Best fruiting trees
Best fruit trees: 10 to grow in your backyard
(Image credit: Nata Zhekova / Getty Images)
When choosing the best fruit trees to grow in your garden, prioritize the fruits you most enjoy eating.
Nurturing your own organic, home-grown fruit is simply one of the best backyard ideas. It is so rewarding and the produce tastes far superior to anything you can buy. You will also be able to grow varieties that are rarely seen at the grocery store.
‘There are lots of ways you can add fruit trees to your kitchen garden ideas, be that in a dedicated orchard, espaliered on fences, fanned across walls, grown in containers, or planted among ornamentals,’ says Period Living’s gardening expert Leigh Clapp.
Bear in mind that home-grown fruit won't look as perfect as store-bought – but that's a good thing. ‘Don’t expect the fruit to look the same unless you’re willing to use pesticides and fungicides on a regular basis,’ says Clive Harris, founder of DIY Garden .
’You shouldn't be put off by an odd shape or a few brown spots, because the flavor is so much better.'
Make sure you learn how to plant fruit trees correctly in order to get them off to a good start.
How to choose the best fruit trees for your garden
‘It's important to only choose fruit tree varieties that are suited to your area,’ says Pete Smith, arborist and urban forestry program manager at Arbor Day Foundation , who advises asking the local county extension specialists for advice.
Your hardiness zone is the biggest factor in how suitable a fruit tree is for your area, although your soil type also plays a part.
‘Only buy a fruit tree that can withstand your temperatures – otherwise blossom won’t appear and that means no fruit,’ says Harris.
You also need to know whether cross-pollination will be necessary, as a number of fruit trees aren’t self-fertile. This means you won’t get a good crop without at least one partner tree.
'Check whether your preferred tree requires two different varieties to cross-pollinate and bear fruit,’ adds Smith.
If you are short on space, then there is another solution: ‘A "family" fruit tree of apples, pears, plums or cherries may be ideal for a small space as they consist of two or three compatible varieties grafted onto the one tree that are selected to cross-pollinate with one another,’ says Clapp.
Whether you have a large or small garden, you also need to choose the right rootstock for your fruit tree.
'These will dictate the overall height and vigour of growth you will have. Some fruit trees are grafted onto dwarfing rootstocks to be more manageable, but in an exposed site a vigorous tree would cope better,' says Clapp.
Happily, most fruits are available in a range of sizes, from dwarf trees, which are a some of the best trees to grow in pots, to large trees that will make an impact in your garden design.
So, with our pick of the best fruit trees, you will find one to grow in every situation.
1. Apple tree
(Image credit: Getty Images)
One of the easiest and most versatile options, apples are arguably the best fruit trees for beginners to grow.
‘The two main categories are dessert apples for eating, and cookers, with some good for both, such as heritage varieties ‘Blenheim Orange’ or ‘Court Pendu Plat’,’ says Clapp.
There are a number of self-fertile varieties of apple available, though it’s usually best to plant one or two different partner trees close by for cross-pollination.
‘When choosing, research nursery lists to ensure you have the right flowering group trees together,’ adds Clapp. ‘The flowers of a crab apple nearby could be another option; they will pollinate most apples and the trees are quite small so good for compact spaces.’
It’s important to know how to plant apple trees correctly to get the best result, as well as how to prune an apple tree at the right time.
Once established, apples are fairly low maintenance; sprinkle a general fertiliser around the base in spring, prune yearly, and you will have fruit in two to four years.
You can grow apples in hardiness zones 3-9, if you choose a suitable variety.
2. Fig tree
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Eating home-grown figs feels like such a luxury, and the fruits make an indulgent addition to salads, tarts and desserts.
Figs need plenty of sun in order for the fruits to ripen, so consider growing a tree against a south-facing wall.
‘Growing it against a wall also helps to restrict the roots, which stresses the tree, and increases the fruit yield,’ says Alison Hilton, plants and trees expert at The Yard and Garden .
‘Ficus 'Brown Turkey' is a wonderful hardy fig variety that produces large tasty fruits that ripen into a purple brown color. It’s very easy to grow in most regions.’
