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Roof Garden - Roof Greening ZinCo official website
Cities are replacing nature at an astronomical rate these days. There are fewer and fewer areas that are not covered with asphalt, highways and houses. And this is far from the only problem that urbanization entails. Our air is becoming more and more polluted, it is filled with emissions that are harmful to people, animals and plants. And the plants themselves, which could cleanse it, are becoming less and less common.
In such a situation, the Gardens of Babylon seem to be the most beautiful "wonder of the world". These are terraced gardens that were built on the vaults of palace cellars in ancient Babylon. This "wonder of the world" is more than one and a half thousand years old. The "Gardens of Babylon" were located at a height of 25 meters from the ground level and delighted everyone with their beauty and grandeur.
However, archaeologists have found that such technologies were used long before that. As early as 2113 BC, people planted trees on the terraces of ziggurats. The practice of creating gardens "floating in the air" continued after the beginning of our era. And some of their samples even survived to this day: for example, the hanging garden on the island of Isola Bella, located in Northern Italy. This beautiful garden is located above the enfilades of grottoes and halls of the palace of Cardinal Borromeo, and was created at the end of the 16th century. nine0003
In Russia, the art of creating roof gardens has also been known for a long time. So, already in the 17th century, such gardens were created over warehouses, cellars, barns. Then it was available only to wealthy people, so at first the rooftop gardens belonged to representatives of the royal dynasty and the highest clergy, and over time they increasingly became the property of wealthy merchants.
In those days, hanging gardens were commonly called "riding gardens". They, among other things, were located at the residential premises of the Moscow Kremlin, on the luxurious terraces of this palace. nine0003
It is also worth noting the Lower and Upper Embankment Gardens, founded in 1623. The well-known gardener Nazar Ivanov worked on the creation of the Upper Garden. It was decided to place this garden on the vaults of the Spaniy Dvor, which descended to the base of the Kremlin Hill. Unfortunately, it has not been preserved to our times, however, the authoritative historian I. Zabelin was engaged in the study of its alleged appearance. According to him, the area of the Upper Garden was approximately 26,000 square meters, and the entire area was surrounded by a stone fence. The openings in the fence were decorated with carved gratings, and from them one could admire the picturesque Zamoskvorechye. In addition, an artificial reservoir with fountains was located on the roof. To supply water to it, a specially designed mechanism was used, which was placed in the Kremlin's Vodovzvodnaya Tower (which has survived to this day). At the same time, the fences of the Upper Garden were covered from the inside with paintings by Peter Engeles (vegetative motifs predominated in them). nine0003
The lower garden was somewhat less extensive, but no less beautiful for that. It also had an artificial reservoir, and not just a decorative one - fish were bred in it. In those days, lead bars were used to create hanging gardens, which were placed on top of stone vaults. The bars were soldered and covered with vegetable soil, and then the plants were planted. The embankment gardens existed for almost one and a half hundred years, until the moment when the construction of the Kremlin Palace began in their place. nine0003
But these were by no means the only gardens on roofs and terraces of that time. For example, also in the 17th century in Moscow, the gardens of the boyars Ordin-Nashchokin and Golitsyn, arranged at the level of the upper floors of residential buildings, were widely known.
Somewhat later, in the 18th century, hanging gardens were arranged at the residential premises of the St. Petersburg Winter Palace, designed by the architect Rastrelli. In the Small Hermitage, a garden was created above the stables of the Romanovskaya and Petrovsky galleries of the palace, and was very similar to a kind of open-air gallery. nine0003
For many years, such gardens were available only to rich people and the nobility, since their arrangement and maintenance cost quite large sums. However, as new building materials, technologies, and designs emerged, rooftop oases became more common. So, in the middle of the 19th century, they began to be actively equipped in Europe. In particular, the model of the roof garden by Karl Rabitz, a popular inventor, builder and architect from Germany, made a big splash. The model was presented in 1867 at the World Exhibition in Paris. All the newspapers felt it necessary to publish her photographs and express the hope that "gardens soaring in the heights" would become a popular decoration of buildings. nine0003
The trend has become popular not only in Europe – from the second half of the 19th century it was actively used for private buildings, as well as the first tenement houses in St. Petersburg and Moscow. So, in 1908, a picturesque green area with a rose garden and a fountain was built on the surface of the roof of the Merchants' Club, built by architect I. Ivanov-Shits on Malaya Dmitrovka. Today, this building houses the Lenkom Theatre.
