Best coffee press
The Best French Press Coffee Makers of 2022
Straight to the Point
Our favorite French press coffee maker is the Fellow Clara French Press. Its heat retention was unmatched in our testing and it has smart design features, like a weighted handle that makes pouring easier. Our budget pick is the Coffee Gator French Press Coffee Maker. This double-walled model is about $40 and a solid performer.
Brewing coffee on a French press is highly rewarding and very simple: you pour hot water over coarsely ground coffee, wait a few minutes, and press down. Coffee that comes out of a French press is wonderfully bold and heavy, and you don't need to know too much about brewing or extraction techniques to get it right.
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Almost all French presses have the same design: There’s a brewing chamber with a handle and a plunger with a mesh filter. But the details of a French press brewer can take your brew from just okay to extraordinary. I tested a range of models and tried a variety of brewing recipes to figure out the best French press for most people. Here’s what I found.
Editor's Note
We recently tested four more French presses (models from Bodum, SterlingPro, and Brim) and compared them to the performance and usability of our favorite French press from Fellow. You can read our thoughts on each of these new additions towards the bottom of this page.
The Winners, at a Glance
The Best Overall French Press: Fellow Clara French Press
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Also available at Fellow Products, Food52, Williams Sonoma, and Best Buy.
The Fellow Clara combines innovative design with excellent heat retention. With its sleek matte finish, double-walled chamber, and weighted handle, the Clara proves that the folks at Fellow understand what makes a French press brewer great.
Best for: Design-minded folks who want a beautiful piece of coffee equipment; people who want to keep their coffee piping hot for extended periods; people who want a brewer that can make an excellent cup of French press coffee without any fuss.
The Best French Press for Folks Who Like to Tinker: Espro P3 French Press
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Also available at Espro and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
The Espro P3 is probably the most “innovative” of the models I tested. The filter is a two-layer mesh cage meant to filter out fine particles, which means you can play with grind settings more. (What if you ground your coffee at an espresso setting? Wild things are happening!). The resulting coffee is cleaner than any cup I made with the other French presses, but it’s difficult to clean and doesn’t give you the hefty, almost viscous coffee you'd expect from a French press.
Best for: Folks who like to geek out on coffee; who have a burr grinder and can tinker with different grind settings; who want their coffee to taste closer to a pour over with the ease of a French press.
The Best Affordable French Press: Coffee Gator French Press Coffee Maker
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Also available at Walmart and Target.
The Coffee Gator is made of layered stainless steel that's both sturdy and keeps coffee hot over long periods of time. The dual filter ensures that grit and coffee sludge don’t end up in the final cup but still produces coffee with the heft you’d expect in a French press. It also comes with a bonus canister to bring your beans on the road.
Best for: Folks looking for a classic cup of French press coffee; travelers and campers; those who are accident-prone and need a brewer that’ll withstand drops.
The Criteria: What We Look for in a Great French Press
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
A great French press has to make great coffee. It should be easy to use and easy to clean. It also should keep coffee hot and maintain that temperature for long periods of time.
To improve your coffee drinking experience even more, use freshly ground coffee if you can. Buy the best beans available to you and invest in a burr grinder as opposed to a a blade grinder.
What's the Best Temperature for Coffee Extraction?
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
Coffee is made by extracting soluble components out of ground coffee. The way coffee releases those components—which is where flavor comes from—is through interaction with water. The National Coffee Association states that the ideal brewing temperature for coffee is between 195°-205°F.
Anything hotter than 205°F will result in over-extraction, which causes bitter, acrid, and unpleasant flavors. Anything cooler than 195°F will result in under-extraction, where the resulting brew is sour and hollow. “Heat typically speeds up chemical reactions, so adding heat to your brewing process will increase the extraction rate of your brewing method,” says Erica Chadé, Specialty Coffee Educator.
A French press is a full immersion brewer, meaning that the coffee and water are hanging out with each other for a long time. Most French press recipes require water and coffee to brew together for at least four minutes before you plunge and separate the grounds from the final brew. That means you want to try to keep your water within that ideal brewing-temperature range for as long as possible.
Let’s be clear—you won’t be able to keep water within that range the entire time you’re brewing, and that’s not even really the point (every brew method will lose heat, even pour-over brewers). In every French press I tested, the water I used lost at least 20 degrees between the initial pour and the final brew. Yet while it's inevitable that the water will lose heat, the rate it does so depends on how the French press is insulated.
“Temperature stability is a variable that we understand will change throughout the French press brew process, and anything we can do to minimize its loss of heat helps with extraction and consistency from brew to brew,” says Akaash Saini, National Sales Manager for Ground Control Coffee Brewers in New York. “Pre-heating your vessel, and using double-walled french presses (like Fellow and Espro) will help.”
What's the Right Grind Setting for French Press Coffee?
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
Almost all French press recipes call for you to grind your coffee on the coarsest setting possible, but that's not what I recommend. There are two reasons: First, every grinder’s coarsest setting is different; second, you can increase extraction when you grind just a teeny bit finer.
To test my theory, I did a Very Scientific Thing: I asked #coffeetwitter what they thought. 21.7% said you should grind coarse, 19.6% said finer than you’d think, and 58.7% said medium-coarse.
The Best Coffee Grinders of 2022
When it comes to determining the right grind setting, your best tool will always be your palate. I think that’s where lots of folks make mistakes—sometimes, coffee recipes are treated as prescriptive, but really, they’re meant to be jumping off points, and coffee is so easy to tinker with as long as you listen to what your palate is telling you. In general, if your coffee tastes sour and thin, try grinding finer. If it tastes bitter and syrupy, try a coarser grind setting.
Why You Should Trust Us
I worked in two different cafes that made all their drip coffee using a French press. One was appropriately called Daily Press, and the other was so busy that we’d sometimes have one barista just continuously brewing and cleaning out French presses during busy rushes.
As baristas, part of our job is to talk with customers about brewing coffee at home, and a good percentage of customers asked me about brewing coffee in a French press. There are certain principles that are true to coffee brewing in general, and one of the earliest and most important skills you learn as a barista is how to brew properly extracted coffee—and how to change variables when the coffee flavor is off.
I also wrote the Serious Eats review of the best espresso machines and the best milk frothers, where I detailed my years of experience making and writing about coffee.
The Testing
I designed three tests for determining the quality of a French press. First, I evaluated how functional and usable the press was. Second, I measured how well it retained heat over a half-hour period. Lastly, I evaluated the flavor of the coffee at various points and used two different brewing recipes to determine how the flavor was affected by each French press.
Test 1: Usability and Functionality
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
Cleaning a French press is hassle. However, being able to easily clean a French press is vital: because it’s a full immersion brewer, coffee oils and residue can build up quickly, so taking the brewer apart (so you can clean it) and putting it back together should be straightforward and simple.
I evaluated how easy each French press was to use, clean up, and store. I also took into account any stylistic elements, updates on the classic French press design, and the materials used to make each model. The French press is an iconic brewer, so I also took into account how visually appealing each brewer was and how the handles felt in my hand as I poured.
Test 2: Heat Retention
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
As I broke down above, heat retention in a brewer is the most consistent predictor of coffee quality. The brewers that were able to retain as much heat as possible always brewed the best coffee, so I tested how hot each brew was at multiple intervals: when the water initially hit the coffee, after each brew cycle (one recipe called for a four-minute brew, another eight), and then five and 20 minutes after brewing.
I preheated each brewer for a full minute with boiling water and used water that was 30 seconds off boil to brew. For each sample of coffee I took, I preheated each mug to ensure no heat was lost to a cold drinking vessel.
A note on time tests: many French press recipes call for you to pour the coffee into a separate carafe once it’s finished brewing. Even though the plunger on a French press is meant to separate the grounds from the final coffee, they’re still interacting with one another and flavors will continue to extract. I didn’t do this for these tests, mostly because I don’t think most people pour off their coffee into a different carafe, and because that wouldn’t tell us anything about the brewer’s ability to retain heat over time. I did note how the flavor changed over time, and was surprised by how well each coffee held up in the brewer.