Fig trees can be grown in zones 5-9, and are suitable for planting in containers. They should start to fruit within two to three years.
‘Water them well through summer and feed as the fruits develop,’ adds Clapp.
3. Lemon tree
(Image credit: Future / Mark Bolton)
One of the best trees to grow in pots, lemon trees add an exotic air to a patio and can double up as one of the best winter house plants.
‘If you live in a colder climate and have a sheltered area like a porch, lemon trees will bring a taste of the tropics to your landscaping,' says Lisa Tadewaldt, owner of Urban Forest Pro.
'The growth of these trees is usually stunted by colder weather enough that they can live in the pot for an extended period of time.'
You can even learn how to grow lemon from seed, to fill a sunroom or conservatory with these joyful trees.
The 'Meyer' variety is a particularly popular lemon tree as it flowers throughout the year, but this is best bought as a grafted tree.
Lemon trees require a lot of nutrients in order to thrive, so invest in a good citrus feed, and when you plant them be sure to introduce some grit or sharp sand to improve drainage. It’s best to let them dry out between waterings.
You also need to make sure you know how to prune lemon trees to increase fruit production.
While lemons are best grown in zones 9-11, you can grow a potted tree in cooler areas as long as you bring them into a porch or sunroom once the nights get chilly.
4. Plum tree
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Plum trees are easy to grow and generous yielders. Cooking varieties make the most exquisite desserts and jams, while eating plums are a widely loved sweet fruit.
The trees don’t take up too much space – especially if grown on dwarf rootstock – meaning they can work in most backyards.
‘Dwarf rootstock means the plum variety you've picked, say the popular 'Victoria' plum, is grafted onto a much smaller tree root to control its eventual size,’ says Harris.
‘Buying dwarf rootstock doesn’t necessarily mean less fruit, it means less height and spread. With good care, you can grow an abundance of fruit on dwarf rootstock.’
Many plum trees are not self-fertile, requiring a partner tree, but some varieties can be planted on their own, including 'Victoria' and 'Majorie’s Seedling'. The latter is one of the best options for both eating and cooking, making it a truly versatile fruit.
Plum trees do require a warm, sheltered location and thrive in soils that retain moisture. Learn how to plant a plum tree correctly to give it the best chance of success.
Depending on the variety, you can grow plums in zones 3-9.
5. Pear tree
(Image credit: Getty Images)
With stunning blossom in the spring and rich colors in the fall, pears are certainly one of the most attractive fruit trees to grow.
There is much variety to their flavor, from mellow and sweet to pleasantly sour and subtly spiced. While they can be enjoyed uncooked, they make sensational tarts, and simply poached pears make for the most luxurious dessert.
‘The fruits are categorised as either European, sweet and juicy, or Asian, nashi, which are firm but more bland,’ says Clapp.
‘Rootstocks are grafted onto quince roots; the most common is Quince A for espaliered and bush trees and Quince C for cordons and containers.’
Most pears are not self-fertile, requiring a partner tree – although notable exceptions to this are the dessert pears ‘Concorde’ and ‘Conference’.
‘Pears like rich, moist, well-drained soils and protection from winds, watering well in dry spells and feeding in spring,' adds Clapp. Also know how to prune pear trees to maximize fruit production.
'Harvest the fruit just before it is fully ripened. They will feel firm but look swollen with a slight change of colour. Pears ripen after picking and are ready to eat when they give into a little pressure at the stem end.’
Grow pears in zones 3-8. Trees will take five to seven years to fully crop.
6. Mulberry tree
(Image credit: YONCA60/Getty Images)
Mulberries are rarely sold fresh in grocery stores, so they’re ideal for growing if you want to try something different.
Just the right amount of sweet and sour, mulberries taste a little similar to blackberries, but still have their own distinct flavor.
With its characteristic crooked branches, the mulberry is also an ancient fruit tree surrounded by myth and legend, and makes an attractive tree in the garden.
There are varieties available with red, black and white berries, although only the red and black berries are grown for eating.
‘Mulberries are fast-growing fruit trees, but they take a long time to produce fruit,’ says Tammy Sons, owner of Tennessee Nursery . They can reach up to 80ft, which makes them an ideal feature in the garden, but they may not fruit for 7-10 years.