In Moscow, one of the famous high-rise gardens of those times was laid out on a 10-story residential building located in Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky Lane (this house has survived to this day). The building not only became one of the first high-rise residential buildings in the capital - there was a beautiful pavilion on its roof, surrounded by numerous plants in boxes and tubs. The pavilion itself has managed to perform various functions during its existence. At one time it was used as a film studio, where panoramic pictures of Moscow were filmed. There was also a cafe with the laconic name "Roof", and then - a dressing room at the area for roller skating. nine0003
Roof gardens and the beginning of the 20th century are connected by the names of many urban planners and architects, and in one of the first stages - Le Corbusier and F. L. Wright, specialists from France and the USA, respectively. Le Corbusier believed in principle that roof gardens were the future of architecture, something without which its development was unthinkable. He has been involved in the implementation of many projects related to this concept. Among his works are green areas on the roofs of small villas, and impressive gardens on the roofs of administrative buildings, and even greening the roofs of the entire Indian city of Chandigarh. F.L. Wright, in turn, is known for one of his most impressive works: at 19In the 14th year, he designed and equipped a large restaurant building with open green roofs in Chicago.
Somewhat later, in the 1930s, a garden called "Derryand Thoms" became widely known in London. It was created by architect R. Hancock and was a large-scale complex located on the roof of a six-story building. It cannot be said that he "survived" to our time in an absolutely unchanged form, but the garden on the roof of that house still exists. It includes three zones: a Victorian garden, Spanish (regular) and English (landscape). nine0003
You can still admire the famous Kensington Hanging Gardens in London.
We have already mentioned the American F. L. Wright, but he was far from the only one who was fond of creating "hanging" green spaces in the United States. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the roofs of many New York hotels became exploited. And in the 1940s, the roofs of underground garages in San Francisco found new life thanks to the squares laid out on them. Around the middle of the 20th century, a huge hanging garden, the dimensions of which resembled the main square of a large city, was created on the surface of the roof of an underground parking lot in Portsmouth. In addition, so-called "linear" boulevards and gardens began to be created in many US cities. They were erected on artificial materials laid along highways and roads. They serve both for beauty and for separating the automobile and pedestrian zones. nine0003
It is rather gratifying to note that among Russian specialists the expediency of using flat roofs was theoretically substantiated as early as the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1920s, the work of many constructivist architects, including the Vesnin brothers, I. Leonidov, G. Barkhin and others, was devoted to this topic. At that time, many houses were built, the roofs of which were used in different ways: somewhere gardens were created for relaxation, somewhere - viewing platforms, and somewhere - even children's play complexes. However, despite this trend, the roofs of public and industrial buildings, many residential buildings and, importantly, underground structures remained empty. And then the gardening of roofs was forgotten for quite a long time because of the Great Patriotic War and its consequences. nine0003
In fact, only at the end of the 1990s in Russia and Belarus did a real revival of this undeservedly forgotten technology begin. Experts developed recommendations for designing roof gardens that correspond to current realities, and in Moscow in 2001 a very important book in this context was published: defense and other structures. This manual was developed by the designers of OAO Mosproekt, headed by V. L. Mashinsky. nine0003
Now Germany is the undisputed leader in the development of advanced roof garden technologies. Here, not only modern methods of greening roofs are created using revolutionary materials - here, in principle, it is customary to lay out green areas on roofs, and this is planned at the design stage of buildings. In Germany, among other things, green roofing technologies with a large slope angle are actively used. And for building owners who have not arranged gardens on their roofs, special tax fees have been introduced. nine0003
One of the undisputed world leaders in the construction of "green" roofs is the German company ZinCo.
However, many other countries do not lag behind Germany in terms of the prevalence of green roofs. So, in the cities of Switzerland, about a quarter of all flat roofs are covered with lawns. And in Japan, flat roofs over 100 square meters are legally required to create gardens.
The roof as an indispensable element of architecture
A fairly common name for the roof of a building is the “fifth façade”. And this nickname was given for a reason - the size and design of the roof design, in many respects, predetermine the appearance of the entire building, as well as the comfort of its use. The roof protects the building from precipitation, dirt, dust and wind, is responsible for thermal insulation and noise protection. Allocate "warm" roofs, which also prevent heat loss, and "cold" without thermal insulation. However, each roof must necessarily have at least a slight slope, which is necessary for the removal of precipitation. If we are talking about a flat roof, then it is usually about 2%. Roofs with a more impressive slope angle, behind which attics or attics are usually hidden, are made with a slope of 20%. nine0003
All decisions that are somehow related to the construction of the roof: type, angle of inclination, configuration - predetermine the subsequent possibilities for its use. Now roofs are usually made with a large bearing capacity. So big that they could accommodate helicopter landings or car parks. Nothing prevents placing playgrounds, sports equipment, swimming pools, beauty salons, cafes, restaurants, clubs and much more on them.
