Backyard grill designs
11 Inspiring Ideas & Designs
Looking to jazz up your backyard?
You may be considering a variety of outdoor living projects.
Perhaps a pool, hot tub, fire pit, or…
An outdoor grill station.
We have to say, it’s a great option!
Who doesn’t love a relaxed, summer barbecue with loved ones?
If you have an outdoor grill station… That can be you every weekend!
Now, you may not be clear on exactly what the term means.
Before we show you some ideas… Let’s get clear on what one is.
Quick Links:
- What Is An Outdoor Grill Station?
- Why Consider An Outdoor Grill Station?
- Types of Grill Stations
- Outdoor Grill Station Ideas
- DIY Outdoor Grill Station Options
What is an Outdoor Grill Station?
Also referred to as an outdoor kitchen, grill island, or BBQ island… An outdoor grill station is actually a bit of a regional term.
The Eastern half of the United States is most likely to use the term “outdoor grill station”. A couple outliers are Texas and California.
That was a fun bit of trivia… But what does it actually mean?
Well, it’s a literal term. Just like how an outdoor kitchen is describing a kitchen built for outdoor use… An outdoor grill station is a grill station, outdoors!
Let’s think a bit deeper about the term “station”. Miriam-Webster puts it simply, as “a stopping place”.
Although we primarily think of this in terms of a gas station or a radio station… That’s exactly what an outdoor grill station is! It’s the stopping place for all of your guests.
Or as we would put it… The backyard hangout.
Sound pretty good so far?
Let’s dive into some reasons why outdoor grill stations are a worthy project for your backyard.
Why Consider an Outdoor Grill Station?
If you’ve had a cart model grill in the past…
You’ll know how inconvenient it is!
Of course, better to have a grill than nothing at all… But that doesn’t erase how frustrating the experience can be!
First of all, there’s little to no workspace available. Nowhere to put your utensils, trays, plates, the list goes on.
You can’t do any prep work or wash your hands either. So it’s back to running in and out of the house for every little thing. (And letting all kinds of bugs into the house!)
An outdoor grill station eliminates all of these problems. It is a complete station for all of your grilling and hosting needs.
At minimum… You have the BBQ island countertop for prep and serving space.
You can also incorporate storage for utensils, a sink for hand washing, refrigerator for cool beverages… The list goes on.
You can even include a bar island for seating!
And as far as cooking goes… You don’t have to limit yourself to just a grill. There’s an array of flat top grills, pizza ovens, power burners, smokers, and more to boost your grilling potential.
If you want to take your backyard to the next level… An outdoor grill station is where it’s at!
Let’s look at a few types of outdoor grill stations you may encounter.
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Types of Grill Stations
If you’re sold on a built in grill station… You have quite a few options to consider.
Some can be considered DIY projects… Others require skilled labor to complete.
We’ll begin with modular.
Modular grill stations are often found at local retail stores and online.
These islands are made from modular cabinets. Essentially… You pick the cabinets you want, and arrange them to form your layout.
This allows you decent flexibility in design! You can mix and match to your tastes.
Modular outdoor grill stations are also easy to put together. Sometimes, they will arrive completely assembled for you.
They also tend to be inexpensive… So it’s easy on the budget!
The downside?
These solutions generally aren’t built to last. With the lower barrier to entry… Material quality isn’t always up to par.
You can expect a modular outdoor kitchen to last only a few years.
Considering most homeowners want a grill station to be a lifetime investment… This simply won’t do!
Ready to Finish/Prefab
Another option would be ready to finish (RTF) or prefab islands.
These are both constructed using outdoor kitchen frames… But require different levels of effort on your part.
These islands generally start with metal frames. This forms the structure of your layout.
From there, the frames are wrapped with cement board.
The final step is to apply a finish. This could be stucco, tile, brick, or stone veneer.
In the case of a prefab BBQ island… All of this work is done for you.
You order a completely finished island that is brought into your backyard.
RTF requires more in the way of installation.
Some RTF kits will have the frames, cement board, and appliance cutouts done for you. You’re just responsible for applying the finish.
