How to fix a peeling faux leather couch

Faux Leather Couch Peeling? | Take These Steps

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Is your faux leather couch peeling and you’re wondering what to do? You’re in the right place. We’ll show you all you need to know about how to fix peeling faux leather fabric on your furniture. Read on to learn more.

Disclaimer: The information included in this post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal, financial, or DIY advice. We highly suggest consulting a professional before attempting any DIY home improvements or repairs.

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Coconix Vinyl and Faux Leather Repair Kit

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Although faux leather is cheaper than real leather and much easier to clean, it is more prone to peeling. If you don’t try to stop it from peeling, it can spread. We will tell you what to do if your faux leather couch is peeling in this step-by-step guide. 

How to Fix a Peeling Faux Leather Couch: A Summary


Start by peeling away the loose pieces of faux leather, and sand it smooth. Choose a paint to cover the exposed fabric and let it dry. Roll it on or paint it with a soft brush. Let it dry and do this over and over until you are satisfied.

Then use wax to set the paint and finish up with powder to settle the wax. This simple and effective way can be executed by you, without having to pay professionals:  

  1. Peel away the pieces and sand the couch
  2. Paint the couch where the fabric is missing 
  3. Let the paint dry
  4. Sand it down again
  5. Repeat the first 4 steps
  6. Apply paste wax
  7. Sprinkle on powder to set the wax

Why Should I Fix My Couch?

There are professional companies that can come in and fix your couch for you, but there are some benefits to doing it yourself. Who doesn’t want to take up a fun do-it-yourself home project? It may sound intimidating, but this project is manageable, I promise. 

How to Fix your Faux Leather Couch in 7 Easy Steps

You do not need to be a professional to fix your faux leather couch. These simple steps can be done at home just by using a few household materials or purchasing a few inexpensive items.

It is worth it in the end and will help to fix the peeling faux leather material. Follow this step-by-step guide and have your couch looking good as new. 

Step 1

Start by gently peeling away loose faux leather. Don’t pull too hard, or you will create a bigger problem. Faux leather tends to peel quite easily. By peeling back, the loose faux leather pieces will leave the fabric exposed.

Then choose a sanding sponge that you can easily hold in your hand to gently sand down the rough pieces of faux leather left behind, creating a smooth surface.  

Step 2

Time to paint! Interior latex house paint will do the trick. Pick the color closest to your couch. Mix lighter or darker shades together to get the perfect tint. Pour a small amount of latex paint into a tray and use a small, handheld foam roller.

Dip the roller into the paint and apply a thin layer to the exposed fabric and sanded faux leather. Fabric and vinyl spray paint works well too.   

Step 3

Let the paint dry fully. The next step won’t work if the paint is still tacky. Open windows, put a fan on in the room with your coach, and air it out.

Depending on the type of ventilation you have, humidity, and room temperature, the paint may take anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours to dry. The paint must be dry before you move on.    

Step 4

Using fine-grit sandpaper or the same sanding sponge you used previously on the peeling pieces, sand down the paint until your couch feels smooth. It is ok if the fabric becomes exposed again, you will complete steps 1-3 again. Gently wipe away dust with a soft cloth. 

Step 5

Repeat! It is necessary to repeat the last four steps four more times. Every time you paint the couch, let it dry and sand it down to a smooth finish, you are building up the layers of finish to look like faux leather and smoothing out bumps. 

Step 6

Use paste wax to seal your faux leather couch. Paste wax rubs on and keeps your couch from feeling sticky. Buff it with a soft cloth until it feels smooth, and you can’t feel the wax anymore. Paste wax usually takes about 20 minutes to dry, much quicker than paint.   

Step 8

Sprinkle talcum powder or baby powder on top of the wax to help it dry faster and set. A makeup brush or a small paintbrush works great to apply the powder. Then gently dust off any excess powder. You wouldn’t want anyone sitting down and wrecking their clothing.   

Things to Consider

Love Solutions/Shutterstock

There are a few things to consider when fixing your peeling faux leather couch to make things easier on you. These simple suggestions and inexpensive materials can turn you into a professional couch-fixer. 

Consider Purchasing a Vinyl Repair Kit

A vinyl repair kit contains all the necessary materials mentioned above, so you do not have to waste time and money purchasing everything separately. Most upholstery or fabric stores carry these kits.

They usually come in various colors to match your couch but can also be limited in color selection. It is a one-stop-shop option when fixing your upholstery.   

Match the Color Closely

Use a color matching chart or consult with a paint specialist to be sure your paint matches the color of your couch closely. You do not want to draw attention to this area; you want it to naturally blend in.

If you are using your paint, try slowly adding and mixing lighter or darker variations of the paint to match it accurately.  

Brushes and Rollers

Try not to get overly textured brushes and rollers for the paint and wax. You want a smooth finish. Small handheld rollers are the easiest to use.

Once you make your choice of either brush or roller, stick to it. You don’t want to start with a brush and then use a roller. The textures of the two tools will not be uniformed.   