Test 3: Flavor
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
There’s no point to these tests if they don’t produce excellent coffee. Heat retention and taste are linked, but I wanted to see if each brewer could handle different French press recipes.
I made coffee with all 10 presses using a standard recipe: 42.5 grams of coffee for 680 grams of water (1:16 ratio). I chose these particular parameters because some brewers were bigger than others, so I wanted a coffee to water ratio that could be made in each one. I pre-heated each brewer for a full minute, added the grounds, added all the water, stirred the grounds after one minute, covered the brewer with the lid, and then pressed down after four minutes total. I used a medium-coarse grind setting on a Baratza Encore and a coffee from Ruby Coffee Roasters called Creamery, a blend they recommend for both espresso and drip coffee. (Full disclosure: my partner works for Ruby).
I then took my top four brewers and tried a totally different recipe from Nick Cho, who recommends cranking your grinder to its coarsest setting and brewing for almost double the time typically recommended by other recipes. I kept the ratio of coffee to water consistent, but stirred the slurry after 45 seconds and plunged after eight minutes.
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
One thing I kept consistent in each brew recipe was stirring the coffee after the initial pour, or blooming the coffee. My classic recipe calls for stirring the bloom after one minute while Cho’s calls for a stir after 45 seconds. When you initially pour hot water onto coffee, the coffee (depending on how fresh it is) will create a crust with trapped volatile components, and stirring the bloom will release some of those gases. “It is...important to include a bloom pour/stage when constructing a French press recipe since I find that this vital step tends to be excluded for this particular brewing method,” Chadé says of designing recipes. “Blooming is a great technique that enhances extraction for all brewing methods, even batch brew!”
I stirred each bloom three times back and forth in order to break up the crust. “Incorporating agitation into the bloom stage can be helpful for ensuring that all of the coffee in the brew bed is adequately saturated for necessary degassing,” Chadé says. “If a crust forms during your brew, reincorporating those grounds into your brew with a gentle stir is best for promoting an even extraction. The goal of this stir should be reincorporation and not agitation, as agitation at this stage of brewing would most likely result in an uneven extraction.”
Just to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I took my top three brewers to my trusty friend, Phil—he helped test some of the models I recommended in my home espresso machine article—and asked him to brew coffee and talk through what he liked and disliked about each brewer. I gave him no instructions; I simply asked him to brew and record his thoughts.
The Best French Press: Fellow Clara French Press
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Also available at Fellow Products, Food52, Williams Sonoma, and Best Buy.
What we liked: The Clara gives you everything you need to brew beautiful coffee. The brewer comes with an agitation stick so you can stir your grounds after the initial bloom. No scale to measure coffee? No problem! There are fill lines etched inside the brewer to indicate how much coffee and water to use (I’d still use a scale if you can because volume and weight can vary). The handle is weighted so when you pour your first cup, you’re not straining to carry a heavy brewer with an uneven weight distribution.
It's also beautiful. The matte black finish and curved lines sit beautifully on any countertop. The Clara has a heat-lock double-walled vacuum to insulate the brewing chamber, a non-stick coating on the inside to make clean-up easy, and perhaps the most deceptively ingenious design upgrade I’ve seen on any French press: an all-directional pour lid. As a person who has spilled hot coffee on themselves hundreds of times because they’ve forgotten to align the spout with the lid, I very much appreciated this touch.
In my temperature tests, the Clara kept coffee the hottest. From initial pour to the end of the four minute brew, it lost about 19 degrees during the brew cycle. Coffees on the Clara tasted like nougat and chocolate. I’m not 100% convinced that has to do with the brewer directly, but rather indirectly through heat retention. On brewers where heat retention wasn’t as strong, there were noticeable sour notes and weird, lingering finishes that were unpleasant, but the coffee on the Clara drank well no matter when I poured a cup.
It feels weird to say that cleaning a French press is a pleasant experience because they’re notoriously annoying to take apart and clean properly (if you have a traditional French press at home and you haven’t taken the bottom apart, now is a good time to unscrew the mesh screen and give it a soak to remove old coffee oils). The Clara screen is just one piece lined with rubber to create a seal so no coffee grounds slip past the side of the filter when you plunge. All you have to do to clean is unscrew the bottom.
I know $99 is a lot to ask for a French press—the Bodum Brazil starts at $13—but this is a forever piece of equipment, and for the combination of brewing power, temperature consistency, and aesthetic and design choices, the Fellow Clara delivers on all fronts.
What we didn't like: Not much—besides the steep price, the Fellow Clara is an all-around fantastic French press.
Price at time of publication: $99
Key Specs
- Capacity: 24 oz
- Dimensions: 4.53 inc x 6.69 in x 7.87 in
- Materials: Stainless steel
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
The Best French Press for Folks Who Like to Tinker: Espro P3 French Press
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Also available at Espro and Bed, Bath and Beyond
What we liked: In order to avoid sooty, sediment-laden coffee—a common French press complaint—Espro redesigned the entire bottom plunger piece, using two interlocking fine-mesh baskets to prevent any coffee particles from getting into your final cup.
Because the Espro P3 is able to filter out so much of the sediment that ends up in coffee, this French press is actually primed for experimentation. In the section above, I talked about how to grind for a French press, and with the Espro P3, you can push your grind setting finer, which can be fun for folks who like to try new things and push the limits on coffee.
This is also a great press for people who might not love the flavor of French press coffee, or at least don’t crave the characteristic grit produced by the brewing method. You might ask why someone would buy a French press if they didn’t care for French press coffee, and the answer is simple: it’s the easiest way to brew coffee.
What we didn't like: One thing I did miss on both Espro models I tested was the heft of a French pressed coffee. I did get some higher notes—think more acids and fruit flavors—from the P3 and P6 versus other brewers, but that’s not what I’m pulling out a French press for. I want some of the weight that comes from the coffee oils, and every cup I had just missed a little bit of that. Another downside: It's a pain to clean with its micro filters; you can't just quickly rinse it and set it aside.
But if you want to experiment and try out different brewing recipes (or hate experimenting and just want a nice, clean cup of coffee) this might be the press for you.
Price at time of publication: $39.95
Key Specs
- Capacity: 32 oz
- Dimensions: 4.2 in x 6.6 in x 9.9 in
- Materials: Glass, plastic
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
The Best Affordable French Press: Coffee Gator French Press Coffee Maker
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Also available at Walmart and Target.
What we liked: I wasn’t sure what to expect from this French press. It looks like most classic presses and has the mesh screen I’m used to seeing, but the folks at Coffee Gator seem to know exactly what they’re doing and this press boasted all the right features: their double-walled carafe was one of the top performers in my temperature testing, and the small adjustments they made to the French press’s classic design only enhanced the drinking experience, including the small arrow on top of the plunger to indicate where the lid and the pour spout should align to prevent spills.
This brewer is almost ideal for traveling. It’s virtually indestructible—but it’s also pretty heavy. That being said, it made what I would call the most “classic” cup of French press coffee out of the bunch. Not only did it extract well, but it’s dual mesh filters gave some nice flavor clarity.
What we didn't like: Their website says that you can only use coarsely ground coffee for a French press, and while technically that’s not true—you can use whatever you want! Who’s going to stop you?—I likely would keep the grind fairly coarse when using the Gator. It doesn’t have the rubber seal or micro filter that the Clara or the Espro models have, so you will get a significant amount of grit if you go too fine.
Price at time of publication: $39.99
Key Specs
- Capacity: 64 oz
- Dimensions: 5.6 in x 5.8 in x 11.9 in
- Materials: Glass, plastic
Serious Eats / Ashley Rodriguez
The Competition
- Bodum Tribute Coffee Press: This French press is well-built, stylish and performed well in tests, but the Fellow edged it out due to better heat retention.
- Sterling Pro French Press Coffee Maker: The Sterling Pro worked well and made a fine cup of coffee. But, unfortunately, the build quality was not quite up to the standards set by our top picks.
- Bodum Columbia Thermal French Press Coffee Maker: The Bodum Columbia made decent coffee, but its wide, round shape and small base made it a bit awkward to use and easy to tip over.
