Bats get rid of

How to Get Rid of Bats (and Keep Them Away for Good)

The good news: Bats are not aggressive. The bad news: If there are bats in your house, it’s only a matter of time before their waste begins to pose a serious problem.

Health concerns aside—and there are indeed viable health concerns—bat droppings and urine can destroy wood and other building materials, gradually compromising the structural integrity of your home. So, even if you are not skittish about the idea of bats dwelling under your roof, there are plenty of rational reasons to act fast. Follow the steps outlined below to get rid of bats and prevent them from returning.

Tools & Materials

STEP 1: Research local laws.

Familiarize yourself with local laws. Most states rank bats as a protected species, which means that it’s illegal to kill them. One humane approach is to install a decoy bat house, such as this cedarwood model available on Amazon, on your property before evicting your unwanted guests. Chances are that once barred entry to your home, the bats will take up residence in the new accommodations you’ve prepared.


From there, you can count on the bats to continue their beneficial service of eating the insects on your property. If you have a bat problem, take care of the problem immediately to prevent structural damage to the house. The steps below can help, or you can call a professional. If you’ve discovered your winged residents while prepping your home for a future sale, do the responsible thing and make sure to disclose the issue to the future owners.

STEP 2: Identify the type of bat that’s in your house.

When you’re trying to get rid of bats, it’s essential to figure out what type of bat you’re dealing with. So the first thing to do is learn the common types of bats in your neck of the woods. Next, try to get a good look at the bats, if you haven’t already, so you can compare your observations to your research. Vampire aficionados could easily guess that your best chances of seeing a bat are at dusk and dawn.

There are nearly 50 species of bats in the United States, but only colonizing varieties will make their homes in your attic or under the eaves of your house. The three most common colonizing species of bat are the little brown bat, the big brown bat, and the pallid bat. Big brown bats have shiny brown fur and dark brown-to-black wings, ears, feet, and faces.

True to its name, the little brown bat looks very similar to the big brown bat but is smaller and has a pointier nose. The distinctive-looking pallid bat has pale fur, large ears, a pink face, and eyes that are noticeably larger than those of other bats.

Once you know what kind of bats are in your house, you can move on to determining whether it’s maternity season for that particular species. Maternity season for U.S. bats varies by species and region, but typically falls between May 1 and August 31. If you prevent the mother bat from regaining entry to your house while the babies are still inside, those babies are going to die. And no matter how you feel about that, you’re definitely not going to like how it smells. So if it’s maternity season, wait it out.


Big Brown Bat:

STEP 3: Determine the bats’ point of entry.

Sure that maternity season is over or has not begun? OK—time to get serious. Watch your home closely at dusk or dawn, with the aim of pinpointing exactly where the bats are entering and exiting your home. Bear in mind that a bat colony usually has more than one access point, and these openings can be as small as a half-inch.

Chimneys and vents are the most common openings that bats use to enter the home, either choosing them as a place to nest or as a means of accessing other parts of the house. Other common entry points to check include the ridge cap of the roof, louvers on the side of the home that vent the attic, and the fascia boards on the eaves of a home.

Damaged parts of a home’s exterior, such as warped boards, loose sections of siding, or broken window panes are also places where bats gain entry. Look for the telltale sign of bat droppings around these openings to help you confirm where the bats are breaching your home’s barrier.

STEP 4: Seal the opening.

If bats have already taken up residence, simply sealing up their point of entry might not be a good idea if it traps them in the home. One way to get rid of bats is to use a device called a one-way exit valve or one-way tube, which allows the bats to exit the building but provides no way for the bats to return. If your chosen device seems to be working, leave it in place for about 3 days to give all your bat residents time to exit.

Once you’ve successfully removed the bats from your home, it’s time to prevent them from returning. To fill up holes and seal cracks, begin by covering the most common entry point. Install caps on chimneys, cover vents, and add screens to windows. Repair any holes in roofing or siding that could let bats enter.


