Grass seed topsoil

How to plant grass seed: for a luscious and healthy lawn

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Many gardeners crave a healthy green lawn, and knowing how to plant grass seed correctly is the most important first step in achieving luscious, soft grass.

A pristine lawn can make all the difference to the appearance of your backyard and is a year round feature of your garden to enjoy. If you choose the best fast-growing grass seed you can quickly see the results.

An important element of how to plant grass seed is getting the timing right, so make sure you first know when to plant grass seed in your zone to get off to a good start, and give the grass seed the best chance of germinating and producing healthy green blades.

Whether you are sowing a new area of lawn, or repairing patches in grass, you need to know how to plant grass seed to ensure success.

How to plant grass seed – what you need

Learning how to plant grass seed is an easy job for any gardener that requires only basic tools. To reseed small patches, you will simply need a garden fork, rake, grass seed and fertilizer. 

If you are covering a large area, it will save you time to invest in a seed spreader. These can be bought inexpensively from garden centers or Amazon .

You may also want to use an aerator to loosen compacted soil and help distribute water and nutrients.

To get the best out of your lawn once it is planted and grown, set it off with stylish lawn edging ideas and care for it with one of the best ride-on lawn mowers. If your grass starts to lose color, then find out when to add lime to lawns to get it back to a luscious, green state.

(Image credit: Marianne Majerus)

What month should I plant grass seed?

The best month to plant grass seed will depend on the hardiness zone where you live.

‘Spring is a great time to fix those bare patches and the earlier we do it in the season, we will find that nature gives us a helping hand,’ says David Hedges Gower, chairman of the Lawn Association .

Early fall is also a good time to plant grass seed for a new lawn.

However, once the grass and lawn is more established, you can plant grass seed throughout the summer. 'Healthy grass is consistent and if you find that you have a couple of bare spots in your lawn then you may want to consider overseeding. This is a great way to sow new seed over existing lawn and can lead to fuller looking grass,' says Chris Bonnett, founder of GardeningExpress .

The best grass seed to use

Choosing the best grass seed will depend on your location, how much sunlight the lawn receives, and whether it needs to be durable enough to withstand backyard soccer games.

‘Identifying what grass currently grows in your lawn will give you a great indicator of what likes to grow there,’ says Hedges Gower. ‘Choosing the same variety makes success far easier in the long run.’

Grasses are broadly made up of cool-season and warm-season varieties – which type you choose will depend on your local climate.  

Cool-season grasses include fescue, ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and bentgrass, which grow better in cooler climates. Bentgrass and fescue are widely used in seed mixes, while ryegrass is particularly tough so a good choice for families.

Also known as Southern grasses, warm-season grasses include Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, St. Augustine grass and centipede grass. They thrive in areas with hotter summers and milder winters. 

Bermuda and zoysia grasses are widely used throughout the south, while centipede grass is a good low-maintenance choice. St. Augustine is more shade tolerant than other warm-season grasses.

Many lawns are made up of a seed mix, rather than a single variety. ‘Seed mixtures are generally a blend of species to suit most lawns and guarantee a better strike rate,’ says Hedges Gower. 

‘However, be aware that seeding ryegrass, for example, into a traditional lawn mixture will stand out like a sore thumb, and vice-versa.’

Options include luxury lawn mixes, shade-tolerant mixes, hardwearing family mixes, and fast-growing varieties. Choose a mix compatible with your climate and garden conditions.

(Image credit: Dream Pictures / Getty Images)

How to prepare lawn for seeding

Good preparation is the most important aspect of learning how to plant grass seed. Luckily, getting it right is easy. 

‘To prepare your soil before planting grass seed, simply till and loosen the soil to create the best growing conditions – you don’t need to put down topsoil,’ says Jeremy Yamaguchi, CEO of Lawn Love .

To till the soil, Hedges Gower recommends using a fork to lightly dig it over to a depth of about 2-3 inches. ‘This will allow new seedlings to take root,’ he says. 

Remove any rocks and weeds as you go, but don’t apply weed killer as this will hinder growth. 

'If possible, leave the seed bed for a few weeks and then get rid of any weeds and rake in some lawn feed before sowing,' says the experts at Johnsons Lawn Seed .

