Best privacy hedge in shade
Hedges (shrubs) for Shade | Hedges that Grow in Shade
Hedges for Shade
“I need a privacy hedge but my yard gets a lot of shade. Is there anything I can grow? Hedges that grow in shade!
I’m desperate!”
Sound familiar? This is a very common question, so you are not alone.
Shady locations can present some unique challenges. Some sites are very dry, while others can be nice and moist. Sometimes a hedge is desired to stretch through both full sun areas and full shade areas, and you need something that can do both seamlessly.
There are plenty of great hedges for shade best for shady locations. The partial shade has a few more to choose from, but some will tolerate deep shade. Here are our top five favorite hedges for shade:
Cherry laurels typically require a lot of sun, but Schip laurel can take partial shade as well. Its glossy, broad, evergreen leaves create a lush look in a shady spot. It is also drought-tolerant, making it perfect for dry shade. If you have a partially shaded property line and looking get a privacy (green all year) then cherry laurel is a great privacy trees that grow in shade. It is a fast, upright grower that quickly creates a tall, dense privacy screen.
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- USDA Zones 6-9
- Deer Resistant
4. Teton Firethorn (Pyracantha ‘Teton’)
For some bright winter color in shady garden areas, Teton Firethorn gives a spectacular show. It will produce more berries with more sun, but still has a wonderful orange berry display from fall through later winter in partial shade. It is covered in small, white flowers in late spring. Bee and bird friendly! Planning to get hedges for shade which is wildlife friendly? Teton firethorn is well considered.
- Full Sun to Partial Shade (prefers some afternoon sun)
- USDA Zones 6-9
- Deer Resistant
3. Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja x ‘Green Giant’) & Virescens Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata ‘Virescens’)
Yes, these are two separate plants but they can be grouped together since they are related. Green Giant is a hybrid with Western Red Cedar as one of the parents. Virescens is an upright-growing variety of Western Red Cedar. Both are fast-growing (Green Giant especially) and tolerate quite a lot of shade. Both have a nice, feathery texture and grow well in a moist but well-draining soil. Going for such separate privacy shrubs for shade creates good screening as well. Green giant is one of the best evergreens that grow in shade.
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- USDA Zones 5-9
- Deer-Resistant
- Learn more about Green Giant Arborvitae and Virescens Western Red Cedar
2. European Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
European beech is a beautiful choice as hedging plant for shade. With lush, green foliage in summer, nice fall color, and a unique copper look in winter, it gives seasonal interest while tolerating full sun to full shade. It prefers a dry or moist shade but does not like waterlogged or poorly-draining soil. European Beech can be considered as one of the best plants that grow in shade.
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- USDA Zones 5-8
1. Hicks Yew (Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’)
Hicks Yew is without a doubt is one of the top hedging plants choice for deep shade conditions. It is extremely versatile and can be grown in full sun, partial shade, or full shade. Its dark green needles and bright red berries provide beautiful color and contract in shady spots. Yew shrub hedge for shade performs beautifully in shady location.
It responds well to shearing and is just as well suited to an old-fashioned cottage garden as it is to a modern or contemporary setting. It does well in dry or moist shade but does not tolerate poorly-draining soil.
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- USDA Zones 5-8
By brent | May 28th, 2019 | Plant Spotlights
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Best Privacy Hedges | Evergreens for Privacy
Home > Best Privacy Hedges
Peace. Quiet. Solitude. Privacy.
Privacy Hedges allows you to enjoy all these qualities in any yard, no matter how noisy or urban the area.
It blocks noise and peering eyes while providing beauty to the garden and a home for small animals.
So what bushes are good for privacy? We have compiled a list of the best bushes for privacy. They are each suitable for different situations, so we are sure you will find your perfect match!
