directory of Strawberry Seeds for Sale
(for strawberry plants, go here: Buy Strawberry Plants)

Growing Strawberry Plants from Strawberry Seeds

Growing strawberry plants from seed is more difficult than simply buying strawberry plants. But, it can be much more rewarding as well. Once you have a strawberry plant growing, refer to our Growing Strawberries page for guidance on how to successfully produce a strawberry crop.

Growing strawberries from seed, of course, begins with selection of your preferred Strawberry Varieties. Once you have selected the strawberry cultivar that is right for your garden and purchase the strawberry seeds, you are ready to plant. Be aware, however, that strawberry seeds from most hybrid cultivars will not reproduce true to form. Alpine varieties and heirloom seeds usually will (along with a few of the new F1 cultivars), so factor that in when planting strawberry seeds.

Many strawberry seeds need to be cold treated to encourage germination. If your selected seeds require this, fear not. It is easy. Simply wrap your seeds, put them in an airtight container, and place them in a freezer. This simulates winter conditions, and the warming period lets the seed know it is time to come to life. After keeping the strawberry seeds below freezing for two to four weeks, remove the seeds from the freezer. Leave them in the jar or container as they gradually warm up to room temperature.

Once your strawberry seeds are at room temperature and are ready to plant, you need to create a hospitable place for your seeds to begin their journey to planthood. A seed tray works well. Obtain a seed tray and prepare it. A good mix for starting strawberry seeds is 3 parts peat to 1 part organic-rich soil. Spread this out in your seed tray to a depth of about one half of an inch.

Moisten the mixture with water until it is uniformly damp. Sprinkle your strawberry seeds over the damp mixture and then cover the seeds with a very thin dusting of peat moss. Ensure that the strawberry seeds are not completely covered and are exposed to light. Keep them indoors in a well-lighted room and in direct sunlight, if possible. In two to three weeks, the strawberry seeds should germinate.

Keep the soil moist well-lighted. Warmth can help the seeds germinate, so the top of a refrigerator or on a bottom heat pad can be suitable places for germination. If the strawberry plant seedlings aren’t in direct sunlight with supplemental light, consider providing additional artificial light. A fluorescent shop light or grow light will do the trick. Position the light source 3 to 4 inches from the seedlings, and raise the light as the strawberry plants grow. If the strawberry seeds sprout too close to each other, thin them when they are between 1 and 2 inches tall, keeping the biggest and most vigorous seedlings. Gently transfer the strawberry seedlings to larger containers or pots after they gain their 3rd leaves.

If weather allows, the strawberry seedlings can be planted directly outside, or the plants in the containers can be replanted outside. If the strawberry seeds were started indoors, the young strawberry plants need to be hardened off prior to planting outside. When the temperature rises into the 50s, begin taking the plants outside in the shade for several hours each day. Gradually increase the time the plants are outdoors, eventually leaving them outside overnight as the temperature allows. Begin moving them into the sun for increasing periods of time to finish the hardening off process prior to planting. This ensures your plants won’t be damaged or killed by their environmental changes.

It is fun to grow strawberries from seed! When you are ready to plant outside, be sure to reference the Growing Strawberries page.

Saving Strawberry Seeds

If you want to grow strawberry plants from seed, you may want to consider saving heirloom seeds from year to year (heirloom strawberry seeds are the same as non-hybrid strawberry seeds). Fortunately, it is relatively easy to learn how to save them so that you can begin growing strawberries from seeds that you saved. Here is the easy way to save your seeds:

Put your ripe strawberries into a household blender. Add one cup of water to the strawberries in the blender and blend on high for 3 to 5 seconds. Try not to exceed 5 seconds of blending time, or the seeds may be damaged. Allow the components to sit for a minute or two. The viable seeds will sink and the unviable seeds will float along with the strawberry pulp. After the good seeds settle to the bottom, pour off the bad seeds and fruit pulp with the water. Rinse the seeds and then transfer them to a paper towel (or low-heat dehydrator) to dry. When dry, store them in a cool, dry place.

If you prefer to use a non-blender method, you can try an alternative strawberry seed saving method. If you dehydrate a strawberry (or let it dry completely), you can use your thumb and forefinger to rub the strawberry so that the seeds fall off. Separate the seeds from the chaff and store in a cool, dry place.

Or, if you prefer still another method, you can also use a sieve. Take a strawberry, press the pulpy part through the sieve, and the seeds should be left in the sieve. Rinse the seeds, dry, and store the strawberry seeds for future planting.

The relationship of birds and strawberries is likely due to the prevalence of strawberry plants across the temperate world. The birds, obviously, love to eat strawberries, and the seeds generally pass through their digestive tracts intact and in good shape. As the birds defecate, they spread viable strawberry seeds far and wide.