At the same time, it should be taken into account that in the upper part of modern multi-storey buildings there are usually a lot of communications. Ventilation hoods, television network antennas, superstructures over elevator shafts and much more - all this is necessary to guarantee people comfortable living conditions. But how to combine with all this a whole garden? To do this, you need to develop a detailed project in which both communications and living plants can coexist comfortably. Designing and installing such roofs can be somewhat more expensive than building a conventional gravel roof. But do not underestimate the benefits, the beauty of the green roof, as well as its potential for exploitation by people. nine0003
In other words, the main difficulty in arranging a roof garden is the need to take into account the requirements of builders, architects, economists and the plants themselves, which need certain conditions for normal growth and development.
It is clear that vegetation planted on the roof of a multi-storey building exists in somewhat different environmental conditions than plants on the ground. The microclimate in such places can be called similar to the mountains, since it includes a strong wind, an abundance of solar radiation and a fairly thin layer of soil, under which there is a solid base. Usually, in the cold season, at the roof surface, approximately 5-10% less humidity is observed than at the ground level, and in the warm season, it is 10-20% less. This, coupled with strong winds, speeds up the drying process of the soil. Although do not forget about the abundance of precipitation that can stagnate on flat roofs. Plants under such conditions must, on the one hand, be regularly watered, and on the other hand, they must be provided with a mechanism for the effective removal of excess moisture. nine0003
A specially designed drainage system is required to maintain optimal humidity levels. To protect against hypothermia and mechanical damage due to wind - high parapets, gratings and taps. And in order for the plants to have enough nutrients, it is necessary to use special lightweight substrates.
All stages of the vegetative period - growth, flowering, fruiting, shedding of foliage - occur in vegetation on the roof about 3-12 days earlier than in the same plants "living" on the ground. And this must also be taken into account when designing the system, and, in many respects, in the context of a decorative scheme. Although the environmental factor is more important: not only the adaptability of plants, trees and shrubs to "mountain" conditions, but also their compatibility with each other. For a roof garden, hardy and fairly unpretentious crops are usually chosen: ground cover and herbaceous plants, creepers, dwarf or creeping shrubs and trees. nine0003
Green gardens of the 21st century
During the design of green roofs, certain technological aspects are taken into account, as well as the intended use of the green area. Therefore, each solution is unique in its own way. An illustrative example is the monolithic tower building, which was created in Tashkent after a strong earthquake that occurred in 1966. People who previously lived in their own private houses moved into it, and who had to get used to the peculiarities of life in an apartment building. Therefore, every three floors, it was decided to equip the picturesque courtyards, which could be accessed from the balconies. In addition, the ends of the sites were decorated with concrete containers in which plants were planted. And on the flat roof of the house they created a garden with pools, benches and awnings. nine0003
Another interesting example is the Moscow International House of Music, which started operating in 2003 in Moscow. It includes a small conservatory located in the foyer and leading to an open area.
From the top of the building you can admire the surrounding areas and the Moskva River. At the same time, different plants are planted in the open and closed parts of the winter garden. Outside - those that are able to endure being outdoors in the conditions of the Moscow climate (western thuja, junipers, mountain ash, linden, spirea, barberries), inside - exotic and greenhouse cultures. The landscape composition is “rallyed” by perennials and lawn grasses, and the result is five green areas between paved paths. The landscape architect E. Yu. Zvyagintseva acted as the creator of this beautiful place. Modern insulating materials, irrigation systems, drainage systems, lighting fixtures were used for its construction, making it one of the best examples of Moscow roof gardens of the 21st century. nine0003
Real trees have been growing on the roof of the garage on Nametkina Street, owned by RAO Gazprom, for many years. There is a boulevard here, a wonderful addition to which is a children's playground. Since 1999, the surface of the roof of the greenhouse complex of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University has not been empty: various varieties of ground cover crops are being tested on it, and almost immediately the result of the experiment was a picturesque multi-colored plant carpet.