- Brim 8-Cup French Press Coffee Maker: Although this press made a decent cup of coffee, the build quality was subpar; it felt flimsy in comparison to our top picks. It also struggled to retain heat compared to the other French presses we tested, likely due to the glass beaker.
- Bodum Chambord: There are only a few coffee brewers as iconic as the Bodum Chambord. While it's a totally capable brewer, it just didn’t produce as flavorful a cup as some others, and the mesh screens are prickly on the sides.
- Bodum Brazil: The Brazil is a slightly more affordable French press from Bodum.
I ordered one to test how well a French press could froth milk, but as a French press, this model fell short and couldn’t retain heat well.
- Espro 6: The only measurable difference between the Espro 6 and the Espro 3 is that the 6 retains heat better, but it’s a big jump in price between models. If you’re thinking of making the leap, I think the Fellow Clara is a better pick.
- OXO Brew GroundsLifter French Press: I’m a fan of everything OXO, and initially thought their French press model—which features an item called the GroundsLifter, a ladle to scoop out coffee grounds—would help produce a cup of coffee with minimal grit, but its glass build didn’t extract coffee well and produced one of the thinnest cups of coffee I tried.
- Mueller French Press: The Mueller French press is double-walled and brewed great coffee. It’s just a teeny bit heavy and the mesh filters were a little clumsy.
- Frieling French Press: I’ve seen the Frieling French press in coffee shops before, and like most of the double-walled brewers, it did a great job.
But at around $50, it didn’t hold up to the Gator.
- Le Creuset Stoneware French Press: Every fiber of my being wanted to love the Le Creuset French press because it’s so beautiful, but ceramic sucks heat from water unless thoroughly pre-heated, which takes forever. The coffee wasn’t as bad as I would have expected, but this brewer lost the most heat over time and couldn’t extract as well as other presses.
What type of coffee is best for a French press?
Any type of coffee will work in a French press; feel free to use your favorite beans! The most important thing to consider is the grind size. French press filters aren’t as fine as paper filters, so a coarser grind size ensures less sediment and grounds in the finished cup of coffee.
What material is best for a French press?
Stainless steel tends to make the best French press. It’s easy to clean, doesn’t break easily, and retains heat well. With glass beakers, there is always the potential for the glass to crack or chip and our testing shows that it isn’t as effective at maintaining temperature as stainless steel. Avoid plastic beakers if possible; they can stain and crack from regular use.
How long should you brew French press coffee?
Brew time is dependent on how coarse the beans are ground as well as how hot the water is. At a coarse grind and a water temperature of the recommended 205°F, it should take about four to six minutes to brew a pot of coffee in your French press.
The Best Coffee Makers of 2022
The 4 Best French Presses of 2022
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- Kitchen
- Coffee
We’ve looked through this guide, and we stand by our picks. We’ve also added some long-term testing notes to address reader feedback on our top pick.
If you want to make a flavorful, full-bodied cup of coffee at home, and you don’t want to spend a lot of money on gear, a French press is a great option. This brewing method is quick and consistent, and a French press doesn’t hog counter space (like a drip machine) or require a perfect pouring technique. After testing 15 presses and making more than 75 pots of coffee over the years, we think the Espro P3 is the best French press. This elegant-looking press is easy to use and relatively simple to clean. And thanks to its unique double filter, the P3 makes richer, more flavorful coffee with less residue than its competitors.
Our pick
Espro P3 French Press
The Espro P3’s innovative filter consistently brews bright, grit-free coffee.
If you are seeking a French press that delivers smooth, consistent flavor, we recommend the Espro P3 French Press. All Espro models have the same bucket-shaped double filter, which is much finer than most and will keep your coffee almost as grit-free as you get with pour-over. Once you’ve plunged the press, the filter is also effective at keeping the water away from the grounds, so the water won’t pull out too many of the bitter flavors that come from over-steeping your coffee. The first cup you pour tastes as good as the last, even if you let the coffee sit in the press for up to an hour. We like the clean lines of the frame and that it’s dishwasher-safe. The P3 used to be our upgrade pick, but its price has inched downward, making it much more competitive with our former pick, the Bodum Chambord. And we think the P3 makes better-tasting coffee. Demand for French presses has been high for the past couple of years, and we’ve seen the Espro go in and out of stock. A spokesperson informed us that the company worked to increase availability in response, but if you’re having a hard time buying a P3, you may want to try another Espro model that performs similarly.
Bodum Chambord
The press popularized by Jørgen Bodum in the ’70s produces a consistent pour for the price, and we love its classic lines.
The Bodum Chambord makes an admirably consistent and flavorful cup of coffee. Although we found coffee from the Espro P3 to be brighter and more grit-free, some might prefer the deeper flavor of the Chambord’s coffee. We also love that this model has been a classic since the 1970s. The simple glass beaker and elegant frame have a refined aesthetic, and the steel filter pushes down without any scratching or stickiness, an issue with other presses. Since all of the Chambord’s parts are dishwasher-safe, it’s simple to clean. And should anything break, the company sells replacement parts.
Budget pick
Bodum Caffettiera
The Caffettiera has the same classic lines as the Chambord, but with plastic features. It also comes in shades like Pistachio and Strawberry.
Buying Options
$16* from Walmart
*At the time of publishing, the price was $15.
If you want the same taste the Chambord produces for nearly half the price, we recommend the Bodum Caffettiera. It has the same filter and glass beaker as the Chambord, as well as the same lines. But this model has an all-plastic top, which brings down the price significantly. If you leave your French press out on the counter and prefer some color, the Caffettiera comes in a variety of stylish pastels.
Upgrade pick
Espro P6 French Press
The P6 offers the same superior filtration as the other Espro models, plus better heat retention thanks to a double-walled carafe (which comes in brushed stainless steel or matte black).
We recommend the pricier Espro P6 French Press as a top-of-the-line model. This stainless steel press contains the same ultra-fine double filters as the P3. And even though it’s expensive, there’s no danger it will shatter if you drop it. Also, its double walls will keep coffee hot for more than an hour. As is the case with all Espro models, the P6 is designed to stop extracting once you’ve pressed, so your coffee won’t turn as bitter or sour if it sits in the press for a couple of hours. We are seeing some stock issues with the P6 as of this writing; if you’re willing to pay a bit more, the Espro P7 offers all the same features but has a curved stainless steel handle instead of a plastic one.
Everything we recommend
Our pick
Espro P3 French Press
The Espro P3’s innovative filter consistently brews bright, grit-free coffee.
Bodum Chambord
The press popularized by Jørgen Bodum in the ’70s produces a consistent pour for the price, and we love its classic lines.
Budget pick
Bodum Caffettiera
The Caffettiera has the same classic lines as the Chambord, but with plastic features. It also comes in shades like Pistachio and Strawberry.
Buying Options
$16* from Walmart
*At the time of publishing, the price was $15.
Upgrade pick
Espro P6 French Press
The P6 offers the same superior filtration as the other Espro models, plus better heat retention thanks to a double-walled carafe (which comes in brushed stainless steel or matte black).
The research
- Why you should trust us
- Who this is for
- How we picked
- How we tested
- Our pick: Espro P3 French Press
- Runner-up: Bodum Chambord
- Budget pick: Bodum Caffettiera
- Upgrade pick: Espro P6 French Press
- How to use a French press
- Will French press coffee raise your cholesterol?
- Other good French presses
- The competition
- What to look forward to
- Sources
Why you should trust us
Melissa McCart, a former restaurant critic, spent years viewing all things food and drink with a critical eye. She has always been a French press fan, but she had qualms about glass beakers, which she overcame during testing (more on that below). For guidance on brewing methods and the best coffees to use with a French press, she spoke with Nicholas Oddo, an assistant manager at New York’s Variety Coffee and owner of small-batch coffee roaster Capacity Coffee, as well as with TJ Fairchild, founder of Commonplace Coffee in Pittsburgh.
This guide’s first writer, Sabrina Imbler, has used (and broken) many French presses since their first year of college. For guidance, they spoke with Scott Carey, owner and roaster at Sump Coffee, a coffee shop in St. Louis. At Sump, Carey experiments with a variety of brewing methods. He even has a series of instructional YouTube videos in which he explains—along with the occasional moustache twirl—how each process works. Sabrina also spoke with Matt Banbury, a regional salesperson at Counter Culture Coffee who has used a slew of French presses in his work.
