Bathroom plants no window
12 Plants That Have No Problem Growing In a Windowless Bathroom — Wild Creative Project
Small Bathroom
Written By Kristine Cabili
Truthfully, I had no idea how to go about writing this article...
Plants in the bathroom are a topic that has been written about before multiple times.
I thought of some different angles but none of them seemed too original.
To do something different, I asked myself a question: What plants can you grow indoors without needing sunlight and have them flourish?
Plants need light to thrive after all and most indoor plant owners know how tough it is to grow a plant without access to sunlight.
Then it hit me!
Plants in the bathroom are usually exposed to 90% humidity because of how close they are to the shower and toilet. They need light and water to live. But what if you replaced that with high levels of humidity?
Plants like ferns, bamboo, and peace lilies can handle low light levels for long periods of time. Plants in rooms without windows and with high humidity were probably commonplace to be back around the 1950s to 1970s.
I mean, I don't have any solid evidence for that. But in those decades, plants were more popular and placed all throughout homes, particularly bathrooms.
So maybe it's true after all! Some plants can actually grow fine with little to no natural light as long as they are in an enclosed, high humidity room. Luckily there are great tropical plants that thrive in these conditions well.
Below I am going to list the best plants that grow fine without sunny windows whether you place them in your room or any other windowless bathroom with a lot of humidity. (Personally, I placed a couple in my bathroom and they seem to be flourishing.)
Best Bathroom Plants in Bathroom Without Window #1: Spider PlantThey say that spiders are the big heroes of horror movies, but these plants will actually help you out.
The Spider Plant is one of those popular indoor plants that you will most likely find in your neighbor's room or office. It is usually sold with a little baby version of itself that eventually becomes the mature plant, but it can also be bought as just a mature plant.
The spiderettes are off-shoots that grow from this plant similar to spiders hanging on a web. These plants can be either solid green, light green with yellow stripes.
This hearty little house plant has been found capable not only in a humid environment and lack of sunlight but also removing toxins such as Formaldehyde; making it perfect for those bathrooms without windows.
#2: Snake PlantThe snake plant is one of the hardiest house plants out there, and is also known as “Mother-in-Law's Tongue”.
The leaves have attractive yellow or white edges that resemble a tongue!
And their ability to remove harmful toxins from your air makes them an excellent choice for bathroom settings. They can thrive in low lights, fluorescent lighting, and humid environments found inside bathrooms.
Snake plants can be tricky to take care of, but it doesn’t have to become a headache.
It’s best not to water them for at least a week before you give them enough to drink again—if they dry out completely between watering sessions and don't look too droopy or wilted, then wait even longer.
#3: ZZ PlantZZ plant (or Eternity Plant) is an interesting and beautiful South African native that thrives in indirect light.
It can adapt to a wide variety of conditions, making it one of the best houseplants for windowless bathrooms. It's also drought-tolerant so you'll save water while still enjoying its lovely foliage!
It’s dark green glossy leaves are thick and long with distinctive markings on the underside that resembles fingerprints.
Another benefit of owning a ZZ plant is that they are easy to replant!
Simply break off a healthy stalk with roots attached, and stick it in some soil or gravel for an instant houseplant.
Plants like ZZ Plants can be rooted by submerging the stem in water for a few weeks and then planting it in the soil.
#4: Air PlantsA lot of people are aware of Air Plants because they are used in many decorations. Plants like the Tillandsia (air plant) can be added to your bathtub and will take off growing from there as long as you keep them moist enough.
Air plants make for excellent bathroom staples because they need little light and plenty of humidity.
Unlike most other types of plants, Air Plants absorb moisture from humid air through their roots instead of the ground.
So every time you take a shower or breathe in some moist air, these tiny beauties drink up your fresh water supply to stay alive!
#5: Boston FernBoston ferns live in their own little ecosystem, thriving best when the conditions are just right.
That means cool temperatures like those found in bathrooms (thankfully!), high humidity from a misting every week or so, and indirect light that is often located near windows.
Keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent scorching but keep an eye on moisture levels because they love moist soil the most!