8 Varieties of Privacy Hedges
For great privacy hedges there are three main factors:
- 1. Density
- 2. Height
- 3. Evergreen
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
The key to maintaining a perfectly dense privacy hedge is consistent pruning on the sides. If the hedge is allowed to grow large and leggy, then pruned hard, you will end up with gaps (in laurels and beech this can be corrected, but in conifers, it usually can’t). A quick, simple trim once per year on fast-growing varieties and once every 2 years on slow-growing varieties is all you need to keep your hedge full and dense. Pruning the top half of the privacy hedges a little slimmer than the bottom will keep the lower branches nice and full (see the diagram below).
For more information on how to get privacy trees as fast as possible, check out our page on fast-growing hedges.
Swimming pools are one of the most important places to use privacy hedges
Homes located on busy streets can still feel quiet and secluded when surrounded by a privacy hedge
Simple and elegant privacy hedges can be used at residences, restaurants, and event venues to create private outdoor eating areas
Emerald Green Arborvitae gives dense privacy, blocking noise, wind, and eyesores
Block neighborhood sounds and views with privacy hedges to create a peaceful sanctuary
Entries and driveways gain drama and glamour when lined with lush privacy hedges
Create peaceful, quiet spaces by surrounding them with tall privacy hedges
Outdoor living becomes a lot more peaceful with a lush privacy hedge
Block noise effectively by layering different heights of privacy hedges around an outdoor living space
Even urban courtyard spaces can feel like the country when surrounded by privacy hedges
Fagus Sylvatica
European Beech is one of the best bushes for privacy which is an extremely popular choice in Europe and for European-styled gardens. It offers lush, green foliage in the spring and summer and copper fall color that persists through the winter. Even though it is deciduous, the persistent leaves still provide some peace through the winter months. Grows in full sun to part shade. One of the best plants for privacy for zone 5-8.
EVERGREEN/DECIDUOUS Deciduous, but holds copper leaves through winter
GROWTH RATE Moderate (‘
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Unique, dense growth, low-maintenance, deer-resistant, adds color and interest to fall/winter garden
Prunus Laurocerasus
One of the fastest-growing evergreens for privacy, English Laurel (or Prunus laurocerasus) will fill out a big space quickly. It is a great option as privacy hedges if you want a tall hedge quickly. Make sure to keep on top of pruning to keep it from getting leggy. Beautiful glossy green foliage with white flowers in spring and inedible berries in the summer. Deer proof. Grows in full sun to partial shade. Best plants for privacy for zone 6-9.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 3 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Will get large fast, great for tall hedges, deer proof
Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Schipkaensis’
Schip laurel which is one the best evergreens for privacy (sometimes called Skip Laurel or Schipka Laurel or Cherry Laurel) has the benefits of the English Laurel with the added benefit of a more upright growth habit, requiring less pruning to keep the width in check. It also has a longer, narrower leaf shape that is a bit darker green. Grows in full sun to shade. One of the best privacy bushes to consider.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 3 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Will get large fast, great for tall hedges, deer proof
Prunus Lusitanica
Portuguese Laurel or Prunus Lusitanica has a wonderfully dense natural growth habit. It also grows quickly, so you could have a large, dense hedge with little effort in a very short time. It is a great option for warmer parts of the country as it is very tolerant of heat, drought, poor soil, salt, and pollution. It has stunning green leaves with contrasting red petioles. It has white flowers in the spring and bears black fruits in the summer that are inedible to humans but a good food source for birds. They are one of the best deer proof privacy bushes. Does well in full sun.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 1.5 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Naturally dense growth habit, beautiful foliage, deer proof, great for warm areas
Thuja Occidentalis
American Arborvitae or Thuja Occidentalis is a great choice for those in cold regions (it is hardy to zone 2!) who want a fast-growing privacy hedge. It will get tall quickly and form a very dense screen with consistent pruning. Grows in full sun to partial shade. Excellent choice in terms of fast growing evergreen shrubs for privacy.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 1.5 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Fast grower, evergreen, dense, very cold hardy
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Emerald Green Arborvitae is the ultimate choice for a dense privacy hedge. With an Emerald Green hedge, there is zero chance of seeing anything through it. It grows slowly and requires very infrequent pruning. Although it grows slowly, it will become quite tall if given enough time. It has an extremely narrow footprint, so it does well in small areas. It has beautiful, dark green foliage. Requires full sun. Emerald Green Arborvitae is one of the best bushes for privacy.