If you are applying seed to cover patches in a large lawn, it's a good idea to use an aerator to punch holes into the ground and pull up small plugs of turf and soil.  

'Doing this has two benefits. The first is that some seed will fall into the holes and improve germination. The second is that aerating the soil reduces soil compaction and improves water infiltration,’ says Landscape Tutor Brian Walker. You can buy aerators on Amazon .

To give your grass seed a helping hand, it's important to feed it. Depending on the product, you can apply pre-seeding fertilizer at the preparation stage, or you can wait until after you have sown the seed to use starter fertilizer.

Rake the soil level before planting the grass seed.

How to sow grass seed

For small areas, it's easy to sow grass seed by hand. ‘Carefully spread the seeds on the ground and cover them with about a quarter of an inch of soil,’ says Noah James, owner of Liberty Lawn Maintenance . 

'Moisten the ground, mix the seed and scatter it evenly. Sow 1 1/4 ounces of seed per square yard (35g per square meter) half from right to left and the other half from left to right to ensure a good coverage,' add the experts at Johnsons Lawn Seed.

For larger areas, use a spreader to sow the seed. ‘Trying to use your hands for large areas can lead to very uneven coverage of grass seed,' says Walker. 'I have found that push rotary spreaders do an excellent job. They apply the seed at a consistent rate for uniform coverage.’

Once you have sown your seed, carefully cover the seeds over with soil using either your hand or a rake. 

‘Press the seeds down by standing on them or using a tool like a roller, because they need a firm seedbed,’ adds James.

Take care not to plant the seeds either too deep or shallow. ‘Bury them too deep and they will take longer to germinate. Too shallow and the seeds will be prone to drying out or being eaten by birds,’ says Hedges-Gower.

Once you have planted your grass seed, you can apply starter fertilizer if you didn’t do so prior to planting. Water immediately. 'In case of dry weather use a fine spray to keep the seed bed well watered and moist,' add Johnsons Lawn Seed experts.

(Image credit: Future / Annaick Guitteny)

Should I put topsoil over grass seed?

Do not put top soil over grass seed, but you can add a thin layer of organic matter to help the seed to germinate. 

‘Never put topsoil over newly planted grass seed,’ says Yamaguchi. ‘This won’t provide healthy growing conditions – it will actually prevent the seedlings from sprouting by essentially suffocating them.’

‘Leaves, straw, and peat moss can be used to help hold moisture for the seed to germinate and grow,’ adds James.

Once the grass is more established then 'top dressing is something you can do a couple of weeks after fertilizing a lawn if you’re really keen for your grass to grow. Mix together materials like sand, soil loam and peat and apply this to your dry grass. The materials will transfer nutrients back into the soil and promote growth,' says Chris Bonnett.

How often should you water grass seed?

How often you should water grass seed will depend on the weather conditions and climate where you live. Watering is an important part of establishing your new grass, but be careful not to overdo it.

‘Too much water can make it sit too wet and too dry won’t allow the seed to germinate,’ says Hedges Gower. 

‘As a rough guide, a patch of around 3x3 feet (1x1 metre) should need about 15-30 seconds of water every 2-8 hours, depending on how warm the weather is.’

Always check to feel how damp the soil is before applying more water.

Once the grass is established, only water when needed and know when to water grass. 'Overwatering grass can lead to its demise and therefore grass should be watered during the cooler time periods and only once a week. When watering grass you are looking to water deeply to ensure there’s enough water to see through a drought, 'add the experts at Marshalls .

To encourage strong, vigorous growth, How Cobra, manufacturer of garden lawnmowers, recommends watering lawns early in the morning when heat is at a minimum to reduce the amount of evaporation. 'This allows water to penetrate the deeper into the root. An infrequent yet heavy dose of water is also recommended as it’s one of the most effective ways of stimulating stronger grass growth.'

Water butts are also a great way to collect and reuse any rainwater so that it can be saved to keep lawns hydrated and gardens watered as a sustainable garden idea. 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How do you maintain brand new grass?

Feeding a new lawn is one of the most important steps to maintaining it after you have mastered how to plant grass seed .

‘Seedlings require a lot of food in the initial germination phase. We need to turn this into a nice lush adult grass plant as quickly as possible,’ says Hedges Gower.