Who this is for
A French press is for people who want a great cup of coffee, but who don’t necessarily want to surrender lots of time, space, or money for a complicated coffee setup. This method is one of the least expensive ways to start making good coffee because it doesn’t even require you to buy paper filters, and its small footprint is great for tiny kitchens. Though pour-over might be a similarly space-saving setup, a French press is much more convenient, since it doesn’t require you to stand there and slowly drizzle hot water over your coffee grounds at timed intervals. With a press, you can also make more servings of coffee at once than with most pour-over methods (except the Chemex, which can produce a few servings at a time). The French press method is also fast; once your water has reached the temperature you’d like and you’ve measured out your coffee, the whole brewing process takes roughly four minutes.
French presses have a reputation for producing muddier pours and richer, less-bright flavors, but coffee expert Nicholas Oddo told us it doesn’t have to be that way. He likened a French press to the process of cupping—a way for baristas and roasters to taste coffee and assess quality. Both cupping and the French press require full-immersion brewing: steeped, with no filter. In cupping, tasters will taste the full spectrum of the coffee—including defects—because it comes into contact with the water for a relatively long time.
“You may even get a broader range of flavor with a French press,” said Oddo. “But ... coffee gurus prefer light and bright styles right now, [and] the French press doesn’t favor that style of coffee,” he added.
Commonplace Coffee’s Fairchild told us that those who are interested in using a French press should choose coffees that are better suited to it—like a full-bodied coffee from Sumatra or Papua New Guinea—over more-delicate flavors from Ethiopia. “It’s for those times you’re looking for bold, darker-roasted coffee. If you’re looking for bright flavor clarity, go for a pour-over or a Chemex,” he said.
How we picked
Photo: Michael MurtaughWhat should you look for when you’re buying a French press? Ideally, you should get one that has a plunger with a mesh screen that fits snugly inside: This will ensure that stray grounds don’t escape into your coffee. The screen should also be sturdy enough to maintain its shape and easy to replace (should you need to). And we looked for presses that wouldn’t be too difficult to clean, whether by hand or in the dishwasher. Ultimately, all of our picks are dishwasher-safe (but note that the Espro models are safe only in the top rack).
Glass or stainless steel?
Every glass French press we’ve come across has a beaker made of borosilicate, a type of glass designed not to break when it undergoes a sudden temperature change (this can be an issue for other types of glass, something you may have experienced if you’ve ever poured hot liquid into a cool Mason jar). But even the nicest glass beaker made from borosilicate may crack for other reasons—say, if you knock it against the sink too hard.
Melissa hasn’t loved glass beakers in the past; she’d broken more than she could count and heard plenty of horror stories from restaurateurs about breaking glass presses table-side. For this update, she was fully expecting to steer clear of glass versions for that reason, and also because she didn’t think they’d hold heat as well as stainless models. Though the latter proved true, we found that the best glass versions produced coffee on a par with much pricier stainless steel presses. If you can treat glass with care, those versions are a better deal. But we did look for glass presses with an exterior frame that cushioned and protected the beaker from bumps and drops. And assuming that some breakage is inevitable, any good press should have replacement parts—such as beakers and filters—you can buy online.
Stainless steel versions are more durable, but they also tend to be more expensive (at least for a good one; we haven’t been impressed by most of the cheaper steel presses we’ve tried). Steel presses are often double-walled to keep your coffee hot longer. But if you like to immediately decant all of your coffee after pressing to prevent over-extraction, the heat-retaining capabilities may be irrelevant. (Our upgrade pick, the Espro P6, resolves this issue; it has a fairly effective extraction-halting design, so you can keep your coffee warm in the carafe without over-extracting it. ) Paying more for a stainless press over a glass one won’t give you better coffee, but the cost of replacing broken glass carafes can add up over the years. So if you plan to be a long-term French press user, you may save money in the long run by investing in a stainless steel press.
What size should you get?
French presses come in multiple sizes, but we recommend buying the eight-cup version (usually 32 to 34 ounces), especially if you drink more than a cup or you’re sharing a pot. Keep in mind that different companies may define capacity differently (for example, Espro refers to how much brewed coffee a press can produce, while Bodum refers to the overall capacity of the beaker). Another consideration is whether a large French press allows you to also make smaller batches. Most do, but one quibble that some people have regarding Espro presses is that, due to the double-basket design, 24 ounces is the smallest amount of coffee you can make in the 32-ounce press.
If you go smaller, pay attention to how many ounces—not “cups”—the press can hold. For example, the Bodum Chambord three-cup model handles just 12 ounces, because the company defines a cup of coffee as being 4 ounces. (For reference, a tall cup of coffee at Starbucks is 12 ounces.)
With those criteria in mind, we sorted through dozens of presses—from simple glass beakers to elegant, fragile Japanese designs. We also studied best-selling presses on Amazon, and, for our 2021 update, got recommendations from coffee experts Nicholas Oddo and TJ Fairchild before settling on eight new presses to test against our previous picks (in our previous test we tried a total of seven). Though we mostly stuck with glass or stainless steel carafes, for our recent update we did opt to test one ceramic version: Le Creuset’s French Press. We were curious whether a stoneware option might provide a good middle ground between affordability and durability.
Something else to be aware of: The pandemic has changed everything—including the popularity of French presses. If you’re having trouble finding one of our picks in stock, we recommend that you take a look at the Other good French presses section (or the Competition section) for more options that could serve your needs.
How we tested
During our first round of testing, in 2017, we started by running all of the presses through the dishwasher to confirm that they wouldn’t break when washed in a machine. We also filled each beaker to the brim with boiling water, to verify that the glass was indeed heatproof and wouldn’t shatter during use (this didn’t prove to be an issue with any of the models, and we’ve since skipped this test). To see how the presses would handle a common, ready-bought grind that was finer than the coarse one recommended for a French press, we brewed three batches of Dunkin’ Donuts pre-ground coffee and noted how much of the grounds ended up in our cups. Between batches, we disassembled and reassembled the various stainless steel screens and plates that made up the filters, to see how easy it was to clean them.
In 2017, we also held a blind-tasting panel with four coffee fiends among Wirecutter’s staff. For the panel, we upgraded to a more luxurious bean—Café Grumpy’s Mahiga, a single-origin roast from Nyeri, Kenya. (We ground it in the Baratza Virtuoso, an older version of our upgrade pick for coffee grinder.) For each batch, we used 25 grams of coffee to 350 milliliters of water, steeping for four minutes exactly. Each panelist took notes on how clarified, acidic, or muddy the brews tasted, as well as on how much of the grounds remained in their cups. We concluded our test with a roundtable discussion of what we liked and didn’t like about each press.
For our 2021 update, over the course of several days, Melissa conducted a first round of testing with all 13 presses, brewing 25 grams of coffee in 350 milliliters of water heated to 205 degrees Fahrenheit and steeping for four minutes before pressing. Then she conducted a second round using the same coffee-to-water ratios, but this time tasted in batches by brand—all Bodum, all Espro, and then the remaining presses grouped in order of price point. She eliminated half of the presses according to notes on value, flavor, design, seal, residue, and how easy they were to wash.
Prior to the third round, Melissa hand-washed the presses—or ran those that allowed it through the dishwasher—taking note of which models were easier or harder to clean and whether there were any annoyances in the cleaning process.
For the third and final round, we assembled a group of taste testers (limited to a pod of three, due to the pandemic). Our testers (including barista and coffee roaster Nicholas Oddo, as well as another member of the food industry) blind-tasted coffee made in six French presses to come up with the final rankings based on the factor that held the most weight—flavor. We then calibrated the rankings with the other factors to arrive at the final picks.
For all of the 2021 tests, we used Counter Culture Coffee’s Forty-Six, a popular dark-roasted blend with tasting notes of smoky dark chocolate. We ground it in a Ditting grinder. This grinder is not one you’d find in someone’s home because it’s a solid, workhorse grinder for commercial use that costs thousands of dollars. But since Melissa didn’t have a home grinder, she visited her partner’s restaurant, Bread and Salt, in Jersey City, New Jersey (the restaurant is in the process of building out an espresso bar). With pandemic parameters, we took what we could get.