#6: Chinese EvergreenChinese evergreens have a luxurious and forgiving disposition. They can thrive off of even the most adverse conditions.
They can be grown in dark bathrooms if you choose darker-colored leaves, and don't lose their colorful foliage even if deprived of light.
But in order to get them to grow into their full potential, you need much light!
If your bathroom is already well-lit with a small window or lamps, then try these variegated Chinese Evergreen varieties for an exotic flair that will make it look as if someone put fairy lights on top of your plants.
With its gorgeous leaves and beautiful flowers, the peace lily is a wonderful addition to any bathroom as it thrives in low light conditions.
It also removes pollutants from your home’s indoor air!
However, keep it away from pets because they are susceptible to poisoning by just touching the plant; their paws or tongues can get caught on its toxic leaves.
With attractive foliage that grows 1 ft. to 4 ft. tall, this easy-to-care plant not only survives low lighting but actually needs some indirect sunlight during daytime hours for optimal growth.
They thrive indoors where high humidity protects them against frequent watering---- yet an occasional misting of water will ensure optimum health levels too.
#8: Lucky BambooLucky Bamboo is a common, inexpensive houseplant that's easy to find (i. e grocery stores) and easy to grow. It thrives in low-light settings like bathrooms.
It makes a great indoor plant because it can grow in water and is tolerant of light shade.
These plants are not really bamboo, although they do resemble long and green stalks. Unlike other plants that require soil to grow in, Lucky Bamboos can thrive just by being placed on a rock jar filled with water.
That being said, make sure to change the water often, or else you will have an unlucky situation on your hands!
#9: Cast Iron PlantWhat if your plant-killing tendencies matched those of the Cast Iron Plant?
This sturdy and resilient houseplant can thrive in a low-light setting, which makes it perfect if you are forgetful about watering your plants. (Even though we all know that's not the type of person who would bother reading this article anyway!)
It also tolerates extremes in temperature, so don't worry too much when one day it’s hot outside and another day it’s cold.
As long as you keep shuffling around where to put it (from windowless bathroom to indirect sunlight every 10-14 days) then allow water only after the soil has gone completely dry again. This botanical will be just fine.
#10: English IvyThe English Ivy plant is a hardy plant and is one of the most common types. It can be used to fill a window sill or hang from a high shelf in your low-light bathroom, so it's perfect for those who are looking for an easy-to-grow houseplant with lots of varieties and colors available.
It is an amazing houseplant that can stay alive in moderate sunlight or artificial lighting and grow on a variety of surfaces.
It's also one of the best plants for air purification according to NASA studies, removing mold spores from the air with ease!
#11: Aloe VeraHave a plant that has healing properties and is great for your skin? The aloe vera plant is known to have healing properties and long-lasting health benefits.
Place your prized possession close by in the bathroom window so it receives indirect sunlight. Overwatering can kill an already precious creature, but you should water once every 7-10 days for optimal results of healthy vitamins and minerals.
Aloe is a plant that can be grown indoors, so long as it has bright light and consistent temperature. It will need very little water to thrive because of the humid conditions in bathrooms.
If you notice leaves wilting or browning at their edges, give them some more drinkable liquid!
#12: Golden PothosFor a small apartment, finding space for plants can be difficult. The shower is the perfect place to put your Pothos.
They are shade-loving plants that thrive on moisture from humid conditions such as hot showers or simply sitting in a closed-up, moist environment like a dark shower stall.
If you don't have enough humidity, then use an old spray bottle to mist it often. Make sure not to let them stay too dry and water whenever their soil feels slightly dampened.
If you're short on space in the bathroom, consider hanging a plant from your ceiling or shelf.
If you do have a window, choose one that will grow well with its roots submerged, and place it near or on the bathroom windowsill for natural light.
One good place is on top of any shelf around the tub-side area if they're available. And another option would be locating them in pots at either end of the tub with a space between them.
Using Artificial LightsGrow Lights can help plants grow, but not all types of artificial lighting are the same. Fluorescents and LEDs produce different spectrums for photosynthesis that make them better suited to certain plant varieties.