Remember, since bats can squeeze through holes as small as a ½ inch to 1 inch, you’ll need to be diligent with your repairs. Use caulking compound, such as DAP Elastopatch (available at Amazon), or an expanding foam such as Great Stuff (also available at Amazon), to fill cracks or holes. Unlike rats, bats will not chew through material, so either of these products should do the trick.

STEP 5: Clean, clean, clean.

After you get rid of bats, you have a messy job on your hands. The bats will have left droppings and urine in their wake. When cleaning, it’s imperative that you wear the proper protective gear—full-sleeve clothing, rubber work gloves, and an N95 respirator (a dust mask will not provide the necessary protection).

Before diving into the mess, first lightly mist the area with a solution of water and bleach to kill any pathogens that might be in the air. Remove and dispose of porous materials such as rugs or fabric that might be contaminated by bat droppings.

Use a non-ammonia soap or detergent to clean, making sure to thoroughly scrub the area. Rinse with clean water, and then disinfect with a solution of ¼ cup of bleach for every gallon of water. The bleach will kill any remaining pathogens while eliminating odors.

Like other home hazards, bats can cause serious health concerns. The droppings may contain a fungus that can cause a potentially life-threatening respiratory disease called histoplasmosis, so think seriously about hiring a professional cleanup crew. Once the area is no longer toxic, proceed to seal all the holes you identified.

FAQs About Getting Rid of Bats

Q. Does one bat in the house mean more?

If you find one bat in your house, the odds are high that there are more. Bats are very small, so it’s possible that multiple bats can be living in your home without you even knowing it. After finding a bat, proceed with the steps above to determine how they are entering your home.


Q. How do you get rid of bats in the attic?

If you live in a region where temperatures drop below freezing in the winter, the bats will leave when the cold arrives. Once they migrate out, seal up any cracks or holes and cover vents to keep them from returning. In warmer climates, use exclusion tubes or doors to get them out, and then proceed to seal any openings.

Q. What are bats attracted to?

If bats are attracted to your home, it’s likely because it either presents a food source (indicating you might need pest control) or an ideal spot for nesting if the bat is looking for a place to expand its brood.

Q. How do you scare off fruit bats?

There are a couple of solutions for getting rid of bats feasting on your fruit trees. Scare them off by hanging objects that are visible and make noise, such as wind chimes or windsocks. You also might be able to scare bats with sound from ultrasonic devices.

Q. What will repel bats?

While physical barriers will keep bats from entering your home, some items repel them. Bats don’t like the smell of mothballs, white phenol, cinnamon, or eucalyptus. Install bright lights to help deter them. Bats also don’t like objects that reflect light, so you can hang strips of aluminum foil, mirrors, mylar balloons, or even old CDs.

Final Thoughts

Discovering that a bat family has taken up residence in the attic is enough to give anyone the heebie-jeebies. Fortunately, evicting these winged squatters is as simple as repairing holes on the exterior of your home and closing off vents, chimneys, and other openings.

When getting rid of bats, keep in mind that bats are protected in most states due to the contributions they make to the environment, so it’s important that you treat them humanely. While sending your bat residents packing is aboveboard, poisoning bats or trapping them and leaving them to starve is a definite no-no. Besides, you’ll want them around to help ensure you have a bug-free backyard.

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How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Home & Yard: The Ultimate Guide (2022)

Learn what it takes to get rid of bats on your property, how to accomplish it safely, and the risks and limitations of DIY bat removal.

Lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros

About Bats – Nature’s Pest Control

Bats are the only flying mammal in the world. They are nocturnal, sleeping during the day in sheltered nests and flying out at night to feed. Most bats navigate by echolocation. The emit ultrasonic pulses and, by timing the echo, can visualize a detailed representation of their environment.

The size of a bat depends on the species. Smaller bats have a wingspan of a few inches and a body the size of a human thumb, such as the common little brown bat. The greater mastiff bat, the largest in North America, has a wingspan up to 2 feet.