GROWTH RATE Slow (less than 1 foot per year )
PRUNING FREQUENCY Lightly once per year
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Extremely dense, requires little pruning, small footprint
Thuja X ‘Green Giant’
Green Giant Arborvitae has an incredibly vigorous growth rate, reaching up to 5 feet of growth per year under ideal conditions! If a large hedge is needed as fast as possible, this is a great option. Green Giant has lush green foliage all year, providing optimum screening capabilities. It will require intensive pruning to keep at a small size, but it is one of the large privacy trees for backyard. It does well in full sun to partial shade. Deer resistant.
GROWTH RATE FAST (up to 3-5 feet per year)
PRUNING FREQUENCY Once per year, or twice to keep small
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE The fastest grower, ideal for very large hedges, deer resistant
Thuja Plicata ‘Virescens’
Virescens Western Red Cedar is a lovely, upright-growing cedar, native to the Pacific Northwest. Considered as one of the best bushes for privacy. Its unique habit means a small footprint, making it great for tight spaces. It responds well to either intense or relaxed pruning. It does well in full sun and partial shade.
Get the Best privacy hedges at affordable prices at InstantHedge Oregon.
GROWTH RATE Moderate (up to 2 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Upright habit, low maintenance, small footprint, deer-proof
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The best shrubs for creating hedges in partial shade. Planting and care, description of species and varieties, photo - Botanichka
When buying a plot, the owners do not always get a wasteland open to sunlight from morning to evening. Many areas are shaded by mature trees. Sometimes you want to create a fence "in the corridor" between the walls of your own and a neighbor's house. Often, green spaces are also needed on the north side of the building. Light-loving plants planted even in light penumbra will never create dense green walls and will not be able to serve as a stable hedge. Therefore, it is very important to navigate in deciduous shrubs that will show their best in partial shade.
Why hedges are valued in gardening
Every year, hedges become more and more popular. Owners of dachas and adjacent plots are increasingly using green spaces along with traditional fences or even instead of it. And this is not surprising, because the green screen has many advantages over traditional fencing.
A hedge is not only marking the boundaries of the plot, protecting the garden from winds, road noise and the glances of curious passers-by. It is also an integral part of landscape compositions, a uniform background for colorful flower beds and expressive groups of deciduous and coniferous plants.
In addition, green curtains can unobtrusively decorate unattractive outbuildings and do an excellent job of separating functional areas with picturesque lines, smoothing out corners, and sometimes visually changing the configuration of the garden.
Read also our Top 5 Plants for Dust Resistant Hedges.
In order for "green walls" to successfully fulfill their duties for many years, it is important to select plant elements for their creation, taking into account the basic requirements of plants for growing conditions.
To create a living fence in dense dense shade, where nothing but moss grows, it is advisable to abandon the "green solution". With a significant lack of sun, any shrubs stretch out and lose their attractive appearance. But if a hedge is needed in an area where the sun's rays look at least a few hours a day, then you should pay attention to the plants that we will talk about in this article.
Derain is beautiful both in winter and in summer
One of the most unpretentious deciduous shrubs, with free growth quickly reaching a height of 3-3. 5 meters. The decorativeness of the derain is mainly provided by the foliage of the plant. Depending on the variety, the leaf blade of the shrub may have a white or golden border, and sometimes chaotic patterns.
In autumn, the attractive foliage of the derain turns purple and looks especially beautiful. Unlike most deciduous, this shrub is attractive even after the foliage has fallen, since bright crimson young shoots become the main decoration of the plant. The catchy colored bark looks especially impressive in winter against the background of white snow.
As you know, many plants with variegated foliage can noticeably lose color in partial shade, but the variegated painted leaves of the deren remain bright even with a lack of lighting. A hedge from this shrub can easily add color to a plain shady area while maintaining a stable decorative look.