It might seem simple… But you actually need quite a bit of skill to do this yourself!
The primary downside on these options?
If you live in a dry, arid area like the Southwest US… You can probably get away with this type of island.
Not so much for the rest of the country. These systems are highly susceptible to humidity and freeze/thaw cycles.
As soon as moisture is allowed into your island… Say hello to rust, corrosion, and structural damage.
Is scratch-built any better?
Scratch Built
Many homeowners are interested in a completely custom outdoor kitchen.
Most of the time, this means you’ll be wanting to hire a contractor for the job!
If your contractor is truly an outdoor kitchen specialist… This can be a great choice.
However, they are the exception and not the rule!
Many contractors tend to be on the unreliable and inexperienced side… A combo you really don’t want for your project.
In short…
Scratch-built can be a great option, if you find a top-notch contractor. However, you have to be extremely careful in the vetting process.
Hiring a contractor for a custom build also tends to be quite expensive.
On the flip side… Some homeowners want to take this on as a full DIY project.
Generally speaking, we don’t recommend building your DIY grill station from scratch.
While you might save some money on materials and labor… Unless you have years of experience, you’re likely to be left frustrated and disappointed.
An outdoor kitchen is a huge investment. Make sure it’s done right the first time!
Ready to Assemble
Finally, there’s ready to assemble (RTA).
These grill stations are made using specialized concrete panels.
If you’re familiar with SIP construction… You’ll know exactly what we mean!
SIP construction involves panels that slide into place. This creates the structure of your home.
Same concept with RTA.
Our concrete grill island panels are both structural… And have the finish incorporated into them.
Compared to RTF, this saves you a ton of time! (No technical skill required, either!)
You just bolt the panels together, insert the appliances, and slide on the countertop.
In as little as two hours… You can have a fully functional BBQ island at the ready.
Pretty great, right?
There’s a lot to love about the RTA system. (We’ll circle back to this later.)
For now, let’s look at some outdoor grill station ideas.
Outdoor Grill Station Ideas
Before you get your own outdoor grill station… You need to know what it’s going to look like!
Let’s review some examples to get the creative juices flowing.
Outdoor Stone Grill Station
Let’s kick off the list with this beauty.
Believe it or not… This natural stone look is made from concrete!
This kitchen is made from high performance concrete panels… With the finish fully integrated into the panel. (All the examples you’ve seen have this too!)
Point is… You don’t have to use natural stone to get a stone outdoor grill station.
It looks just as gorgeous as the real thing!
Outdoor Grill Station Plans
Looking for double the cooking power?
Not only do we have a beautiful gas grill… There’s a Coyote power burner to the left.
For those unfamiliar… A power burner adds a ton of cooking potential to your kitchen!
The power burner is most commonly used for large crab or lobster boils.
However, there are multiple attachments that bring this humble appliance to another level.
Consider a wok accessory to add some Asian flair to your barbecue… Or a teppanyaki attachment for a makeshift outdoor flat top grill.
The possibilities are endless!
And with the storage space in this grill station… You don’t need to wander far for the necessities.
Outdoor Covered Grill Station
Want a summer kitchen… Under cover?
Look no further than this gorgeous example!
This covered outdoor grill station is wonderful showcase on how to efficiently utilize your space.
The slight L-shape design provides extra counter space for food prep.
The rest of the island features a pull out trash, power burner sleeve, gas grill, double access doors, and an outdoor refrigerator.
It’s the perfect setup for hosting gatherings of any size!
Create the kitchen that fits your needs
Use our 3D design tool for free and create the perfect setup for hosting all your gatherings!
Outdoor Grill Station with Sink
When it comes to functionality outdoors… This outdoor grill station is the perfect trifecta!
You have the sink for hand washing and easy cleanup… The fridge for refreshing beverages on hand… And of course, we can’t forget the grill!
There’s even counter space leftover for food prep and serving!
Who’s ready for a barbecue?
Grill Station Outdoor with Pellet Grill
Looking for a different approach with your built in grill station?
You might be interested in a pellet grill.
By using wood pellets as a fuel source… You’ll get far more functionality out of your grill! You can grill, sear, smoke, and even bake!