However, it is possible to grow mulberry trees in a large pot when young, which is reported to speed up their cropping time to just 5 years.
They can grow in zones 4-9 and are widely tolerant of different soil types and part-shade. You can also train a mulberry tree as an espalier.
The berries are prone to staining, however, so don’t position a tree over a walkway.
7. Cherry tree
(Image credit: Getty Images / Jacky Parker)
Cherry trees are some of the most beautiful fruit trees you can grow, with their enchanting blossom in the spring time. They are also striking trees with red berries in the summer, and one of the best trees for autumn color.
‘Cherry trees are by far one of the lowest maintenance and easiest to grow fruit trees,’ says Sons.
They are often grown on dwarf root stock, which makes them ideal for small yards and growing in pots.
There are several lovely varieties of cherry tree you can grow, with options for zones 3-9. ‘Sweetheat’ is a particularly delicious late-season variety and it self-fertile, so does not require a partner tree.
Cherries do need good, fertile soil and regular watering until they are established, at which point they are low maintenance. While sweet eating cherries need a good sunny spot, the sour (acid) cooking varieties can be planted in a shadier location.
Make sure you know how to plant cherry trees properly to ensure a successful crop, and also learn how to prune a cherry tree to ensure the ideal balance of old and new wood, which is essential to a good harvest.
Sweet cherries can be grown in zones 5-7 while sour varieties will thrive in zones 4-6.

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Delicious apricots are highly desirable fruits to grow, but they are less hardy than many other fruit trees so require the right conditions in order to thrive.
‘Apricots prefer slightly alkaline soil, but they are self-fertile, so won’t require a partner tree,’ says Clapp. ‘They do well left unpruned, but can be trained as a fan shape.’
In general it’s inadvisable to heavily prune apricot trees, as it can cause them irreparable damage.
Apricots are somewhat high maintenance – as they flower early in the season, there are often not enough pollinating insects around to help them pollinate naturally, meaning you’ll have to give them a helping hand to ensure a bumper crop.
Over the course of several days, you should pollinate the flowers using a soft brush, and lightly spray the tree with water to ensure it sticks.
The blossom is also sensitive to frost damage, so in areas where this might be an issue you should protect the trees overnight with horticultural fleece. You can grow them in zones 4-9.
If you can put in the work, however, you will be rewarded with one of the sweetest fruits that will taste unlike anything you can buy at the grocery store.
In terms of variety, 'Moorpark' is one of the most widely grown, but 'Tomcot' is a particularly large, juicy fruit. ‘Look for names that end in ‘cot’ as they produce large fruit,’ says Clapp.
9. Quince tree
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Though not common fruit trees, quinces have a long history and were eaten by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
These days, they are most often grown for their ornamental value as they have an attractive shape and most beautiful pink blossom – though don’t confuse them with the ornamental Japanese quince.
However, though the pear-shaped fruits are rather sour eaten raw, when cooked they are transformed. ‘Quinces make the most delicious jams and jellies,’ says Clapp. They also have a glorious fragrance, and can be used to perfume a room.
Grown in a sunny spot, they are also easy to grow and not prone to many issues. ‘Quinces just need need warmth and moisture to thrive,’ adds Clapp.
You will need to water the trees in hot summers, and prune once a year in the winter. You should also do an annual feed and mulch in the spring. All varieties are self-fertile.
While quinces are fairly hardy, suited to zones 4-9, in very cold areas you might need to protect the trees from the frost with horticultural fleece.
Quince trees are available on different sized rootstock, but there are some dwarf varieties ideal for smaller gardens. You should have fruit within 5 years.
10. Peach tree
(Image credit: Getty Images)
‘If you are seeking a more low-maintenance fruit tree, look to peaches, which require less care than many fruits,’ says Smith.
Alternatively you could consider growing nectarines, which are a smooth variety of peach.
One of the main selling points of peaches is that they are quick to crop, often producing some fruit after just one year. When fully grown, they can produce a bounty of fruit – more than enough for the whole family to enjoy.