Our pick: Espro P3 French Press
Photo: Michael MurtaughOur pick
Espro P3 French Press
The Espro P3’s innovative filter consistently brews bright, grit-free coffee.
If you want the brightest coffee you can make with a plunger, the Espro P3 French Press (32 ounces) is a great choice and easy to use. For the price, it produces the most balanced, clean, and smooth coffee of all the French presses we tested. When we used Counter Culture Coffee’s Forty-Six coffee beans, brews produced by the P3 highlighted the blend’s slightly sweet and smoky notes.
The P3’s two bucket-shaped micro-filters make every other plunger’s filters look rudimentary. The filters lock into each other, so they stay together while plunging, but you can easily detach them when cleaning the press. The lock is an extra step that takes a few tries to get comfortable with, but we found it easy to master. During testing, the filters kept out even the most slippery of runaway grounds. According to Espro, the gauze-like mesh is nine to 12 times finer than that of typical French press filters.
Espro’s unique plunger uses two bucket-shaped fine mesh filters to make a cleaner, more balanced pot of coffee. Video: Michael MurtaughOnce plunged, the Espro P3’s double filter also locks the grounds and a small amount of coffee at the bottom of the press; Espro said this helps stop the brewing process (what pros call extraction). This portion of grounds and coffee continues extracting as long as it sits in the beaker, but it’s ostensibly too thick and sludgy to pass through the filter. Meanwhile, your coffee sits above the filters, relatively separate from the grounds. So if you leave your coffee in the beaker for more than four minutes, it won’t become as bitter and over-extracted as it would in other presses. The P3’s rubber-rimmed plunger ensures a tight seal, though this can make it tougher to press than Bodum’s plunger.
To test Espro’s extraction-stopping claim, which is unique among the presses we tested, we brewed coffee in the P3 and poured half of it into a mug; we then let the other half stand in the press for two hours, tasting it at regular intervals. After 10, 20, and 40 minutes, the flavor of the coffee we left in the Espro matched that of the first pour. After the first hour, however, we noticed a slight increase in bitterness. Since it’s not unusual to drink a fresh-brewed pot within an hour, and because the difference after the first hour was ever so slight, we found that Espro’s claim held up pretty well.
The P3’s glass beaker is considerably thicker and more insulating than those of every other glass press we tested, and it will keep your coffee warmer than the Bodum models. The P3’s beaker might also be a little less fragile than standard beakers. Espro typically sells a variety of replacement parts if your beaker or filters break, but we are seeing stock issues with the replacement parts, and we have contacted the company to inquire about availability.
Flaws but not dealbreakers
Overall, the P3 is visually less appealing than Espro’s more expensive models (or even than most Bodum models, with their clean lines). And we wish there weren’t the equivalent of a page in a book printed on the glass. But if you prioritize bright pours and a grit-free mug over aesthetics, the P3 is a better choice than a Bodum.
We’ve seen comments from readers about the watery sludge that lingers at the bottom of the P3 after pressing. We think this leftover liquid is part of what ensures that your coffee is silt-free, and Wirecutter staffers who have been long-term testing the Espro agree. (By design, the Espro mimics some aspects of the French press technique that barista and YouTube coffee connoisseur James Hoffmann has popularized, which also tends to leave extra liquid at the bottom of the carafe.)
But we get that the liquid can seem like wasted coffee or be messier to clean. Some P3 reviewers have come up with their own solution for squeezing out more liquid from the bottom of the carafe; one Reddit user suggests holding the lid down and giving the grounds an extra half-pump after you’ve completed your initial press. This tip might be worth a try if you want to maximize the amount of coffee you’re making—though we have yet to try it, so we can’t vouch that your coffee will taste the same—or if you simply want to clear out more liquid before emptying the grounds into your trash or compost bin.
It’s not cheap to replace the glass beaker if it breaks, but that cost (about $25 at this writing) is not unusual among the glass presses we looked at. We’re also having trouble finding the replacement beaker in stock currently, but we’re inquiring with Espro about future availability. If you’re worried about having to replace the beaker, consider our upgrade pick, the stainless steel Espro P6, instead. You pay more up front, but the cost may even out in the long run depending on how prone you are to breaking things.
Also note that even though you can brew smaller portions in the larger carafes of some French presses, due to the Espro’s double filter, you cannot make less than 24 ounces of coffee in its 32-ounce press. So if you want the option of brewing smaller amounts, you might consider one of our Bodum picks. If you have your heart set on an Espro press but want to brew smaller quantities, the P7 model—which performs just like our upgrade pick but has an all-metal exterior, more color options, and a higher price—is the only one that comes in an 18-ounce size. This smaller press can make as little as 12 ounces of coffee.
Runner-up: Bodum Chambord
Photo: Michael MurtaughRunner-up
Bodum Chambord
The press popularized by Jørgen Bodum in the ’70s produces a consistent pour for the price, and we love its classic lines.
The Bodum Chambord (34 ounces) makes a rich, flavorful cup of coffee, leaving behind little residue in the cup. Designed in the 1970s, the Chambord looks like the quintessential French press. Although it didn’t make the brightest coffee of the bunch, some may prefer the more classic French press flavor it produces, as well as its clean looks. The Chambord is also easier to find online and in stores, so it’s a good alternative if the Espro P3 is out of stock.
The Chambord’s polished, symmetrical steel design looks more upscale than most other presses we tested. The press has tiny feet that lift the hot glass beaker a half-inch off the counter—and they keep the beaker from breaking if you set it down with too much force. Plus, the gleaming frame looks nice in any kitchen.
Our tasters noted that the Chambord’s coffee was not too muddy and tasted better than brews made in other presses—aside from the Espro presses. And it highlighted many of the coffee’s tasting notes. We also saw few leftover grounds in the bottom of our cups, thanks to the fine mesh filter topped with a perforated steel plate.
The Chambord’s glass beaker is thinner and just a touch less insulating than the Espro’s. But since most people are unlikely to leave their coffee too long in the press (especially if you’re worried about over-extraction), this shouldn’t be a huge issue. The plastic handle feels cool to the touch and safe for pouring. And the Chambord’s plunger moves through the beaker smoothly, which wasn’t the case with some of the pricier, stainless steel options we tested.
We think the Chambord’s steel frame looks and feels significantly sturdier and more elegant than otherwise-similar, plastic-framed Bodum models (yet another reason why the Chambord is one of our favorites). That said, presses with glass beakers will never be as sturdy as their stainless counterparts. Any glass beaker is delicate and will break if you drop it or knock it too hard, and the Chambord’s beaker is thinner and likely more delicate than the Espro P3’s. In the event that the Chambord beaker does break, Bodum sells replacement parts, including filters and beakers (which are, like the Espro’s, $25 at the time of writing).
Budget pick: Bodum Caffettiera
Photo: Michael MurtaughBudget pick
Bodum Caffettiera
The Caffettiera has the same classic lines as the Chambord, but with plastic features. It also comes in shades like Pistachio and Strawberry.
Buying Options
$16* from Walmart
*At the time of publishing, the price was $15.
The Bodum Caffettiera (34 ounces) performs the same as the Chambord, but for almost half the price. It has the same frame, but the lid and handle are plastic, and this model comes in a fun selection of pastels. Otherwise, this press has the same beaker, internal plunger, and filtering screens as our runner-up pick. In our testing, this press produced the same brew as the Chambord—a balanced cup of coffee with few stray grounds—for an unbeatable price.
We swapped our former budget pick, the Brazil, for the Caffettiera because the Caffettiera is more stylish and didn’t look worn after multiple uses, which the Brazil can. But for the ultra-minimalist who prefers no frame around the glass, the unencumbered Brazil model is still a fine choice, and it’s normally around the same price.