A female bat will have one pup per year. In North America, they breed near the end of summer and early autumn and give birth in the early summer. They can live for years in the wild, with little brown bats frequently reaching over 30 years in age.

During the winter, bats will either migrate or hibernate when food becomes scarce. This occurs primarily with bats that live in cooler climates. Those in southern states, such as Georgia and Florida, can stay active year round because of the warm weather. For those that do migrate, they will typically return to the same roost when they come back to the area.

Bats have an unfortunate and undeserved reputation. They are associated with vampires, scary Halloween takes, dark caves, and deadly disease. More recently, bats have been demonized for their role in COVID-19, and have historically been blamed for rabies and other deadly diseases.

Bats, however, are good. We want more bats in the world. For the vast majority of people, bats are entirely harmless. Bats feed on insects, including mosquitoes. They rarely bite humans unless provoked, and while there are vampire bats in South America that feed on blood, most prefer bugs, fruits, and other foods. Even vampire bats prefer livestock over people.

Most bats in North America are insectivores, consuming insects as their primary food source. An average bat will eat more that 3,000 mosquitoes in a single night, for instance, making these animals key in controlling harmful insect populations. Other bat species eat fruit or nectar, and benefit the environment by pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds.

Unfortunately, their reputation has led to the mass extermination of bats, and their numbers have been dwindling. New construction and shifting populations have also cost bats their natural habitats and diminished their food sources. As a result, the number of bats across several species have decreased, making this animal vulnerable.

Federal law in the U.S. protects these endangered species, preventing them from being harmed or killed:

Other species may be protected at the state level as well in an effort to restore bat populations. These local laws can determine how bats must be handled if they infest a home. Other common bats in the United States include the Hoary Bat, the Lesser Long Nosed Bat, Little Brown Bat, Mexican Free Tailed Bat, Pallid Bat, California Leaf Nosed Bat, Red Bat, Spotted Bat, Big Brown Bat, and many others.

There are well over 60 species of bat found throughout the US. While the behaviors between the species differ, almost any bat could theoretically cause problems on your property.

Bats as a Pest Species

Bats are immensely beneficial to the environment, and in nature are almost entirely harmless to humans. But in or near your home, bats can still be dangerous.
The danger isn’t from a bite – although there is a risk of bite if you purposefully or accidentally get too close to one. Rather, bats – especially as infestations grow – create droppings, called “guano,” that are filled with bacteria and acidic to your property. Bat guano causes a terrible odor, grows mold, and can be immensely damaging.

Homes also offer a lot of safety for bats. Exterior shingle siding provides useful nighttime protection. Attics and barns offer excellent safety. Bats will find any space they can live without risk of predators and sleep comfortably during the day, and frequently those places are found around human dwellings.

Bat colonies that are left undisturbed, sometimes for years, can grow to contain hundreds of bats. Even smaller colonies carry risks. And while bites are rare, all wild animals will bite if they feel threatened. Bats are vectors of disease. Their bodies can host viruses that are harmless to the bat but dangerous to humans, so bites are considered serious medical issues. Bats are hosts for:

Bats are also hosts for many zoonotic viruses that have historically spread to humans, though the risk of bat to human transmission is extremely low. Bats can also scratch if they feel threatened, and while their scratches may not carry viruses, they may have bacteria like salmonella and they can be painful and risk infection.

Bats are typically not aggressive. But they can be aggressive during removal. The vast majority of bites and scratches occur when someone tries to handle a bat, either because it was found injured on the ground or they tried to get rid of bats without experience. Extreme care and special equipment must be used when cleaning after an infestation.
For these reasons, it is critical to get rid of bats as soon as possible, and often a good idea to contact a professional bat removal company.