This grill station also features a side burner, storage space, and an outdoor refrigerator.
You’ll even peek a portable electric grill on the countertop! While most often used for camping or tailgating… This grill is a great way to boost capacity for large gatherings.
Outdoor Patio Grill Station Ideas
Want your BBQ island on a patio?
Easily done! This homeowner’s patio is the perfect match for this outdoor kitchen finish.
Taking a closer look at the design… This grilling station has combo storage, a pull out trash, access doors, and an outdoor refrigerator.
And we can’t forget… The built in gas grill!
Plus, the bar island provides seating for family and friends. (Or use it as a serving station!)
Small Outdoor Grill Station
Do you want a grill station… But have a small space?
There’s plenty of opportunity with this small outdoor kitchen layout!
You’ve got the essentials and more.
You have the built in grill, an access door, pull out trash… And plenty of counter space for food prep!
It’s a beautiful sight.
Outdoor Grill Station with Pizza Oven
This BBQ island is excellent for those who want a little extra.
The L shape layout adds a plethora of functionality to your outdoor space.
Of course… You have the grill! It’s essential for a grill station, after all.
You’ll also find an outdoor fridge, pull out trash, access doors, power burner, and even a pizza oven!
Having the outdoor pizza oven on a separate stand frees up valuable real estate on the bar island.
Burgers and pizza, anyone?
Outdoor Grill and Smoker Station
If you’re an outdoor grilling aficionado… One grill might not be enough!
Of course, having a gas grill is mighty convenient. But you might be missing the authentic, smoky flavor from a charcoal grill.
Why not both?
With this layout, you get the rapid fire convenience of gas… And that irresistible slow flavor from the Coyote Asado smoker.
There are a ton of other features to enjoy here as well! There’s the power burner sleeve, combo storage, refrigerator, outdoor sink, and a full bar island!
Sounds like a party to us!
Electric Outdoor Grill Cooking Station
Do you live in an area with fire restrictions?
If you can’t have an open flame where you live… You don’t have to abandon your dreams of a grill island!
Take a look at this example.
In the center, there are two electric Coyote grills.
With no open flame to be found… It’s the perfect loophole!
Outdoor Grill Station with Bar
When you’re building an outdoor grill station… Also consider bar seating!
It’s true, the grill is the star of the show.
But when you’re hosting a large gathering… Having bar seating is supremely convenient!
With this galley layout, you could turn your grilling into a hibachi-like experience.
The other outdoor appliances are a pizza oven, drawer storage, a grill, and access doors.
There’s also a fridge in the bar island. (It’s just not visible from this angle!)
Now that you’ve seen some great examples…
You may be wondering how to build an outdoor grill station yourself!
DIY Outdoor Grill Station
All of the examples you’ve seen today were DIY projects!
Starting to get curious about your own DIY grill station?
We are too!
As you’ve seen… RTA offers a quick, easy to assemble solution for your project.
In just a few hours, your complete outdoor kitchen will be ready to use!
The benefits don’t end there, either.
The heart of the RTA system is in our monolithic, structural concrete panels.
This means that the panels provide the structure… But also have the finish incorporated into them.
The benefit of this goes beyond less effort. Most outdoor kitchens involve many layers. The more layers… The more of a chance that something goes wrong.
By eliminating the layers… RTA also eliminates issues like delamination, rot, rust, and corrosion.
Even better, this ever-durable concrete is rated for 100 years. That’s a lot of time to enjoy your grill station!
Now that you’re excited… Let’s get you started with your DIY grill station.
The best place to begin is with our free online design tool. You’ll have a complete 3D render of your dream outdoor kitchen in minutes!
Trust us, it’s well worth your time.
Speaking of… We won’t keep you any longer.
Get started on your design, and we’ll catch up later!
Have Any Questions? Were here to help.
Book a call with one of our outdoor kitchen design experts and get started today!
How do You Build an Outdoor Grilling Station?
There are quite a few ways you could tackle this project. Most homeowners will opt for a wood frame outdoor grilling station… Although, this is not recommended. (Rot, warping, termites, fire hazards are all concerns.)