Planting and maintenance of a turf hedge
To create a turf hedge, grown seedlings of two to three years of age are planted at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other. Landing can be carried out both in autumn and in spring. Before the plants fully take root, they definitely need regular abundant watering. In the future, this shrub requires a minimum of attention, usually pests are not too greedy for its foliage, and diseases bypass it.
The only peculiarity of turf that is important to take into account is its increased moisture-loving nature, so plants endure long-term drought with great difficulty, and in abnormally dry summers they definitely require abundant watering.
Derain is one of the fastest growing shrubs, and most of its varieties form a dense hedge in just one or two seasons. Pruning can be done at any time from spring to autumn, as it is painless for the plant. For the first time, the turf is cut when it reaches the age of three, and then it is cut 1-3 times a year.
In natural style gardens, turf is well suited for creating naturally shaped hedges. In this case, only gentle and sanitary pruning is carried out, which involves the removal of damaged shoots and light containment of the volume of the bush (pruning the tops of young shoots).
The best varieties of turf for hedges in partial shade
For a budget hedge, ordinary species white turf with plain green foliage and purple shoots is best suited, which can be easily propagated by cuttings.
Of the varietal sods, "Elegantissima" sod grows the fastest, it will allow you to create a fence faster, but at the same time it will require more frequent mowing.
Outwardly similar varieties with a white border of leaves "Sibirika Variegata" and "Ivory halo" grow a little slower. Variety "Shpeti" is distinguished by a golden border of leaves.
To create a particularly interesting effect in winter, varieties with purple branches can be supplemented with Flaviramea turf, which has an expressive bright green bark.
Benefits of a turf hedge
- Shrub suitable for regions with a cold climate, most varieties do not freeze in winter;
- is unpretentious and tolerates any type of soil;
- is well suited for areas with a high level of standing groundwater;
- tolerates shading without losing color.
Disadvantages of derain hedges
- variegated varieties can bring excessive variegation to the site and distract attention from garden compositions;
- with age, the stems of shrubs can become bare at the bottom.
Spiraea - full bloom, minimal care
Spiraea is a flowering shrub. In the month of May, the plant dresses in an openwork snow-white outfit of small fragrant flowers with the smell of honey. Spireas blooming in spring, as a rule, are tall plants (up to 2.5 meters), having a sprawling bush shape and medium-sized leaves.
The less spirea is sheared, the more abundant it bloomsWith regular shearing, the green backstage of spirea turns out to be quite dense, like real walls. Nevertheless, the plantations have an elegant appearance and, thanks to the small foliage, look openwork and weightless.
Planting and care of spirea hedge
Plant spirea at the age of two with an interval of 40-50 cm. Formation of the hedge can be started already in the first year. Features of cutting spirea depend on whether the plants belong to the group of spring-flowering or summer-flowering.
Spiraea varieties that bloom in spring, unlike those that bloom in summer, flower buds are formed only on last year's shoots, so they can be cut only after flowering is over. Mowing in early spring will result in the plants not blooming that season.
By the way, the spirea hedge, which is cut too often and intensively, usually blooms very sparsely or does not bloom at all. Therefore, it is important to choose what is more important for the gardener - a strict form or white fragrant flowers.
The first cut is carried out in June after the plants have completely faded. With formative pruning, they cut quite intensively, giving the green wall the necessary shape. Further, in the middle of summer, a correction is carried out as the shoots grow (several times per season).
The first cutting of summer-flowering spireas is carried out in spring (April-May). In culture, spirea is unpretentious and does not require any special care.
The best varieties of spirea for hedges in partial shade
Spireas are most often planted in the sun, but some species will do well in partial shade. First of all, this applies to varieties with green leaves that bloom in spring ( spirea agruta , vangutta , tunberga , three-bladed , gray etc.).