Know When to Get Rid of Bats With These Signs

Some bat infestations are clearly obvious, as you may see bats on your property. But others can be difficult to notice. Since these animals are most active at night and live in hidden nooks, knowing the signs of an infestation can help you identify one early on. Some of the signs of bats include:

A single bat flying around your home is not always a sign of an infestation. Many bats will simply be eating insects they find in your yard before returning to their roosts nearby. Frequent bat sightings or other signs of bats, however, do require more investigation.

Are Bats Hard to Get Rid Of?

Bats are not an easy animal to remove. They cannot be quickly captured and carried outside, nor are there any fast acting treatments that force them out. Extermination, or killing bats, is rarely an acceptable option. In many cases, it is even illegal.
The first challenge in handling bats is knowing they are present. Subtle signs are frequently missed, allowing the bat colony to continue growing and making it more difficult to remove when it is finally spotted.

During the removal process, some of the more common challenges include:

Getting rid of bats requires patience, careful inspection, and a dedicated effort. Experience and knowledge of bat behavior can also help. Bat exclusion will require work that can range from installing mesh to more complex home repairs, and some parts of the process could require handyman skills.

There are many guides and tips online that tell you how to get rid of bats yourself, but it is important to complete the job thoroughly and carefully. Failing to exclude an area of your home risks bats soon returning, while ineffective methods could cause harm to you or the bats.

Hanging Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus)

How Long Does It Take to Get Rid Of Bats?

The process for removing bats can take several days or potentially even months. This is because bats are not captured. Instead, they are allowed to leave on their own and prevented from coming back to their nest.

Adult bats leave nightly, or close to nightly, to fly out and look for food. During seasons that bats are active and babies are not present, effective bat exclusion can be successful in a few days. This gives each bat time to leave the house before you or a wildlife control specialist finishes exclusion by repairing the holes the bats came through.
In cooler months, hibernating bats will rarely leave their roost. This makes them less likely to be spotted due to the decreased activity, and it also makes them nearly impossible to remove if they are found.

The other factor that impacts when bats can be removed is legislation. In certain states, exclusion is not permitted during months where bats are breeding or pups are present as it endangers the population. Exclusion during breeding season can interrupt mating, reducing the chances of successful births. Likewise, exclusion cannot be performed when babies are present since they will not leave the nest, and preventing their mothers from returning will cause them to die.

Because of these periods when bat populations are vulnerable, and therefore protected, it is not uncommon to have to wait several months after discovering an infestation to remove it. The times when exclusion is not allowed vary between states and climate, but are generally in early summer, late summer, fall, and winter.

How to Get Rid of Bats Fast

When you discover that bats are living on your property or inside your home, you want to get them out as quickly as possible. This is for your safety as well as limiting any extensive damage they might cause through nesting.

Humanely removing bats requires waiting for the bats to leave. The process simply cannot be sped up. Ensuring the process is done properly, however, is an important part of determining how long it will take. Both DIY bat exclusion and professional bat exclusion are, by necessity, not fast when done thoroughly.

There are some techniques that can help encourage bats to leave during the process. Not all have proven success or are used by professionals, but you can incorporate them into your DIY bat control plan if bats are resistant to leaving. These methods consist of making your yard less habitable to bats or tempting them away from your home.

Removing bats is a balance between the need to have the nest removed quickly and the need to keep bats safe. It can be a challenging process to handle, and the most expedient way is to involve a professional. They eliminate the need for trial and error that is often required the first time someone removes bats.

You might need to take some time to find a bat removal company that is dependable and humane. Yet once you do, they can inspect your home and get started with the right steps to have bats out fast.

Can I Get Rid of Bats On My Own?

Whether or not you can remove bats on your own depends on several factors. There is risk involved, so your comfort with those risks and ability to address them safely is essential. You will also need to be able to install the barriers or complete the repairs that keep bats out.