Feed your lawn every 4-8 weeks until it is well established, then twice a year.

Don't reach for the lawnmower too quickly. New lawns shouldn’t be mowed until the grass reaches three inches tall. Make sure you know how often you should mow your lawn so you don't destroy all of your hard work in planting grass seed.

'Reseeding lawns after heavy footwall will help recover dull patches and bring back its lush color,' add the Cobra experts.

‘If filling in patches, continue to mow the lawn as usual but keep the blade slightly higher in order to allow the new seedlings a better chance to absorb more food and water,’ says Hedges Gower.

In addition, know how to aerate a lawn to improve a lawn's overall health, and try to keep pets off the grass as their urine is high in nitrogen, which can easily scorch lawns when undiluted.

What is the easiest way to plant grass seed?

The easiest way to plant grass seed is by hand. 

‘Carefully spread the seed throughout the areas where you want to see new growth occur,' says James. 'Lightly water thereafter in order to soak the seeds and help encourage new growth.’

Will grass seed grow if you just throw it on the ground?

Grass seed will not grow well if you just throw it on the ground. While you might be lucky and some grass seeds will take root, for a healthy patch of grass or lawn, it requires more care and attention, as outlined above.

It's worth your time and effort learning how to plant grass seed as 'the cheapest way to get a thriving garden is by growing a lawn by seed, as turf isn’t cheap and can be difficult to lay. With seeding, you’ve got much greater control over which species of seed are going into your new lawn,' explains Carlos Real, managing director of TotalLawn .

How can I make grass seed germinate faster?

To make grass seed germinate faster:

As editor of Period Living, Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, Melanie loves the charm of older properties. I live in a rural village just outside the Cotswolds in England, so am lucky to be surrounded by beautiful homes and countryside, where I enjoy exploring. Having worked in the industry for almost two decades, Melanie is interested in all aspects of homes and gardens. Her previous roles include working on Real Homes and Homebuilding & Renovating, and she has also contributed to Gardening Etc. She has an English degree and has also studied interior design. Melanie frequently writes for Homes & Gardens about property restoration and gardening.

Should I Mix Grass Seed With Topsoil?

Mixing grass seed with topsoil before putting it on your lawn can be a good way to save a step for some situations, particularly when spot-applying seed to patches or thinning areas, but it isn’t right for every method of seeding the yard. If you’re using a spreader over a large area, it’s best to just use pure seed for an even application.

This is because grass seeds need light to germinate, and applying seed mixed with topsoil may, if not carefully done, bury the seeds and result in less new grass growth than you were hoping for.

In This Article

Why Do Seeds Need Light To Grow?

Grass loves sunlight, even cool-season types that are used to shorter days with a fair amount of darkness. Grass seeds need light to germinate since it’s how they make energy. Fresh, dry grass seed contains nutrients and a grass embryo inside of the husk, and once the seed has absorbed enough water to open, sunlight will allow the seedling to perform photosynthesis, grow roots, and eventually sprout blades.

Should I Put Topsoil Down Before Grass Seed?

If you’re applying pure seed to the ground, a layer of topsoil should always be put down first rather than after. Some plant seeds like to be covered to germinate, but grass seeds need to be at surface level to sprout and grow.

Apply Seeds To An Even Ground

Whether you’re applying mixed or pure grass seed to the yard, the ground should be even, and the seeds should be laying on soil, not on top of grass or thatch. This is so roots can grow into the ground, which should be aerated so they won’t have to struggle through compacted soil.

A thinned-out or patchy area may need to be raked before putting down seed and might require some fresh soil for the seed to sit on. To be efficient in your reseeding project, you can apply a seed and soil mixture directly to a freshly leveled patch of ground.

What Is The Best Soil To Mix With Grass Seed?

Grass seeds need a well-aerated and moist environment to sprout. Water saturates the seed, and as the seedling sprouts and grows, it requires a regular supply of water since it has no roots or blades yet to store moisture and nutrients. Most grass seed takes two to three weeks to sprout, then another two to three weeks to grow. During this time, the topsoil should be consistently moist and nutrient-rich to support healthy grass establishment.