Use Texture Relief Paper

Consider purchasing texture relief paper that goes down before the paint and the wax to emulate the surface of your couch more closely. It can be very difficult to get the perfect texture without making your fix look noticeable.

Textured paper repairs look more natural. The downfall is that there is always a potential of the paper becoming loose and losing all of the work you have done to repair your couch.   

So, How Do You Fix Your Peeling Faux Leather Couch?


In 7 simple steps, you can simply fix your peeling faux leather couch. Peel off the loose pieces of faux leather. Sand down any bumpy or rough edges. Choose paint and gently apply a smooth layer of paint.

Let that paint dry and sand it down to a smooth texture. Complete the last few steps four more times, allowing time in between for the paint to dry. Finally, apply paste wax to set everything and sprinkle it with powder. 

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How to Repair Peeling Leather? Faux Leather & Bonded Leather Blues

Real leather does not peel or flake. While it may just be a damaged finish or after-market paint (click here for an example), more often, peeling is a sign of a delaminating polyurethane (PU) coating on bicast, bonded or faux leather. These materials are not to be confused with vinyl (PVC). It’s not worth repairing peeling PU materials, because no long-lasting result can be achieved.

All flaking and peeling ‘skin’ are removed until the surface is stable. Leather filler and a rubberized coating are tested to create a new ‘skin’ on the fabric. Color is applied. Note the superior texture of the leather filler. This office chair was used only used 30 minutes a day.

If the original coating didn’t stick to the material, how can anything else? The video below demonstrates the repair process, comparing our leather filler to a rubberized coating, and the disappointing results. You’re better off replacing the item with real leather, perhaps second-hand. Learn how to spot the good stuff at the end of the video or this article.

Video contents:

Some folks forego the filler and stain the exposed fabric with our finishes or a fabric paint. This improves appearance, but you will not have a smooth, lustrous leather-like surface that repels water.

Some faux leathers wear more naturally, without peeling or flaking, and expose an absorbent microfiber that can be stained and waxed.

Some of the newer faux leathers don’t peel. Instead their finish wears more naturally and exposes a microfiber or fake suede. Again, applying filler is cost prohibitive and problematic for the reasons discussed in the video. Your best bet is to stain the fabric and coat it with a clear wax to create a more leather-like surface. 

What is bicast, bonded or faux leather?

They’re all the equivalent of cheap particle board:

While bicast leather can last some years before peeling occurs, bonded and faux leather are known to delaminate in as little as 18 months. The manufacturers casually call this “hydrolysis-related failure”. Even the best polyurethane resins for commercial use are only expected to last 7 years. They’re touted as being more eco-groovy to produce than vinyl (PVC), but their disposability is cost prohibitive and wasteful. 

It starts with hairline cracks… …which turn into voids… …and expose a fabric or microfiber base. High-traffic areas exposed to body oil… …or sunlight will delaminate. And you’ll be forever sweeping the crumbs.

Why are consumers misled about faux leather? 

There is no regulation of the term “leather” in the United States and Canada, contrary to places like New Zealand where it is illegal to mislead consumers. Most salespeople at furniture retailers and RV dealers may not know they’re peddling a lousy synthetic. Ignorance and low price point allow it to prevail. The irony is that the United States military spends billions each year defending petroleum interests, while some of the world’s oil reserves are being converted into shoddy furniture that degrade before our boys can return home to enjoy it! Congress, here’s an opportunity to enact a decent law for a change!

Our Solution

We suggest shopping Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or estate sales for used leather furniture. High quality pieces can often be found for less than a couple hundred bucks, if not for free.

Fading, watermarks… … and body oil stains are telltale signs of genuine leather.

The best quality leather will be absorbent, with a natural marbling, and may show water or oil stains. Removable cushions are always a sign of good quality too. Don’t be afraid of cracks, holes, or tears. They all can be repaired and restored with Rub ‘n Restore® products. Real leather will last decades, and your bonded leather blues will be only a memory! 


Leatherette sofa broke? Find out how to fix it yourself! Restoring artificial leather on a sofa by yourself

Repairing an artificial leather sofa is best left to professionals. But such an opportunity is not always available, besides, the problem can be small, such that you don’t want to pay money for its elimination at all. Therefore, if your leatherette sofa is torn, you can try to repair it yourself. Just be careful and follow our advice.

Leatherette sofa repair: it all depends on the extent of the problem

The first thing to do is to assess the extent and nature of the damage. Usually, people need to tidy up the upholstery of the sofa for the following reasons:

Stains, scratches and small tears on a sofa made of leather, both natural and artificial, are quite easy to deal with. But to perform a complete constriction on your own is more difficult.

Remove stains from leather

The sofa is easy to get dirty. Careless handling of food and drinks is the main reason why stains remain on it. But, in any case, before undertaking their removal, it is necessary to know exactly what caused them. For example, faux leather stained with something greasy can be easily wiped off with a sponge and ordinary detergent - especially if the stain is fresh. In more complex cases, it is necessary to use special household chemicals.