Many types of spirea quickly lose their natural arched shape during formation and grow vertically upwards. Of the summer-flowering spireas, tall species ( Billard's spirea , loose-leaved , Douglas ) blooming with pink flowers can also be selected as hedges.
Thunberg Spiraea grows well in partial shade. © Sera IpotestiAdvantages of a spirea hedge
- undemanding in terms of soil type and fertility;
- blooms profusely in spring or mid-summer when moderately sheared;
- faded flowers do not affect appearance;
- tolerates shearing well and keeps its shape after trimming;
- due to the fact that the spirea branches are very thin, the places of cuts are almost not evident;
- openwork crown looks good in winter, covered with frost;
- is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, practically does not get sick and is rarely affected by insects.
Disadvantages of spirea hedges
- with frequent or untimely pruning, spring-blooming spireas do not bloom very abundantly;
- irregular cutting of the hedge leads to the exposure of the lower part of the bush, and the spirea begins to look unkempt;
- to maintain the shape, sometimes it is necessary to cut the hedge "on the stump" in order to rejuvenate (this procedure is carried out no more than once every 10 years).
Privet - for strict hedges in partial shade
An unpretentious semi-evergreen shrub that is easily cut in all directions. With the onset of autumn, its foliage falls only partially, and some of the surviving leaves remain on the plant throughout the winter, making the hedge visually denser in comparison with a deciduous hedge. In addition, in the off-season, the shrub is decorated with medium-sized rounded tar-colored berries.
Privet is a shrub that can be cut into any shape. © Babij Two types of privet are found as ornamental plants in gardens - common privet and oval-leaved privet . The height of the first is more than 3 meters and the bush is more sparse, dense leathery leaves are slightly pointed at the ends. Privet with oval leaves has more decorative rounded leaves that are better preserved in winter, they are shorter.
Both species bloom with medium-sized white flowers with a pleasant aroma (in early summer, in June-July). Privet grows relatively quickly and takes root very easily, so planting material can be grown independently from cuttings.
Common privet also has a variety 'Aurea' with unusual bright yellow foliage. But this cultivar will show itself in all its glory only in the bright sun, and when creating a hedge in partial shade, you should be prepared for the fact that the color of the leaves becomes greenish.
Planting and maintenance of privet hedge
Plant young plants in 30-45 cm increments to create a dense hedge. when planting in moist soil and with regular watering.
Privet does not tolerate stagnant water, so for planting it is better to avoid lowlands where standing melt water is observed, and drainage should be done at the bottom of the planting pit to avoid stagnant moisture in the root zone. Privet grows well in loose, well-drained soils.
It is recommended to form a privet hedge not in the form of a rectangle, but in the form of a truncated cone, expanding at the bottom. This shape of the living wall avoids the exposure of the lower branches due to insufficient lighting.
For shearing, it is better to use a lopper or secateurs. For the first time after planting, more than half of the young growth is pruned, and in subsequent years, if necessary, young branches are cut already by 70% of the length.
As a result, branching increases significantly, increasing the density of the bush, however, such a haircut reduces the intensity of flowering. The first sanitary haircut to remove shoots damaged in winter is carried out in the spring, and they resort to formative pruning several times a season. Regular shearing maintains the shape and height of the hedge. It is better to do this 2 times a year - in May and August.
Oval-leaved privet has decorative rounded leaves that are well preserved in winter.
Benefits of a privet hedge
- has an "expensive" noble appearance due to dense leathery foliage;
- dense crown allows you to create three-dimensional geometric figures from plants or even figures of animals and people, like boxwood topiary in Europe;
- good growth rate;
- is easily propagated by cuttings;
- is stably decorative, as it retains foliage and berries all year round;
- is drought tolerant.
Disadvantages of a privet hedge
- it is important to remember that all parts of the privet, including the berries, are poisonous;
- In frosty winters, shrubs may freeze.
Viburnum pride - not affected by aphids
Common viburnum - a bright shrub with clusters of coral berries and lobed foliage similar to maple leaves, is well known to people even far from gardening. But to create a hedge, another type of this plant is much more suitable - viburnum pride .