The best soil to mix with grass seed should be moisture-retaining and rich in organic material or humus. Soil with too much coarse material, like sand or mulch, will drain quickly and may lead to the seeds drying out. The soil should have space for air, however, so the roots will get enough oxygen and be able to stretch into the ground. Topsoil made with compost and other kinds of humus will give the seeds the support, moisture, and nutrients it needs at the critical stage of initial growth.

Can You Use Garden Soil For Grass Seed?

Garden soil is a great choice to mix with grass seed. It is rich in nutrients from compost and special formulas that provide a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals directly to the growing plant. Potting and garden soils are made with materials that hold moisture, creating a supportive environment for grass growth.

Make Sure There Are Enough Seeds In The Soil Mixture

The main challenge of mixing seeds into soil is making sure there are just enough seeds and soil for them to not get lost or buried. The soil mixture should look as full of seeds as you would expect the ground to look from an application. The mixture should be applied at a thickness of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. This way, the seeds will be embedded in the soil but exposed to the air and light. Be sure to pat the soil down, but don’t compact it too much.

Benefits To Mixing Seed Into Soil

When you mix seed into soil for patch applications, other than saving time, there are a few benefits to your lawn:

Should I Mix Seed With Soil To Overseed?

Mixing seed into soil when overseeding won’t hurt, but it isn’t necessary. The additional soil will add bulk to your turf, but it will disburse with the seeds, and too much extra soil can cover the existing grass blades. Similarly, the soil may add extra cover to the seeds, which will be receiving some shade already from the grass.

Any added fertilizer to the mixture may encourage the existing grass to grow, which may cast more shade on the seeds and prevent proper germination.

Peculiarities of soil preparation for a lawn

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The process of preparing the soil for a lawn in many ways can be compared with the erection and installation of a solid and high-quality foundation for an ordinary house. In other words, such work must be approached very carefully, with all seriousness. This will contribute to a more even growth of the lawn, its accuracy, the absence of various troubles. It is worth noting that in some situations, the preparation of high-quality, fertile soil may require quite a lot of time resources and physical strength.

How to carry out a thorough preparation on your own

First of all, you need to completely remove all debris from the territory of the future lawn, carefully uproot all stumps and remove weeds. After that, you will need to carefully dig the soil, level it with a rake, add a certain amount of top dressing, and also make a small compaction with a roller or feet of the topsoil. After that, it is necessary to loosen and use a rake to level the surface again.

Some difficulties and problems may arise if no specific horticultural work processes have previously been carried out in the cultivated area. The soil in this case is completely unprepared. The procedure for preparing the soil will be approximately the same, it does not matter whether the lawn is sown manually or whether it was planned to lay a special rolled lawn. Regular work required:

The correct sequence of work, as well as following certain tips, will ensure that after a while a beautiful lawn will grow, comfortable and very beautiful.

Thorough cleaning of the area

In the process of thorough cleaning of the area where the lawn is planned, it is necessary to carefully remove all construction and natural debris. You can not bury it in the ground, as in the future there may be quite serious problems with the use of a lawn mower. In addition, debris that does not decompose will interfere with the effective growth of the plant's root system. If a little earlier there were concrete and stone paths on the territory, you will need to completely remove their elements.

Trees, shrubs, young growth, and flower beds should not be on the territory. It is important to pay special close attention to weeds that require very careful removal, otherwise they will spoil the overall look of the lawn and the quality of the grass itself. To get rid of them, you can remove the top layer of soil with a shovel or use special chemicals. It is important to remember here that after such a treatment, it is required to wait at least six weeks before sowing the grass.

The correct process of digging the soil

After cleaning the area and the soil itself, it must be very carefully dug up. It is highly recommended not to skip this step. There are some features that you need to pay attention to. If the lawn is arranged on the site where the garden was located, it will be quite enough to simply dig up the top layer of soil while turning over pieces of earth and breaking them up.

Only the upper layer of the earth can be processed with this method, therefore, for a site where such work has not been carried out for a long time, the described method will not work. In this case, special two-tier processing will be required. First, a furrow of a certain width is dug and the earth leans a little to the side. As a rule, after that, the lower soil layer of the cover is loosened with a pitchfork or a garden pick. Then it is required to dig another furrow of the same size nearby and fill the previous one with the previously dug earth. In this case, it is imperative to break all large pieces with a shovel or special forks.