Peaches aren’t too fussy about soil type as long as they have good drainage and are positioned in a sunny spot.
While they have beautiful pink blossom, peaches do flower early in the season, so if there is still frost in your area, the fruit yield will likely be affected.
The trees can be planted any time of year, though bare-root specimens will only be available in the colder months.
While peach trees are easy to look after, it’s important to keep them well watered in the warmer months, and they will benefit from regular feeding during the growing season.
Peaches thrive in zones 4-9 and they grow well in containers, which will keep the trees to a nice manageable size.
Which fruit tree is best?
'The best fruit tree will of course be the one you enjoy the fruit from most,’ says Smith.
You should also consider how much fruit you are likely to get, in order to make your endeavors worthwhile.
‘Popular fruit trees include the 'Bing' cherry, which can provide as much as 50-100 pounds of cherries per year, and then closely followed by the red 'Jonathan' apple.
'Be sure to check if they are self-pollinating or not. If not, you will need to plant at least two trees or varieties to bear fruit.'
What is the easiest fruit tree to grow?
The easiest fruit tree to grow for beginners is usually an apple tree, which has the benefit of being such a popular, versatile fruit.
'If you are seeking a more low-maintenance fruit tree, look to the plum or peach trees, which require less care than other fruit trees,' adds Smith.
Peach trees are also quick to crop, often producing fruit after just one year, so they are a good choice for impatient gardeners.
What's the best time to plant fruit trees?
The best time to plant fruit trees depends on whether you have bought less expensive bare-root trees, or container-grown plants.
Bare-root trees are only available in the colder months so must be planted then. Make sure you learn how to plant bare-root trees properly to help them to thrive.
‘Container grown plants can be planted any time of the year, but it is best done in winter,’ adds Clapp.
As editor of Period Living, Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, Melanie loves the charm of older properties. I live in a rural village just outside the Cotswolds in England, so am lucky to be surrounded by beautiful homes and countryside, where I enjoy exploring. Having worked in the industry for almost two decades, Melanie is interested in all aspects of homes and gardens. Her previous roles include working on Real Homes and Homebuilding & Renovating, and she has also contributed to Gardening Etc. She has an English degree and has also studied interior design. Melanie frequently writes for Homes & Gardens about property restoration and gardening.
What Are The Best Fruit Trees To Plant
Top 10 Backyard Fruit Trees: What Are The Best Fruit Trees To PlantSign Up
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By: Teo Spengler
Image by redstallion
The best fruit trees to plant in your home orchard depend on the fruit you love to eat. But when you are contemplating growing fruit trees, there are a few other important things to consider. It is essential to take your hardiness zone into account as well as the exposure you can offer the tree. Most fruit trees require a full sun location and well-draining soil, but a few will accept more shade and will shrug off poor soil.
The most popular garden fruit trees are typically the fastest growing, lowest maintenance choices. That’s why a list of the top 10 backyard fruit trees is a great place to begin your search.
- Peach trees
If you live in an area with relatively mild winters, peaches are good garden fruit trees. Fast growing and easy maintenance in USDA zones 6 through 8, peach trees can fruit in as little as three years. Most require full sun as well as another peach tree with similar bloom time for cross fertilization. - Nectarine trees
Nectarines are peach look-alikes except for their smooth peel. They have the same cultural requirements.They are more popular with those who can’t stand the fuzzy peach skin.
- Apple trees
Only those with some winter chill need consider most apple trees, but there are a few varieties that have low chill requirements. These all-American favorites thrive in USDA zones 3 through 8 and require a compatible species for cross-pollination. Full sun and well-draining soil a must. - Citrus trees
Those living in warm area (think USDA zones 8-10) should consider planting citrus trees, since these are among the fastest producing fruit trees. Lemon trees, orange trees, tangerine trees – all develop rapidly in an appropriate climate and produce fruit the second year. The other option is to grow citrus as container trees and bring them indoors in cold weather. No need to get more than one since they are self-pollinating. - Mandarin trees
Yes, mandarin trees are citrus trees, but they get their own category since they are far easier than any other citrus tree to grow. That makes them a great first citrus tree to get you started.The tree thrives outside in USDA zones 8 through 10 but can be grown as potted plants as well and carted indoors in winter.