Your best bet for a DIY solution would be to explore a ready to assemble grill station. This will allow you to have all the satisfaction of a DIY project… Without the hassle and technical knowledge.
Can Grills be Kept Outside?
Yes! However, material quality is important.
Grills manufactured with 304 stainless steel are better suited to withstand the elements. They are far less likely to rust or corrode.
No matter what your grill is made from… It’s a good idea to purchase a grill cover. This will provide a little extra protection from the elements.
Where Should I Put my Grill Outside?
Where it makes the most sense! In all honesty… It doesn’t matter too much where you place your grill.
The primary thing to keep in mind is safety. You don’t want to place your grill where there may be a fire hazard.
If you have your grill touching the back wall of your house… Consider installing a ventilation hood and non-combustible backsplash.
Can You Make a Grill Station Out of Wood?
While you technically can… It’s not recommended. Wood is a problematic grill station material for many reasons.
For one… Wood is susceptible to rotting, warping, splitting, and termite damage. All of these things will compromise the integrity of your island.
Even worse, wood is a combustible material. Unless you take painstaking precautions like insulated jackets and proper ventilation… Your grill station is a serious safety risk.
Even with these precautions, we believe it’s not worth the risk.
25+ Best Backyard Grill Ideas
Nothing makes outdoor activities more pleasant than the warm season. Many people spend most of the summer period relaxing and hanging with friends and relatives. Cooking and preparing meals never gets boring during summer days when you have enough space outdoor.
You can enjoy lovely moments such as socializing with friends and also watching your kids play while cooking.
Below are the ideas that can inspire your outdoor cooking on your backyard patio.
In this article:
- 1. Do You Have Building Space?
- 2. Consider Simple Basics
- 3. A Herb Garden Grill
- 4. Consider a Poolside Grill
- 5. Get a Casual Dining
- 6. Put Some Comfy Seats
- 7. Think of Under Cover
- 8. Stock up Your Counter and Fridge
- 9. Put Up a Fireplace
- 10. Create a Lounging Space
- 11. Consider Lighting System
- 12. Try Out Decoration
- 13. You Can Go Green
- 14. Have Some Purpose
- 15. Incorporate Backyard Grill and Living Room
- 16. Full Patio Grill with Island
- 17. Think of Crate Shelving
- 18. Think of an Outdoor Bar
- 19. Try Slate and Stone Outdoor Grill Décor
- 20.
Think of Food and Wood Storage
- 21. Provide Walkout Space
- 22. Protect Your Backyard Grill Territory
- 23. Don’t Ignore That Side Yard
- 24. Make Use of Your Balcony and Micro Yards
- 25. Try Out Modern Décor With Clay Pizza Oven
- Conclusion
Do You Have Building Space?Make sure you have the outdoor space before coming up with the backyard grill idea. Since many activities will be going on in your backyard, space plays a crucial role. Think of where you will build your grill and the cooktop.
Having set the place for grill and cooktop, remember entertainment also requires some space. Your outdoor kitchen will look excellent when it comes with a spacious counter.
Ample space will make your backyard grill look more stylish. Every requirement in your outdoor grill should have its own space to bring out the focal point.
Make sure you make use of your landscaping wisely. Put your backyard grill in a place where you can enjoy every activity in your exterior.
Consider Simple BasicsYou can start with what is within your reach so long as there is that outdoor space. You don’t have to spend so much, yet there are simple ways and materials you can kick start your summer period. You can start with a simple charcoal grill in case your outdoor space is not that large. Areas such as balconies and townhouses are suitable for such small, simple designs.
You don’t have to get high-end grilling devices when you can just remain simple. You can start things with the cheapest grilling method as you upgrade with time. Some of the grilling methods include gas and charcoal grilling. Grab yourself a cookbook to acquire the basics.
A Herb Garden GrillPutting your grill near the herb garden can be the best thing you can do to your backyard. Imagine grilling your meat with your natural spices just hands reach away? You can also incorporate wood shelves near the grill so that you store everything you’ll need for grilling. Try this if you’re a gardening enthusiast.