The glass beaker of the Caffettiera is just as prone to breaking as the Chambord’s beaker. And, somewhat frustratingly, replacing the beaker alone will actually cost you more than the price of the Caffettiera itself. Also, the Caffettiera’s plastic lid may scratch more easily than a steel frame, though that probably won’t affect the function of the press.
Upgrade pick: Espro P6 French Press
Photo: Michael MurtaughUpgrade pick
Espro P6 French Press
The P6 offers the same superior filtration as the other Espro models, plus better heat retention thanks to a double-walled carafe (which comes in brushed stainless steel or matte black).
If you want smooth, harmonious coffee from a modern-looking French press—or you simply don’t want to worry about breaking a glass beaker—the stainless steel Espro P6 French Press (32 ounces) is sleeker than the glass options we tested and more durable. Available in a black matte or steel finish, the P6 makes an identical brew to the Espro P3, thanks to the same ultra-fine mesh double filter, which preserves tasting notes and traps grit.
The P6’s body has insulating double walls that allow it to keep your coffee hot longer than a glass press could. After brewing coffee in this Espro model and leaving it alone for two hours, we returned to find coffee that was not as hot as fresh-brewed, but it was still pleasant enough to drink. In most cases, we find heat retention in a French press unnecessary, since it’s usually not a good idea to leave your coffee in the pot after pressing. In a conventional press like a Bodum, that coffee continues to extract as it sits, and it can become bitter. However, as with the P3, the P6’s bucket-shaped double filter slows extraction as soon as you plunge by separating most of the coffee from the grounds; this means you can leave your coffee in the press with little to no change in flavor for roughly the first hour. (We did find that the coffee tastes more bitter after about an hour in the press. So if your coffee will be around for longer than that, you may want to pour it into another container.)
At more than double the price of the Espro P3 (and not that much less than some of our drip coffee-maker picks), the Espro P6 is a splurge. But a glass press will break if you drop it. This one won’t. And because of its stylish design, the P6 is also a thoughtful gift.
We think the Espro P6 serves up the best combination of value, flavor, and looks in a durable stainless carafe, but it does come with a plastic handle. If you’re looking for all-metal construction (or a gorgeous matte white finish), you may also want to take a look at the Espro P7 French Press, which is Espro’s most popular model and our previous upgrade pick. (But note that it costs around $40 more than the P6 and doesn’t perform any differently.)
If you’re looking for a less expensive stainless steel press, we didn’t find a lot of great options, but you might consider the Coffee Gator press. It made decent coffee (though not on a par with our picks) and is under $50.
How to use a French press
Video: Michael MurtaughA French press (also known as a press pot or plunger pot) is one of the simplest ways to manually brew a small batch of coffee—all you need is a press, ground coffee, and hot water.
The grounds-to-water ratio you use is a matter of preference. For one cup of coffee, the folks at Espro suggest a range of 15 to 20 grams of coffee to 300 grams of water, steeped at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. On the lowest end, that’s a coffee-to-water ratio of about 1 to 20 by weight, and at the higher end, it’s a ratio of 1 to 15.
Compare that with Blue Bottle’s recommendation, which starts with a 1-to-12 ratio by weight (roughly 30 grams of coffee to 350 grams of water). We used a ratio of 1 to 14 for our most recent round of testing, but you can play around and see what you prefer.
Most people opt for a coarse grind for French presses. However, Commonplace Coffee’s Fairchild and Variety Coffee’s Nicholas Oddo both said that when it comes to the French press, there’s more room to adjust than people think.
Don’t get too caught up in the details, said Fairchild. In other words, don’t be afraid to experiment—with grind size, coffee-to-water ratio, extraction time, water temperature—to determine how each affects the resulting flavor. The point is for you to discover what tastes best to you.
Should you need them, here are some guidelines. When you have your grounds in the pot, pour in water that’s around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t have a temperature-specific water kettle, wait for 30 seconds after your water has finished boiling; then go ahead and pour. Stir the grounds to make sure they’re all saturated; then put the plunger in the press to cover the liquid, but don’t press down.
Set a timer for four minutes. Then gradually plunge all the way down. Pour your coffee into mugs or a carafe right away to stop the brewing—coffee that remains in the press will continue extracting and turn bitter and sour (though this is less of a concern with the Espro presses we recommend, since their unique filter helps stop extraction after you’ve pressed your coffee).
High-quality, fresh-roasted beans will give you better coffee no matter what brewing method you’re into. We recommend grinding your own beans before each use to get the best possible cup of coffee from your French press.
Will French press coffee raise your cholesterol?
You may have read somewhere that French press coffee can raise your cholesterol or increase your risk of heart disease. But the data on this is inconclusive, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers no official guidance on how French press coffee raises your cholesterol.
Here’s what we do know. Coffee made without a paper filter does contain substances called cafestol and kahweol. These molecules could have the effect of raising your cholesterol, said Dr. Karol Watson, a cardiologist and co-director of the UCLA Program in Preventive Cardiology. But Watson said she doesn’t think we have enough information to make any broad recommendations. “It is impossible to know how drinking French press (or really any unfiltered coffee, including percolated) would affect an individual person’s cholesterol,” she said. As one article from the Cleveland Clinic frames it, having cream-and-sugar-heavy espresso drinks on a regular basis is more likely to impact your health than drinking unfiltered coffee in moderation.
Watson also added that, as a counterpoint, “epidemiological studies have identified a relationship between drinking three to five cups of coffee per day and improved survival. ” Although these studies don’t differentiate between filtered and unfiltered coffee, they highlight our limited understanding of coffee’s impact (either good or bad) on our health. Cafestol and kahweol alone have also been found (in some preliminary research) to potentially prevent cancer or liver damage, and other compounds in coffee may have other effects.
Other good French presses
An affordable stainless steel press
We didn’t expect to like the Coffee Gator as much as we did. But it turned out to be a charming, durable, minimalist press that punched above its weight in terms of flavor and design, especially for the price. It is also easy to clean. The main downside of this press is that it leaves a few more grounds in the cup than we prefer. Still, if you’re looking for an inexpensive stainless steel press, or you’re having trouble finding our picks, the Coffee Gator is a perfectly acceptable French press at a reasonable price.
Other Espro models
Let’s say you want the clean, bright cup promised by Espro’s double filter, but you want a slightly different look than you get with the two Espros we recommend. We tested three other Espro models, and we think you can’t really go wrong. The Espro P5 produces the same results and is built similarly to our top pick, the Espro P3. But its frame is metal instead of plastic, and it comes in either a polished stainless or a luscious copper finish. The Espro P7 has the same double-walled stainless carafe as our upgrade pick, the Espro P6, but it also has a curved metal handle and a few extra colors or finishes to choose from.
Other Bodum models
The Bodum Brazil was previously our budget pick, and it remains a great option for those who want to spend a little less, don’t mind plastic fittings, and prefer a more-modern, minimalist look than the retro-cute Caffettiera offers.
The competition
Our tasting panelists agreed that the Frieling French Press is a looker. But the Espro P7 has a finer filter. And the Frieling lacks the rubber rings circling the Espro P7’s filter, resulting in a metal-on-metal plunging noise that sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
Beyond the Frieling, we tried the stainless steel Kuissential for an option with an appealing design that’s cheaper than Bodum’s Chambord. But in the end, it did not make an impressive cup of coffee.
A third stainless model we were looking forward to trying, Bodum’s Columbia, is attractive but awkwardly shaped, with a handle that leaves your knuckles too close to the pot.
Speaking of good looks, we also loved the oversize Stanley French press for its handsome retro vibe. But ultimately the plunger was too loose, so the coffee was muddy on multiple tries.
We nixed Le Creuset’s French Press because its loose plunge left too much residue in the cup. And though it has a 10-year warranty, this ceramic press oddly seems more fragile than our glass picks because it’s not protected by a frame. Should it break, it’s a total loss—and a pricey one (accidents aren’t covered by the warranty).
When we first conducted research for this guide, enticingly cheap stainless steel presses resembling the Frieling dominated Amazon’s best-seller list. Of that lot, we chose to test the 1-liter Secura Stainless Steel French Press (SFP-34DS), which often takes the number-one spot on Amazon. Our panel said this model’s brew tasted fine, but the seal on the filter did not seem that tight against the inner walls of the press. Overall, this press was like a less beautiful and less functional Frieling.