Interestingly enough, there are approximately 200 strawberry seeds adorning the outside of a strawberry. And, while often referred to as a “berry,” strawberries are not true berries like blueberries and blackberries are, and their seeds are not true “seeds.” The tasty strawberry flesh is considered accessory tissue, and those tiny flecks we all call “strawberry seeds” are actually fruits in and of themselves. The tiny fruits actually contain the seeds. These seed-containing fruits are called “achenes.” An achene is occasionally also referred to as an “akene,” “achenocarp,” or “achenium.”

The tasty strawberries are also unique in another way. Scour the earth all you want to, but you’ll not find another fruit with its seeds on its exterior surface!

Strawberry Seeds: Conclusion

Strawberry seeds give rise to the strawberry plants that produce the strawberries we all love. We think everyone should have a fond affection for the little fellows (unless, of course, you get a strawberry seed stuck in a tooth or between your gums). If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. And, be sure to check back as additional information is added and linked below.

Pineberry Seeds
Looking for pineberry seeds for sale? If you want to grow pineberries or grow pineberries from seed, you should read this first before buying pineberry seeds online. Also has links to pineberry varieties & growing pineberries information.

Learn everything about growing strawberries from the Strawberry Master Manual, also don't forget to follow me on Pinterest and Facebook to stay updated with everything I post. We also have a Strawberry gardening group on Facebook! Feel free to join.

January and February - time to plant strawberry seeds

It is called the "Queen of the Garden" and is loved for its excellent taste. What is necessary for this tasty and fragrant berry to please your family, - says a gardener with 30 years of experience, a member of the Zharok gardening club in the city of Shelekhov, Natalya Korytchenko.

- In order for amateur gardeners to grow strawberries from seeds, certain knowledge is needed. I started cultivating strawberries 15 years ago and learned a lot of tricks by experience.

Strawberry seeds are best planted in late January or early February. Planting seeds at this time will allow the seedlings to get stronger enough for further transplantation into open ground.

Selection and processing of planting material is important. When buying seeds, check with the seller whether it is possible to grow them in the conditions of your site, on your type of soil. Most strawberry varieties grow well and thrive in any type of soil, but there are exceptions.

I know from my own experience that small-fruited strawberry seeds germinate much better than large-fruited ones. At the same time, small-fruited varieties are more resistant to certain diseases, while varieties with larger fruits, on the contrary, are susceptible to diseases.

I bred my own seeds, dried them and they germinated beautifully. In this case, I advise you to immediately sign bags, boxes, plots, so as not to confuse the varieties.

Don't get carried away with foreign made hybrids. Choose varieties that are best suited to our climatic conditions. I tried to grow Dutch seeds, but the plants from them freeze in winter.

Preparation of soil for planting seeds:

1 part of sod land,

1 part peat,

1 part pure sand.

Add eggshells.

Mix everything until smooth. It is recommended to freeze the prepared mixture.

Decide if you want to grow your strawberries horizontally or vertically. If the size of the site allows, I advise a horizontal position, it is more practical.

There are seeds that have been proven, including my own experience. This is "dawn" and "Mashenka".

Strawberry seeds should be purchased in flower shops, or from trusted breeders of this crop, for example, in gardening clubs. Everyone knows them, they are invited to exhibitions at the Sibexpocenter, they are always in sight. And they are responsible for their products.

Weed out any damaged or underdeveloped specimens before planting.

To improve and speed up germination, seeds should be soaked in water for two to three days. If desired, the seeds can be treated with phytosporin before soaking, which will protect against possible fungi and bacteria when planted in open ground. Then, using tweezers, spread the seeds on the prepared soil and take the box to a warm place. I have been preparing the soil since autumn, before planting I pour snow on it. The seeds go into the soil when the snow melts. It is possible to plant strawberries in peat pots, but now they are not of the same quality as before, so I refrain from this method.

Seeds are germinated at a temperature of plus 27-30 degrees. As soon as they hatch, it is necessary to remove the seedlings in a bright and cool place.

Sprouted strawberry seeds can be planted in plastic or wooden boxes. The main thing is that the seeds have enough light. Now the days are still short, so the seedlings can be highlighted additionally.

Seedling picking is done when a few leaves appear, or it becomes crowded. This is usually done in March. If the seeds sprouted freely, and the plants have enough space, you can not pick.

In May, seedlings are planted in open ground. We make the bed higher, with a wide hill and wide aisles. I also usually prepare the land for the ridges in the fall. Carefully transfer the sprout along with earthen cake into the prepared beds to nourish the root system. After the planting of the seedlings is completed, water each bush with half a liter of water with a diluted organic stimulant.

Seeds are usually sown after bird cherry has blossomed, when the danger of a return frost has passed. If someone plants seedlings earlier, it is necessary to cover them so that they take root more reliably.

In summer, when the ground is warm enough, the soil around the bushes should be mulched with humus. The mulch layer should not exceed 1 cm, the root circle does not need to be mulched to avoid rot.

Remember, if your beds are in direct sunlight, the first few days they should be shaded in the middle of the day so that the sprouts smoothly adapt to the new place of growth.

How to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds in 2022 🌱🍓

Author: Elena N. Fruit and berry plants reprinted: Last amendments:
