Best flower to plant in march

10 Things to Do in Your Garden in March

By Doug Jimerson

Get your spring garden in shape with these must-do March tips.

Plant Annual Flowers in March Gardens
By the end March, gardeners in frost-free regions can begin planting warm-season annuals such as angelonia, wax begonia, and zinnia. Northern gardeners can start setting out cool-season favorites such as pansy, osteospermum, and alyssum.
Tip: Keep a light blanket or grow cloth handy just in case the temperatures drop unexpectedly. Cover your plants at night if it drops below freezing.
Discover beautiful cool-season annuals that take light frost. 

Plant Trees and Shrubs in March
Early spring, when the weather is cool and moist, is a great time to add trees and shrubs to your landscape. Dig a hole slightly wider than the root ball of your plant. Then set the plant into the soil at the same height it was growing in its nursery pot. Water thoroughly and mulch.
Tip: Find out how large a tree or shrub will grow before you add it to your landscape. You don’t want to plant something that will eventually tower over your home.
Plant Berries in March Gardens
Strawberries and raspberries prefer an early spring start in your garden. Both can be grown in garden beds or containers. They require well-drained soil and a sunny spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunshine a day.
Tip: Strawberries and raspberries are available in Everbearing and June-bearing varieties. Everbearers produce small amounts of fruit all summer long while June-bearers develop one large crop in early summer. Plant both types to gain the maximum amount of fruit over a longer period of time. 

Start Veggies from Seed
In the North, lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, and other cool season crops can be sown directly in the garden in March. In frost-free regions, plant warm weather vegetables such as tomatoes and squash. Cover the plants if an unexpected cold snap threatens.
Tip: Sow radishes, spinach, beans, and peas in wide rows instead of single file. You’ll get more produce per square inch if you scatter seed in a 6 to 10 inch wide band.

Repot Houseplants 
March is a perfect time to give indoor plants a new lease on life by transplanting them into a larger pot with fresh soil. This is especially important if your plants are root bound (you’ll see roots coming out of the pot’s drainage holes). Also, if the roots are growing in a tight ball, loosen them to encourage new growth.
Tip: March is also a good time to prune houseplants that might have grown leggy over the winter. Pruning will also encourage new, more compact growth.
Check out our gallery of popular, easy-to-grow houseplants! 

Dig and Divide Perennials in March Gardens
Perennials such as hosta, chrysanthemum, and daylily can be dug and divided as soon as they break dormancy. Use a sharp spade to dig and lift the clumps and break them into smaller sections with a large garden knife. Replant the divisions as soon as possible. 
Tip: Some perennials prefer being divided in the late summer instead of early spring. These include peony, lily, Oriental poppy, and bearded iris.

Feed Camellias and Azaleas
Fertilize camellias and azaleas after they finish flowering. Use a commercial camellia/azalea granular fertilizer sprinkled around the base of the plants. Be sure to read the label for application rates. Feed monthly through August for best growth and flowering.
Tip: In the fall and winter, use a 0-10-10 fertilizer to help build next spring’s flower production. That mixture of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium will also increase your plants’ ability to tolerate cold weather.

Check Irrigation
Water is a precious resource. That’s why, if you have an irrigation system, it’s important to check it now. Look for broken heads or inefficient spray patterns that can waste water. Also, adjust your timer so you aren’t watering your yard during the rainy season. 
Tip: Most lawns and gardens require an inch of moisture a week. If you are unsure of how much water you are providing, set a coffee can in the yard and measure what it catches.

Spray and Prune Fruit Trees 
There’s still plenty of time to prune apples and other fruit trees. Remove dead, diseased or crossed branches before the trees break dormancy. Also, eliminate vertical branches to allow sunlight to penetrate the interior of the tree. Fruit is only produced on horizontal branches so don’t worry about minimizing your harvest. Tip: Spray your trees before they leaf out with a dormant oil spray. It’s an effective method of reducing insect pests organically. Follow label directions when you apply dormant oil spray.

Clear Flower Beds
Rake leaves and mulch away from garden beds to allow the foliage of spring-flowering bulbs and perennials to poke through. During the winter, leaves can pack down, forming an impenetrable barrier to new growth. Plus when you pull back the mulch, the soil will warm faster because it’s exposed to the sun.
Tip: Use a plastic leaf rake when you remove mulch. Metal garden rakes with sharp tongs can rip tender foliage from emerging plants.

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What to plant in March: 10 ideas for brightening your plot

Plant hardy annuals and climbers to create a colourful wildflower area and attract pollinators to your patch

(Image credit: Jane Tregelles/Alamy Stock Photo)

When deciding what to plant in March, it really does depend on the month’s weather. The English are fond of saying that March ‘comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb’, meaning it straddles the change from winter to spring.

But it can also work the other way, so when you are planning what to plant in March you need to check the forecast and be prepared for all eventualities! Generally speaking, however, things are moving up a gear in the garden and the warmer soil, dampened by spring showers, is a welcoming home for new plants, bulbs and seeds.

Do be cautious about more tender varieties when considering what to plant when, as we are not completely out of the woods weather wise. If you have a long list of less hardy varieties to plant this month you will be better off starting them undercover.

Our top 10 options for what to plant in March

Here are our top 10 favorites for what to plant in March, though whatever you decide to add to your flower beds, borders and pots in the next few weeks you are sure to reap the colorful rewards later this year.

1. Annual climbers

Dramatic orange flowers of black eyed Susan, also known as Thunbergia alata

(Image credit: Alamy)

Annual climbers are fantastic and easy things to plant in March and are guaranteed to add color and an extra dimension to your garden. There are so many to choose from too:

Top tip: Sow annual climbers in trays, pots or modules of dampened seed compost. Germinate them in warmth and light and pot on the seedlings when they are large enough to handle safely, growing them in individual containers until they are planted out later in spring.

2. Forced bulbs

Once forced hyacinths have finished flowering indoors you can plant them in the garden to flower in future years

(Image credit: Alamy)

Forced bulbs such as hyacinths are a wonderful way of bringing color and scent to your indoor garden ideas in the darkest days of winter. So if you forced bulbs indoors this winter, don’t just chuck them away once they have gone over – give them a second lease of life in the garden.

Forcing takes a lot out of the bulb, so they are unlikely to flower again as strongly the first year, but after that they will return with increasing vigour. Once they have flowered indoors, deadhead flowers and leave them somewhere for the leaves to die back and feed the bulbs. Alternatively, you can plant them out with the leaves still strong and green so they die back in situ.

Then plant them out in a sunny, sheltered spot or somewhere with dappled shade and they will flower in spring, giving you early color and delicious scent.

Remember that hyacinth bulbs are renowned skin irritants, so always wear gloves when handling them.

Top tip: Most forced bulbs are suitable for outdoor planting, though not ‘Paper White’ narcissus as they are tender. Instead, deadhead faded flowers and let the leaves die back then dig up the bulbs and store them somewhere cool and dry. They can be replanted next fall in containers for indoors.

3. Petunias

Petunias are a mainstay of patio containers and hanging baskets in the summer

(Image credit: Alamy)

Petunias never seem to go out of fashion and such is their popularity that new, gaudier incarnations of this popular trumpet-bloomed plant appear every year.

They are an integral part of many people's spring container ideas and you can save yourself money by growing yours from seed.

Sow the seeds now to get robust plants this summer. Then prick them out when they have developed their first sets of ‘proper’ leaves, as opposed to the little germination leaflets, and grow them on in individual pots.

When the threat of frosts has passed, gradually acclimatise the seedlings to external temperatures then plant out in baskets and containers to delight you through the summer.

Mixing petunia seeds with sand to make it easier to sow them thinly and evenly

(Image credit: Future/Ruth Hayes)

Petunia seeds are tiny and quite difficult to sow thinly. If the resulting seedlings are a little crammed together they can be at risk from damping off disease, a fungal infection that can devastate trays of overcrowded young plants.

Make life easier for yourself by mixing the seeds with a pinch of horticultural sand and sprinkling the mix evenly over the compost.

Because the seeds are so tiny, don’t cover them with compost or vermiculite. Instead just add a lid to the tray or cover it with cling film.

Top tip: Place the seed tray on a light, warm windowsill and remove the lid of cling film after germination so that fresh air can circulate around the seedlings.

4. Heleniums

Orange and yellow heleniums bring fiery colors to late summer borders

(Image credit: Alamy)

While I love the restful hues of a garden border of blues and mauves, I’m also a sucker for more fiery shades of summer. Sunflowers, day lilies, dahlias and lilies all pack a powerful punch in summer. As, of course, do heleniums, summertime bobbydazzlers that thrive in a sunny spot with soil that is good at retaining moisture.

Heleniums, also charmingly known as sneezeworts, are daisy-like flowers, similar to echinaceas, that produce blooms in fiery reds, yellows and oranges. They look stunning planted in drifts through a border and are an excellent accompaniment to different types of ornamental grass and red hot pokers.

For the best results, site them in a sunny spot that gets lots of sunshine. Dig in lots of well-rotted compost and manure first, not just to enrich the soil but to help it hold onto moisture through the height of summer.

Feed with a high-potassium fertilizer during the flowering season and deadhead regularly.

Top tip: Although heleniums are relatively pest free they can fall foul of the disease leaf spot. This can be treated with a fungicide and by removing and binning affected leaves.

5. Wildflowers

Wildflowers are usually hardy annuals and varieties such as corn cockles, mallow and cornflowers create a pretty and natural splash of color

(Image credit: Alamy)

One of the greatest things we can do with our gardens is to create a wildlife-friendly space, whether by feeding birds, rewilding an area where creatures can forage and hide, and choosing plants that will benefit pollinators and the birds and animals that feed on them.

If you are thinking about what to plant in March, you can create a colorful splash and help birds, bees, butterflies and other creatures by sowing a mix of wildflowers.

Most seed companies sell ready-prepared mixes and they usually contain a beautiful combination of seeds including field poppies, cornflowers, corn cockles and campions. At this time of year the conditions are right for them to be sown directly where you wish your flowers to grow.

To plant a wildflower meadow, first create a seedbed, raking the soil to break it up, removing stones, weeds and other debris. The ideal texture is like a crumble topping - light and airy. Water the area and then scatter the seeds as thinly as possible. Most wildflower seeds are a good size so this should be fairly easy.

Then cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, and firm it down gently with the flat head of a rake. Label the area so the seeds aren’t accidentally disturbed and scatter some pepper dust over the top to keep pets and pests at bay.

6. Agapanthus

The eye-catching flowers of 'Brilliant Blue' agapanthus

(Image credit: Alamy/Mic Clarke Photography)

For versatility and long-lasting beauty, look no further than agapanthus. These South African lilies are one of our most popular summer flowers and will flourish in cooler climates of the northern hemisphere.

Plant in March and they should flower this summer, their tall trumpets of flowers in white and every imaginable shade of blue held on tall, robust stems.

Agapanthus are either deciduous or evergreen, and the evergreen ones are less hardy and will need more winter protection in the UK and colder states of the US.

Both varieties grow well in borders as well as in garden planters – in fact they can do better in pots because they like their roots crammed in.

Agapanthus like having their roots tightly packed so they grow well in containers

(Image credit: Future)

When planting, set them in the ground so the tip (or ‘nose’) of their tuber is about 2in (5cm), below the soil. If you garden on clay or your land is prone to waterlogging, you are better off planting agapanthus at the same depth in a container as they will be at less risk of rotting.

Water them regularly and feed at the start of the growing season with a granular fertilizer. Container-gown plants need fortnightly feeding with a liquid tomato fertilizer that is rich in potassium to boost blooming.

Tip tip: Although we usually recommend deadheading plants to encourage more blooms, agapanthus seedheads are very pretty and look stunning in winter when touched by hoarfrost.

7. Half hardy annuals

Cleome spinosa is an attractive and unusual half-hardy annual

(Image credit: Alamy/Derek Harris)

While hardy annuals can be sown outside now, especially towards the end of the month, half hardy annuals are not frost-tolerant and should still be started in a greenhouse or on a warm windowsill indoors that gets plenty of light.

Half hardy annuals are an easy and economical way of bringing lots of color to the garden and varieties include different types of cosmos, nicotiana, cleome, tagetes and zinnia.

They are ideal to plant in March because with careful nurturing they should be ready to go in the garden in mid spring when the frosts have finished, and will bloom beautifully this summer.

Sow as thinly as you can in trays or modules filled with dampened seed compost, then germinate them in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

The seedlings can be potted on into individual containers of compost when they are large enough to handle with care. They can then be grown before being hardened off – acclimatized to outside conditions – and planted where you want them to make a splash.

Top tip: Tagetes or French marigolds are a useful companion plant. Grow them close to your veg crops in your kitchen garden and not only will they attract pollinators, they will also deter pests such as white fly that can’t stand their scent!

8. Salvias

Apricot and pink flowers of Salvia 'Royal Bumble'

(Image credit: Alamy/Amomentintime)

Take the time to learn how to grow salvias and you won't be disappointed. Salvias, or ornamental sage, are one of my must-have plants. Their spires of flowers range from palest mauve to the most striking scarlet, and are long-lasting and look stunning among other summer garden plants.

There are four main varieties of salvia: annuals that are heaved up and composted at the end of summer, herbaceous perennial plants that come back year after year, tender perennials that really need overwintering undercover and shrubby salvias that are largely hardy but may need some winter protection.

Plant in March for this summer, as I have done, by growing some from seed. This means you will have plenty of plants and you can keep some undercover or even in a DIY cold frame as an insurance policy if those in the ground succumb to a cold, wet winter.

Salvias thrive in a sunny spot in fertile soil and once they are in they need little aftercare as they are pleasingly drought-resistant. 

Top tip: When planting, give your salvia a trim as this will encourage it to throw out lots of bushy, flower-filled shoots.

9. Sea holly

The dramatic blue flowers of sea holly Oliver eryngo

(Image credit: Alamy/Geoff Smith)

Last spring I planted a sea holly in the garden and this year I am going to plant more. These glorious plants, also known as Eryngium, are one of the most unusually stunning perennials. Tough, drought tolerant plants, they are ideally suited to maritime plots though will thrive anywhere, attract pollinators and their unusual flower heads are worth keeping through winter for decoration.

The one I planted had brilliant, electric blue blooms and stems that held their color until well into fall. There are more than 250 varieties of sea holly and their colors range from sober greys to zinging blues. Their tough leaves and spiky flowers mean they are relatively pest-free, but they can succumb to cold, wet soils in winter and are best planted somewhere dry.

They suit all sorts of schemes, from garden gravel ideas to lush herbaceous borders and thrive in a sunny spot. They also self-seed relatively easily, so by buying one plant you can find yourself with two or three once they mature.

Top tip: Eryngium flowers look beautiful fresh and dried in indoor arrangements but do take care as they are prickly (and best planted away from border edges).

10. Poppies

Iceland poppies (Papaver nudicaule) provides pretty papery flowers in reds, oranges, yellow and white

(Image credit: Alamy/Peter K Lloyd)

There is a poppy for every place, which makes them an ideal candidate for what to plant in March. 

If you're interested in learning how to grow poppies, field poppies are hardy annuals that can be sown now and opulent Oriental poppies are absolute show-stoppers with their voluptuous papery petals.

I’m a big fan of Iceland poppies (Papaver nudicaule) which are short-lived perennials usually grown as annuals. Their petals are sunshine on stems, a joyful mix of yellow, white and orange with jaunty yellow centres.

Or how about beautiful blue Meconopsis, the Himalayan blue poppy that thrives in cool, shady spots and is well-suited to damper areas of the garden.

Most poppies can be grown from seed, but Oriental varieties are best bought as plants. They should also not be allowed to set seed as this weakens the plant, while other varieties will self-seed easily,

In fact, they can become almost too prolific, so unless you want a garden full of poppies, deadhead them before the seed capsules ripen.

Top tips: Poppies are generally free from pests and diseases, though Oriental varieties can suffer from powdery mildew in spring and summer. Remove diseased plant material and bin any leaves that have fallen onto the soil to prevent the spores lingering on.

Ruth is the gardening editor of Amateur Gardening magazine and spends her working days carrying out, writing about and photographing the tasks the readers should be carrying out each week, as well as testing many of the new products that arrive on the gardening market. She is horticulturally trained, with a qualification from the Royal Horticultural Society. 

what flowers to plant in March? — INMYROOM


Plants love order. If you want to see your garden bloom in the summer, some of them need to be planted right now

Even though the weather is not making us happy yet, it's time to start gardening. If you want to see results in a few months, start this weekend. Here are a few plants to plant in March.


Echinacea flowers can be pink, yellow, crimson, white or salmon. Bright petals will attract bees and butterflies to the garden. True, echinacea will bloom only in the second year - in mid-July. Moreover, seedlings need to be sown no later than the second half of March, so you can already start. nine0003

Lobularia (annual alissum)

Alyssum will quickly cover any area with a luxurious "carpet" - they often adorn flower beds of continuous flowering. You will be surprised, but there are more than a hundred species of this plant. It is sown for seedlings from mid-March to early April.

Seeds should be lightly sprinkled with moist soil, and they will germinate in 10-12 days. It will be possible to transplant alyssum into the ground at the end of May.


Gardeners love her for her unpretentiousness and bright flowers. Verbena will delight you until the start of frost, especially if you always have a lot of sun on the site. nine0003

You will have to hurry up with the seedlings: you need to have time to plant the seeds before March 20th. Pre-soak them in a growth stimulator, and when sowing, do not sprinkle with earth. Wait for shoots in 15-20 days. The flower can be transferred to the ground from the second half of May.

Azarina climbing

The funny name reflects the essence of the flower - it is a liana. Azarina blooms all summer, and the sooner you sow it, the sooner you will see the result. Try to make it before the end of March.


Inconspicuous plant in appearance, but with a very pleasant smell. Iberis is usually decorated with rocky gardens and alpine slides. It blooms in May-June.

There are only five types: bitter, umbrella, pinnate, evergreen and Gibraltar. With seedlings, you can be late until the beginning of April, and planted in May, in sunny areas with poor soil.


Unusual and profusely blooming from June until frost, the bush will add exotic to the garden, and the aroma will attract many bees. nine0003

You need to sow to a depth of about one and a half centimeters, when it grows up, transplant it into larger pots. It is better to relocate the cleoma to the garden in the second half of May at a distance of about 50 centimeters from each other.

Climbing Kobe

One of the few climbing plants that can be planted on a balcony, gazebo or wall - take note of it. Kobeya blooms until October.

Seeds should be sown before the 20th of March, after soaking them in a growth stimulant solution. And it is possible to plant in a permanent place only at the beginning of June: kobeya is afraid of frost. nine0003


There are about 300 species of this plant: from two-meter giants to five-centimeter-long crumbs. But only 13 types of bluebells grow in Russia. Seeds are sown superficially, without sprinkling with earth. Shoots will appear in about a week.

Carnation grass

It looks more modest than carnation shabot, but no less good for that. It blooms profusely, for a long time, is drought-resistant and can grow even between stones. Such a carnation will bloom only three months after sowing, which is why it is sown in seedlings early - in March. nine0003

Brachycoma Iberisolifolia

Although the name of the flower sounds like an incurable disease, it survives in almost all weather conditions. It is necessary to sow the seeds before the 20th of March, superficially, only slightly pressing them into the soil.

The brachicoma is planted in a permanent place towards the end of May, usually in hanging boxes or pots.


Recently, it has not been popular with gardeners, but in vain. It must be sown before the end of March in loose nutrient soil, to which it is better to add dry sand. nine0003

Only water the seedlings carefully - the flowers do not tolerate excess moisture. And you can plant them in the garden already in the middle of May - snapdragons are not afraid of light frosts.

Phlox annual

We grow it only through seedlings, sowing until the end of March. The flower sprouts quickly - after 5-8 days. With the appearance of the first leaves, feed the plant with fertilizers. This must be done several times per season.

Summer Levkoy

This plant can be sown from the middle of February until March 20th. Sprinkle it with fine river sand on top and moisten it with a spray bottle. After the seeds sprout, move the seedlings to a cool room, otherwise the flowers may rot. nine0003

+ bonus

If you didn't have time to sow February flowers, you can do it in March. They just bloom a little later. For example, heliotrope, lavender and lobelia.

And for seedlings in March, in addition to the heroes of the article, they are perfect:

15 photos with title and description

With the onset of spring, avid gardeners and horticulturists have a "hot" time. In the month of March, they begin to sow various vegetables and flowers. Summer residents who have recently decorated their plots with flower beds or have decided to plant new types of flowering plants are wondering which flowers should be planted for seedlings in March so that they bloom as early as possible? In this article, we will describe the 15 most popular flowering plants, which include both annuals and perennials. nine0110

  • Bluebells
  • Iberis
  • Carnation grass
  • Which annual flowers to plant in March for seedlings

    In early spring, you can plant annuals with a rather long vegetative period Some gardeners plant flower crops early in order to get them to bloom in early summer. Click on the link to find out when to plant flowers for seedlings in March according to the lunar calendar.


    Delicate flowers similar to chamomile can be semi-double or double. Blue, orange, white, purple or pink flowers with a bright blue center bloom on stems, from which a sprawling bush with a height of 30 cm is formed.

    When planted for seedlings in March in the open field, osteosperms bloom in June and continue to decorate the site until the frost. It is quite easy to care for them, which you can learn in detail in our article “Osteospermum: planting and growing from seeds at home, photo”.

    Osteospermums are perennial flowering plants and in regions with warm winters they can grow in one place for many years. If in winter the temperature drops below -10 degrees, then in autumn the bushes can be dug up and stored until spring in a cool room. But it is best to plant osteosperms in March for seedlings and decorate your garden every year with new varieties of African Chamomile. nine0003

    Garden asters

    These popular and loved by many flowers are grown in their gardens by almost all homeowners. Asters can be either annual or perennial. In March and April, annuals are sown for seedlings:

    1. In the Central regions (Moscow, Moscow region, etc.), crops are sown throughout March.
    2. Residents of the Urals plant late varieties of asters at the end of March, and the rest - in April.
    3. In Siberia and more northern regions, it is recommended to sow aster seeds in April. nine0110

    Planting dates depend on the type of flowers, which can be early blooming, mid blooming and late blooming. Accordingly, they bloom in July, early August and towards the end of summer with needle, peony or spherical double or non-double flowers.

    Asters are quite unpretentious, but you need to know some features of their planting and care. You can learn how and when to plant asters from our article, which will open if you click on the highlighted link.


    Flowering plant is a large shrub with bright tube-shaped flowers. Flowers resembling bells can have a wide variety of colors. In June, burgundy, white, purple, pink, blue or variegated flowers bloom and bloom until frost.

    Growing seedlings of salpiglossis is not much different from growing seedlings of other hardy garden flowers. We described in detail how to plant and how to care for salpiglossis in one of our articles. nine0003


    This plant with bizarrely shaped flowers is described in detail in our article “Snapdragon flower: planting and care, growing from seeds, description and photo”.

    Snapdragon or antirrium is distinguished by double or single flowers, which can have a wide variety of colors and be both monochromatic and bicolor. When sowing snapdragon seeds for seedlings in March, it will bloom in early summer, and with proper care it will bloom until the onset of cold autumn days. nine0003

    Azarina climbing

    An annual plant with long stems and ivy-like leaves that blooms in June with lilac, blue, violet or white tubular flowers. The height of azarina shoots can reach from three to nine meters, so it can be used to decorate gazebos, verandas or cover ugly areas on the wall of the house. Azarina climbing with proper care will bloom until frost.

    To make the long stems branch and bush, their tops are pinched after the seedlings grow and get stronger. nine0003

    Climbing kobeya

    Another beautiful climber with which you can decorate any corner of a summer cottage or garden plot. In the southern regions, it can be grown as a perennial, and in areas with cold winters only as an annual.

    Climbing kobea has heart-shaped leaves and large bell-shaped flowers. When planting seedlings in March, bright purple, pale lilac, burgundy or white buds form and open in July. The climbing kobe will delight with its flowering until October. nine0003

    In order for the kobei seedlings to develop a good root system and the liana to grow in the garden, seedlings with two true leaves will need to be planted in individual pots. During growth, the grown seedlings must be fed twice with humate.

    Levkoy or matthiola

    This perennial herbaceous plant of the Cruciferous family has not only beautiful flowers, but a heady aroma. In order for simple and double yellow, purple, white or pink flowers to decorate flower beds in the summer, levka is planted on seedlings at the end of March. If the seeds are sown earlier, then the seedlings will need illumination. nine0003

    Matthiola bushes planted in spring or early summer in warmed ground grow rapidly and, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 20 to 80 cm. Spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences form at the top of their stem before flowering.

    There are several types of levkoy, some of which bloom in summer, while others bloom closer to autumn and bloom until frost.

    Phlox Drummond

    Almost every summer cottage has a flower bed with phlox. Among these beautiful and beloved by many flowers, one can distinguish an annual - Drummond's phlox. It is distinguished by umbellate inflorescences, which are collected from red, purple, cream, lilac, white or pink flowers. nine0003

    Phlox seedlings should be planted at the end of March, and then already in May or June they will delight with their beautiful inflorescences.

    To make the bushes lush, the seedlings are seated in separate pots in the phase of the appearance of the first true leaf, and when five leaves appear on them, the tops are pinched.

    Fragrant Tobacco

    This beautiful decorative flowering annual got its name because the aroma of its flowers is simply mesmerizing. Experienced gardeners like to grow scented tobacco for three reasons:

    Fragrant tobacco seedlings are planted in March or early April. If the apartment or house does not have windows facing south or west, then the seedlings may need additional lighting. nine0003

    Cleoma prickly

    A very unusual plant with inflorescences that look like a spray fountain or a flock of hummingbirds. The specific smell of flowers repels harmful insects, and cut inflorescences can be used to make bouquets, as they remain in water for a long time.

    Planting prickly glue is recommended in March, and then in June it will already bloom with pink, yellow, purple or white flowers. Inside the buds are long stamens, which look like champagne splashes or spider legs. nine0003

    Cleoma prickly seedlings are very thin and weak, so they should be given special attention:

    In landscaping, glue can be used to decorate flower beds, as a centerpiece in flower arrangements, to create hedges, or simply for single plantings. nine0003

    Which perennial flowers to plant in March for seedlings

    When choosing which perennial flowers to plant in March for seedlings, pay attention to alissum and iberis. They are both annuals and perennials. Until even perennial species do not always withstand severe frosts in winter.


    Seeds should be soaked as early as the beginning of March in order to grow this decorative flowering flower with many beneficial properties in your garden. Echinacea planting material has a low germination rate, so before sowing it is soaked and planted in the ground already with sprouts. nine0003

    Seedlings may appear in a month or even a month and a half, so be patient. In addition, echinacea is capricious and requires some care. But if everything is done correctly, then in July the summer cottage will be decorated with pink-raspberry echinacea flowers.

    All parts of the plant have beneficial properties and are widely used in folk medicine. You can learn more about this from our article " Amazing Echinacea Flower - Benefits and Contraindications."

    Alyssum annual or Lobularia

    Alyssum groundcover with bright white, red, lilac, violet or lemon yellow flowers from spring to autumn. There are perennial varieties of lobularia, in which the leaves do not die off even in winter. They grow in breadth, so when planting in a flower bed, the distance between them should be at least 40 cm. Lobularia are not demanding in care, they are drought-resistant and cold-resistant. Alyssum seedlings are sown in February or early March. Alyssums will bloom about 7-8 weeks after germination. In order for flowering to be plentiful, it is recommended to cut the side shoots of seedlings after picking. nine0003

    In landscape design, alyssums are used to decorate rockeries, rock gardens and borders. They can be planted in flower beds where bulbous plants bloom in spring.


    Extremely hardy, cute bluebells can grow in almost any soil and in any conditions. In order for blue, white or purple flowers to bloom in June in the first year after planting in a flower bed, bluebell seeds must be planted in March. Sow them on a layer of snow, which cover the soil. The crops are covered with cellophane and placed in the vegetable box of the refrigerator. After two weeks, they are exposed to a warm place and grown in the same way as seedlings of other flowers. nine0003


    A groundcover characterized by creeping shoots that can produce so many flowers that sometimes the leaves are not visible because of them. Iberis flowers bloom in May and can be red, purple, lilac, pink or white. They bloom for two months, while exuding a pleasant aroma.

    Iberis seeds should be planted in March. They have tender roots, so crops are produced in peat tablets or individual pots.

    Carnation grass

    Another perennial groundcover that is popular with gardeners. Carnation grass has a long flowering, so it is widely used to decorate rocky areas, alpine hills, rockeries.

    Bright purple flowers with sharp serrations on the edges of the petals, bloom in May and bloom until the cold days come.

    Clove grass is grown in seedlings, for which seeds are planted in March.

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