Make sure you put your herbs on an open shelf to provide visual interest. Do not hinder your guests from accessing your herbs too. Remember that you can use your stand for other purposes, so try to keep it as neat as possible.
Consider a Poolside GrillThink of how great a poolside meal can be, especially during the summer. Who doesn’t love the good taste of barbeque on a poolside? As you are cooking, you can capture all the moments within your outdoor. You can as well throw those exciting poolside parties.
Chill out with healthy grilled dishes all summer long at your poolside grill. The idea of throwing yourself into the pool when you start sweating from too much grilling is just great. Do not also forget to put up valuable along your poolside during summer to make things easier.
Get a Casual DiningYou don’t have to spend much on your outdoor dining. A lot of fancies are not necessary. You are not a weatherman, so ask yourself what can happen if things turn out not the way you expected. Don’t take out very much furniture and utensils. Only bring those essential items you’re going to need.
Dressing your table with pretty linens and centerpieces will do you no harm. You can add style and make your space desirable by using a rug to ground your outdoor.
Put Some Comfy SeatsDon’t let your guests get tired by standing. Make your outdoor grill inviting by putting in some comfortable seats around the grilling area. Make sure you go for the outdoor-friendly furniture.
Your family and friends should be relaxed and able to enjoy the grilling experience. Look for perfect furniture that is not heavy to carry if the weather becomes unpredictable.
Having comfortable seats doesn’t mean that you should put them randomly in the outdoor space. Instead, look for specific spots to put them. Areas such as lounging grill and under the shades within your surroundings can do.
Think of Under CoverDon’t let anything to chance. Weather can interfere with your fun making activity. As you plan for your outdoor grill, keep in mind how you cannot let bad weather ruin your noble idea.
Cover your grilling station and seats to ensure there is no rain or hot summer that can disrupt your outdoor party. Undercover ensures you and your team are safe from any weather-related damage.
Also, think of a grill cover. There are many out there that can offer perfect grill protection even in bad weather. Covering your grill will also increase the lifespan of your backyard grill. Your exterior surfaces will be much-taken care of by grill cover.
Related: Covered patio ideas
Stock up Your Counter and FridgeHave you ever seen any party without drinks? I bet not. Rise to the occasion by stocking up your counter and fridge before the grilling day. Your guests will love grabbing drinks of their choice. Drinks will keep you rejuvenated throughout the time. You can sip on our expensive wines as you wait for the meat to cook.
Apart from drinks, you also need to have enough food stock. You can use your fridge to store those perishable veggies, fruits, and also the remaining foodstuff to avoid wastage. You’ll badly need them as accompaniments to your drinks.
Put Up a FireplaceDo not assume the fireplace. The fireplace makes your outdoor grill look stunning. Let not warm weather dupe you to avoid putting one. Grilling Around the fireplace creates a lovely outdoor feature. Just think of you and your crew sitting around the fireplace while having those lively stories and creating memorable moments.
Just because you’ll be grilling doesn’t mean you don’t need extra warmth. At least your family and friends will have a place to warm themselves if the weather changes or after enjoying poolside swimming.
Related: Best fireplace ideas

Do not put everything under one roof. Set aside someplace where you can sit and relax while having your favorite drinks. You can put a couch on one side of your patio to provide you with a luxurious feeling. Lounging space should give a peaceful experience to get entertained.
Consider Lighting SystemDespite natural light availability, you should also set up your lighting system if darkness catches up with you. Make sure that your lighting system matches your backyard grilling system. Too much light is not right.
Install simple spotlights that highlight the places you need to see in your outdoor grill and give your exterior that perfect look. Remember that the surrounding should be welcoming, and lighting plays an essential role in appearance.
You can consider placing your backyard grill at the entrance of your surroundings to trap natural lighting. Your backyard grill should also face the entertainment space to make it accessible to anybody. The lighting helps to separate all the activities within your exterior.
Try Out DecorationBe creative with your backyard grill. Make your surroundings funny by customizing various things. You can even take your wood pellet grill to the artisan for some decoration.