So, if you're trying to figure out which type of lamp is best for your particular variety then it's important to know what spectrum they prefer so that you may find a good match.
"You're not supposed to have plants in the bathroom. That's bad feng shui."
You probably have heard this one… and many others like it, quite a lot. But is it true?
Are Plants Bad Feng Shui in the Bathroom?The answer is no! Plants do not cause negative energy in your bathroom, and they can actually help balance the chi around you.
Plants in general will make a room appear brighter and more alive… as well as encourage positivity to radiate throughout it.
They are also believed to absorb harmful energies from our surroundings, so essentially they may neutralize any bad vibes that come your way.
Some of the best feng shui plants to consider are the Snake Plant, Boston Fern, Lucky Bamboo, and Golden Pothos. All of them are also low-light plants that can survive in a humid room.
Where to Place ThemFeng Shui enthusiasts recommend placing plants in the bathroom and toilet for good health.
Plants on top of toilets are believed to create a healthy atmosphere. While strategically placed plants near doorways can be used as lucky charms that will ward off any bad luck coming your way.
If you want to attract luck, prosperity, and health in your bathroom, make sure that the southeast corner of the room is reserved for a potted plant.
The water element in this room will feed and nurture the wood element, which is instrumental for attracting wealth----especially when combined with plenty of other decorative items made from natural materials like wood or woven fabrics.
ConclusionWhether you are a true aficionado of houseplants or a casual DIY-er, it is important to understand the different types of plants that can grow in your bathroom.
While some might have more difficulty than others when it comes to sunlight and heat, there are plenty that will thrive! Plants add life to any space they inhabit, and they can be an excellent means of purifying your air.
Now that you’ve finally found the perfect plant for your bathroom, it's time to decide where best to place your new friend. So, go pick out a few to brighten up your bathroom walls!
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16 Best Plants for Windowless Bathroom
Don’t have a window in your toilet, but you want to grow plants there? Worry not! This list of
Plants for a Windowless Bathroom is your answer!A bathroom is a place to revive and refresh for the day, and plants can double that experience! But what if it doesn’t have a window and you want to add live plants there? How will these plants survive without sunlight? Don’t fret! These Plants for Windowless Bathroom and our tips will come in handy!
Check out the best houseplants for sunny windows hereWhat is a Windowless Bathroom?
Urban places often have windowless bathrooms that are gloomy and dark, with not much ventilation or light. Though you can make the unpleasantness go away with artificial lights, using positive colors like white, and having some greenery. But this is not easy when it comes to plants.
While you can always go with faux plants, living ones are irreplaceable and have their charm. But, you may infer that no plant can survive without daylight, and it’s impossible to grow them there. Well, good news for you–it’s possible if you’re ready to read this article till the end.
Can Plants Survive in a Windowless Bathroom?
The simple answer to this question is–complicated. Plants, to survive, must conduct photosynthesis, and for this, they need daylight.
However, many plants do not need as much direct light as other plants do, and we have cautiously selected the best of them that do well in low light. These are the plants for windowless bathrooms!
A Little Trick
Imagine a sentry guarding a place. Can he complete his duty without sleep and food? Someone else must come to replace him when the shift is over. You’ll need to do the same–changing the position of houseplants in your bathroom. Locate them every two-three weeks or so to a new place, on your balcony, patio, or near a bright window in your home, where they can refresh.
Replace them with other indoor plants that were growing at a brighter spot. This way, your plants are going to get a proper dose of light without feeling weak. One more thing you should do is water occasionally, only when the soil is dry.
Check out our article on vining houseplants for bathrooms hereBest Plants for a Windowless Bathroom
1. Lucky Bamboo
Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana
Lucky bamboo is a common, good-luck houseplant that can grow without soil, making it perfect for bathrooms! Just make sure that you are changing the water regularly, and the plant is going to thrive. It is one of the Best Plants for a Windowless Bathroom!
2. Aloe Vera
Botanical Name: Aloe Vera
Reap the excellent benefits of aloe vera by having it at a hand’s distance in your bathroom! Ensure you do not overwater and keep it in sunlight once in 7-10 days to maintain it properly. Learn how to grow it here.