This variety is a dense shrub up to four meters high with a dense but compact crown. This species differs from the common viburnum in large pubescent leaves covered with white hairs that give the impression of velvet.
Viburnum pride blooms profusely in May-June with white inflorescences-caps, after which attractive bright red and black berries are tied on the bushes. The main advantage of this culture over viburnum vulgaris is that this shrub is not affected by aphids.
Planting a viburnum gordovin hedge and care
In order to create a hedge, 2-3-year-old plants are planted at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other. Kalina pride loves fertile, well-moistened soils. Therefore, in a drought, she will need watering, even after the plants take root well.
In the second year at the beginning of summer, the young growth can be cut back to 2-3 knots to increase the branching of the bush. Further, the formation of a hedge from viburnum pride will consist in removing too thick old shoots. In young stems, only the tops are pinched.
This type of viburnum is most suitable for making a free-growing screen and should be trimmed as little as possible. In plants with such large leaves and thick stems, a strong excessive haircut will not look quite harmonious. The total life expectancy of a shrub is long (about 60 years), so such a fence will perform its function for many years.
Advantages of viburnum hedge
- grows well both in shade and partial shade;
- viburnum pride is unpretentious in care and more drought-resistant than common viburnum;
- shrub has edible sweet fruits;
- during the fruiting period, this viburnum is very decorative, its glossy berries are red at first, and then they turn black;
- the fruits of this viburnum are edible, they are sweetish and juicy in taste.
Disadvantages of viburnum hedge
- compared to other shrubs, it reacts badly to drought and needs watering;
- shrub grows relatively slowly;
- the plant will feel bad on peat, sandy and podzolic soils.
Other Hedge Shrubs in Part Shade
A low hedge up to 1 meter tall in a semi-shaded location also works well with common snowberry . At the same time, some varieties do not form the usual white, but very unusual pink berries. In care and pruning principles, the snowberry resembles a spirea. It can be cut regularly or left to grow freely. In the latter case, much more attractive berries will be tied.
Tall cultivars barberry ( common, thunberga, Ottawa ) and vesicle are often used to create green fences in shady conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that such plants will not develop successfully in dense shade, and in partial shade, varieties with brightly colored foliage (purple, yellow, two-tone) with a lack of sunlight will lose their intensity and become almost green.
Read also our material Califolia vesicle - bright and fast-growing.
Tolerates partial shade and European spindle tree, and common , but its famous bright pink fall color will also not be as pronounced in semi-shady places.
Green fences on the site can also be made in the form of screens entwined with perennial vines. In shady areas, parthenocissus feels good, which will cope with its task in the shortest possible time.
However, the aggressiveness of this creeper should not be forgotten either. Shade-tolerant climbers such as lemongrass , actinidia , moonseed , petiolate hydrangea will do this job more delicately. But in order to enter into full force, they will need about three years, after which the green mass will grow very actively.
Top 15 best hedge plants
4 years ago
386 295
1 comment
We present to your attention a selection of the best plants in our opinion for creating a living fence on your site.