In the process of primary processing, it is necessary to put a little crushed stone on the bottom of the furrow, and also to fertilize the soil with specially made compost or manure purchased for this purpose.

In order for the planted grass to look very even on the lawn, it is necessary to level the ground throughout the area. To do this, you can use special rakes. It is better to equalize the recently dug up territory, while removing all unnecessary twigs and stones. It is important during the leveling process to ensure that there are no peaks and lowlands, since after the natural subsidence of the dug up earth, various irregularities will be visible, respectively, the lawn will not turn out to be even.

During the leveling process, it is strongly not recommended to mix the layers, for example, after working with the bottom layer, it is better to clean the cultivated fertile soil first, and then return it to its place. It is worth noting that if there is a shortage of high-quality soil, you can buy it in stores and then simply mix it with the one present, creating good drainage in all respects.

Before planting seeds, lawn soil should be abundantly fertilized with special mineral-based fertilizers, otherwise the soil will be poorly supplied with a variety of useful vitamin elements and substances. In autumn and spring, it is recommended to add various organic high-quality fertilizers.

At the end of the preparation of the soil, it is worth compacting it a little with small steps or using a special roller for this purpose. This is necessary so that the grass takes root much better. After tamping, it is also necessary to slightly level out all the irregularities that have appeared. As a result of such actions, such a soil surface will be obtained, which in its appearance will resemble a crumb pie. If there is a certain margin of time, experts advise covering the future lawn with plastic wrap for about two or three months. Immediately after removing it, the topsoil is again loosened quite a bit, and the site is sown with seeds.

All of the above works will help to make not only a beautiful green lawn, but also providing a comfortable rest and resistant to various mechanical influences.

Learn more about lawn herbs:

What is hydroseeding? - Finn 9 Corporation0024

  • Autumn hydropose
  • Spring hydropose
  • Hydroposev and erosion control

  • The origin of the hydropossev

    E planting of seeds or other types of soil cover seeds may manually be an upset process, inclined to errors. In addition to being time consuming, planting grass seeds by hand is also costly as the seeds can be blown away by the wind or easily washed away by rain and runoff. This can lead to lost production and inconsistent, unattractive results, often resulting in the manual seeding process having to be redone or revised multiple times.

    It was these problems that Charles Finn sought to solve in the early 1930s, and his solution, the very first HydroSeeder, revolutionized the industry and became the gold standard for everything from residential and commercial greening to large-scale industrial sites such as like highways and bridges, stadiums and golf courses.

    Hydroseeding 101

    Hydroseeding is an efficient seed planting method in which a combination of seeds, mulch, water, fertilizer and dye is sprayed from tanks over large areas, preventing soil erosion and promoting the growth of grass or other seed crops.

    Early in the development of hydroseeding, Finn came up with a method of mixing different types of seeds in a "slurry" that combined mulch or chopped straw, fertilizer, water, and usually green dye to facilitate the application process. This slurry was then stored in large tanks and trucks where it was constantly agitated using a mechanical paddle agitator to maintain the correct balance of materials during transport to job sites.

    Once in place, hydroseeding machines now use exclusive pump designs and powerful hydraulics to spray the slurry in the desired area. The green dye serves as a guide for even and accurate application of the mortar, while the mixture of mulch, fertilizer and seed helps prevent seed loss, promoting healthy growth and protective soil adhesion.

    After hydroseeding, seedlings can be expected within 1-2 weeks.

    Pros and cons of hydroseeding

    Hydroseeding, also called hydromulching, can be an efficient and effective way to plant large areas and meet regulatory requirements such as controlling soil erosion and degradation. Due to its design and process, hydroseeding is well suited for large scale seeding, however there are situations where alternative grass growing methods can be more effective than hydroseeding.

    9019 than turf

    Often turf grass costs 3 times more than hydroseeding. With hydroseeding, you can choose exactly the types and mixtures of grasses you want for your lawn, and by planting the seeds directly into the soil, rather than into established grass, the grass root system grows deep, strong, and healthy. To create and maintain healthy grass, the soil must be properly prepared, fertilized and watered abundantly.