To know about some fantastic benefits of Aloe Vera, click here3. Pothos
pintrestBotanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
With attractive, variegated foliage in shades of yellow and green, the pothos is a rugged vine that can easily survive in low light and humidity. You can also grow pothos in water–it’s easy. Learn about more indoor plants you can grow without soil.
Check out our article on the best types of pothos to grow here4. Arrowhead Plant
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Arrowhead is a perfect plant for a low-light bathroom if you’re ready to grow it in the water! Cut a stem with a few leaves attached and transfer it into a vase filled with fresh water. Keep replacing the water every few days like lucky bamboo, and it’ll thrive.
5. Spider Plant
Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum
The Spider Plant can survive in many conditions, including high humidity and lack of sunlight. It is also a potent plant to remove formaldehyde, making it one of the most suitable houseplants for a windowless bathroom!
Check out our article on Spider Plant benefits here6. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
The snake plant is included in the list of plants that purify the surrounding air in a study conducted by NASA. It also does well in low and fluorescent lights and prefers a humid environment, both found in bathrooms!
To know about air-purifying plants in detail, click here7. Boston Fern
Botanical Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Conditions in the windowless bathroom, such as artificial light, high humidity, and cool surroundings, are favorable for Boston fern’s growth. However, keep it near a sunlight source regularly.
8. Chinese Evergreen
Botanical Name: Aglaonema
Chinese evergreen is a tropical plant and can tolerate adverse conditions, including poor light. It’s a slow grower and is going to keep your bathroom looking green with its leathery foliage!
Check out our list of plants that can grow without sunlight here9. Philodendron
Image CreditBotanical Name: Philodendron
Philodendron does well in moderate and artificial lighting, plus the heart leaf variety looks fine, cascading down from a pot. Also, philodendrons do pretty well in warm temperatures and humidity; your bathroom is going to serve them just right!
10. ZZ Plant
Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
ZZ plant is going to do well in indirect or grow light. As it’s drought-tolerant and the slow-growing habit makes it adaptable to smaller pots, it becomes one of the best plants for windowless bathrooms!
To know about some astonishing benefits of ZZ Plants, click here11.

Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia
This is a plant to have if you want a tropical setting in your bathroom. It does well in a humid environment with artificial light, but like every plant on this list, you’ll need to replace it with another plant once you start to see symptoms like pale leaves, thin stems, and no growth.
For interesting bathroom plant ideas, click here12. Baby Rubber Plant
Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
Baby Rubber Plant wants three things–humidity, indirect light, and no overwatering. Take care of these, and you have a plant perfect for the bathroom that comes with a compact size.
13. Cast Iron Plant
Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior
Just keep juggling its position from the windowless bathroom to a spot that receives indirect sunlight every 10-14 days, and it’s going to do just fine. Replace it with other cast iron plant for a similar amount of time. Also, water only when the soil goes completely dry.
14. Peace Lily
Image SourceBotanical Name: Spathiphyllum
With attractive foliage, the Peace lily can be a welcome addition to your bathroom, thanks to its ability to thrive in low light conditions. The washroom’s high humidity is also going to save you from watering it too often.
Check out some astonishing benefits of Peace Lily here!15. Plant Cuttings
pintrestYou also have an option to keep plant cuttings in a vase or any other bowl of your choice in the bathroom. When they start to root, you can then transplant them into the garden. You can also keep two vases of different cuttings and keep interchanging their position every few days.
16. Succulents
plantersetcetera.comThe biggest reason why you can easily grow succulents in a windowless bathroom is their slow-growing nature. This means that you can keep them for a few days in the restroom and then change their location to a sunny one for a few days before putting them again in the bathroom.
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What kind of flowers can be kept in a bathroom without a window: natural flowers, bamboo, orchid
A bathroom is a room in an apartment that family members cannot do without visiting. This corner of rest, relaxation and relaxation also requires landscaping. A stylish solution for the design will be flowers for the bathroom without windows, which will organically fit into the interior.