- Cherry trees
Who doesn’t love picking red, ripe cherries from garden fruit trees? Cherry trees are incredibly popular, but not all of them produce fruit quickly. Count on four years from planting to first harvest for sweet cherries, three for sour cherries. They thrive in USDA zones 5 through 7 and require lots of sunshine to produce. - Fig trees
These sun-loving trees grow fast and produce fruit quickly, if, that is, they are kept in a warm climate. They thrive in the ground in USDA zones 8 through 11 but can be grown in a container in cooler regions. Figs are self-fertile so only one is needed. - Pear trees
Just like apple trees, there are many pear tree varieties to choose from. Some produce rapidly, others less so. You can find pear trees that thrive in almost any climate ranging across USDA zones 3 through 10. Give them direct sun and sandy soil. - Plum trees
When it comes to backyard fruit trees, plum trees may require the least maintenance. They adapt to a variety of growing conditions and grow into compact plants with little work on the gardener’s part, producing juicy stone fruit. Most plum trees are not self-pollinating, so plant at least two plums to bear fruit. You can find plum varieties that thrive in USDA zones as low as 3 and as high as 10. - Mulberry trees
The berries are small but the trees are very large, great for big backyards. These trees grow fast and can get to 30 feet (10 m.) tall, producing a lot of berries that work well for jams. They like direct sun but can take some shade in USDA zones 5 through 9.
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Duke, cherry plum, honeysuckle and even goji berries: plant them in your dacha!
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Duke is a fruit plant, a hybrid of cherry and cherry. It was named after the name of the English variety "May Duck", obtained back in the 17th century. as a result of accidental pollination of these two crops. In Russia, the first Duke was bred in 1888 by I.V. Michurin. Hybrids and cherries combine the properties of both parents, however, the signs of cherries appear to a greater extent. In terms of winter hardiness and appearance, duk fruits are similar to cherries, but much sweeter than them.
To date, many different varieties of cherry and sweet cherry hybrids have been bred, intended for planting in all Russian regions, giving abundant harvests and resistant to severe frosts. The main danger when buying such a plant is counterfeit. It is better not to buy seedlings under the general name "Cherevishnya" or "Cherry Cherry" without specifying the variety.
Cherry plum
For many centuries, cherry plum has been grown in Russia, Ukraine, Western Europe and Asia - in areas with a warm climate. But thanks to the work of domestic breeders who crossed cherry plum with Chinese plum, hybrids appeared with increased winter hardiness, early maturity (they begin to bear fruit in the 3rd-4th year), high yields and very tasty large fruits.
Trees are quite resistant to drought, pests and diseases. The new group of varieties was named "hybrid cherry plum, or Russian plum". The fruits of cherry plum are large, sweet with a pleasant sourness and pink flesh are evenly distributed on the crown.
In recent years, interest in goji berries has exploded. This is really a superfood: medium-sized orange berries contain 19 amino acids, antioxidants, fatty acids (Omega-3, -6, -9), vitamins of groups B and C, have an excellent mineral composition: potassium, iron, calcium and copper, manganese and phosphorus, zinc, selenium, as well as germanium, which is generally very rarely found in berries and fruits, this element prevents cell degeneration, for that it is called anti-cancer.
But few people know that berries, whose homeland is China, can perfectly grow in gardens near Moscow, and you can buy seedlings in plant nurseries or garden centers.
In Russian botany, the culture is called more prosaic - common dereza. The plant belongs to the Solanaceae family.
It is a shrub 3-4 m high with thorny long branches that reach 2 m. First they grow upwards and then droop to the ground. The bush develops very quickly, blooms from June, then is abundantly covered with berries, which in September turn coral red, the size of a small plum. The berries are juicy, sweet-bitter, sometimes sour taste.
Dried fruits are similar to raisins, but slightly larger.
To get a good harvest on the site, it is recommended to have 2–3 bushes at a distance of 1.5–2 m. Planting seedlings should be planted in pits 40x40 cm 1 cm deeper than they grew in a pot. Land for planting must be thoroughly mixed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers.
Honeysuckle is a perennial shrub with edible fruits with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. This is the first berry that pleases with a harvest already in mid-June. In taste, dark purple, with a blue wax coating, the fruits resemble blueberries, and are five times larger in size.
Due to the high content of nutrients, the fruits, leaves and bark of this plant are widely used in folk medicine (as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, vasoconstrictor).
In cooking, honeysuckle is used to make jam, jelly, marmalade, as well as wine and liqueurs.
Actinidia is a native inhabitant of the Russian Far East, Central and East Asia. Most often, we meet Actinidia not in gardens, but on store shelves - this is kiwi, or the fruits of Chinese actinidia. Under natural conditions, three species of this plant grow in Russia - kolomikta, acute actinidia and polygamous actinidia. In garden plots, they have not yet become widespread, but it is worth noting that they are very decorative. The main advantage is the interesting variegated color of the foliage - a quality that is quite rare for plants in a temperate climate. Actinidia is good for vertical gardening of arbors, verandas, pergolas, fences.
Fruits of actinidia are used to prepare compotes, jam, conserve, marshmallow, marmalade, they can be eaten fresh. In terms of vitamin content, they surpass the champion among garden berries - blackcurrant. Dried and dried fruits of sweet varieties look and taste like raisins.
Mulberry, or mulberry tree - southern culture. There are a large number of hybrids, but two species are cultivated in the European part of Russia: white mulberry (Morus alba) and black mulberry (Morus nigra). The names are determined not by the color of the fruit, but by the color of the bark.
Mulberry is a hardy plant, it withstands drought well, it can tolerate frosts down to -30 °C. It bears fruit approximately in the 5th year after planting, in June-July. Ripe sweetish fruits can not be plucked, but simply shaken off the tree onto a fabric spread under the crown. Black mulberry tastes like blackberry, and its flavor nuances are richer than white ones.
In care, mulberry is unpretentious, for planting, you should choose illuminated areas without stagnant groundwater. In the first year after planting, it needs abundant watering, in subsequent seasons - only pruning to prevent excessive growth.
Caring for fruit trees and fruit bushes: video
In the Science Approach program you will learn which fruit trees and fruit bushes are suitable for the garden, how to care for them, what is a garden tree (several varieties of fruit trees on one trunk), as well as study the nuances of grafting fruit trees and the timing of their fruiting.
Click and watch
Are you planting something in your dacha?
apple, pear, cherry, plum, cherry
Many aesthetic components are inherent in fruit trees: dense crown, lush flowering, exquisite aroma, beautiful fruits. The variety of species and varieties allows them to fully compete with decorative hardwoods and conifers when decorating a garden in a landscape style.
The predominance of fruit crops is typical for a traditional Russian estate, Provencal style, country. Such a landscape design is practical and original at the same time: there is no need to look for exotics, to expend efforts on their survival.
Traditional apple trees, cherries, sunflowers, pumpkins, beans effectively decorate the garden at the time of flowering, generously endow them with vitamin products. In such a garden, climbing roses with small flowers wrap around wild rose, shadberry, viburnum, red currant decorate ponds, powerful whips of zucchini, watermelons freely climb trees, flower beds, vegetable beds.
Rules for Planting Fruit Trees
Selection of a site on the site
Fruit trees are freely located on the site to create the necessary conditions for the development of crops, care for the crown, and facilitate harvesting. The compositional effect is enhanced by group plantings, formed by genus.
If the plot is small, single plantings of crops in a checkerboard, rectangular order are dispensed with. The space between the trees is given to primroses: muscari, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips. Shade-tolerant irises, variegated hostas, ferns, rhubarb develop well under the crown of trees, daylilies hide from the midday heat.
Cultures are selected taking into account climatic conditions, resistance to frost, lack of moisture, viruses.
Fruit crops with stone fruits: cherries, sweet cherries, plums are planted in spring, with pome fruits: apples, pears - in autumn.
Preparation of seats
Planting pits, cube-shaped, 60 cm deep, prepared in advance. When planting mature trees, the size of the pit increases in proportion to the earthen coma with the root system.