In 1993 another interesting project was launched in the northern capital. For him, they used the roof of an ordinary nine-story building, as well as the buildings of the design institute. Flowers, vegetables and seedlings of fruit crops were planted in these territories. The same plants were also planted in the natural ground cover next to the buildings. This simple experiment made it possible to establish that plants grown on the roof have much less heavy metals and nitrates than those grown in the open field. The reason is obvious: automobile exhausts and other harmful substances simply do not get to a height of several tens of meters. The experiment provided empirical evidence for the effectiveness of the green roof concept and led to the development of the Residential Ecological Model program, also known as the Ecohouse. Now this program is gradually being introduced into a comprehensive program to improve the environmental situation in cities. nine0003
Russian green roofs still lag behind those created abroad in terms of prevalence, area occupied and the degree of complexity of landscape design. But every year we have more and more interesting and promising projects. So, from recent developments, one can name the "Tsar's Garden". It will be built on the roofs of two floors - the fifth and fourth - in a large-scale complex, which is being built on the Sofiyskaya embankment of the Moscow River. The project was developed by designers L. Dormasheva and T. Bakhareva, as well as architects V. Nikolsky and N. Meshcheryakova. The garden will be placed in front of the Kremlin and will become a tribute to the "mountain" gardens that once admired for their beauty in Zamoskvorechye (thus, which were discussed at the beginning of the article). nine0003
The key element of the composition of the "Tsar's Garden" will be a cozy promenade boulevard, the design of which is planned to be stylized as Dutch baroque. In the northern part of the garden (it was called the "golden garden"), a sundial will be installed, around which yellow and orange flowers will be planted, as well as an artificial pond with a sculpture called the "Royal Throne" will be broken. The southern part (“blue garden”) will include a swimming pool with three cascades lined with blue tiles and fruit tree plantings. And in the center of the composition there will be a fragrant rose garden. nine0003
What will become one of the effective solutions to the environmental problem in the future is being created, strengthened and improved right now. Roof greening technologies are recognized as promising in all developed countries of the world, and there is no doubt that a great future awaits them.
Rooftop Garden - Rules for Arranging and Maintaining - Botanichka
From ancient wonders of the world to the works of science fiction writers and futuristic eco-projects, rooftop gardens have always inspired people. Today, such a garden can become both an original decoration of a summer cottage and a breath of fresh air for residents of the metropolis. And most importantly, it is quite possible to create it, even at low cost. All you need is to know a few useful tricks in the arrangement and care. nine0003 Roof Garden - Rules for Arranging and Maintaining
Before You Begin
First you need to decide what kind of garden you want to have. Will a decorative element be enough, or do you need a full-fledged recreation area?
In the first case, extensive landscaping is suitable for you - an eco-friendly decoration of a flat or pitched roof, for example, with cozy moss, bright lawn herbs or a romantic climbing ipomoea vine. This is a simpler and more affordable option, although you won’t be able to admire the sunrise over a cup of tea in such a garden. nine0003
Intensive landscaping is the construction of a full-fledged garden on the roof, with a variety of plants, paths, alpine slides, and sometimes even ponds and waterfalls. This option is more difficult, it is only suitable for a flat roof, and here you often cannot do without the help of professionals.
Then you need to find out if your future garden will harm the building. Depending on the type of landscaping, loads on roof structures can reach from 100 to 900 kg per square meter. If you do not have experience or specialized education, it is better to involve engineers in such assessments. nine0003
Legal nuances should also be taken into account: one thing is the roof of a gazebo in a country house, and quite another is an apartment building. In this case, you will need to send a request to Rosreestr and transfer the roof to the category of exploited, having previously obtained the consent of each of the homeowners in the house. Of course, obtaining a permit is a long and difficult process and may require the assistance of a professional lawyer. However, recently Russian legislation has shown some interest in exploited roofs - for example, on June 1, 2020, GOST R 58875-2020 came into force, which regulates the improvement of green roofs. This in itself, of course, does not simplify the procedure, but gives hope that the attitude of bureaucratic organizations towards green roofs is “warming up” a little. nine0003
We have a plan
Having decided on what you want and enlisting the support of your neighbors, you can start a garden project. It is necessary to take into account several key points:
- Roofing pie scheme (more on this below): the order of the layers, the materials of which they will consist, and the installation technology are important.
- Types and locations of garden maintenance structures, such as windscreens or automatic irrigation systems.
- Protective structures - stairs and railings that will ensure the safety of visitors to your future garden.
It is recommended to take light materials - wood and plastic, and it is better to refuse massive marble railings. nine0120
- The lighting system is another guarantee of safety, it will decorate your garden and help visitors not to bump into each other in the dark.
It is also worth deciding whether flamingos and garden gnomes will settle in your garden - in other words, plan the arrangement of decorative elements.