Making your grill appealing shouldn’t be something you ignore. Some of your guests may even come to see that well-crafted wood pellet or that traditional cooking pot.
You have a lot of things you can customize to make your backyard grill enjoyable. There is no magic you can’t apply to make your outdoor look great. There are many decorative options to choose from. The good news is that you can do all of that yourself.
You Can Go GreenTry to decorate your backyard space with lots of greenery. The green atmosphere looks beautiful and makes one feel relaxed. The vegetation also helps to purify the air within your surroundings. The new connection of ingredients keeps your guests alive and entertained on their entire stay. You also preserve nature by incorporating the greenery into your compound.
The greenery look makes your outdoor more romantic and attractive. Incorporate this in your green and you’ll never have room for regrets.
Have Some PurposeDon’t just wake up and set up a backyard grill without defining the real purpose or motive. Why do you want to have a party? Let us say you are hosting a family gathering or any family meetings. Or you’ve just decided to give them a treat.
Make your backyard grilling based on something. You can even hold a thanksgiving or birthday party and decide to involve your friends. Or you organize a pool party for your schoolmates.
Incorporate Backyard Grill and Living RoomSpending the summer nights in the outdoor living room is the perfect feeling you don’t want to miss ever. But you also want to have the feeling of comfort like that of your living room even though you’ll be outdoors.
Features like a pergola of your outdoor patio look like a real living room. An outdoor couch and a coffee table should also feature. Don’t forget the fireplace to add on the comfort and beauty.
Full Patio Grill with IslandYour backyard grill should consist of a sink, fridge, dishwasher, and a smoker. You can bring visual interest to your backyard space by using formal stonework. Add a refined touch on the gourmet by the granite counters.
Let your guests enjoy watching their favorite movie on any game on the flat-screen TV that is above the focal area. Do not also forget the lights as your final touch.
Think of Crate ShelvingLook at an area for prepping and staging in your backyard grill. Crates are best for shelving in the outdoors. You can use these small crates to hold on to plates and dishware until it gets to your guests.
Shelves have two parts which you can use. Use the inner feature for your dining, and in the top position, you can add some décor or your favorite fruits and veggies. You can as well give some plant life to the top of your shelf.
Think of an Outdoor BarMany guests love partying outdoor, so do not deny them that chance. As they enjoy grilling, give them that opportunity to access the bar space. By doing so, they will have enough room for partying. Also, ensure the bar space is open to allow proper circulation of fresh air.
Do not forget to provide the right seats. You can place the seats towards the counter while couches can be laid back.
Don’t freak yourself out if your outdoor space is not enough to put up a bar. Instead, incorporate it in the grill. Your guests can sit at the counters as you prepare their food while there are a sink and mini-fridge on the other side of your grill.
Try Slate and Stone Outdoor Grill DécorMake sure your outdoor grill look luxurious. Slate performs pretty well when it comes to laxity. With slate, you can create a focal point and bring visual interest by using a few stones.
Ensure the top of your counter is spacious enough to accommodate your food on either side. Then you can also put your deep green smoker on the other side. Your outdoor backyard should be superbly neat. You can put deep green plants to improve on your design.
Think of Food and Wood StorageBuild or set aside storage space for your food and wood. Storage space is significant at your backyard grill. Make sure you secure the storage space using a wire mesh.
By doing this, you will be avoiding getting into trouble with your friends or neighbors. Theft is a normal thing, so it is good to be cautious as you protect your backyard grill.
Provide Walkout SpaceDo not forget to create a walkout in your outdoor backyard grill. Ensure there is smooth movement, both indoor, and outdoor within your surroundings. Make every place accessible.
Having enough walkout space ensures there is enough space for relaxation, and there is also easy access to cooking space. Your guests are also able to walk in and out freely.
Provide a walkthrough to enable your guests to move from the front to your exterior house’s backspace. The walkout and walkthrough space makes your exterior entertaining throughout the period.
Protect Your Backyard Grill TerritoryProvide enough security to your family and friends another great way to secure your grill. You can erect tall concrete jungle walls to keep everything safe. Tall fences will also give you the feeling of owning your surroundings.