Minor repair of sofa upholstery

If we are talking about cracks, severe abrasions and other damage to the surface of artificial leather, detergent, of course, will not help. To prevent the gap from getting larger, its edges can be sealed with tape. But this is a temporary measure, and such a sofa upholstery repair does not look very beautiful. How to restore artificial skin so that damage is not noticeable at all?

If you have material in the right color, use it. How to glue the damaged area? Just cut a piece of the desired shape and size, spread it with superglue, gently attach it to the gap and press it.

What if you don't have the right color material?

If the scratch or tear is not very large, special paints or aerosols can be used. All you need to do is to apply such a tool on damaged skin and wait a bit until it dries. To achieve the desired thickness, apply paint or spray in several layers, but be careful not to form unsightly smudges on the surface.

Complete kits are now on sale to repair damaged artificial leather. They include:

These kits are usually for car owners who need to tidy up their car seats. But they are also suitable for repairing a sofa in your living room or bedroom.

Another tool that will come in handy is “liquid leatherette”. It is an alcohol based polymer. Use it to repair the sofa upholstery as follows:

Sofa Upholstery Repair: Full Reupholstery

To fully reupholster furniture, you will need a lot of material. In addition, it is necessary to completely remove the upholstery from it and, according to its model, make new parts, having previously removed the pattern from the old ones. This is a time-consuming task, so it is better to order the appropriate service from professionals.

Now you know how to repair a damaged sofa and we hope you find our tips useful.

How can eco-leather be restored? Blog

During operation, abrasions, scratches, cracks, tears may appear on the eco-leather. But this is not a reason to throw away damaged furniture or a cover. We will tell you how to independently restore the original appearance of the artificial material and repair the damage so that it is not conspicuous.

Eco-leather, like any other upholstery material, sooner or later wears out, various damages appear on it. Complete upholstery replacement is not always convenient and profitable, but there are many ways to repair a damaged surface. Further in the article - how to restore eco-leather with your own hands in order to restore its novelty and presentability.

Carefully consider the thing you are going to restore, determine the type and scale of the "catastrophe". There are many ways to repair a product made of eco-leather. Which one depends on the type of damage. Let's consider them in more detail.

Stains, abrasions, microcracks

If the upholstery has acquired an untidy, dull appearance over time, then it must be thoroughly cleaned of stubborn dirt and stains. For deep cleaning, use concentrated soapy water, then wipe dry and gently treat with 70% alcohol or wine vinegar.

Dishwashing gel effectively removes greasy stains: apply it on the stain and leave for 2-3 hours, then remove it with a damp cloth.

Stubborn stains can be removed with gasoline: put a little of it on a soft sponge, lightly rub the stain and leave for 30-40 minutes. Remove with a sponge dipped in soapy water.

There are several ways to renew worn upholstery on a sofa, ottoman, armchair or car, as well as get rid of cracks:

Spots on eco-leather should be removed immediately. And so that scuffs and microcracks do not appear on it for as long as possible, regularly wipe it with care products - waxes, oils, polishes. This will not only protect the product, but also repel dust and dirt from it.

Scratches, punctures, snags

Scratches and snags are damage to the top layer of the material. Often they are left by cats. To get rid of scratches and punctures, you can use the following tools:

Another special tool for masking scratches is colored furniture pencil. It is effective, but does not last long - you need to constantly update it.

Cuts, cracks

Cuts and cracks are more difficult damage than surface scratches, as they affect the entire structure of the material, right down to the filler of furniture or car seats. To fix the defect, you can use superglue or universal glue for the skin. Apply it to the crack with a toothpick or match. Then press the edges firmly for a few seconds. Wipe off excess glue immediately. If the bonding is noticeable, polish it and use paint.

If the defect is very large, then one glue will not be enough - you will have to put an internal patch. Use eco-leather that is identical in texture, and if you are going to dye the patch, it does not matter what color it is. Insert the patch under the incision with tweezers, straighten it. Treat the wrong side with sandpaper "zero" - this will enhance bonding. With a thin stick, apply glue to the wrong side of the eco-leather around the cut and, aligning the edges, press firmly with your hand. To make sure everything sticks, put a load on the patch for 1 hour. If necessary, polish and paint.

Tears, holes

If the eco-leather upholstery is seriously damaged, for example, there is a hole from a cigarette, a tear with torn edges, then the optimal restoration is repair with the unique masking agent “liquid leather”. It contains glue, dye, rubber resin. It restores glossy and matte textures equally well.

Repair tears with a polymer mixture as follows:

Liquid leather. can be made independently. To do this, take a piece of leather that is close in shade to the item you are repairing. Put 1-2 drops of acetone thinner on the outside of the piece. Scrape off the peeling paint with a knife blade - this will be the substance you are looking for. Use it for its intended purpose.

When applying liquid special agents to large-scale areas, the most important thing is to recreate the relief “skin” pattern. To do this, we recommend treating small defects with a brush - it will help to give texture. And for fragments larger than 2 cm², use a template napkin. It is created as follows: a restoration agent is applied to an ordinary napkin, applied to a “healthy” surface with a clearly distinguishable pattern, and dried. Then, with this “template”, you can create natural irregularities during the subsequent repair of eco-leather.

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