All crops, regardless of species, grow well on permeable, fertile, slightly alkaline soils. With insufficient soil fertility, humus is added to the substrate for planting stone fruit crops in a ratio of 1: 1, 500 g of ash, 300 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium chloride.
Soil mixture for apple trees, pears is prepared from compost and peat, add 1 kg of ash, 150 g of potassium sulfate. Seedlings are left for 12 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and replenishment of moisture reserves.
A planting stake is hammered into the hole, a third is filled with a soil mixture, watered, a roller is formed from the soil, a seedling is placed. The substrate is covered in small portions and carefully compacted. Root collar, grafting should be 3-5 cm above ground level.
To increase wind resistance, to eliminate the curvature of the trunk, the tree is tied to a stake. They form a near-stem circle, carefully water the seedling. The hole is mulched with sawdust, foliage. Mulch reduces the evaporation of moisture, inhibits the growth of weeds, preserves the structure of the soil, and prevents the formation of a crust.
Seedlings are cut off immediately: the central shoot and five side shoots are shortened by a third, the rest are removed completely. Pruning of the orchard is carried out regularly: the quality of the procedure affects fruiting. The shape of the crown should resemble a bowl.
Popular varieties for the Moscow region
Apple tree
Queen of Russian gardens, can't stand shade at all, excess moisture. The culture has been grown for a long time, it is represented by a huge variety. The choice of viable varieties is influenced by:
- maturity
- precocity
- frost resistance
- frequency of fruiting
If it is planned to plant an apple orchard or if the area of the plot allows placing several crops, then summer, autumn, winter varieties are planted. Early apples ripen faster but store poorly. The fruits of winter varieties are harvested in October, stored for about 3 months.
Crops that are not resistant to wind and frost are covered in autumn. Preference is given to apple trees that bear fruit annually.
Of the summer varieties, Lungwort is valued for its pleasant sweet taste, high yield, original coloring. Medium-sized green-yellow fruits with cherry stripes are not damaged by rot. The apple tree is slightly affected by scab, tolerates cold.
Early ripe variety Candy apple is distinguished by juicy pulp, pleasant taste of fruits, bright coloring, quick entry of culture into fruiting.
Moscow pear tree is a tall tree with medium-sized sweet and sour yellow fruits. Summer variety, very decorative at the time of flowering, frost-resistant, fruitful.
Autumn varieties are the most resistant to extreme climate conditions. A good choice would be Shtreifling . The culture is powerful with a wide crown. The fruits are sweet and sour, large, pink.
Semi-dwarf apple tree Uslada – early autumn productive variety, well resists scab, frost. The fruits are medium-sized, conical in shape, coral in color with raspberry stripes. The crown of the tree is pruned regularly. With growth, the yield, the quality of the fruit decreases.
From August to October you can taste the fruits of variety Orlinka . The culture is tall, with a spherical crown, productive. The fruits are large, round, slightly ribbed. The main light yellow color is complemented by red stripes. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and sour, coarse-grained, juicy, cream-colored.
Late-ripening variety Zhigulevsky - high-yielding, not very winter-hardy. The fruits are round, yellow-red in color, the pulp is slightly juicy, the taste is sweet and sour.
Antonovka vulgaris is a vigorous, unpretentious tree, well resistant to frost, wind, diseases. Yellow-green fruits are large, fragrant, juicy. Apples can be stored for a long time in a cellar.
The fruit tree has been cultivated since ancient times. Pears have high taste characteristics, exude a pleasant aroma, contain vitamins, trace elements, and help to cope with many ailments.
From a huge number of varieties, you can easily choose a few seedlings for your site. Planting productivity is largely determined by resistance to frost, disease, yield, and taste characteristics of fruits. The place for pear plantings should not be shaded, suffer from excess moisture.
For full technical readiness, the fruits of summer varieties need 85 warm, serene days with an air temperature above +15 degrees. Autumn varieties require 150 warm days for ripening, winter - 180.
Early ripe variety Lada endures winter cold, drought, excellent resistance to viruses, fungal bacteria. The tree is low, gives stable yields. Yellow-green fruits are decorated with a blush. The taste of the pear is sweet and sour, the flesh is slightly hard.