Additionally, any noise coming from your compound during party time cannot go beyond your tall concrete fence. Due to the warm weather, you will have an ideal cooking space and entertainment within your compound.
Don’t Ignore That Side YardThe side yard is found almost in every home. Many people don’t make use of or know the importance of that empty lying space. If you have that space at your home, don’t ignore it. Make use of it by turning it into private cooking and grilling spot.
It is the right spot for relaxing and enjoying the outdoor after a long day of work as you sip your favorite wine. Turn that place to your favorite grilling spot and you’ll never regret it.
Make Use of Your Balcony and Micro YardsDo not get boring at home if you have a small balcony in your outdoor. Get out and enjoy the beautiful sceneries outdoor. Balcony views are a lovely space outdoor you can unwind your day by relaxing as you grill your meat.
Let not those small outdoor spaces in the urban areas limit your outdoor experience. You can add artificial turf to provide the comfort you need.
Try Out Modern Décor With Clay Pizza OvenModernization is taking over everything across the globe, so don’t be left behind. Try out your favorite pizza oven appliance. This appliance produces warmth as it gives out the subtle golden glow color to the stainless steel appliances.
The oven’s large size allows a lot of pizzas, including the wood storage below the stove. The enclosed kitchen area produces that finished feeling in your backyard grill.
ConclusionPlanning and setting up a backyard grill is not that difficult if you consider the ideas mentioned above. Think outside the box and make use of that outdoor backyard space lying in your compound. Don’t hold yourself back in that urban or city balcony; instead, turn it into an exciting outdoor experience.
That small outdoor space can inspire you a lot. You probably wouldn’t want to miss any exciting and relaxing adventure within your surroundings. Let’s know what you think in the comments.
Barbecue area design ideas landscaping | TilePlus
A backyard barbecue is definitely a great idea for a home. But is it as easy to do as it seems?
How much do you want to have a backyard kitchen? When guests, friends come, all we want is to give a great opportunity to enjoy the company with delicious food cooked on the grill, barbecue or barbecue.
How to make a covered barbecue area in the backyard?
All you need is a little effort to build your own kitchen. The choice of area depends on what kind of kitchen you want to see.
If you are creative enough, you can build a covered barbecue area in a small space. Here are some backyard bbq area design ideas that you can use to furnish your home beautifully.
Design ideas for your covered barbecue area
- Outdoor kitchen
If you like to cook and eat outdoors, the open kitchen is the place for you. For lovers of vintage - antique kitchen looks stylish and cozy. If your house is built somewhere far from the city, such a kitchen will undoubtedly decorate your home. The area around the kitchen, the steps nearby, pave with tiles. For example, “Patio” tiles will create a worn effect and fit perfectly into a vintage design.
- Party Pavilion
Imagine if you could watch football matches of your favorite clubs outdoors from the comfort of an indoor pavilion.
Great, right? If you like this idea, a backyard pavilion is a great place for you, and this is an indoor barbecue area you can build yourself.
- Backyard wood burning kitchen
It may be too much to say that this is a kitchen, it is rather a beautiful oven. Have you ever wondered how our ancestors used to relax in nature while preparing delicious food. Let's go back in time and make it more special by building this summer kitchen in your home. This is a simple indoor BBQ area that will help you cook delicious food while enjoying it with your friends and family. The good part is that you need little space and investment for this. Use the tile to your taste, which is offered by the Plitka Plus construction company.
- Outdoor patio kitchen
Patio Kitchen - Something like your home kitchen, but set outdoors. Your backyard looks inviting with this decor, wooden kitchen and dining table. Patio tile "Rhombus", for example.
5. Stone Kitchen
Stone cladding is simply unique wherever it is installed in the house or yard. The stone looks great, as it complements the overall look of the house. When arranging such a kitchen outdoors, tile it on a stone platform. This kitchen looks stylish with a vintage touch. You can use a variety of tile cladding options of your choice.
- Table grills
Have you ever heard of table grills? This is a suitable kitchen element that you can use even if you have little space. The tabletop grill comes in handy when traveling.
- Covered barbecue area.