In order for the plants in the bathroom to develop well and please the eye, you need to choose the right plants that can grow without natural light. This article talks about plants that can be placed in a windowless bathroom.
Aloe bathroom needs additional artificial lighting. Aloe is watered rarely, but plentifully. Let the soil dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.
Dieffenbachia is a popular indoor plant with more than 60 varieties. A flower with beautiful variegated leaves refreshes the room, gives it comfort. With it, you can create a real exotic corner in the room.
Dieffenbachia grows up to 1.5 m. For example, the Bause variety with a dense trunk, light green leaves, reaching up to 40 cm in length, is great for arranging a tropical corner in the bathroom.
Dieffenbachia should be grown in light, well-draining soil. For planting, it is recommended to choose a soil that contains peat. Be sure to make drainage at the bottom of the pot so that stagnant moisture does not destroy the plant. Dieffenbachia does not require the complexity of care and constant daylight. It will endure even a long absence of watering.
Moss terrarium
You can create a small terrarium for the bathroom in a transparent glass container by placing reindeer moss or sphagnum among the pebbles. Decorative moss does not tolerate direct sunlight. The terrarium will help to create an exquisite composition that will become a real highlight in the design of the bathroom.
Moss does not require special care, it is enough to water it once every 2-3 days from a spray bottle.
This plant is called "mother-in-law's tongue" because of the shape and length of the leaves. The flower is popular with flower growers, does not require the complexity of care, multiplies quickly. "Teschin tongue" perfectly cleans the air of the room, requires very little light and the same amount of moisture. Therefore, sansevieria can easily equip the design of a windowless bathroom.
The interior of the room will be original and unusual. "Teschin language" will endure any careless attitude without watering and will decorate the corner of cleanliness.
This exotic plant can be grown as a decorative ornament even in the absence of lighting and soil! To make bamboo feel comfortable, you need to put its root in a prepared pot, filling its bottom with pebbles. Then you should add water to the container and follow it, it should be kept at the level of half the pot.
Bamboo with curly stems looks great in the bathroom, you can create original compositions with it.
Dracaena has several types, flower growers can choose any instance to their liking. The flower is a bit like chlorophytum, but, unlike it, it has a stem, the leaves of the dracaena are harsh. The plant loves moisture, so the tips of the leaves often become dry.
It will grow well in a damp bathroom. Dracaena releases many side shoots that take root quickly.
Ferns that grow naturally in diffused daylight and high humidity are ideal for growing in a windowless bathroom. In a humid place, like a bathroom, the fern is comfortable. The only condition for him is that the soil in the pot should always be slightly moist.
A flower with sprawling patterned leaves is extraordinarily beautiful, picky. There are varieties of fern that prefer cooler air temperatures.
This popular houseplant with many lateral stems will always be in demand by flower lovers for landscaping homes and offices. It perfectly cleans the air of the room, heals and saturates it with oxygen.
Chlorophytum is an ideal choice for bathroom design, as it loves high humidity and is easy to care for.
The plant is not afraid of temperature changes, lack of watering, or lack of lighting. It is very easy to propagate it, like dracaena, at home. Chlorophytum constantly lets out shoots that you just need to plant in a new place, they will quickly grow.
Exotic plant attracts with its unusual flowering. The microclimate of the bathroom resembles the conditions of the tropics, which means that exquisite orchids will be fine there. In a room without windows, it is necessary to make artificial lighting for them with the help of a phytolamp. The flower does not require frequent watering.
In order for fresh flowers to look harmonious in the bathroom, they must be placed correctly. Tree-like large specimens in large pots are recommended to be placed on the floor, away from the washbasin, so that soap drops and hot water do not fall on the leaves.
Curly flowers look beautiful on the shelves, which fancifully hang from the wall. They are especially in place for decorating empty corners. If there is no possibility of mounting shelves, then you can place pots on bedside tables and cabinets. Flowerpots should be lightweight, made of unbreakable material, they should not be placed close to the heating battery, it is impossible to place them on the washing machine.