Although the Rite Press Essential Plus initially intrigued us, based on the Amazon reviews, we have concerns about the quality of this all-plastic press. The Rite Press allegedly makes coffee cleanup easier with a twist-off bottom that allows you to dump the grounds directly into the trash. Some of its features, such as an attached hourglass set for a brewing time of three and a half minutes, seem somewhat helpful. Others seem less helpful, like a removable thermometer that you can use to measure the temperature of your hot water before adding it to the pot (the thermometer doesn’t indicate numerical temperatures, and it’s easier to just use a variable-temperature electric kettle or a more-versatile instant-read thermometer).
The Planetary Design Table Top French Press remains our favorite coffee maker for camping. It brews cleanly and offers better insulation than any other press we tested. But even though it travels well, it looks unwieldy on a kitchen counter. And if you plunge too fast, you’ll end up with splattered droplets of hot coffee on your breakfast. It’s also harder to clean, with a small metal cap that detaches from the end of the filtering pole (and that could slide into the drain if you’re not careful).
What to look forward to
A few readers have commented that they love their inexpensive IKEA Upphetta French press, even comparing it favorably to Bodum presses they own. We’re interested in testing it against our picks in a future update.
Nicholas Oddo, manager at Variety Coffee in New York City, founder of Capacity Coffee Roaster
TJ Fairchild, founder of Commonplace Coffee in Pittsburgh
Christopher Hendon, assistant professor of computational materials chemistry
Karol Watson, MD, PhD, professor of cardiology at UCLA and co-director of UCLA Program in Preventive Cardiology
Phyllis Johnson, president of BD Imports
Eric Rimm, ScD, epidemiology professor at Harvard School of Public Health
Peter Giuliano, head researcher, Specialty Coffee Association
About your guides
Melissa McCart
Freelancer Melissa McCart has been a food reporter, restaurant critic, and editor since 2003; she currently works for Mark Bittman and consults for Tasting Table. She is a coffee fiend who fairly recently segued from buying most of her cups of coffee out in the world to primarily brewing at home.
Sabrina Imbler
Sabrina Imbler is a former staff writer for Wirecutter, where they covered kitchen tools and HVAC.
Further reading
Why We Love the AeroPress Coffee Maker
by Daniel Varghese and Alex Arpaia
The AeroPress coffee maker and its travel companion, the AeroPress Go, are the best way to make single cups of coffee at work or on the go.
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Coffee French Press - Top Models Ranking, Selection Tips
Making delicious coffee is as easy as making tea with the versatile French Press. We perceive it more as a teapot, but in Europe it is usually used for coffee.
Design features and method of preparation
The French press consists of several parts that fit tightly to each other:
- cylindrical flasks for a drink;
- piston;
- strainer;
- covers.
The French press coffee recipe is very simple. The flask is rinsed with hot water, then coarse coffee is poured into it at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per serving (200 ml of water). Fill with hot water (92-95 ° C). Water has this temperature 1 minute after boiling.
First pour about 30 ml of water, stir, let stand for 30 seconds and then add the rest of the water. Close the French press with a lid, while the piston should be raised. After 3.5 minutes, the piston is lowered to the end and the drink is immediately poured. If coffee is left in the kettle, it will over-brew and become bitter.
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Selection guide
To choose the best coffee French press, you need to pay attention to the tightness of the parts and the material from which they are made.
Volume varies from 240 to 1000 ml. Coffee brewed in a French press is not diluted, so you can only make one serving in a small kettle, and for a family it is better to buy a larger model.
Bulb is usually made of tempered glass resistant to hot water. Plastic options are lighter and cheaper, but break faster and can darken over time from coloring pigments. Poor-quality plastic emits an unpleasant odor when heated and can give the drink an extraneous aftertaste. Glass is an inert and safe material.
Ceramic French presses are also available. They keep the temperature of the drink better, but due to the opaque walls they are not very common.
There are French presses with a spare container so that one device can be used to prepare different drinks.
It is advisable to wash the flask immediately after use so that no plaque remains on the walls. Do not use hard sponges or abrasive detergents. Some models can be washed in a dishwasher, which will be indicated in the instructions.
Double-walled French presses provide the best brewing with minimal heat loss, but are significantly more expensive than regular presses and are not commonly found in stores.
Piston and filter
Filling ground coffee with boiling water, cover the French press with a lid with a raised piston (plunger). After 4 minutes, when the drink is ready, the piston handle must be lowered to precipitate the thick. The force to be applied depends on the size of the coffee particles: the right, coarse coffee is easily retained by the filter. The piston stroke must be smooth.
The metal coarse filter traps large particles, the mesh nylon filter even fine ones. In models for brewing coffee, they are usually used in pairs.
In some French presses, the filter is not set low enough, and some of the drink remains at the bottom along with the grounds.
- See also : What to do with coffee grounds
The lid can be plastic or metal. During brewing, the metal gets very hot, so you need to pour coffee from such a press carefully, using an oven mitt.
In a good French press, all parts fit snugly together. The lid should be easy to remove, but not fall when pouring the drink.
The universal teapot is valued for its affordability and ease of use: it is much cheaper than coffee makers, and it is very easy to make coffee in it.
A good coffee French press is needed when there is no stove to use the Turks or a geyser coffee maker, and only an electric kettle with hot water is at hand.
French presses are often used by tasters: they usually prepare specialty varieties. Not boiling, but hot water is poured, so the bouquet of coffee is preserved. Coarsely ground grains are used. The drink has a delicate aroma, fruit and berry notes and high acidity.
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The best coffee French presses include popular models of well-known and reliable manufacturers Rondell, TalleR and Polaris.
TalleR Alfie TR-2317
Glass flask, 800 ml. All parts of the press are metal, but the body, handle and lid are plastic. Can be washed in the dishwasher. Measuring spoon included.
Rondell Wonder RDS-426
600 ml clear plastic flask. High quality filter. All parts fit snugly to each other, the flask is securely fixed in a steel case. Spills without leaks. Interesting handle design.
TalleR Benton TR-2322
Temperature resistant borosilicate glass jar, 600 ml capacity. The filter and piston are made of stainless steel and the cover is plastic.
Polaris French Press Bizarre-1000FP
Large 1000ml glass jar mounted in red steel housing. The filter sinks to the bottom, squeezing the thick as much as possible. Measuring spoon for 7 grams included. This bright French press will not get lost in the kitchen.
TalleR TR-2314
600 ml thick-walled heat-resistant glass flask. The stainless steel body of the French press is painted in a noble copper-like color, which, combined with the openwork pattern, gives the product a vintage look. The lid and handle are also metal. Can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher.
Rondell Vintage RDS-364
Made of steel and glass with a trendy vintage look. The drawing is applied by laser method. The kit includes 2 containers of 600 ml, so you can prepare tea and coffee without fear of mixing odors. Anti-slip rubberized bottom gives increased stability and safety.
The sieve is fine, it presses the ground well. Includes a measuring spoon and a colorful brochure with recipes for tea and coffee drinks. Packed in a convenient box with a handle. Dishwasher safe.
Reliability, beautiful workmanship and ergonomic design make this model the best coffee French press.
The Best French Press Options for Your Coffee
- Things to Consider When Choosing the Best French Press
- Our Top Picks
- French Press FAQ
Coffee connoisseurs who don't want to mess around with pouring or espresso brewing will appreciate the simplicity and convenience of a French press. French press coffee makers, also known as press pots or cafeterias, are hand-held devices that produce a strong and full-bodied beer by extracting the maximum amount of flavor from the coffee grounds.
French presses are a great option for those with limited countertop space because they take up much less space than a standard drip coffee maker. They can be easily stored in a drawer or cabinet when not in use. Read on to learn more about how to choose the best French press for you.