If you need a covered BBQ but want to keep it as your backyard kitchen. Installing such a kitchen does not require a lot of space. Easy to install, this indoor outdoor kitchen looks nice and elegant and enhances your backyard experience.
- Kitchen-dining room
The kitchen-dining room can be conveniently used in the backyard, as there is a cooking surface, a dining table, chairs - ie. a place where you can sit and relax with your family. While the food is being prepared, you enjoy each other's company.
- Built-in summer kitchen
These kitchens look like they were built right in your backyard or in your home. This means that you can attach the kitchen to the house and attach the equipment needed to install the kitchen to the walls.
It looks fashionable and is convenient for those who do not want to overload the outdoor space with technology.
- Grill station
A grill station can be set up in the backyard as it takes up a tiny amount of space and you can also use it to cook different kinds of food.
Set up a small dining area in front of your grill station for ease of use. A little decoration of lights on the trees takes the look to the next level.
A spacious yard is everyone's dream. Use these barbecue space design ideas to create a fantastic barbecue area in your home. Small or big, your home can be beautiful with a little effort. Create the perfect backyard kitchen for your home. If you are not sure, you can always take the help of a designer. And the construction company "Tile Plus" offers a large selection of tiles and paving stones and provides services for their laying.
secrets of design and delicious food!
Grill-party - an appetizing ritual
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
- Grill zone of a country house: the secrets of design and delicious food!
The courtyard of a country house is an ideal place for a grill zone, and the picturesque, lush nature and a huge sky are the best decorators. You can vary the degree of comfort of the grill zone according to your preference by adding furniture and accessories. But the main detail of a summer barbecue, the memories of which dissolve the autumn melancholy, is the impeccable taste of meat cooked on coals and the aroma of baked vegetables.
Grill, barbecue or oven?
The success of the whole event depends on the quality of the brazier and the prepared fuel. The choice is quite wide: a real Russian oven, a Tatar barbecue, an Armenian tandoor, you can even install a smokehouse or buy a “California” grill.
For particularly picky and sophisticated gourmets, we recommend the universal ceramic grill oven from the Big Green Egg company, which combines all of the above devices. The patented design is based on innovative technologies based on cult traditions isolated from different cultures.
open air kitchen - absolute comfort in a new format
Increasingly, designers designing a grill area in the yards of respectable cottages and mansions are turning to the newfangled idea of creating a full-fledged open-air kitchen. A bold decision, in comparison with the usual design of a picnic-grill, requires considerable investment in high-quality processing of wooden furniture and stainless steel surface finishing. But the experience of eating a juicy steak in a cozy open air dining room is truly unforgettable.
Little tricks for decorating the grill area
The wooden table in the backyard looks very colorful. Decorate it with wide strips of thick film tablecloth so that wet bottles and glasses with cold drinks, as well as plates with hot grilled snacks, do not leave hard-to-remove marks. A red and white checkerboard is considered a universal pattern.
If your patio has a high-end, glamorous style, glass dishes and crystal plates are the way to go to protect expensive tables. Square or round stands are placed in the center, rectangular - two or three along the center line.
The crowns of trees perfectly shelter from the summer heat, letting in fresh gusts of wind. If you don't have a shaded area on your patio, be sure to put up an umbrella - not everyone can be in the sun for long periods of time.
Those wishing to retire for a private conversation will be grateful to the hosts, having found a couple of folding chairs around a small table in a remote corner of the yard.
Candles and real torches exuding lavender and citrine scents are not only insanely romantic. They will scare away small insects from food on the "open" table, and will also protect those present from winged "guests". With the advent of dusk, light up the mood of the guests by surrounding the courtyard of your country house with a spectacular fairway of torchlights.
The presence of children at a barbecue party obliges to increase the level of safety. Put tall figures of pink flamingos or other bright, noticeable landscape design accessories, limiting the area for children's games from the place where meat or fish "goodies" are cooked on a hot grill.
Everyone loves water in summer! The view of the pond or lake will envelop your leisure time with special charm, and the pool installed for mischievous people will fill the yard with ringing laughter, fun and cool freshness.
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