1. Thuja. Evergreen tree or shrub. In the conditions of the middle lane, it can reach a height of 3 m. It is widely used to create hedges. The optimal planting distance is 80-100 cm. It can be planted in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. In a temperate climate, among the various forms of thuja, the thuja western “Smaragd” and “Emerald” feel best. Among other plants used to create hedges, thuja has its advantages and disadvantages | |
Drawbacks: disadvantages of arborvitae include its burnout in the bright sun, while the needles lose their decorative effect and become brown. |
2. Juniper. Common juniper, Cossack, virgin, scaly, Chinese juniper are used to create hedges. All of them have their own characteristics, but their main advantages are the same: | |
Of the shortcomings of juniper, one can single out its need for good lighting. Otherwise, the bushes become loose and lose their decorative effect. Like all conifers, juniper has a rather slow growth, although this is a minus or plus for a hedge - a moot point. |
3. Berry yew. Evergreen coniferous plant. Great for creating a living fence and for good reason: | |
The yew has one drawback - all its parts are poisonous. |
4. Lawson's cypress is one of the most beautiful coniferous plants. | |
Disadvantages: prefers well-lit areas (goes bald in the shade), requires regular watering and spraying. |
5. Derain white. | |
Perhaps the only feature of turf that can be called its disadvantage is the need for regular cutting. If this condition is not observed, the bush is exposed in the lower part, it looks sloppy. |
6. | |
has no defects. |
7. Coronal mock orange A beautifully flowering fragrant shrub up to 3 m high. It is frost-resistant and unpretentious, excellent for the conditions of the middle lane. | |
The plant has no significant shortcomings, it should only be noted that well-lit places should be chosen for planting mock orange, and the soil should not be compacted and waterlogged. |
8. Spirea. A very ornamental shrub with beautiful abundant flowering. A spirea hedge can reach a height of 1.5 m. The plant has many advantages, including: |
- Lush, graceful flowers.
- Handles shearing well.
- Able to take various forms.
- By combining varieties with different flowering times, you can create a continuously flowering hedge.
- A wide range of varieties with different colors of inflorescences.
- Undemanding to soils
To maintain a neat appearance of the shrub, it is recommended to trim the faded inflorescences.
9. Thunberg barberry. Great for hedges because it: | |
The plant has its own disadvantages . For example, the presence of long sharp spines complicates the care of the shrub. With a lack of sunlight, the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. The plant propagates easily and appears where its growth is undesirable. |
10. Privet. Fast-growing, shade-tolerant shrub up to 2-2.5 m high. The plant deserves special attention for the following reasons: | |
The only drawback of privet is poisonous fruits. Do not choose this plant if you have children. |
11. Cotoneaster brilliant. Densely leafy deciduous shrub up to 0.5 to 1.5 meters high. Undoubted Benefits of Cotoneaster: | |
Cotoneaster branches are fairly fast growing so regular pruning is essential to maintain the shape and attractiveness of the shrub. |
12. Blood red hawthorn. Unpretentious deciduous shrub, characterized by high longevity. The undoubted advantages of the plant are: | |
Irregular shearing of hawthorn can expose the underside of the bush. |
13. Lilac. Very ornamental flowering shrub. To create a hedge, the use of undemanding, frost-resistant, drought-resistant varieties, such as Meyer's, Amur and Hungarian lilacs, is recommended. The advantage of lilac over other shrubs is as follows: | |
disadvantages of lilacs include the need for annual cutting of root shoots; a short flowering period, after which the decorativeness of the plant is significantly reduced. |
14. Shrub cinquefoil. | |
Every 4-5 years the plant needs a rejuvenating pruning. Requires watering during dry periods. |
15. Hydrangea. Incredibly beautiful shrub with large leaves and very lush flowering. Paniculata and tree varieties are great for creating hedges. Hydrangea Benefits: | |
At the same time, hydrangea is rather capricious, requires frequent watering, needs shelter for the winter, and is demanding on the composition of the soil. The plant needs pruning, since flowering occurs only on the shoots of the current year. |
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Beauty Has a Name: David Austin's English Roses
Modern varieties of the best English roses are created in the nursery of David Austin, who managed to create such roses that combine the noble form of ancient flowers and the possibility of a second wave of flowering. In addition, David Austin roses are distinguished by well-formed immunity, various bush habits and leaf color, and a rich palette of aromas.
1 year ago
The Magnificent Ten: The Tools You Need for Gardening
There is no single strict list of tools needed for gardening: each gardener has his own individual preferences, dictating the purchase of the right garden equipment. However, each personal list of tools has its own basis, without which the formation of a garden and competent care for it is unthinkable.
1 year ago
The retinue plays queens: the best options for companions for roses
No matter how beautiful and luxurious roses are, their unique beauty can be fully revealed not only in the case of creating monoplants, but also when other garden plants are planted next to them.