Pear Cathedral ripens in August. The variety is not afraid of frost, fungal infections, the fruits ripen together, are well stored, transported. Medium-sized Chartreuse pears have an oily surface. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour.
At the beginning of autumn pear varieties Moskvichka ripen. A small tree has developed skeletal branches, pears ripen at the same time, do not crumble, and can be transported. The fruits are yellow with orange spots. Fragrant cream-colored flesh, slightly oily, juicy.
Autumn dream is a small sprawling tree. Productive, winter-hardy pear with medium-sized, identical fruits, ripening in September. The fruits are yellow with brown patches. The flesh is white, slightly oily, sour in taste.
The culture is characterized by high productivity, good adaptability to soils, climatic conditions, precocity. Plum trees grow well in a lighted place, do not tolerate stagnant water.
Plum varieties have different color, taste, pulp density, ripening period, crown structure.
Early productive variety Smolinka develops ideally in the Moscow region. The tree is tall, large-fruited, bears fruit a year after transplantation. The fruits ripen until the end of August, they are oval, purple in color, almost devoid of an abdominal suture. The pulp is juicy, the taste is sweet and sour. Smolinka is affected by frost, but in spring the tree is restored, it easily tolerates pruning.
At the end of August, large fruits are harvested from mid-ripening self-fertile plums Blue bird . The crown of the tree culture is high, sprawling, spherical, but these properties do not prevent the fruits from ripening at the same time, having the same size, weight up to 45 g. Plum is resistant to frost, serious diseases: clusteroporosis, moniliosis, polystigmosis. The fruits are dark blue, oval, well transported. The pulp is dense, yellow, juicy, sweet, with a separating stone.
Yakhontovaya plum gives fruit until mid-September. The tree is tall, sprawling, not afraid of return spring frosts, drought, viral, fungal infections, gives stable yields. Yellow-orange fruits reach a weight of 35 g, have a pronounced sweet and sour taste.
Among the columnar varieties, Imperial should be distinguished. A self-fertile, self-pollinating tree bears fruit two seasons after planting, giving birth for about 17 years. A compact small-sized crown hides up to 12 kg of large, juicy fruits of red-brown, purple color. The tree is not pruned, only twisted, dry branches are removed.
Culture has long received a justified recognition from the owners of estates. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to apple trees. Without cherry trees, the landscape of the garden will be incomplete.
Cherry can withstand partial shade, grows on poor soils. It is characterized by high resistance to disease, cold, and rapid regeneration after damage. The tree cannot stand loneliness, pollinators plant trees nearby.
Breeding work to enrich the assortment of crops for the central region of Russia was based on varieties Vladimirskaya and Lyubskaya.
Variety Turgenevka is distinguished by high yield, tolerance to frost, resistance to viral infections. Culture needs pollinating neighbors. The berries ripen in mid-July, do not crumble, are suitable for transportation. The fruits are large, burgundy. The pulp of berries is juicy, sweet-sour.
Hybrid cherry Youth grows in the form of a tree or a bush, a good pollinator, bears fruit annually, abundantly, juicy, sweet and sour berries gives in July.
Lubska – late cherry variety ripens in August. The tree is stunted, low, the crown is sparse, sprawling, often drooping. Fruits weighing up to 5 g, ripen at the same time, do not crumble, are subject to transportation. The berries are burgundy in color, oval in shape, the pulp is tender, juicy.
Southern culture moved northward exceptionally slowly. As a result of complex selection, varieties that are resistant to frost and viruses have appeared, giving high yields. Culture loves the sun, moisture, nutritious, drained soil.
Early variety Krasnaya Gorka ripens in early summer. The tree is stunted, with a dense wide crown. Fruits are round, yellow rosy-cheeked. The pulp is yellow, juicy, sweet. The culture withstands temperatures as low as -31 degrees, is resistant to diseases, and needs pollinating neighbors. For these purposes, varieties Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa are planted.
Cherry Fatezh – mid-early, cross-pollinated, high-yielding variety, resistant to frost, has low wind resistance.