Good plant care is essential. Just because flowers can grow in a windowless bathtub doesn't mean they can be kept permanently without lighting. In order for plants to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create natural conditions for active growth by installing artificial lighting or phytolamps.
The air temperature in the room must be kept within + 22 degrees. In addition, representatives of the flora should be regularly taken out during the day to light, and brought back in the evening. Watering should be done without too much moisture, as the soil in the pots dries out, but it is best to spray. It is necessary to provide plants with nutritious fertilizers.
To avoid air stagnation in the bathroom, it is necessary to equip it with a powerful ventilation system.
Even if the bathroom is small, you can decorate it with small flower pots, this will add sophistication and originality to the design.
Photos of design solutions for the design of a bathroom without windows can be viewed on the Internet.
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what to choose and how to care » Bathroom Design » » What flowers to choose for a bathroom without a window
A bathroom is not an easy place to wash or disinfect a bin. First of all, this is a corner that promotes relaxation and relaxation. Therefore, decorating the bathroom with indoor plants is a completely natural desire. The main thing is to choose and arrange flowers correctly in the bathroom without a window or with natural light.
- Why are there fresh flowers in the bathroom?
- Which plants to choose?
- Lighting the bathroom correctly
- Plants for rooms without sunlight
- Plant care in the bathroom
- Arrange flowerpots wisely
Why are there fresh flowers in the bathroom?
Why flowers are needed in the bathroom, interior design models illustrate well. Flowering plants have high decorative qualities. Not a single interior will look complete and harmonious without the presence of indoor flowers. However, decoration is not the only function of plants.
Potted flowers are very useful indoors because:
- indoor plants produce oxygen;
- are able to regulate the humidity in the room;
- prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and unpleasant odors;
- absorb harmful fumes;
- act as a natural deodorizer.
Therefore, placing plants in the bathroom, you care not only about beauty, but also about health. True, choosing from the whole variety of flowers for the bathroom, you need to carefully consider the preferences of the plant itself. Among the important parameters: moisture and shade tolerance.
Which plants to choose?
The best option for placement in the bathroom will be indoor plants that prefer tropical or subtropical climate conditions. High humidity and temperature will benefit these plants.
The most popular among flower growers are:
- aloe vera is one of the most unpretentious plants, an excellent choice for beginner flower growers;
- orchid, only suitable for well-lit rooms;
- bamboo, can grow without soil, takes up minimal space;
- dracaena, does not feel well in living rooms, but grows remarkably in the bathroom;
- livoston - moisture-loving palm tree, will give the bathroom a touch of real exotic;
- Chlorophytum will perfectly purify the air from vapors of household chemicals;
- bathroom recreates almost natural living conditions for all types of ferns;
- Spathiphyllum some others.
However, despite the general unpretentiousness, many plants need, if not abundant, then at least diffused lighting. But in most cases, bathrooms do not have windows. Artificial lighting will help solve the problem.
Lighting the bathroom correctly
For artificial lighting of the bathroom, you can use ordinary fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps. The latter are used by professional gardeners for highlighting in greenhouses.
Installing phytolamps is a more expensive option, but they emit light at the right frequency for flowers, so they are more able to compensate for sunlight.
When choosing a phytolamp, you should pay attention to the following varieties:
- Fluorescent - they emit a cold light, do not heat up and last a long time. The only negative is that flowers that prefer subdued light should be placed at a distance of more than 50 cm from the lamps.
- Metal halide lamps - have a comfortable emission spectrum for any color, do not burn out for a long time, but are expensive.
The number of lamps and the intensity of the glow are adjusted depending on the number of potted flowers. The more plants in the room, the more powerful the lamps should be.
Bathroom lighting with LED lamps is a good solution. They emit soft, diffused light and allow flowers to be illuminated even in the most remote corners.
Plants for rooms without sunlight
Regardless of the type of artificial light, some flowers cannot survive under an electric lamp. So let's see what flowers can be grown without sunlight in a windowless bathroom.
The list of such plants is small, but quite diverse. Whatever style you decorate the bathroom in, you can always choose a plant that fits perfectly.