    Hydroseeding Versus Seeding

    For small areas, such as some residential lawns, hand seeding or dry seeding can be an effective, albeit labor intensive, method of creating a beautiful green lawn. In both cases, seed, mulch and fertilizer are applied in separate steps, either with a hydraulic sprayer or manually.

    With manual seeding, the time and resources needed to cover the entire area can be significant, and the results can be uneven and sometimes inconsistent.

    With hydroseeding, all materials are applied at the same time, creating a uniform application that reduces the time of traditional seeding.

    Hydroseeding Cost

    Although the cost of sod, seed, and hydroseeding varies by region, vendor, and a number of other factors, seed planting is generally the cheapest method because it eliminates the need for hydroseeding equipment and the labor of turfing.

    Hydroseeding is usually second in price and usually costs about twice as much as seeding. Sod typically costs 2-3 times as much as hydroseeding, making it the most expensive option of the three.

    On average, the prices of various types of lawn can be divided approximately as follows:

    Seeds quickly skiden Plots with hydroposethery, more than 2-3 times more water than the STRN Can be more costly for smaller projects/lawns
    Ability to combine different grass varieties to create a healthier lawn
    Sowing $ 0. 02 per square foot, or $ 680- $ 1050 per acre
    Gid Posev $ 0.19 0, $ 0.1 20 per square foot, or $2,000 - $4,000 per acre
    Sod $0.30 to $0.83 per square foot or approximately $13.068 to $36.154 per acre

    differ. For example, in different markets and regions, the cost of different types of seeds, labor, and the cost of renting hydroseeding equipment can also vary. If you're considering a turf project, it's best to ask local hydroseeding companies.

    DIY Hydroseeding

    Although there are many considerations in hydroseeding - mostly getting the job done right - is not rocket science. If you're handy and willing to put in the time, it's entirely possible to do a small job yourself, such as in a regular yard.

    Many FINN hydroseeder dealers rent equipment and you are likely to find rental shops that stock hydroseeders. For a few hundred dollars a day, you can purchase a 300 or 600 gallon hydroseeder and do the work yourself.

    However, if you choose to do your own hydroseeding, it's important to take the time to learn how to do it the right way for the best results. This article is not a detailed installation guide, but rather an introduction to the process so you can make the right decision about hydroseeding yourself or hiring a professional to do it for you.

    How to waterproof yourself

    Various types of hydroseeding

    Different types of hydroseeding materials can be used for different purposes, and each is suitable for unique types of projects, whether hydroseeding, hydromulching, ADC application and more:

    Straw, paper, wood fiber and combined mulches

    These are the most common types of mulch for hydroseeding or wet mulching as they provide erosion control while promoting efficient seed growth. Each contains different ratios of mulch to seeds, and some include additives such as sticky chemicals (tackifiers) that help the mulch stay in place and root the seeds in the elements.

    Paper mulch is usually made from recycled newspaper and is less expensive than other mulches. It is very easy to spray with all hydroseeders, including jet agitators. It needs to be kept moist or it will turn into a "paper mache" and become difficult for the grass to get through as it grows. It is more susceptible to erosion than straw or wood fibres, as it is much lighter.

    Wood and wood fiber mulch provides better moisture retention and is less prone to erosion than paper. These mulches create a strong matrix when mixed with fixatives and sprayed at the proper rate.

    Erosion Control Mulch/Bound Fiber Mulch (BFM Mulches)

    These types of hydroseeding are high performance products typically used in steep areas such as stream or river beds where erosion can prevent seeds from establishing. Designed using a water resistant binder, this hydroseeding process is essentially sprayed onto blankets that form a dense matrix, providing the highest level of erosion control - which is why BFM hydroseeding tends to be more expensive than other types of hydroseeding.

    BFM mulches are also thicker when mixed, so very thorough mixing is required to achieve the right consistency. As a result, these mulches are commonly used by the big players in the hydroseeding industry, using the biggest tanks and doing the biggest jobs.

    Topsoil alternatives

    Topsoil alternatives are a type of hydroseeding used on soils and substrates that have been deprived of nutrients as a result of construction and other disturbance activities. Topsoiling large areas to allow new grass seeds to thrive can be very expensive, but hydroseeding can be a relatively affordable option.