Like many DIY projects, bat removal has the potential to be more affordable than professional services. There are still costs to consider as you might need materials, tools, and time, but it is an approach that some people prefer when addressing wildlife concerns.
The majority of bat infestations will be colonies containing anywhere from a couple of bats to hundreds, with larger ones needing far more effort to remove. In the case of a bat colony in your home, these are the steps to remove bats by yourself:

Each step to get rid of bats needs to be handled thoroughly. By missing a step or not completing a step, you chance enabling bats to come back inside or leaving your family susceptible to future health concerns. An unsuccessful bat exclusion will often necessitate calling a professional in the end, and costing you additional money in removal and repairs.
Note: Although rare, individual bats have been known to accidentally fly inside homes and get stuck. In these situations, open doors and windows and – from a distance – try to scare bats away. If you cannot find the bat, call a professional. Scared, trapped bats are more dangerous and should not be approached without experience.

How to Get Rid of Bats Safely and Naturally

Removing bats is a chemical-free process, so there is no risk that children or pets might consume a toxic substance as part of removal. The only exception would be if you are using repellents, either commercial or home remedies, that can be dangerous. Most of the time repellents are ill advised.

Exclusion is the most recommended and reliably effective method of getting rid of bats. Exclusion is the process of helping bats get out, but then blocking all entrance points so they cannot get in. The type of removal approach depends on the location and entrance points. In addition to one way exit doors, At any time, you may use:

Exclusion is also not the only approach that some people take to remove bats. Other strategies that some people attempt include:

Because bats stick to the same nesting area as much as they can, these are often more useful as preventative measures. They can also be used in addition to exclusion to encourage bats to leave.

Another method for both preventing and removing bats is glue traps. These are placed in attics and other areas bats are common and use a strong adhesive to hold the bat when it flies too close. These are discouraged. Not only are they inhumane by causing a slow death to bats as they starve – they put any animal at risk, including your pets, if they brush against it, and dead animals can also spread smells and disease.

Deterrents and Repellents to Get Rid of Bats

Some resources on bat control also provide inexpensive home remedies to repel bats using materials you already have around your house. These include:

The scientific evidence for these methods is limited, and much of the support for them is anecdotal. Like other natural techniques that do not rely on exclusion, they are best used in combination with additional removal and preventative measures. They fail to address the larger underlying issues with bats, making them an ineffectual long-term solution.

How to Get Rid of Bats at Home

The process of bat removal involves getting rid of bats and cleaning up after them. Alternatively, bat proofing can be performed ahead of time by sealing areas where bats might get in.

Whether you are preventing bats or getting rid of ones already present, there are different strategies depending on the location bats target. You will want to avoid direct interaction with any bats throughout this process since that puts both you and the animals in danger.

How to Get Rid of a Bats Indoors

To remove bats at your home successfully, you will need to follow the same procedure that professional wildlife control uses. Exclusion physically limits the bats’ ability to come inside but must take into account the bats already present. You should prepare for this to take several days and some amount of work, which will vary based on how large your property and the infestation is.

After you have verified that it is legal to exclude bats at the current time, these are the steps to follow:

Sealing up your home will force the bats to go elsewhere to find shelter during the daytime. It also keeps other wildlife from entering through those same gaps as the bats, preventing future infestations of squirrels, rodents, raccoons, and birds.

How to Get Rid of Bats Outdoors

Bats in your yard can be considered helpful as they reduce populations of mosquitoes and other insects. There is no reason to panic if bats are merely flying through around dusk or overnight unless you see them in a high-risk area of your property.

It is possible that bats can begin nested in sheltered areas outdoors where their droppings can collect and their presence might be startling. These areas include porches, soffits, and trees too close to your home. They can also be found in siding.

Since outdoor spaces are difficult to create a perimeter around, outdoor bat control relies more on deterrents. You can:

If you still want bats around your property to help with pests, placing a bat house gives them a place to rest that is a safe distance from your house.