- BEST OVERALL: Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker
- BEST PART FOR TANK: Bodum Brazil French Press Coffee Maker and Kettle
- BEST STAINLESS STEEL: Frieling Double Wall Stainless Steel French Press
- BEST GLASS: Cafe Du Chateau French Press Coffee Maker
- BEST Ceramic Cookware: Le Creuset Porcelain French Press
- BEST FOR TRAVELING: ESPRO Travel French Press with Stainless Steel Insulation
- MOST VERSATILE: GROSCHE Madrid French Press Coffee and tea press
Things to Consider When Choosing the Best French Press
There are several key factors to consider when buying a French press. The following sections detail some of the most important qualities to consider when shopping for the best French press for your kitchen.
Standard and portable
French presses can be standard or portable.
- Standard French presses are designed for use in the home kitchen. Made from glass, stainless steel, or ceramic, they typically have a 34-ounce capacity, although both smaller and larger sizes are available.
- Portable French presses are designed to be used on the go. They are usually made of double-walled stainless steel, which makes them durable and keeps the heat in. They usually have a smaller capacity of 12 ounces and are designed to fit in a standard cup holder. Some of them may offer features to stop the aroma extraction process so that the coffee does not taste bitter.
French press decanters are made from a variety of materials. The most popular of them are glass, stainless steel and ceramics.
- Glass decanters are usually made from borosilicate glass, which provides increased thermal resistance to prevent cracking of the material due to thermal shock.
They are usually framed in a protective material such as stainless steel or plastic. Thanks to their translucent surface, they allow you to observe the preparation of coffee. They are easy to clean, but even with careful care, they can crack over time.
- Stainless steel decanters are much more durable and can be double-walled to help retain heat.
- Ceramic Porcelain stoneware French presses are usually enameled and provide natural heat retention, although they are heavier and may break. They can be of different stylish colors.
Although many manufacturers measure the capacity of their French presses in cups, it is important to establish how many ounces of liquid they can actually hold. A standard US cup is equivalent to 8 fl oz, but the company's definition of a "cup" can vary greatly - some consider a cup to be only 4 oz. Most standard French presses have a capacity of about 34 fluid ounces (or 1 quart), but can also be made in a variety of sizes. Smaller versions are available which are useful if you just want to brew one cup and can also be used while traveling.
The handle of a French press must be strong and resistant to heat so that you can easily balance the carafe when using the plunger. Because French presses with glass decanters are hot to the touch, the handle must be designed so that you can pour coffee without getting burned when your knuckles come into contact with the glass.
Heat retention
Some French presses are double walled for optimum heat retention, but the reality is that your coffee doesn't have to stay in the press for long after it's been brewed. Hot water will continue to extract the flavor from the grounds after 4 minutes of brewing, creating an unpleasant bitter taste. However, if you like hot coffee, the insulated carafe can retain heat for a short brew time.
Filtration system
Although finely ground coffee can be used in drip coffee machines, it is preferable to use medium or coarse ground beans when using a French press. Most French presses are equipped with steel filters and strainers as the main filtration system. Filters usually have three layers to ensure that no thick or sediment remains in the final drink. It is also important that the piston has a tight seal so that the grounds do not get into the coffee.
Easy to clean
French presses need to be washed after every use, so they should be easy to clean. Make sure you can disassemble and clean your chosen model easily. Some components can be washed in the dishwasher, while others must be washed by hand.
If you plan to store your French press on the countertop or use it as a serving vessel, it should match the decor style of your home. French presses with glass cups and a stainless steel frame have either a classic or modern aesthetic, while models made entirely of steel tend to look more industrial. Porcelain stoneware press enamels are available in a wide range of colors to match other utensils or kitchen accents.
Our Top Picks
Now that you know more about French presses, it's time to start shopping. The following selections take into account all of the above features, including aesthetics, materials, filtration system and heat retention. Browse many options to find the best French press to suit your needs and budget.
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker
Bodum Chambord has a borosilicate glass carafe that provides thermal resistance, allowing for rapid temperature changes that won't break it. The filtration system consists of a fine mesh filter and a perforated steel plate to ensure even taste.
It has a classic design with a sturdy stainless steel frame protecting the glass decanter. It also has four steel legs that raise it half an inch so there is no risk of burning tables or countertops.
This model's carafe holds 34 oz, but smaller and larger sizes are also available. Bodum sells spare parts for their French presses, making it easy for you to purchase new filters when needed.
Bodum Brazil 9 French Press Coffee Maker and Kettle0035
Bodum Brazil is more affordable than some of the brand's other models due to the polypropylene frame, but still performs just as well. It is made from a heat-resistant borosilicate glass decanter, and the body and handle are BPA-free. The frame is made of plastic, while the piston and filter are made of stainless steel. Triangular handle prevents hands from touching hot surfaces.
It is dishwasher safe, so it is easy to clean. This model has a 34oz capacity, but both smaller and larger models are available.
Frieling Double Wall Stainless Steel French Press
Those looking for a French press that retains heat will appreciate this model from Frieling. It is made of double walled 18/10 stainless steel which keeps the coffee warm and allows it to be used as a serving vessel. Thanks to the steel decanter, it is very durable and does not break.
It is equipped with a double filter system with a first filter to filter out larger particles and a finer filter to remove finer sediment particles. Its components are dishwasher safe and can be easily disassembled for cleaning. This model has a 36oz capacity, but larger and smaller models are also available. It is also available in two finishes: matte and glossy.
Cafe Du Chateau French Press
The Cafe Du Chateau French Press is made from a glass decanter with a stainless steel frame. It has a 4-level filtration system that includes two stainless steel sieves, a spring-loaded base that closes the edges when immersed, and an additional filter in the lid to trap larger particles. It is made of 304 stainless steel with a high nickel and chromium content to prevent corrosion. Borosilicate glass prevents breakage even after sudden temperature changes.
It has a 34 oz capacity and all components are dishwasher safe.
Le Creuset Porcelain Stoneware French Press
Le Creuset is known for its ceramic cooking vessels. This enamelled coffee press matches the brand's classic style, giving your kitchen a French country feel. The enamel coating is chip-resistant and prevents stains and cracking. It retains heat well to keep coffee warm, and is even microwave and oven safe, making it suitable for a variety of uses in the kitchen.
It features a stainless steel plunger and mesh press, and a well-designed handle to keep your knuckles off the decanter. It has a capacity of 34 ounces and is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.
Stainless Steel Insulated ESPRO Travel French Press
If you're picky about your coffee and don't dream of drinking the hotel's filter coffee, consider purchasing a travel-friendly French press. This model from Espro has a 12-ounce capacity, making it perfect for a single serving on the go. The insulated, double-walled stainless steel construction keeps coffee warm for hours. It's durable enough to pack into a suitcase or backpack to use when you're away from home, but it can also be used on your commute. It includes a feature that allows you to stop the extraction of aroma so that the coffee does not become bitter. It has a double microfilter to ensure that the finished drink is free of sand and sediment.
It is available in four different finishes: brushed stainless steel, brushed white, brushed black and brushed grey, all BPA free. All components are dishwasher safe.
GROSCHE Madrid French Press Coffee and Tea Press
While most French presses are designed exclusively for making hot coffee, this model from Grosche can also make cold drinks and even steep teas. Use finely ground coffee or loose leaf tea for a wide variety of beverages. Made from coarsely ground beans, it is great for cold days on hot days.
The tumbler is made of heat resistant borosilicate glass and the stainless steel body has a chrome finish. The dual filtration system ensures that there is no sediment in your tea or coffee with a filter on the piston and another on the lid.
It has a 34 oz capacity, but a smaller version is also available for one serving and a larger version is for households with multiple coffee drinkers.
French Press FAQ
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about French presses.
Q. How do I make coffee with a French press?
To prepare coffee with a French press, add medium-ground coffee to the carafe, then pour hot water over it. Insert the piston so that it is above the waterline. Press slowly after 4 minutes. Pour the coffee into a mug or other container - the coffee must not remain in the press.
Q. How much coffee do you use in your French press?
How much coffee you use in a French press depends on your personal preference. To produce 34 ounces of coffee, you will need 4 to 5 level tablespoons of ground coffee.
Q. Is French press coffee stronger than drip coffee?
Since the strainers used in French presses are more porous than standard coffee filters, the aroma of French press coffee is more persistent. However, this does not mean that it has more caffeine.