A bathroom without a window will be decorated with the following types of flowers:
- Ferns will be the safest option.
They are undemanding to lighting, form a lush bush and look very decorative thanks to carved foliage.
- Royal Begonia or Rex. Will please fans of experiments. A huge number of colors (from various shades of green to burgundy). Compact, does not require frequent watering.
- A mint bush planted in the bathroom will help you not to spend money on air fresheners. Likes a lot of moisture and tolerates shade well.
- If you dream of creating a real jungle, choose climbing flowers for a room without windows. An excellent option would be breeding Philodendron climbing in the bathroom. He is quite unpretentious to lighting, loves moisture, and his supple vines can be hung around the room or woven into intricate shapes.
- If you still have not decided which flower to put in the bathroom, pay attention to Plectranthus or Swedish ivy. Today, not too popular, but insanely beautiful and completely undemanding to light plant.
By the way, for a bathroom without windows, a moss terrarium can be a good solution. With it, you can create completely unique and fabulous compositions.
Taking care of plants in the bathroom
Now that we have figured out which plants can be put in the bathroom, let's talk about taking care of them. As a rule, caring for shade-loving plants is no more difficult than caring for an ordinary indoor flower. If the bathroom has a window, then, on the advice of flower growers, use window sills. This is the best place for any flowers.
The presence of a window allows you to ventilate the room more often - do not neglect this opportunity. However, do not forget that many flowers do not tolerate drafts.
Watering in the bathroom should be moderate.
The vast majority of moisture-loving flowers can die from stagnant water. Plant in well-drained soil and water only when the soil is completely dry. Certain types of flowers, such as bamboo, are best planted in a hydrogel.
Beautiful and well-groomed flowers can be grown in a bathroom without light. Oddly enough, but in poorly lit bathrooms, it is better to plant not deciduous flowers, but flowering plants.
Limited exposure to light, will only prolong the flowering period. Experienced flower growers advise decorating a windowless bathroom with phylonopsis or orchids.
An additional option for greening a windowless bathroom is to regularly "walk" the plants. In the morning, the pots can be transferred to a bright room, and returned back in the evening.
If you equip a bathroom with a dozen pots, then this option will become very problematic. But one or two compact plants may well live with "moving".
Advantage of bathrooms - plants for bathrooms with poor lighting can be sprayed instead of watered. Experienced flower growers even recommend occasionally giving your pets a warm shower.
Thus, you will solve the problem of watering and prevent many diseases. Do not forget - in the bathroom, all plants need to regularly wipe the leaves from drops of soapy water and toothpaste. This looks untidy and worsens the condition of the plant itself.
Arrange flowerpots wisely
We have figured out what flowers to put in the bathrooms, now let's find out how to arrange flowerpots so that they decorate, not take up space.
If the bathroom has a window, light plants can be placed on the windowsill. Vases with flowers that do not tolerate direct sunlight should be placed on the floor or pedestals opposite the mirror.
If the window frame does not allow plants to be placed directly close to the glass, the pots can be placed on stands closer to the window sill; this option is not available in windowless bathrooms. Therefore, flowers in the bathroom, where there is no window, offer much more options for design solutions.
Various hanging shelves are a real find. Arrange as you like, because in a windowless bathroom, no matter what places you choose, they will be independent of the light source.
Ampelous flowers are best placed on higher shelves. Whereas compact and undersized species are set to a height of no more than 1.5 m.
By the way, hanging shelves and hooks are the most acceptable version for a small room without windows. Shelves do not take up extra space. You can place them above the bath, where the plants will not interfere and take up space.
Wardrobes and Cabinets
If the dimensions of the bathroom allow, then cabinets or cabinets can be used to arrange the flowers. Thinking through the interior of the bathroom, flowers can be made the basis or addition.
In the first case, a separate cabinet is installed for the flower garden, in the second case, the cabinet with bath accessories is simply decorated with small flowerpots.
Bathroom plants can also be installed directly on the floor. In particular, we are talking about high, palm species. But, remember that not all plants tolerate contact with a cold floor.