How to Get Rid of Bat Guano

There is still work that needs to be done after bats are gone as the health risks remain. This applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces where guano has built up and can lead to respiratory problems, but the cleaning will be more dangerous in an enclosed space.
In general, this is better left to a professional who will have biohazard equipment, although a small amount of guano can be cleaned with DIY methods. You will need to use caution to avoid releasing particles into the air. Do not use a broom or household vacuum to sweep up bat droppings.

To clean up a small area:

Large accumulations of bat guano require special protective equipment (PPE). There is also a chance of dispersing harmful particulate matter throughout your home if it is done incorrectly. Cleaning after a significant or long-lasting infestation should be performed by an experienced professional.

How to Prevent Bats

With bats living throughout the world, any home or building could face a bat infestation at some point. There are several ways to make it less likely that bats choose your home to nest at such as:

Managing pests and regularly monitoring your home for any means by which a bat can enter are ongoing tasks, usually needing attention annually at a minimum. The reduced chance of a bat colony taking up residence, and the subsequent cost savings by limiting the need for removal and repair, are typically worth this effort.

How to Get Rid of Bats Permanently

Bat exclusion, and the restoration that is necessary afterward, is an intensive process. It is not uncommon for people to attempt it themselves, spending significant time, money, and effort, only to discover bats have not been removed. Other times they leave for the season only to return again in the spring.

If you’ve attempted bat exclusion or you simply prefer a professional solution from the beginning for safety, bat removal by trained and experienced wildlife control experts is an optimal solution. Depending on the company you work with, a wildlife specialist can remove bats, sanitize the area they inhabited, and keep them from coming back.

When choosing a wildlife control specialist for your bat problem, it helps to choose a humane company that has worked extensively with bats and wildlife, with all the tools needed to complete the job and all the services necessary to effectively seal a property. Effective bat control requires careful attention to detail and extensive work, and some pest control companies – including those that offer bat removal – may not perform all the services you need.

How Wildlife Specialists Get Rid of Bats

The response to most pests – insects, spiders, and rodents, for instance – is to call an exterminator who will kill the animals in order to get them out of your house. This isn’t the case for bats. Licensed professional pest control will only offer bat exclusion and removal, not bat extermination.

Professional bat control utilizes an inspection as the first step. This generally occurs at twilight when bats are waking up and leaving the home. The visual survey identifies any places the bats are entering and exiting.

As long as there are no regulations regarding the removal of the infesting species during the present time, the specialist will begin the exclusion process. This can take several days while each bat on the property is permitted to leave. When bats are gone, the final steps of exclusion keep them from coming back.

A close up of the small bat in human hand.

How Professionals Get Rid of Bats

Also called bat abatement, most professionals use the one-way door tactic around entrances. Bats leave to seek food, but cannot reenter upon their return. This is harmless to the bats who will simply move to another location to rest.

The wildlife specialist installs the one-way doors, usually in the form of exclusion netting after the inspection confirms bats are present. Each bat is then given time to leave the property. The wildlife control professional will return to monitor the bats, ensuring all are gone.
At this point, the holes can be closed off permanently. This can be done using materials like:

Exclusion works with bats in attics, walls, basements, and chimneys, as well as outdoor structures like barns or sheds. It is the method used with any size infestation from a single bat to a large colony, although the larger colony will require more time and cost. Many large colonies have several entry points, and addressing each one makes exclusion more advanced.

How Professionals Get Rid of Bat Guano

Professional bat cleanup uses special equipment to protect both those performing the sanitization and those in the home from breathing in harmful dust. This is done through:

Once control measures are in place that will prevent organic material from spreading, professional sanitization then addresses any contaminated insulation. Many infestations in attics or walls result in insulation that is not reclaimable unless the colony was small. In these instances, the insulation is pulled out, securely discarded, and replaced.
Droppings on hard surfaces are removed and the underlying area sanitized with a solution that kills remaining organisms. All waste from a cleanup job is disposed of as dictated by environmental standards.