    These topsoil alternatives are sprayed with a hydroseeder and are a good substitute to allow seeds to germinate and thrive. See Profile Products "ProGanics Biotic Soil Media (BSM)" for more information.

    Alternative Daily Covers

    Hydroseeders can be used effectively in landfills to apply alternative daily covers (ADCs), which are materials other than soil or earthen materials that are used in landfills to control odor, dust and erosion.

    Types of hydroseeding equipment

    Hydroseeding machines come in many shapes and sizes and are suitable for a variety of jobs. Here we will provide an overview of the main differences between the products, as well as some of the features and benefits of the different components of hydroseeding equipment.

    Water jet or mechanical agitator

    This is a debate that can lead to brawls between industry professionals. It may not be a Ford vs. Chevrolet fight, but commercial hydroseeding professionals definitely have their preferences. In general, jet agitation equipment is more commonly used for residential and light commercial applications, while mechanical agitation is used for both smaller and larger jobs.

    Jet Agitation for Hydroseeding

    The benefits of jet agitation are that it is less expensive and generally works well with small tanks and applications, making it ideal for residential and light commercial applications. For example, if you're a landscaper hired to landscap "islands" in a retail parking lot, agitation jet equipment would be ideal. Blasting machines also work well on light paper-based mulch, however some can work on heavier mulch as well.

    Easy Lawn Jet Agitation System - 200 gal.
    Mechanical Agitation for Hydroseeding

    In comparison, mechanical agitation is generally faster and more thorough with larger equipment and can handle heavier mulch products. For example, if you were hired to landscap seven acres around a new hospital complex, you would need larger, more powerful equipment capable of landscaping half an acre or more with each load and mixing the slurry very quickly—something mechanical agitation is particularly well suited for.

    FINN Mechanical Agitation System 900 gal.

    Hydroseeder sizes and types

    Hydroseeder sizes range from 100 to 5,000 gallons. Wet mulch can even be applied by helicopter or aircraft, depending on the available access points to the job site. The hydraulic seeders are supplied on skids for installation on a truck bed, chassis or even a tractor. Trailer versions are designed to be towed by trucks and tractors for large job sites.

    Hydrodynamic Pump Technology

    Hydroseeders use a variety of pump technologies, the most common of which are centrifugal and vortex. Agitators and pumps may be driven by mechanical or hydraulic means.

    Hydraulic systems do not require a clutch or belt, reducing the chance of mechanical failure. However, they require additional hoses and valves, which creates its own problems.

    Hydroseeder Spray Methods

    Hydroseeding is sprayed using a boom or hose. The largest hydroseeding equipment can spray almost 370 feet through the boom, providing access to areas that would otherwise be difficult to reach with a truck or hose. The hose comes in a variety of sizes and lengths, allowing you to accurately apply fertilizer and operate up to 300 feet or more from the truck.

    Dual Boom Spray

    When is the best time to hydroseed?

    The best time for hydroseeding is usually autumn or spring, although this largely depends on the local climate. Ideally, hydroseeding should be done when it is cool, but not cold, and when reasonable rainfall is expected. (Rain will help offset the cost of watering.)

    Autumn hydroseeding

    Hydroseeding in early autumn gives the lawn time to establish itself before winter sets in. During the cold months, the lawn will be dormant, and in the spring, after the rains and cool temperatures, it will be given a good start before hot summers can threaten to dry it out.

    Spring hydroseeding

    Early spring hydroseeding is also acceptable, as spring rains and cooler temperatures create optimal conditions for growth. However, the downside of spring hydroseeding is that after a hot summer, grasses and lawns may require more water in the first year to sustain life and thrive during the hot summer months.

    Finally, if you don't have a plentiful and cheap source of water, it's best not to plant in the summer. There is not much point in fighting high temperatures and drought if you can avoid it.

    Hydroseeding and Erosion Control

    Hydroseeding is so much more than just throwing seeds and mulch on the ground and hoping they grow! Hydroseeding has become a complex process that is critical to the environment after construction, and especially after major projects such as roads, bridges and mining.

    Hydroseeding is one of the most used river bank conservation methods to prevent runoff from entering our waterways.

    Learn more