Garden figurine Gnome with strawberriesGarden figurine Pink FlamingoGarden figurine Gnome on a stumpFinally, at this stage you need to decide which plants will live in your garden. For an extensive garden, lawn grasses, ground cover and climbing plants are suitable. An interesting solution could be a green roof covered with succulents. nine0003
In the intensive garden, you can plant flowering plants, shrubs and even trees, the main thing is to follow a number of rules:
- garden inhabitants must be resistant to wind, drought, temperature fluctuations, lack of moisture and nutrients;
- it is better to choose zoned plants from domestic nurseries - it will be easier for them to take root in unusual conditions;
- if you are at a loss with a choice, you can check the list of plants that are allowed to be planted on the roof in central Russia (about 50 species), or contact landscape designers.
As for the rest, you are limited only by your imagination - it is up to you to decide whether your garden will be decorated with a multi-colored glade of nasturtiums and pansies, or the building will be crowned with cozy benches in thickets of shadberry and barberry.
The plan for the roof garden of an apartment building needs to be discussed at a meeting of residents, and then the protocol is submitted to the housing design institute, where the project will be prepared and approved by all authorities, which may take some time - however, the result is worth it. In a private house, you can do the project yourself, although the help of professionals will never be superfluous. nine0003 Variant of intensive roof greening in a big city
Getting started
Before erecting a garden, a number of technical works need to be carried out:

When the preliminary manipulations are completed, you can start building your paradise - you need to start work with a roofing cake, which consists of eight layers:
- The first layer will be the roof itself, cleaned of slate or tiles. The surface should be leveled with a concrete screed (on a flat roof, it is advisable to make a slight slope towards the drain - 1-1.5 degrees). nine0120
- The second layer is a reliable waterproofing (usually made of bitumen-polymer materials). It is necessary to solder the seams, and bend the material along the edges so that it protrudes above the insulation.
- Thermal insulation is laid in the third layer. For such work today, cork materials, foamed polyurethane or extruded polystyrene foam are used.
- The fourth layer is a root protection membrane made of elastic polymers that will retain moisture and prevent roots from growing into the base of the roof. nine0120
- The fifth, sixth and seventh layers will protect the roof from moisture and dust.
It is necessary to lay a layer of geotextile, lay a drainage layer on top of it, connected to the drainage system. Its thickness should be from 5 to 10 cm, and, for example, expanded clay gravel or crushed pumice are suitable as materials. On top of the drainage layer, it is necessary to lay another layer of geotextile.
- Finally, the eighth top layer is fertile soil. Its thickness, depending on the plants you choose, can vary from 5 to 50 cm. For a roof garden, it is recommended to use light mixtures of soil. nine0120
When all layers are laid, you can move on to planting the garden. This is the most enjoyable stage, when you can finally let your imagination run wild and decorate your heavenly corner with a carpet of nasturtiums or elegant small maples and rowans. For planting trees, it is recommended to use seedlings 6-7 years old, for shrubs - 2-3 years.
Mountain plants can be a good choice - they will better tolerate the harsh conditions of the roof, and neat mountain pines among white and pink saxifrage flowers will create an indescribable atmosphere. nine0181 It is best to plant plants in spring - this way it will be easier for them to take root. And if you decorate the roof with primroses, then you can be the first to meet spring among snowdrops and crocuses - in the "heavenly" gardens, flowers bloom a little earlier.
For a pitched roof garden, it is useful to install a limiting edge along the edge after completion of work - this will protect against soil sliding.
Gentle care
Plants on the roof behave differently than on the ground: their active growth begins a few days earlier, the fruits ripen a little faster, the autumn foliage is brighter and more intense, and they need special care. nine0003
Under the influence of wind and solar radiation, the soil dries out faster, so the garden needs to be watered abundantly - it is recommended to use the capillary method. A good solution would be an automatic irrigation system, but this option requires the help of specialists.
Due to abundant watering and a relatively thin layer of soil, plants may lack nutrients, and therefore they need to be fertilized more often than on the ground - an average of 4 times per growing season.
If there are trees and shrubs in the garden, it is important to cut them regularly - this will keep the intended shape and save from additional loads on the roof structures. As in any garden, you need to remove fallen leaves and debris in time, and replace dead plants. nine0003
We must not forget the roof itself. If mistakes were made during the installation of the roofing cake or planting the plants, leakage, damage to the supporting structures, or soil sliding from the pitched roof may occur. Alas, in this case, the garden will have to be dismantled, and after repairing the roof, it will have to be rebuilt. However, if the work is carried out in compliance with the technology, this danger does not threaten you.
Of course, roof gardens, especially intensive ones, are not always easy to set up without the help of specialists, and, moreover, they require special care. However, the efforts spent will certainly pay off, because such gardens not only improve the ecological situation and increase the heat and sound insulation of buildings, but can also turn your home into a unique green oasis of tranquility and beauty.