Removing bats and sanitizing after an infestation is a process that takes several days and can seem slow as you wait to have your home free of pests once more. Yet professional bat control remains one of the surest ways to eliminate bats and the dangers they present.

Contacting a Professional to Get Rid of Bats

Because a professional wildlife control company or bat removal business is familiar with bat behaviors, the tools needed to keep them out, and their environmental impact, they can identify an issue quickly and take the needed steps to resolve it.

With the prevalence of bats throughout the world, in both rural and urban areas, there are likely to be several professional options for bat removal in your area. A company can confirm that bats are the animal you are dealing with inside your home, assess the size of the infestation, and recommend the right techniques to remove it.

Nextgen Pest Solutions offers professional wildlife control to customers in both Florida and Georgia, using humane methods and the most advanced techniques to mitigate challenges with bats. We can remove bats and keep them from coming back, or assist you through the process if you have handled a portion of it yourself.

Give us a call at 866-827-7231 when you need to remove bats from your FL or GA property. We can get started with an inspection, discuss your bat control questions, and provide more information on the best ways to control bat populations.

How to get rid of bats, fighting bats in a house, apartment in a country house

Bats increasingly settle not only in summer cottages, but also in city balconies and attics, which greatly disturb people's peace and cause discomfort. You can get rid of bats with the help of various means: folk, chemical, electronic repellers. If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of bats, this article will be a very useful read.

Due to the fact that bats have recently lacked natural shelters in nature, they increasingly settle in human buildings - sheds, warehouses, country houses, summer cottages and even city apartments. Man has recently been more and more "capturing" the wild, and the wild animals living there simply have nowhere to hide and they are increasingly approaching human habitation, especially small quiet towns and villages. Uncontrolled deforestation and the development of mountain caves force bats to move to cities and towns, where they settle in attics or under slates.

Most often, female bats settle in human buildings, which gather in colonies to give birth to a cub (1 cub per year). Most often, such colonies consist of 10 to 50 adults. Killing bats is prohibited by Ukrainian legislation! In Ukraine, bats are recognized as a vulnerable group that requires special protection, so the best and most humane way to get rid of bats is to wait for the autumn cold, when they themselves leave your house or cottage. After all the ray mice leave their shelter, it is enough to carefully check all the cracks and cavities and fill them with soft material.

But what to do if bats cause a lot of trouble? After all, they can make a very loud noise in the walls, in false ceilings and prevent sleep. They can also fly in the summer through the window into the room to the sleeping child and scare him.

There are various ways to get rid of bats in a country house or in a residential building. It all depends on the season, the number of bats and habitat.

Chemical control of bats.

The first thing that any person who is faced with the problem of how to remove bats resorts to is the use of chemicals. Fighting with chemicals can be of two types - these are special purchased repellents or naphthalene balls that have long been used by the people.

Means repelling bats.

These are special repellents that do not kill bats, but only repel them with the smell. With these tools, all cracks and holes through which bats crawl into their shelters should be treated. This should be done late in the evening, when the bats have left their hiding places and flew away to hunt. Also, these means should be processed in the spring before the arrival of mice and warm places. The advantage of this method is its low cost and ease of use. The disadvantage is that it will not solve the problem with bats that are somewhere huddled in hard-to-reach places and cannot find a way out.

Naphthalene balls.

Naphthalene balls are a well-known folk remedy for fighting bats. Bats do not like the smell of naphthalene and over time they leave their chosen place. The main disadvantage of this method to drive away bats is toxicity. Naphthalene is a hazard class 4 substance and its vapors are harmful to humans. Our experts do not recommend the use of mothballs in residential areas!

Fighting bats with folk remedies.

As our practice shows, folk methods of fighting bats show little efficiency, so we will tell you what they are, but we will not recommend them, because. in our opinion, they will not bring 100% results and will only waste your time and nerves.

The most common folk remedies to keep bats away are:

  1. Extra bright light. Bats are afraid of bright light, so additional lighting in places where bats congregate can partially solve the problem. But most often they will find other places and you will constantly have to move light sources from place to place.
  2. Water. Bats settle only in dry and warm places, so if you pour water on these places, then most likely they will leave them. But to spoil your house or cottage by making them wet to get rid of bats, we consider it a dubious idea.
  3. Smoke. Like water, bats are afraid of the smell of smoke, so they can be "smoked out" by smoke. But like the previous method, we do not recommend smoky your home to get bats out, otherwise you will then have to look for a way to get rid of the smell of smoke.
Electronic devices - repellers.

Electronic bat repellers are the most modern and effective way to fight bats. Ultrasound has a negative effect on the hearing organs of bats and after a while they will leave the area one way or another. Ultrasound is the most humane way to deal with bats. To scare away bats with ultrasound, you do not need to look for a special device - household rodent repellers are used for this. But still, before buying a bat repeller, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our recommendations.

How to choose a bat repeller?
  1. Bats in the attic. Most often, bats settle in the attic. If you have access to the attic and there is a 220V socket - any appliance for domestic use will suit you. We recommend models - Microcat or Owl . If there is access to the attic, but there is no socket in the attic, it is worth using battery-operated mouse repeller Microkot-BT . If for some reason there is no access to the attic, it is worth using electromagnetic repellers that emit electromagnetic waves that can pass through walls. We recommend using the following models - JF-001D or SD-058 .
  2. Bats in walls or false ceilings. In this case, the electromagnetic repellers described above should be used.
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In this article we described all the existing methods of combating bats if your situation is not got into this article or you have any questions - contact our NewCool store managers and we will help using more than 6 years of experience!

Experts told how to get rid of "stray" bats from "stray" bats - RIA Novosti, 09/01/2020

Experts told how to get rid of "stray" bats RIA Novosti was told in the press service ... RIA Novosti, 01.09.2020







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MOSCOW, September 1 - RIA Novosti. The danger is that a bat flew into the room, no, it must be carefully released, wearing tight gloves, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the capital's department of nature management and environmental protection. Earlier, information appeared on social networks that in the center of Moscow flew into the room bat." Bats fly into apartments, balconies and other premises by mistake. This often happens to young and inexperienced animals - the second half of summer and the beginning of autumn. There is nothing terrible or dangerous in the fact that a bat has flown to you, no " , - the press service said. The department clarified that if a bat flies, you need to wait until it sits on some surface. "It is impossible to catch a flying mouse in the air without the risk of seriously harming it. animal: you can only cripple it this way.When the bat sits on the surface, calmly approach it and, wearing thick gloves, carefully pick it up and put it in a box, after which you let it go outside," the experts noted. The press service added that the bones of a bat are very fragile, so you need to take it in your hands as carefully as possible, only with thick gloves, in order to avoid getting a bite.



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Rossiya Segodnya







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Rossiya Segodnya


News -RU


RIA Novosti



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7 495 645-6601

Rossiya Segodnya There is no danger that a bat flew into the room, it must be carefully released, wearing thick gloves, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the capital's department of nature management and environmental protection.

Earlier in social networks there was information that a bat flew into the room in the center of Moscow.

August 9, 2020, 03:01 Tourism

In Portugal, scientists have discovered a new species of bats

"Bats fly into apartments, balconies and other premises by mistake. This often happens with young and inexperienced animals - the second half of summer and the autumn. There is nothing terrible or dangerous in the fact that a bat has flown to you," the press service said.

The department clarified that if the bat is flying, you need to wait until it sits on some surface.

"A flying mouse cannot be caught in the air without the risk of seriously harming it. Never try to shoot down an animal: this can only cripple it. When the bat lands on the surface, calmly approach it and, wearing thick gloves, carefully take and put it in a box, and then let it out into the street," experts said.

The press service added that the bones of a bat are very fragile, so you need to take it in your hands as carefully as possible, only with thick gloves, in order to avoid getting a bite.

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